Exemple #1
def test_run_cancels_timer_thread_on_keyboard_interrupt():
    mock_process = mock.Mock()
    mock_timer_object = mock.Mock()
    with contextlib.nested(
        mock.patch("utils.Popen", autospec=True, return_value=mock_process),
        mock.patch("utils.threading.Timer", autospec=True, return_value=mock_timer_object),
    ) as (mock_popen, mock_timer):
        mock_process.stdout.readline.side_effect = KeyboardInterrupt
        with raises(KeyboardInterrupt):
            utils._run("sh echo foo", timeout=10)
        assert mock_timer_object.cancel.call_count == 1
Exemple #2
def test_run_cancels_timer_thread_on_keyboard_interrupt():
    mock_process = mock.Mock()
    mock_timer_object = mock.Mock()
    with contextlib.nested(
            mock.patch('utils.Popen', autospec=True,
    ) as (mock_popen, mock_timer):
        mock_process.stdout.readline.side_effect = KeyboardInterrupt
        with raises(KeyboardInterrupt):
            utils._run('sh echo foo', timeout=10)
        assert mock_timer_object.cancel.call_count == 1
def check_ims(tfrecords_filename="data/train-00000-of-00001", nIm=1):
    record_iterator = tf.python_io.tf_record_iterator(path=tfrecords_filename)

    shitfiles = []
    k = 0
    for string_record in record_iterator:
        # Parse the next example
        example = tf.train.Example()

        # Get the features you stored (change to match your tfrecord writing code)
        height = int(

        width = int(

        img_string = (
        #text = example.features.feature['image/class/text'].bytes_list.value[0]
        #k = k+1
        name = example.features.feature['image/filename'].bytes_list.value[
        # Convert to a numpy array (change dtype to the datatype you stored)
        #img_1d = np.fromstring(img_string, dtype=np.uint8)
        #tfimg_1d = tf.decode_raw(example.features.feature['image/encoded'],tf.uint8)
        #tfimg_1d = tf.decode_raw(img_string,tf.uint8)
            lab = example.features.feature[
        except IndexError:
            lab = 'no Lab'
            shitfiles = shitfiles + [name]
        k = k + 1
        if k > nIm: break

        if k % 500 == 0:
            image = _run(tf.image.decode_jpeg(img_string, channels=1))
            print(str(lab) + ' ' + name)
            plt.imshow(image[:, :, 0])
            plt.title('lab= ' + str(lab) + ' example ' + str(k))
            #Print the image shape; does it match your expectations?

        #if k>nIm: break

    return name, _run(tf.image.decode_jpeg(img_string, channels=1))
Exemple #4
 def setup_config_session(self):
     Setup vyos session. A random uuid is generated as a sesssion identifier 
     ($PPID -Shell PID- could be used as well).
     identifier = uuid4()
     env = {}
     env['VYATTA_CHANGES_ONLY_DIR'] = '/opt/vyatta/config/tmp/changes_only_{}'.format(
     env['VYATTA_CONFIG_TEMPLATE'] = '/opt/vyatta/share/vyatta-cfg/templates'
     env['VYATTA_ACTIVE_CONFIGURATION_DIR'] = '/opt/vyatta/config/active'
     env['VYATTA_EDIT_LEVEL'] = '/'
     env['VYATTA_TEMP_CONFIG_DIR'] = '/opt/vyatta/config/tmp/new_config_{}'.format(
     env['VYATTA_TEMPLATE_LEVEL'] = '/'
     env['VYATTA_CONFIG_TMP'] = '/opt/vyatta/config/tmp/tmp_{}'.format(
     # Add vyos session environment to system environment. This is not good but actually it seems
     # that is the only way to handle a persistant vyos session after spawning a shell.
     logger.info('Setting up a configuration session for Vyos')
     # Spawn shell and setup vyos config session
     if _run('{} setupSession'.format(VYOS_SHELL_API)):
         # Unset vyos session environment and raise an exception
         logger.error('Could not create configuration session')
         logger.info('Cleaning up session environment variables')
         raise SetupSessionFailed('Could not create session !')
     self.session_id = identifier
     self.session_envs = env
     logger.debug('Session identifier is %s', identifier)
     logger.debug('Session environment variables: %s', env)
     logger.info('Configuration session is set up')
     return True
 def setup_config_session(self):
     Setup vyos session. A random uuid is generated as a sesssion identifier 
     ($PPID -Shell PID- could be used as well).
     identifier = uuid4()
     env = {}
     env['VYATTA_CHANGES_ONLY_DIR'] = '/opt/vyatta/config/tmp/changes_only_{}'.format(identifier)
     env['VYATTA_CONFIG_TEMPLATE'] = '/opt/vyatta/share/vyatta-cfg/templates'
     env['VYATTA_ACTIVE_CONFIGURATION_DIR'] = '/opt/vyatta/config/active'
     env['VYATTA_EDIT_LEVEL'] = '/'
     env['VYATTA_TEMP_CONFIG_DIR'] = '/opt/vyatta/config/tmp/new_config_{}'.format(identifier)
     env['VYATTA_TEMPLATE_LEVEL'] = '/'
     env['VYATTA_CONFIG_TMP'] = '/opt/vyatta/config/tmp/tmp_{}'.format(identifier)
     # Add vyos session environment to system environment. This is not good but actually it seems
     # that is the only way to handle a persistant vyos session after spawning a shell.
     logger.info('Setting up a configuration session for Vyos')
     # Spawn shell and setup vyos config session
     if _run('{} setupSession'.format(VYOS_SHELL_API)):
         # Unset vyos session environment and raise an exception
         logger.error('Could not create configuration session')
         logger.info('Cleaning up session environment variables')
         raise SetupSessionFailed('Could not create session !')
     self.session_id = identifier
     self.session_envs = env
     logger.debug('Session identifier is %s', identifier)
     logger.debug('Session environment variables: %s', env)
     logger.info('Configuration session is set up')
     return True
 def session_changed(self):
     Returns if Vyos configuration was changed from current session
     if _run('{} sessionChanged'.format(VYOS_SHELL_API)):
         return False
     logger.warn('Vyos configuration was changed from current session')
     return True
 def discard(self):
     Undo config modifications
     out = _run(os.path.join(VYOS_SBIN_DIR ,'my_discard'), output=True)
     if out == False:
         raise OperationFailed('[ERROR] Discard changes failed !')
     return out.splitlines()[0]
Exemple #8
 def session_changed(self):
     Returns if Vyos configuration was changed from current session
     if _run('{} sessionChanged'.format(VYOS_SHELL_API)):
         return False
     logger.warn('Vyos configuration was changed from current session')
     return True
Exemple #9
 def discard(self):
     Undo config modifications
     out = _run(os.path.join(VYOS_SBIN_DIR, 'my_discard'), output=True)
     if out == False:
         raise OperationFailed('[ERROR] Discard changes failed !')
     return out.splitlines()[0]
Exemple #10
 def save(self):
     Save applied modifications. Changes still persistent even after system reboot.
     out = _run(os.path.join(VYOS_SBIN_DIR, VYOS_SAVE_SCRIPT), output=True)
     if out == False:
         logger.error('Saving changes failed')
         raise OperationFailed('[ERROR] Save changes failed !')
     logger.info('%s', out)
     return True
Exemple #11
 def commit(self):
     Returns True if commit action succeed. False otherwise.
     out = _run(os.path.join(VYOS_SBIN_DIR ,'my_commit'), output=True)
     if out == False:
         logger.error('Commit changes failed')
         raise OperationFailed('[ERROR] Commit changes failed !')
     logger.info('Changes successfully commited')
     return True
Exemple #12
 def save(self):
     Save applied modifications. Changes still persistent even after system reboot.
     out = _run(os.path.join(VYOS_SBIN_DIR, VYOS_SAVE_SCRIPT), output=True)
     if out == False:
         logger.error('Saving changes failed')
         raise OperationFailed('[ERROR] Save changes failed !')
     logger.info('%s', out)
     return True
Exemple #13
 def commit(self):
     Returns True if commit action succeed. False otherwise.
     out = _run(os.path.join(VYOS_SBIN_DIR, 'my_commit'), output=True)
     if out == False:
         logger.error('Commit changes failed')
         raise OperationFailed('[ERROR] Commit changes failed !')
     logger.info('Changes successfully commited')
     return True
Exemple #14
    def teardown_config_session(self):
        End current configuration session.
        if not self.session_exists():
            logger.warn('Teardown failed. No session available !')
            return False

        if not _run('{} teardownSession'.format(VYOS_SHELL_API)):
            logger.info('Cleaning up session environment variables')
            logger.info('Closing Vyos config session')
            return True

        logger.error('Failed to teardown current config session')
        logger.warn('The Vyos config session may still open !')
        return False
Exemple #15
    def teardown_config_session(self):
        End current configuration session.
        if not self.session_exists():
            logger.warn('Teardown failed. No session available !')
            return False

        if not _run('{} teardownSession'.format(VYOS_SHELL_API)):
            logger.info('Cleaning up session environment variables')
            logger.info('Closing Vyos config session')
            return True

        logger.error('Failed to teardown current config session')
        logger.warn('The Vyos config session may still open !')
        return False
Exemple #16
 def session_exists(self):
     Test if a vyos config session is set up
     return False if _run('{} inSession'.format(VYOS_SHELL_API)) else True
Exemple #17
 def session_exists(self):
     Test if a vyos config session is set up
     return False if _run('{} inSession'.format(VYOS_SHELL_API)) else True