def main(argv): try: opts,argv = getopt.getopt(argv,":h:i:e:s:o:c:E:t:p:g:P:m:l:",['help','[outFile]','code','[shapeFile]','start','end','[tr]']) except getopt.GetoptError: print 'error in parameter for GFSDownload. type -help for more detail on use ' sys.exit(2) for opt, arg in opts: if opt == '-h': print ' ' print ' [mandatory] : ', print ' --code <GFSCode>' print ' --init <dateStart YYYY-MM-DD>' print ' --end <dateEnd YYYY-MM-DD>' print ' --shapefile <shapefile> OU -Extend < xmin,ymax,xmax,ymin>' print ' [optional] :' print ' --level <GFS Level> (default surface)' print ' --step <GFS Step> (default 3,6,9,12)' print ' --grid <GFS Grid> (default 0.75)' print ' --outfile <outfolder> (default /home/user/GFS)' print ' --proxy <proxy : True/False> (default False)' print ' --mode <mode : analyse/forcast/cycleforecast> (default analyse)' print '' print 'EXAMPLES' print '--temperature on a shapefile' print 'python -c PRES -i 2014-01-01 -e 2014-01-02 -s PATH_TO_SHAPE' print '--pressure on a area' print 'python -c 134 -i 2014-01-01 -e 2014-01-02 -E xmin,ymax,xmax,ymin' print '' print ' CODE PARAMETERS' print 'total precipitation : APCP [m of water]' print '2 metre temperature : TMP [K]' print 'maximum 2m temperature since last post-processing step : TMAX [K]' print 'minimum 2m temperature since last post-processing step : TMIN [K]' print 'surface pressure : PRES [Pa]' print '2 metre dewpoint : DPT [K]' print '10 metre eastward wind component UGRD [m s-1]' print '10 metre northward wind component VGRD [m s-1]' print '...' print '' print ' LEVEL PARAMETERS' print '2_m_above_ground' print '10_m_above_ground' print '3000-0_m_above_ground' print '300_mb' print '...' print 'see for product description' sys.exit() elif opt in ('-o','--outFolder'): oFolder = arg elif opt in ('-c','--code'): codeGFS = arg.split(',') elif opt in ('-i','--start'): startDate = arg elif opt in ('-e','--end'): endDate = arg elif opt in ('-s','--shapefile'): pathToShapefile = arg elif opt in ('-E','--tr'): extend = arg.split(',') elif opt in ('-g','--grid'): grid = arg elif opt in ('-p','--step'): step = arg.split(',') elif opt in ('-P','--proxy'): proxy = arg elif opt in ('-m','--mode'): mode = arg elif opt in ('-l','--level'): levelList = arg.split(',') if len(sys.argv) < 8: print '' print ' -c <GFSCode> -list possible-' print ' -i <dateStart YYYY-MM-DD> ' print ' -e <dateEnd YY-MM-DD>' print ' -s <shapefile> ' print ' or' print ' -E < xmin,ymax,xmax,ymin>]' print '' print ' [-g <size of grid in 0.25/0.5/1/2.5> (default 0.25)]' print ' [-p <GFS step parameter in 0,6,12,18> default 0,6,12,18] -list possible-' print ' [-o <outfolder> (default /home/user/GFS)]' print ' [-P <proxy> (default False)]' print ' [-l <level> (default 2_m_above_ground)]' print ' [-m <mode> (default analyse)]' print '' print 'For help on paramCode -help' sys.exit(2) try: oFolder except NameError: oFolder = os.path.expanduser('~') oFolder = oFolder + '/GFS' print "output folder not precised : downloaded GFF images on "+oFolder # verification du folder/or creation if not exists utils.checkForFolder(oFolder) try: codeGFS except NameError: exit ('parameter(s) needed not precise. Please give the GFS parameter you wish') utils.checkForParams(codeGFS) try: startDate except NameError: exit ('init Date not precised') # verification si sartDate est une date startDate=utils.checkForDate(startDate) try: endDate except NameError: exit ('end Date not specified') # verification si sartDate est une date endDate=utils.checkForDate(endDate) try: pathToShapefile except NameError: try: extend except NameError: exit ('no Area of interest have been specified. please use -shp or -tr to declare it') if 'pathToShapefile' in locals(): extendArea=utils.convertShpToExtend(pathToShapefile) else: extendArea=extend extendArea=utils.checkForExtendValidity(extendArea) try: levelList except NameError: levelList=['surface'] levelList=utils.checkForLevelValidity(levelList) try: grid except NameError: grid='0.25' grid=utils.checkForGridValidity(grid) try: step except NameError: step=[0,6,12,18] step=utils.checkForStepValidity(step) try: proxy except NameError: proxy=False try: mode except NameError: mode='analyse' #Proxy parameteres needed if(proxy): login = raw_input('login proxy : ') pwd = raw_input('password proxy : : ') site = raw_input('site ( : ') os.environ["http_proxy"] = "http://%s:%s@%s:8050"%(login,pwd,site) os.environ["https_proxy"] = "http://%s:%s@%s:8050"%(login,pwd,site) #Download GFS struct=utils.create_request_gfs(startDate, endDate, step, levelList, grid, extendArea, codeGFS, mode) listeFile=[] if len(struct)==0: exit("No data founded") else: for i in struct[0]: try : outpath=oFolder+'/'+",".join(codeGFS)+'_'+i.rsplit('.',1)[1]+'.grb' listeFile.append(outpath) result=utils.GFSDownload(i,outpath) except: print("---") exit('Error in GFS server') if result: utils.convertGribToTiff(listeFile,codeGFS,levelList,step,grid,startDate,endDate,oFolder) else: exit("PARAM needed is not compatible with level selected") if struct[1] is not None: print ("") print ("--------------------------------------------------") print ("") print ("Some parameters couldn't been downloaded in %s mode :" % mode ) print ("They have been downloaded in %s mode due to var %s" % (struct[1],','.join(struct[2])) )
def main(argv): try: opts,argv = getopt.getopt(argv,":h:i:e:s:E:o:g:P:t:f:r:",['help','[outFile]','code','[shapeFile]','start','end','[tr]']) except getopt.GetoptError: print 'error in parameter for eraInterimDownload. type -help for more detail on use ' sys.exit(2) for opt, arg in opts: if opt == '-h': print ' ' print ' [mandatory] : ' print ' --init <dateStart YYYY-MM-DD>' print ' --end <dateEnd YY-MM-DD>' print ' --shapefile <shapefile> OU -Extend < xmin,ymax,xmax,ymin>' print ' [optional] :' print ' --typeData < analyse , forcast> (default forcast)' print ' --grid <EraInterim Time> (default 0.75)' print ' --outfile <outfolder> (default /home/user/eraInterim)' print ' --proxy <True/False> (default False)' print ' --temporaryFile <True/False> (default False)' print ' --result < TxtFile / RasterFile> default RasterFile' print '' sys.exit() elif opt in ('-o','--outFolder'): oFolder = arg elif opt in ('-i','--start'): startDate = arg elif opt in ('-e','--end'): endDate = arg elif opt in ('-s','--shapefile'): pathToShapefile = arg elif opt in ('-E','--tr'): extend = arg.split(',') elif opt in ('-g','--grid'): grid = arg elif opt in ('-P','--proxy'): proxy = arg elif opt in ('-t','--typeData'): typeData = arg elif opt in ('-f','--temporaryFile'): temporaryFile = arg elif opt in ('-r','--result'): typeOutput = arg if len(sys.argv) < 7: print '' print ' -i <dateStart YYYY-MM-DD> ' print ' -e <dateEnd YY-MM-DD>' print ' -s <shapefile> ' print ' or' print ' -E < xmin,ymax,xmax,ymin>]' print '' print ' [-t < analyse , forcast> (default analyse)]' print ' [-g <size of grid in 0.125/0.25/0.5/0.75/1.125/1.5/2/2.5/3> (default0.75)]' print ' [-o <outfolder> (default /home/user/eraInterim)]' print ' [-P <proxy : True/False> (default False)]' print ' [-f <temporaryFile : True/False> (default False)]' print ' [-r <resultOutput : TxtFile/RasterFile> (default RasterFile)]' print '' print 'For help on interimCode -help' sys.exit(2) try: oFolder except NameError: oFolder = os.path.expanduser('~') oFolder = oFolder + '/eraInterim' print "output folder not precised : downloaded eraInterim images on "+oFolder # verification du folder/or creation if not exists utils.checkForFolder(oFolder) try: startDate except NameError: exit ('init Date not precised') # verification si sartDate est une date startDate=utils.checkForDate(startDate) try: endDate except NameError: exit ('end Date not specified') # verification si sartDate est une date endDate=utils.checkForDate(endDate) if (startDate>endDate): exit('startDate could not be greater than endDate') limitDate = today - timedelta(days=31*3) limitDate=date(limitDate.year,limitDate.month,calendar.monthrange(limitDate.year,limitDate.month)[1]) if (startDate>limitDate or endDate>limitDate ): exit('date could not exceed 2014-12-31') try: pathToShapefile except NameError: try: extend except NameError: exit ('no Area of interest have been specified. please use -shp or -tr to declare it') if 'pathToShapefile' in locals(): extendArea=utils.convertShpToExtend(pathToShapefile) else: extendArea=extend extendArea=utils.checkForExtendValidity(extendArea) try: typeData except NameError: typeData='analyse' try: grid except NameError: grid='0.75' grid=utils.checkForGridValidity(grid) try: proxy except NameError: proxy=False #Proxy parameteres needed if(proxy): login = raw_input('login proxy : ') pwd = raw_input('password proxy : : ') site = raw_input('site ( : ') os.environ["http_proxy"] = "http://%s:%s@%s:8050"%(login,pwd,site) os.environ["https_proxy"] = "http://%s:%s@%s:8050"%(login,pwd,site) try: temporaryFile except NameError: temporaryFile=False try: typeOutput except NameError: typeOutput='RasterFile' """----------------------------------------""" #Create param if first Time if (not utils.checkForFile(os.path.expanduser('~')+'/.ecmwfapirc')): print ('for first connexion you have to define yout key and password on ecmwf') print ('cf') print ('') u = raw_input('user (mail) : ') k = raw_input('keys : ') utils.createParamFile(os.path.expanduser('~')+'/.ecmwfapirc',u,k) delta = endDate - startDate nbDays = delta.days + float(delta.seconds) / 86400 + 1 #--------------------------On charge les rasters if typeData == "analyse": time = ['00',"12","06","18"] step = [] nbBandByDay=len(time) else: time = ['00',"12"] step = [3,6,9,12] nbBandByDay=(12*len(time))/(len(step))+1 server = ECMWFDataServer() """ altitude de la grille EraInterim """ # Only Forcast possible codeGeopot= [129] GeoFile = oFolder+"/129"+'_'+startDate.strftime('%Y%m%d')+'_'+endDate.strftime('%Y%m%d')+'.nc' struct=utils.create_request_sfc(startDate, endDate, time, step, grid, extendArea, codeGeopot, GeoFile,typeData) server.retrieve(struct) Geo = utils.convertNETCDFtoDicArray(GeoFile) Geo = utils.convertGeoToAlt(Geo) #un peu inutile car ne change pas ... mais bon! Geo = utils.computeDailyMax(Geo, nbBandByDay, typeData) """ Vitesse du vent """ codeVent= [165,166] vent={} ventFile=[] for i in codeVent: ventFile.append(oFolder+"/"+str(i)+'_'+startDate.strftime('%Y%m%d')+'_'+endDate.strftime('%Y%m%d')+'.nc') struct=utils.create_request_sfc(startDate, endDate, time, step, grid, extendArea, [i], ventFile[-1],typeData) server.retrieve(struct) vent[i]=utils.convertNETCDFtoDicArray(ventFile[-1]) vent = utils.fusVentFromDict(vent,nbBandByDay) vent=utils.computeDailyMean(vent,nbBandByDay,typeData) """ Humidité relative """ codePressure= [134] pressureFile = oFolder+"/134"+'_'+startDate.strftime('%Y%m%d')+'_'+endDate.strftime('%Y%m%d')+'.nc' struct=utils.create_request_sfc(startDate, endDate, time, step, grid, extendArea, codePressure, pressureFile,typeData) server.retrieve(struct) pressure = utils.convertNETCDFtoDicArray(pressureFile) #oulalal c'est moche pressureMean = utils.convertPaToKgPa(pressure) pressure = utils.convertToHectoPascal(pressure) pressureMean = utils.computeDailyMean(pressureMean,nbBandByDay,typeData) codeT2m= [167] T2mFile = oFolder+"/167"+'_'+startDate.strftime('%Y%m%d')+'_'+endDate.strftime('%Y%m%d')+'.nc' struct=utils.create_request_sfc(startDate, endDate, time, step, grid, extendArea, codeT2m, T2mFile,typeData) server.retrieve(struct) T2m = utils.convertNETCDFtoDicArray(T2mFile) Tmean = utils.computeDailyMean(T2m, nbBandByDay, typeData) Tmax = utils.computeDailyMax(T2m,nbBandByDay) Tmin = utils.computeDailyMin(T2m,nbBandByDay) T2m = utils.convertKToD(T2m) #T2m = utils.computeDailyMean(T2m,nbBandByDay,typeData) codeDewP= [168] DewPFile = oFolder+"/168"+'_'+startDate.strftime('%Y%m%d')+'_'+endDate.strftime('%Y%m%d')+'.nc' struct=utils.create_request_sfc(startDate, endDate, time, step, grid, extendArea, codeDewP, DewPFile,typeData) server.retrieve(struct) DewP = utils.convertNETCDFtoDicArray(DewPFile) DewP = utils.convertKToD(DewP) #DewP = utils.computeDailyMean(DewP,nbBandByDay,typeData) humidity = utils.ComputeHumidityFromPT(pressure,T2m,DewP) #humidity = utils.computeDailyMean(humidity,nbBandByDay,typeData) Hmax = utils.computeDailyMax(humidity,nbBandByDay) Hmin = utils.computeDailyMin(humidity,nbBandByDay) Hmean = utils.computeDailyMean(humidity,nbBandByDay,typeData) """ ONLY FORCAST FOR THESE VAR""" typeData="forcast" time = ['00',"12"] step = [3,6,9,12] nbBandByDay=(12*len(time))/(len(step))+1 """ Rayonnement global incident journalier """ # Only Forcast possiblet codeRay= [176] RayFile = oFolder+"/176"+'_'+startDate.strftime('%Y%m%d')+'_'+endDate.strftime('%Y%m%d')+'.nc' struct=utils.create_request_sfc(startDate, endDate, time, step, grid, extendArea, codeRay, RayFile,typeData) server.retrieve(struct) Ray = utils.convertNETCDFtoDicArray(RayFile) Ray = utils.computeDailyMean(Ray,nbBandByDay,typeData) Ray = utils.convertWToMJ(Ray) """ downward surface solar radiation """ # Only Forcast possiblet codeRay= [169] RayFileDownShort = oFolder+"/169"+'_'+startDate.strftime('%Y%m%d')+'_'+endDate.strftime('%Y%m%d')+'.nc' struct=utils.create_request_sfc(startDate, endDate, time, step, grid, extendArea, codeRay, RayFileDownShort,typeData) server.retrieve(struct) RayDownShort = utils.convertNETCDFtoDicArray(RayFileDownShort) RayDownShort = utils.computeDailyMean(RayDownShort,nbBandByDay,typeData) RayDownShort = utils.convertWToMJ(RayDownShort) """ downward surface thermal radiation """ # Only Forcast possiblet codeRay= [175] RayFileDownLong = oFolder+"/175"+'_'+startDate.strftime('%Y%m%d')+'_'+endDate.strftime('%Y%m%d')+'.nc' struct=utils.create_request_sfc(startDate, endDate, time, step, grid, extendArea, codeRay, RayFileDownLong,typeData) server.retrieve(struct) RayDownLong = utils.convertNETCDFtoDicArray(RayFileDownLong) RayDownLong = utils.computeDailyMean(RayDownLong,nbBandByDay,typeData) RayDownLong = utils.convertWToMJ(RayDownLong) """ Evaporation """ codeEvap= [182] EvapFile = oFolder+"/182"+'_'+startDate.strftime('%Y%m%d')+'_'+endDate.strftime('%Y%m%d')+'.nc' struct=utils.create_request_sfc(startDate, endDate, time, step, grid, extendArea, codeEvap, EvapFile,typeData) server.retrieve(struct) Evap = utils.convertNETCDFtoDicArray(EvapFile) Evap = utils.computeDailyMean(Evap,nbBandByDay,typeData) #Evap = utils.convertMToMm(Evap) """ Precipitation """ #NOT NEEDED FOR ETO BUT Exported utils.checkForTimeValidity(time) utils.checkForStepValidity(step,typeData) codePrecipitation= [228] precipitationFile = oFolder+"/228"+'_'+startDate.strftime('%Y%m%d')+'_'+endDate.strftime('%Y%m%d')+'.nc' struct=utils.create_request_sfc(startDate, endDate, time, step, grid, extendArea, codePrecipitation, precipitationFile) server.retrieve(struct) precipitation = utils.convertNETCDFtoDicArray(precipitationFile) precipitation=utils.computeDailyAccumulation(precipitation,nbBandByDay,typeData) """ Grid of latitude [0],longitude[1] in WGS84""" geoTransform=utils.getGeoTransform(RayFile) shape=Ray[0].shape latlon = utils.getCentroidLatFromArray(shape,geoTransform,grid) """ --------------------- Compute ET0---------------------- """ ET0_0={} ET0_1={} ET0_2={} DoyList=[] DateList=[] for i in range(0,int(nbDays)): #jour Julien J = utils.doy(startDate,i) dateEnCours=startDate+ timedelta(days=i) DateList.append(dateEnCours) DoyList.append(J) Hmax[i] = np.where(Hmax[i]>100,100,Hmax[i]) # --- Constants ---# #Solar constant Gsc = 0.0820 # [MJ.m-2.min-1] #Albedo - grass reference crop a = 0.23 #Ratio of molecular weight of water vapor/dry air epsilon=0.622 #Latente heat of vaporisation Lv=2.45 # [] # Specific heat at constant pressure Cp= 1.013e-3; # [°C-1] # Stefan-Boltzmann constant [] StefBoltz=4.903e-9; #FAO # --- Equations ---# # Psychometric constant [kPa.°C-1] cte_psy = (Cp*pressureMean[i])/(epsilon*Lv) # Equation 8 Chap 3 FAO #Mean sturation vapor presure [kPa] #es = (utils.esat(pressureMean[i],Tmax[i]) + utils.esat(pressureMean[i],Tmin[i]))/2; #Equation 12 Chap 3 es = (utils.eocalc(Tmax[i]-273.16)+utils.eocalc(Tmin[i]-273.16))/2 #Equation 12 Chap 3 # Slope of saturation vapour pressure curve at air temperature [kPa.°C-1] delta = utils.delta_calc(Tmean[i]); # Equation 13 Chap 3 # Actual vapour pressure derived from relative humidity [kPa] #ea = (utils.esat(pressureMean[i]/100,Tmax[i]-273.16)*(Hmax[i]/100) + utils.esat(pressureMean[i]/100,Tmin[i]-273.16)*(Hmin[i]/100))/2; # Equation 17 Chap 3 ea = (utils.eocalc(Tmax[i]-273.16)*(Hmax[i]/100)+utils.eocalc(Tmin[i]-273.16)*(Hmin[i]/100))/2 # Conversion of latitude from degrees to radians phi = (np.pi/180)* latlon[1]; # Relative distance Earth-Sun dr = 1 + 0.033*math.cos(2*math.pi*J/365); # Equation 23 Chap 3 # Solar declination d = 0.4093*math.sin(2*math.pi*J/365 - 1.39); # Equation 24 Chap 3 # sunset hour angle ws = np.arccos(-np.tan(phi)*math.tan(d)); # Equation 25 Chap 3 """Classical calculation FAO """ # Extraterestrial radiation for daily periods Ra = (24.*60/np.pi)*Gsc*dr*(ws*np.sin(phi)*np.sin(d) + np.cos(phi)*np.cos(d)*np.sin(ws)) # Equation 21 Chap 3 # Clear sky solar radiation [] Rso = (0.75 + 2e-5*Geo[i])*Ra; # Equation 37 Chap 3 # Net solar radiation [] Rns = (1 - a)*RayDownShort[i]; # Equation 38 Chap 3 # f=(1.35*(np.fmin(RayDownShort[i]/Rso,1)) - 0.35); # Net longwave radiation [] Rnl = StefBoltz*((Tmax[i]**4 + Tmin[i]**4)/2)*(0.34 - 0.14*np.sqrt(ea))*f; # Equation 39 Chap 3 # Net Radiation [] Rn =Rns - Rnl; # Equation 40 Chap 3 G = 0; # Equation 42 Chap 3 ET0_0[i] = ( 0.408*delta*( Rn-G )+ cte_psy*( 900/(Tmean[i] + 273) )*(es - ea)*vent[i] )/( delta + cte_psy*(1 + 0.34*vent[i]) ); # Equation 6 Chap 4 """ Considering product 176 = RN these equations are not needed """ Rn = Ray[i] # Soil heat flux at daily scale G = 0; # Equation 42 Chap 3 ET0_1[i] = ( 0.408*delta*( Rn-G )+ cte_psy*( 900/(Tmean[i] + 273) )*(es - ea)*vent[i] )/( delta + cte_psy*(1 + 0.34*vent[i]) ); # Equation 6 Chap 4 """ Considering product 176 Evaporation """ ET0_2[i] = Evap[i] if typeOutput=='RasterFile': #On ecrit le fichier ET0 geoTransform=utils.getGeoTransform(RayFile) shape=Ray[0].shape utils.writeTiffFromDicoArray(ET0_0,oFolder+"/tmp.tif",shape,geoTransform) if 'pathToShapefile' in locals(): utils.reprojRaster(oFolder+"/tmp.tif", oFolder+"/ET0.tif",shape, pathToShapefile) os.remove(oFolder+"/tmp.tif") else : utils.moveFile(oFolder+"/tmp.tif", oFolder+"/ET0.tif") #On écrit le fichier Precipitation geoTransform=utils.getGeoTransform(precipitationFile) shape=precipitation[0].shape utils.writeTiffFromDicoArray(precipitation,oFolder+"/tmp.tif",shape,geoTransform) if 'pathToShapefile' in locals(): utils.reprojRaster(oFolder+"/tmp.tif", oFolder+"/precipitationAcc.tif",shape, pathToShapefile) os.remove(oFolder+"/tmp.tif") else : utils.moveFile(oFolder+"/tmp.tif", oFolder+"/precipitationAcc.tif") else: #On ecrit le fichier au format Txt proj=utils.getProj(pathToShapefile) utils.WriteTxtFileForEachPixel(oFolder,ET0_0,ET0_1,ET0_2,DateList,DoyList,Ray,RayDownShort,RayDownLong,Tmean,Tmax,Tmin,Hmean,Hmax,Hmin,vent,precipitation,pressureMean,Geo,latlon,proj) utils.WritePointList(oFolder,latlon,proj) """ ------------------------------------------- """ if(temporaryFile): #On ecrit le fichier latlon geoTransform=utils.getGeoTransform(GeoFile) shape=Geo[0].shape utils.writeTiffFromDicoArray(Geo,oFolder+"/tmp.tif",shape,geoTransform) if 'pathToShapefile' in locals(): utils.reprojRaster(oFolder+"/tmp.tif", oFolder+"/altitude.tif",shape, pathToShapefile) os.remove(oFolder+"/tmp.tif") else : utils.moveFile(oFolder+"/tmp.tif", oFolder+"/altitude.tif") #On ecrit le fichier latlon geoTransform=utils.getGeoTransform(RayFile) shape=Ray[0].shape utils.writeTiffFromDicoArray(latlon,oFolder+"/tmp.tif",shape,geoTransform) if 'pathToShapefile' in locals(): utils.reprojRaster(oFolder+"/tmp.tif", oFolder+"/latLon.tif",shape, pathToShapefile) os.remove(oFolder+"/tmp.tif") else : utils.moveFile(oFolder+"/tmp.tif", oFolder+"/latLon.tif") #On ecrit le fichier vent --> a enlever geoTransform=utils.getGeoTransform(ventFile[-1]) shape=vent[0].shape utils.writeTiffFromDicoArray(vent,oFolder+"/tmp.tif",shape,geoTransform) if 'pathToShapefile' in locals(): utils.reprojRaster(oFolder+"/tmp.tif", oFolder+"/ventMean.tif",shape, pathToShapefile) os.remove(oFolder+"/tmp.tif") else : utils.moveFile(oFolder+"/tmp.tif", oFolder+"/ventMean.tif") #On ecrit le fichier Rhmin geoTransform=utils.getGeoTransform(pressureFile) shape=pressureMean[0].shape utils.writeTiffFromDicoArray(pressureMean,oFolder+"/tmp.tif",shape,geoTransform) if 'pathToShapefile' in locals(): utils.reprojRaster(oFolder+"/tmp.tif", oFolder+"/pressureMean.tif",shape, pathToShapefile) os.remove(oFolder+"/tmp.tif") else : utils.moveFile(oFolder+"/tmp.tif", oFolder+"/pressureMean.tif") #On ecrit le fichier Rhmax geoTransform=utils.getGeoTransform(pressureFile) shape=Hmax[0].shape utils.writeTiffFromDicoArray(Hmax,oFolder+"/tmp.tif",shape,geoTransform) if 'pathToShapefile' in locals(): utils.reprojRaster(oFolder+"/tmp.tif", oFolder+"/humidityMax.tif",shape, pathToShapefile) os.remove(oFolder+"/tmp.tif") else : utils.moveFile(oFolder+"/tmp.tif", oFolder+"/humidityMax.tif") #On ecrit le fichier Rhmin geoTransform=utils.getGeoTransform(pressureFile) shape=Hmin[0].shape utils.writeTiffFromDicoArray(Hmin,oFolder+"/tmp.tif",shape,geoTransform) if 'pathToShapefile' in locals(): utils.reprojRaster(oFolder+"/tmp.tif", oFolder+"/humidityMin.tif",shape, pathToShapefile) os.remove(oFolder+"/tmp.tif") else : utils.moveFile(oFolder+"/tmp.tif", oFolder+"/humidityMin.tif") #On ecrit le fichier Tmax geoTransform=utils.getGeoTransform(T2mFile) shape=Tmax[0].shape utils.writeTiffFromDicoArray(Tmax,oFolder+"/tmp.tif",shape,geoTransform) if 'pathToShapefile' in locals(): utils.reprojRaster(oFolder+"/tmp.tif", oFolder+"/TemperatureMax.tif",shape, pathToShapefile) os.remove(oFolder+"/tmp.tif") else : utils.moveFile(oFolder+"/tmp.tif", oFolder+"/TemperatureMax.tif") #On ecrit le fichier Tmin geoTransform=utils.getGeoTransform(T2mFile) shape=Tmin[0].shape utils.writeTiffFromDicoArray(Tmin,oFolder+"/tmp.tif",shape,geoTransform) if 'pathToShapefile' in locals(): utils.reprojRaster(oFolder+"/tmp.tif", oFolder+"/TemperatureMin.tif",shape, pathToShapefile) os.remove(oFolder+"/tmp.tif") else : utils.moveFile(oFolder+"/tmp.tif", oFolder+"/TemperatureMin.tif") #On ecrit le fichier Rayonnement geoTransform=utils.getGeoTransform(RayFile) shape=Ray[0].shape utils.writeTiffFromDicoArray(Ray,oFolder+"/tmp.tif",shape,geoTransform) if 'pathToShapefile' in locals(): utils.reprojRaster(oFolder+"/tmp.tif", oFolder+"/RayonnementMean.tif",shape, pathToShapefile) os.remove(oFolder+"/tmp.tif") else : utils.moveFile(oFolder+"/tmp.tif", oFolder+"/RayonnementMean.tif") #on supprime les fichier intermédiare ! os.remove(pressureFile) os.remove(T2mFile) os.remove(DewPFile) os.remove(RayFile) os.remove(GeoFile) for i in ventFile: os.remove(i) os.remove(precipitationFile) os.remove(EvapFile) os.remove(RayFileDownLong) os.remove(RayFileDownShort)
def main(argv): try: opts, argv = getopt.getopt(argv, ":h:i:e:s:o:c:E:t:p:g:P:m:l:", [ 'help', '[outFile]', 'code', '[shapeFile]', 'start', 'end', '[tr]' ]) except getopt.GetoptError: print 'error in parameter for GFSDownload. type -help for more detail on use ' sys.exit(2) for opt, arg in opts: if opt == '-h': print ' ' print ' [mandatory] : ', print ' --code <GFSCode>' print ' --init <dateStart YYYY-MM-DD>' print ' --end <dateEnd YYYY-MM-DD>' print ' --shapefile <shapefile> OU -Extend < xmin,ymax,xmax,ymin>' print ' [optional] :' print ' --level <GFS Level> (default surface)' print ' --step <GFS Step> (default 3,6,9,12)' print ' --grid <GFS Grid> (default 0.75)' print ' --outfile <outfolder> (default /home/user/GFS)' print ' --proxy <proxy : True/False> (default False)' print ' --mode <mode : analyse/forcast/cycleforecast> (default analyse)' print '' print 'EXAMPLES' print '--temperature on a shapefile' print 'python -c PRES -i 2014-01-01 -e 2014-01-02 -s PATH_TO_SHAPE' print '--pressure on a area' print 'python -c 134 -i 2014-01-01 -e 2014-01-02 -E xmin,ymax,xmax,ymin' print '' print ' CODE PARAMETERS' print 'total precipitation : APCP [m of water]' print '2 metre temperature : TMP [K]' print 'maximum 2m temperature since last post-processing step : TMAX [K]' print 'minimum 2m temperature since last post-processing step : TMIN [K]' print 'surface pressure : PRES [Pa]' print '2 metre dewpoint : DPT [K]' print '10 metre eastward wind component UGRD [m s-1]' print '10 metre northward wind component VGRD [m s-1]' print '...' print '' print ' LEVEL PARAMETERS' print '2_m_above_ground' print '10_m_above_ground' print '3000-0_m_above_ground' print '300_mb' print '...' print 'see for product description' sys.exit() elif opt in ('-o', '--outFolder'): oFolder = arg elif opt in ('-c', '--code'): codeGFS = arg.split(',') elif opt in ('-i', '--start'): startDate = arg elif opt in ('-e', '--end'): endDate = arg elif opt in ('-s', '--shapefile'): pathToShapefile = arg elif opt in ('-E', '--tr'): extend = arg.split(',') elif opt in ('-g', '--grid'): grid = arg elif opt in ('-p', '--step'): step = arg.split(',') elif opt in ('-P', '--proxy'): proxy = arg elif opt in ('-m', '--mode'): mode = arg elif opt in ('-l', '--level'): levelList = arg.split(',') if len(sys.argv) < 8: print '' print ' -c <GFSCode> -list possible-' print ' -i <dateStart YYYY-MM-DD> ' print ' -e <dateEnd YY-MM-DD>' print ' -s <shapefile> ' print ' or' print ' -E < xmin,ymax,xmax,ymin>]' print '' print ' [-g <size of grid in 0.25/0.5/1/2.5> (default 0.25)]' print ' [-p <GFS step parameter in 0,6,12,18> default 0,6,12,18] -list possible-' print ' [-o <outfolder> (default /home/user/GFS)]' print ' [-P <proxy> (default False)]' print ' [-l <level> (default 2_m_above_ground)]' print ' [-m <mode> (default analyse)]' print '' print 'For help on paramCode -help' sys.exit(2) try: oFolder except NameError: oFolder = os.path.expanduser('~') oFolder = oFolder + '/GFS' print "output folder not precised : downloaded GFF images on " + oFolder # verification du folder/or creation if not exists utils.checkForFolder(oFolder) try: codeGFS except NameError: exit( 'parameter(s) needed not precise. Please give the GFS parameter you wish' ) utils.checkForParams(codeGFS) try: startDate except NameError: exit('init Date not precised') # verification si sartDate est une date startDate = utils.checkForDate(startDate) try: endDate except NameError: exit('end Date not specified') # verification si sartDate est une date endDate = utils.checkForDate(endDate) try: pathToShapefile except NameError: try: extend except NameError: exit( 'no Area of interest have been specified. please use -shp or -tr to declare it' ) if 'pathToShapefile' in locals(): extendArea = utils.convertShpToExtend(pathToShapefile) else: extendArea = extend extendArea = utils.checkForExtendValidity(extendArea) try: levelList except NameError: levelList = ['surface'] levelList = utils.checkForLevelValidity(levelList) try: grid except NameError: grid = '0.25' grid = utils.checkForGridValidity(grid) try: step except NameError: step = [0, 6, 12, 18] step = utils.checkForStepValidity(step) try: proxy except NameError: proxy = False try: mode except NameError: mode = 'analyse' #Proxy parameteres needed if (proxy): login = raw_input('login proxy : ') pwd = raw_input('password proxy : : ') site = raw_input('site ( : ') os.environ["http_proxy"] = "http://%s:%s@%s:8050" % (login, pwd, site) os.environ["https_proxy"] = "http://%s:%s@%s:8050" % (login, pwd, site) #Download GFS struct = utils.create_request_gfs(startDate, endDate, step, levelList, grid, extendArea, codeGFS, mode) listeFile = [] if len(struct) == 0: exit("No data founded") else: for i in struct[0]: try: outpath = oFolder + '/' + ",".join(codeGFS) + '_' + i.rsplit( '.', 1)[1] + '.grb' listeFile.append(outpath) result = utils.GFSDownload(i, outpath) except: print("---") exit('Error in GFS server') if result: utils.convertGribToTiff(listeFile, codeGFS, levelList, step, grid, startDate, endDate, oFolder) else: exit("PARAM needed is not compatible with level selected") if struct[1] is not None: print("") print("--------------------------------------------------") print("") print("Some parameters couldn't been downloaded in %s mode :" % mode) print("They have been downloaded in %s mode due to var %s" % (struct[1], ','.join(struct[2])))
def main(argv): try: opts, argv = getopt.getopt(argv, ":h:i:e:s:E:o:g:P:t:f:r:", [ 'help', '[outFile]', 'code', '[shapeFile]', 'start', 'end', '[tr]' ]) except getopt.GetoptError: print 'error in parameter for evapo_GFS. type -help for more detail on use ' sys.exit(2) for opt, arg in opts: if opt == '-h': print ' ' print ' [mandatory] : ' print ' --init <dateStart YYYY-MM-DD>' print ' --end <dateEnd YY-MM-DD>' print ' --shapefile <shapefile> OU -Extend < xmin,ymax,xmax,ymin>' print ' [optional] :' print ' --typeData < analyse , forecast, cycleforecast> (default forecast)' print ' --grid <EraInterim Time> (default 0.75)' print ' --outfile <outfolder> (default /home/user/eraInterim)' print ' --proxy <True/False> (default False)' print ' --temporaryFile <True/False> (default False)' print ' --result < TxtFile / RasterFile> default RasterFile' print '' sys.exit() elif opt in ('-o', '--outFolder'): oFolder = arg elif opt in ('-i', '--start'): startDate = arg elif opt in ('-e', '--end'): endDate = arg elif opt in ('-s', '--shapefile'): pathToShapefile = arg elif opt in ('-E', '--tr'): extend = arg.split(',') elif opt in ('-g', '--grid'): grid = arg elif opt in ('-P', '--proxy'): proxy = arg elif opt in ('-t', '--typeData'): typeData = arg elif opt in ('-f', '--temporaryFile'): temporaryFile = arg elif opt in ('-r', '--result'): typeOutput = arg if len(sys.argv) < 7: print '' print ' -i <dateStart YYYY-MM-DD> ' print ' -e <dateEnd YY-MM-DD>' print ' -s <shapefile> ' print ' or' print ' -E < xmin,ymax,xmax,ymin>]' print '' print ' [-t < analyse , forecast,cycleforecast> (default analyse)]' print ' [-g <size of grid in 0.25/0.5/1/2.5> (default 0.25)]' print ' [-o <outfolder> (default /home/user/eraInterim)]' print ' [-P <proxy : True/False> (default False)]' print ' [-f <temporaryFile : True/False> (default False)]' print ' [-r <resultOutput : TxtFile/RasterFile> (default RasterFile)]' print '' sys.exit(2) try: oFolder except NameError: oFolder = os.path.expanduser('~') oFolder = oFolder + '/GFS' print "output folder not precised : downloaded GFS images on " + oFolder # verification du folder/or creation if not exists utils.checkForFolder(oFolder) try: startDate except NameError: exit('init Date not precised') # verification si sartDate est une date startDate = utils.checkForDate(startDate) try: endDate except NameError: exit('end Date not specified') # verification si sartDate est une date endDate = utils.checkForDate(endDate) if (startDate > endDate): exit('startDate could not be greater than endDate') try: pathToShapefile except NameError: try: extend except NameError: exit( 'no Area of interest have been specified. please use -shp or -tr to declare it' ) if 'pathToShapefile' in locals(): extendArea = utils.convertShpToExtend(pathToShapefile) else: extendArea = extend extendArea = utils.checkForExtendValidity(extendArea) try: typeData except NameError: typeData = 'analyse' try: grid except NameError: grid = '0.25' grid = utils.checkForGridValidity(grid) try: proxy except NameError: proxy = False #Proxy parameteres needed if (proxy): login = raw_input('login proxy : ') pwd = raw_input('password proxy : : ') site = raw_input('site ( : ') os.environ["http_proxy"] = "http://%s:%s@%s:8050" % (login, pwd, site) os.environ["https_proxy"] = "http://%s:%s@%s:8050" % (login, pwd, site) try: temporaryFile except NameError: temporaryFile = False try: typeOutput except NameError: typeOutput = 'RasterFile' """----------------------------------------""" delta = endDate - startDate nbDays = delta.days + float(delta.seconds) / 86400 + 1 #--------------------------On charge les rasters step = [0, 6, 12, 18] levelList = ["surface"] nbBandByDay = len(step) """ altitude de la grille GFS """ print('downloading altitude grid') # Only Forecast possible codeGeopot = ['HGT'] struct = utils.create_request_gfs(startDate, endDate, step, levelList, grid, extendArea, codeGeopot, typeData) listeGeoFile = [] if len(struct[0]) == 0: exit("No data founded") else: for i in struct[0]: try: GeoFile = oFolder + '/' + ",".join( codeGeopot) + '_' + i.rsplit('.', 1)[1] + '.grb' listeGeoFile.append(GeoFile) result = utils.GFSDownload(i, GeoFile) except: print("---") exit('Error in GFS server') if result: Geo = utils.convertGribToDicoArray(listeGeoFile, codeGeopot, levelList, step, grid, startDate, endDate) Geo = utils.convertGeoToAlt(Geo) #un peu inutile car ne change pas ... mais bon! Geo = utils.computeDailyMax(Geo, nbBandByDay, typeData) else: exit("PARAM needed is not compatible with level selected") """ Vitesse du vent """ print('downloading wind velocity') codeVent = ['UGRD', 'VGRD'] levelListVent = ["80_m_above_ground"] vent = {} ventFile = [] for v in codeVent: struct = utils.create_request_gfs(startDate, endDate, step, levelListVent, grid, extendArea, codeVent, typeData) listeFile = [] if len(struct[0]) == 0: exit("No data founded") else: for i in struct[0]: try: tmpVent = oFolder + '/' + v + '_' + i.rsplit('.', 1)[1] + '.grb' ventFile.append(tmpVent) result = utils.GFSDownload(i, tmpVent) except: print("---") exit('Error in GFS server') if result: vent[v] = utils.convertGribToDicoArray(ventFile, codeVent, levelList, step, grid, startDate, endDate) else: exit("PARAM needed is not compatible with level selected") vent = utils.fusVentFromDict(vent, nbBandByDay) vent = utils.computeDailyMean(vent, nbBandByDay, typeData) exit """ Humidité relative """ print('downloading relative humidity') codePressure = ['PRES'] struct = utils.create_request_gfs(startDate, endDate, step, levelList, grid, extendArea, codePressure, typeData) listePressureFile = [] if len(struct[0]) == 0: exit("No data founded") else: for i in struct[0]: try: pressureFile = oFolder + '/' + ",".join( codePressure) + '_' + i.rsplit('.', 1)[1] + '.grb' listePressureFile.append(pressureFile) result = utils.GFSDownload(i, pressureFile) except: print("---") exit('Error in GFS server') if result: pressure = utils.convertGribToDicoArray(listePressureFile, codePressure, levelList, step, grid, startDate, endDate) pressureMean = utils.convertPaToKgPa(pressure) pressure = utils.convertToHectoPascal(pressure) pressureMean = utils.computeDailyMean(pressureMean, nbBandByDay, typeData) else: exit("PARAM needed is not compatible with level selected") """ Temperature 2m """ print('downloading Temperature') levelListTmp = ["2_m_above_ground"] codeT2m = ['TMP'] struct = utils.create_request_gfs(startDate, endDate, step, levelListTmp, grid, extendArea, codeT2m, typeData) listeTmpFile = [] if len(struct[0]) == 0: exit("No data founded") else: for i in struct[0]: try: T2mFile = oFolder + '/' + ",".join(codeT2m) + '_' + i.rsplit( '.', 1)[1] + '.grb' listeTmpFile.append(T2mFile) result = utils.GFSDownload(i, T2mFile) except: print("---") exit('Error in GFS server') if result: T2m = utils.convertGribToDicoArray(listeTmpFile, codeT2m, levelList, step, grid, startDate, endDate) Tmean = utils.computeDailyMean(T2m, nbBandByDay, typeData) Tmax = utils.computeDailyMax(T2m, nbBandByDay) Tmin = utils.computeDailyMin(T2m, nbBandByDay) T2m = utils.convertKToD(T2m) else: exit("PARAM needed is not compatible with level selected") """ DewPoint """ print('downloading DewPoint') levelListdew = ["2_m_above_ground"] codeDewP = ['DPT'] struct = utils.create_request_gfs(startDate, endDate, step, levelListdew, grid, extendArea, codeDewP, typeData) listeDewFile = [] if len(struct[0]) == 0: exit("No data founded") else: for i in struct[0]: try: DewPFile = oFolder + '/' + ",".join(codeDewP) + '_' + i.rsplit( '.', 1)[1] + '.grb' listeDewFile.append(DewPFile) result = utils.GFSDownload(i, DewPFile) except: print("---") exit('Error in GFS server') if result: DewP = utils.convertGribToDicoArray(listeDewFile, codeDewP, levelList, step, grid, startDate, endDate) DewP = utils.convertKToD(DewP) else: exit("PARAM needed is not compatible with level selected") humidity = utils.ComputeHumidityFromPT(pressure, T2m, DewP) #humidity = utils.computeDailyMean(humidity,nbBandByDay,typeData) Hmax = utils.computeDailyMax(humidity, nbBandByDay) Hmin = utils.computeDailyMin(humidity, nbBandByDay) Hmean = utils.computeDailyMean(humidity, nbBandByDay, typeData) """ Rayonnement global incident journalier """ print('downloading downscale shortwave radiation') # Only Forecast possible levelListRay = ["surface"] codeRay = ["DSWRF"] typeData = "cycleforecast" struct = utils.create_request_gfs(startDate, endDate, step, levelListRay, grid, extendArea, codeRay, typeData) listeRayFile = [] if len(struct[0]) == 0: exit("No data founded") else: for i in struct[0]: try: RayFileDownShort = oFolder + '/' + ",".join( codeRay) + '_' + i.rsplit('.', 1)[1] + '.grb' listeRayFile.append(RayFileDownShort) result = utils.GFSDownload(i, RayFileDownShort) except: print("---") exit('Error in GFS server') if result: RayDownShort = utils.convertGribToDicoArray( listeRayFile, codeRay, levelList, step, grid, startDate, endDate) RayDownShort = utils.computeDailyMean(RayDownShort, nbBandByDay, typeData) RayDownShort = utils.convertWToMJ(RayDownShort) else: exit("PARAM needed is not compatible with level selected") """ Precipitation """ #NOT NEEDED FOR ETO BUT Exported print('downloading Precipitation') codePrecipitation = ["APCP"] struct = utils.create_request_gfs(startDate, endDate, step, levelList, grid, extendArea, codePrecipitation, typeData) listePrecFile = [] if len(struct[0]) == 0: exit("No data founded") else: for i in struct[0]: try: precipitationFile = oFolder + '/' + ",".join( codePrecipitation) + '_' + i.rsplit('.', 1)[1] + '.grb' listePrecFile.append(precipitationFile) result = utils.GFSDownload(i, precipitationFile) except: print("---") exit('Error in GFS server') if result: precipitation = utils.convertGribToDicoArray( listePrecFile, codePrecipitation, levelList, step, grid, startDate, endDate) precipitation = utils.computeDailyAccumulation( precipitation, nbBandByDay, typeData) else: exit("PARAM needed is not compatible with level selected") """ Grid of latitude [0],longitude[1] in WGS84""" geoTransform = utils.getGeoTransform(RayFileDownShort) shape = RayDownShort[0].shape latlon = utils.getCentroidLatFromArray(shape, geoTransform, grid) """ --------------------- Compute ET0---------------------- """ ET0_0 = {} DoyList = [] DateList = [] for i in range(0, int(nbDays)): #jour Julien J = utils.doy(startDate, i) dateEnCours = startDate + timedelta(days=i) DateList.append(dateEnCours) DoyList.append(J) Hmax[i] = np.where(Hmax[i] > 100, 100, Hmax[i]) # --- Constants ---# #Solar constant Gsc = 0.0820 # [MJ.m-2.min-1] #Albedo - grass reference crop a = 0.23 #Ratio of molecular weight of water vapor/dry air epsilon = 0.622 #Latente heat of vaporisation Lv = 2.45 # [] # Specific heat at constant pressure Cp = 1.013e-3 # [°C-1] # Stefan-Boltzmann constant [] StefBoltz = 4.903e-9 #FAO # --- Equations ---# # Psychometric constant [kPa.°C-1] cte_psy = (Cp * pressureMean[i]) / (epsilon * Lv ) # Equation 8 Chap 3 FAO #Mean sturation vapor presure [kPa] #es = (utils.esat(pressureMean[i],Tmax[i]) + utils.esat(pressureMean[i],Tmin[i]))/2; #Equation 12 Chap 3 es = (utils.eocalc(Tmax[i] - 273.16) + utils.eocalc(Tmin[i] - 273.16)) / 2 #Equation 12 Chap 3 # Slope of saturation vapour pressure curve at air temperature [kPa.°C-1] delta = utils.delta_calc(Tmean[i]) # Equation 13 Chap 3 # Actual vapour pressure derived from relative humidity [kPa] #ea = (utils.esat(pressureMean[i]/100,Tmax[i]-273.16)*(Hmax[i]/100) + utils.esat(pressureMean[i]/100,Tmin[i]-273.16)*(Hmin[i]/100))/2; # Equation 17 Chap 3 ea = (utils.eocalc(Tmax[i] - 273.16) * (Hmax[i] / 100) + utils.eocalc(Tmin[i] - 273.16) * (Hmin[i] / 100)) / 2 # Conversion of latitude from degrees to radians phi = (np.pi / 180) * latlon[1] # Relative distance Earth-Sun dr = 1 + 0.033 * math.cos(2 * math.pi * J / 365) # Equation 23 Chap 3 # Solar declination d = 0.4093 * math.sin(2 * math.pi * J / 365 - 1.39) # Equation 24 Chap 3 # sunset hour angle ws = np.arccos(-np.tan(phi) * math.tan(d)) # Equation 25 Chap 3 """Classical calculation FAO """ # Extraterestrial radiation for daily periods Ra = (24. * 60 / np.pi) * Gsc * dr * ( ws * np.sin(phi) * np.sin(d) + np.cos(phi) * np.cos(d) * np.sin(ws) ) # Equation 21 Chap 3 # Clear sky solar radiation [] Rso = (0.75 + 2e-5 * Geo[i]) * Ra # Equation 37 Chap 3 # Net solar radiation [] Rns = (1 - a) * RayDownShort[i] # Equation 38 Chap 3 # f = (1.35 * (np.fmin(RayDownShort[i] / Rso, 1)) - 0.35) # Net longwave radiation [] Rnl = StefBoltz * ( (Tmax[i]**4 + Tmin[i]**4) / 2) * (0.34 - 0.14 * np.sqrt(ea)) * f # Equation 39 Chap 3 # Net Radiation [] Rn = Rns - Rnl # Equation 40 Chap 3 G = 0 # Equation 42 Chap 3 ET0_0[i] = (0.408 * delta * (Rn - G) + cte_psy * (900 / (Tmean[i] + 273)) * (es - ea) * vent[i]) / (delta + cte_psy * (1 + 0.34 * vent[i])) # Equation 6 Chap 4 if typeOutput == 'RasterFile': #On ecrit le fichier ET0 geoTransform = utils.getGeoTransform(RayFileDownShort) shape = RayDownShort[0].shape utils.writeTiffFromDicoArray(ET0_0, oFolder + "/tmp.tif", shape, geoTransform) if 'pathToShapefile' in locals(): utils.reprojRaster(oFolder + "/tmp.tif", oFolder + "/ET0.tif", shape, pathToShapefile) os.remove(oFolder + "/tmp.tif") else: utils.moveFile(oFolder + "/tmp.tif", oFolder + "/ET0.tif") #On écrit le fichier Precipitation geoTransform = utils.getGeoTransform(precipitationFile) shape = precipitation[0].shape utils.writeTiffFromDicoArray(precipitation, oFolder + "/tmp.tif", shape, geoTransform) if 'pathToShapefile' in locals(): utils.reprojRaster(oFolder + "/tmp.tif", oFolder + "/precipitationAcc.tif", shape, pathToShapefile) os.remove(oFolder + "/tmp.tif") else: utils.moveFile(oFolder + "/tmp.tif", oFolder + "/precipitationAcc.tif") else: #On ecrit le fichier au format Txt proj = utils.getProj(pathToShapefile) utils.WriteTxtFileForEachPixel(oFolder, ET0_0, DateList, DoyList, RayDownShort, Tmean, Tmax, Tmin, Hmean, Hmax, Hmin, vent, precipitation, pressureMean, Geo, latlon, proj) utils.WritePointList(oFolder, latlon, proj) """ ------------------------------------------- """ if (temporaryFile): #On ecrit le fichier latlon geoTransform = utils.getGeoTransform(GeoFile) shape = Geo[0].shape utils.writeTiffFromDicoArray(Geo, oFolder + "/tmp.tif", shape, geoTransform) if 'pathToShapefile' in locals(): utils.reprojRaster(oFolder + "/tmp.tif", oFolder + "/altitude.tif", shape, pathToShapefile) os.remove(oFolder + "/tmp.tif") else: utils.moveFile(oFolder + "/tmp.tif", oFolder + "/altitude.tif") #On ecrit le fichier latlon geoTransform = utils.getGeoTransform(RayFileDownShort) shape = RayDownShort[0].shape utils.writeTiffFromDicoArray(latlon, oFolder + "/tmp.tif", shape, geoTransform) if 'pathToShapefile' in locals(): utils.reprojRaster(oFolder + "/tmp.tif", oFolder + "/latLon.tif", shape, pathToShapefile) os.remove(oFolder + "/tmp.tif") else: utils.moveFile(oFolder + "/tmp.tif", oFolder + "/latLon.tif") #On ecrit le fichier vent --> a enlever geoTransform = utils.getGeoTransform(ventFile[-1]) shape = vent[0].shape utils.writeTiffFromDicoArray(vent, oFolder + "/tmp.tif", shape, geoTransform) if 'pathToShapefile' in locals(): utils.reprojRaster(oFolder + "/tmp.tif", oFolder + "/ventMean.tif", shape, pathToShapefile) os.remove(oFolder + "/tmp.tif") else: utils.moveFile(oFolder + "/tmp.tif", oFolder + "/ventMean.tif") #On ecrit le fichier Rhmin geoTransform = utils.getGeoTransform(pressureFile) shape = pressureMean[0].shape utils.writeTiffFromDicoArray(pressureMean, oFolder + "/tmp.tif", shape, geoTransform) if 'pathToShapefile' in locals(): utils.reprojRaster(oFolder + "/tmp.tif", oFolder + "/pressureMean.tif", shape, pathToShapefile) os.remove(oFolder + "/tmp.tif") else: utils.moveFile(oFolder + "/tmp.tif", oFolder + "/pressureMean.tif") #On ecrit le fichier Rhmax geoTransform = utils.getGeoTransform(pressureFile) shape = Hmax[0].shape utils.writeTiffFromDicoArray(Hmax, oFolder + "/tmp.tif", shape, geoTransform) if 'pathToShapefile' in locals(): utils.reprojRaster(oFolder + "/tmp.tif", oFolder + "/humidityMax.tif", shape, pathToShapefile) os.remove(oFolder + "/tmp.tif") else: utils.moveFile(oFolder + "/tmp.tif", oFolder + "/humidityMax.tif") #On ecrit le fichier Rhmin geoTransform = utils.getGeoTransform(pressureFile) shape = Hmin[0].shape utils.writeTiffFromDicoArray(Hmin, oFolder + "/tmp.tif", shape, geoTransform) if 'pathToShapefile' in locals(): utils.reprojRaster(oFolder + "/tmp.tif", oFolder + "/humidityMin.tif", shape, pathToShapefile) os.remove(oFolder + "/tmp.tif") else: utils.moveFile(oFolder + "/tmp.tif", oFolder + "/humidityMin.tif") #On ecrit le fichier Tmax geoTransform = utils.getGeoTransform(T2mFile) shape = Tmax[0].shape utils.writeTiffFromDicoArray(Tmax, oFolder + "/tmp.tif", shape, geoTransform) if 'pathToShapefile' in locals(): utils.reprojRaster(oFolder + "/tmp.tif", oFolder + "/TemperatureMax.tif", shape, pathToShapefile) os.remove(oFolder + "/tmp.tif") else: utils.moveFile(oFolder + "/tmp.tif", oFolder + "/TemperatureMax.tif") #On ecrit le fichier Tmin geoTransform = utils.getGeoTransform(T2mFile) shape = Tmin[0].shape utils.writeTiffFromDicoArray(Tmin, oFolder + "/tmp.tif", shape, geoTransform) if 'pathToShapefile' in locals(): utils.reprojRaster(oFolder + "/tmp.tif", oFolder + "/TemperatureMin.tif", shape, pathToShapefile) os.remove(oFolder + "/tmp.tif") else: utils.moveFile(oFolder + "/tmp.tif", oFolder + "/TemperatureMin.tif") #On ecrit le fichier Rayonnement geoTransform = utils.getGeoTransform(RayFileDownShort) shape = RayDownShort[0].shape utils.writeTiffFromDicoArray(RayDownShort, oFolder + "/tmp.tif", shape, geoTransform) if 'pathToShapefile' in locals(): utils.reprojRaster(oFolder + "/tmp.tif", oFolder + "/RayonnementMean.tif", shape, pathToShapefile) os.remove(oFolder + "/tmp.tif") else: utils.moveFile(oFolder + "/tmp.tif", oFolder + "/RayonnementMean.tif") #on supprime les fichier intermédiare ! for i in listePressureFile: os.remove(i) for i in listeTmpFile: os.remove(i) for i in listeDewFile: os.remove(i) for i in listeRayFile: os.remove(i) for i in listeGeoFile: os.remove(i) for i in ventFile: os.remove(i) for i in listePrecFile: os.remove(i)
def main(argv): try: opts, argv = getopt.getopt(argv, ":h:i:e:s:o:c:E:t:p:g:P:m:", [ 'help', '[outFile]', 'code', '[shapeFile]', 'start', 'end', '[tr]' ]) except getopt.GetoptError: print( 'error in parameter for eraInterimDownload. type -help for more detail on use ' ) sys.exit(2) for opt, arg in opts: if opt == '-h': print(' ') print(' [mandatory] : ', end=' ') print(' --code <EraInterimCode>') print(' --init <dateStart YYYY-MM-DD>') print(' --end <dateEnd YY-MM-DD>') print( ' --shapefile <shapefile> OU -Extend < xmin,ymax,xmax,ymin>' ) print(' [optional] :') print(' --time <EraInterim Time> (default 00)') print(' --step <EraInterim Step> (default 3,6,9,12)') print(' --grid <EraInterim Time> (default 0.75)') print( ' --outfile <outfolder> (default /home/user/eraInterim)' ) print(' --proxy <proxy : True/False> (default False)') print(' --mode <mode : analyse/forcast> (default analyse)') print('') print('EXAMPLES') print('--temperature on a shapefile') print( 'python -c 167 -i 2014-01-01 -e 2014-01-02 -s PATH_TO_SHAPE' ) print('--pressure on a area') print( 'python -c 134 -i 2014-01-01 -e 2014-01-02 -E xmin,ymax,xmax,ymin' ) print('') print(' CODE PARAMETERS') print('') print('total precipitation : 228 [m of water]') print('2 metre temperature : 167 [K]') print( 'maximum 2m temperature since last post-processing step : 201 [K]' ) print( 'minimum 2m temperature since last post-processing step : 202 [K]' ) print('surface pressure : 134 [Pa]') print('2 metre dewpoint : 168 [K]') print('10 metre eastward wind component X X 165 [m s-1]') print('10 metre northward wind component X X 166 [m s-1]') print('...') print( 'see for more references' ) sys.exit() elif opt in ('-o', '--outFolder'): oFolder = arg elif opt in ('-c', '--code'): codeEra = arg.split(',') elif opt in ('-i', '--start'): startDate = arg elif opt in ('-e', '--end'): endDate = arg elif opt in ('-s', '--shapefile'): pathToShapefile = arg elif opt in ('-E', '--tr'): extend = arg.split(',') elif opt in ('-t', '--time'): time = arg.split(',') elif opt in ('-g', '--grid'): grid = arg elif opt in ('-p', '--step'): step = arg.split(',') elif opt in ('-P', '--proxy'): proxy = arg elif opt in ('-m', '--mode'): mode = arg if len(sys.argv) < 8: print('') print(' -c <EraInterimCode> -list possible-') print(' -i <dateStart YYYY-MM-DD> ') print(' -e <dateEnd YY-MM-DD>') print(' -s <shapefile> ') print(' or') print(' -E < xmin,ymax,xmax,ymin>]') print('') print( ' [-t <eraInterim time parameters in 00/06/12/18> (default 00,12)] -list possible-' ) print( ' [-g <size of grid in 0.125/0.25/0.5/0.75/1.125/1.5/2/2.5/3> (default 0.75)]' ) print( ' [-p <eraInterim step parameter in 00/03/06/12> default 3,6,9,12] -list possible-' ) print(' [-o <outfolder> (default /home/user/eraInterim)]') print(' [-P <proxy> (default False)]') print('') print('For help on interimCode -help') sys.exit(2) try: oFolder except NameError: oFolder = os.path.expanduser('~') oFolder = oFolder + '/eraInterim' print("output folder not precised : downloaded eraInterim images on " + oFolder) # verification du folder/or creation if not exists utils.checkForFolder(oFolder) try: codeEra except NameError: exit( 'parameters need not precise. Please give the era Interim parameter you wish' ) try: startDate except NameError: exit('init Date not precised') # verification si sartDate est une date startDate = utils.checkForDate(startDate) try: endDate except NameError: exit('end Date not specified') # verification si sartDate est une date endDate = utils.checkForDate(endDate) try: pathToShapefile except NameError: try: extend except NameError: exit( 'no Area of interest have been specified. please use -shp or -tr to declare it' ) if 'pathToShapefile' in locals(): extendArea = utils.convertShpToExtend(pathToShapefile) else: extendArea = extend extendArea = utils.checkForExtendValidity(extendArea) try: time except NameError: time = ['00', '12'] time = utils.checkForTimeValidity(time) try: grid except NameError: grid = '0.75' grid = utils.checkForGridValidity(grid) try: step except NameError: step = [3, 6, 9, 12] step = utils.checkForStepValidity(step) try: proxy except NameError: proxy = False try: mode except NameError: mode = 'analyse' #Proxy parameteres needed if (proxy): login = input('login proxy : ') pwd = input('password proxy : : ') site = input('site ( : ') os.environ["http_proxy"] = "http://%s:%s@%s:8050" % (login, pwd, site) os.environ["https_proxy"] = "http://%s:%s@%s:8050" % (login, pwd, site) #Create param if first Time if (not utils.checkForFile(os.path.expanduser('~') + '/.ecmwfapirc')): print( 'for first connexion you have to define yout key and password on ecmwf' ) print('cf') print('') u = input('user (mail) : ') k = input('keys : ') utils.createParamFile(os.path.expanduser('~') + '/.ecmwfapirc', u, k) #Download NETCDF server = ECMWFDataServer() outNETCDFFile = oFolder + '/' + "/".join( [str(x) for x in codeEra]) + '_' + startDate.strftime( '%Y%m%d') + '_' + endDate.strftime('%Y%m%d') + '.nc' struct = utils.create_request_sfc(startDate, endDate, time, step, grid, extendArea, codeEra, outNETCDFFile, mode) if len(struct[0]) == 0: exit() else: for i in struct[0]: try: server.retrieve(i) except: print("---") exit('Error in EraInterim server') if struct[1] is not None: print("") print("--------------------------------------------------") print("") print(("Some parameters couldn't been downloaded in %s mode :" % mode + ' ' + struct[1])) print(("They have been downloaded in %s mode" % struct[2])) utils.convertNETCDFtoTIF(outNETCDFFile, oFolder + '/tmp.tif') shape = utils.getShape(outNETCDFFile) if ('pathToShapefile' in locals()): utils.reprojRaster(oFolder + '/tmp.tif', outNETCDFFile.rsplit('.')[0] + '.tif', shape, pathToShapefile) else: utils.reprojRaster(oFolder + '/tmp.tif', outNETCDFFile.rsplit('.')[0] + '.tif', shape) os.remove(oFolder + '/tmp.tif') os.remove(outNETCDFFile)
def main(argv): try: opts,argv = getopt.getopt(argv,":h:i:e:s:o:c:E:t:p:g:P:m:",['help','[outFile]','code','[shapeFile]','start','end','[tr]']) except getopt.GetoptError: print 'error in parameter for eraInterimDownload. type -help for more detail on use ' sys.exit(2) for opt, arg in opts: if opt == '-h': print ' ' print ' [mandatory] : ', print ' --code <EraInterimCode>' print ' --init <dateStart YYYY-MM-DD>' print ' --end <dateEnd YY-MM-DD>' print ' --shapefile <shapefile> OU -Extend < xmin,ymax,xmax,ymin>' print ' [optional] :' print ' --time <EraInterim Time> (default 00)' print ' --step <EraInterim Step> (default 3,6,9,12)' print ' --grid <EraInterim Time> (default 0.75)' print ' --outfile <outfolder> (default /home/user/eraInterim)' print ' --proxy <proxy : True/False> (default False)' print ' --mode <mode : analyse/forcast> (default analyse)' print '' print 'EXAMPLES' print '--temperature on a shapefile' print 'python -c 167 -i 2014-01-01 -e 2014-01-02 -s PATH_TO_SHAPE' print '--pressure on a area' print 'python -c 134 -i 2014-01-01 -e 2014-01-02 -E xmin,ymax,xmax,ymin' print '' print ' CODE PARAMETERS' print '' print 'total precipitation : 228 [m of water]' print '2 metre temperature : 167 [K]' print 'maximum 2m temperature since last post-processing step : 201 [K]' print 'minimum 2m temperature since last post-processing step : 202 [K]' print 'surface pressure : 134 [Pa]' print '2 metre dewpoint : 168 [K]' print '10 metre eastward wind component X X 165 [m s-1]' print '10 metre northward wind component X X 166 [m s-1]' print '...' print 'see for more references' sys.exit() elif opt in ('-o','--outFolder'): oFolder = arg elif opt in ('-c','--code'): codeEra = arg.split(',') elif opt in ('-i','--start'): startDate = arg elif opt in ('-e','--end'): endDate = arg elif opt in ('-s','--shapefile'): pathToShapefile = arg elif opt in ('-E','--tr'): extend = arg.split(',') elif opt in ('-t','--time'): time = arg.split(',') elif opt in ('-g','--grid'): grid = arg elif opt in ('-p','--step'): step = arg.split(',') elif opt in ('-P','--proxy'): proxy = arg elif opt in ('-m','--mode'): mode = arg if len(sys.argv) < 8: print '' print ' -c <EraInterimCode> -list possible-' print ' -i <dateStart YYYY-MM-DD> ' print ' -e <dateEnd YY-MM-DD>' print ' -s <shapefile> ' print ' or' print ' -E < xmin,ymax,xmax,ymin>]' print '' print ' [-t <eraInterim time parameters in 00/06/12/18> (default 00,12)] -list possible-' print ' [-g <size of grid in 0.125/0.25/0.5/0.75/1.125/1.5/2/2.5/3> (default 0.75)]' print ' [-p <eraInterim step parameter in 00/03/06/12> default 3,6,9,12] -list possible-' print ' [-o <outfolder> (default /home/user/eraInterim)]' print ' [-P <proxy> (default False)]' print '' print 'For help on interimCode -help' sys.exit(2) try: oFolder except NameError: oFolder = os.path.expanduser('~') oFolder = oFolder + '/eraInterim' print "output folder not precised : downloaded eraInterim images on "+oFolder # verification du folder/or creation if not exists utils.checkForFolder(oFolder) try: codeEra except NameError: exit ('parameters need not precise. Please give the era Interim parameter you wish') try: startDate except NameError: exit ('init Date not precised') # verification si sartDate est une date startDate=utils.checkForDate(startDate) try: endDate except NameError: exit ('end Date not specified') # verification si sartDate est une date endDate=utils.checkForDate(endDate) try: pathToShapefile except NameError: try: extend except NameError: exit ('no Area of interest have been specified. please use -shp or -tr to declare it') if 'pathToShapefile' in locals(): extendArea=utils.convertShpToExtend(pathToShapefile) else: extendArea=extend extendArea=utils.checkForExtendValidity(extendArea) try: time except NameError: time=['00','12'] time=utils.checkForTimeValidity(time) try: grid except NameError: grid='0.75' grid=utils.checkForGridValidity(grid) try: step except NameError: step=[3,6,9,12] step=utils.checkForStepValidity(step) try: proxy except NameError: proxy=False try: mode except NameError: mode='analyse' #Proxy parameteres needed if(proxy): login = raw_input('login proxy : ') pwd = raw_input('password proxy : : ') site = raw_input('site ( : ') os.environ["http_proxy"] = "http://%s:%s@%s:8050"%(login,pwd,site) os.environ["https_proxy"] = "http://%s:%s@%s:8050"%(login,pwd,site) #Create param if first Time if (not utils.checkForFile(os.path.expanduser('~')+'/.ecmwfapirc')): print ('for first connexion you have to define yout key and password on ecmwf') print ('cf') print ('') u = raw_input('user (mail) : ') k = raw_input('keys : ') utils.createParamFile(os.path.expanduser('~')+'/.ecmwfapirc',u,k) #Download NETCDF server = ECMWFDataServer() outNETCDFFile=oFolder+'/'+"/".join([str(x) for x in codeEra])+'_'+startDate.strftime('%Y%m%d')+'_'+endDate.strftime('%Y%m%d')+'.nc' struct=utils.create_request_sfc(startDate, endDate, time, step, grid, extendArea, codeEra,outNETCDFFile,mode) if len(struct[0])==0: exit() else: for i in struct[0]: try : server.retrieve(i) except: print("---") exit('Error in EraInterim server') if struct[1] is not None: print ("") print ("--------------------------------------------------") print ("") print ("Some parameters couldn't been downloaded in %s mode :" % mode + ' '+ struct[1] ) print ("They have been downloaded in %s mode" % struct[2] ) utils.convertNETCDFtoTIF(outNETCDFFile, oFolder+'/tmp.tif') shape=utils.getShape(outNETCDFFile) if ('pathToShapefile' in locals()): utils.reprojRaster(oFolder+'/tmp.tif',outNETCDFFile.rsplit('.')[0]+'.tif',shape,pathToShapefile) else: utils.reprojRaster(oFolder+'/tmp.tif',outNETCDFFile.rsplit('.')[0]+'.tif',shape) os.remove(oFolder+'/tmp.tif') os.remove(outNETCDFFile)
def main(argv): try: opts, argv = getopt.getopt(argv, ":h:i:e:s:E:o:g:P:t:f:r:", [ 'help', '[outFile]', 'code', '[shapeFile]', 'start', 'end', '[tr]' ]) except getopt.GetoptError: print 'error in parameter for eraInterimDownload. type -help for more detail on use ' sys.exit(2) for opt, arg in opts: if opt == '-h': print ' ' print ' [mandatory] : ' print ' --init <dateStart YYYY-MM-DD>' print ' --end <dateEnd YY-MM-DD>' print ' --shapefile <shapefile> OU -Extend < xmin,ymax,xmax,ymin>' print ' [optional] :' print ' --typeData < analyse , forcast> (default forcast)' print ' --grid <EraInterim Time> (default 0.75)' print ' --outfile <outfolder> (default /home/user/eraInterim)' print ' --proxy <True/False> (default False)' print ' --temporaryFile <True/False> (default False)' print ' --result < TxtFile / RasterFile> default RasterFile' print '' sys.exit() elif opt in ('-o', '--outFolder'): oFolder = arg elif opt in ('-i', '--start'): startDate = arg elif opt in ('-e', '--end'): endDate = arg elif opt in ('-s', '--shapefile'): pathToShapefile = arg elif opt in ('-E', '--tr'): extend = arg.split(',') elif opt in ('-g', '--grid'): grid = arg elif opt in ('-P', '--proxy'): proxy = arg elif opt in ('-t', '--typeData'): typeData = arg elif opt in ('-f', '--temporaryFile'): temporaryFile = arg elif opt in ('-r', '--result'): typeOutput = arg if len(sys.argv) < 7: print '' print ' -i <dateStart YYYY-MM-DD> ' print ' -e <dateEnd YY-MM-DD>' print ' -s <shapefile> ' print ' or' print ' -E < xmin,ymax,xmax,ymin>]' print '' print ' [-t < analyse , forcast> (default analyse)]' print ' [-g <size of grid in 0.125/0.25/0.5/0.75/1.125/1.5/2/2.5/3> (default0.75)]' print ' [-o <outfolder> (default /home/user/eraInterim)]' print ' [-P <proxy : True/False> (default False)]' print ' [-f <temporaryFile : True/False> (default False)]' print ' [-r <resultOutput : TxtFile/RasterFile> (default RasterFile)]' print '' print 'For help on interimCode -help' sys.exit(2) try: oFolder except NameError: oFolder = os.path.expanduser('~') oFolder = oFolder + '/eraInterim' print "output folder not precised : downloaded eraInterim images on " + oFolder # verification du folder/or creation if not exists utils.checkForFolder(oFolder) try: startDate except NameError: exit('init Date not precised') # verification si sartDate est une date startDate = utils.checkForDate(startDate) try: endDate except NameError: exit('end Date not specified') # verification si sartDate est une date endDate = utils.checkForDate(endDate) if (startDate > endDate): exit('startDate could not be greater than endDate') today = limitDate = today - timedelta(days=31 * 3) limitDate = date(limitDate.year, limitDate.month, calendar.monthrange(limitDate.year, limitDate.month)[1]) if (startDate > limitDate or endDate > limitDate): exit('date could not exceed 2014-12-31') try: pathToShapefile except NameError: try: extend except NameError: exit( 'no Area of interest have been specified. please use -shp or -tr to declare it' ) if 'pathToShapefile' in locals(): extendArea = utils.convertShpToExtend(pathToShapefile) else: extendArea = extend extendArea = utils.checkForExtendValidity(extendArea) try: typeData except NameError: typeData = 'analyse' try: grid except NameError: grid = '0.75' grid = utils.checkForGridValidity(grid) try: proxy except NameError: proxy = False #Proxy parameteres needed if (proxy): login = raw_input('login proxy : ') pwd = raw_input('password proxy : : ') site = raw_input('site ( : ') os.environ["http_proxy"] = "http://%s:%s@%s:8050" % (login, pwd, site) os.environ["https_proxy"] = "http://%s:%s@%s:8050" % (login, pwd, site) try: temporaryFile except NameError: temporaryFile = False try: typeOutput except NameError: typeOutput = 'RasterFile' """----------------------------------------""" #Create param if first Time if (not utils.checkForFile(os.path.expanduser('~') + '/.ecmwfapirc')): print( 'for first connexion you have to define yout key and password on ecmwf' ) print('cf') print('') u = raw_input('user (mail) : ') k = raw_input('keys : ') utils.createParamFile(os.path.expanduser('~') + '/.ecmwfapirc', u, k) delta = endDate - startDate nbDays = delta.days + float(delta.seconds) / 86400 + 1 #--------------------------On charge les rasters if typeData == "analyse": time = ['00', "12", "06", "18"] step = [] nbBandByDay = len(time) else: time = ['00', "12"] step = [3, 6, 9, 12] nbBandByDay = (12 * len(time)) / (len(step)) + 1 server = ECMWFDataServer() """ altitude de la grille EraInterim """ # Only Forcast possible codeGeopot = [129] GeoFile = oFolder + "/129" + '_' + startDate.strftime( '%Y%m%d') + '_' + endDate.strftime('%Y%m%d') + '.nc' struct = utils.create_request_sfc(startDate, endDate, time, step, grid, extendArea, codeGeopot, GeoFile, typeData) server.retrieve(struct) Geo = utils.convertNETCDFtoDicArray(GeoFile) Geo = utils.convertGeoToAlt(Geo) #un peu inutile car ne change pas ... mais bon! Geo = utils.computeDailyMax(Geo, nbBandByDay, typeData) """ Vitesse du vent """ codeVent = [165, 166] vent = {} ventFile = [] for i in codeVent: ventFile.append(oFolder + "/" + str(i) + '_' + startDate.strftime('%Y%m%d') + '_' + endDate.strftime('%Y%m%d') + '.nc') struct = utils.create_request_sfc(startDate, endDate, time, step, grid, extendArea, [i], ventFile[-1], typeData) server.retrieve(struct) vent[i] = utils.convertNETCDFtoDicArray(ventFile[-1]) vent = utils.fusVentFromDict(vent, nbBandByDay) vent = utils.computeDailyMean(vent, nbBandByDay, typeData) """ Humidité relative """ codePressure = [134] pressureFile = oFolder + "/134" + '_' + startDate.strftime( '%Y%m%d') + '_' + endDate.strftime('%Y%m%d') + '.nc' struct = utils.create_request_sfc(startDate, endDate, time, step, grid, extendArea, codePressure, pressureFile, typeData) server.retrieve(struct) pressure = utils.convertNETCDFtoDicArray(pressureFile) #oulalal c'est moche pressureMean = utils.convertPaToKgPa(pressure) pressure = utils.convertToHectoPascal(pressure) pressureMean = utils.computeDailyMean(pressureMean, nbBandByDay, typeData) codeT2m = [167] T2mFile = oFolder + "/167" + '_' + startDate.strftime( '%Y%m%d') + '_' + endDate.strftime('%Y%m%d') + '.nc' struct = utils.create_request_sfc(startDate, endDate, time, step, grid, extendArea, codeT2m, T2mFile, typeData) server.retrieve(struct) T2m = utils.convertNETCDFtoDicArray(T2mFile) Tmean = utils.computeDailyMean(T2m, nbBandByDay, typeData) Tmax = utils.computeDailyMax(T2m, nbBandByDay) Tmin = utils.computeDailyMin(T2m, nbBandByDay) T2m = utils.convertKToD(T2m) #T2m = utils.computeDailyMean(T2m,nbBandByDay,typeData) codeDewP = [168] DewPFile = oFolder + "/168" + '_' + startDate.strftime( '%Y%m%d') + '_' + endDate.strftime('%Y%m%d') + '.nc' struct = utils.create_request_sfc(startDate, endDate, time, step, grid, extendArea, codeDewP, DewPFile, typeData) server.retrieve(struct) DewP = utils.convertNETCDFtoDicArray(DewPFile) DewP = utils.convertKToD(DewP) #DewP = utils.computeDailyMean(DewP,nbBandByDay,typeData) humidity = utils.ComputeHumidityFromPT(pressure, T2m, DewP) #humidity = utils.computeDailyMean(humidity,nbBandByDay,typeData) Hmax = utils.computeDailyMax(humidity, nbBandByDay) Hmin = utils.computeDailyMin(humidity, nbBandByDay) Hmean = utils.computeDailyMean(humidity, nbBandByDay, typeData) """ ONLY FORCAST FOR THESE VAR""" typeData = "forcast" time = ['00', "12"] step = [3, 6, 9, 12] nbBandByDay = (12 * len(time)) / (len(step)) + 1 """ Rayonnement global incident journalier """ # Only Forcast possiblet codeRay = [176] RayFile = oFolder + "/176" + '_' + startDate.strftime( '%Y%m%d') + '_' + endDate.strftime('%Y%m%d') + '.nc' struct = utils.create_request_sfc(startDate, endDate, time, step, grid, extendArea, codeRay, RayFile, typeData) server.retrieve(struct) Ray = utils.convertNETCDFtoDicArray(RayFile) Ray = utils.computeDailyMean(Ray, nbBandByDay, typeData) Ray = utils.convertWToMJ(Ray) """ downward surface solar radiation """ # Only Forcast possiblet codeRay = [169] RayFileDownShort = oFolder + "/169" + '_' + startDate.strftime( '%Y%m%d') + '_' + endDate.strftime('%Y%m%d') + '.nc' struct = utils.create_request_sfc(startDate, endDate, time, step, grid, extendArea, codeRay, RayFileDownShort, typeData) server.retrieve(struct) RayDownShort = utils.convertNETCDFtoDicArray(RayFileDownShort) RayDownShort = utils.computeDailyMean(RayDownShort, nbBandByDay, typeData) RayDownShort = utils.convertWToMJ(RayDownShort) """ downward surface thermal radiation """ # Only Forcast possiblet codeRay = [175] RayFileDownLong = oFolder + "/175" + '_' + startDate.strftime( '%Y%m%d') + '_' + endDate.strftime('%Y%m%d') + '.nc' struct = utils.create_request_sfc(startDate, endDate, time, step, grid, extendArea, codeRay, RayFileDownLong, typeData) server.retrieve(struct) RayDownLong = utils.convertNETCDFtoDicArray(RayFileDownLong) RayDownLong = utils.computeDailyMean(RayDownLong, nbBandByDay, typeData) RayDownLong = utils.convertWToMJ(RayDownLong) """ Evaporation """ codeEvap = [182] EvapFile = oFolder + "/182" + '_' + startDate.strftime( '%Y%m%d') + '_' + endDate.strftime('%Y%m%d') + '.nc' struct = utils.create_request_sfc(startDate, endDate, time, step, grid, extendArea, codeEvap, EvapFile, typeData) server.retrieve(struct) Evap = utils.convertNETCDFtoDicArray(EvapFile) Evap = utils.computeDailyMean(Evap, nbBandByDay, typeData) #Evap = utils.convertMToMm(Evap) """ Precipitation """ #NOT NEEDED FOR ETO BUT Exported utils.checkForTimeValidity(time) utils.checkForStepValidity(step, typeData) codePrecipitation = [228] precipitationFile = oFolder + "/228" + '_' + startDate.strftime( '%Y%m%d') + '_' + endDate.strftime('%Y%m%d') + '.nc' struct = utils.create_request_sfc(startDate, endDate, time, step, grid, extendArea, codePrecipitation, precipitationFile) server.retrieve(struct) precipitation = utils.convertNETCDFtoDicArray(precipitationFile) precipitation = utils.computeDailyAccumulation(precipitation, nbBandByDay, typeData) """ Grid of latitude [0],longitude[1] in WGS84""" geoTransform = utils.getGeoTransform(RayFile) shape = Ray[0].shape latlon = utils.getCentroidLatFromArray(shape, geoTransform, grid) """ --------------------- Compute ET0---------------------- """ ET0_0 = {} ET0_1 = {} ET0_2 = {} DoyList = [] DateList = [] for i in range(0, int(nbDays)): #jour Julien J = utils.doy(startDate, i) dateEnCours = startDate + timedelta(days=i) DateList.append(dateEnCours) DoyList.append(J) Hmax[i] = np.where(Hmax[i] > 100, 100, Hmax[i]) # --- Constants ---# #Solar constant Gsc = 0.0820 # [MJ.m-2.min-1] #Albedo - grass reference crop a = 0.23 #Ratio of molecular weight of water vapor/dry air epsilon = 0.622 #Latente heat of vaporisation Lv = 2.45 # [] # Specific heat at constant pressure Cp = 1.013e-3 # [°C-1] # Stefan-Boltzmann constant [] StefBoltz = 4.903e-9 #FAO # --- Equations ---# # Psychometric constant [kPa.°C-1] cte_psy = (Cp * pressureMean[i]) / (epsilon * Lv ) # Equation 8 Chap 3 FAO #Mean sturation vapor presure [kPa] #es = (utils.esat(pressureMean[i],Tmax[i]) + utils.esat(pressureMean[i],Tmin[i]))/2; #Equation 12 Chap 3 es = (utils.eocalc(Tmax[i] - 273.16) + utils.eocalc(Tmin[i] - 273.16)) / 2 #Equation 12 Chap 3 # Slope of saturation vapour pressure curve at air temperature [kPa.°C-1] delta = utils.delta_calc(Tmean[i]) # Equation 13 Chap 3 # Actual vapour pressure derived from relative humidity [kPa] #ea = (utils.esat(pressureMean[i]/100,Tmax[i]-273.16)*(Hmax[i]/100) + utils.esat(pressureMean[i]/100,Tmin[i]-273.16)*(Hmin[i]/100))/2; # Equation 17 Chap 3 ea = (utils.eocalc(Tmax[i] - 273.16) * (Hmax[i] / 100) + utils.eocalc(Tmin[i] - 273.16) * (Hmin[i] / 100)) / 2 # Conversion of latitude from degrees to radians phi = (np.pi / 180) * latlon[1] # Relative distance Earth-Sun dr = 1 + 0.033 * math.cos(2 * math.pi * J / 365) # Equation 23 Chap 3 # Solar declination d = 0.4093 * math.sin(2 * math.pi * J / 365 - 1.39) # Equation 24 Chap 3 # sunset hour angle ws = np.arccos(-np.tan(phi) * math.tan(d)) # Equation 25 Chap 3 """Classical calculation FAO """ # Extraterestrial radiation for daily periods Ra = (24. * 60 / np.pi) * Gsc * dr * ( ws * np.sin(phi) * np.sin(d) + np.cos(phi) * np.cos(d) * np.sin(ws) ) # Equation 21 Chap 3 # Clear sky solar radiation [] Rso = (0.75 + 2e-5 * Geo[i]) * Ra # Equation 37 Chap 3 # Net solar radiation [] Rns = (1 - a) * RayDownShort[i] # Equation 38 Chap 3 # f = (1.35 * (np.fmin(RayDownShort[i] / Rso, 1)) - 0.35) # Net longwave radiation [] Rnl = StefBoltz * ( (Tmax[i]**4 + Tmin[i]**4) / 2) * (0.34 - 0.14 * np.sqrt(ea)) * f # Equation 39 Chap 3 # Net Radiation [] Rn = Rns - Rnl # Equation 40 Chap 3 G = 0 # Equation 42 Chap 3 ET0_0[i] = (0.408 * delta * (Rn - G) + cte_psy * (900 / (Tmean[i] + 273)) * (es - ea) * vent[i]) / (delta + cte_psy * (1 + 0.34 * vent[i])) # Equation 6 Chap 4 """ Considering product 176 = RN these equations are not needed """ Rn = Ray[i] # Soil heat flux at daily scale G = 0 # Equation 42 Chap 3 ET0_1[i] = (0.408 * delta * (Rn - G) + cte_psy * (900 / (Tmean[i] + 273)) * (es - ea) * vent[i]) / (delta + cte_psy * (1 + 0.34 * vent[i])) # Equation 6 Chap 4 """ Considering product 176 Evaporation """ ET0_2[i] = Evap[i] if typeOutput == 'RasterFile': #On ecrit le fichier ET0 geoTransform = utils.getGeoTransform(RayFile) shape = Ray[0].shape utils.writeTiffFromDicoArray(ET0_0, oFolder + "/tmp.tif", shape, geoTransform) if 'pathToShapefile' in locals(): utils.reprojRaster(oFolder + "/tmp.tif", oFolder + "/ET0.tif", shape, pathToShapefile) os.remove(oFolder + "/tmp.tif") else: utils.moveFile(oFolder + "/tmp.tif", oFolder + "/ET0.tif") #On écrit le fichier Precipitation geoTransform = utils.getGeoTransform(precipitationFile) shape = precipitation[0].shape utils.writeTiffFromDicoArray(precipitation, oFolder + "/tmp.tif", shape, geoTransform) if 'pathToShapefile' in locals(): utils.reprojRaster(oFolder + "/tmp.tif", oFolder + "/precipitationAcc.tif", shape, pathToShapefile) os.remove(oFolder + "/tmp.tif") else: utils.moveFile(oFolder + "/tmp.tif", oFolder + "/precipitationAcc.tif") else: #On ecrit le fichier au format Txt proj = utils.getProj(pathToShapefile) utils.WriteTxtFileForEachPixel(oFolder, ET0_0, ET0_1, ET0_2, DateList, DoyList, Ray, RayDownShort, RayDownLong, Tmean, Tmax, Tmin, Hmean, Hmax, Hmin, vent, precipitation, pressureMean, Geo, latlon, proj) utils.WritePointList(oFolder, latlon, proj) """ ------------------------------------------- """ if (temporaryFile): #On ecrit le fichier latlon geoTransform = utils.getGeoTransform(GeoFile) shape = Geo[0].shape utils.writeTiffFromDicoArray(Geo, oFolder + "/tmp.tif", shape, geoTransform) if 'pathToShapefile' in locals(): utils.reprojRaster(oFolder + "/tmp.tif", oFolder + "/altitude.tif", shape, pathToShapefile) os.remove(oFolder + "/tmp.tif") else: utils.moveFile(oFolder + "/tmp.tif", oFolder + "/altitude.tif") #On ecrit le fichier latlon geoTransform = utils.getGeoTransform(RayFile) shape = Ray[0].shape utils.writeTiffFromDicoArray(latlon, oFolder + "/tmp.tif", shape, geoTransform) if 'pathToShapefile' in locals(): utils.reprojRaster(oFolder + "/tmp.tif", oFolder + "/latLon.tif", shape, pathToShapefile) os.remove(oFolder + "/tmp.tif") else: utils.moveFile(oFolder + "/tmp.tif", oFolder + "/latLon.tif") #On ecrit le fichier vent --> a enlever geoTransform = utils.getGeoTransform(ventFile[-1]) shape = vent[0].shape utils.writeTiffFromDicoArray(vent, oFolder + "/tmp.tif", shape, geoTransform) if 'pathToShapefile' in locals(): utils.reprojRaster(oFolder + "/tmp.tif", oFolder + "/ventMean.tif", shape, pathToShapefile) os.remove(oFolder + "/tmp.tif") else: utils.moveFile(oFolder + "/tmp.tif", oFolder + "/ventMean.tif") #On ecrit le fichier Rhmin geoTransform = utils.getGeoTransform(pressureFile) shape = pressureMean[0].shape utils.writeTiffFromDicoArray(pressureMean, oFolder + "/tmp.tif", shape, geoTransform) if 'pathToShapefile' in locals(): utils.reprojRaster(oFolder + "/tmp.tif", oFolder + "/pressureMean.tif", shape, pathToShapefile) os.remove(oFolder + "/tmp.tif") else: utils.moveFile(oFolder + "/tmp.tif", oFolder + "/pressureMean.tif") #On ecrit le fichier Rhmax geoTransform = utils.getGeoTransform(pressureFile) shape = Hmax[0].shape utils.writeTiffFromDicoArray(Hmax, oFolder + "/tmp.tif", shape, geoTransform) if 'pathToShapefile' in locals(): utils.reprojRaster(oFolder + "/tmp.tif", oFolder + "/humidityMax.tif", shape, pathToShapefile) os.remove(oFolder + "/tmp.tif") else: utils.moveFile(oFolder + "/tmp.tif", oFolder + "/humidityMax.tif") #On ecrit le fichier Rhmin geoTransform = utils.getGeoTransform(pressureFile) shape = Hmin[0].shape utils.writeTiffFromDicoArray(Hmin, oFolder + "/tmp.tif", shape, geoTransform) if 'pathToShapefile' in locals(): utils.reprojRaster(oFolder + "/tmp.tif", oFolder + "/humidityMin.tif", shape, pathToShapefile) os.remove(oFolder + "/tmp.tif") else: utils.moveFile(oFolder + "/tmp.tif", oFolder + "/humidityMin.tif") #On ecrit le fichier Tmax geoTransform = utils.getGeoTransform(T2mFile) shape = Tmax[0].shape utils.writeTiffFromDicoArray(Tmax, oFolder + "/tmp.tif", shape, geoTransform) if 'pathToShapefile' in locals(): utils.reprojRaster(oFolder + "/tmp.tif", oFolder + "/TemperatureMax.tif", shape, pathToShapefile) os.remove(oFolder + "/tmp.tif") else: utils.moveFile(oFolder + "/tmp.tif", oFolder + "/TemperatureMax.tif") #On ecrit le fichier Tmin geoTransform = utils.getGeoTransform(T2mFile) shape = Tmin[0].shape utils.writeTiffFromDicoArray(Tmin, oFolder + "/tmp.tif", shape, geoTransform) if 'pathToShapefile' in locals(): utils.reprojRaster(oFolder + "/tmp.tif", oFolder + "/TemperatureMin.tif", shape, pathToShapefile) os.remove(oFolder + "/tmp.tif") else: utils.moveFile(oFolder + "/tmp.tif", oFolder + "/TemperatureMin.tif") #On ecrit le fichier Rayonnement geoTransform = utils.getGeoTransform(RayFile) shape = Ray[0].shape utils.writeTiffFromDicoArray(Ray, oFolder + "/tmp.tif", shape, geoTransform) if 'pathToShapefile' in locals(): utils.reprojRaster(oFolder + "/tmp.tif", oFolder + "/RayonnementMean.tif", shape, pathToShapefile) os.remove(oFolder + "/tmp.tif") else: utils.moveFile(oFolder + "/tmp.tif", oFolder + "/RayonnementMean.tif") #on supprime les fichier intermédiare ! os.remove(pressureFile) os.remove(T2mFile) os.remove(DewPFile) os.remove(RayFile) os.remove(GeoFile) for i in ventFile: os.remove(i) os.remove(precipitationFile) os.remove(EvapFile) os.remove(RayFileDownLong) os.remove(RayFileDownShort)
def main(argv): try: opts,argv = getopt.getopt(argv,":h:i:e:s:E:o:g:P:t:f:r:",['help','[outFile]','code','[shapeFile]','start','end','[tr]']) except getopt.GetoptError: print 'error in parameter for evapo_GFS. type -help for more detail on use ' sys.exit(2) for opt, arg in opts: if opt == '-h': print ' ' print ' [mandatory] : ' print ' --init <dateStart YYYY-MM-DD>' print ' --end <dateEnd YY-MM-DD>' print ' --shapefile <shapefile> OU -Extend < xmin,ymax,xmax,ymin>' print ' [optional] :' print ' --typeData < analyse , forecast, cycleforecast> (default forecast)' print ' --grid <EraInterim Time> (default 0.75)' print ' --outfile <outfolder> (default /home/user/eraInterim)' print ' --proxy <True/False> (default False)' print ' --temporaryFile <True/False> (default False)' print ' --result < TxtFile / RasterFile> default RasterFile' print '' sys.exit() elif opt in ('-o','--outFolder'): oFolder = arg elif opt in ('-i','--start'): startDate = arg elif opt in ('-e','--end'): endDate = arg elif opt in ('-s','--shapefile'): pathToShapefile = arg elif opt in ('-E','--tr'): extend = arg.split(',') elif opt in ('-g','--grid'): grid = arg elif opt in ('-P','--proxy'): proxy = arg elif opt in ('-t','--typeData'): typeData = arg elif opt in ('-f','--temporaryFile'): temporaryFile = arg elif opt in ('-r','--result'): typeOutput = arg if len(sys.argv) < 7: print '' print ' -i <dateStart YYYY-MM-DD> ' print ' -e <dateEnd YY-MM-DD>' print ' -s <shapefile> ' print ' or' print ' -E < xmin,ymax,xmax,ymin>]' print '' print ' [-t < analyse , forecast,cycleforecast> (default analyse)]' print ' [-g <size of grid in 0.25/0.5/1/2.5> (default 0.25)]' print ' [-o <outfolder> (default /home/user/eraInterim)]' print ' [-P <proxy : True/False> (default False)]' print ' [-f <temporaryFile : True/False> (default False)]' print ' [-r <resultOutput : TxtFile/RasterFile> (default RasterFile)]' print '' sys.exit(2) try: oFolder except NameError: oFolder = os.path.expanduser('~') oFolder = oFolder + '/GFS' print "output folder not precised : downloaded GFS images on "+oFolder # verification du folder/or creation if not exists utils.checkForFolder(oFolder) try: startDate except NameError: exit ('init Date not precised') # verification si sartDate est une date startDate=utils.checkForDate(startDate) try: endDate except NameError: exit ('end Date not specified') # verification si sartDate est une date endDate=utils.checkForDate(endDate) if (startDate>endDate): exit('startDate could not be greater than endDate') try: pathToShapefile except NameError: try: extend except NameError: exit ('no Area of interest have been specified. please use -shp or -tr to declare it') if 'pathToShapefile' in locals(): extendArea=utils.convertShpToExtend(pathToShapefile) else: extendArea=extend extendArea=utils.checkForExtendValidity(extendArea) try: typeData except NameError: typeData='analyse' try: grid except NameError: grid='0.25' grid=utils.checkForGridValidity(grid) try: proxy except NameError: proxy=False #Proxy parameteres needed if(proxy): login = raw_input('login proxy : ') pwd = raw_input('password proxy : : ') site = raw_input('site ( : ') os.environ["http_proxy"] = "http://%s:%s@%s:8050"%(login,pwd,site) os.environ["https_proxy"] = "http://%s:%s@%s:8050"%(login,pwd,site) try: temporaryFile except NameError: temporaryFile=False try: typeOutput except NameError: typeOutput='RasterFile' """----------------------------------------""" delta = endDate - startDate nbDays = delta.days + float(delta.seconds) / 86400 + 1 #--------------------------On charge les rasters step = [0,6,12,18] levelList = ["surface"] nbBandByDay=len(step) """ altitude de la grille GFS """ print('downloading altitude grid') # Only Forecast possible codeGeopot= ['HGT'] struct=utils.create_request_gfs(startDate, endDate, step, levelList, grid, extendArea, codeGeopot, typeData) listeGeoFile=[] if len(struct[0])==0: exit("No data founded") else: for i in struct[0]: try : GeoFile = oFolder+'/'+",".join(codeGeopot)+'_'+i.rsplit('.',1)[1]+'.grb' listeGeoFile.append(GeoFile) result=utils.GFSDownload(i,GeoFile) except: print("---") exit('Error in GFS server') if result: Geo = utils.convertGribToDicoArray(listeGeoFile, codeGeopot, levelList, step, grid, startDate, endDate) Geo = utils.convertGeoToAlt(Geo) #un peu inutile car ne change pas ... mais bon! Geo = utils.computeDailyMax(Geo, nbBandByDay, typeData) else: exit("PARAM needed is not compatible with level selected") """ Vitesse du vent """ print('downloading wind velocity') codeVent= ['UGRD','VGRD'] levelListVent = ["80_m_above_ground"] vent={} ventFile=[] for v in codeVent: struct=utils.create_request_gfs(startDate, endDate, step, levelListVent, grid, extendArea, codeVent, typeData) listeFile=[] if len(struct[0])==0: exit("No data founded") else: for i in struct[0]: try : tmpVent = oFolder+'/'+v+'_'+i.rsplit('.',1)[1]+'.grb' ventFile.append(tmpVent) result=utils.GFSDownload(i,tmpVent) except: print("---") exit('Error in GFS server') if result: vent[v] = utils.convertGribToDicoArray(ventFile, codeVent, levelList, step, grid, startDate, endDate) else: exit("PARAM needed is not compatible with level selected") vent = utils.fusVentFromDict(vent,nbBandByDay) vent=utils.computeDailyMean(vent,nbBandByDay,typeData) exit """ Humidité relative """ print('downloading relative humidity') codePressure= ['PRES'] struct=utils.create_request_gfs(startDate, endDate, step, levelList, grid, extendArea, codePressure, typeData) listePressureFile=[] if len(struct[0])==0: exit("No data founded") else: for i in struct[0]: try : pressureFile = oFolder+'/'+",".join(codePressure)+'_'+i.rsplit('.',1)[1]+'.grb' listePressureFile.append(pressureFile) result=utils.GFSDownload(i,pressureFile) except: print("---") exit('Error in GFS server') if result: pressure = utils.convertGribToDicoArray(listePressureFile, codePressure, levelList, step, grid, startDate, endDate) pressureMean = utils.convertPaToKgPa(pressure) pressure = utils.convertToHectoPascal(pressure) pressureMean = utils.computeDailyMean(pressureMean,nbBandByDay,typeData) else: exit("PARAM needed is not compatible with level selected") """ Temperature 2m """ print('downloading Temperature') levelListTmp = ["2_m_above_ground"] codeT2m= ['TMP'] struct=utils.create_request_gfs(startDate, endDate, step, levelListTmp, grid, extendArea, codeT2m, typeData) listeTmpFile=[] if len(struct[0])==0: exit("No data founded") else: for i in struct[0]: try : T2mFile = oFolder+'/'+",".join(codeT2m)+'_'+i.rsplit('.',1)[1]+'.grb' listeTmpFile.append(T2mFile) result=utils.GFSDownload(i,T2mFile) except: print("---") exit('Error in GFS server') if result: T2m = utils.convertGribToDicoArray(listeTmpFile, codeT2m, levelList, step, grid, startDate, endDate) Tmean = utils.computeDailyMean(T2m, nbBandByDay, typeData) Tmax = utils.computeDailyMax(T2m,nbBandByDay) Tmin = utils.computeDailyMin(T2m,nbBandByDay) T2m = utils.convertKToD(T2m) else: exit("PARAM needed is not compatible with level selected") """ DewPoint """ print('downloading DewPoint') levelListdew = ["2_m_above_ground"] codeDewP= ['DPT'] struct=utils.create_request_gfs(startDate, endDate, step, levelListdew, grid, extendArea, codeDewP, typeData) listeDewFile=[] if len(struct[0])==0: exit("No data founded") else: for i in struct[0]: try : DewPFile = oFolder+'/'+",".join(codeDewP)+'_'+i.rsplit('.',1)[1]+'.grb' listeDewFile.append(DewPFile) result=utils.GFSDownload(i,DewPFile) except: print("---") exit('Error in GFS server') if result: DewP = utils.convertGribToDicoArray(listeDewFile, codeDewP, levelList, step, grid, startDate, endDate) DewP = utils.convertKToD(DewP) else: exit("PARAM needed is not compatible with level selected") humidity = utils.ComputeHumidityFromPT(pressure,T2m,DewP) #humidity = utils.computeDailyMean(humidity,nbBandByDay,typeData) Hmax = utils.computeDailyMax(humidity,nbBandByDay) Hmin = utils.computeDailyMin(humidity,nbBandByDay) Hmean = utils.computeDailyMean(humidity,nbBandByDay,typeData) """ Rayonnement global incident journalier """ print('downloading downscale shortwave radiation') # Only Forecast possible levelListRay = ["surface"] codeRay= ["DSWRF"] typeData="cycleforecast" struct=utils.create_request_gfs(startDate, endDate, step, levelListRay, grid, extendArea, codeRay, typeData) listeRayFile=[] if len(struct[0])==0: exit("No data founded") else: for i in struct[0]: try : RayFileDownShort = oFolder+'/'+",".join(codeRay)+'_'+i.rsplit('.',1)[1]+'.grb' listeRayFile.append(RayFileDownShort) result=utils.GFSDownload(i,RayFileDownShort) except: print("---") exit('Error in GFS server') if result: RayDownShort = utils.convertGribToDicoArray(listeRayFile, codeRay, levelList, step, grid, startDate, endDate) RayDownShort = utils.computeDailyMean(RayDownShort,nbBandByDay,typeData) RayDownShort = utils.convertWToMJ(RayDownShort) else: exit("PARAM needed is not compatible with level selected") """ Precipitation """ #NOT NEEDED FOR ETO BUT Exported print('downloading Precipitation') codePrecipitation= ["APCP"] struct=utils.create_request_gfs(startDate, endDate, step, levelList, grid, extendArea, codePrecipitation, typeData) listePrecFile=[] if len(struct[0])==0: exit("No data founded") else: for i in struct[0]: try : precipitationFile = oFolder+'/'+",".join(codePrecipitation)+'_'+i.rsplit('.',1)[1]+'.grb' listePrecFile.append(precipitationFile) result=utils.GFSDownload(i,precipitationFile) except: print("---") exit('Error in GFS server') if result: precipitation = utils.convertGribToDicoArray(listePrecFile, codePrecipitation, levelList, step, grid, startDate, endDate) precipitation=utils.computeDailyAccumulation(precipitation,nbBandByDay,typeData) else: exit("PARAM needed is not compatible with level selected") """ Grid of latitude [0],longitude[1] in WGS84""" geoTransform=utils.getGeoTransform(RayFileDownShort) shape=RayDownShort[0].shape latlon = utils.getCentroidLatFromArray(shape,geoTransform,grid) """ --------------------- Compute ET0---------------------- """ ET0_0={} DoyList=[] DateList=[] for i in range(0,int(nbDays)): #jour Julien J = utils.doy(startDate,i) dateEnCours=startDate+ timedelta(days=i) DateList.append(dateEnCours) DoyList.append(J) Hmax[i] = np.where(Hmax[i]>100,100,Hmax[i]) # --- Constants ---# #Solar constant Gsc = 0.0820 # [MJ.m-2.min-1] #Albedo - grass reference crop a = 0.23 #Ratio of molecular weight of water vapor/dry air epsilon=0.622 #Latente heat of vaporisation Lv=2.45 # [] # Specific heat at constant pressure Cp= 1.013e-3; # [°C-1] # Stefan-Boltzmann constant [] StefBoltz=4.903e-9; #FAO # --- Equations ---# # Psychometric constant [kPa.°C-1] cte_psy = (Cp*pressureMean[i])/(epsilon*Lv) # Equation 8 Chap 3 FAO #Mean sturation vapor presure [kPa] #es = (utils.esat(pressureMean[i],Tmax[i]) + utils.esat(pressureMean[i],Tmin[i]))/2; #Equation 12 Chap 3 es = (utils.eocalc(Tmax[i]-273.16)+utils.eocalc(Tmin[i]-273.16))/2 #Equation 12 Chap 3 # Slope of saturation vapour pressure curve at air temperature [kPa.°C-1] delta = utils.delta_calc(Tmean[i]); # Equation 13 Chap 3 # Actual vapour pressure derived from relative humidity [kPa] #ea = (utils.esat(pressureMean[i]/100,Tmax[i]-273.16)*(Hmax[i]/100) + utils.esat(pressureMean[i]/100,Tmin[i]-273.16)*(Hmin[i]/100))/2; # Equation 17 Chap 3 ea = (utils.eocalc(Tmax[i]-273.16)*(Hmax[i]/100)+utils.eocalc(Tmin[i]-273.16)*(Hmin[i]/100))/2 # Conversion of latitude from degrees to radians phi = (np.pi/180)* latlon[1]; # Relative distance Earth-Sun dr = 1 + 0.033*math.cos(2*math.pi*J/365); # Equation 23 Chap 3 # Solar declination d = 0.4093*math.sin(2*math.pi*J/365 - 1.39); # Equation 24 Chap 3 # sunset hour angle ws = np.arccos(-np.tan(phi)*math.tan(d)); # Equation 25 Chap 3 """Classical calculation FAO """ # Extraterestrial radiation for daily periods Ra = (24.*60/np.pi)*Gsc*dr*(ws*np.sin(phi)*np.sin(d) + np.cos(phi)*np.cos(d)*np.sin(ws)) # Equation 21 Chap 3 # Clear sky solar radiation [] Rso = (0.75 + 2e-5*Geo[i])*Ra; # Equation 37 Chap 3 # Net solar radiation [] Rns = (1 - a)*RayDownShort[i]; # Equation 38 Chap 3 # f=(1.35*(np.fmin(RayDownShort[i]/Rso,1)) - 0.35); # Net longwave radiation [] Rnl = StefBoltz*((Tmax[i]**4 + Tmin[i]**4)/2)*(0.34 - 0.14*np.sqrt(ea))*f; # Equation 39 Chap 3 # Net Radiation [] Rn =Rns - Rnl; # Equation 40 Chap 3 G = 0; # Equation 42 Chap 3 ET0_0[i] = ( 0.408*delta*( Rn-G )+ cte_psy*( 900/(Tmean[i] + 273) )*(es - ea)*vent[i] )/( delta + cte_psy*(1 + 0.34*vent[i]) ); # Equation 6 Chap 4 if typeOutput=='RasterFile': #On ecrit le fichier ET0 geoTransform=utils.getGeoTransform(RayFileDownShort) shape=RayDownShort[0].shape utils.writeTiffFromDicoArray(ET0_0,oFolder+"/tmp.tif",shape,geoTransform) if 'pathToShapefile' in locals(): utils.reprojRaster(oFolder+"/tmp.tif", oFolder+"/ET0.tif",shape, pathToShapefile) os.remove(oFolder+"/tmp.tif") else : utils.moveFile(oFolder+"/tmp.tif", oFolder+"/ET0.tif") #On écrit le fichier Precipitation geoTransform=utils.getGeoTransform(precipitationFile) shape=precipitation[0].shape utils.writeTiffFromDicoArray(precipitation,oFolder+"/tmp.tif",shape,geoTransform) if 'pathToShapefile' in locals(): utils.reprojRaster(oFolder+"/tmp.tif", oFolder+"/precipitationAcc.tif",shape, pathToShapefile) os.remove(oFolder+"/tmp.tif") else : utils.moveFile(oFolder+"/tmp.tif", oFolder+"/precipitationAcc.tif") else: #On ecrit le fichier au format Txt proj=utils.getProj(pathToShapefile) utils.WriteTxtFileForEachPixel(oFolder,ET0_0,DateList,DoyList,RayDownShort,Tmean,Tmax,Tmin,Hmean,Hmax,Hmin,vent,precipitation,pressureMean,Geo,latlon,proj) utils.WritePointList(oFolder,latlon,proj) """ ------------------------------------------- """ if(temporaryFile): #On ecrit le fichier latlon geoTransform=utils.getGeoTransform(GeoFile) shape=Geo[0].shape utils.writeTiffFromDicoArray(Geo,oFolder+"/tmp.tif",shape,geoTransform) if 'pathToShapefile' in locals(): utils.reprojRaster(oFolder+"/tmp.tif", oFolder+"/altitude.tif",shape, pathToShapefile) os.remove(oFolder+"/tmp.tif") else : utils.moveFile(oFolder+"/tmp.tif", oFolder+"/altitude.tif") #On ecrit le fichier latlon geoTransform=utils.getGeoTransform(RayFileDownShort) shape=RayDownShort[0].shape utils.writeTiffFromDicoArray(latlon,oFolder+"/tmp.tif",shape,geoTransform) if 'pathToShapefile' in locals(): utils.reprojRaster(oFolder+"/tmp.tif", oFolder+"/latLon.tif",shape, pathToShapefile) os.remove(oFolder+"/tmp.tif") else : utils.moveFile(oFolder+"/tmp.tif", oFolder+"/latLon.tif") #On ecrit le fichier vent --> a enlever geoTransform=utils.getGeoTransform(ventFile[-1]) shape=vent[0].shape utils.writeTiffFromDicoArray(vent,oFolder+"/tmp.tif",shape,geoTransform) if 'pathToShapefile' in locals(): utils.reprojRaster(oFolder+"/tmp.tif", oFolder+"/ventMean.tif",shape, pathToShapefile) os.remove(oFolder+"/tmp.tif") else : utils.moveFile(oFolder+"/tmp.tif", oFolder+"/ventMean.tif") #On ecrit le fichier Rhmin geoTransform=utils.getGeoTransform(pressureFile) shape=pressureMean[0].shape utils.writeTiffFromDicoArray(pressureMean,oFolder+"/tmp.tif",shape,geoTransform) if 'pathToShapefile' in locals(): utils.reprojRaster(oFolder+"/tmp.tif", oFolder+"/pressureMean.tif",shape, pathToShapefile) os.remove(oFolder+"/tmp.tif") else : utils.moveFile(oFolder+"/tmp.tif", oFolder+"/pressureMean.tif") #On ecrit le fichier Rhmax geoTransform=utils.getGeoTransform(pressureFile) shape=Hmax[0].shape utils.writeTiffFromDicoArray(Hmax,oFolder+"/tmp.tif",shape,geoTransform) if 'pathToShapefile' in locals(): utils.reprojRaster(oFolder+"/tmp.tif", oFolder+"/humidityMax.tif",shape, pathToShapefile) os.remove(oFolder+"/tmp.tif") else : utils.moveFile(oFolder+"/tmp.tif", oFolder+"/humidityMax.tif") #On ecrit le fichier Rhmin geoTransform=utils.getGeoTransform(pressureFile) shape=Hmin[0].shape utils.writeTiffFromDicoArray(Hmin,oFolder+"/tmp.tif",shape,geoTransform) if 'pathToShapefile' in locals(): utils.reprojRaster(oFolder+"/tmp.tif", oFolder+"/humidityMin.tif",shape, pathToShapefile) os.remove(oFolder+"/tmp.tif") else : utils.moveFile(oFolder+"/tmp.tif", oFolder+"/humidityMin.tif") #On ecrit le fichier Tmax geoTransform=utils.getGeoTransform(T2mFile) shape=Tmax[0].shape utils.writeTiffFromDicoArray(Tmax,oFolder+"/tmp.tif",shape,geoTransform) if 'pathToShapefile' in locals(): utils.reprojRaster(oFolder+"/tmp.tif", oFolder+"/TemperatureMax.tif",shape, pathToShapefile) os.remove(oFolder+"/tmp.tif") else : utils.moveFile(oFolder+"/tmp.tif", oFolder+"/TemperatureMax.tif") #On ecrit le fichier Tmin geoTransform=utils.getGeoTransform(T2mFile) shape=Tmin[0].shape utils.writeTiffFromDicoArray(Tmin,oFolder+"/tmp.tif",shape,geoTransform) if 'pathToShapefile' in locals(): utils.reprojRaster(oFolder+"/tmp.tif", oFolder+"/TemperatureMin.tif",shape, pathToShapefile) os.remove(oFolder+"/tmp.tif") else : utils.moveFile(oFolder+"/tmp.tif", oFolder+"/TemperatureMin.tif") #On ecrit le fichier Rayonnement geoTransform=utils.getGeoTransform(RayFileDownShort) shape=RayDownShort[0].shape utils.writeTiffFromDicoArray(RayDownShort,oFolder+"/tmp.tif",shape,geoTransform) if 'pathToShapefile' in locals(): utils.reprojRaster(oFolder+"/tmp.tif", oFolder+"/RayonnementMean.tif",shape, pathToShapefile) os.remove(oFolder+"/tmp.tif") else : utils.moveFile(oFolder+"/tmp.tif", oFolder+"/RayonnementMean.tif") #on supprime les fichier intermédiare ! for i in listePressureFile: os.remove(i) for i in listeTmpFile: os.remove(i) for i in listeDewFile: os.remove(i) for i in listeRayFile: os.remove(i) for i in listeGeoFile: os.remove(i) for i in ventFile: os.remove(i) for i in listePrecFile: os.remove(i)