async def make_averaget_best(team_docs, current_page, max_page, category, invoker_doc=None): """Generate and return the best teams of the tournament in a certain category as an image. - `team_docs` is an array of player documents, 10 or fewer, of the map's scores. This should be found through `db_get.get_top_team_scores()` prior to calling this function. - `current_page` is the page from `db_get`. - `max_page` is also the page from `db_get`. - `category` should be the leaderboard category. - `invoker_doc` should be the User document of the command invoker if player is set. Calls a `db_get` function. `current_page` and `max_page` are used solely for the page indicator in the upper-left of the image.""" def draw_std(x, y, text, font="m"): #looool draw.text((x, y), str(text), (255, 255, 255), font=fonts[font], align='center', anchor="mm") headers = { "score": ["Score", "Acc"], "acc": ["Acc", "Score"], } base_img_fp = "src/static/averagelb.png" img =, mode='r') draw = ImageDraw.Draw(img) #header draw_std(640, 65, f"Best Teams - {headers[category][0]}", "l") #team name #page number page_text = f"(page {current_page} of {max_page})" draw.text((36, 137), page_text, (255, 255, 255), font=fonts["s"], align='left', anchor="lm") #table header header_font = ImageFont.truetype("src/static/Renogare-Regular.otf", 25) draw.text((259, 177), "Team", (255, 255, 255), font=header_font, align='center', anchor="mm") draw.text((487, 177), headers[category][0], (255, 255, 255), font=header_font, align='center', anchor="mm") draw.text((648, 177), headers[category][1], (255, 255, 255), font=header_font, align='center', anchor="mm") #table #x-dists: 70,116(left),266,876,1035,1172 #y-dist: 39 each row for row, team in enumerate(team_docs): stat = team["cached"] header_order = { "score": [ comma_sep(stat["average_score"]), percentage(stat["average_acc"]) ], "acc": [ percentage(stat["average_acc"]), comma_sep(stat["average_score"]) ] } y_pos = (row * 39) + 216 draw_std(62, y_pos, (current_page - 1) * 10 + row + 1) #numerical ranking draw_std(259, y_pos, team["_id"]) #player name draw_std(487, y_pos, header_order[category][0]) draw_std(648, y_pos, header_order[category][1]) if invoker_doc["osu_id"]: team_doc = await db_get.get_team_document(invoker_doc["team_name"]) stat = team_doc["cached"] header_order = { "score": [ comma_sep(stat["average_score"]), percentage(stat["average_acc"]) ], "acc": [ percentage(stat["average_acc"]), comma_sep(stat["average_score"]) ], } invoker_rank = { "score": stat["score_rank"], "acc": stat["acc_rank"], } if math.floor(invoker_rank[category] / 10) != current_page - 1: y_pos = 645 draw_std(62, y_pos - 39, "...") #ellipsis draw_std(62, y_pos, invoker_rank[category]) #numerical ranking draw_std(259, y_pos, team_doc["_id"]) #player name draw_std(487, y_pos, header_order[category][0]) draw_std(648, y_pos, header_order[category][1]) #i guess you have to seek before you actually do the thing #solution from here: # img_binary = io.BytesIO(), 'PNG') return img_binary
async def make_server_best(score_docs, current_page, max_page, mod_filter=None, category="score"): """Generate and return the best scores of the tournament as an image. - `score_docs` is an array of score documents, 10 or fewer, of the best scores. This should be found through `db_get.get_top_team_scores()` prior to calling this function. - `current_page` is the page from `db_get`. - `max_page` is also the page from `db_get`. - `mod_filter` is the mod these documents are filtered by, if applicable. - `category` is the leaderboard category these documents are sorted by, if applicable. `current_page` and `max_page` are used solely for the page indicator in the upper-left of the image.""" def draw_std(x, y, text, font="m"): #looool draw.text((x, y), str(text), (255, 255, 255), font=fonts[font], align='center', anchor="mm") def truncate(text, font="m"): """Truncates long strings to the desired max width and adds an ellipsis if needed.""" max_width = 373 font = fonts[font] ellipsis_width, _ = font.getsize("...") width, _ = font.getsize(text) if width > max_width: while width > (max_width - ellipsis_width): text = text[:-1] width, _ = font.getsize(text) text += "..." return text #literally a copypaste of teambest lol #we change the category order based on the ordering #array 1 is the actual score doc references, array 2 is the table headers header_order = { "score": ["Score", "Acc", "Contrib"], "acc": ["Acc", "Score", "Contrib"], "contrib": ["Contrib", "Score", "Acc"] } player_card_base_img_fp = "src/static/serverbest.png" img =, mode='r') draw = ImageDraw.Draw(img) #header draw_std(640, 65, f"Top Scores - {header_order[category][0]}", "l") #static #table header header_font = ImageFont.truetype("src/static/Renogare-Regular.otf", 25) draw.text((916, 177), header_order[category][0], (255, 255, 255), font=header_font, align='center', anchor="mm") draw.text((1046, 177), header_order[category][1], (255, 255, 255), font=header_font, align='center', anchor="mm") draw.text((1176, 177), header_order[category][2], (255, 255, 255), font=header_font, align='center', anchor="mm") #page number page_text = f"(page {current_page} of {max_page})" if mod_filter: page_text += f" ({mod_filter})" draw.text((36, 137), page_text, (255, 255, 255), font=fonts["s"], align='left', anchor="lm") colors = { "NM": (165, 165, 165), "HD": (255, 192, 0), "HR": (255, 0, 0), "DT": (0, 176, 240), "FM": (146, 208, 80), "TB": (146, 208, 80) } #table #x-dists: 70,116(left),266,876,1035,1172 #y-dist: 39 each row for row, score in enumerate(score_docs): map_doc = await db_get.get_map_document(score["diff_id"]) header_order = { "score": [ comma_sep(score["score"]), percentage(score["accuracy"]), percentage(score["contrib"]) ], "acc": [ percentage(score["accuracy"]), comma_sep(score["score"]), percentage(score["contrib"]) ], "contrib": [ percentage(score["contrib"]), comma_sep(score["score"]), percentage(score["accuracy"]) ] } banner_fp = await image_handling.get_banner_fp(map_doc["set_id"]) banner =, mode='r') banner = banner.resize((139, 37)) y_pos = (row * 39) + 216 draw_std(55, y_pos, (current_page - 1) * 10 + row + 1) #numerical ranking draw_std(205, y_pos, score["user_name"]) #player name #tuple refers to top-left corner, so half the banner's height is subtracted img.paste(banner, (321, y_pos - 19)) #map banner draw.line([461, y_pos - 19, 461, y_pos + 19], colors[score["map_type"]], 5) #modline meta = map_doc["meta"] full_name = meta["map_artist"] + " - " + meta[ "map_song"] + " [" + meta["map_diff"] + "]" draw.text((471, y_pos), truncate(full_name, "s"), (255, 255, 255), font=fonts["s"], align='left', anchor="lm") #map name draw_std(916, y_pos, header_order[category][0], "s") draw_std(1046, y_pos, header_order[category][1], "s") draw_std(1176, y_pos, header_order[category][2], "s") img_binary = io.BytesIO(), 'PNG') return img_binary
async def make_player_card(player_doc): """Generate and return a team card (as a image). - `player_doc` is a player document.""" def draw_std(x, y, text, font="m"): #looool draw.text((x, y), str(text), (255, 255, 255), font=fonts[font], align='center', anchor="mm") stat = player_doc['cached'] player_card_base_img_fp = "src/static/playercard.png" img =, mode='r') draw = ImageDraw.Draw(img) #header draw_std(640, 65, player_doc["user_name"], "l") #player draw_std(640, 105, player_doc["team_name"]) #team name #average accuracy draw_std(185, 218, percentage(stat["average_acc"])) draw_std(185, 245, "#" + str(stat["acc_rank"]), "s") #average score draw_std(640, 218, comma_sep(stat["average_score"])) draw_std(640, 245, "#" + str(stat["score_rank"]), "s") #average contrib draw_std(1106, 218, percentage(stat["average_contrib"])) draw_std(1106, 245, "#" + str(stat["contrib_rank"]), "s") #stat row draw_std(104, 335, stat['maps_played']) #playcount if stat['maps_played'] != 0: wr_str = str(stat["maps_won"]) + "/" + str( stat['maps_lost']) + " (" + percentage( stat["maps_won"] / stat["maps_played"]) + ")" else: wr_str = "-" draw_std(311, 335, wr_str) #w/r(wr%) draw_std(742, 335, comma_sep(stat["hits"]["300_count"])) #300s draw_std(886, 335, comma_sep(stat["hits"]["100_count"])) #100s draw_std(1028, 335, comma_sep(stat["hits"]["50_count"])) #50s draw_std(1173, 335, comma_sep(stat["hits"]["miss_count"])) #misss #table #x-dists: 180,345,548,702,840 #y-dist: 39 each row starting from 526 mods = ["NM", "HD", "HR", "DT", "FM"] for i in range(0, 5): row_pos = 526 + 39 * i mod_stat = stat["by_mod"][mods[i]] draw_std(180, row_pos, mod_stat["maps_played"]) #played if mod_stat["maps_played"] != 0: mod_wr_str = str(mod_stat["maps_won"]) + "/" + str( mod_stat['maps_lost']) + " (" + percentage( mod_stat["maps_won"] / mod_stat["maps_played"]) + ")" else: mod_wr_str = "-" draw_std(345, row_pos, mod_wr_str) #w/l (wr%) draw_std(548, row_pos, comma_sep(mod_stat["average_score"])) #average score draw_std(702, row_pos, percentage(mod_stat["average_acc"])) #average acc draw_std(840, row_pos, percentage( mod_stat["average_contrib"])) #average contrib - unused for teams #pie chart #note: iterating over stat["by_mod"] works because dicts are insertion-ordered in python #since in db_manip we insert them in a certain order #otherwise the colors would be wrong if, for example, stat["by_mod"] returned the mod names #alphabetically ordered #you may want to hardcode the mod list instead of using stat["by_mod"] if the colors are jank if stat['maps_played'] != 0: data = [ stat["by_mod"][mod_name]["maps_played"] for mod_name in stat["by_mod"] ] colors = ["#A5A5A5", "#FFC000", "#FF0000", "#00B0F0", "#92D050"] fig1, ax1 = plt.subplots( figsize=(3.5, 3.5)) #default is 100dpi, so 350px by 350px ax1.pie(data, colors=colors) ax1.axis('equal') #to binary and into pillow # plt_binary = io.BytesIO() plt.savefig(plt_binary, format='png', transparent=True) plt_img = # #the alpha channel is used as the mask; transparent=True parameter actually saves as transparent img.paste(plt_img, (918, 382), plt_img) #you need to seek to 0 for it to work: #solution from here: # #file-like object img_binary = io.BytesIO(), 'PNG') return img_binary
async def make_map_best(score_docs, current_page, max_page, invoker_doc=None): """Generate and return a map leaderboard (as a image). - `score_docs` is an array of score documents, 10 or fewer, of the map's scores. This should be found through `db_get.get_top_map_scores()` prior to calling this function. - `current_page` is the page from `db_get`. - `max_page` is also the page from `db_get`. - `invoker_doc` should be the User document of the invoker if player is set. This calls a `db_get` function. `current_page` and `max_page` are used solely for the page indicator in the upper-left of the image.""" def draw_std(x, y, text, font="m"): #looool draw.text((x, y), str(text), (255, 255, 255), font=fonts[font], align='center', anchor="mm") def to_standard_size(img): """Resize the image to 1280x720px. Unused.""" width, height = img.size multiplier = max(1280 / width, 720 / height) resized = img.resize( (int(width * multiplier), int(height * multiplier))) cropped = resized.crop((0, 0, 1280, 720)) return cropped def to_banner_size(img): """Resize banner to take up full width of the main image""" width, height = img.size multiplier = 1280 / width resized = img.resize( (int(width * multiplier), int(height * multiplier))) return resized def apply_gradient(img, gradient_start=0.3, gradient_duration=0.2): """Apply transparency gradient. - `gradient_start` should be between 0 and 1 - `gradient_duration` should also be between 0 and 1 where `gradient_start+gradient_duration <= 1`, but other values do work from""" im = img width, height = im.size pixels = im.load() for y in range(height): for x in range(width): initial_alpha = pixels[x, y][ 3] #iterating over every pixel, an rgba tuple (r,g,b,a) #take current pixel height and subtract by the complete height*gradient_start #height*gradient_start represents the pixel at which we start changing the opacity #if this value is negative, then the alpha remains for this pixel (as we are not at the gradient_start yet, and the output alpha is > initial_alpha) #if the value is nonnegative it represents the number of pixels after the gradient start #this is then divided by height to yield a decimal representing how far into the gradient duration we are #if this value is further than the gradient duration itself, then alpha evaluates to <0 and so we have already #passed the end of the gradient #since gradient duration is relative to the full image (not just the gradient part) #that is then divided by the gradient duration itself to yield an opacity multiplier #and we finally multiply by 255 to get the final opacity alpha = initial_alpha - int((y - height * gradient_start) / height / gradient_duration * 255) if alpha <= 0: alpha = 0 pixels[x, y] = pixels[x, y][:3] + (alpha, ) #get rgb and append alpha for y in range(y, height): for x in range(width): pixels[x, y] = pixels[x, y][:3] + (0, ) return im map_doc = await db_get.get_map_document(score_docs[0]["diff_id"]) base_fp = "src/static/bg-std.png" base_img =, mode='r') #base_img ="RGBA", (1280, 720), color="#000000") #base_img ="RGBA", (1280, 720)) draw = ImageDraw.Draw(base_img) banner_fp = await image_handling.get_banner_fp(map_doc["set_id"]) banner_img =, mode='r') banner_img = to_banner_size(banner_img) enhancer = ImageEnhance.Brightness(banner_img) banner_img_darkened = enhancer.enhance(0.45).convert("RGBA") banner_final = apply_gradient(banner_img_darkened) base_img.paste(banner_final, (0, 0), banner_final) grid_fp = "src/static/maplb-grid-base.png" # grid_img =, mode='r').convert("RGBA") base_img.paste(grid_img, (0, 0), grid_img) #header draw_std(640, 65, "Top Scores", "l") #static meta = map_doc["meta"] full_name = meta["map_artist"] + " - " + meta["map_song"] + " [" + meta[ "map_diff"] + "]" draw_std(640, 105, full_name) #full name #page number draw.text((36, 137), f"(page {current_page} of {max_page})", (255, 255, 255), font=fonts["s"], align='left', anchor="lm") #table #x-dists: 70,116(left),266,876,1035,1172 #y-dist: 39 each row for row, score in enumerate(score_docs): y_pos = (row * 39) + 216 draw_std(54, y_pos, (current_page - 1) * 10 + row + 1) #numerical ranking draw_std(214, y_pos, score["user_name"]) #player name draw_std(417, y_pos, comma_sep(score["score"])) #score draw_std(561, y_pos, percentage(score["accuracy"])) #acc hits = ( f"{comma_sep(score['hits']['300_count'])}/{comma_sep(score['hits']['100_count'])}/" f"{comma_sep(score['hits']['50_count'])}/{comma_sep(score['hits']['miss_count'])}" ) draw_std(722, y_pos, hits) #hits draw_std(881, y_pos, comma_sep(score["combo"]) + "x") #combo if invoker_doc["osu_id"]: #get player, get best score, check if rank of best score is already on this page #if not, do everything below score, rank, extra_count = await db_get.get_best_user_score( score_docs[0]["diff_id"], invoker_doc["osu_id"]) if math.floor(rank / 10) != current_page - 1: y_pos = 645 draw_std(54, y_pos - 39, "...") #ellipsis draw_std(54, y_pos, rank) #numerical ranking draw_std(214, y_pos, invoker_doc["osu_name"]) #player name draw_std(417, y_pos, comma_sep(score["score"])) #score draw_std(561, y_pos, percentage(score["accuracy"])) #acc hits = ( f"{comma_sep(score['hits']['300_count'])}/{comma_sep(score['hits']['100_count'])}/" f"{comma_sep(score['hits']['50_count'])}/{comma_sep(score['hits']['miss_count'])}" ) draw_std(722, y_pos, hits) #hits draw_std(881, y_pos, comma_sep(score["combo"]) + "x") #combo if extra_count > 0: draw.text((54, y_pos + 39), f"(+{extra_count} more)", (255, 255, 255), font=fonts["s"], align='left', anchor="lm") #i guess you have to seek before you actually do the thing #solution from here: # img_binary = io.BytesIO(), 'PNG') return img_binary
async def make_team_best(score_docs, current_page, max_page, mod_filter=None): """Generate and return a team score leaderboard(as a image). - `score_docs` is an array of score documents, 10 or fewer, of the team's scores. This should be found through `db_get.get_top_team_scores()` prior to calling this function. (This allows for mod filtering at the command level.) - `current_page` is the page from `db_get`. - `max_page` is also the max page from `db_get`. - `mod_filter` is the mod these documents are filtered by, if applicable. `current_page` and `max_page` are used solely for the page indicator in the upper-left of the image.""" def draw_std(x, y, text, font="m"): #looool draw.text((x, y), str(text), (255, 255, 255), font=fonts[font], align='center', anchor="mm") def truncate(text, font="m"): """Truncates long strings to the desired max width and adds an ellipsis if needed.""" max_width = 487 font = fonts[font] ellipsis_width, _ = font.getsize("...") width, _ = font.getsize(text) if width > max_width: while width > (max_width - ellipsis_width): text = text[:-1] width, _ = font.getsize(text) text += "..." return text player_card_base_img_fp = "src/static/teambest.png" img =, mode='r') draw = ImageDraw.Draw(img) #header player_doc = await db_get.get_player_document(score_docs[0]["user_id"]) team_doc = await db_get.get_team_document(player_doc["team_name"]) player_names = [(await db_get.get_player_document(player))["user_name"] for player in team_doc["players"]] draw_std(640, 65, team_doc["_id"], "l") #team name draw_std(640, 105, " • ".join(player_names)) #player list #page number page_text = f"(page {current_page} of {max_page})" if mod_filter: page_text += f" ({mod_filter})" draw.text((36, 137), page_text, (255, 255, 255), font=fonts["s"], align='left', anchor="lm") colors = { "NM": (165, 165, 165), "HD": (255, 192, 0), "HR": (255, 0, 0), "DT": (0, 176, 240), "FM": (146, 208, 80), "TB": (146, 208, 80) } #table #x-dists: 70,116(left),266,876,1035,1172 #y-dist: 39 each row for row, score in enumerate(score_docs): map_doc = await db_get.get_map_document(score["diff_id"]) banner_fp = await image_handling.get_banner_fp(map_doc["set_id"]) banner =, mode='r') banner = banner.resize((139, 37)) y_pos = (row * 39) + 216 draw_std(76, y_pos, (current_page - 1) * 10 + row + 1) #numerical ranking draw_std(267, y_pos, score["user_name"]) #player name #tuple refers to top-left corner, so half the banner's height is subtracted img.paste(banner, (406, y_pos - 19)) #map banner draw.line([546, y_pos - 19, 546, y_pos + 19], colors[score["map_type"]], 5) #modline meta = map_doc["meta"] full_name = meta["map_artist"] + " - " + meta[ "map_song"] + " [" + meta["map_diff"] + "]" draw.text((556, y_pos), truncate(full_name, "s"), (255, 255, 255), font=fonts["s"], align='left', anchor="lm") #map name draw_std(1160, y_pos, comma_sep(score["score"])) #score img_binary = io.BytesIO(), 'PNG') return img_binary