Exemple #1
def show_records(args):
    persons = Person.select(Person.full_name,
    for person in persons:
        age = calculate_age(person.birthday)
        print(person.full_name, person.birthday, age)
Exemple #2
def teachers_view():
    teachers_data = query_db(
        'select t.id, d.name as departament_name, '
        'd.institute, t.name, t.gender, t.birth_date, '
        't.phone_number from teachers as t '
        'join departaments as d on t.departament_id = d.id ')

    teachers_sch = TeachersSchema(many=True).load(teachers_data).data
    for t in teachers_sch:
        birth_date = datetime.strptime(t.pop('birth_date'), '%Y-%m-%d')
        t['age'] = calculate_age(birth_date)
    return jsonify(teachers_sch)
def students_view():
    students_data = query_db(
        'select s.id, s.name, g.name as group_name, g.course, '
        's.gender, s.birth_date, s.phone_number, d.name as departament_name '
        'from students as s '
        'join groups as g on s.group_id = g.id '
        'join departaments as d on d.id = g.departament_id')
    students_sch = StudentsSchema(many=True).load(students_data).data
    for s in students_sch:
        birth_date_string = s.pop('birth_date', None)
        if birth_date_string:
            birth_date = datetime.strptime(birth_date_string, '%Y-%m-%d')
            s['age'] = calculate_age(birth_date)
            s['age'] = None
    return jsonify(students_sch)
def serialize_towns_percentile(import_group):
    towns = {}

    for citizen in import_group:
        citizen_town = citizen.town
        citizen_age = calculate_age(citizen.birth_date)
        if not (citizen_town in towns.keys()):
            towns[citizen_town] = []

    result = []
    for town in towns.keys():
        new_stat = {}
        np_ages = array(towns[town])
        new_stat['town'] = town
        new_stat['p50'] = round(
            percentile(np_ages, 50, interpolation='linear'), 2)
        new_stat['p75'] = round(
            percentile(np_ages, 75, interpolation='linear'), 2)
        new_stat['p99'] = round(
            percentile(np_ages, 99, interpolation='linear'), 2)
    return result
def write_dicom(ods, anon_values, out_dir, grouping):
    file_meta = Dataset()
    file_meta.MediaStorageSOPClassUID = 'Secondary Capture Image Storage'
    file_meta.MediaStorageSOPInstanceUID = str(anon_values['sopID'])
    file_meta.ImplementationClassUID = '0.0'
    file_meta.TransferSyntaxUID = ods.file_meta.TransferSyntaxUID if "TransferSyntaxUID" in ods.file_meta else "0.0"

    ds = FileDataset(anon_values['studyID'], {},

    ds.StudyInstanceUID = str(anon_values['studyID'])
    ds.SeriesInstanceUID = str(anon_values['seriesID'])
    ds.SOPInstanceUID = str(anon_values['sopID'])
    ds.SOPClassUID = 'Secondary Capture Image Storage'
    ds.AccessionNumber = str(anon_values['accession'])
    ds.PatientID = str(anon_values['mrn'])
    ds.StudyID = str(anon_values['studyID'])

    ds.PatientName = str(anon_values['mrn'])
    ds.ReferringPhysicianName = ""
    ds.StudyDate = "000000"
    ds.StudyTime = "000000"
    ds.PatientBirthTime = "000000.000000"
    ds.PatientBirthDate = "00000000"
    ds.PatientAge = utils.calculate_age(
        ods.StudyDate, ods.PatientBirthDate) if (
            "StudyDate" in ods and "PatientBirthDate" in ods) else ""
    ds.PatientSex = ods.PatientSex if "PatientSex" in ods else ""

    ds.StudyDescription = ods.StudyDescription if "StudyDescription" in ods else ""
    ds.SeriesDescription = ods.SeriesDescription if "SeriesDescription" in ods else ""
    ds.Modality = ods.Modality if "Modality" in ods else ""
    ds.SeriesNumber = ods.SeriesNumber if "SeriesNumber" in ods else ""
    ds.InstanceNumber = ods.InstanceNumber if "InstanceNumber" in ods else ""

    ds.PlanarConfiguration = ods.PlanarConfiguration if "PlanarConfiguration" in ods else ""
    ds.ViewPosition = ods.ViewPosition if "ViewPosition" in ods else ""
    ds.PatientOrientation = ods.PatientOrientation if "PatientOrientation" in ods else ""

    ds.SamplesPerPixel = ods.SamplesPerPixel if "SamplesPerPixel" in ods else ""
    ds.PhotometricInterpretation = ods.PhotometricInterpretation if "PhotometricInterpretation" in ods else ""
    ds.PixelRepresentation = ods.PixelRepresentation if "PixelRepresentation" in ods else ""
    ds.ImagerPixelSpacing = ods.ImagerPixelSpacing if "ImagerPixelSpacing" in ods else ""
    ds.HighBit = ods.HighBit if "HighBit" in ods else ""
    ds.BitsStored = ods.BitsStored if "BitsStored" in ods else ""
    ds.BitsAllocated = ods.BitsAllocated if "BitsAllocated" in ods else ""
    ds.Columns = ods.Columns if "Columns" in ods else ""
    ds.Rows = ods.Rows if "Rows" in ods else ""

    ds.SpecificCharacterSet = ods.SpecificCharacterSet if "SpecificCharacterSet" in ods else ""
    ds.SecondaryCaptureDeviceManufctur = 'Python 3.X'
    ds.PresentationLUTShape = ods.PresentationLUTShape if "PresentationLUTShape" in ods else ""
    ds.KVP = ods.KVP if "KVP" in ods else ""
    ds.XRayTubeCurrent = ods.XRayTubeCurrent if "XRayTubeCurrent" in ods else ""
    ds.ExposureTime = ods.ExposureTime if "ExposureTime" in ods else ""
    ds.Exposure = ods.Exposure if "Exposure" in ods else ""
    ds.ExposureControlMode = ods.ExposureControlMode if "ExposureControlMode" in ods else ""
    ds.RelativeXRayExposure = ods.RelativeXRayExposure if "RelativeXRayExposure" in ods else ""
    ds.FocalSpots = ods.FocalSpots if "FocalSpots" in ods else ""
    ds.AnodeTargetMaterial = ods.AnodeTargetMaterial if "AnodeTargetMaterial" in ods else ""
    ds.BodyPartThickness = ods.BodyPartThickness if "BodyPartThickness" in ods else ""
    ds.CompressionForce = ods.CompressionForce if "CompressionForce" in ods else ""
    ds.PaddleDescription = ods.PaddleDescription if "PaddleDescription" in ods else ""
    ds.BurnedInAnnotation = ""
    ds.DistanceSourceToDetector = ods.DistanceSourceToDetector if "DistanceSourceToDetector" in ods else ""
    ds.DistanceSourceToPatient = ods.DistanceSourceToPatient if "DistanceSourceToPatient" in ods else ""
    ds.PositionerPrimaryAngle = ods.PositionerPrimaryAngle if "PositionerPrimaryAngle" in ods else ""
    ds.PositionerPrimaryAngleDirection = ods.PositionerPrimaryAngleDirection if "PositionerPrimaryAngleDirection" in ods else ""
    ds.PositionerSecondaryAngle = ods.PositionerSecondaryAngle if "PositionerSecondaryAngle" in ods else ""
    ds.ImageLaterality = ods.ImageLaterality if "ImageLaterality" in ods else ""
    ds.BreastImplantPresent = ods.BreastImplantPresent if "BreastImplantPresent" in ods else ""
    ds.Manufacturer = ods.Manufacturer if "Manufacturer" in ods else ""
    ds.ManufacturerModelName = ods.ManufacturerModelName if "ManufacturerModelName" in ods else ""
    ds.EstimatedRadiographicMagnificationFactor = ods.EstimatedRadiographicMagnificationFactor if "EstimatedRadiographicMagnificationFactor" in ods else ""
    ds.DateOfLastDetectorCalibration = ods.DateOfLastDetectorCalibration if "DateOfLastDetectorCalibration" in ods else ""

    filename = utils.clean_string('m' + str(anon_values['mrn']) + '_a' +
                                  str(anon_values['accession']) + '_st' +
                                  str(anon_values['studyID']) + "_se" +
                                  str(anon_values['seriesID']) + "_i" +
                                  str(anon_values['sopID']) + "_" +
                                  str(ds.SeriesNumber) + "_" +
                                  str(ds.InstanceNumber) + "_" +
                                  str(ds.Modality) + "_" +
                                  str(ds.ViewPosition) + ".dcm")

    # Create study directory, if it doesn't already exist.
    if grouping == 'a':
        utils.make_dirs(os.path.join(out_dir, str(anon_values['accession'])))
        out_path = os.path.join(out_dir, str(anon_values['accession']),
    elif grouping == 's':
        utils.make_dirs(os.path.join(out_dir, str(anon_values['studyID'])))
        out_path = os.path.join(out_dir, str(anon_values['studyID']), filename)
    elif grouping == 'm':
        utils.make_dirs(os.path.join(out_dir, str(anon_values['mrn'])))
        out_path = os.path.join(out_dir, str(anon_values['mrn']), filename)
        out_path = os.path.join(out_dir, filename)

    if 'PixelData' in ods:
        ds.PixelData = ''
        pixel_array = ods.pixel_array
        f = h5py.File('{}.hdf5'.format(out_path[0:-4]))
    ds.save_as(out_path, write_like_original=False)
Exemple #6
def rankings():
    all_races_messages = calculate_races_messages()
    all_races = all_races_messages[0]
    all_messages = all_races_messages[1]
    len_all_races = all_races_messages[2]
    len_all_messages = all_races_messages[3]
    users = db.users
    Email = ""
    profile_pic = ""
    facebook_name = ""
    logged_in = False
    if "email" in session:
        Email = session["email"]
        logged_in = True
    if "profile_pic" in session:
        profile_pic = session["profile_pic"]
    if "facebook_name" in session:
        facebook_name = session["facebook_name"]
        user = users.find_one({"Email": session["email"]})
        get_image = user.get("image", None)
        session["facebook_name"] = user.get("facebook_name", "")
        if get_image != None:
                "profile_pic"] = "static/img/profile_images/" + get_image + "?r=" + str(
                    randint(1, 10000000))
            var = session["profile_pic"]
            if "?" in var:
                var = var.split("?")[0]
            var = ROOT_DIR + "/" + var
            (width, height) = get_size(var)
            (width, height) = (0, 100)
        (width, height) = (0, 100)
    get_html = print_html(profile_pic, facebook_name, height, Email)
    # Retrieve the sorted data to calculate ranks
    full_data = users.find({}, {
        "Name": 1,
        "DOB": 1,
        "elo_rating": 1,
        "cgpa_rating": 1
    }).sort("elo_rating", pymongo.DESCENDING)
    all_data = []
    ct = 0
    for user in full_data:
        ct += 1
        cur_data = {}
        rating = user.get("elo_rating", 1000)
        cgpa_rating = user.get("cgpa_rating", 0)
        name = user.get("Name", "")
        full_name = ""
        if name == "":
            name = False
            name_prefix = name.get("prefix", "")
            name_first = name.get("first_name", "")
            name_middle = name.get("middle_name", "")
            name_last = name.get("last_name", "")
            if name_prefix == "" and name_last == "" and name_middle == "" and name_first == "":
                name = False
                full_name = name_prefix + " " + name_first + " " + name_middle + " " + name_last
                full_name = full_name.split()
                full_name = " ".join(full_name)
                name = True
        dob = user.get("DOB", False)
        age = 0
        if dob != False:
            date_of_birth = {}
            date_of_birth["date"] = dob.get("date", "")
            date_of_birth["month"] = dob.get("month", "")
            date_of_birth["year"] = dob.get("year", "")
            if date_of_birth["date"] == "" or date_of_birth[
                    "month"] == "" or date_of_birth["year"] == "":
                dob = "Enter your Date of Birth"
                age = calculate_age(date_of_birth)
        # Update all the data for showing
        cur_data["name"] = full_name
        cur_data["age"] = age
        cur_data["rating"] = rating
        cur_data["cgpa_rating"] = cgpa_rating
        cur_data["rank"] = ct
    return render_template("ranking.html",
Exemple #7
            match = re.search(SEASON_SEASON_TYPE_TEAM_ID_REGEX, src_path)
            if not match:
            season, season_type_id, team_id = (match.group(1), match.group(2), match.group(3))
            season_type = CONFIG['game_types'][int(season_type_id)]
            team = CONFIG['teams'][int(team_id)]
            roster = json.loads(open(src_path).read())
            print("+ Loading %d players from %s %s %s roster" % (len(roster), season, team, season_type))
            for plr in roster:
                single_plr = dict()
                single_plr['player_id'] = int(plr['id'])
                single_plr['first_name'] = plr['firstname']
                single_plr['last_name'] = plr['surname']
                if int(plr['id']) in player_name_corrections:
                single_plr['position'] = plr['position']
                single_plr['hand'] = plr['stick']
                if 'dateOfBirth' in plr:
                    single_plr['dob'] = plr['dateOfBirth']
                    single_plr['age'] = calculate_age(single_plr['dob'])
                if plr['nationalityShort'] in iso_country_codes:
                    single_plr['iso_country'] = iso_country_codes[plr['nationalityShort']]
                    print("Nationality abbreviation not recognized: %s" % plr['nationalityShort'])
                    single_plr['iso_country'] = 'n/a'
                all_players[single_plr['player_id']] = single_plr

    all_players = dict(sorted(all_players.items()))

    open(tgt_path, 'w').write(json.dumps(all_players, indent=2))
Exemple #8
def userhome():
	users = db.users
	all_races_messages = calculate_races_messages()
	all_races = all_races_messages[0]
	all_messages = all_races_messages[1]
	len_all_races = all_races_messages[2]
	len_all_messages = all_races_messages[3]
	user = users.find_one({"Email":session["email"]})
	check_registered = "Unregistered"
	if "DOB" in user:
		check_registered = "Registered"
	profile_pic = user.get("profile_pic",None)
	facebook_name = user.get("facebook_name",None)
	image = user.get("image","")
	if image == "":
		session["profile_pic"] = profile_pic
		(width, height) = (0,100)
		session["profile_pic"] = "static/img/profile_images/" + image + "?r=" + str(randint(1,10000000))
		var = session["profile_pic"]
		if "?" in var : 
			var = var.split("?")[0]
		var = ROOT_DIR + "/" + var
		(width, height) = (0,100)
	session["facebook_name"] = facebook_name
	get_html = print_html(session["profile_pic"],session["facebook_name"],height,session["email"])
	participation = user.get("participation",False)
	if participation != False:
		participation = participation.split(",")
	podiums = user.get("podiums",False)
	if podiums != False:
		podiums = podiums.split(",")
	name = user.get("Name","")
	full_name = ""
	if name == "":
		name = False
		name_prefix = name.get("prefix","")
		name_first = name.get("first_name","")
		name_middle = name.get("middle_name","")
		name_last = name.get("last_name","") 
		if name_prefix == "" and name_last == "" and name_middle == "" and name_first == "":
			name = False
			full_name = name_prefix + " " + name_first + " " + name_middle + " " + name_last
			full_name = full_name.split()
			full_name = " ".join(full_name)
			name = True
	name_alias = user.get("name_alias","Enter your Alias")
	Mobile = user.get("Mobile","Enter your Mobile Number")
	address = user.get("address","Enter your Address")
	full_address = ""
	map_address = ""
	if address != "Enter your Address":
		address_part_one = address.get("address1","")
		address_part_two = address.get("address2","")
		address_part_three = address.get("state","")
		address_part_four = address.get("country","")
		full_address = address_part_one + ", " + address_part_two + ", " + address_part_three + ", " + address_part_four
		map_address = address_part_two + ", " + address_part_three + ", " + address_part_four
	emergency_contact = user.get("emergency_contact","Enter your Emergency Contact")
	relation = ""
	relation_name = ""
	relation_contact = ""
	if emergency_contact != "Enter your Emergency Contact":
		relation = emergency_contact.get("relation","")
		relation_name = emergency_contact.get("relation_name","")
		relation_contact = emergency_contact.get("relation_contact_number","")
		emergency_contact = True
		emergency_contact = False
	dob = user.get("DOB",False)
	age = 0
	if dob != False:
		date_of_birth = {}
		date_of_birth["date"] = dob.get("date","")
		date_of_birth["month"] = dob.get("month","")
		date_of_birth["year"] = dob.get("year","")
		if date_of_birth["date"] == "" or date_of_birth["month"] == "" or date_of_birth["year"] == "":
			dob = "Enter your Date of Birth"
			age = calculate_age(date_of_birth)
	blood_group = user.get("Blood Group",False)
	nationality = user.get("Nationality",False)
	reg_id = str(user.get("_id",""))
	path_id_proof = user.get("id_proof","")
	download_id_proof = ""
	download_rider_insurance = ""
	download_rider_id_proof = ""
	if path_id_proof != "":
		download_id_proof = "id_proof." + path_id_proof.split(".")[1]
		path_id_proof = "/static/id_proof/" + path_id_proof
	path_rider_insurance = user.get("rider_insurance_certificate","")
	if path_rider_insurance != "":
		download_rider_insurance = "medical_insurance_certificate." + path_rider_insurance.split(".")[1]
		path_rider_insurance = "/static/rider_insurance_certificate/" + path_rider_insurance
 	path_rider_id_proof = user.get("rider_id_proof","")
 	if path_rider_id_proof != "":
 		download_rider_id_proof = "rider_id_proof." + path_rider_id_proof.split(".")[1]
 		path_rider_id_proof = "/static/rider_id_proof/" + path_rider_id_proof
 	allergy = user.get("Allergy",False)
 	if allergy != False:
 		allergy = allergy.split(",")
 	bike_details = user.get("bike_details",False)
 	bike_brand = ""
 	bike_size = ""
 	bike_style = []
 	bike_brand_other_input = ""
 	if bike_details != False:
 		bike_brand = bike_details.get("bike_brand","")
 		bike_size = bike_details.get("bike_size","")
 		bike_style = bike_details.get("bike_style",[])
 		if bike_style != []:
 			bike_style = ",".join(bike_style)
 		bike_brand_other_input = bike_details.get("bike_brand_other_input","")
 	riding_style = user.get("riding_style",[])
 	if riding_style == []:
 		check_riding_style = False
 		check_riding_style = True
 	sponsors = user.get("sponsors",False)
 	if sponsors != False:
	 	sponsors = sponsors.split(",")
	team_name = user.get("team_name",False)
	rider_type = user.get("rider_type",False)
	uci_status = user.get("uci_status",False)
	uci_id = ""
	if uci_status != False:
		if uci_status == "yes":
			uci_id = user.get("uci_id","")
	jersey_size = user.get("Jerseey size",False)
	# check for fully registered or not
	form_personal_profile = user.get("form_personal_profile",False)
	form_rider_profile = user.get("form_rider_profile",False)
	form_medical_profile = user.get("form_medical_profile",False)
	form_bike_profile = user.get("form_bike_profile",False)
	form_race_profile = user.get("form_race_profile",False)
	forms_not_completed = []
	if form_personal_profile == False:
		form_not_completed = {}
		form_not_completed["name"] = "Form Personal Profile"
		form_not_completed["url"] = "/form_personal_profile"
	if form_race_profile == False:
		form_not_completed = {}
		form_not_completed["name"] = "Form Race Profile"
		form_not_completed["url"] = "/form_race_profile"
	if form_bike_profile == False:
		form_not_completed = {}
		form_not_completed["name"] = "Form Bike Profile"
		form_not_completed["url"] = "/form_bike_profile"
	if form_rider_profile == False:
		form_not_completed = {}
		form_not_completed["name"] = "Form Rider Profile"
		form_not_completed["url"] = "/form_rider_profile"
	if form_medical_profile == False:
		form_not_completed = {}
		form_not_completed["name"] = "Form Medical Profile"
		form_not_completed["url"] = "/form_medical_profile"
	dream_bike = user.get("dream_bike","Complete the form")
	dream_bike_brand = user.get("dream_bike_brand","Complete the form")
	first_bike = user.get("first_bike","Complete the form")
	often_rides = user.get("often_rides","Complete the form")
	fav_trail = user.get("fav_trail","Complete the form")
	dream_trail = user.get("dream_trail","Complete the form")
	best_exp = user.get("best_exp","Complete the form")
	return render_template(
		profile_pic = session["profile_pic"], 
		facebook_name = facebook_name, 
		email = session["email"], 
		check_registered = check_registered,
		all_races = all_races,
		len_all_races = len_all_races,
		all_messages = all_messages,
		len_all_messages = len_all_messages,
		width = width,
		height = height,
		get_html = Markup(get_html),
		participation = participation,
		podiums = podiums,
		full_name = full_name,
		name_alias = name_alias,
		Mobile = Mobile,
		full_address = full_address,
		relation = relation,
		relation_name = relation_name,
		relation_contact = relation_contact,
		name = name,
		emergency_contact = emergency_contact,
		age = age,
		reg_id = reg_id,
		nationality = nationality,
		blood_group = blood_group,
		path_id_proof = path_id_proof,
		path_rider_insurance = path_rider_insurance,
		download_rider_insurance = download_rider_insurance,
		download_id_proof = download_id_proof,
		allergy = allergy,
		bike_brand = bike_brand,
		bike_style = bike_style,
		bike_size = bike_size,
		map_address = map_address,
		bike_brand_other_input = bike_brand_other_input,
		bike_details = bike_details,
		riding_style = riding_style,
		check_riding_style = check_riding_style,
		sponsors = sponsors,
		team_name = team_name,
		rider_type = rider_type,
		jersey_size = jersey_size,
		uci_status = uci_status,
		uci_id = uci_id,
		path_rider_id_proof = path_rider_id_proof,
		download_rider_id_proof = download_rider_id_proof,
		forms_not_completed = forms_not_completed,
		total_forms_completed = 5 - len(forms_not_completed),
		percentage_completion = (5 - len(forms_not_completed))*20,
		dream_bike = dream_bike,
		dream_bike_brand = dream_bike_brand,
		first_bike = first_bike,
		often_rides = often_rides,
		fav_trail = fav_trail,
		dream_trail = dream_trail,
		best_exp = best_exp
Exemple #9
e = {} 

try: # in case no value is found for the "kg" and "cm" keys in .yaml
    bmi = round(d['kg'] / (d['cm'] * 0.01)**2, 1)

    e['bmi'] = str(bmi).replace('.', ',')
    e['broca'] = d['cm'] - 100

except TypeError:

# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6288892/convert-datetime-format
    dob = datetime.strptime(d['dob'], '%d.%m.%Y')
    e['alter'] = calculate_age(dob) 
except TypeError:

heartref = pd.read_csv(arguments['<ref>'])

    # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12141150/from-list-of-integers-get-number-closest-to-a-given-value
    valuepick = min(heartref['kg'], key=lambda x:abs(x-d['kg']))
    if d['geschlecht'] == 'f':
        a = heartref[heartref['kg'] == valuepick][['low female', 'high female']]
        # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16729574/how-to-get-a-value-from-a-cell-of-a-data-frame
        result = tuple(a.iloc[0])
    if d['geschlecht'] == 'm':
Exemple #10
                       ", ".join([str(s) for s in player_data[key][pd_item]])))

        if not player_data[key]:

        # setting up data dictionary for personal player attributes
        basic_values = dict()
        basic_values['player_id'] = player_id
        basic_values['team'] = team
        # retaining single (and most recent) value for personal player attribute
        for attr in TO_COLLECT:
            basic_values[attr] = list(player_data[key][attr])[-1]
        # calculating player age
        current_season = get_season()
        if current_season == season:
            basic_values['age'] = calculate_age(basic_values['date_of_birth'])
            # if we're not aggregating data for the current season, calculate age for
            # mid-point (i.e. turn of the year) in season of interest
            basic_values['age'] = calculate_age(basic_values['date_of_birth'],
                                                "%d-12-31" % season)

        # turning status code into different player type statuses
        if basic_values['status'][0] == 't':
            basic_values['u23'] = True
            basic_values['u23'] = False
        if basic_values['status'][1] == 't':
            basic_values['u20'] = True
            basic_values['u20'] = False