Exemple #1
    def __init__(self, user_name, email, password, default_loc, contact_pref):
        self.user_name = user_name
        self.email = email.lower()
        self.contact_pref = contact_pref

        # Create the Well Known Text format of the location coordinate and the search polygon
        default_loc_wkt = "POINT(%s)" % default_loc
        polygon_buffer = SPoint(float(default_loc.split()[0]),
        default_loc_polygon_wkt = polygon_buffer.wkt

        self.default_search_polygon = WKTSpatialElement(default_loc_polygon_wkt)
        self.default_search_location = WKTSpatialElement(default_loc_wkt)
Exemple #2
    def post(self):
        # Required parameters

        pet_name = request.json.get("pet_name")
        age = request.json.get("age")
        approach = request.json.get("approach")
        last_seen_loc = request.json.get("last_seen_loc")
        status = request.json.get("status")
        last_seen_city = request.json.get("last_seen_city")
        last_seen_state = request.json.get("last_seen_state")
        search_range = request.json.get("search_range")

        if not pet_name or not age or not approach or not last_seen_loc or not status \
           or not last_seen_city or not last_seen_state or not search_range:
            abort(400, message="Bad parameters")

        # Get the current user
        user = g.user
        user_id = user.id

        # Create the Well Known Text format of the location coordinate and the search polygon
        last_seen_wkt = "POINT(%s)" % last_seen_loc
        polygon_buffer = Point(float(last_seen_loc.split()[0]),
        last_seen_polygon_wkt = polygon_buffer.wkt

        new_pet = Pet(pet_name, WKTSpatialElement(last_seen_wkt), str(datetime.now()),
                      WKTSpatialElement(last_seen_polygon_wkt), user_id, age, approach, status,
                      search_range, last_seen_city, last_seen_state)

        # Optional parameters
        if request.json.get("vet"):
            new_pet.vet = request.json.get("vet")
        if request.json.get("personality"):
            new_pet.personality = request.json.get("personality")
        if request.json.get("fav_food"):
            new_pet.fav_food = request.json.get("fav_food")
        if request.json.get("known_words"):
            new_pet.known_words = request.json.get("known_words")
        if request.json.get("house_broken"):
            new_pet.house_broken = request.json.get("house_broken")
        if request.json.get("description"):
            new_pet.description = request.json.get("description")


        return jsonify(new_pet.serialize)
Exemple #3
    def get(self):
        if request.args.get('current_loc') and request.args.get('search_range'):
            current_loc = request.args.get('current_loc')
                search_range = float(request.args.get('search_range'))
            except Exception, e:
                abort(400, message="Bad search range parameter")

            # If the user wants pets within their search range, geo-query the database
            # for all pets whose last_seen_polygons are within the user's current search range
            current_loc_wkt = "POINT(%s)" % current_loc
            current_loc_float_tuple = (float(current_loc.split()[0]), float(current_loc.split()[1]))
            search_polygon = Point(current_loc_float_tuple[0],
            search_polygon_wkt = search_polygon.wkt
            # Now that we have our search range polygon, we need to query pets and return pets
            # whose last_seen_polygons overlap with our search_range polygon
            pets = Pet.query.filter(Pet.search_polygon.intersects(search_polygon_wkt)).all()

            return jsonify(pets_in_range=[i.serialize for i in pets])