Exemple #1
 def get_bandDOYs(self, numberofbands, startDOY, imageryinterval, force=None):
     if self.bandDOYs is None or force == True:
         self.bandDOYs = []
         for bandnumber in range(1, numberofbands + 1):
             self.bandDOYs.append(band_number_to_doy(bandnumber, startDOY, imageryinterval))
         warnings.warn("Band DOYs already exist. Use force=True to overwrite.")
def write_mean_ref_to_txt(cropname, referencevalues, startdoy, doyinterval, outdir, comment="", postfix=""):

    #TODO docstring

    print "Writing mean reference curve to output file:"
    print referencevalues

    #output mean pixel values to file
    with open(os.path.join(outdir, cropname + postfix + "_mean.ref"), "w") as f:
        if comment:
            f.write("//" + comment + "\n\n")
        meanvals = get_mean_values(referencevalues)
        imgnumber = 1
        for val in meanvals:
            doy = band_number_to_doy(imgnumber, startdoy, doyinterval)
            f.write("{0} {1}\n".format(doy, val))
            imgnumber += 1
def write_refs_to_txt(cropname, referencevalues, startdoy, doyinterval, outdir, comment="", postfix=""):
    print "Writing pixel curves to output file:"
    print referencevalues

    #TODO: Rewrite this and next function with append on open, and integrate together to reduce redundant code

    #output individual pixel curves to file
    with open(os.path.join(outdir, cropname + postfix + "_points.ref"), "w") as f:
        if comment:
            f.write("//" + comment + "\n\n")
        point = 1
        for points in referencevalues:
            f.write("\nPoint {0}:\n".format(point))
            point += 1
            imgnumber = 1
            for val in points:
                doy = band_number_to_doy(imgnumber, startdoy, doyinterval)
                f.write("{0} {1}\n".format(doy, val))
                imgnumber += 1
Exemple #4
def process_pixel(bestguess, col, cropname, doyinterval, fitmthd, array, interpolatedCurve, outarray, row,
                  startDOY, ndvalue, bounds, meantype=None, thresh=None, logging=None):
    #TODO docstrings

    logf = print

    if logging:
            logf = logging.log

    valsf = {}
    hasdata = True

    pixel = array[row, col]

    for i in range(pixel.size):
        measured = pixel[i]

        if measured == ndvalue:
            hasdata = False

        doy = band_number_to_doy(i+1, startDOY, doyinterval)
        valsf[doy] = measured

    if hasdata:
        res, transforms, message = find_fit(valsf, interpolatedCurve, bestguess, fitmthd, bounds=bounds, mean=meantype,

        logf("\tPixel r{0}, c{1}: {2}: {3}, {4}, {5}".format(row, col, cropname, res, transforms, message))

        logf("\tPixel r{0}, c{1}: {2}: NO DATA.".format(row, col, cropname))

        res = ndvalue

    outarray[row, col] = res

    return outarray