Exemple #1
def systemTestAffineCouplingMLP():
    # Test real case scenario:
    batch = 4
    d = 3
    n = 2
    z = tf.ones([batch, d, n, 1], dtype=DTYPE)
    model = AffineCoupling(shift_and_scale_model=MLP(activation=tf.nn.relu,
                           split_sizes=[1, 1])
    x = model(z)
    assert_equal(x.shape, z.shape)
    # Another test with non-even splitting
    split_dim = 1
    na = 1
    nb = 2
    model = AffineCoupling(shift_and_scale_model=MLP(
        out_shape=[batch, na, n, 2]),
                           split_sizes=[na, nb])
    x = model(z)
    assert_equal(x.shape, z.shape)
    print('systemTestAffineCouplingMLP passed')
Exemple #2
    def _ready_litnodes(self):
        """Start two lit nodes and connect them."""
        # Start lit node 0 and open websocket connection
        self.litnodes[0].args.extend([self.coins[0]["wallit_code"], ""])
        self.litnodes[0].add_rpc_connection("", "8001")

        # Start lit node 1 and open websocket connection
        self.litnodes[1].args.extend(["--rpcport", "8002", self.coins[0]["wallit_code"], ""])
        self.litnodes[1].add_rpc_connection("", "8002")

        self.log.info("Wait until lit nodes are sync'ed")
        wait_until(lambda: self.litnodes[0].get_height(self.coins[0]['code']) == 500)
        wait_until(lambda: self.litnodes[1].get_height(self.coins[0]['code']) == 500)

        self.log.info("Connect lit nodes")
        res = self.litnodes[0].Listen(Port="")["result"]
        self.litnodes[0].lit_address = res["Adr"] + '@' + res["LisIpPorts"][0]

        res = self.litnodes[1].Connect(LNAddr=self.litnodes[0].lit_address)
        assert not res['error']

        # Check that litnode0 and litnode1 are connected
        wait_until(lambda: len(self.litnodes[0].ListConnections()['result']['Connections']) == 1)
        assert_equal(len(self.litnodes[1].ListConnections()['result']['Connections']), 1)
        self.log.info("lit nodes connected")
Exemple #3
def testMLP():
    input = tf.ones([3, 2, 3, 1])
    # Test default: mode=symplectic_shift and activation=softplus
    model = MLP()
    out = model(input)
    assert (out.shape == input.shape)
    # We should be able to pass different minibatches
    input = tf.ones([15, 2, 3, 1])
    out = model(input)
    assert (out.shape == input.shape)
    input = tf.ones([3, 5, 6, 7, 1])
    # Test default: mode=symplectic_shift and activation=softplus
    model = MLP()
    out = model(input)
    assert (out.shape == input.shape)
    # Test: mode=shift and activation=softplus
    model = MLP(mode="shift", activation="relu")
    out = model(input)
    assert (out.shape == input.shape)
    # Test: mode=shift_and_scale and activation=softplus
    model = MLP(mode="shift_and_scale", activation="relu")
    expected_shape = tf.constant([3, 5, 6, 7, 2])
    assert_equal(tf.shape(model(input)), expected_shape)
    # with out_dim
    model = MLP(mode="shift_and_scale",
                out_shape=[3, 3, 2, 1, 32])
    expected_shape = tf.constant([3, 3, 2, 1, 32])
    assert_equal(tf.shape(model(input)), expected_shape)
    print('testMLP passed')
Exemple #4
def test_open_toda():
    x = tf.reshape(tf.range(1, 7, dtype=DTYPE),
                   [1, 1, 3, 2])  # q = [1,3,5], p=[2,4,6]
    h = open_toda(x)
    expected_h = tf.constant(1 / 2 * (4 + 16 + 36) + np.exp(1. - 3.) +
                             np.exp(3. - 5.),
    assert_equal(h, expected_h)
    print('test_open_toda passed')
Exemple #5
    def _ready_litnodes(self):
        """Start two lit nodes and connect them."""
        # Start lit node 0 and open websocket connection
        self.log.info("Starting Lit Node 1")
            [self.coins[0]["wallit_code"], ""])
        self.litnodes[0].add_rpc_connection("", "8001")

        # Start lit node 1 and open websocket connection
        self.log.info("Starting Lit Node 2")
            ["--rpcport", "8002", self.coins[0]["wallit_code"], ""])
        self.litnodes[1].add_rpc_connection("", "8002")

        self.log.info("Wait until lit nodes are sync'ed")
            lambda: self.litnodes[0].get_height(self.coins[0]['code']) == 500)
            lambda: self.litnodes[1].get_height(self.coins[0]['code']) == 500)

        self.log.info("Listen on Node 0")
        res = self.litnodes[0].Listen(Port="")["result"]

        self.log.info("Try to connect to incorrect pkh")
            0].lit_address = "ln1p7lhcxmlfgd5mltv6pc335aulv443tkw49q6er" + '@' + res[
        failingRes = self.litnodes[1].Connect(
        assert failingRes['error']

        self.log.info("Connect to correct pkh")
        self.litnodes[0].lit_address = res["Adr"] + '@' + res["LisIpPorts"][0]
        res = self.litnodes[1].Connect(LNAddr=self.litnodes[0].lit_address)
        assert not res['error']

        time.sleep(1)  #RPC timeout

        # Check that litnode0 and litnode1 are connected
        self.log.info("Waiting for nodes to connect to each other")
        wait_until(lambda: len(self.litnodes[0].ListConnections()['result'][
            'Connections']) == 1)
        #self.log.info("Does wait_until actually trigger?")
        #time.sleep(10) #RPC timeout, so this doesn't affect the program flow
        # Wait until both nodes are connected

        self.log.info("lit nodes connected")
Exemple #6
    def _ready_coinnode(self):
        """Starts a coin node and makes sure it's segwit activated."""
        # Start a coin node

        self.log.info("Generate 500 blocks to activate segwit")
        self.chain_height = 500
        network_info = self.coinnodes[0].getblockchaininfo().json()['result']
        assert_equal(network_info['bip9_softforks']['segwit']['status'], 'active')
Exemple #7
def testLinearSymplectic():
    # 2 samples, 5 particles in 2d. q = even numbers, p = odd numbers
    x = tf.reshape(tf.range(0, 16, dtype=DTYPE), shape=(2, 2, 2, 2))
    model = LinearSymplectic()
    y = model(x)
    assert_equal(tf.shape(x), tf.shape(y))
    x_inv = model.inverse(y)
    assert_allclose(x, x_inv, rtol=1e-6, atol=1e-5)
    x = tf.reshape(x[0, :, :, :], [1, 2, 2, 2])
    assert (is_symplectic(model, x, atol=1e-6))
    print('testLinearSymplectic passed')
Exemple #8
    def _push_funds_through_channel(self):
        self.log.info("Now push some funds from lit node 0 to lit node 1")

        self.litnodes[0].Push(ChanIdx=1, Amt=100000000)

        litnode0_channel = self.litnodes[0].ChannelList(
        litnode1_channel = self.litnodes[1].ChannelList(
        assert_equal(litnode0_channel['MyBalance'], 900000000)
        assert_equal(litnode1_channel['MyBalance'], 100000000)

        self.log_channel_balance(self.litnodes[0], 0, self.litnodes[1], 0)

        self.log.info("Push some funds back")
        self.litnodes[1].Push(ChanIdx=1, Amt=50000000)

        litnode0_channel = self.litnodes[0].ChannelList(
        litnode1_channel = self.litnodes[1].ChannelList(
        assert_equal(litnode0_channel['MyBalance'], 950000000)
        assert_equal(litnode1_channel['MyBalance'], 50000000)

        self.log_channel_balance(self.litnodes[0], 0, self.litnodes[1], 0)
Exemple #9
    def _close_channel(self):
        self.log.info("Close channel")
        self.confirm_transactions(self.coinnodes[0], self.litnodes[0], 1)

        # Make sure balances are as expected
        wait_until(lambda: abs(self.litnodes[1].get_balance(self.coins[0]['code'])['TxoTotal'] - 50000000) < self.coins[0]["feerate"] * 2000)
        litnode1_balance = self.litnodes[1].get_balance(self.coins[0]['code'])
        assert_equal(litnode1_balance['TxoTotal'], litnode1_balance['MatureWitty'])
        litnode0_balance = self.litnodes[0].get_balance(self.coins[0]['code'])
        assert abs(self.balance + 950000000 - litnode0_balance['TxoTotal']) < self.coins[0]["feerate"] * 2000
        assert_equal(litnode0_balance['TxoTotal'], litnode0_balance['MatureWitty'])

Exemple #10
def testZeroCenter():
    # 2 samples, 5 particles in 2d. q = even numbers, p = odd numbers
    x = tf.reshape(tf.range(0, 16, dtype=DTYPE), shape=(2, 2, 2, 2))
    # Test training mode
    mean_per_channel = tf.constant([7., 8.])
    # At 1st update:
    decay = .99
    moving_mean = mean_per_channel * (1 - decay)
    model = ZeroCenter()
    y = model(x)
    assert_equal(y, x + mean_per_channel)

    # 2nd update
    x = 0.5 * tf.reshape(tf.range(0, 16, dtype=DTYPE), shape=(2, 2, 2, 2))
    mean_per_channel = 0.5 * mean_per_channel
    moving_mean = decay * moving_mean + (1 - decay) * mean_per_channel
    #    moving_mean /= (1-decay**2)
    y = model(x)
    assert_equal(y, x + mean_per_channel)

    # Test prediction mode - still offset is zero.
    model.is_training = False
    y = model(x)
    assert_equal(y, x + moving_mean)
    assert_equal(x, model.inverse(y))

    assert (is_symplectic(
        model, tf.reshape(tf.range(0, 20, dtype=DTYPE), [1, 2, 5, 2])))
    print('testZeroCenter passed')
Exemple #11
def testConstantShiftAndScale():
    z = tf.constant([.1, 2, 3, .4], shape=(2, 2, 1, 1), dtype=DTYPE)
    model = ConstantShiftAndScale()
    # Test call
    x = model(z)
    assert_equal(x, z)  # Since scale and shift are zero, identity
    assert_equal(model.inverse(x), z)
    # This is not robust as tf equal zeros is always true
    assert_equal(model.log_jacobian_det(z), tf.zeros((2, ), dtype=DTYPE))

    # Scale only:
    model = ConstantShiftAndScale(shift=False)
    # Test call
    x = model(z)
    assert_equal(x, z)  # Since scale zero, identity
    assert_equal(model.inverse(x), z)
    print("testConstantShiftAndScale passed")
Exemple #12
def testChain():
    batch_size = 3
    x = tf.ones([batch_size, 1, 2])
    bijectors = [SymplecticExchange() for i in range(3)]
    # Test call
    model = Chain(bijectors)
    y = model(x)
    # q,p -> p,-q -> -q,-p -> -p,q
    expected_y = tf.concat(
        [-tf.ones([batch_size, 1, 1]),
         tf.ones([batch_size, 1, 1])], 2)
    assert_equal(y, expected_y)
    # Test inverse
    inverted_y = model.inverse(y)
    assert_equal(x, inverted_y)
    # Test inverse stop_at
    inverted_y = model.inverse(y, stop_at=1)
    expected_x = tf.concat(
        [tf.ones([batch_size, 1, 1]), -tf.ones([batch_size, 1, 1])], 2)
    assert_equal(expected_x, inverted_y)
    # Test log jacobian determinant
    z = tf.ones([3, 2, 7, 1]) * 1.2345  # arbitrary
    n_models = 15
    model = Chain([TimesTwoBijector() for i in range(n_models)])
    expected_log_jac_det = n_models * tf.log(2.) * 2 * 7 * 1 * tf.ones(
        (3, ), dtype=tf.float32)
    assert_allclose(model.log_jacobian_det(z), expected_log_jac_det)
    # Test set_is_training
    n_bij = 3

    class FakeBijectorWithIsTraining():
        def __init__(self):
            self.is_training = True

    bijectors = [FakeBijectorWithIsTraining() for i in range(n_bij)]
    model = Chain(bijectors)
    for b in model.bijectors:
        assert_equal(b.is_training, False)
    for b in model.bijectors:
        assert_equal(b.is_training, True)
    print('testChain passed')
def render_frame(obs, smap, fmap=None, processed_obs=False):
    if processed_obs:
        obs = obs[..., -1]

    obs = obs.astype(np.float32) / 255

    if processed_obs:
        if fmap is None:
            fmap = np.zeros_like(obs)
            fmap_max = fmap.max()
            if fmap_max:
                fmap = fmap / fmap_max
        assert_equal(obs.shape, smap.shape, fmap.shape)
        frame = np.stack([fmap, smap, obs], axis=-1)
        b, h, w, c = obs.shape
        assert c == 3
        if fmap is None:
            assert_equal(obs.shape[:3], smap.shape)
            frame = 0.5 * (obs + smap[..., np.newaxis])
            assert_equal(obs.shape[:3], smap.shape, fmap.shape)
            frame = 0.5 * obs + 0.5 * smap[..., np.newaxis]
            fmap_max = fmap.max()
            if fmap_max:
                frame[..., 0] = np.maximum(frame[..., 0], fmap / fmap_max)
    return frame
Exemple #14
def testSqueezeAndShift():
    x = tf.constant([1., 2.], shape=(1, 1, 2))
    model = SqueezeAndShift(tf.keras.layers.Lambda(lambda x: x))
    # Test call
    y = model(x)
    expected_y = tf.constant([1., 2. + 1.], shape=(1, 1, 2))
    assert_equal(y, expected_y)
    # Test inverse
    inverted_y = model.inverse(y)
    assert_equal(x, inverted_y)
    # Test zero log jacobian determinant
    z = tf.reshape(tf.range(1, 11), shape=(5, 1, 2))
    assert_equal(model.log_jacobian_det(z), tf.zeros([5], dtype=tf.int32))
    print('testSqueezeAndShift passed')
Exemple #15
def testSymplecticAdditiveCoupling():
    x = tf.constant([1, 2], shape=(1, 1, 2))
    model = SymplecticAdditiveCoupling(tf.keras.layers.Lambda(lambda x: x))
    # Test call
    y = model(x)
    expected_y = tf.constant([1, 2 + 1], shape=(1, 1, 2))
    assert_equal(y, expected_y)
    # Test inverse
    inverted_y = model.inverse(y)
    assert_equal(x, inverted_y)
    # Test zero log jacobian determinant
    z = tf.reshape(tf.range(1, 11), shape=(5, 1, 2))
    model = SymplecticAdditiveCoupling(tf.keras.layers.Lambda(lambda x: x))
    assert_equal(model.log_jacobian_det(z), tf.zeros([5], dtype=tf.int32))
    print('testSymplecticAdditiveCoupling passed')
Exemple #16
def testSymplecticExchange():
    batch_size = 3
    x = tf.ones([batch_size, 1, 2])
    # Test call
    model = SymplecticExchange()
    y = model(x)
    expected_y = tf.concat(
        [tf.ones([batch_size, 1, 1]), -tf.ones([batch_size, 1, 1])], 2)
    assert_equal(y, expected_y)
    # Test inverse
    inverted_y = model.inverse(y)
    assert_equal(x, inverted_y)
    # Test zero log jacobian determinant
    z = tf.reshape(tf.range(1, 11), shape=(5, 1, 2))
    assert_equal(model.log_jacobian_det(z), tf.zeros([5], dtype=tf.int32))
    # Assert symplecticity
    model = SymplecticExchange()
    assert (is_symplectic(
        model, tf.reshape(tf.range(0, 20, dtype=DTYPE), [1, 2, 5, 2])))
    print('testSymplecticExchange passed')
Exemple #17
def testhouseholder():
    batch_size = 1
    d = 1
    num_p = 1
    n = num_p * d
    # q = .1, p=.2
    x = tf.reshape([.1, .2], (batch_size, d, num_p, 2))
    q, p = extract_q_p(x)
    a = tf.ones(n, dtype=DTYPE)
    b = tf.ones(n, dtype=DTYPE)
    newq, newp = householder(q, p, a, b)
    y = join_q_p(newq, newp)
    # [.1 - 1*(.1 +.1), .2-1*(.2+.2)]
    expected_y = tf.reshape([-.1, -.2], (batch_size, d, num_p, 2))
    assert_equal(y, expected_y)
    batch_size = 2
    d = 3
    num_p = 2
    n = num_p * d
    x = tf.reshape(tf.range(0, batch_size * n * 2, dtype=DTYPE),
                   (batch_size, d, num_p, 2))
    q, p = extract_q_p(x)
    q = tf.reshape(q, [batch_size, 1, 1, -1])
    p = tf.reshape(p, [batch_size, 1, 1, -1])
    # only real
    a = tf.ones(n, dtype=DTYPE)
    b = tf.zeros(n, dtype=DTYPE)
    q1, p1 = householder(q, p, a, b)
    # only imag
    b = tf.ones(n, dtype=DTYPE)
    a = tf.zeros(n, dtype=DTYPE)
    q2, p2 = householder(q, p, a, b)
    assert_equal(q1, q2)
    assert_equal(p1, p2)
    print('testhouseholder passed')
Exemple #18
 def test_equal_keys_are_equal(self):
     k1 = PublicKey(b"\x00" * crypto_box_PUBLICKEYBYTES)
     k2 = PublicKey(b"\x00" * crypto_box_PUBLICKEYBYTES)
     assert_equal(k1, k1)
     assert_equal(k1, k2)
Exemple #19
def run_can_make_change_k_coins():
    assert_equal(can_make_change_k_coins(1, [1], 1), True)
    assert_equal(can_make_change_k_coins(10, [5], 1), False)
    assert_equal(can_make_change_k_coins(8, [3, 5], 1), False)
    assert_equal(can_make_change_k_coins(8, [3, 5], 2), True)
    assert_equal(can_make_change_k_coins(55, [5, 10], 6), True)
    assert_equal(can_make_change_k_coins(65, [5, 10], 6), False)
Exemple #20
 def test_equal_keys_are_equal(self):
     k1 = SigningKey(b"\x00" * crypto_sign_SEEDBYTES)
     k2 = SigningKey(b"\x00" * crypto_sign_SEEDBYTES)
     assert_equal(k1, k1)
     assert_equal(k1, k2)
Exemple #21
    def _open_channel(self):
        self.log.info("Open channel from lit node 0 to lit node 1")
        assert_equal(self.litnodes[0].ChannelList()['result']['Channels'], [])
        assert_equal(self.litnodes[1].ChannelList()['result']['Channels'], [])

        self.litnodes[0].FundChannel(Peer=1, CoinType=self.coins[0]['code'], Capacity=1000000000)
        self.confirm_transactions(self.coinnodes[0], self.litnodes[0], 1)
        self.log.info("lit node 0 has funded channel")

        # Wait for channel to open
        wait_until(lambda: len(self.litnodes[0].ChannelList()['result']['Channels']) > 0)
        assert len(self.litnodes[1].ChannelList()['result']['Channels']) > 0
        self.log.info("Channel open")

        # Why does this error?
        #assert abs(self.balance - self.litnodes[0].get_balance(self.coins[0]['code'])['TxoTotal'] - 1000000000) < self.coins[0]["feerate"] * 250
        self.balance = self.litnodes[0].get_balance(self.coins[0]['code'])['TxoTotal']

        litnode0_channel = self.litnodes[0].ChannelList()['result']['Channels'][0]
        litnode1_channel = self.litnodes[1].ChannelList()['result']['Channels'][0]

        assert_equal(litnode0_channel['Capacity'], 1000000000)
        assert_equal(litnode0_channel['StateNum'], 0)
        assert not litnode0_channel['Closed']
        assert_equal(litnode0_channel['MyBalance'], 1000000000)

        assert_equal(litnode1_channel['Capacity'], 1000000000)
        assert_equal(litnode1_channel['StateNum'], 0)
        assert not litnode1_channel['Closed']
        assert_equal(litnode1_channel['MyBalance'], 0)

        self.log_channel_balance(self.litnodes[0], 0, self.litnodes[1], 0)
Exemple #22
def run_lps():
    assert_equal(lps("a"), 1)
    assert_equal(lps("aa"), 2)
    assert_equal(lps("aba"), 3)
    assert_equal(lps("abcbaf"), 5)
    assert_equal(lps("racecar"), 7)
    assert_equal(lps("yracecarxx"), 7)
Exemple #23
 def test_equal_keys_are_equal(self):
     k1 = VerifyKey(b"\x00" * crypto_sign_PUBLICKEYBYTES)
     k2 = VerifyKey(b"\x00" * crypto_sign_PUBLICKEYBYTES)
     assert_equal(k1, k1)
     assert_equal(k1, k2)
Exemple #24
def test_toy_hamiltonian():
    x = tf.constant([2., 3.], shape=(1, 1, 1, 2))
    h = toy_hamiltonian(x)
    expected_h = tf.constant(1 / 2 * (2 - 1 / 4 * 3**2)**2 + 1 / 2 * 3**2 / 16)
    assert_equal(h, expected_h)
    print('test_toy_hamiltonian passed')
def model_trial_maps(
        network_name: str,
        trial_number: int,
        atari_head: AtariHead,
        eval_seed: int,
    env_name = atari_head.get_env_name(trial_number)

    _, raw_observations, prc_observations, saliency_maps = run_baselines.evaluate_model(
        # a lower bound that always seems to work is run['NumberOfFrames'] // 4 + 2

    saliency_maps = [smap[0] for smap in saliency_maps]  # 1st dimension is for batch

    df_gazes = atari_head.read_gazes(trial_number)

    last_frame = atari_head.get_run(trial_number)['NumberOfFrames'] - 1
    if last_frame % 4 == 0:
        last_frame -= 4

    raw_fixation_maps, prc_fixation_maps = zip(*[
            (y, x)
            for frame_gazes in df_gazes['gaze_positions'][df_gazes['frame_idx'].isin(idx_for_framestack(i))]
            for (y, x) in frame_gazes
        for i in range(0, last_frame + 1, 4)

    if return_raw:
        if return_prc:
            assert_equal(len(raw_observations), len(prc_observations), len(saliency_maps), len(raw_fixation_maps))
            assert_equal(len(raw_observations), len(saliency_maps), len(raw_fixation_maps))
    elif return_prc:
        assert_equal(len(prc_observations), len(saliency_maps), len(raw_fixation_maps))
        assert_equal(prc_observations[0].shape[1:-1], saliency_maps[0].shape, raw_fixation_maps[0].shape)
        assert_equal(len(saliency_maps), len(raw_fixation_maps))
        assert_equal(saliency_maps[0].shape, raw_fixation_maps[0].shape)

    return raw_observations, prc_observations, saliency_maps, raw_fixation_maps, prc_fixation_maps
Exemple #26
def test_DiracDistribution():
    # num_samples = 1
    sh = (3,2,1)
    vals = np.arange(3*2)
    d = DiracDistribution(sh, vals)
    x = d.sample(4)
    expected_shape = [4, 3, 2, 1]
    assert x.shape.as_list() == expected_shape
    assert_equal(x[0,...], x[1,...])
    assert_equal(x[1,...], x[2,...])
    assert_equal(x[2,...], x[3,...])
    # num_samples = 2
    sh = (3,1,1)
    vals = np.reshape(np.arange(2*3), (2,3))
    d = DiracDistribution(sh, vals)
    x = d.sample(4)
    expected_shape = [4, 3, 1, 1]
    assert x.shape.as_list() == expected_shape
    assert_equal(x[0,...], tf.reshape(tf.constant([0,1,2],dtype=DTYPE),(3,1,1)))
    assert_equal(x[1,...], tf.reshape(tf.constant([3,4,5],dtype=DTYPE),(3,1,1)))
    assert_equal(x[0,...], x[2,...])
    assert_equal(x[1,...], x[3,...])
    print('test_DiracDistribution passed')
def run_lis():
    assert_equal(lis([10, 9, 2, 5, 3, 7, 19, 18]), 4)
    assert_equal(lis([0, 1, 0, 3, 2, 3]), 4)
    assert_equal(lis([3, 10, 2, 1, 20]), 3)
    assert_equal(lis([3, 2, 1]), 1)
    assert_equal(lis([10, 22, 9, 33, 21, 50, 41, 60, 80]), 6)
    assert_equal(lis([7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7]), 1)
    assert_equal(lis([2, 8, 1, 0, 4, 7, 10]), 4)
    assert_equal(lis([50, 3, 10, 7, 40, 80]), 4)
def run_grid_frog():
    assert_equal(grid_frog(3), 0)
    assert_equal(grid_frog(4), 2)
    assert_equal(grid_frog(7), 6)
    assert_equal(grid_frog(10), 20)
    assert_equal(grid_frog(11), 0)
    assert_equal(grid_frog(13), 70)
    assert_equal(grid_frog(16), 252)
    assert_equal(grid_frog(19), 924)
    assert_equal(grid_frog(31), 184756)
def run_linear_frog():
    assert_equal(linear_frog(3), 1)
    assert_equal(linear_frog(5), 2)
    assert_equal(linear_frog(6), 3)
    assert_equal(linear_frog(7), 4)
Exemple #30
 def test_equal_keys_are_equal(self):
     k1 = VerifyKey(b"\x00" * crypto_sign_PUBLICKEYBYTES)
     k2 = VerifyKey(b"\x00" * crypto_sign_PUBLICKEYBYTES)
     assert_equal(k1, k1)
     assert_equal(k1, k2)
Exemple #31
 def test_equal_keys_are_equal(self):
     k1 = SigningKey(b"\x00" * crypto_sign_SEEDBYTES)
     k2 = SigningKey(b"\x00" * crypto_sign_SEEDBYTES)
     assert_equal(k1, k1)
     assert_equal(k1, k2)
Exemple #32
 def test_equal_keys_are_equal(self):
     k1 = PrivateKey(b"\x00" * crypto_box_SECRETKEYBYTES)
     k2 = PrivateKey(b"\x00" * crypto_box_SECRETKEYBYTES)
     assert_equal(k1, k1)
     assert_equal(k1, k2)