Exemple #1
def extract_core_point_position(img, block_size, tolerance):
    im = Image.fromarray(np.array(img_as_ubyte(img)))
    im = im.convert("L")

    f = lambda x, y: 2 * x * y
    g = lambda x, y: x**2 - y**2

    angles = utils.calculate_angles(im, block_size, f, g)
    angles = utils.smooth_angles(angles)

    singularities_positions = poincare.calculate_singularities(
        im, angles, tolerance, block_size)
    core_point_position = compute_core_point_position(singularities_positions)
    return core_point_position
Exemple #2
    def calculate_vision_board(self, robot):
        """Calculate a list of all obejcts seen by a robot.
        The objects are reduced to their center points for this calculation.
        Returns a list of tuple values for obejcts seen:
        (index in obstacle_Array, obstacle type, distance from robot's center)

        # get the objects representative points
        points = self.obstacle_list * 10 + 5
        point = (robot.x, robot.y)

        # use calculate_angles for the maths
        diffs, dists = utils.calculate_angles(points, point,
                                              robot.alpha, robot.fov_angle)

        out = []
        for obst, dif, dist in zip(self.obstacle_list, diffs, dists):
            # if angle difference is greater zero, the obejct will not be seen
            if dif <= 0:
                x, y = obst
                data = (obst, self.obstacleArray[x][y], dist)

        return out
Exemple #3
if __name__ == "__main__":
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Gabor filter applied")
    parser.add_argument("image", nargs=1, help="Path to image")
    parser.add_argument("block_size", nargs=1, help="Block size")
                        help="Save result image as src_image_enhanced.gif")
    args = parser.parse_args()

    im = Image.open(args.image[0])
    im = im.convert("L")  # covert to grayscale

    W = int(args.block_size[0])

    f = lambda x, y: 2 * x * y
    g = lambda x, y: x**2 - y**2

    angles = utils.calculate_angles(im, W, f, g)
    print "calculating orientation done"

    angles = utils.smooth_angles(angles)
    print "smoothing angles done"

    result = gabor(im, W, angles)

    if args.save:
        base_image_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(args.image[0]))[0]
        im.save(base_image_name + "_enhanced.gif", "GIF")
Exemple #4
    def calculate_vision_robots(self, robot):
        """Calculate a list of robots seen by a robot.
        A robot (a) can be seen by robot (x) if:
        - (a) touches (x)
        - (a)s center is in the direct FoV-angle of (x)
        - a point of (a)s radius is in the direct FoV-angle of (x)

        For the last criteria, we check, if (a) intersects one of the rays,
        marking the outline of the FoV.

        Returns an array with entries for each robot:
        The array index equals the robot's position in the server's array.
        Array entries:
        False, if the robot can not be seen.
        A tuple, if the robot is seen:
        (position, distance between the robot's centers)
        point = (robot.x, robot.y)

        # no robot is seen per default.
        result = [False] * len(self.robots)
        point_list = []

        # robots in this list must undergo the angle-check
        # since they don't overlap.
        # this also stops invalid point values
        # from being inserted in calculate_angle.
        calc_list = []
        calc_indices = []

        # distance-check
        for index, rb in enumerate(self.robots):
            # for each robot, get its distance to (x) and calculate,
            # wheather they overlap.
            pos = (rb.x, rb.y)
            check, d = utils.overlap_check(pos, point, rb.radius, robot.radius)
            # create a list of position and distance for EVERY robot.
            point_list.append((pos, d))

            # the actual overlap-check:
            if check:
                result[index] = (pos, d)
            # add more cases, if you want to propagate the angles as well

        # angle-check
        angles = []
        if calc_list:
            angles, _ = utils.calculate_angles(calc_list, point,
                                               robot.alpha, robot.fov_angle)

        for index, dif in zip(calc_indices, angles):
            # if the difference value is positive, the center is not seen.
            if dif <= 0:
                result[index] = point_list[index]

        # ray-check
        # calculate the two border rays of the fov
        ray1 = utils.vector_from_angle(robot.alpha - robot.fov_angle/2)
        ray2 = utils.vector_from_angle(robot.alpha + robot.fov_angle/2)

        for index, val in enumerate(result):
            # only check robots that are not already seen
            if not val:
                rb = self.robots[index]
                circle = (rb.x, rb.y, rb.radius)
                # again, python helps us out!
                if (utils.ray_check(point, ray1, circle) or
                        utils.ray_check(point, ray2, circle)):
                    result[index] = point_list[index]

        # now the list is complete
        return result
    for i in range(1, x / W - 1):
        for j in range(1, y / W - 1):
            box = (i * W, j * W, min(i * W + W, x), min(j * W + W, y))
            freq_img.paste(freqs[i][j] * 255.0 * 1.2, box)

    return freq_img

if __name__ == "__main__":
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Image frequency")
    parser.add_argument("image", nargs=1, help = "Path to image")
    parser.add_argument("block_size", nargs=1, help = "Block size")
    parser.add_argument('--smooth', "-s", action='store_true', help = "Use Gauss for smoothing")
    args = parser.parse_args()

    im = Image.open(args.image[0])
    im = im.convert("L")  # covert to grayscale

    W = int(args.block_size[0])

    f = lambda x, y: 2 * x * y
    g = lambda x, y: x ** 2 - y ** 2

    angles = utils.calculate_angles(im, W, f, g)
    if args.smooth:
        angles = utils.smooth_angles(angles)

    freq_img = freq_img(im, W, angles)
def load_skeleton(VIDEO_ROOT_DIR, folder, video):
    file_dir = os.path.join(VIDEO_ROOT_DIR, folder, video[:-4])
    joint_data = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(file_dir, "jointdata.csv"))
    joint_data["data"] = joint_data["data"].apply(json.loads)
    index = pd.read_csv(file_dir + "primer.csv", header=None)[0][0]

    index_1 = len(joint_data) // 3
    index_2 = len(joint_data) // 3 * 2

    if joint_data.iloc[index_1]["data"][8][0] > joint_data.iloc[index_2][
        # walking towards image left
        Direction = "L"
        Direction = "R"

    # flip the x coordinate, according to walk direction
    if Direction == "L":
        for i in range(len(joint_data)):
            for j in range(25):
                    0] = IMAGE_W - joint_data["data"][i][j][0]

    # calculate speed    pixel/second
    Neck_1 = joint_data["data"][index_1][1]
    Neck_2 = joint_data["data"][index_2][1]
    MidHip_1 = joint_data["data"][index_1][8]
    MidHip_2 = joint_data["data"][index_2][8]
    delta_x_OP = (Neck_2[0] + MidHip_2[0]) / 2 - (Neck_1[0] + MidHip_1[0]) / 2
    delta_t = abs(joint_data["time"][index_2] -
                  joint_data["time"][index_1]) / 1000
    if delta_t == 0:
        print("error in speed calculation")
        return -1
        SpeedOPose = abs(delta_x_OP / delta_t)

    # calculate 3 angles
    Neck = joint_data["data"][index][1]
    MidHip = joint_data["data"][index][8]
    Nose = joint_data["data"][index][0]

    Body_Lean = calculate_angles(Nose, MidHip)
    Back_Lean = calculate_angles(Neck, MidHip)
    Neck_Lean = calculate_angles(Nose, Neck)

    # index in the original when it starts to have valid skeleton data
    idx_start = int(round(joint_data["time"][0] * 30 / 1000))
    # index of the last frame with valid skeleton data
    idx_end = int(
        round(joint_data["time"][joint_data.shape[0] - 1] * 30 / 1000))

    seq_len = idx_end - idx_start + 1

    left_seq = [None] * seq_len
    right_seq = [None] * seq_len
    index_seq = [None] * seq_len

    for i in range(joint_data.shape[0]):
        # calculate the index of the original video, according to the "time" time stamp
        original_index = int(round(joint_data["time"][i] * 30 / 1000))

        # left lower leg's sequence (KNEE_LEFT, ANKLE_LEFT)
        left_seq[original_index - idx_start] = calculate_angles(
            joint_data["data"][i][13], joint_data["data"][i][14])
        # right lower leg's sequence (KNEE_RIGHT, ANKLE_RIGHT)
        right_seq[original_index - idx_start] = calculate_angles(
            joint_data["data"][i][10], joint_data["data"][i][11])

        # save the relative index compared to idx_start
        index_seq[original_index - idx_start] = i

    imputer = InterpolationImputer()
    impute_index = list(range(idx_start, idx_end + 1))
    left = np.array(imputer.transform([impute_index, left_seq])[1])
    right = np.array(imputer.transform([impute_index, right_seq])[1])
    # plt.plot(impute_index,left_seq)
    # plt.show()

    # plt.plot(impute_index,left)
    # plt.show()

    peaks_left, bottom_left = sequence_extrema(left)
    peaks_right, bottom_right = sequence_extrema(right)

    left_stance, left_swing = stance_swing(peaks_left, bottom_left)
    right_stance, right_swing = stance_swing(peaks_right, bottom_right)

    # Asymmetry Stance phase
    AStP = calculate_asymmetry(left_stance, right_stance)
    # Asymmetry Swing phase
    ASwP = calculate_asymmetry(left_swing, right_swing)

    cadence = calculate_cadence(peaks_left, peaks_right)

    left_peak_amp = np.mean([left[i] for i in peaks_left])
    left_bottom_amp = np.mean([left[i] for i in bottom_left])
    right_peak_amp = np.mean([right[i] for i in peaks_right])
    right_bottom_amp = np.mean([right[i] for i in bottom_right])

    # Asymmetry Peak Amplitude
    APA = calculate_asymmetry(left_peak_amp, right_peak_amp)
    # Asymmetry Bottom Amplitude
    ABA = calculate_asymmetry(left_bottom_amp, right_bottom_amp)

    L_index = ceil(len(peaks_left) / 2) - 1
    R_index = ceil(len(peaks_right) / 2) - 1

    # left lower leg:  peaks_left[L_index] to peaks_left[L_index+1]
    # right lower leg:  peaks_right[R_index] to peaks_right[R_index+1]
    # step length stride length: distance between the heel contact point of one foot and that of the other foot.

    left_step_length = abs(
        joint_data["data"][index_seq[peaks_left[L_index]]][21][0] -
    right_step_length = abs(
        joint_data["data"][index_seq[peaks_left[R_index]]][21][0] -
        joint_data["data"][index_seq[peaks_left[R_index + 1]]][24][0])

    # Asymmetry Step length
    ASl = calculate_asymmetry(left_step_length, right_step_length)

    stride_length = abs(
        joint_data["data"][index_seq[peaks_left[L_index]]][21][0] -

    falling_risk = abs(
        joint_data["data"][index_seq[peaks_left[L_index]]][0][0] -
        (joint_data["data"][index_seq[peaks_left[L_index]]][21][0] +
         joint_data["data"][index_seq[peaks_left[L_index]]][24][0]) / 2
    ) / (abs(joint_data["data"][index_seq[peaks_left[L_index]]][19][0] -
             joint_data["data"][index_seq[peaks_left[L_index]]][24][0]) / 2)

    features = [
        SpeedOPose, Body_Lean, Back_Lean, Neck_Lean, left_stance, left_swing,
        right_stance, right_swing, AStP, ASwP, cadence, left_peak_amp,
        right_peak_amp, left_bottom_amp, right_bottom_amp, APA, ABA,
        left_step_length, right_step_length, ASl, stride_length, falling_risk

    return features
Exemple #7
def main2():
    # alignMinutias((2,8, 'loop'), [[40, 120, 'bip']])
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
        "Gabor, thinning, extract minutias, calculate poincare and align minutias."
    parser.add_argument("image", nargs=1, help="Path to image")
    # parser.add_argument("block_size", nargs=1, help = "Block size")
                        help="Tolerance for Poincare index")
    parser.add_argument("block_size", nargs=1, help="Blocksize")
        help="Preprocess the image with: Gabor filtering and thinning")
                        help="Use Gauss for smoothing")
                        help="Save result image as src_image_enhanced.gif")
    args = parser.parse_args()

    imagepath = args.image[0]
    im = None
    #im = Image.open(args.image[0])
    # im = Image.open("ppf-test_enhanced_thinned.gif")
    #im = im.convert("L")  # covert to grayscale
    # im.show()

    W = int(args.block_size[0])
    #W = 16
    print "Block-size: ", W
    singularity_type = None

    f = lambda x, y: 2 * x * y
    g = lambda x, y: x**2 - y**2

    #print "Gabor filter and thinning, pointcare, extract minutias, alignment, exporting minutias to file ..."
    print "image: ", os.path.splitext(imagepath)
    base_image_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(imagepath))[0]
    image_enhanced_loc = os.path.splitext(
        imagepath)[0] + "_enhanced_thinned.gif"
    image_enhanced_minutiae_loc = os.path.splitext(
        imagepath)[0] + "_enhanced_thinned_minutiaes.png"
    image_enhanced_minutiae_aligned_loc = os.path.splitext(
        imagepath)[0] + "_enhanced_thinned_minutiaes_aligned.png"
    dumpfilename = os.path.splitext(imagepath)[0] + ".yaml"
    print "image enhanced: ", image_enhanced_loc
    # f['image']
    if args.preprocess or os.path.isfile(image_enhanced_loc) == False:
        print "Enhanced image does not exists. Enhancing."
        print "Gabor filtering and thinning ..."
        im = Image.open(imagepath)
        im = im.convert("L")  # covert to grayscale
        # gabor filter
        angles = utils.calculate_angles(im, W, f, g)
        print "calculating orientation done"
        angles = utils.smooth_angles(angles)
        print "smoothing angles done"
        im = gabor(im, W, angles)
        # im.show()

        # thinning
        im = make_thin(im)
        # im.show()
        if args.save:
            im.save(image_enhanced_loc, "GIF")
        if args.preprocess:
        print "Processing enhanced image."
        if im is not None:
    im = Image.open(image_enhanced_loc)
    im = im.convert("L")  # covert to grayscale
    # continue
    # get image bounds
    (maxx, maxy) = im.size
    bounds = (0, maxx, 0, maxy)
    print "bounds: ", bounds

    angles = utils.calculate_angles(im, W, f, g)
    if args.smooth:
        angles = utils.smooth_angles(angles)

    singularity_type = None
    result, cores = calculate_singularities(im,
    print "cores: ", cores
    core = chooseCore(cores, W)
    print "Selected core: ", core
    # result.show()

    # align bounds with respect to the core
    # bounds2 = alignBounds(core, bounds)

    # calculate minutias
    im, minutiaes = calculate_minutiaes(im)
    print "minutias: ", minutiaes
    # plotAndSaveMinutiae(minutiaes, image_enhanced_minutiae_loc)
    plotAndSaveMinutiasPIL(minutiaes, image_enhanced_minutiae_loc, im.size)

    minutiaes = alignMinutias(core, minutiaes)  # aligning
    print "aminutia: ", minutiaes
    # plotAndSaveMinutiae(minutiaes, image_enhanced_minutiae_aligned_loc)
    plotAndSaveMinutiasPIL(minutiaes, image_enhanced_minutiae_aligned_loc,

    des = {'minutiaes': minutiaes, 'core': core, 'bounds': bounds}
    with open(dumpfilename, 'wb') as handle:
        json.dump(des, handle)
    print ""
Exemple #8
def main1():
    # alignMinutias((2,8, 'loop'), [[40, 120, 'bip']])
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
        "Gabor, thinning, extract minutias, calculate poincare and align minutias."
    parser.add_argument("image", nargs=1, help="Path to image")
    # parser.add_argument("block_size", nargs=1, help = "Block size")
                        help="Tolerance for Poincare index")
    parser.add_argument("block_size", nargs=1, help="Blocksize")
        help="Preprocess the image with: Gabor filtering and thinning")
                        help="Use Gauss for smoothing")
                        help="Save result image as src_image_enhanced.gif")
    args = parser.parse_args()

    #im = Image.open(args.image[0])
    # im = Image.open("ppf-test_enhanced_thinned.gif")
    #im = im.convert("L")  # covert to grayscale
    # im.show()

    W = int(args.block_size[0])
    #W = 16
    print "Block-size: ", W
    singularity_type = None

    f = lambda x, y: 2 * x * y
    g = lambda x, y: x**2 - y**2

    files = []
    for i in range(1, 4):
        for j in range(1, 4):
            if i < 10:
                finputminutia = '/Users/Admin/fvs/samples/DB3_B/10' + str(
                    i) + '_' + str(j) + '.tif'
                finputminutia = '/Users/Admin/fvs/samples/DB3_B/1' + str(
                    i) + '_' + str(j) + '.tif'
            files.append({'i': i, 'j': j, 'image': finputminutia})
    ffirst_singularity = {}
    print "Gabor filter, thinning, pointcare, extract minutias, alignment, exporting minutias to file ..."
    for file in files:
        i = file['i']
        j = file['j']
        print "image: ", os.path.splitext(file['image'])
        base_image_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(file['image']))[0]
        image_enhanced_loc = "/Users/Admin/fvs/samples/dumps2/" + base_image_name + "_enhanced.gif"
        image_enhanced_minutiae_loc = "/Users/Admin/fvs/samples/dumps2/" + base_image_name + "_enhanced_minutiaes.png"
        image_enhanced_minutiae_aligned_loc = "/Users/Admin/fvs/samples/dumps2/" + base_image_name + "_enhanced_minutiaes_aligned.png"
        print "image enhanced: ", image_enhanced_loc
        # f['image']
        if args.preprocess or os.path.isfile(image_enhanced_loc) == False:
            print "Enhanced image does not exists. Enhancing."
            im = Image.open(file['image'])
            im = im.convert("L")  # covert to grayscale
            # gabor filter
            angles = utils.calculate_angles(im, W, f, g)
            print "calculating orientation done"
            angles = utils.smooth_angles(angles)
            print "smoothing angles done"
            im = gabor(im, W, angles)
            # im.show()

            # thinning
            im = make_thin(im)
            # im.show()
            if args.save:
                im.save(image_enhanced_loc, "GIF")
            if args.preprocess:
            print "Processing enhanced image."
            im = Image.open(image_enhanced_loc)
            im = im.convert("L")  # covert to grayscale
        # continue
        # get image bounds
        (maxx, maxy) = im.size
        bounds = (0, maxx, 0, maxy)
        print "bounds: ", bounds

        angles = utils.calculate_angles(im, W, f, g)
        if args.smooth:
            angles = utils.smooth_angles(angles)

        if i in ffirst_singularity:
            singularity_type = ffirst_singularity[i]
            singularity_type = None
        result, cores = calculate_singularities(
        print "cores: ", cores
        core = chooseCore(cores, W)
        print "Selected core: ", core
        if j == 1:
            ffirst_singularity[i] = core[3]
        # result.show()

        # align bounds with respect to the core
        # bounds2 = alignBounds(core, bounds)

        # calculate minutias
        im, minutiaes = calculate_minutiaes(im)
        print "minutias: ", minutiaes
        # plotAndSaveMinutiae(minutiaes, image_enhanced_minutiae_loc)
        plotAndSaveMinutiasPIL(minutiaes, image_enhanced_minutiae_loc, im.size)

        minutiaes = alignMinutias(core, minutiaes)  # aligning
        print "aminutia: ", minutiaes
        # plotAndSaveMinutiae(minutiaes, image_enhanced_minutiae_aligned_loc)
        plotAndSaveMinutiasPIL(minutiaes, image_enhanced_minutiae_aligned_loc,

        des = {'minutiaes': minutiaes, 'core': core, 'bounds': bounds}
        print os.path.splitext(file['image'])[0]
        dumpfilename = "/Users/Admin/fvs/samples/dumps2/" + os.path.basename(
            file['image']) + ".yaml"
        with open(dumpfilename, 'wb') as handle:
            json.dump(des, handle)
        print ""
        if im is not None: