Exemple #1
def run_TPI(income_tax_params, tpi_params, iterative_params, initial_values, SS_values, output_dir="./OUTPUT"):

    # unpack tuples of parameters
    analytical_mtrs, etr_params, mtrx_params, mtry_params = income_tax_params
    maxiter, mindist_SS, mindist_TPI = iterative_params
    J, S, T, BQ_dist, BW, beta, sigma, alpha, Z, delta, ltilde, nu, g_y,\
                  g_n_vector, tau_payroll, tau_bq, rho, omega, N_tilde, lambdas, e, retire, mean_income_data,\
                  factor, h_wealth, p_wealth, m_wealth, b_ellipse, upsilon, chi_b, chi_n = tpi_params
    K0, b_sinit, b_splus1init, L0, Y0,\
            w0, r0, BQ0, T_H_0, factor, tax0, c0, initial_b, initial_n = initial_values
    Kss, Lss, rss, wss, BQss, T_Hss, bssmat_splus1, nssmat = SS_values

    TPI_FIG_DIR = output_dir
    # Initialize guesses at time paths
    domain = np.linspace(0, T, T)
    K_init = (-1 / (domain + 1)) * (Kss - K0) + Kss
    K_init[-1] = Kss
    K_init = np.array(list(K_init) + list(np.ones(S) * Kss))
    L_init = np.ones(T + S) * Lss

    K = K_init
    L = L_init
    Y_params = (alpha, Z)
    Y = firm.get_Y(K, L, Y_params)
    w = firm.get_w(Y, L, alpha)
    r_params = (alpha, delta)
    r = firm.get_r(Y, K, r_params)
    BQ = np.zeros((T + S, J))
    for j in xrange(J):
        BQ[:, j] = list(np.linspace(BQ0[j], BQss[j], T)) + [BQss[j]] * S
    BQ = np.array(BQ)
    if T_Hss < 1e-13 and T_Hss > 0.0 :
        T_Hss2 = 0.0 # sometimes SS is very small but not zero, even if taxes are zero, this get's rid of the approximation error, which affects the perc changes below
        T_Hss2 = T_Hss   
    T_H = np.ones(T + S) * T_Hss2

    # Make array of initial guesses for labor supply and savings
    domain2 = np.tile(domain.reshape(T, 1, 1), (1, S, J))
    ending_b = bssmat_splus1
    guesses_b = (-1 / (domain2 + 1)) * (ending_b - initial_b) + ending_b
    ending_b_tail = np.tile(ending_b.reshape(1, S, J), (S, 1, 1))
    guesses_b = np.append(guesses_b, ending_b_tail, axis=0)

    domain3 = np.tile(np.linspace(0, 1, T).reshape(T, 1, 1), (1, S, J))
    guesses_n = domain3 * (nssmat - initial_n) + initial_n
    ending_n_tail = np.tile(nssmat.reshape(1, S, J), (S, 1, 1))
    guesses_n = np.append(guesses_n, ending_n_tail, axis=0)
    b_mat = np.zeros((T + S, S, J))
    n_mat = np.zeros((T + S, S, J))
    ind = np.arange(S)

    TPIiter = 0
    TPIdist = 10
    PLOT_TPI = False

    euler_errors = np.zeros((T, 2 * S, J))
    TPIdist_vec = np.zeros(maxiter)

    while (TPIiter < maxiter) and (TPIdist >= mindist_TPI):
        # Plot TPI for K for each iteration, so we can see if there is a
        # problem
        if PLOT_TPI is True:
            K_plot = list(K) + list(np.ones(10) * Kss)
            L_plot = list(L) + list(np.ones(10) * Lss)
                y=Kss, color='black', linewidth=2, label=r"Steady State $\hat{K}$", ls='--')
                T + 10), Kpath_plot[:T + 10], 'b', linewidth=2, label=r"TPI time path $\hat{K}_t$")
            plt.savefig(os.path.join(TPI_FIG_DIR, "TPI_K"))
        # Uncomment the following print statements to make sure all euler equations are converging.
        # If they don't, then you'll have negative consumption or consumption spikes.  If they don't,
        # it is the initial guesses.  You might need to scale them differently.  It is rather delicate for the first
        # few periods and high ability groups.

        # theta_params = (e[-1, j], 1, omega[0].reshape(S, 1), lambdas[j])
        # theta = tax.replacement_rate_vals(n, w, factor, theta_params)
        theta = np.zeros((J,)) 

        guesses = (guesses_b, guesses_n)
        outer_loop_vars = (r, w, K, BQ, T_H)
        inner_loop_params = (income_tax_params, tpi_params, initial_values, theta, ind)

        # Solve HH problem in inner loop
        euler_errors, b_mat, n_mat = inner_loop(guesses, outer_loop_vars, inner_loop_params)

        # if euler_errors.max() > 1e-6:
        #     print 't-loop:', euler_errors.max()
        # Force the initial distribution of capital to be as given above.
        b_mat[0, :, :] = initial_b
        K_params = (omega[:T].reshape(T, S, 1), lambdas.reshape(1, 1, J), g_n_vector[:T], 'TPI')
        K[:T] = household.get_K(b_mat[:T], K_params)
        L_params = (e.reshape(1, S, J), omega[:T, :].reshape(T, S, 1), lambdas.reshape(1, 1, J), 'TPI')
        L[:T]  = firm.get_L(n_mat[:T], L_params)

        Y_params = (alpha, Z)
        Ynew = firm.get_Y(K[:T], L[:T], Y_params)
        wnew = firm.get_w(Ynew[:T], L[:T], alpha)
        r_params = (alpha, delta)
        rnew = firm.get_r(Ynew[:T], K[:T], r_params)

        BQ_params = (omega[:T].reshape(T, S, 1), lambdas.reshape(1, 1, J), rho.reshape(1, S, 1), 
                    g_n_vector[:T].reshape(T, 1), 'TPI')
        BQnew = household.get_BQ(rnew[:T].reshape(T, 1), b_mat[:T,:,:], BQ_params)
        bmat_s = np.zeros((T, S, J))
        bmat_s[:, 1:, :] = b_mat[:T, :-1, :]
        bmat_splus1 = np.zeros((T, S, J))
        bmat_splus1[:, :, :] = b_mat[1:T + 1, :, :]

        TH_tax_params = np.zeros((T,S,J,etr_params.shape[2]))
        for i in range(etr_params.shape[2]):
            TH_tax_params[:,:,:,i] = np.tile(np.reshape(np.transpose(etr_params[:,:T,i]),(T,S,1)),(1,1,J))

        T_H_params = (np.tile(e.reshape(1, S, J),(T,1,1)), BQ_dist, lambdas.reshape(1, 1, J), omega[:T].reshape(T, S, 1), 'TPI', 
                TH_tax_params, theta, tau_bq, tau_payroll, h_wealth, p_wealth, m_wealth, retire, T, S, J)
        T_H_new = np.array(list(tax.get_lump_sum(np.tile(rnew[:T].reshape(T, 1, 1),(1,S,J)), np.tile(wnew[:T].reshape(T, 1, 1),(1,S,J)),
               bmat_s, n_mat[:T,:,:], BQnew[:T].reshape(T, 1, J), factor, T_H_params)) + [T_Hss] * S)

        w[:T] = utils.convex_combo(wnew[:T], w[:T], nu)
        r[:T] = utils.convex_combo(rnew[:T], r[:T], nu)
        BQ[:T] = utils.convex_combo(BQnew[:T], BQ[:T], nu)
        T_H[:T] = utils.convex_combo(T_H_new[:T], T_H[:T], nu)
        guesses_b = utils.convex_combo(b_mat, guesses_b, nu)
        guesses_n = utils.convex_combo(n_mat, guesses_n, nu)
        if T_H.all() != 0:
            TPIdist = np.array(list(utils.pct_diff_func(rnew[:T], r[:T])) + list(utils.pct_diff_func(BQnew[:T], BQ[:T]).flatten()) + list(
                utils.pct_diff_func(wnew[:T], w[:T])) + list(utils.pct_diff_func(T_H_new[:T], T_H[:T]))).max()
            TPIdist = np.array(list(utils.pct_diff_func(rnew[:T], r[:T])) + list(utils.pct_diff_func(BQnew[:T], BQ[:T]).flatten()) + list(
                utils.pct_diff_func(wnew[:T], w[:T])) + list(np.abs(T_H_new[:T], T_H[:T]))).max()
        TPIdist_vec[TPIiter] = TPIdist
        # After T=10, if cycling occurs, drop the value of nu
        # wait til after T=10 or so, because sometimes there is a jump up
        # in the first couple iterations
        # if TPIiter > 10:
        #     if TPIdist_vec[TPIiter] - TPIdist_vec[TPIiter - 1] > 0:
        #         nu /= 2
        #         print 'New Value of nu:', nu
        TPIiter += 1
        print '\tIteration:', TPIiter
        print '\t\tDistance:', TPIdist

    if ((TPIiter >= maxiter) or (np.absolute(TPIdist) > mindist_TPI)) and ENFORCE_SOLUTION_CHECKS :
        raise RuntimeError("Transition path equlibrium not found")

    Y[:T] = Ynew

    # Solve HH problem in inner loop
    guesses = (guesses_b, guesses_n)
    outer_loop_vars = (r, w, K, BQ, T_H)
    inner_loop_params = (income_tax_params, tpi_params, initial_values, theta, ind)
    euler_errors, b_mat, n_mat = inner_loop(guesses, outer_loop_vars, inner_loop_params)
    b_mat[0, :, :] = initial_b

    K_params = (omega[:T].reshape(T, S, 1), lambdas.reshape(1, 1, J), g_n_vector[:T], 'TPI')
    K[:T] = household.get_K(b_mat[:T], K_params) # this is what old code does, but it's strange - why use 
    # b_mat -- what is going on with initial period, etc.

    etr_params_path = np.zeros((T,S,J,etr_params.shape[2]))
    for i in range(etr_params.shape[2]):
        etr_params_path[:,:,:,i] = np.tile(np.reshape(np.transpose(etr_params[:,:T,i]),(T,S,1)),(1,1,J))
    tax_path_params = (np.tile(e.reshape(1, S, J),(T,1,1)), BQ_dist, lambdas, 'TPI', retire, etr_params_path, h_wealth, 
                       p_wealth, m_wealth, tau_payroll, theta, tau_bq, J, S)
    tax_path = tax.total_taxes(np.tile(r[:T].reshape(T, 1, 1),(1,S,J)), np.tile(w[:T].reshape(T, 1, 1),(1,S,J)), bmat_s, 
                               n_mat[:T,:,:], BQ[:T, :].reshape(T, 1, J), factor, T_H[:T].reshape(T, 1, 1), None, False, tax_path_params) 

    cons_params = (e.reshape(1, S, J), BQ_dist, lambdas.reshape(1, 1, J), g_y)
    c_path = household.get_cons(omega[:T].reshape(T,S,1), r[:T].reshape(T, 1, 1), w[:T].reshape(T, 1, 1), bmat_s, bmat_splus1, n_mat[:T,:,:], 
                   BQ[:T].reshape(T, 1, J), tax_path, cons_params)
    C_params = (omega[:T].reshape(T, S, 1), lambdas, 'TPI')
    C = household.get_C(c_path, C_params)
    I_params = (delta, g_y, g_n_vector[:T])
    I = firm.get_I(K[1:T+1], K[:T], I_params)
    print 'Resource Constraint Difference:', Y[:T] - C[:T] - I[:T]

    print'Checking time path for violations of constaints.'
    for t in xrange(T):
            b_mat[t], n_mat[t], c_path[t], t, ltilde)

    eul_savings = euler_errors[:, :S, :].max(1).max(1)
    eul_laborleisure = euler_errors[:, S:, :].max(1).max(1)

    print 'Max Euler error, savings: ', eul_savings
    print 'Max Euler error labor supply: ', eul_laborleisure

    if ((np.any(np.absolute(eul_savings) >= mindist_TPI) or
        (np.any(np.absolute(eul_laborleisure) > mindist_TPI)))
        raise RuntimeError("Transition path equlibrium not found")

    Save variables/values so they can be used in other modules

    output = {'Y': Y, 'K': K, 'L': L, 'C': C, 'I': I, 'BQ': BQ, 
              'T_H': T_H, 'r': r, 'w': w, 'b_mat': b_mat, 'n_mat': n_mat, 
              'c_path': c_path, 'tax_path': tax_path,
              'eul_savings': eul_savings, 'eul_laborleisure': eul_laborleisure}

    tpi_dir = os.path.join(output_dir, "TPI")
    tpi_vars = os.path.join(tpi_dir, "TPI_vars.pkl")
    pickle.dump(output, open(tpi_vars, "wb"))
    macro_output = {'Y': Y, 'K': K, 'L': L, 'C': C, 'I': I,
                    'BQ': BQ, 'T_H': T_H, 'r': r, 'w': w, 
                    'tax_path': tax_path}

    # Non-stationary output
    # macro_ns_output = {'K_ns_path': K_ns_path, 'C_ns_path': C_ns_path, 'I_ns_path': I_ns_path,
    #           'L_ns_path': L_ns_path, 'BQ_ns_path': BQ_ns_path,
    #           'rinit': rinit, 'Y_ns_path': Y_ns_path, 'T_H_ns_path': T_H_ns_path,
    #           'w_ns_path': w_ns_path}

    return output, macro_output
Exemple #2
def run_TPI(income_tax_params,

    # unpack tuples of parameters
    analytical_mtrs, etr_params, mtrx_params, mtry_params = income_tax_params
    maxiter, mindist_SS, mindist_TPI = iterative_params
    J, S, T, BW, beta, sigma, alpha, Z, delta, ltilde, nu, g_y,\
                  g_n_vector, tau_payroll, tau_bq, rho, omega, N_tilde, lambdas, e, retire, mean_income_data,\
                  factor, h_wealth, p_wealth, m_wealth, b_ellipse, upsilon, chi_b, chi_n = tpi_params
    K0, b_sinit, b_splus1init, L0, Y0,\
            w0, r0, BQ0, T_H_0, factor, tax0, c0, initial_b, initial_n = initial_values
    Kss, Lss, rss, wss, BQss, T_Hss, bssmat_splus1, nssmat = SS_values

    TPI_FIG_DIR = output_dir
    # Initialize guesses at time paths
    domain = np.linspace(0, T, T)
    K_init = (-1 / (domain + 1)) * (Kss - K0) + Kss
    K_init[-1] = Kss
    K_init = np.array(list(K_init) + list(np.ones(S) * Kss))
    L_init = np.ones(T + S) * Lss

    K = K_init
    L = L_init
    Y_params = (alpha, Z)
    Y = firm.get_Y(K, L, Y_params)
    w = firm.get_w(Y, L, alpha)
    r_params = (alpha, delta)
    r = firm.get_r(Y, K, r_params)
    BQ = np.zeros((T + S, J))
    for j in xrange(J):
        BQ[:, j] = list(np.linspace(BQ0[j], BQss[j], T)) + [BQss[j]] * S
    BQ = np.array(BQ)
    if T_Hss < 1e-13 and T_Hss > 0.0:
        T_Hss2 = 0.0  # sometimes SS is very small but not zero, even if taxes are zero, this get's rid of the approximation error, which affects the perc changes below
        T_Hss2 = T_Hss
    T_H = np.ones(T + S) * T_Hss2

    # Make array of initial guesses for labor supply and savings
    domain2 = np.tile(domain.reshape(T, 1, 1), (1, S, J))
    ending_b = bssmat_splus1
    guesses_b = (-1 / (domain2 + 1)) * (ending_b - initial_b) + ending_b
    ending_b_tail = np.tile(ending_b.reshape(1, S, J), (S, 1, 1))
    guesses_b = np.append(guesses_b, ending_b_tail, axis=0)

    domain3 = np.tile(np.linspace(0, 1, T).reshape(T, 1, 1), (1, S, J))
    guesses_n = domain3 * (nssmat - initial_n) + initial_n
    ending_n_tail = np.tile(nssmat.reshape(1, S, J), (S, 1, 1))
    guesses_n = np.append(guesses_n, ending_n_tail, axis=0)
    b_mat = np.zeros((T + S, S, J))
    n_mat = np.zeros((T + S, S, J))
    ind = np.arange(S)

    TPIiter = 0
    TPIdist = 10
    PLOT_TPI = False

    euler_errors = np.zeros((T, 2 * S, J))
    TPIdist_vec = np.zeros(maxiter)

    while (TPIiter < maxiter) and (TPIdist >= mindist_TPI):
        # Plot TPI for K for each iteration, so we can see if there is a
        # problem
        if PLOT_TPI is True:
            K_plot = list(K) + list(np.ones(10) * Kss)
            L_plot = list(L) + list(np.ones(10) * Lss)
                        label=r"Steady State $\hat{K}$",
            plt.plot(np.arange(T + 10),
                     Kpath_plot[:T + 10],
                     label=r"TPI time path $\hat{K}_t$")
            plt.savefig(os.path.join(TPI_FIG_DIR, "TPI_K"))
        # Uncomment the following print statements to make sure all euler equations are converging.
        # If they don't, then you'll have negative consumption or consumption spikes.  If they don't,
        # it is the initial guesses.  You might need to scale them differently.  It is rather delicate for the first
        # few periods and high ability groups.

        # theta_params = (e[-1, j], 1, omega[0].reshape(S, 1), lambdas[j])
        # theta = tax.replacement_rate_vals(n, w, factor, theta_params)
        theta = np.zeros((J, ))

        guesses = (guesses_b, guesses_n)
        outer_loop_vars = (r, w, K, BQ, T_H)
        inner_loop_params = (income_tax_params, tpi_params, initial_values,
                             theta, ind)

        # Solve HH problem in inner loop
        euler_errors, b_mat, n_mat = inner_loop(guesses, outer_loop_vars,

        # if euler_errors.max() > 1e-6:
        #     print 't-loop:', euler_errors.max()
        # Force the initial distribution of capital to be as given above.
        b_mat[0, :, :] = initial_b
        K_params = (omega[:T].reshape(T, S, 1), lambdas.reshape(1, 1, J),
                    g_n_vector[:T], 'TPI')
        K[:T] = household.get_K(b_mat[:T], K_params)
        L_params = (e.reshape(1, S, J), omega[:T, :].reshape(T, S, 1),
                    lambdas.reshape(1, 1, J), 'TPI')
        L[:T] = firm.get_L(n_mat[:T], L_params)

        Y_params = (alpha, Z)
        Ynew = firm.get_Y(K[:T], L[:T], Y_params)
        wnew = firm.get_w(Ynew[:T], L[:T], alpha)
        r_params = (alpha, delta)
        rnew = firm.get_r(Ynew[:T], K[:T], r_params)

        BQ_params = (omega[:T].reshape(T, S, 1), lambdas.reshape(1, 1, J),
                     rho.reshape(1, S, 1), g_n_vector[:T].reshape(T, 1), 'TPI')
        BQnew = household.get_BQ(rnew[:T].reshape(T, 1), b_mat[:T, :, :],
        bmat_s = np.zeros((T, S, J))
        bmat_s[:, 1:, :] = b_mat[:T, :-1, :]
        bmat_splus1 = np.zeros((T, S, J))
        bmat_splus1[:, :, :] = b_mat[1:T + 1, :, :]

        TH_tax_params = np.zeros((T, S, J, etr_params.shape[2]))
        for i in range(etr_params.shape[2]):
            TH_tax_params[:, :, :, i] = np.tile(
                np.reshape(np.transpose(etr_params[:, :T, i]), (T, S, 1)),
                (1, 1, J))

        T_H_params = (np.tile(e.reshape(1, S, J), (T, 1, 1)),
                      lambdas.reshape(1, 1, J), omega[:T].reshape(T, S, 1),
                      'TPI', TH_tax_params, theta, tau_bq, tau_payroll,
                      h_wealth, p_wealth, m_wealth, retire, T, S, J)
        T_H_new = np.array(
                tax.get_lump_sum(np.tile(rnew[:T].reshape(T, 1, 1), (
                    1, S, J)), np.tile(wnew[:T].reshape(T, 1, 1), (
                        1, S, J)), bmat_s, n_mat[:T, :, :], BQnew[:T].reshape(
                            T, 1, J), factor, T_H_params)) + [T_Hss] * S)

        w[:T] = utils.convex_combo(wnew[:T], w[:T], nu)
        r[:T] = utils.convex_combo(rnew[:T], r[:T], nu)
        BQ[:T] = utils.convex_combo(BQnew[:T], BQ[:T], nu)
        T_H[:T] = utils.convex_combo(T_H_new[:T], T_H[:T], nu)
        guesses_b = utils.convex_combo(b_mat, guesses_b, nu)
        guesses_n = utils.convex_combo(n_mat, guesses_n, nu)
        if T_H.all() != 0:
            TPIdist = np.array(
                list(utils.pct_diff_func(rnew[:T], r[:T])) +
                list(utils.pct_diff_func(BQnew[:T], BQ[:T]).flatten()) +
                list(utils.pct_diff_func(wnew[:T], w[:T])) +
                list(utils.pct_diff_func(T_H_new[:T], T_H[:T]))).max()
            TPIdist = np.array(
                list(utils.pct_diff_func(rnew[:T], r[:T])) +
                list(utils.pct_diff_func(BQnew[:T], BQ[:T]).flatten()) +
                list(utils.pct_diff_func(wnew[:T], w[:T])) +
                list(np.abs(T_H_new[:T], T_H[:T]))).max()
        TPIdist_vec[TPIiter] = TPIdist
        # After T=10, if cycling occurs, drop the value of nu
        # wait til after T=10 or so, because sometimes there is a jump up
        # in the first couple iterations
        # if TPIiter > 10:
        #     if TPIdist_vec[TPIiter] - TPIdist_vec[TPIiter - 1] > 0:
        #         nu /= 2
        #         print 'New Value of nu:', nu
        TPIiter += 1
        print '\tIteration:', TPIiter
        print '\t\tDistance:', TPIdist

    if ((TPIiter >= maxiter) or
        (np.absolute(TPIdist) > mindist_TPI)) and ENFORCE_SOLUTION_CHECKS:
        raise RuntimeError("Transition path equlibrium not found")

    Y[:T] = Ynew

    # Solve HH problem in inner loop
    guesses = (guesses_b, guesses_n)
    outer_loop_vars = (r, w, K, BQ, T_H)
    inner_loop_params = (income_tax_params, tpi_params, initial_values, theta,
    euler_errors, b_mat, n_mat = inner_loop(guesses, outer_loop_vars,
    b_mat[0, :, :] = initial_b

    K_params = (omega[:T].reshape(T, S, 1), lambdas.reshape(1, 1, J),
                g_n_vector[:T], 'TPI')
    K[:T] = household.get_K(
        K_params)  # this is what old code does, but it's strange - why use
    # b_mat -- what is going on with initial period, etc.

    etr_params_path = np.zeros((T, S, J, etr_params.shape[2]))
    for i in range(etr_params.shape[2]):
        etr_params_path[:, :, :, i] = np.tile(
            np.reshape(np.transpose(etr_params[:, :T, i]), (T, S, 1)),
            (1, 1, J))
    tax_path_params = (np.tile(e.reshape(1, S, J), (T, 1, 1)), lambdas, 'TPI',
                       retire, etr_params_path, h_wealth, p_wealth, m_wealth,
                       tau_payroll, theta, tau_bq, J, S)
    tax_path = tax.total_taxes(np.tile(r[:T].reshape(T, 1, 1), (1, S, J)),
                               np.tile(w[:T].reshape(T, 1, 1),
                                       (1, S, J)), bmat_s, n_mat[:T, :, :],
                               BQ[:T, :].reshape(T, 1, J), factor,
                               T_H[:T].reshape(T, 1, 1), None, False,

    cons_params = (e.reshape(1, S, J), lambdas.reshape(1, 1, J), g_y)
    c_path = household.get_cons(r[:T].reshape(T, 1, 1), w[:T].reshape(T, 1, 1),
                                bmat_s, bmat_splus1, n_mat[:T, :, :],
                                BQ[:T].reshape(T, 1, J), tax_path, cons_params)
    C_params = (omega[:T].reshape(T, S, 1), lambdas, 'TPI')
    C = household.get_C(c_path, C_params)
    I_params = (delta, g_y, g_n_vector[:T])
    I = firm.get_I(K[1:T + 1], K[:T], I_params)
    print 'Resource Constraint Difference:', Y[:T] - C[:T] - I[:T]

    print 'Checking time path for violations of constaints.'
    for t in xrange(T):
        household.constraint_checker_TPI(b_mat[t], n_mat[t], c_path[t], t,

    eul_savings = euler_errors[:, :S, :].max(1).max(1)
    eul_laborleisure = euler_errors[:, S:, :].max(1).max(1)

    print 'Max Euler error, savings: ', eul_savings
    print 'Max Euler error labor supply: ', eul_laborleisure

    if ((np.any(np.absolute(eul_savings) >= mindist_TPI) or
         (np.any(np.absolute(eul_laborleisure) > mindist_TPI)))
        raise RuntimeError("Transition path equlibrium not found")
    Save variables/values so they can be used in other modules

    output = {
        'Y': Y,
        'K': K,
        'L': L,
        'C': C,
        'I': I,
        'BQ': BQ,
        'T_H': T_H,
        'r': r,
        'w': w,
        'b_mat': b_mat,
        'n_mat': n_mat,
        'c_path': c_path,
        'tax_path': tax_path,
        'eul_savings': eul_savings,
        'eul_laborleisure': eul_laborleisure

    tpi_dir = os.path.join(output_dir, "TPI")
    tpi_vars = os.path.join(tpi_dir, "TPI_vars.pkl")
    pickle.dump(output, open(tpi_vars, "wb"))

    macro_output = {
        'Y': Y,
        'K': K,
        'L': L,
        'C': C,
        'I': I,
        'BQ': BQ,
        'T_H': T_H,
        'r': r,
        'w': w,
        'tax_path': tax_path

    # Non-stationary output
    # macro_ns_output = {'K_ns_path': K_ns_path, 'C_ns_path': C_ns_path, 'I_ns_path': I_ns_path,
    #           'L_ns_path': L_ns_path, 'BQ_ns_path': BQ_ns_path,
    #           'rinit': rinit, 'Y_ns_path': Y_ns_path, 'T_H_ns_path': T_H_ns_path,
    #           'w_ns_path': w_ns_path}

    return output, macro_output
Exemple #3
def run_time_path_iteration(Kss,

    TPI_FIG_DIR = output_dir
    # Initialize Time paths
    domain = np.linspace(0, T, T)
    Kinit = (-1 / (domain + 1)) * (Kss - K0) + Kss
    Kinit[-1] = Kss
    Kinit = np.array(list(Kinit) + list(np.ones(S) * Kss))
    Linit = np.ones(T + S) * Lss
    Yinit = firm.get_Y(Kinit, Linit, parameters)
    winit = firm.get_w(Yinit, Linit, parameters)
    rinit = firm.get_r(Yinit, Kinit, parameters)
    BQinit = np.zeros((T + S, J))
    for j in xrange(J):
        BQinit[:, j] = list(np.linspace(BQ0[j], BQss[j], T)) + [BQss[j]] * S
    BQinit = np.array(BQinit)
    T_H_init = np.ones(T + S) * T_Hss

    # Make array of initial guesses
    domain2 = np.tile(domain.reshape(T, 1, 1), (1, S, J))
    ending_b = bssmat_splus1
    guesses_b = (-1 / (domain2 + 1)) * (ending_b - initial_b) + ending_b
    ending_b_tail = np.tile(ending_b.reshape(1, S, J), (S, 1, 1))
    guesses_b = np.append(guesses_b, ending_b_tail, axis=0)

    domain3 = np.tile(np.linspace(0, 1, T).reshape(T, 1, 1), (1, S, J))
    guesses_n = domain3 * (nssmat - initial_n) + initial_n
    ending_n_tail = np.tile(nssmat.reshape(1, S, J), (S, 1, 1))
    guesses_n = np.append(guesses_n, ending_n_tail, axis=0)
    b_mat = np.zeros((T + S, S, J))
    n_mat = np.zeros((T + S, S, J))
    ind = np.arange(S)

    TPIiter = 0
    TPIdist = 10

    euler_errors = np.zeros((T, 2 * S, J))
    TPIdist_vec = np.zeros(maxiter)

    while (TPIiter < maxiter) and (TPIdist >= mindist_TPI):
        Kpath_TPI = list(Kinit) + list(np.ones(10) * Kss)
        Lpath_TPI = list(Linit) + list(np.ones(10) * Lss)
        # Plot TPI for K for each iteration, so we can see if there is a
        # problem
        if PLOT_TPI is True:
                        label=r"Steady State $\hat{K}$",
            plt.plot(np.arange(T + 10),
                     Kpath_TPI[:T + 10],
                     label=r"TPI time path $\hat{K}_t$")
            plt.savefig(os.path.join(TPI_FIG_DIR, "TPI_K"))
        # Uncomment the following print statements to make sure all euler equations are converging.
        # If they don't, then you'll have negative consumption or consumption spikes.  If they don't,
        # it is the initial guesses.  You might need to scale them differently.  It is rather delicate for the first
        # few periods and high ability groups.
        for j in xrange(J):
            b_mat[1, -1, j], n_mat[0, -1, j] = np.array(
                           [guesses_b[1, -1, j], guesses_n[0, -1, j]],
                           args=(winit[1], rinit[1], BQinit[1, j], T_H_init[1],
                                 initial_b, factor_ss, j, parameters, theta,
            # if np.array(SS_TPI_firstdoughnutring([b_mat[1, -1, j], n_mat[0, -1, j]], winit[1], rinit[1], BQinit[1, j], T_H_init[1], initial_b, factor_ss, j, parameters, theta, tau_bq)).max() > 1e-6:
            # print 'minidoughnut:',
            # np.array(SS_TPI_firstdoughnutring([b_mat[1, -1, j], n_mat[0, -1,
            # j]], winit[1], rinit[1], BQinit[1, j], T_H_init[1], initial_b,
            # factor_ss, j, parameters, theta, tau_bq)).max()
            for s in xrange(S - 2):  # Upper triangle
                ind2 = np.arange(s + 2)
                b_guesses_to_use = np.diag(guesses_b[1:S + 1, :, j],
                                           S - (s + 2))
                n_guesses_to_use = np.diag(guesses_n[:S, :, j], S - (s + 2))
                solutions = opt.fsolve(
                    list(b_guesses_to_use) + list(n_guesses_to_use),
                    args=(winit, rinit, BQinit[:, j], T_H_init, factor_ss, j,
                          s, 0, parameters, theta, tau_bq, rho, lambdas, e,
                          initial_b, chi_b, chi_n),
                b_vec = solutions[:len(solutions) / 2]
                b_mat[1 + ind2, S - (s + 2) + ind2, j] = b_vec
                n_vec = solutions[len(solutions) / 2:]
                n_mat[ind2, S - (s + 2) + ind2, j] = n_vec
                # if abs(np.array(Steady_state_TPI_solver(solutions, winit, rinit, BQinit[:, j], T_H_init, factor_ss, j, s, 0, parameters, theta, tau_bq, rho, lambdas, e, initial_b, chi_b, chi_n))).max() > 1e-6:
                # print 's-loop:',
                # abs(np.array(Steady_state_TPI_solver(solutions, winit, rinit,
                # BQinit[:, j], T_H_init, factor_ss, j, s, 0, parameters,
                # theta, tau_bq, rho, lambdas, e, initial_b, chi_b,
                # chi_n))).max()
            for t in xrange(0, T):
                b_guesses_to_use = .75 * \
                    np.diag(guesses_b[t + 1:t + S + 1, :, j])
                n_guesses_to_use = np.diag(guesses_n[t:t + S, :, j])
                solutions = opt.fsolve(
                    list(b_guesses_to_use) + list(n_guesses_to_use),
                    args=(winit, rinit, BQinit[:, j], T_H_init, factor_ss, j,
                          None, t, parameters, theta, tau_bq, rho, lambdas, e,
                          None, chi_b, chi_n),
                b_vec = solutions[:S]
                b_mat[t + 1 + ind, ind, j] = b_vec
                n_vec = solutions[S:]
                n_mat[t + ind, ind, j] = n_vec
                inputs = list(solutions)
                euler_errors[t, :, j] = np.abs(
                    Steady_state_TPI_solver(inputs, winit, rinit, BQinit[:, j],
                                            T_H_init, factor_ss, j, None, t,
                                            parameters, theta, tau_bq, rho,
                                            lambdas, e, None, chi_b, chi_n))
        # if euler_errors.max() > 1e-6:
        #     print 't-loop:', euler_errors.max()
        # Force the initial distribution of capital to be as given above.
        b_mat[0, :, :] = initial_b
        Kinit = household.get_K(b_mat[:T],
                                omega_stationary[:T].reshape(T, S, 1),
                                lambdas.reshape(1, 1,
                                                J), g_n_vector[:T], 'TPI')
        Linit = firm.get_L(e.reshape(1, S, J), n_mat[:T],
                           omega_stationary[:T, :].reshape(T, S, 1),
                           lambdas.reshape(1, 1, J), 'TPI')
        Ynew = firm.get_Y(Kinit, Linit, parameters)
        wnew = firm.get_w(Ynew, Linit, parameters)
        rnew = firm.get_r(Ynew, Kinit, parameters)
        # the following needs a g_n term
        BQnew = household.get_BQ(rnew.reshape(T, 1), b_mat[:T],
                                 omega_stationary[:T].reshape(T, S, 1),
                                 lambdas.reshape(1, 1,
                                                 J), rho.reshape(1, S, 1),
                                 g_n_vector[:T].reshape(T, 1), 'TPI')
        bmat_s = np.zeros((T, S, J))
        bmat_s[:, 1:, :] = b_mat[:T, :-1, :]
        T_H_new = np.array(
                    rnew.reshape(T, 1, 1), bmat_s, wnew.reshape(T, 1, 1),
                    e.reshape(1, S, J), n_mat[:T], BQnew.reshape(T, 1, J),
                    lambdas.reshape(1, 1, J), factor_ss, omega_stationary[:T].
                    reshape(T, S, 1), 'TPI', parameters, theta, tau_bq)) +
            [T_Hss] * S)

        winit[:T] = utils.convex_combo(wnew, winit[:T], parameters)
        rinit[:T] = utils.convex_combo(rnew, rinit[:T], parameters)
        BQinit[:T] = utils.convex_combo(BQnew, BQinit[:T], parameters)
        T_H_init[:T] = utils.convex_combo(T_H_new[:T], T_H_init[:T],
        guesses_b = utils.convex_combo(b_mat, guesses_b, parameters)
        guesses_n = utils.convex_combo(n_mat, guesses_n, parameters)
        if T_H_init.all() != 0:
            TPIdist = np.array(
                list(utils.perc_dif_func(rnew, rinit[:T])) +
                list(utils.perc_dif_func(BQnew, BQinit[:T]).flatten()) +
                list(utils.perc_dif_func(wnew, winit[:T])) +
                list(utils.perc_dif_func(T_H_new, T_H_init))).max()
            TPIdist = np.array(
                list(utils.perc_dif_func(rnew, rinit[:T])) +
                list(utils.perc_dif_func(BQnew, BQinit[:T]).flatten()) +
                list(utils.perc_dif_func(wnew, winit[:T])) +
                list(np.abs(T_H_new, T_H_init))).max()
        TPIdist_vec[TPIiter] = TPIdist
        # After T=10, if cycling occurs, drop the value of nu
        # wait til after T=10 or so, because sometimes there is a jump up
        # in the first couple iterations
        if TPIiter > 10:
            if TPIdist_vec[TPIiter] - TPIdist_vec[TPIiter - 1] > 0:
                nu /= 2
                print 'New Value of nu:', nu
        TPIiter += 1
        print '\tIteration:', TPIiter
        print '\t\tDistance:', TPIdist

    print 'Computing final solutions'

    # As in SS, you need the final distributions of b and n to match the final
    # w, r, BQ, etc.  Otherwise the euler errors are large.  You need one more
    # fsolve.
    for j in xrange(J):
        b_mat[1, -1, j], n_mat[0, -1, j] = np.array(
                       [guesses_b[1, -1, j], guesses_n[0, -1, j]],
                       args=(winit[1], rinit[1], BQinit[1, j], T_H_init[1],
                             initial_b, factor_ss, j, parameters, theta,
        for s in xrange(S - 2):  # Upper triangle
            ind2 = np.arange(s + 2)
            b_guesses_to_use = np.diag(guesses_b[1:S + 1, :, j], S - (s + 2))
            n_guesses_to_use = np.diag(guesses_n[:S, :, j], S - (s + 2))
            solutions = opt.fsolve(
                list(b_guesses_to_use) + list(n_guesses_to_use),
                args=(winit, rinit, BQinit[:, j], T_H_init, factor_ss, j, s, 0,
                      parameters, theta, tau_bq, rho, lambdas, e, initial_b,
                      chi_b, chi_n),
            b_vec = solutions[:len(solutions) / 2]
            b_mat[1 + ind2, S - (s + 2) + ind2, j] = b_vec
            n_vec = solutions[len(solutions) / 2:]
            n_mat[ind2, S - (s + 2) + ind2, j] = n_vec
        for t in xrange(0, T):
            b_guesses_to_use = .75 * np.diag(guesses_b[t + 1:t + S + 1, :, j])
            n_guesses_to_use = np.diag(guesses_n[t:t + S, :, j])
            solutions = opt.fsolve(
                list(b_guesses_to_use) + list(n_guesses_to_use),
                args=(winit, rinit, BQinit[:, j], T_H_init, factor_ss, j, None,
                      t, parameters, theta, tau_bq, rho, lambdas, e, None,
                      chi_b, chi_n),
            b_vec = solutions[:S]
            b_mat[t + 1 + ind, ind, j] = b_vec
            n_vec = solutions[S:]
            n_mat[t + ind, ind, j] = n_vec
            inputs = list(solutions)
            euler_errors[t, :, j] = np.abs(
                Steady_state_TPI_solver(inputs, winit, rinit, BQinit[:, j],
                                        T_H_init, factor_ss, j, None, t,
                                        parameters, theta, tau_bq, rho,
                                        lambdas, e, None, chi_b, chi_n))

    b_mat[0, :, :] = initial_b
    Generate variables/values so they can be used in other modules

    Kpath_TPI = np.array(list(Kinit) + list(np.ones(10) * Kss))
    Lpath_TPI = np.array(list(Linit) + list(np.ones(10) * Lss))
    BQpath_TPI = np.array(list(BQinit) + list(np.ones((10, J)) * BQss))

    b_s = np.zeros((T, S, J))
    b_s[:, 1:, :] = b_mat[:T, :-1, :]
    b_splus1 = np.zeros((T, S, J))
    b_splus1[:, :, :] = b_mat[1:T + 1, :, :]

    tax_path = tax.total_taxes(rinit[:T].reshape(T, 1, 1),
                               b_s, winit[:T].reshape(T, 1, 1),
                               e.reshape(1, S, J), n_mat[:T],
                               BQinit[:T, :].reshape(T, 1, J), lambdas,
                               factor_ss, T_H_init[:T].reshape(T, 1, 1), None,
                               'TPI', False, parameters, theta, tau_bq)
    c_path = household.get_cons(rinit[:T].reshape(T, 1, 1),
                                b_s, winit[:T].reshape(T, 1, 1),
                                e.reshape(1, S, J), n_mat[:T],
                                BQinit[:T].reshape(T, 1, J),
                                lambdas.reshape(1, 1, J), b_splus1, parameters,

    Y_path = firm.get_Y(Kpath_TPI[:T], Lpath_TPI[:T], parameters)
    C_path = household.get_C(c_path, omega_stationary[:T].reshape(T, S, 1),
                             lambdas, 'TPI')
    I_path = firm.get_I(Kpath_TPI[1:T + 1], Kpath_TPI[:T], delta, g_y,
    print 'Resource Constraint Difference:', Y_path - C_path - I_path

    print 'Checking time path for violations of constaints.'
    for t in xrange(T):
        household.constraint_checker_TPI(b_mat[t], n_mat[t], c_path[t], t,

    eul_savings = euler_errors[:, :S, :].max(1).max(1)
    eul_laborleisure = euler_errors[:, S:, :].max(1).max(1)
    Save variables/values so they can be used in other modules

    output = {
        'Kpath_TPI': Kpath_TPI,
        'b_mat': b_mat,
        'c_path': c_path,
        'eul_savings': eul_savings,
        'eul_laborleisure': eul_laborleisure,
        'Lpath_TPI': Lpath_TPI,
        'BQpath_TPI': BQpath_TPI,
        'n_mat': n_mat,
        'rinit': rinit,
        'Yinit': Yinit,
        'T_H_init': T_H_init,
        'tax_path': tax_path,
        'winit': winit

    if get_baseline:
        tpi_init_dir = os.path.join(output_dir, "TPIinit")
        tpi_init_vars = os.path.join(tpi_init_dir, "TPIinit_vars.pkl")
        pickle.dump(output, open(tpi_init_vars, "wb"))
        tpi_dir = os.path.join(output_dir, "TPI")
        tpi_vars = os.path.join(tpi_dir, "TPI_vars.pkl")
        pickle.dump(output, open(tpi_vars, "wb"))
Exemple #4
def SS_solver(b_guess_init, n_guess_init, rss, wss, T_Hss, factor_ss, Yss, params, baseline, fsolve_flag=False, baseline_spending=False):
    Solves for the steady state distribution of capital, labor, as well as
    w, r, T_H and the scaling factor, using a bisection method similar to TPI.

    b_guess_init = [S,J] array, initial guesses for savings
    n_guess_init = [S,J] array, initial guesses for labor supply
    wguess = scalar, initial guess for SS real wage rate
    rguess = scalar, initial guess for SS real interest rate
    T_Hguess = scalar, initial guess for lump sum transfer
    factorguess = scalar, initial guess for scaling factor to dollars
    chi_b = [J,] vector, chi^b_j, the utility weight on bequests
    chi_n = [S,] vector, chi^n_s utility weight on labor supply
    params = length X tuple, list of parameters
    iterative_params = length X tuple, list of parameters that determine the convergence
                       of the while loop
    tau_bq = [J,] vector, bequest tax rate
    rho = [S,] vector, mortality rates by age
    lambdas = [J,] vector, fraction of population with each ability type
    omega = [S,] vector, stationary population weights
    e =  [S,J] array, effective labor units by age and ability type


    b_guess = [S,] vector, initial guess at household savings
    n_guess = [S,] vector, initial guess at household labor supply
    b_s = [S,] vector, wealth enter period with
    b_splus1 = [S,] vector, household savings
    b_splus2 = [S,] vector, household savings one period ahead
    BQ = scalar, aggregate bequests to lifetime income group
    theta = scalar, replacement rate for social security benenfits
    error1 = [S,] vector, errors from FOC for savings
    error2 = [S,] vector, errors from FOC for labor supply
    tax1 = [S,] vector, total income taxes paid
    cons = [S,] vector, household consumption

    Bss = scalar, aggregate household wealth in the steady state
    BIss = scalar, aggregate household net investment in the steady state

    RETURNS: solutions = steady state values of b, n, w, r, factor,
                    T_H ((2*S*J+4)x1 array)

    OUTPUT: None

    bssmat, nssmat, chi_params, ss_params, income_tax_params, iterative_params, small_open_params = params
    J, S, T, BW, beta, sigma, alpha, gamma, epsilon, Z, delta, ltilde, nu, g_y,\
                  g_n_ss, tau_payroll, tau_bq, rho, omega_SS, budget_balance, \
                  alpha_T, debt_ratio_ss, tau_b, delta_tau,\
                  lambdas, imm_rates, e, retire, mean_income_data,\
                  h_wealth, p_wealth, m_wealth, b_ellipse, upsilon = ss_params

    analytical_mtrs, etr_params, mtrx_params, mtry_params = income_tax_params

    chi_b, chi_n = chi_params

    maxiter, mindist_SS = iterative_params

    small_open, ss_firm_r, ss_hh_r = small_open_params

    # Rename the inputs
    r = rss
    w = wss
    T_H = T_Hss
    factor = factor_ss
    if budget_balance == False:
        if baseline_spending == True:
            Y = Yss
            Y = T_H / alpha_T
    if small_open == True:
        r = ss_hh_r

    dist = 10
    iteration = 0
    dist_vec = np.zeros(maxiter)

    if fsolve_flag == True:
        maxiter = 1

    while (dist > mindist_SS) and (iteration < maxiter):
        # Solve for the steady state levels of b and n, given w, r, Y and
        # factor
        if budget_balance:
            outer_loop_vars = (bssmat, nssmat, r, w, T_H, factor)
            outer_loop_vars = (bssmat, nssmat, r, w, Y, T_H, factor)
        inner_loop_params = (ss_params, income_tax_params, chi_params, small_open_params)

        euler_errors, bssmat, nssmat, new_r, new_w, \
             new_T_H, new_Y, new_factor, new_BQ, average_income_model = inner_loop(outer_loop_vars, inner_loop_params, baseline, baseline_spending)

        r = utils.convex_combo(new_r, r, nu)
        w = utils.convex_combo(new_w, w, nu)
        factor = utils.convex_combo(new_factor, factor, nu)
        if budget_balance:
            T_H = utils.convex_combo(new_T_H, T_H, nu)
            dist = np.array([utils.pct_diff_func(new_r, r)] +
                            [utils.pct_diff_func(new_w, w)] +
                            [utils.pct_diff_func(new_T_H, T_H)] +
                            [utils.pct_diff_func(new_factor, factor)]).max()
            Y = utils.convex_combo(new_Y, Y, nu)
            if Y != 0:
                dist = np.array([utils.pct_diff_func(new_r, r)] +
                                [utils.pct_diff_func(new_w, w)] +
                                [utils.pct_diff_func(new_Y, Y)] +
                                [utils.pct_diff_func(new_factor, factor)]).max()
                # If Y is zero (if there is no output), a percent difference
                # will throw NaN's, so we use an absoluate difference
                dist = np.array([utils.pct_diff_func(new_r, r)] +
                                [utils.pct_diff_func(new_w, w)] +
                                [abs(new_Y - Y)] +
                                [utils.pct_diff_func(new_factor, factor)]).max()
        dist_vec[iteration] = dist
        # Similar to TPI: if the distance between iterations increases, then
        # decrease the value of nu to prevent cycling
        if iteration > 10:
            if dist_vec[iteration] - dist_vec[iteration - 1] > 0:
                nu /= 2.0
                print 'New value of nu:', nu
        iteration += 1
        print "Iteration: %02d" % iteration, " Distance: ", dist

        Generate the SS values of variables, including euler errors
    bssmat_s = np.append(np.zeros((1,J)),bssmat[:-1,:],axis=0)
    bssmat_splus1 = bssmat

    rss = r
    wss = w
    factor_ss = factor
    T_Hss = T_H

    Lss_params = (e, omega_SS.reshape(S, 1), lambdas, 'SS')
    Lss = firm.get_L(nssmat, Lss_params)
    if small_open == False:
        Kss_params = (omega_SS.reshape(S, 1), lambdas, imm_rates, g_n_ss, 'SS')
        Bss = household.get_K(bssmat_splus1, Kss_params)
        if budget_balance:
            debt_ss = 0.0
            debt_ss = debt_ratio_ss*Y
        Kss = Bss - debt_ss
        Iss_params = (delta, g_y, omega_SS, lambdas, imm_rates, g_n_ss, 'SS')
        Iss = firm.get_I(bssmat_splus1, Kss, Kss, Iss_params)
        # Compute capital (K) and wealth (B) separately
        Kss_params = (Z, gamma, epsilon, delta, tau_b, delta_tau)
        Kss = firm.get_K(Lss, ss_firm_r, Kss_params)
        Iss_params = (delta, g_y, omega_SS, lambdas, imm_rates, g_n_ss, 'SS')
        InvestmentPlaceholder = np.zeros(bssmat_splus1.shape)
        Iss = firm.get_I(InvestmentPlaceholder, Kss, Kss, Iss_params)
        Bss_params = (omega_SS.reshape(S, 1), lambdas, imm_rates, g_n_ss, 'SS')
        Bss = household.get_K(bssmat_splus1, Bss_params)
        BIss_params = (0.0, g_y, omega_SS, lambdas, imm_rates, g_n_ss, 'SS')
        BIss = firm.get_I(bssmat_splus1, Bss, Bss, BIss_params)
        if budget_balance:
            debt_ss = 0.0
            debt_ss = debt_ratio_ss*Y

    # Yss_params = (alpha, Z)
    Yss_params = (Z, gamma, epsilon)
    Yss = firm.get_Y(Kss, Lss, Yss_params)

    # Verify that T_Hss = alpha_T*Yss
#    transfer_error = T_Hss - alpha_T*Yss
#    if np.absolute(transfer_error) > mindist_SS:
#        print 'Transfers exceed alpha_T percent of GDP by:', transfer_error
#        err = "Transfers do not match correct share of GDP in SS_solver"
#        raise RuntimeError(err)

    BQss = new_BQ
    theta_params = (e, S, retire)
    theta = tax.replacement_rate_vals(nssmat, wss, factor_ss, theta_params)

    # Next 5 lines pulled out of inner_loop where they are used to calculate tax revenue. Now calculating G to balance gov't budget.
    b_s = np.array(list(np.zeros(J).reshape(1, J)) + list(bssmat[:-1, :]))
    lump_sum_params = (e, lambdas.reshape(1, J), omega_SS.reshape(S, 1), 'SS', etr_params, theta, tau_bq,
                      tau_payroll, h_wealth, p_wealth, m_wealth, retire, T, S, J, tau_b, delta_tau)
    revenue_ss = tax.revenue(new_r, new_w, b_s, nssmat, new_BQ, Yss, Lss, Kss, factor, lump_sum_params)
    r_gov_ss = rss
    debt_service_ss = r_gov_ss*debt_ratio_ss*Yss
    new_borrowing = debt_ratio_ss*Yss*((1+g_n_ss)*np.exp(g_y)-1)
    # government spends such that it expands its debt at the same rate as GDP
    if budget_balance:
        Gss = 0.0
        Gss = revenue_ss + new_borrowing - (T_Hss + debt_service_ss)

    # solve resource constraint
    etr_params_3D = np.tile(np.reshape(etr_params,(S,1,etr_params.shape[1])),(1,J,1))
    mtrx_params_3D = np.tile(np.reshape(mtrx_params,(S,1,mtrx_params.shape[1])),(1,J,1))

        The code below is to calulate and save model MTRs
                - only exists to help debug
    # etr_params_extended = np.append(etr_params,np.reshape(etr_params[-1,:],(1,etr_params.shape[1])),axis=0)[1:,:]
    # etr_params_extended_3D = np.tile(np.reshape(etr_params_extended,(S,1,etr_params_extended.shape[1])),(1,J,1))
    # mtry_params_extended = np.append(mtry_params,np.reshape(mtry_params[-1,:],(1,mtry_params.shape[1])),axis=0)[1:,:]
    # mtry_params_extended_3D = np.tile(np.reshape(mtry_params_extended,(S,1,mtry_params_extended.shape[1])),(1,J,1))
    # e_extended = np.array(list(e) + list(np.zeros(J).reshape(1, J)))
    # nss_extended = np.array(list(nssmat) + list(np.zeros(J).reshape(1, J)))
    # mtry_ss_params = (e_extended[1:,:], etr_params_extended_3D, mtry_params_extended_3D, analytical_mtrs)
    # mtry_ss = tax.MTR_capital(rss, wss, bssmat_splus1, nss_extended[1:,:], factor_ss, mtry_ss_params)
    # mtrx_ss_params = (e, etr_params_3D, mtrx_params_3D, analytical_mtrs)
    # mtrx_ss = tax.MTR_labor(rss, wss, bssmat_s, nssmat, factor_ss, mtrx_ss_params)

    # np.savetxt("mtr_ss_capital.csv", mtry_ss, delimiter=",")
    # np.savetxt("mtr_ss_labor.csv", mtrx_ss, delimiter=",")

    # solve resource constraint
    taxss_params = (e, lambdas, 'SS', retire, etr_params_3D,
                    h_wealth, p_wealth, m_wealth, tau_payroll, theta, tau_bq, J, S)
    taxss = tax.total_taxes(rss, wss, bssmat_s, nssmat, BQss, factor_ss, T_Hss, None, False, taxss_params)
    css_params = (e, lambdas.reshape(1, J), g_y)
    cssmat = household.get_cons(rss, wss, bssmat_s, bssmat_splus1, nssmat, BQss.reshape(
        1, J), taxss, css_params)

    biz_params = (tau_b, delta_tau)
    business_revenue = tax.get_biz_tax(wss, Yss, Lss, Kss, biz_params)

    Css_params = (omega_SS.reshape(S, 1), lambdas, 'SS')
    Css = household.get_C(cssmat, Css_params)

    if small_open == False:
        resource_constraint = Yss - (Css + Iss + Gss)
        print 'Yss= ', Yss, '\n', 'Gss= ', Gss, '\n', 'Css= ', Css, '\n', 'Kss = ', Kss, '\n', 'Iss = ', Iss, '\n', 'Lss = ', Lss, '\n', 'Debt service = ', debt_service_ss
        print 'D/Y:', debt_ss/Yss, 'T/Y:', T_Hss/Yss, 'G/Y:', Gss/Yss, 'Rev/Y:', revenue_ss/Yss, 'business rev/Y: ', business_revenue/Yss, 'Int payments to GDP:', (rss*debt_ss)/Yss
        print 'Check SS budget: ', Gss - (np.exp(g_y)*(1+g_n_ss)-1-rss)*debt_ss - revenue_ss + T_Hss
        print 'resource constraint: ', resource_constraint
        # include term for current account
        resource_constraint = Yss + new_borrowing  - (Css + BIss + Gss) + (ss_hh_r * Bss - (delta + ss_firm_r) * Kss - debt_service_ss)
        print 'Yss= ', Yss, '\n', 'Css= ', Css, '\n', 'Bss = ', Bss, '\n', 'BIss = ', BIss, '\n', 'Kss = ', Kss, '\n', 'Iss = ', Iss, '\n', 'Lss = ', Lss, '\n', 'T_H = ', T_H,'\n', 'Gss= ', Gss
        print 'D/Y:', debt_ss/Yss, 'T/Y:', T_Hss/Yss, 'G/Y:', Gss/Yss, 'Rev/Y:', revenue_ss/Yss, 'Int payments to GDP:', (rss*debt_ss)/Yss
        print 'resource constraint: ', resource_constraint

    if Gss < 0:
        print 'Steady state government spending is negative to satisfy budget'

    if ENFORCE_SOLUTION_CHECKS and np.absolute(resource_constraint) > mindist_SS:
        print 'Resource Constraint Difference:', resource_constraint
        err = "Steady state aggregate resource constraint not satisfied"
        raise RuntimeError(err)

    # check constraints
    household.constraint_checker_SS(bssmat, nssmat, cssmat, ltilde)

    euler_savings = euler_errors[:S,:]
    euler_labor_leisure = euler_errors[S:,:]

        Return dictionary of SS results
    output = {'Kss': Kss, 'bssmat': bssmat, 'Bss': Bss, 'Lss': Lss, 'Css':Css, 'Iss':Iss, 'nssmat': nssmat, 'Yss': Yss,
              'wss': wss, 'rss': rss, 'theta': theta, 'BQss': BQss, 'factor_ss': factor_ss,
              'bssmat_s': bssmat_s, 'cssmat': cssmat, 'bssmat_splus1': bssmat_splus1,
              'T_Hss': T_Hss, 'Gss': Gss, 'revenue_ss': revenue_ss, 'euler_savings': euler_savings,
              'euler_labor_leisure': euler_labor_leisure, 'chi_n': chi_n,
              'chi_b': chi_b}

    return output
Exemple #5
def run_time_path_iteration(Kss, Lss, Yss, BQss, theta, parameters, g_n_vector, omega_stationary, K0, b_sinit, b_splus1init, L0, Y0, r0, BQ0, T_H_0, tax0, c0, initial_b, initial_n, factor_ss, tau_bq, chi_b, chi_n, get_baseline=False, output_dir="./OUTPUT", **kwargs):

    TPI_FIG_DIR = output_dir
    # Initialize Time paths
    domain = np.linspace(0, T, T)
    Kinit = (-1 / (domain + 1)) * (Kss - K0) + Kss
    Kinit[-1] = Kss
    Kinit = np.array(list(Kinit) + list(np.ones(S) * Kss))
    Linit = np.ones(T + S) * Lss
    Yinit = firm.get_Y(Kinit, Linit, parameters)
    winit = firm.get_w(Yinit, Linit, parameters)
    rinit = firm.get_r(Yinit, Kinit, parameters)
    BQinit = np.zeros((T + S, J))
    for j in xrange(J):
        BQinit[:, j] = list(np.linspace(BQ0[j], BQss[j], T)) + [BQss[j]] * S
    BQinit = np.array(BQinit)
    T_H_init = np.ones(T + S) * T_Hss

    # Make array of initial guesses
    domain2 = np.tile(domain.reshape(T, 1, 1), (1, S, J))
    ending_b = bssmat_splus1
    guesses_b = (-1 / (domain2 + 1)) * (ending_b - initial_b) + ending_b
    ending_b_tail = np.tile(ending_b.reshape(1, S, J), (S, 1, 1))
    guesses_b = np.append(guesses_b, ending_b_tail, axis=0)

    domain3 = np.tile(np.linspace(0, 1, T).reshape(T, 1, 1), (1, S, J))
    guesses_n = domain3 * (nssmat - initial_n) + initial_n
    ending_n_tail = np.tile(nssmat.reshape(1, S, J), (S, 1, 1))
    guesses_n = np.append(guesses_n, ending_n_tail, axis=0)
    b_mat = np.zeros((T + S, S, J))
    n_mat = np.zeros((T + S, S, J))
    ind = np.arange(S)

    TPIiter = 0
    TPIdist = 10

    euler_errors = np.zeros((T, 2 * S, J))
    TPIdist_vec = np.zeros(maxiter)

    while (TPIiter < maxiter) and (TPIdist >= mindist_TPI):
        Kpath_TPI = list(Kinit) + list(np.ones(10) * Kss)
        Lpath_TPI = list(Linit) + list(np.ones(10) * Lss)
        # Plot TPI for K for each iteration, so we can see if there is a
        # problem
        if PLOT_TPI is True:
                y=Kss, color='black', linewidth=2, label=r"Steady State $\hat{K}$", ls='--')
                T + 10), Kpath_TPI[:T + 10], 'b', linewidth=2, label=r"TPI time path $\hat{K}_t$")
            plt.savefig(os.path.join(TPI_FIG_DIR, "TPI_K"))
        # Uncomment the following print statements to make sure all euler equations are converging.
        # If they don't, then you'll have negative consumption or consumption spikes.  If they don't,
        # it is the initial guesses.  You might need to scale them differently.  It is rather delicate for the first
        # few periods and high ability groups.
        for j in xrange(J):
            b_mat[1, -1, j], n_mat[0, -1, j] = np.array(opt.fsolve(SS_TPI_firstdoughnutring, [guesses_b[1, -1, j], guesses_n[0, -1, j]],
                                                                   args=(winit[1], rinit[1], BQinit[1, j], T_H_init[1], initial_b, factor_ss, j, parameters, theta, tau_bq), xtol=1e-13))
            # if np.array(SS_TPI_firstdoughnutring([b_mat[1, -1, j], n_mat[0, -1, j]], winit[1], rinit[1], BQinit[1, j], T_H_init[1], initial_b, factor_ss, j, parameters, theta, tau_bq)).max() > 1e-6:
            # print 'minidoughnut:',
            # np.array(SS_TPI_firstdoughnutring([b_mat[1, -1, j], n_mat[0, -1,
            # j]], winit[1], rinit[1], BQinit[1, j], T_H_init[1], initial_b,
            # factor_ss, j, parameters, theta, tau_bq)).max()
            for s in xrange(S - 2):  # Upper triangle
                ind2 = np.arange(s + 2)
                b_guesses_to_use = np.diag(
                    guesses_b[1:S + 1, :, j], S - (s + 2))
                n_guesses_to_use = np.diag(guesses_n[:S, :, j], S - (s + 2))
                solutions = opt.fsolve(Steady_state_TPI_solver, list(
                    b_guesses_to_use) + list(n_guesses_to_use), args=(
                    winit, rinit, BQinit[:, j], T_H_init, factor_ss, j, s, 0, parameters, theta, tau_bq, rho, lambdas, e, initial_b, chi_b, chi_n), xtol=1e-13)
                b_vec = solutions[:len(solutions) / 2]
                b_mat[1 + ind2, S - (s + 2) + ind2, j] = b_vec
                n_vec = solutions[len(solutions) / 2:]
                n_mat[ind2, S - (s + 2) + ind2, j] = n_vec
                # if abs(np.array(Steady_state_TPI_solver(solutions, winit, rinit, BQinit[:, j], T_H_init, factor_ss, j, s, 0, parameters, theta, tau_bq, rho, lambdas, e, initial_b, chi_b, chi_n))).max() > 1e-6:
                # print 's-loop:',
                # abs(np.array(Steady_state_TPI_solver(solutions, winit, rinit,
                # BQinit[:, j], T_H_init, factor_ss, j, s, 0, parameters,
                # theta, tau_bq, rho, lambdas, e, initial_b, chi_b,
                # chi_n))).max()
            for t in xrange(0, T):
                b_guesses_to_use = .75 * \
                    np.diag(guesses_b[t + 1:t + S + 1, :, j])
                n_guesses_to_use = np.diag(guesses_n[t:t + S, :, j])
                solutions = opt.fsolve(Steady_state_TPI_solver, list(
                    b_guesses_to_use) + list(n_guesses_to_use), args=(
                    winit, rinit, BQinit[:, j], T_H_init, factor_ss, j, None, t, parameters, theta, tau_bq, rho, lambdas, e, None, chi_b, chi_n), xtol=1e-13)
                b_vec = solutions[:S]
                b_mat[t + 1 + ind, ind, j] = b_vec
                n_vec = solutions[S:]
                n_mat[t + ind, ind, j] = n_vec
                inputs = list(solutions)
                euler_errors[t, :, j] = np.abs(Steady_state_TPI_solver(
                    inputs, winit, rinit, BQinit[:, j], T_H_init, factor_ss, j, None, t, parameters, theta, tau_bq, rho, lambdas, e, None, chi_b, chi_n))
        # if euler_errors.max() > 1e-6:
        #     print 't-loop:', euler_errors.max()
        # Force the initial distribution of capital to be as given above.
        b_mat[0, :, :] = initial_b
        Kinit = household.get_K(b_mat[:T], omega_stationary[:T].reshape(
            T, S, 1), lambdas.reshape(1, 1, J), g_n_vector[:T], 'TPI')
        Linit = firm.get_L(e.reshape(1, S, J), n_mat[:T], omega_stationary[
                           :T, :].reshape(T, S, 1), lambdas.reshape(1, 1, J), 'TPI')
        Ynew = firm.get_Y(Kinit, Linit, parameters)
        wnew = firm.get_w(Ynew, Linit, parameters)
        rnew = firm.get_r(Ynew, Kinit, parameters)
        # the following needs a g_n term
        BQnew = household.get_BQ(rnew.reshape(T, 1), b_mat[:T], omega_stationary[:T].reshape(
            T, S, 1), lambdas.reshape(1, 1, J), rho.reshape(1, S, 1), g_n_vector[:T].reshape(T, 1), 'TPI')
        bmat_s = np.zeros((T, S, J))
        bmat_s[:, 1:, :] = b_mat[:T, :-1, :]
        T_H_new = np.array(list(tax.get_lump_sum(rnew.reshape(T, 1, 1), bmat_s, wnew.reshape(
            T, 1, 1), e.reshape(1, S, J), n_mat[:T], BQnew.reshape(T, 1, J), lambdas.reshape(
            1, 1, J), factor_ss, omega_stationary[:T].reshape(T, S, 1), 'TPI', parameters, theta, tau_bq)) + [T_Hss] * S)

        winit[:T] = utils.convex_combo(wnew, winit[:T], parameters)
        rinit[:T] = utils.convex_combo(rnew, rinit[:T], parameters)
        BQinit[:T] = utils.convex_combo(BQnew, BQinit[:T], parameters)
        T_H_init[:T] = utils.convex_combo(
            T_H_new[:T], T_H_init[:T], parameters)
        guesses_b = utils.convex_combo(b_mat, guesses_b, parameters)
        guesses_n = utils.convex_combo(n_mat, guesses_n, parameters)
        if T_H_init.all() != 0:
            TPIdist = np.array(list(utils.perc_dif_func(rnew, rinit[:T])) + list(utils.perc_dif_func(BQnew, BQinit[:T]).flatten()) + list(
                utils.perc_dif_func(wnew, winit[:T])) + list(utils.perc_dif_func(T_H_new, T_H_init))).max()
            TPIdist = np.array(list(utils.perc_dif_func(rnew, rinit[:T])) + list(utils.perc_dif_func(BQnew, BQinit[:T]).flatten()) + list(
                utils.perc_dif_func(wnew, winit[:T])) + list(np.abs(T_H_new, T_H_init))).max()
        TPIdist_vec[TPIiter] = TPIdist
        # After T=10, if cycling occurs, drop the value of nu
        # wait til after T=10 or so, because sometimes there is a jump up
        # in the first couple iterations
        if TPIiter > 10:
            if TPIdist_vec[TPIiter] - TPIdist_vec[TPIiter - 1] > 0:
                nu /= 2
                print 'New Value of nu:', nu
        TPIiter += 1
        print '\tIteration:', TPIiter
        print '\t\tDistance:', TPIdist

    print 'Computing final solutions'

    # As in SS, you need the final distributions of b and n to match the final
    # w, r, BQ, etc.  Otherwise the euler errors are large.  You need one more
    # fsolve.
    for j in xrange(J):
        b_mat[1, -1, j], n_mat[0, -1, j] = np.array(opt.fsolve(SS_TPI_firstdoughnutring, [guesses_b[1, -1, j], guesses_n[0, -1, j]],
                                                               args=(winit[1], rinit[1], BQinit[1, j], T_H_init[1], initial_b, factor_ss, j, parameters, theta, tau_bq), xtol=1e-13))
        for s in xrange(S - 2):  # Upper triangle
            ind2 = np.arange(s + 2)
            b_guesses_to_use = np.diag(guesses_b[1:S + 1, :, j], S - (s + 2))
            n_guesses_to_use = np.diag(guesses_n[:S, :, j], S - (s + 2))
            solutions = opt.fsolve(Steady_state_TPI_solver, list(
                b_guesses_to_use) + list(n_guesses_to_use), args=(
                winit, rinit, BQinit[:, j], T_H_init, factor_ss, j, s, 0, parameters, theta, tau_bq, rho, lambdas, e, initial_b, chi_b, chi_n), xtol=1e-13)
            b_vec = solutions[:len(solutions) / 2]
            b_mat[1 + ind2, S - (s + 2) + ind2, j] = b_vec
            n_vec = solutions[len(solutions) / 2:]
            n_mat[ind2, S - (s + 2) + ind2, j] = n_vec
        for t in xrange(0, T):
            b_guesses_to_use = .75 * np.diag(guesses_b[t + 1:t + S + 1, :, j])
            n_guesses_to_use = np.diag(guesses_n[t:t + S, :, j])
            solutions = opt.fsolve(Steady_state_TPI_solver, list(
                b_guesses_to_use) + list(n_guesses_to_use), args=(
                winit, rinit, BQinit[:, j], T_H_init, factor_ss, j, None, t, parameters, theta, tau_bq, rho, lambdas, e, None, chi_b, chi_n), xtol=1e-13)
            b_vec = solutions[:S]
            b_mat[t + 1 + ind, ind, j] = b_vec
            n_vec = solutions[S:]
            n_mat[t + ind, ind, j] = n_vec
            inputs = list(solutions)
            euler_errors[t, :, j] = np.abs(Steady_state_TPI_solver(
                inputs, winit, rinit, BQinit[:, j], T_H_init, factor_ss, j, None, t, parameters, theta, tau_bq, rho, lambdas, e, None, chi_b, chi_n))

    b_mat[0, :, :] = initial_b

    Generate variables/values so they can be used in other modules

    Kpath_TPI = np.array(list(Kinit) + list(np.ones(10) * Kss))
    Lpath_TPI = np.array(list(Linit) + list(np.ones(10) * Lss))
    BQpath_TPI = np.array(list(BQinit) + list(np.ones((10, J)) * BQss))

    b_s = np.zeros((T, S, J))
    b_s[:, 1:, :] = b_mat[:T, :-1, :]
    b_splus1 = np.zeros((T, S, J))
    b_splus1[:, :, :] = b_mat[1:T + 1, :, :]

    tax_path = tax.total_taxes(rinit[:T].reshape(T, 1, 1), b_s, winit[:T].reshape(T, 1, 1), e.reshape(
        1, S, J), n_mat[:T], BQinit[:T, :].reshape(T, 1, J), lambdas, factor_ss, T_H_init[:T].reshape(T, 1, 1), None, 'TPI', False, parameters, theta, tau_bq)
    c_path = household.get_cons(rinit[:T].reshape(T, 1, 1), b_s, winit[:T].reshape(T, 1, 1), e.reshape(
        1, S, J), n_mat[:T], BQinit[:T].reshape(T, 1, J), lambdas.reshape(1, 1, J), b_splus1, parameters, tax_path)

    Y_path = firm.get_Y(Kpath_TPI[:T], Lpath_TPI[:T], parameters)
    C_path = household.get_C(c_path, omega_stationary[
                             :T].reshape(T, S, 1), lambdas, 'TPI')
    I_path = firm.get_I(Kpath_TPI[1:T + 1],
                        Kpath_TPI[:T], delta, g_y, g_n_vector[:T])
    print 'Resource Constraint Difference:', Y_path - C_path - I_path

    print'Checking time path for violations of constaints.'
    for t in xrange(T):
            b_mat[t], n_mat[t], c_path[t], t, parameters)

    eul_savings = euler_errors[:, :S, :].max(1).max(1)
    eul_laborleisure = euler_errors[:, S:, :].max(1).max(1)

    Save variables/values so they can be used in other modules

    output = {'Kpath_TPI': Kpath_TPI, 'b_mat': b_mat, 'c_path': c_path,
              'eul_savings': eul_savings, 'eul_laborleisure': eul_laborleisure,
              'Lpath_TPI': Lpath_TPI, 'BQpath_TPI': BQpath_TPI, 'n_mat': n_mat,
              'rinit': rinit, 'Yinit': Yinit, 'T_H_init': T_H_init,
              'tax_path': tax_path, 'winit': winit}

    if get_baseline:
        tpi_init_dir = os.path.join(output_dir, "TPIinit")
        tpi_init_vars = os.path.join(tpi_init_dir, "TPIinit_vars.pkl")
        pickle.dump(output, open(tpi_init_vars, "wb"))
        tpi_dir = os.path.join(output_dir, "TPI")
        tpi_vars = os.path.join(tpi_dir, "TPI_vars.pkl")
        pickle.dump(output, open(tpi_vars, "wb"))
Exemple #6
def SS_solver(b_guess_init, n_guess_init, wss, rss, T_Hss, BQss, factor_ss, params, baseline, fsolve_flag=False):
    Solves for the steady state distribution of capital, labor, as well as
    w, r, T_H and the scaling factor, using a bisection method similar to TPI.

    b_guess_init = [S,J] array, initial guesses for savings
    n_guess_init = [S,J] array, initial guesses for labor supply
    wguess = scalar, initial guess for SS real wage rate
    rguess = scalar, initial guess for SS real interest rate
    T_Hguess = scalar, initial guess for lump sum transfer
    factorguess = scalar, initial guess for scaling factor to dollars
    chi_b = [J,] vector, chi^b_j, the utility weight on bequests
    chi_n = [S,] vector, chi^n_s utility weight on labor supply
    params = lenght X tuple, list of parameters
    iterative_params = length X tuple, list of parameters that determine the convergence
                       of the while loop
    tau_bq = [J,] vector, bequest tax rate
    rho = [S,] vector, mortality rates by age
    lambdas = [J,] vector, fraction of population with each ability type
    omega = [S,] vector, stationary population weights
    e =  [S,J] array, effective labor units by age and ability type


    b_guess = [S,] vector, initial guess at household savings
    n_guess = [S,] vector, initial guess at household labor supply
    b_s = [S,] vector, wealth enter period with
    b_splus1 = [S,] vector, household savings
    b_splus2 = [S,] vector, household savings one period ahead
    BQ = scalar, aggregate bequests to lifetime income group
    theta = scalar, replacement rate for social security benenfits
    error1 = [S,] vector, errors from FOC for savings
    error2 = [S,] vector, errors from FOC for labor supply
    tax1 = [S,] vector, total income taxes paid
    cons = [S,] vector, household consumption

    RETURNS: solutions = steady state values of b, n, w, r, factor,
                    T_H ((2*S*J+4)x1 array)

    OUTPUT: None

    bssmat, nssmat, chi_params, ss_params, income_tax_params, iterative_params = params

    J, S, T, BW, beta, sigma, alpha, Z, delta, ltilde, nu, g_y,\
                  g_n_ss, tau_payroll, tau_bq, rho, omega_SS, lambdas, imm_rates, e, retire, mean_income_data,\
                  h_wealth, p_wealth, m_wealth, b_ellipse, upsilon = ss_params

    analytical_mtrs, etr_params, mtrx_params, mtry_params = income_tax_params

    chi_b, chi_n = chi_params

    maxiter, mindist_SS = iterative_params

    # Rename the inputs
    w = wss
    r = rss
    T_H = T_Hss
    BQ = BQss
    factor = factor_ss

    dist = 10
    iteration = 0
    dist_vec = np.zeros(maxiter)

    if fsolve_flag == True:
        maxiter = 1

    while (dist > mindist_SS) and (iteration < maxiter):
        # Solve for the steady state levels of b and n, given w, r, T_H and
        # factor

        outer_loop_vars = (bssmat, nssmat, r, w, T_H, factor)
        inner_loop_params = (ss_params, income_tax_params, chi_params)

        euler_errors, bssmat, nssmat, new_r, new_w, \
             new_T_H, new_BQ, new_theta, new_factor, average_income_model = inner_loop(outer_loop_vars, inner_loop_params, baseline)

        # print 'T_H: ', T_H, new_T_H
        # print 'factor: ', factor, new_factor
        # print 'interest rate: ', r, new_r
        # print 'wage rate: ', w, new_w

        r = utils.convex_combo(new_r, r, nu)
        w = utils.convex_combo(new_w, w, nu)
        factor = utils.convex_combo(new_factor, factor, nu)
        T_H = utils.convex_combo(new_T_H, T_H, nu)
        BQ = utils.convex_combo(new_BQ, BQ, nu)
        theta = utils.convex_combo(new_theta, theta, nu)
        if T_H != 0:
            dist = np.array([utils.pct_diff_func(new_r, r)] +
                            [utils.pct_diff_func(new_w, w)] +
                            [utils.pct_diff_func(new_T_H, T_H)] +
                            [utils.pct_diff_func(new_BQ, BQ)] +
                            [utils.pct_diff_func(new_theta, theta)] +
                            [utils.pct_diff_func(new_factor, factor)]).max()
            # If T_H is zero (if there are no taxes), a percent difference
            # will throw NaN's, so we use an absoluate difference
            dist = np.array([utils.pct_diff_func(new_r, r)] +
                            [utils.pct_diff_func(new_w, w)] +
                            [abs(new_T_H - T_H)] +
                            [utils.pct_diff_func(new_BQ, BQ)] +
                            [utils.pct_diff_func(new_theta, theta)] +
                            [utils.pct_diff_func(new_factor, factor)]).max()
        dist_vec[iteration] = dist
        # Similar to TPI: if the distance between iterations increases, then
        # decrease the value of nu to prevent cycling
        if iteration > 10:
            if dist_vec[iteration] - dist_vec[iteration - 1] > 0:
                nu /= 2.0
                #print 'New value of nu:', nu
        iteration += 1
        #print "Iteration: %02d" % iteration, " Distance: ", dist

        Generate the SS values of variables, including euler errors
    bssmat_s = np.append(np.zeros((1,J)),bssmat[:-1,:],axis=0)
    bssmat_splus1 = bssmat

    wss = w
    rss = r
    factor_ss = factor
    T_Hss = T_H

    Kss_params = (omega_SS.reshape(S, 1), lambdas, imm_rates, g_n_ss, 'SS')
    Kss = household.get_K(bssmat_splus1, Kss_params)
    Lss_params = (e, omega_SS.reshape(S, 1), lambdas, 'SS')
    Lss = firm.get_L(nssmat, Lss_params)
    Yss_params = (alpha, Z)
    Yss = firm.get_Y(Kss, Lss, Yss_params)
    Iss_params = (delta, g_y, omega_SS, lambdas, imm_rates, g_n_ss, 'SS')
    Iss = firm.get_I(bssmat_splus1, Kss, Kss, Iss_params)

    BQss = new_BQ
    # theta_params = (e, S, J, omega_SS.reshape(S, 1), lambdas,retire)
    # theta = tax.replacement_rate_vals(nssmat, wss, factor_ss, theta_params)

    # solve resource constraint
    etr_params_3D = np.tile(np.reshape(etr_params,(S,1,etr_params.shape[1])),(1,J,1))
    mtrx_params_3D = np.tile(np.reshape(mtrx_params,(S,1,mtrx_params.shape[1])),(1,J,1))
    taxss_params = (e, lambdas, 'SS', retire, etr_params_3D,
                    h_wealth, p_wealth, m_wealth, tau_payroll, theta, tau_bq, J, S)
    taxss = tax.total_taxes(rss, wss, bssmat_s, nssmat, BQss, factor_ss, T_Hss, None, False, taxss_params)
    css_params = (e, lambdas.reshape(1, J), g_y)
    cssmat = household.get_cons(rss, wss, bssmat_s, bssmat_splus1, nssmat, BQss.reshape(
        1, J), taxss, css_params)

    Css_params = (omega_SS.reshape(S, 1), lambdas, 'SS')
    Css = household.get_C(cssmat, Css_params)

    resource_constraint = Yss - (Css + Iss)

        The code below is to calulate and save model MTRs
                - only exists to help debug
    # etr_params_extended = np.append(etr_params,np.reshape(etr_params[-1,:],(1,etr_params.shape[1])),axis=0)[1:,:]
    # etr_params_extended_3D = np.tile(np.reshape(etr_params_extended,(S,1,etr_params_extended.shape[1])),(1,J,1))
    # mtry_params_extended = np.append(mtry_params,np.reshape(mtry_params[-1,:],(1,mtry_params.shape[1])),axis=0)[1:,:]
    # mtry_params_extended_3D = np.tile(np.reshape(mtry_params_extended,(S,1,mtry_params_extended.shape[1])),(1,J,1))
    # e_extended = np.array(list(e) + list(np.zeros(J).reshape(1, J)))
    # nss_extended = np.array(list(nssmat) + list(np.zeros(J).reshape(1, J)))
    # mtry_ss_params = (e_extended[1:,:], etr_params_extended_3D, mtry_params_extended_3D, analytical_mtrs)
    # mtry_ss = tax.MTR_capital(rss, wss, bssmat_splus1, nss_extended[1:,:], factor_ss, mtry_ss_params)
    # mtrx_ss_params = (e, etr_params_3D, mtrx_params_3D, analytical_mtrs)
    # mtrx_ss = tax.MTR_labor(rss, wss, bssmat_s, nssmat, factor_ss, mtrx_ss_params)
    # etr_ss_params = (e, etr_params_3D)
    # etr_ss = tax.tau_income(rss, wss, bssmat_s, nssmat, factor_ss, etr_ss_params)
    # np.savetxt("etr_ss.csv", etr_ss, delimiter=",")
    # np.savetxt("mtr_ss_capital.csv", mtry_ss, delimiter=",")
    # np.savetxt("mtr_ss_labor.csv", mtrx_ss, delimiter=",")

    print 'interest rate: ', rss
    print 'wage rate: ', wss
    print 'factor: ', factor_ss
    print 'T_H', T_Hss
    print 'Resource Constraint Difference:', resource_constraint
    print 'Max Euler Error: ', (np.absolute(euler_errors)).max()

    if ENFORCE_SOLUTION_CHECKS and np.absolute(resource_constraint) > 1e-8:
        err = "Steady state aggregate resource constraint not satisfied"
        raise RuntimeError(err)

    # check constraints
    household.constraint_checker_SS(bssmat, nssmat, cssmat, ltilde)

    if np.absolute(resource_constraint) > 1e-8 or (np.absolute(euler_errors)).max() > 1e-8:
        ss_flag = 1
        ss_flag = 0

    euler_savings = euler_errors[:S,:]
    euler_labor_leisure = euler_errors[S:,:]

        Return dictionary of SS results

    output = {'Kss': Kss, 'bssmat': bssmat, 'Lss': Lss, 'Css':Css, 'Iss':Iss,
              'nssmat': nssmat, 'Yss': Yss,'wss': wss, 'rss': rss, 'theta': theta,
              'BQss': BQss, 'factor_ss': factor_ss, 'bssmat_s': bssmat_s,
              'cssmat': cssmat, 'bssmat_splus1': bssmat_splus1,
              'T_Hss': T_Hss, 'euler_savings': euler_savings,
              'euler_labor_leisure': euler_labor_leisure, 'chi_n': chi_n,
              'chi_b': chi_b, 'ss_flag':ss_flag}

    return output
Exemple #7
def run_time_path_iteration(Kss, Lss, Yss, BQss, theta, income_tax_params, wealth_tax_params, ellipse_params, parameters, g_n_vector, 
                           omega_stationary, K0, b_sinit, b_splus1init, L0, Y0, r0, BQ0, 
                           T_H_0, tax0, c0, initial_b, initial_n, factor_ss, tau_bq, chi_b, 
                           chi_n, output_dir="./OUTPUT", **kwargs):

    J, S, T, BW, beta, sigma, alpha, Z, delta, ltilde, nu, g_y, g_n_ss, tau_payroll, retire, mean_income_data, \
        h_wealth, p_wealth, m_wealth, b_ellipse, upsilon = parameters

    analytical_mtrs, etr_params, mtrx_params, mtry_params = income_tax_params

    TPI_FIG_DIR = output_dir
    # Initialize Time paths
    domain = np.linspace(0, T, T)
    Kinit = (-1 / (domain + 1)) * (Kss - K0) + Kss
    Kinit[-1] = Kss
    Kinit = np.array(list(Kinit) + list(np.ones(S) * Kss))
    Linit = np.ones(T + S) * Lss
    Yinit = firm.get_Y(Kinit, Linit, parameters)
    winit = firm.get_w(Yinit, Linit, parameters)
    rinit = firm.get_r(Yinit, Kinit, parameters)
    BQinit = np.zeros((T + S, J))
    for j in xrange(J):
        BQinit[:, j] = list(np.linspace(BQ0[j], BQss[j], T)) + [BQss[j]] * S
    BQinit = np.array(BQinit)
    if T_Hss < 1e-13 and T_Hss > 0.0 :
        T_Hss2 = 0.0 # sometimes SS is very small but not zero, even if taxes are zero, this get's rid of the approximation error, which affects the perc changes below
        T_Hss2 = T_Hss   
    T_H_init = np.ones(T + S) * T_Hss2

    # Make array of initial guesses
    domain2 = np.tile(domain.reshape(T, 1, 1), (1, S, J))
    ending_b = bssmat_splus1
    guesses_b = (-1 / (domain2 + 1)) * (ending_b - initial_b) + ending_b
    ending_b_tail = np.tile(ending_b.reshape(1, S, J), (S, 1, 1))
    guesses_b = np.append(guesses_b, ending_b_tail, axis=0)

    domain3 = np.tile(np.linspace(0, 1, T).reshape(T, 1, 1), (1, S, J))
    guesses_n = domain3 * (nssmat - initial_n) + initial_n
    ending_n_tail = np.tile(nssmat.reshape(1, S, J), (S, 1, 1))
    guesses_n = np.append(guesses_n, ending_n_tail, axis=0)
    b_mat = np.zeros((T + S, S, J))
    n_mat = np.zeros((T + S, S, J))
    ind = np.arange(S)

    TPIiter = 0
    TPIdist = 10

    euler_errors = np.zeros((T, 2 * S, J))
    TPIdist_vec = np.zeros(maxiter)

    while (TPIiter < maxiter) and (TPIdist >= mindist_TPI):
        Kpath_TPI = list(Kinit) + list(np.ones(10) * Kss)
        Lpath_TPI = list(Linit) + list(np.ones(10) * Lss)
        # Plot TPI for K for each iteration, so we can see if there is a
        # problem
        if PLOT_TPI is True:
                y=Kss, color='black', linewidth=2, label=r"Steady State $\hat{K}$", ls='--')
                T + 10), Kpath_TPI[:T + 10], 'b', linewidth=2, label=r"TPI time path $\hat{K}_t$")
            plt.savefig(os.path.join(TPI_FIG_DIR, "TPI_K"))
        # Uncomment the following print statements to make sure all euler equations are converging.
        # If they don't, then you'll have negative consumption or consumption spikes.  If they don't,
        # it is the initial guesses.  You might need to scale them differently.  It is rather delicate for the first
        # few periods and high ability groups.
        for j in xrange(J):
            b_mat[1, -1, j], n_mat[0, -1, j] = np.array(opt.fsolve(SS_TPI_firstdoughnutring, [guesses_b[1, -1, j], guesses_n[0, -1, j]],
                                                                   args=(winit[1], rinit[1], BQinit[1, j], T_H_init[1], initial_b, factor_ss, 
                                                                   j, income_tax_params, parameters, theta, tau_bq), xtol=1e-13))
            # if np.array(SS_TPI_firstdoughnutring([b_mat[1, -1, j], n_mat[0, -1, j]], winit[1], rinit[1], BQinit[1, j], T_H_init[1], initial_b, factor_ss, j, parameters, theta, tau_bq)).max() > 1e-6:
            # print 'minidoughnut:',
            # np.array(SS_TPI_firstdoughnutring([b_mat[1, -1, j], n_mat[0, -1,
            # j]], winit[1], rinit[1], BQinit[1, j], T_H_init[1], initial_b,
            # factor_ss, j, parameters, theta, tau_bq)).max()
            for s in xrange(S - 2):  # Upper triangle
                ind2 = np.arange(s + 2)
                b_guesses_to_use = np.diag(
                    guesses_b[1:S + 1, :, j], S - (s + 2))
                n_guesses_to_use = np.diag(guesses_n[:S, :, j], S - (s + 2))

                # initialize array of diagonal elements
                length_diag = (np.diag(np.transpose(etr_params[:S,:,0]),S-(s+2))).shape[0]
                etr_params_to_use = np.zeros((length_diag,etr_params.shape[2]))
                mtrx_params_to_use = np.zeros((length_diag,mtrx_params.shape[2]))
                mtry_params_to_use = np.zeros((length_diag,mtry_params.shape[2]))
                for i in range(etr_params.shape[2]):
                    etr_params_to_use[:,i] = np.diag(np.transpose(etr_params[:S,:,i]),S-(s+2))
                    mtrx_params_to_use[:,i] = np.diag(np.transpose(mtrx_params[:S,:,i]),S-(s+2))
                    mtry_params_to_use[:,i] = np.diag(np.transpose(mtry_params[:S,:,i]),S-(s+2))

                inc_tax_params_upper = (analytical_mtrs, etr_params_to_use, mtrx_params_to_use, mtry_params_to_use)

                solutions = opt.fsolve(Steady_state_TPI_solver, list(
                    b_guesses_to_use) + list(n_guesses_to_use), args=(
                    winit, rinit, BQinit[:, j], T_H_init, factor_ss, j, s, 0, inc_tax_params_upper, parameters, theta, tau_bq, rho, lambdas, e, initial_b, chi_b, chi_n), xtol=1e-13)
                b_vec = solutions[:len(solutions) / 2]
                b_mat[1 + ind2, S - (s + 2) + ind2, j] = b_vec
                n_vec = solutions[len(solutions) / 2:]
                n_mat[ind2, S - (s + 2) + ind2, j] = n_vec
                # if abs(np.array(Steady_state_TPI_solver(solutions, winit, rinit, BQinit[:, j], T_H_init, factor_ss, j, s, 0, parameters, theta, tau_bq, rho, lambdas, e, initial_b, chi_b, chi_n))).max() > 1e-6:
                # print 's-loop:',
                # abs(np.array(Steady_state_TPI_solver(solutions, winit, rinit,
                # BQinit[:, j], T_H_init, factor_ss, j, s, 0, parameters,
                # theta, tau_bq, rho, lambdas, e, initial_b, chi_b,
                # chi_n))).max()
            for t in xrange(0, T):
                b_guesses_to_use = .75 * \
                    np.diag(guesses_b[t + 1:t + S + 1, :, j])
                n_guesses_to_use = np.diag(guesses_n[t:t + S, :, j])

                # initialize array of diagonal elements
                length_diag = (np.diag(np.transpose(etr_params[:,t:t+S,i]))).shape[0]
                etr_params_to_use = np.zeros((length_diag,etr_params.shape[2]))
                mtrx_params_to_use = np.zeros((length_diag,mtrx_params.shape[2]))
                mtry_params_to_use = np.zeros((length_diag,mtry_params.shape[2]))
                for i in range(etr_params.shape[2]):
                    etr_params_to_use[:,i] = np.diag(np.transpose(etr_params[:,t:t+S,i]))
                    mtrx_params_to_use[:,i] = np.diag(np.transpose(mtrx_params[:,t:t+S,i]))
                    mtry_params_to_use[:,i] = np.diag(np.transpose(mtry_params[:,t:t+S,i]))

                inc_tax_params_TP = (analytical_mtrs, etr_params_to_use, mtrx_params_to_use, mtry_params_to_use)

                solutions = opt.fsolve(Steady_state_TPI_solver, list(
                    b_guesses_to_use) + list(n_guesses_to_use), args=(
                    winit, rinit, BQinit[:, j], T_H_init, factor_ss, j, None, t, inc_tax_params_TP, parameters, theta, tau_bq, rho, lambdas, e, None, chi_b, chi_n), xtol=1e-13)
                b_vec = solutions[:S]
                b_mat[t + 1 + ind, ind, j] = b_vec
                n_vec = solutions[S:]
                n_mat[t + ind, ind, j] = n_vec
                inputs = list(solutions)
                euler_errors[t, :, j] = np.abs(Steady_state_TPI_solver(
                    inputs, winit, rinit, BQinit[:, j], T_H_init, factor_ss, j, None, t, inc_tax_params_TP, parameters, theta, tau_bq, rho, lambdas, e, None, chi_b, chi_n))

        # if euler_errors.max() > 1e-6:
        #     print 't-loop:', euler_errors.max()
        # Force the initial distribution of capital to be as given above.
        b_mat[0, :, :] = initial_b
        Kinit = household.get_K(b_mat[:T], omega_stationary[:T].reshape(
            T, S, 1), lambdas.reshape(1, 1, J), g_n_vector[:T], 'TPI')
        Linit = firm.get_L(e.reshape(1, S, J), n_mat[:T], omega_stationary[
                           :T, :].reshape(T, S, 1), lambdas.reshape(1, 1, J), 'TPI')
        Ynew = firm.get_Y(Kinit, Linit, parameters)
        wnew = firm.get_w(Ynew, Linit, parameters)
        rnew = firm.get_r(Ynew, Kinit, parameters)
        # the following needs a g_n term
        BQnew = household.get_BQ(rnew.reshape(T, 1), b_mat[:T], omega_stationary[:T].reshape(
            T, S, 1), lambdas.reshape(1, 1, J), rho.reshape(1, S, 1), g_n_vector[:T].reshape(T, 1), 'TPI')
        bmat_s = np.zeros((T, S, J))
        bmat_s[:, 1:, :] = b_mat[:T, :-1, :]

        # initialize array 
        TH_tax_params = np.zeros((T,S,J,etr_params.shape[2]))
        for i in range(etr_params.shape[2]):
            TH_tax_params[:,:,:,i] = np.tile(np.reshape(np.transpose(etr_params[:,:T,i]),(T,S,1)),(1,1,J))

        T_H_new = np.array(list(tax.get_lump_sum(np.tile(rnew.reshape(T, 1, 1),(1,S,J)), bmat_s, np.tile(wnew.reshape(
            T, 1, 1),(1,S,J)), np.tile(e.reshape(1, S, J),(T,1,1)), n_mat[:T,:,:], BQnew.reshape(T, 1, J), lambdas.reshape(
            1, 1, J), factor_ss, omega_stationary[:T].reshape(T, S, 1), 'TPI', TH_tax_params, parameters, theta, tau_bq)) + [T_Hss] * S)

        winit[:T] = utils.convex_combo(wnew, winit[:T], nu)
        rinit[:T] = utils.convex_combo(rnew, rinit[:T], nu)
        BQinit[:T] = utils.convex_combo(BQnew, BQinit[:T], nu)
        T_H_init[:T] = utils.convex_combo(T_H_new[:T], T_H_init[:T], nu)
        guesses_b = utils.convex_combo(b_mat, guesses_b, nu)
        guesses_n = utils.convex_combo(n_mat, guesses_n, nu)
        if T_H_init.all() != 0:
            TPIdist = np.array(list(utils.perc_dif_func(rnew, rinit[:T])) + list(utils.perc_dif_func(BQnew, BQinit[:T]).flatten()) + list(
                utils.perc_dif_func(wnew, winit[:T])) + list(utils.perc_dif_func(T_H_new, T_H_init))).max()
            TPIdist = np.array(list(utils.perc_dif_func(rnew, rinit[:T])) + list(utils.perc_dif_func(BQnew, BQinit[:T]).flatten()) + list(
                utils.perc_dif_func(wnew, winit[:T])) + list(np.abs(T_H_new, T_H_init))).max()
        TPIdist_vec[TPIiter] = TPIdist
        # After T=10, if cycling occurs, drop the value of nu
        # wait til after T=10 or so, because sometimes there is a jump up
        # in the first couple iterations
        # if TPIiter > 10:
        #     if TPIdist_vec[TPIiter] - TPIdist_vec[TPIiter - 1] > 0:
        #         nu /= 2
        #         print 'New Value of nu:', nu
        TPIiter += 1
        print '\tIteration:', TPIiter
        print '\t\tDistance:', TPIdist

    return winit[:T], rinit[:T], T_H_init[:T], BQinit[:T], Yinit
Exemple #8
def run_TPI(income_tax_params,

    # unpack tuples of parameters
    analytical_mtrs, etr_params, mtrx_params, mtry_params = income_tax_params
    maxiter, mindist_SS, mindist_TPI = iterative_params
    J, S, T, BW, beta, sigma, alpha, Z, delta, ltilde, nu, g_y,\
                  g_n_vector, tau_payroll, tau_bq, rho, omega, N_tilde, lambdas, imm_rates, e, retire, mean_income_data,\
                  factor, T_H_baseline, h_wealth, p_wealth, m_wealth, b_ellipse, upsilon, chi_b, chi_n, theta = tpi_params
    K0, b_sinit, b_splus1init, factor, initial_b, initial_n, omega_S_preTP = initial_values
    Kss, Lss, rss, wss, BQss, T_Hss, Gss, bssmat_splus1, nssmat = SS_values

    TPI_FIG_DIR = output_dir
    # Initialize guesses at time paths
    domain = np.linspace(0, T, T)
    r = np.ones(T + S) * rss
    BQ = np.zeros((T + S, J))
    BQ0_params = (omega_S_preTP.reshape(S, 1), lambdas, rho.reshape(S, 1),
                  g_n_vector[0], 'SS')
    BQ0 = household.get_BQ(r[0], initial_b, BQ0_params)
    for j in xrange(J):
        BQ[:, j] = list(np.linspace(BQ0[j], BQss[j], T)) + [BQss[j]] * S
    BQ = np.array(BQ)
    # print "BQ values = ", BQ[0, :], BQ[100, :], BQ[-1, :], BQss
    # print "K0 vs Kss = ", K0-Kss

    if fix_transfers:
        T_H = T_H_baseline
        if np.abs(T_Hss) < 1e-13:
            T_Hss2 = 0.0  # sometimes SS is very small but not zero, even if taxes are zero, this get's rid of the approximation error, which affects the perc changes below
            T_Hss2 = T_Hss
        T_H = np.ones(T + S) * T_Hss2 * (r / rss)
    G = np.ones(T + S) * Gss
    # # print "T_H values = ", T_H[0], T_H[100], T_H[-1], T_Hss
    # # print "omega diffs = ", (omega_S_preTP-omega[-1]).max(), (omega[10]-omega[-1]).max()
    # Make array of initial guesses for labor supply and savings
    domain2 = np.tile(domain.reshape(T, 1, 1), (1, S, J))
    ending_b = bssmat_splus1
    guesses_b = (-1 / (domain2 + 1)) * (ending_b - initial_b) + ending_b
    ending_b_tail = np.tile(ending_b.reshape(1, S, J), (S, 1, 1))
    guesses_b = np.append(guesses_b, ending_b_tail, axis=0)
    # print 'diff btwn start and end b: ', (guesses_b[0]-guesses_b[-1]).max()
    domain3 = np.tile(np.linspace(0, 1, T).reshape(T, 1, 1), (1, S, J))
    guesses_n = domain3 * (nssmat - initial_n) + initial_n
    ending_n_tail = np.tile(nssmat.reshape(1, S, J), (S, 1, 1))
    guesses_n = np.append(guesses_n, ending_n_tail, axis=0)
    # b_mat = np.zeros((T + S, S, J))
    # n_mat = np.zeros((T + S, S, J))
    ind = np.arange(S)
    # # print 'diff btwn start and end n: ', (guesses_n[0]-guesses_n[-1]).max()
    # # find economic aggregates
    K = np.zeros(T + S)
    L = np.zeros(T + S)
    K[0] = K0
    K_params = (omega[:T - 1].reshape(T - 1, S, 1), lambdas.reshape(1, 1, J),
                imm_rates[:T - 1].reshape(T - 1, S, 1), g_n_vector[1:T], 'TPI')
    K[1:T] = household.get_K(guesses_b[:T - 1], K_params)
    K[T:] = Kss
    L_params = (e.reshape(1, S, J), omega[:T, :].reshape(T, S, 1),
                lambdas.reshape(1, 1, J), 'TPI')
    L[:T] = firm.get_L(guesses_n[:T], L_params)
    L[T:] = Lss
    Y_params = (alpha, Z)
    Y = firm.get_Y(K, L, Y_params)
    r_params = (alpha, delta)
    r[:T] = firm.get_r(Y[:T], K[:T], r_params)

    # uncomment lines below if want to use starting values from prior run
    r = TPI_START_VALUES['r']

    guesses_b = TPI_START_VALUES['b_mat']
    guesses_n = TPI_START_VALUES['n_mat']

    TPIiter = 0
    TPIdist = 10
    PLOT_TPI = False

    euler_errors = np.zeros((T, 2 * S, J))
    TPIdist_vec = np.zeros(maxiter)

    # print 'analytical mtrs in tpi = ', analytical_mtrs

    while (TPIiter < maxiter) and (TPIdist >= mindist_TPI):
        # Plot TPI for K for each iteration, so we can see if there is a
        # problem
        if PLOT_TPI is True:
            K_plot = list(K) + list(np.ones(10) * Kss)
            L_plot = list(L) + list(np.ones(10) * Lss)
                        label=r"Steady State $\hat{K}$",
            plt.plot(np.arange(T + 10),
                     Kpath_plot[:T + 10],
                     label=r"TPI time path $\hat{K}_t$")
            plt.savefig(os.path.join(TPI_FIG_DIR, "TPI_K"))

        guesses = (guesses_b, guesses_n)
        w_params = (Z, alpha, delta)
        w = firm.get_w_from_r(r, w_params)
        # print 'r and rss diff = ', r-rss
        # print 'w and wss diff = ', w-wss
        # print 'BQ and BQss diff = ', BQ-BQss
        # print 'T_H and T_Hss diff = ', T_H - T_Hss
        # print 'guess b and bss = ', (bssmat_splus1 - guesses_b).max()
        # print 'guess n and nss = ', (nssmat - guesses_n).max()
        outer_loop_vars = (r, w, BQ, T_H)
        inner_loop_params = (income_tax_params, tpi_params, initial_values,

        # Solve HH problem in inner loop
        euler_errors, b_mat, n_mat = inner_loop(guesses, outer_loop_vars,

        # print 'guess b and bss = ', (b_mat - guesses_b).max()
        # print 'guess n and nss over time = ', (n_mat - guesses_n).max(axis=2).max(axis=1)
        # print 'guess n and nss over age = ', (n_mat - guesses_n).max(axis=0).max(axis=1)
        # print 'guess n and nss over ability = ', (n_mat - guesses_n).max(axis=0).max(axis=0)
        # quit()

        print 'Max Euler error: ', (np.abs(euler_errors)).max()

        bmat_s = np.zeros((T, S, J))
        bmat_s[0, 1:, :] = initial_b[:-1, :]
        bmat_s[1:, 1:, :] = b_mat[:T - 1, :-1, :]
        bmat_splus1 = np.zeros((T, S, J))
        bmat_splus1[:, :, :] = b_mat[:T, :, :]

        K[0] = K0
        K_params = (omega[:T - 1].reshape(T - 1, S,
                                          1), lambdas.reshape(1, 1, J),
                    imm_rates[:T - 1].reshape(T - 1, S,
                                              1), g_n_vector[1:T], 'TPI')
        K[1:T] = household.get_K(bmat_splus1[:T - 1], K_params)
        L_params = (e.reshape(1, S, J), omega[:T, :].reshape(T, S, 1),
                    lambdas.reshape(1, 1, J), 'TPI')
        L[:T] = firm.get_L(n_mat[:T], L_params)
        # print 'K diffs = ', K-K0
        # print 'L diffs = ', L-L[0]

        Y_params = (alpha, Z)
        Ynew = firm.get_Y(K[:T], L[:T], Y_params)
        r_params = (alpha, delta)
        rnew = firm.get_r(Ynew[:T], K[:T], r_params)
        wnew = firm.get_w_from_r(rnew, w_params)

        omega_shift = np.append(omega_S_preTP.reshape(1, S),
                                omega[:T - 1, :],
        BQ_params = (omega_shift.reshape(T, S, 1), lambdas.reshape(1, 1, J),
                     rho.reshape(1, S, 1), g_n_vector[:T].reshape(T, 1), 'TPI')
        # b_mat_shift = np.append(np.reshape(initial_b, (1, S, J)),
        #                         b_mat[:T-1, :, :], axis=0)
        b_mat_shift = bmat_splus1[:T, :, :]
        # print 'b diffs = ', (bmat_splus1[100, :, :] - initial_b).max(), (bmat_splus1[0, :, :] - initial_b).max(), (bmat_splus1[1, :, :] - initial_b).max()
        # print 'r diffs = ', rnew[1]-r[1], rnew[100]-r[100], rnew[-1]-r[-1]
        BQnew = household.get_BQ(rnew[:T].reshape(T, 1), b_mat_shift,
        BQss2 = np.empty(J)
        for j in range(J):
            BQss_params = (omega[1, :], lambdas[j], rho, g_n_vector[1], 'SS')
            BQss2[j] = household.get_BQ(rnew[1], bmat_splus1[1, :, j],
        # print 'BQ test = ', BQss2-BQss, BQss-BQnew[1], BQss-BQnew[100], BQss-BQnew[-1]

        total_tax_params = np.zeros((T, S, J, etr_params.shape[2]))
        for i in range(etr_params.shape[2]):
            total_tax_params[:, :, :, i] = np.tile(
                np.reshape(np.transpose(etr_params[:, :T, i]), (T, S, 1)),
                (1, 1, J))

        tax_receipt_params = (np.tile(e.reshape(1, S, J), (T, 1, 1)),
                              lambdas.reshape(1, 1,
                                              J), omega[:T].reshape(T, S,
                                                                    1), 'TPI',
                              total_tax_params, theta, tau_bq, tau_payroll,
                              h_wealth, p_wealth, m_wealth, retire, T, S, J)
        net_tax_receipts = np.array(
                tax.get_lump_sum(np.tile(rnew[:T].reshape(T, 1, 1), (
                    1, S, J)), np.tile(wnew[:T].reshape(T, 1, 1), (
                        1, S, J)), bmat_s, n_mat[:T, :, :], BQnew[:T].reshape(
                            T, 1, J), factor, tax_receipt_params)) +
            [T_Hss] * S)

        r[:T] = utils.convex_combo(rnew[:T], r[:T], nu)
        BQ[:T] = utils.convex_combo(BQnew[:T], BQ[:T], nu)
        if fix_transfers:
            T_H_new = T_H
            G[:T] = net_tax_receipts[:T] - T_H[:T]
            T_H_new = net_tax_receipts
            T_H[:T] = utils.convex_combo(T_H_new[:T], T_H[:T], nu)
            G[:T] = 0.0

        etr_params_path = np.zeros((T, S, J, etr_params.shape[2]))
        for i in range(etr_params.shape[2]):
            etr_params_path[:, :, :, i] = np.tile(
                np.reshape(np.transpose(etr_params[:, :T, i]), (T, S, 1)),
                (1, 1, J))
        tax_path_params = (np.tile(e.reshape(1, S, J), (T, 1, 1)), lambdas,
                           'TPI', retire, etr_params_path, h_wealth, p_wealth,
                           m_wealth, tau_payroll, theta, tau_bq, J, S)
        b_to_use = np.zeros((T, S, J))
        b_to_use[0, 1:, :] = initial_b[:-1, :]
        b_to_use[1:, 1:, :] = b_mat[:T - 1, :-1, :]
        tax_path = tax.total_taxes(np.tile(r[:T].reshape(T, 1, 1), (1, S, J)),
                                   np.tile(w[:T].reshape(T, 1, 1),
                                           (1, S, J)), b_to_use,
                                   n_mat[:T, :, :], BQ[:T, :].reshape(T, 1, J),
                                   factor, T_H[:T].reshape(T, 1, 1), None,
                                   False, tax_path_params)

        y_path = (np.tile(r[:T].reshape(T, 1, 1),
                          (1, S, J)) * b_to_use[:T, :, :] +
                  np.tile(w[:T].reshape(T, 1, 1),
                          (1, S, J)) * np.tile(e.reshape(1, S, J),
                                               (T, 1, 1)) * n_mat[:T, :, :])
        cons_params = (e.reshape(1, S, J), lambdas.reshape(1, 1, J), g_y)
        c_path = household.get_cons(r[:T].reshape(T, 1,
                                                  1), w[:T].reshape(T, 1, 1),
                                    b_to_use[:T, :, :], b_mat[:T, :, :],
                                    n_mat[:T, :, :], BQ[:T].reshape(T, 1, J),
                                    tax_path, cons_params)

        guesses_b = utils.convex_combo(b_mat, guesses_b, nu)
        guesses_n = utils.convex_combo(n_mat, guesses_n, nu)
        if T_H.all() != 0:
            TPIdist = np.array(
                list(utils.pct_diff_func(rnew[:T], r[:T])) +
                list(utils.pct_diff_func(BQnew[:T], BQ[:T]).flatten()) +
                list(utils.pct_diff_func(T_H_new[:T], T_H[:T]))).max()
            print 'r dist = ', np.array(
                list(utils.pct_diff_func(rnew[:T], r[:T]))).max()
            print 'BQ dist = ', np.array(
                list(utils.pct_diff_func(BQnew[:T], BQ[:T]).flatten())).max()
            print 'T_H dist = ', np.array(
                list(utils.pct_diff_func(T_H_new[:T], T_H[:T]))).max()
            print 'T_H path = ', T_H[:20]
            # print 'r old = ', r[:T]
            # print 'r new = ', rnew[:T]
            # print 'K old = ', K[:T]
            # print 'L old = ', L[:T]
            # print 'income = ', y_path[:, :, -1]
            # print 'taxes = ', tax_path[:, :, -1]
            # print 'labor supply = ', n_mat[:, :, -1]
            # print 'max and min labor = ', n_mat.max(), n_mat.min()
            # print 'max and min labor = ', np.argmax(n_mat), np.argmin(n_mat)
            # print 'max and min labor, j = 7 = ', n_mat[:,:,-1].max(), n_mat[:,:,-1].min()
            # print 'max and min labor, j = 6 = ', n_mat[:,:,-2].max(), n_mat[:,:,-2].min()
            # print 'max and min labor, j = 5 = ', n_mat[:,:,4].max(), n_mat[:,:,4].min()
            # print 'max and min labor, j = 4 = ', n_mat[:,:,3].max(), n_mat[:,:,3].min()
            # print 'max and min labor, j = 3 = ', n_mat[:,:,2].max(), n_mat[:,:,2].min()
            # print 'max and min labor, j = 2 = ', n_mat[:,:,1].max(), n_mat[:,:,1].min()
            # print 'max and min labor, j = 1 = ', n_mat[:,:,0].max(), n_mat[:,:,0].min()
            # print 'max and min labor, S = 80 = ', n_mat[:,-1,-1].max(), n_mat[:,-1,-1].min()
            # print "number  > 1 = ", (n_mat > 1).sum()
            # print "number  < 0, = ", (n_mat < 0).sum()
            # print "number  > 1, j=7 = ", (n_mat[:T,:,-1] > 1).sum()
            # print "number  < 0, j=7 = ", (n_mat[:T,:,-1] < 0).sum()
            # print "number  > 1, s=80, j=7 = ", (n_mat[:T,-1,-1] > 1).sum()
            # print "number  < 0, s=80, j=7 = ", (n_mat[:T,-1,-1] < 0).sum()
            # print "number  > 1, j= 7, age 80= ", (n_mat[:T,-1,-1] > 1).sum()
            # print "number  < 0, j = 7, age 80= ", (n_mat[:T,-1,-1] < 0).sum()
            # print "number  > 1, j= 7, age 80, period 0 to 10= ", (n_mat[:30,-1,-1] > 1).sum()
            # print "number  < 0, j = 7, age 80, period 0 to 10= ", (n_mat[:30,-1,-1] < 0).sum()
            # print "number  > 1, j= 7, age 70-79, period 0 to 10= ", (n_mat[:30,70:80,-1] > 1).sum()
            # print "number  < 0, j = 7, age 70-79, period 0 to 10= ", (n_mat[:30,70:80   ,-1] < 0).sum()
            # diag_dict = {'n_mat': n_mat, 'b_mat': b_mat, 'y_path': y_path, 'c_path': c_path}
            # pickle.dump(diag_dict, open('tpi_iter1.pkl', 'wb'))

            TPIdist = np.array(
                list(utils.pct_diff_func(rnew[:T], r[:T])) +
                list(utils.pct_diff_func(BQnew[:T], BQ[:T]).flatten()) +
                list(np.abs(T_H_new[:T] - T_H[:T]))).max()
        TPIdist_vec[TPIiter] = TPIdist
        # After T=10, if cycling occurs, drop the value of nu
        # wait til after T=10 or so, because sometimes there is a jump up
        # in the first couple iterations
        # if TPIiter > 10:
        #     if TPIdist_vec[TPIiter] - TPIdist_vec[TPIiter - 1] > 0:
        #         nu /= 2
        #         print 'New Value of nu:', nu
        TPIiter += 1
        print '\tIteration:', TPIiter
        print '\t\tDistance:', TPIdist

    Y[:T] = Ynew

    # Solve HH problem in inner loop
    guesses = (guesses_b, guesses_n)
    outer_loop_vars = (r, w, BQ, T_H)
    inner_loop_params = (income_tax_params, tpi_params, initial_values, ind)
    euler_errors, b_mat, n_mat = inner_loop(guesses, outer_loop_vars,

    bmat_s = np.zeros((T, S, J))
    bmat_s[0, 1:, :] = initial_b[:-1, :]
    bmat_s[1:, 1:, :] = b_mat[:T - 1, :-1, :]
    bmat_splus1 = np.zeros((T, S, J))
    bmat_splus1[:, :, :] = b_mat[:T, :, :]

    K[0] = K0
    K_params = (omega[:T - 1].reshape(T - 1, S, 1), lambdas.reshape(1, 1, J),
                imm_rates[:T - 1].reshape(T - 1, S, 1), g_n_vector[1:T], 'TPI')
    K[1:T] = household.get_K(bmat_splus1[:T - 1], K_params)
    L_params = (e.reshape(1, S, J), omega[:T, :].reshape(T, S, 1),
                lambdas.reshape(1, 1, J), 'TPI')
    L[:T] = firm.get_L(n_mat[:T], L_params)

    Y_params = (alpha, Z)
    Ynew = firm.get_Y(K[:T], L[:T], Y_params)
    r_params = (alpha, delta)
    rnew = firm.get_r(Ynew[:T], K[:T], r_params)
    wnew = firm.get_w_from_r(rnew, w_params)

    omega_shift = np.append(omega_S_preTP.reshape(1, S),
                            omega[:T - 1, :],
    BQ_params = (omega_shift.reshape(T, S, 1), lambdas.reshape(1, 1, J),
                 rho.reshape(1, S, 1), g_n_vector[:T].reshape(T, 1), 'TPI')
    b_mat_shift = np.append(np.reshape(initial_b, (1, S, J)),
                            b_mat[:T - 1, :, :],
    BQnew = household.get_BQ(rnew[:T].reshape(T, 1), b_mat_shift, BQ_params)

    total_tax_params = np.zeros((T, S, J, etr_params.shape[2]))
    for i in range(etr_params.shape[2]):
        total_tax_params[:, :, :, i] = np.tile(
            np.reshape(np.transpose(etr_params[:, :T, i]), (T, S, 1)),
            (1, 1, J))

    tax_receipt_params = (np.tile(e.reshape(1, S, J), (T, 1, 1)),
                          lambdas.reshape(1, 1, J), omega[:T].reshape(T, S, 1),
                          'TPI', total_tax_params, theta, tau_bq, tau_payroll,
                          h_wealth, p_wealth, m_wealth, retire, T, S, J)
    net_tax_receipts = np.array(
            tax.get_lump_sum(np.tile(rnew[:T].reshape(T, 1, 1), (
                1, S, J)), np.tile(wnew[:T].reshape(T, 1, 1), (
                    1, S, J)), bmat_s, n_mat[:T, :, :], BQnew[:T].reshape(
                        T, 1, J), factor, tax_receipt_params)) + [T_Hss] * S)

    if fix_transfers:
        G[:T] = net_tax_receipts[:T] - T_H[:T]
        T_H[:T] = net_tax_receipts[:T]
        G[:T] = 0.0

    etr_params_path = np.zeros((T, S, J, etr_params.shape[2]))
    for i in range(etr_params.shape[2]):
        etr_params_path[:, :, :, i] = np.tile(
            np.reshape(np.transpose(etr_params[:, :T, i]), (T, S, 1)),
            (1, 1, J))
    tax_path_params = (np.tile(e.reshape(1, S, J), (T, 1, 1)), lambdas, 'TPI',
                       retire, etr_params_path, h_wealth, p_wealth, m_wealth,
                       tau_payroll, theta, tau_bq, J, S)
    tax_path = tax.total_taxes(np.tile(r[:T].reshape(T, 1, 1), (1, S, J)),
                               np.tile(w[:T].reshape(T, 1, 1),
                                       (1, S, J)), bmat_s, n_mat[:T, :, :],
                               BQ[:T, :].reshape(T, 1, J), factor,
                               T_H[:T].reshape(T, 1, 1), None, False,

    cons_params = (e.reshape(1, S, J), lambdas.reshape(1, 1, J), g_y)
    c_path = household.get_cons(r[:T].reshape(T, 1, 1), w[:T].reshape(T, 1, 1),
                                bmat_s, bmat_splus1, n_mat[:T, :, :],
                                BQ[:T].reshape(T, 1, J), tax_path, cons_params)
    C_params = (omega[:T].reshape(T, S, 1), lambdas, 'TPI')
    C = household.get_C(c_path, C_params)
    I_params = (delta, g_y, omega[:T].reshape(T, S, 1), lambdas,
                imm_rates[:T].reshape(T, S, 1), g_n_vector[1:T + 1], 'TPI')
    I = firm.get_I(bmat_splus1[:T], K[1:T + 1], K[:T], I_params)
    rc_error = Y[:T] - C[:T] - I[:T] - G[:T]
    print 'Resource Constraint Difference:', rc_error

    # compute utility
    u_params = (sigma, np.tile(chi_n.reshape(1, S, 1),
                               (T, 1, J)), b_ellipse, ltilde, upsilon,
                np.tile(rho.reshape(1, S, 1),
                        (T, 1, J)), np.tile(chi_b.reshape(1, 1, J), (T, S, 1)))
    utility_path = household.get_u(c_path[:T, :, :], n_mat[:T, :, :],
                                   bmat_splus1[:T, :, :], u_params)

    # compute before and after-tax income
    y_path = (np.tile(r[:T].reshape(T, 1, 1), (1, S, J)) * bmat_s[:T, :, :] +
              np.tile(w[:T].reshape(T, 1, 1),
                      (1, S, J)) * np.tile(e.reshape(1, S, J),
                                           (T, 1, 1)) * n_mat[:T, :, :])
    inctax_params = (np.tile(e.reshape(1, S, J), (T, 1, 1)), etr_params_path)
    y_aftertax_path = (y_path - tax.tau_income(
        np.tile(r[:T].reshape(T, 1, 1),
                (1, S, J)), np.tile(w[:T].reshape(T, 1, 1), (1, S, J)),
        bmat_s[:T, :, :], n_mat[:T, :, :], factor, inctax_params))

    # compute after-tax wealth
    wtax_params = (h_wealth, p_wealth, m_wealth)
    b_aftertax_path = bmat_s[:T, :, :] - tax.tau_wealth(
        bmat_s[:T, :, :], wtax_params)

    print 'Checking time path for violations of constaints.'
    for t in xrange(T):
        household.constraint_checker_TPI(b_mat[t], n_mat[t], c_path[t], t,

    eul_savings = euler_errors[:, :S, :].max(1).max(1)
    eul_laborleisure = euler_errors[:, S:, :].max(1).max(1)

    print 'Max Euler error, savings: ', eul_savings
    print 'Max Euler error labor supply: ', eul_laborleisure
    Save variables/values so they can be used in other modules

    output = {
        'Y': Y,
        'K': K,
        'L': L,
        'C': C,
        'I': I,
        'BQ': BQ,
        'G': G,
        'T_H': T_H,
        'r': r,
        'w': w,
        'b_mat': b_mat,
        'n_mat': n_mat,
        'c_path': c_path,
        'tax_path': tax_path,
        'bmat_s': bmat_s,
        'utility_path': utility_path,
        'b_aftertax_path': b_aftertax_path,
        'y_aftertax_path': y_aftertax_path,
        'y_path': y_path,
        'eul_savings': eul_savings,
        'eul_laborleisure': eul_laborleisure

    macro_output = {
        'Y': Y,
        'K': K,
        'L': L,
        'C': C,
        'I': I,
        'BQ': BQ,
        'G': G,
        'T_H': T_H,
        'r': r,
        'w': w,
        'tax_path': tax_path

    # if ((TPIiter >= maxiter) or (np.absolute(TPIdist) > mindist_TPI)) and ENFORCE_SOLUTION_CHECKS :
    #     raise RuntimeError("Transition path equlibrium not found")
    # if ((np.any(np.absolute(rc_error) >= 1e-6))
    #     raise RuntimeError("Transition path equlibrium not found")
    # if ((np.any(np.absolute(eul_savings) >= mindist_TPI) or
    #     (np.any(np.absolute(eul_laborleisure) > mindist_TPI)))
    #     raise RuntimeError("Transition path equlibrium not found")

    return output, macro_output
Exemple #9
def SS_solver(b_guess_init, n_guess_init, wguess, rguess, T_Hguess,
              factorguess, chi_n, chi_b, tax_params, params, iterative_params, tau_bq,
              rho, lambdas, weights, e, fsolve_flag=False):
    Solves for the steady state distribution of capital, labor, as well as
    w, r, T_H and the scaling factor, using an iterative method similar to TPI.
        b_guess_init = guesses for b (SxJ array)
        n_guess_init = guesses for n (SxJ array)
        wguess = guess for wage rate (scalar)
        rguess = guess for rental rate (scalar)
        T_Hguess = guess for lump sum tax (scalar)
        factorguess = guess for scaling factor to dollars (scalar)
        chi_n = chi^n_s (Sx1 array)
        chi_b = chi^b_j (Jx1 array)
        params = list of parameters (list)
        iterative_params = list of parameters that determine the convergence
                           of the while loop (list)
        tau_bq = bequest tax rate (Jx1 array)
        rho = mortality rates (Sx1 array)
        lambdas = ability weights (Jx1 array)
        weights = population weights (Sx1 array)
        e = ability levels (SxJ array)
        solutions = steady state values of b, n, w, r, factor,
                    T_H ((2*S*J+4)x1 array)
    J, S, T, BW, beta, sigma, alpha, Z, delta, ltilde, nu, g_y,\
                  g_n_ss, tau_payroll, retire, mean_income_data,\
                  h_wealth, p_wealth, m_wealth, b_ellipse, upsilon = params

    analytical_mtrs, etr_params, mtrx_params, mtry_params = tax_params

    maxiter, mindist_SS = iterative_params
    # Rename the inputs
    w = wguess
    r = rguess
    T_H = T_Hguess
    factor = factorguess
    bssmat = b_guess_init
    nssmat = n_guess_init

    dist = 10
    iteration = 0
    dist_vec = np.zeros(maxiter)

    if fsolve_flag == True:
        maxiter = 1 

    while (dist > mindist_SS) and (iteration < maxiter):
        # Solve for the steady state levels of b and n, given w, r, T_H and
        # factor
        for j in xrange(J):
            # Solve the euler equations
            if j == 0:
                guesses = np.append(bssmat[:, j], nssmat[:, j])
                guesses = np.append(bssmat[:, j-1], nssmat[:, j-1])

            args_ = (r, w, T_H, factor, j, tax_params, params, chi_b, chi_n, tau_bq, rho,
                     lambdas, weights, e)
            [solutions, infodict, ier, message] = opt.fsolve(Euler_equation_solver, guesses * .9,
                                   args=args_, xtol=1e-13, full_output=True)

            print 'Max Euler errors: ', np.absolute(infodict['fvec']).max()

            bssmat[:, j] = solutions[:S]
            nssmat[:, j] = solutions[S:]
            # print np.array(Euler_equation_solver(np.append(bssmat[:, j],
            # nssmat[:, j]), r, w, T_H, factor, j, params, chi_b, chi_n,
            # theta, tau_bq, rho, lambdas, e)).max()

        K = household.get_K(bssmat, weights.reshape(S, 1),
                            lambdas.reshape(1, J), g_n_ss, 'SS')
        L = firm.get_L(e, nssmat, weights.reshape(S, 1),
                       lambdas.reshape(1, J), 'SS')
        Y = firm.get_Y(K, L, params)
        new_r = firm.get_r(Y, K, params)
        new_w = firm.get_w(Y, L, params)
        b_s = np.array(list(np.zeros(J).reshape(1, J)) + list(bssmat[:-1, :]))
        average_income_model = ((new_r * b_s + new_w * e * nssmat) *
                                weights.reshape(S, 1) *
                                lambdas.reshape(1, J)).sum()
        new_factor = mean_income_data / average_income_model
        new_BQ = household.get_BQ(new_r, bssmat, weights.reshape(S, 1),
                                  lambdas.reshape(1, J), rho.reshape(S, 1),
                                  g_n_ss, 'SS')
        theta = tax.replacement_rate_vals(nssmat, new_w, new_factor, e, J,
                                          weights.reshape(S, 1), lambdas)
        # lump_sum_tax_params = (a_etr_income, b_etr_income, c_etr_income, d_etr_income, 
        #                    e_etr_income, f_etr_income, min_x_etr_income, max_x_etr_income, 
        #                    min_y_etr_income, max_y_etr_income)
        new_T_H = tax.get_lump_sum(new_r, b_s, new_w, e, nssmat, new_BQ,
                                   lambdas.reshape(1, J), factor,
                                   weights.reshape(S, 1), 'SS', etr_params, params, theta,

        r = utils.convex_combo(new_r, r, nu)
        w = utils.convex_combo(new_w, w, nu)
        factor = utils.convex_combo(new_factor, factor, nu)
        T_H = utils.convex_combo(new_T_H, T_H, nu)
        if T_H != 0:
            dist = np.array([utils.perc_dif_func(new_r, r)] +
                            [utils.perc_dif_func(new_w, w)] +
                            [utils.perc_dif_func(new_T_H, T_H)] +
                            [utils.perc_dif_func(new_factor, factor)]).max()
            # If T_H is zero (if there are no taxes), a percent difference
            # will throw NaN's, so we use an absoluate difference
            dist = np.array([utils.perc_dif_func(new_r, r)] +
                            [utils.perc_dif_func(new_w, w)] +
                            [abs(new_T_H - T_H)] +
                            [utils.perc_dif_func(new_factor, factor)]).max()
        dist_vec[iteration] = dist
        # Similar to TPI: if the distance between iterations increases, then
        # decrease the value of nu to prevent cycling
        if iteration > 10:
            if dist_vec[iteration] - dist_vec[iteration - 1] > 0:
                nu /= 2.0
                print 'New value of nu:', nu
        iteration += 1
        print "Iteration: %02d" % iteration, " Distance: ", dist

    eul_errors = np.ones(J)
    b_mat = np.zeros((S, J))
    n_mat = np.zeros((S, J))
    # Given the final w, r, T_H and factor, solve for the SS b and n (if you
    # don't do a final fsolve, there will be a slight mismatch,
    # with high euler errors)
    for j in xrange(J):
        guesses = np.append(bssmat[:, j], nssmat[:, j])
        args_ = (r, w, T_H, factor, j, tax_params, params, chi_b, chi_n, tau_bq, rho,
                 lambdas, weights, e)
        [solutions1, infodict, ier, message] = opt.fsolve(Euler_equation_solver, guesses * .9,
                                   args=args_, xtol=1e-13, full_output=True)
        eul_errors[j] = np.array(infodict['fvec']).max()
        print 'Max Euler errors: ', np.absolute(infodict['fvec']).max()
        b_mat[:, j] = solutions1[:S]
        n_mat[:, j] = solutions1[S:]
    print 'SS fsolve euler error:', eul_errors.max()
    solutions = np.append(b_mat.flatten(), n_mat.flatten())
    other_vars = np.array([w, r, factor, T_H])
    solutions = np.append(solutions, other_vars)
    return solutions
Exemple #10
def run_TPI(income_tax_params, tpi_params, iterative_params, small_open_params, initial_values, SS_values, fiscal_params, biz_tax_params, output_dir="./OUTPUT", baseline_spending=False):

    # unpack tuples of parameters
    analytical_mtrs, etr_params, mtrx_params, mtry_params = income_tax_params
    maxiter, mindist_SS, mindist_TPI = iterative_params
    J, S, T, BW, beta, sigma, alpha, gamma, epsilon, Z, delta, ltilde, nu, g_y,\
                  g_n_vector, tau_payroll, tau_bq, rho, omega, N_tilde, lambdas, imm_rates, e, retire, mean_income_data,\
                  factor, h_wealth, p_wealth, m_wealth, b_ellipse, upsilon, chi_b, chi_n, theta = tpi_params
    # K0, b_sinit, b_splus1init, L0, Y0,\
    #         w0, r0, BQ0, T_H_0, factor, tax0, c0, initial_b, initial_n, omega_S_preTP = initial_values
    small_open, tpi_firm_r, tpi_hh_r = small_open_params
    B0, b_sinit, b_splus1init, factor, initial_b, initial_n, omega_S_preTP, initial_debt = initial_values
    Kss, Bss, Lss, rss, wss, BQss, T_Hss, revenue_ss, bssmat_splus1, nssmat, Yss, Gss = SS_values
    tau_b, delta_tau = biz_tax_params
    if baseline_spending==False:
        budget_balance, ALPHA_T, ALPHA_G, tG1, tG2, rho_G, debt_ratio_ss = fiscal_params
        budget_balance, ALPHA_T, ALPHA_G, tG1, tG2, rho_G, debt_ratio_ss, T_Hbaseline, Gbaseline = fiscal_params

    print 'Government spending breakpoints are tG1: ', tG1, '; and tG2:', tG2

    TPI_FIG_DIR = output_dir
    # Initialize guesses at time paths
    # Make array of initial guesses for labor supply and savings
    domain = np.linspace(0, T, T)
    domain2 = np.tile(domain.reshape(T, 1, 1), (1, S, J))
    ending_b = bssmat_splus1
    guesses_b = (-1 / (domain2 + 1)) * (ending_b - initial_b) + ending_b
    ending_b_tail = np.tile(ending_b.reshape(1, S, J), (S, 1, 1))
    guesses_b = np.append(guesses_b, ending_b_tail, axis=0)

    domain3 = np.tile(np.linspace(0, 1, T).reshape(T, 1, 1), (1, S, J))
    guesses_n = domain3 * (nssmat - initial_n) + initial_n
    ending_n_tail = np.tile(nssmat.reshape(1, S, J), (S, 1, 1))
    guesses_n = np.append(guesses_n, ending_n_tail, axis=0)
    b_mat = guesses_b#np.zeros((T + S, S, J))
    n_mat = guesses_n#np.zeros((T + S, S, J))
    ind = np.arange(S)

    L_init = np.ones((T+S,))*Lss
    B_init = np.ones((T+S,))*Bss
    L_params = (e.reshape(1, S, J), omega[:T, :].reshape(T, S, 1), lambdas.reshape(1, 1, J), 'TPI')
    L_init[:T]  = firm.get_L(n_mat[:T], L_params)
    B_params = (omega[:T-1].reshape(T-1, S, 1), lambdas.reshape(1, 1, J), imm_rates[:T-1].reshape(T-1,S,1), g_n_vector[1:T], 'TPI')
    B_init[1:T] = household.get_K(b_mat[:T-1], B_params)
    B_init[0] = B0

    if small_open == False:
        if budget_balance:
            K_init = B_init
            K_init = B_init * Kss/Bss
        K_params = (Z, gamma, epsilon, delta, tau_b, delta_tau)
        K_init = firm.get_K(L_init, tpi_firm_r, K_params)

    K = K_init
#    if np.any(K < 0):
#        print 'K_init has negative elements. Setting them positive to prevent NAN.'
#        K[:T] = np.fmax(K[:T], 0.05*B[:T])

    L = L_init
    B = B_init
    Y_params = (Z, gamma, epsilon)
    Y = firm.get_Y(K, L, Y_params)
    w_params = (Z, gamma, epsilon)
    w = firm.get_w(Y, L, w_params)
    if small_open == False:
        r_params = (Z, gamma, epsilon, delta, tau_b, delta_tau)
        r = firm.get_r(Y, K, r_params)
        r = tpi_hh_r

    BQ = np.zeros((T + S, J))
    BQ0_params = (omega_S_preTP.reshape(S, 1), lambdas, rho.reshape(S, 1), g_n_vector[0], 'SS')
    BQ0 = household.get_BQ(r[0], initial_b, BQ0_params)
    for j in xrange(J):
        BQ[:, j] = list(np.linspace(BQ0[j], BQss[j], T)) + [BQss[j]] * S
    BQ = np.array(BQ)
    if budget_balance:
        if np.abs(T_Hss) < 1e-13 :
            T_Hss2 = 0.0 # sometimes SS is very small but not zero, even if taxes are zero, this get's rid of the approximation error, which affects the perc changes below
            T_Hss2 = T_Hss
        T_H = np.ones(T + S) * T_Hss2
        REVENUE = T_H
        G = np.zeros(T + S)
    elif baseline_spending==False:
        T_H = ALPHA_T * Y
    elif baseline_spending==True:
        T_H = T_Hbaseline
        T_H_new = T_H   # Need to set T_H_new for later reference
        G   = Gbaseline
        G_0 = Gbaseline[0]

    # Initialize some inputs
    # D = np.zeros(T + S)
    D = debt_ratio_ss*Y
    omega_shift = np.append(omega_S_preTP.reshape(1,S),omega[:T-1,:],axis=0)
    BQ_params = (omega_shift.reshape(T, S, 1), lambdas.reshape(1, 1, J), rho.reshape(1, S, 1),
                     g_n_vector[:T].reshape(T, 1), 'TPI')
    tax_params = np.zeros((T,S,J,etr_params.shape[2]))
    for i in range(etr_params.shape[2]):
        tax_params[:,:,:,i] = np.tile(np.reshape(np.transpose(etr_params[:,:T,i]),(T,S,1)),(1,1,J))
    REVENUE_params = (np.tile(e.reshape(1, S, J),(T,1,1)), lambdas.reshape(1, 1, J), omega[:T].reshape(T, S, 1), 'TPI',
                      tax_params, theta, tau_bq, tau_payroll, h_wealth, p_wealth, m_wealth, retire, T, S, J, tau_b, delta_tau)

    # print 'D/Y:', D[:T]/Y[:T]
    # print 'T/Y:', T_H[:T]/Y[:T]
    # print 'G/Y:', G[:T]/Y[:T]
    # print 'Int payments to GDP:', (r[:T]*D[:T])/Y[:T]
    # quit()

    TPIiter = 0
    TPIdist = 10
    PLOT_TPI = False
    report_tG1 = False

    euler_errors = np.zeros((T, 2 * S, J))
    TPIdist_vec = np.zeros(maxiter)

    print 'analytical mtrs in tpi = ', analytical_mtrs

    while (TPIiter < maxiter) and (TPIdist >= mindist_TPI):

        # Plot TPI for K for each iteration, so we can see if there is a
        # problem
        if PLOT_TPI is True:
            #K_plot = list(K) + list(np.ones(10) * Kss)
            D_plot = list(D) + list(np.ones(10) * Yss * debt_ratio_ss)
                y=Kss, color='black', linewidth=2, label=r"Steady State $\hat{K}$", ls='--')
                T + 10), D_plot[:T + 10], 'b', linewidth=2, label=r"TPI time path $\hat{K}_t$")
            plt.savefig(os.path.join(TPI_FIG_DIR, "TPI_D"))

        if report_tG1 is True:
            print '\tAt time tG1-1:'
            print '\t\tG = ', G[tG1-1]
            print '\t\tK = ', K[tG1-1]
            print '\t\tr = ', r[tG1-1]
            print '\t\tD = ', D[tG1-1]

        guesses = (guesses_b, guesses_n)
        outer_loop_vars = (r, w, K, BQ, T_H)
        inner_loop_params = (income_tax_params, tpi_params, initial_values, ind)

        # Solve HH problem in inner loop
        euler_errors, b_mat, n_mat = inner_loop(guesses, outer_loop_vars, inner_loop_params)

        bmat_s = np.zeros((T, S, J))
        bmat_s[0, 1:, :] = initial_b[:-1, :]
        bmat_s[1:, 1:, :] = b_mat[:T-1, :-1, :]
        bmat_splus1 = np.zeros((T, S, J))
        bmat_splus1[:, :, :] = b_mat[:T, :, :]

        #L_params = (e.reshape(1, S, J), omega[:T, :].reshape(T, S, 1), lambdas.reshape(1, 1, J), 'TPI') # defined above
        L[:T]  = firm.get_L(n_mat[:T], L_params)
        #B_params = (omega[:T-1].reshape(T-1, S, 1), lambdas.reshape(1, 1, J), imm_rates[:T-1].reshape(T-1,S,1), g_n_vector[1:T], 'TPI') # defined above
        B[1:T] = household.get_K(bmat_splus1[:T-1], B_params)
        if np.any(B) < 0:
            print 'B has negative elements. B[0:9]:', B[0:9]
            print 'B[T-2:T]:', B[T-2,T]

        if small_open == False:
            if budget_balance:
                K[:T] = B[:T]
                if baseline_spending == False:
                    Y = T_H/ALPHA_T  #SBF 3/3: This seems totally unnecessary as both these variables are defined above.

#                tax_params = np.zeros((T,S,J,etr_params.shape[2]))
#                for i in range(etr_params.shape[2]):
#                    tax_params[:,:,:,i] = np.tile(np.reshape(np.transpose(etr_params[:,:T,i]),(T,S,1)),(1,1,J))

#                REVENUE_params = (np.tile(e.reshape(1, S, J),(T,1,1)), lambdas.reshape(1, 1, J), omega[:T].reshape(T, S, 1), 'TPI',
#                        tax_params, theta, tau_bq, tau_payroll, h_wealth, p_wealth, m_wealth, retire, T, S, J, tau_b, delta_tau) # define above
                REVENUE = np.array(list(tax.revenue(np.tile(r[:T].reshape(T, 1, 1),(1,S,J)), np.tile(w[:T].reshape(T, 1, 1),(1,S,J)),
                       bmat_s, n_mat[:T,:,:], BQ[:T].reshape(T, 1, J), Y[:T], L[:T], K[:T], factor, REVENUE_params)) + [revenue_ss] * S)

                D_0    = initial_debt * Y[0]
                other_dg_params = (T, r, g_n_vector, g_y)
                if baseline_spending==False:
                    G_0    = ALPHA_G[0] * Y[0]
                dg_fixed_values = (Y, REVENUE, T_H, D_0,G_0)
                Dnew, G = fiscal.D_G_path(dg_fixed_values, fiscal_params, other_dg_params, baseline_spending=baseline_spending)
                K[:T] = B[:T] - Dnew[:T]
                if np.any(K < 0):
                    print 'K has negative elements. Setting them positive to prevent NAN.'
                    K[:T] = np.fmax(K[:T], 0.05*B[:T])
            # K_params previously set to =  (Z, gamma, epsilon, delta, tau_b, delta_tau)
            K[:T] = firm.get_K(L[:T], tpi_firm_r[:T], K_params)
        Y_params = (Z, gamma, epsilon)
        Ynew = firm.get_Y(K[:T], L[:T], Y_params)
        Y = Ynew
        w_params = (Z, gamma, epsilon)
        wnew = firm.get_w(Ynew[:T], L[:T], w_params)
        if small_open == False:
            r_params = (Z, gamma, epsilon, delta, tau_b, delta_tau)
            rnew = firm.get_r(Ynew[:T], K[:T], r_params)
            rnew = r.copy()

        print 'Y and T_H: ', Y[3], T_H[3]
#        omega_shift = np.append(omega_S_preTP.reshape(1,S),omega[:T-1,:],axis=0)  # defined above
#        BQ_params = (omega_shift.reshape(T, S, 1), lambdas.reshape(1, 1, J), rho.reshape(1, S, 1),
#                     g_n_vector[:T].reshape(T, 1), 'TPI')  # defined above
        b_mat_shift = np.append(np.reshape(initial_b,(1,S,J)),b_mat[:T-1,:,:],axis=0)
        BQnew = household.get_BQ(rnew[:T].reshape(T, 1), b_mat_shift, BQ_params)

#        tax_params = np.zeros((T,S,J,etr_params.shape[2]))
#        for i in range(etr_params.shape[2]):
#            tax_params[:,:,:,i] = np.tile(np.reshape(np.transpose(etr_params[:,:T,i]),(T,S,1)),(1,1,J))

#        REVENUE_params = (np.tile(e.reshape(1, S, J),(T,1,1)), lambdas.reshape(1, 1, J), omega[:T].reshape(T, S, 1), 'TPI',
#                tax_params, theta, tau_bq, tau_payroll, h_wealth, p_wealth, m_wealth, retire, T, S, J, tau_b, delta_tau) # defined above
        REVENUE = np.array(list(tax.revenue(np.tile(rnew[:T].reshape(T, 1, 1),(1,S,J)), np.tile(wnew[:T].reshape(T, 1, 1),(1,S,J)),
               bmat_s, n_mat[:T,:,:], BQnew[:T].reshape(T, 1, J), Y[:T], L[:T], K[:T], factor, REVENUE_params)) + [revenue_ss] * S)

        if budget_balance:
            T_H_new = REVENUE
        elif baseline_spending==False:
            T_H_new = ALPHA_T[:T] * Y[:T]
        # If baseline_spending==True, no need to update T_H, which remains fixed.

        if small_open==True and budget_balance==False:
            # Loop through years to calculate debt and gov't spending. This is done earlier when small_open=False.
            D_0    = initial_debt * Y[0]
            other_dg_params = (T, r, g_n_vector, g_y)
            if baseline_spending==False:
                G_0    = ALPHA_G[0] * Y[0]
            dg_fixed_values = (Y, REVENUE, T_H, D_0,G_0)
            Dnew, G = fiscal.D_G_path(dg_fixed_values, fiscal_params, other_dg_params, baseline_spending=baseline_spending)

        w[:T] = utils.convex_combo(wnew[:T], w[:T], nu)
        r[:T] = utils.convex_combo(rnew[:T], r[:T], nu)
        BQ[:T] = utils.convex_combo(BQnew[:T], BQ[:T], nu)
        # D[:T] = utils.convex_combo(Dnew[:T], D[:T], nu)
        D = Dnew
        Y[:T] = utils.convex_combo(Ynew[:T], Y[:T], nu)
        if baseline_spending==False:
            T_H[:T] = utils.convex_combo(T_H_new[:T], T_H[:T], nu)
        guesses_b = utils.convex_combo(b_mat, guesses_b, nu)
        guesses_n = utils.convex_combo(n_mat, guesses_n, nu)

        print 'r diff: ', (rnew[:T]-r[:T]).max(), (rnew[:T]-r[:T]).min()
        print 'w diff: ', (wnew[:T]-w[:T]).max(), (wnew[:T]-w[:T]).min()
        print 'BQ diff: ', (BQnew[:T]-BQ[:T]).max(), (BQnew[:T]-BQ[:T]).min()
        print 'T_H diff: ', (T_H_new[:T]-T_H[:T]).max(), (T_H_new[:T]-T_H[:T]).min()

        if baseline_spending==False:
            if T_H.all() != 0:
                TPIdist = np.array(list(utils.pct_diff_func(rnew[:T], r[:T])) + list(utils.pct_diff_func(BQnew[:T], BQ[:T]).flatten()) + list(
                    utils.pct_diff_func(wnew[:T], w[:T])) + list(utils.pct_diff_func(T_H_new[:T], T_H[:T]))).max()
                TPIdist = np.array(list(utils.pct_diff_func(rnew[:T], r[:T])) + list(utils.pct_diff_func(BQnew[:T], BQ[:T]).flatten()) + list(
                    utils.pct_diff_func(wnew[:T], w[:T])) + list(np.abs(T_H[:T]))).max()
            # TPIdist = np.array(list(utils.pct_diff_func(rnew[:T], r[:T])) + list(utils.pct_diff_func(BQnew[:T], BQ[:T]).flatten()) + list(
            #     utils.pct_diff_func(wnew[:T], w[:T])) + list(utils.pct_diff_func(Dnew[:T], D[:T]))).max()
            TPIdist = np.array(list(utils.pct_diff_func(rnew[:T], r[:T])) + list(utils.pct_diff_func(BQnew[:T], BQ[:T]).flatten()) + list(
                utils.pct_diff_func(wnew[:T], w[:T])) + list(utils.pct_diff_func(Ynew[:T], Y[:T]))).max()

        TPIdist_vec[TPIiter] = TPIdist
        # After T=10, if cycling occurs, drop the value of nu
        # wait til after T=10 or so, because sometimes there is a jump up
        # in the first couple iterations
        # if TPIiter > 10:
        #     if TPIdist_vec[TPIiter] - TPIdist_vec[TPIiter - 1] > 0:
        #         nu /= 2
        #         print 'New Value of nu:', nu
        TPIiter += 1
        print 'Iteration:', TPIiter
        print '\tDistance:', TPIdist

        # print 'D/Y:', (D[:T]/Ynew[:T]).max(), (D[:T]/Ynew[:T]).min(), np.median(D[:T]/Ynew[:T])
        # print 'T/Y:', (T_H_new[:T]/Ynew[:T]).max(), (T_H_new[:T]/Ynew[:T]).min(), np.median(T_H_new[:T]/Ynew[:T])
        # print 'G/Y:', (G[:T]/Ynew[:T]).max(), (G[:T]/Ynew[:T]).min(), np.median(G[:T]/Ynew[:T])
        # print 'Int payments to GDP:', ((r[:T]*D[:T])/Ynew[:T]).max(), ((r[:T]*D[:T])/Ynew[:T]).min(), np.median((r[:T]*D[:T])/Ynew[:T])
        # print 'D/Y:', (D[:T]/Ynew[:T])
        # print 'T/Y:', (T_H_new[:T]/Ynew[:T])
        # print 'G/Y:', (G[:T]/Ynew[:T])
        # print 'deficit: ', REVENUE[:T] - T_H_new[:T] - G[:T]

    # Loop through years to calculate debt and gov't spending. The re-assignment of G0 & D0 is necessary because Y0 may change in the TPI loop.
    if budget_balance == False:
        D_0    = initial_debt * Y[0]
        other_dg_params = (T, r, g_n_vector, g_y)
        if baseline_spending==False:
            G_0    = ALPHA_G[0] * Y[0]
        dg_fixed_values = (Y, REVENUE, T_H, D_0,G_0)
        D, G = fiscal.D_G_path(dg_fixed_values, fiscal_params, other_dg_params, baseline_spending=baseline_spending)

    # Solve HH problem in inner loop
    guesses = (guesses_b, guesses_n)
    outer_loop_vars = (r, w, K, BQ, T_H)
    inner_loop_params = (income_tax_params, tpi_params, initial_values, ind)
    euler_errors, b_mat, n_mat = inner_loop(guesses, outer_loop_vars, inner_loop_params)

    bmat_s = np.zeros((T, S, J))
    bmat_s[0, 1:, :] = initial_b[:-1, :]
    bmat_s[1:, 1:, :] = b_mat[:T-1, :-1, :]
    bmat_splus1 = np.zeros((T, S, J))
    bmat_splus1[:, :, :] = b_mat[:T, :, :]

    #L_params = (e.reshape(1, S, J), omega[:T, :].reshape(T, S, 1), lambdas.reshape(1, 1, J), 'TPI') # defined above
    L[:T]  = firm.get_L(n_mat[:T], L_params)
    #B_params = (omega[:T-1].reshape(T-1, S, 1), lambdas.reshape(1, 1, J), imm_rates[:T-1].reshape(T-1,S,1), g_n_vector[1:T], 'TPI') # defined above
    B[1:T] = household.get_K(bmat_splus1[:T-1], B_params)

    if small_open == False:
        K[:T] = B[:T] - D[:T]
        # K_params previously set to = (Z, gamma, epsilon, delta, tau_b, delta_tau)
        K[:T] = firm.get_K(L[:T], tpi_firm_r[:T], K_params)
    # Y_params previously set to = (Z, gamma, epsilon)
    Ynew = firm.get_Y(K[:T], L[:T], Y_params)

    # testing for change in Y
    ydiff = Ynew[:T] - Y[:T]
    ydiff_max = np.amax(np.abs(ydiff))
    print 'ydiff_max = ', ydiff_max

    w_params = (Z, gamma, epsilon)
    wnew = firm.get_w(Ynew[:T], L[:T], w_params)
    if small_open == False:
        # r_params previously set to = (Z, gamma, epsilon, delta, tau_b, delta_tau)
        rnew = firm.get_r(Ynew[:T], K[:T], r_params)
        rnew = r

    # Note: previously, Y was not reassigned to equal Ynew at this point.
    Y = Ynew[:]

#    omega_shift = np.append(omega_S_preTP.reshape(1,S),omega[:T-1,:],axis=0)
#    BQ_params = (omega_shift.reshape(T, S, 1), lambdas.reshape(1, 1, J), rho.reshape(1, S, 1),
#                 g_n_vector[:T].reshape(T, 1), 'TPI')
    b_mat_shift = np.append(np.reshape(initial_b,(1,S,J)),b_mat[:T-1,:,:],axis=0)
    BQnew = household.get_BQ(rnew[:T].reshape(T, 1), b_mat_shift, BQ_params)

#    tax_params = np.zeros((T,S,J,etr_params.shape[2]))
#    for i in range(etr_params.shape[2]):
#        tax_params[:,:,:,i] = np.tile(np.reshape(np.transpose(etr_params[:,:T,i]),(T,S,1)),(1,1,J))

#    REVENUE_params = (np.tile(e.reshape(1, S, J),(T,1,1)), lambdas.reshape(1, 1, J), omega[:T].reshape(T, S, 1), 'TPI',
#            tax_params, theta, tau_bq, tau_payroll, h_wealth, p_wealth, m_wealth, retire, T, S, J, tau_b, delta_tau)
    REVENUE = np.array(list(tax.revenue(np.tile(rnew[:T].reshape(T, 1, 1),(1,S,J)), np.tile(wnew[:T].reshape(T, 1, 1),(1,S,J)),
           bmat_s, n_mat[:T,:,:], BQnew[:T].reshape(T, 1, J), Ynew[:T], L[:T], K[:T], factor, REVENUE_params)) + [revenue_ss] * S)

    etr_params_path = np.zeros((T,S,J,etr_params.shape[2]))
    for i in range(etr_params.shape[2]):
        etr_params_path[:,:,:,i] = np.tile(np.reshape(np.transpose(etr_params[:,:T,i]),(T,S,1)),(1,1,J))
    tax_path_params = (np.tile(e.reshape(1, S, J),(T,1,1)), lambdas, 'TPI', retire, etr_params_path, h_wealth,
                       p_wealth, m_wealth, tau_payroll, theta, tau_bq, J, S)
    tax_path = tax.total_taxes(np.tile(r[:T].reshape(T, 1, 1),(1,S,J)), np.tile(w[:T].reshape(T, 1, 1),(1,S,J)), bmat_s,
                               n_mat[:T,:,:], BQ[:T, :].reshape(T, 1, J), factor, T_H[:T].reshape(T, 1, 1), None, False, tax_path_params)

    cons_params = (e.reshape(1, S, J), lambdas.reshape(1, 1, J), g_y)
    c_path = household.get_cons(r[:T].reshape(T, 1, 1), w[:T].reshape(T, 1, 1), bmat_s, bmat_splus1, n_mat[:T,:,:],
                   BQ[:T].reshape(T, 1, J), tax_path, cons_params)
    C_params = (omega[:T].reshape(T, S, 1), lambdas, 'TPI')
    C = household.get_C(c_path, C_params)

    if budget_balance==False:
        D_0    = initial_debt * Y[0]
        other_dg_params = (T, r, g_n_vector, g_y)
        if baseline_spending==False:
            G_0    = ALPHA_G[0] * Y[0]
        dg_fixed_values = (Y, REVENUE, T_H, D_0,G_0)
        D, G = fiscal.D_G_path(dg_fixed_values, fiscal_params, other_dg_params, baseline_spending=baseline_spending)

    if small_open == False:
        I_params = (delta, g_y, omega[:T].reshape(T, S, 1), lambdas, imm_rates[:T].reshape(T, S, 1), g_n_vector[1:T+1], 'TPI')
        I = firm.get_I(bmat_splus1[:T], K[1:T+1], K[:T], I_params)
        rc_error = Y[:T] - C[:T] - I[:T] - G[:T]
        #InvestmentPlaceholder = np.zeros(bmat_splus1[:T].shape)
        #I_params = (delta, g_y, omega[:T].reshape(T, S, 1), lambdas, imm_rates[:T].reshape(T, S, 1), g_n_vector[1:T+1], 'TPI')
        I = (1+g_n_vector[:T])*np.exp(g_y)*K[1:T+1] - (1.0 - delta) * K[:T] #firm.get_I(InvestmentPlaceholder, K[1:T+1], K[:T], I_params)
        BI_params = (0.0, g_y, omega[:T].reshape(T, S, 1), lambdas, imm_rates[:T].reshape(T, S, 1), g_n_vector[1:T+1], 'TPI')
        BI = firm.get_I(bmat_splus1[:T], B[1:T+1], B[:T], BI_params)
        new_borrowing = D[1:T]*(1+g_n_vector[1:T])*np.exp(g_y) - D[:T-1]
        rc_error = Y[:T-1] + new_borrowing - (C[:T-1] + BI[:T-1] + G[:T-1] ) + (tpi_hh_r[:T-1] * B[:T-1] - (delta + tpi_firm_r[:T-1])*K[:T-1] - tpi_hh_r[:T-1]*D[:T-1])
        #print 'Y(T-1):', Y[T-1], '\n','C(T-1):', C[T-1], '\n','K(T-1):', K[T-1], '\n','B(T-1):', B[T-1], '\n','BI(T-1):', BI[T-1], '\n','I(T-1):', I[T-1]

    rce_max = np.amax(np.abs(rc_error))
    print 'Max absolute value resource constraint error:', rce_max

    print'Checking time path for violations of constraints.'
    for t in xrange(T):
            b_mat[t], n_mat[t], c_path[t], t, ltilde)

    eul_savings = euler_errors[:, :S, :].max(1).max(1)
    eul_laborleisure = euler_errors[:, S:, :].max(1).max(1)

   # print 'Max Euler error, savings: ', eul_savings
   # print 'Max Euler error labor supply: ', eul_laborleisure

    Save variables/values so they can be used in other modules

    output = {'Y': Y, 'K': K, 'L': L, 'C': C, 'I': I, 'BQ': BQ,
              'REVENUE': REVENUE, 'T_H': T_H, 'G': G, 'D': D,
              'r': r, 'w': w, 'b_mat': b_mat, 'n_mat': n_mat,
              'c_path': c_path, 'tax_path': tax_path,
              'eul_savings': eul_savings, 'eul_laborleisure': eul_laborleisure}

    tpi_dir = os.path.join(output_dir, "TPI")
    tpi_vars = os.path.join(tpi_dir, "TPI_vars.pkl")
    pickle.dump(output, open(tpi_vars, "wb"))

    macro_output = {'Y': Y, 'K': K, 'L': L, 'C': C, 'I': I,
                    'BQ': BQ, 'T_H': T_H, 'r': r, 'w': w,
                    'tax_path': tax_path}

    growth = (1+g_n_vector)*np.exp(g_y)
    with open('TPI_output.csv', 'wb') as csvfile:
        tpiwriter = csv.writer(csvfile)
        if small_open == True:

    if np.any(G) < 0:
        print 'Government spending is negative along transition path to satisfy budget'

    if ((TPIiter >= maxiter) or (np.absolute(TPIdist) > mindist_TPI)) and ENFORCE_SOLUTION_CHECKS :
        raise RuntimeError("Transition path equlibrium not found (TPIdist)")

    if ((np.any(np.absolute(rc_error) >= mindist_TPI))
        raise RuntimeError("Transition path equlibrium not found (rc_error)")

    if ((np.any(np.absolute(eul_savings) >= mindist_TPI) or
        (np.any(np.absolute(eul_laborleisure) > mindist_TPI)))
        raise RuntimeError("Transition path equlibrium not found (eulers)")

    # Non-stationary output
    # macro_ns_output = {'K_ns_path': K_ns_path, 'C_ns_path': C_ns_path, 'I_ns_path': I_ns_path,
    #           'L_ns_path': L_ns_path, 'BQ_ns_path': BQ_ns_path,
    #           'rinit': rinit, 'Y_ns_path': Y_ns_path, 'T_H_ns_path': T_H_ns_path,
    #           'w_ns_path': w_ns_path}

    return output, macro_output
Exemple #11
def SS_solver(b_guess_init,
    Solves for the steady state distribution of capital, labor, as well as
    w, r, T_H and the scaling factor, using an iterative method similar to TPI.
        b_guess_init = guesses for b (SxJ array)
        n_guess_init = guesses for n (SxJ array)
        wguess = guess for wage rate (scalar)
        rguess = guess for rental rate (scalar)
        T_Hguess = guess for lump sum tax (scalar)
        factorguess = guess for scaling factor to dollars (scalar)
        chi_n = chi^n_s (Sx1 array)
        chi_b = chi^b_j (Jx1 array)
        params = list of parameters (list)
        iterative_params = list of parameters that determine the convergence
                           of the while loop (list)
        tau_bq = bequest tax rate (Jx1 array)
        rho = mortality rates (Sx1 array)
        lambdas = ability weights (Jx1 array)
        weights = population weights (Sx1 array)
        e = ability levels (SxJ array)
        solutions = steady state values of b, n, w, r, factor,
                    T_H ((2*S*J+4)x1 array)

    J, S, T, BW, beta, sigma, alpha, Z, delta, ltilde, nu, g_y,\
                  g_n_ss, tau_payroll, retire, mean_income_data,\
                  h_wealth, p_wealth, m_wealth, b_ellipse, upsilon = params

    analytical_mtrs, etr_params, mtrx_params, mtry_params = tax_params

    maxiter, mindist_SS = iterative_params
    # Rename the inputs
    w = wguess
    r = rguess
    T_H = T_Hguess
    factor = factorguess
    bssmat = b_guess_init
    nssmat = n_guess_init

    dist = 10
    iteration = 0
    dist_vec = np.zeros(maxiter)

    if fsolve_flag == True:
        maxiter = 1

    while (dist > mindist_SS) and (iteration < maxiter):
        # Solve for the steady state levels of b and n, given w, r, T_H and
        # factor
        for j in xrange(J):
            # Solve the euler equations
            if j == 0:
                guesses = np.append(bssmat[:, j], nssmat[:, j])
                guesses = np.append(bssmat[:, j - 1], nssmat[:, j - 1])

            args_ = (r, w, T_H, factor, j, tax_params, params, chi_b, chi_n,
                     tau_bq, rho, lambdas, weights, e)
            [solutions, infodict, ier,
             message] = opt.fsolve(Euler_equation_solver,
                                   guesses * .9,

            print 'Max Euler errors: ', np.absolute(infodict['fvec']).max()

            bssmat[:, j] = solutions[:S]
            nssmat[:, j] = solutions[S:]
            # print np.array(Euler_equation_solver(np.append(bssmat[:, j],
            # nssmat[:, j]), r, w, T_H, factor, j, params, chi_b, chi_n,
            # theta, tau_bq, rho, lambdas, e)).max()

        K = household.get_K(bssmat, weights.reshape(S, 1),
                            lambdas.reshape(1, J), g_n_ss, 'SS')
        L = firm.get_L(e, nssmat, weights.reshape(S, 1), lambdas.reshape(1, J),
        Y = firm.get_Y(K, L, params)
        new_r = firm.get_r(Y, K, params)
        new_w = firm.get_w(Y, L, params)
        b_s = np.array(list(np.zeros(J).reshape(1, J)) + list(bssmat[:-1, :]))
        average_income_model = ((new_r * b_s + new_w * e * nssmat) *
                                weights.reshape(S, 1) *
                                lambdas.reshape(1, J)).sum()
        new_factor = mean_income_data / average_income_model
        new_BQ = household.get_BQ(new_r, bssmat, weights.reshape(S, 1),
                                  lambdas.reshape(1, J), rho.reshape(S, 1),
                                  g_n_ss, 'SS')
        theta = tax.replacement_rate_vals(nssmat, new_w, new_factor, e, J,
                                          weights.reshape(S, 1), lambdas)
        # lump_sum_tax_params = (a_etr_income, b_etr_income, c_etr_income, d_etr_income,
        #                    e_etr_income, f_etr_income, min_x_etr_income, max_x_etr_income,
        #                    min_y_etr_income, max_y_etr_income)
        new_T_H = tax.get_lump_sum(new_r, b_s, new_w, e, nssmat, new_BQ,
                                   lambdas.reshape(1, J), factor,
                                   weights.reshape(S, 1), 'SS', etr_params,
                                   params, theta, tau_bq)

        r = utils.convex_combo(new_r, r, nu)
        w = utils.convex_combo(new_w, w, nu)
        factor = utils.convex_combo(new_factor, factor, nu)
        T_H = utils.convex_combo(new_T_H, T_H, nu)
        if T_H != 0:
            dist = np.array([utils.perc_dif_func(new_r, r)] +
                            [utils.perc_dif_func(new_w, w)] +
                            [utils.perc_dif_func(new_T_H, T_H)] +
                            [utils.perc_dif_func(new_factor, factor)]).max()
            # If T_H is zero (if there are no taxes), a percent difference
            # will throw NaN's, so we use an absoluate difference
            dist = np.array([utils.perc_dif_func(new_r, r)] +
                            [utils.perc_dif_func(new_w, w)] +
                            [abs(new_T_H - T_H)] +
                            [utils.perc_dif_func(new_factor, factor)]).max()
        dist_vec[iteration] = dist
        # Similar to TPI: if the distance between iterations increases, then
        # decrease the value of nu to prevent cycling
        if iteration > 10:
            if dist_vec[iteration] - dist_vec[iteration - 1] > 0:
                nu /= 2.0
                print 'New value of nu:', nu
        iteration += 1
        print "Iteration: %02d" % iteration, " Distance: ", dist

    eul_errors = np.ones(J)
    b_mat = np.zeros((S, J))
    n_mat = np.zeros((S, J))
    # Given the final w, r, T_H and factor, solve for the SS b and n (if you
    # don't do a final fsolve, there will be a slight mismatch,
    # with high euler errors)
    for j in xrange(J):
        guesses = np.append(bssmat[:, j], nssmat[:, j])
        args_ = (r, w, T_H, factor, j, tax_params, params, chi_b, chi_n,
                 tau_bq, rho, lambdas, weights, e)
        [solutions1, infodict, ier,
         message] = opt.fsolve(Euler_equation_solver,
                               guesses * .9,
        eul_errors[j] = np.array(infodict['fvec']).max()
        print 'Max Euler errors: ', np.absolute(infodict['fvec']).max()
        b_mat[:, j] = solutions1[:S]
        n_mat[:, j] = solutions1[S:]
    print 'SS fsolve euler error:', eul_errors.max()
    solutions = np.append(b_mat.flatten(), n_mat.flatten())
    other_vars = np.array([w, r, factor, T_H])
    solutions = np.append(solutions, other_vars)
    return solutions
Exemple #12
def SS_solver(b_guess_init,
    Solves for the steady state distribution of capital, labor, as well as
    w, r, T_H and the scaling factor, using a bisection method similar to TPI.

    b_guess_init = [S,J] array, initial guesses for savings
    n_guess_init = [S,J] array, initial guesses for labor supply
    wguess = scalar, initial guess for SS real wage rate
    rguess = scalar, initial guess for SS real interest rate
    T_Hguess = scalar, initial guess for lump sum transfer
    factorguess = scalar, initial guess for scaling factor to dollars
    chi_b = [J,] vector, chi^b_j, the utility weight on bequests
    chi_n = [S,] vector, chi^n_s utility weight on labor supply
    params = length X tuple, list of parameters
    iterative_params = length X tuple, list of parameters that determine the convergence
                       of the while loop
    tau_bq = [J,] vector, bequest tax rate
    rho = [S,] vector, mortality rates by age
    lambdas = [J,] vector, fraction of population with each ability type
    omega = [S,] vector, stationary population weights
    e =  [S,J] array, effective labor units by age and ability type


    b_guess = [S,] vector, initial guess at household savings
    n_guess = [S,] vector, initial guess at household labor supply
    b_s = [S,] vector, wealth enter period with
    b_splus1 = [S,] vector, household savings
    b_splus2 = [S,] vector, household savings one period ahead
    BQ = scalar, aggregate bequests to lifetime income group
    theta = scalar, replacement rate for social security benenfits
    error1 = [S,] vector, errors from FOC for savings
    error2 = [S,] vector, errors from FOC for labor supply
    tax1 = [S,] vector, total income taxes paid
    cons = [S,] vector, household consumption

    Bss = scalar, aggregate household wealth in the steady state
    BIss = scalar, aggregate household net investment in the steady state

    RETURNS: solutions = steady state values of b, n, w, r, factor,
                    T_H ((2*S*J+4)x1 array)

    OUTPUT: None

    bssmat, nssmat, chi_params, ss_params, income_tax_params, iterative_params, small_open_params = params
    J, S, T, BW, beta, sigma, alpha, gamma, epsilon, Z, delta, ltilde, nu, g_y,\
                  g_n_ss, tau_payroll, tau_bq, rho, omega_SS, budget_balance, \
                  alpha_T, debt_ratio_ss, tau_b, delta_tau,\
                  lambdas, imm_rates, e, retire, mean_income_data,\
                  h_wealth, p_wealth, m_wealth, b_ellipse, upsilon = ss_params

    analytical_mtrs, etr_params, mtrx_params, mtry_params = income_tax_params

    chi_b, chi_n = chi_params

    maxiter, mindist_SS = iterative_params

    small_open, ss_firm_r, ss_hh_r = small_open_params

    # Rename the inputs
    r = rss
    w = wss
    T_H = T_Hss
    factor = factor_ss
    if budget_balance == False:
        if baseline_spending == True:
            Y = Yss
            Y = T_H / alpha_T
    if small_open == True:
        r = ss_hh_r

    dist = 10
    iteration = 0
    dist_vec = np.zeros(maxiter)

    if fsolve_flag == True:
        maxiter = 1

    while (dist > mindist_SS) and (iteration < maxiter):
        # Solve for the steady state levels of b and n, given w, r, Y and
        # factor
        if budget_balance:
            outer_loop_vars = (bssmat, nssmat, r, w, T_H, factor)
            outer_loop_vars = (bssmat, nssmat, r, w, Y, T_H, factor)
        inner_loop_params = (ss_params, income_tax_params, chi_params,

        euler_errors, bssmat, nssmat, new_r, new_w, \
             new_T_H, new_Y, new_factor, new_BQ, average_income_model = inner_loop(outer_loop_vars, inner_loop_params, baseline, baseline_spending)

        r = utils.convex_combo(new_r, r, nu)
        w = utils.convex_combo(new_w, w, nu)
        factor = utils.convex_combo(new_factor, factor, nu)
        if budget_balance:
            T_H = utils.convex_combo(new_T_H, T_H, nu)
            dist = np.array([utils.pct_diff_func(new_r, r)] +
                            [utils.pct_diff_func(new_w, w)] +
                            [utils.pct_diff_func(new_T_H, T_H)] +
                            [utils.pct_diff_func(new_factor, factor)]).max()
            Y = utils.convex_combo(new_Y, Y, nu)
            if Y != 0:
                dist = np.array(
                    [utils.pct_diff_func(new_r, r)] +
                    [utils.pct_diff_func(new_w, w)] +
                    [utils.pct_diff_func(new_Y, Y)] +
                    [utils.pct_diff_func(new_factor, factor)]).max()
                # If Y is zero (if there is no output), a percent difference
                # will throw NaN's, so we use an absoluate difference
                dist = np.array(
                    [utils.pct_diff_func(new_r, r)] +
                    [utils.pct_diff_func(new_w, w)] + [abs(new_Y - Y)] +
                    [utils.pct_diff_func(new_factor, factor)]).max()
        dist_vec[iteration] = dist
        # Similar to TPI: if the distance between iterations increases, then
        # decrease the value of nu to prevent cycling
        if iteration > 10:
            if dist_vec[iteration] - dist_vec[iteration - 1] > 0:
                nu /= 2.0
                print 'New value of nu:', nu
        iteration += 1
        print "Iteration: %02d" % iteration, " Distance: ", dist
        Generate the SS values of variables, including euler errors
    bssmat_s = np.append(np.zeros((1, J)), bssmat[:-1, :], axis=0)
    bssmat_splus1 = bssmat

    rss = r
    wss = w
    factor_ss = factor
    T_Hss = T_H

    Lss_params = (e, omega_SS.reshape(S, 1), lambdas, 'SS')
    Lss = aggr.get_L(nssmat, Lss_params)
    if small_open == False:
        Kss_params = (omega_SS.reshape(S, 1), lambdas, imm_rates, g_n_ss, 'SS')
        Bss = aggr.get_K(bssmat_splus1, Kss_params)
        if budget_balance:
            debt_ss = 0.0
            debt_ss = debt_ratio_ss * Y
        Kss = Bss - debt_ss
        Iss_params = (delta, g_y, omega_SS, lambdas, imm_rates, g_n_ss, 'SS')
        Iss = aggr.get_I(bssmat_splus1, Kss, Kss, Iss_params)
        # Compute capital (K) and wealth (B) separately
        Kss_params = (Z, gamma, epsilon, delta, tau_b, delta_tau)
        Kss = firm.get_K(Lss, ss_firm_r, Kss_params)
        Iss_params = (delta, g_y, omega_SS, lambdas, imm_rates, g_n_ss, 'SS')
        InvestmentPlaceholder = np.zeros(bssmat_splus1.shape)
        Iss = aggr.get_I(InvestmentPlaceholder, Kss, Kss, Iss_params)
        Bss_params = (omega_SS.reshape(S, 1), lambdas, imm_rates, g_n_ss, 'SS')
        Bss = aggr.get_K(bssmat_splus1, Bss_params)
        BIss_params = (0.0, g_y, omega_SS, lambdas, imm_rates, g_n_ss, 'SS')
        BIss = aggr.get_I(bssmat_splus1, Bss, Bss, BIss_params)
        if budget_balance:
            debt_ss = 0.0
            debt_ss = debt_ratio_ss * Y

    # Yss_params = (alpha, Z)
    Yss_params = (Z, gamma, epsilon)
    Yss = firm.get_Y(Kss, Lss, Yss_params)

    # Verify that T_Hss = alpha_T*Yss
    #    transfer_error = T_Hss - alpha_T*Yss
    #    if np.absolute(transfer_error) > mindist_SS:
    #        print 'Transfers exceed alpha_T percent of GDP by:', transfer_error
    #        err = "Transfers do not match correct share of GDP in SS_solver"
    #        raise RuntimeError(err)

    BQss = new_BQ
    theta_params = (e, S, retire)
    theta = tax.replacement_rate_vals(nssmat, wss, factor_ss, theta_params)

    # Next 5 lines pulled out of inner_loop where they are used to calculate tax revenue. Now calculating G to balance gov't budget.
    b_s = np.array(list(np.zeros(J).reshape(1, J)) + list(bssmat[:-1, :]))
    lump_sum_params = (e, lambdas.reshape(1, J), omega_SS.reshape(S, 1), 'SS',
                       etr_params, theta, tau_bq, tau_payroll, h_wealth,
                       p_wealth, m_wealth, retire, T, S, J, tau_b, delta_tau)
    revenue_ss = aggr.revenue(new_r, new_w, b_s, nssmat, new_BQ, Yss, Lss, Kss,
                              factor, lump_sum_params)
    r_gov_ss = rss
    debt_service_ss = r_gov_ss * debt_ratio_ss * Yss
    new_borrowing = debt_ratio_ss * Yss * ((1 + g_n_ss) * np.exp(g_y) - 1)
    # government spends such that it expands its debt at the same rate as GDP
    if budget_balance:
        Gss = 0.0
        Gss = revenue_ss + new_borrowing - (T_Hss + debt_service_ss)

    # solve resource constraint
    etr_params_3D = np.tile(
        np.reshape(etr_params, (S, 1, etr_params.shape[1])), (1, J, 1))
    mtrx_params_3D = np.tile(
        np.reshape(mtrx_params, (S, 1, mtrx_params.shape[1])), (1, J, 1))
        The code below is to calulate and save model MTRs
                - only exists to help debug
    # etr_params_extended = np.append(etr_params,np.reshape(etr_params[-1,:],(1,etr_params.shape[1])),axis=0)[1:,:]
    # etr_params_extended_3D = np.tile(np.reshape(etr_params_extended,(S,1,etr_params_extended.shape[1])),(1,J,1))
    # mtry_params_extended = np.append(mtry_params,np.reshape(mtry_params[-1,:],(1,mtry_params.shape[1])),axis=0)[1:,:]
    # mtry_params_extended_3D = np.tile(np.reshape(mtry_params_extended,(S,1,mtry_params_extended.shape[1])),(1,J,1))
    # e_extended = np.array(list(e) + list(np.zeros(J).reshape(1, J)))
    # nss_extended = np.array(list(nssmat) + list(np.zeros(J).reshape(1, J)))
    # mtry_ss_params = (e_extended[1:,:], etr_params_extended_3D, mtry_params_extended_3D, analytical_mtrs)
    # mtry_ss = tax.MTR_capital(rss, wss, bssmat_splus1, nss_extended[1:,:], factor_ss, mtry_ss_params)
    # mtrx_ss_params = (e, etr_params_3D, mtrx_params_3D, analytical_mtrs)
    # mtrx_ss = tax.MTR_labor(rss, wss, bssmat_s, nssmat, factor_ss, mtrx_ss_params)

    # np.savetxt("mtr_ss_capital.csv", mtry_ss, delimiter=",")
    # np.savetxt("mtr_ss_labor.csv", mtrx_ss, delimiter=",")

    # solve resource constraint
    taxss_params = (e, lambdas, 'SS', retire, etr_params_3D, h_wealth,
                    p_wealth, m_wealth, tau_payroll, theta, tau_bq, J, S)
    taxss = tax.total_taxes(rss, wss, bssmat_s, nssmat, BQss, factor_ss, T_Hss,
                            None, False, taxss_params)
    css_params = (e, lambdas.reshape(1, J), g_y)
    cssmat = household.get_cons(rss, wss, bssmat_s, bssmat_splus1, nssmat,
                                BQss.reshape(1, J), taxss, css_params)

    biz_params = (tau_b, delta_tau)
    business_revenue = tax.get_biz_tax(wss, Yss, Lss, Kss, biz_params)

    Css_params = (omega_SS.reshape(S, 1), lambdas, 'SS')
    Css = aggr.get_C(cssmat, Css_params)

    if small_open == False:
        resource_constraint = Yss - (Css + Iss + Gss)
        print 'Yss= ', Yss, '\n', 'Gss= ', Gss, '\n', 'Css= ', Css, '\n', 'Kss = ', Kss, '\n', 'Iss = ', Iss, '\n', 'Lss = ', Lss, '\n', 'Debt service = ', debt_service_ss
        print 'D/Y:', debt_ss / Yss, 'T/Y:', T_Hss / Yss, 'G/Y:', Gss / Yss, 'Rev/Y:', revenue_ss / Yss, 'business rev/Y: ', business_revenue / Yss, 'Int payments to GDP:', (
            rss * debt_ss) / Yss
        print 'Check SS budget: ', Gss - (np.exp(g_y) * (1 + g_n_ss) - 1 -
                                          rss) * debt_ss - revenue_ss + T_Hss
        print 'resource constraint: ', resource_constraint
        # include term for current account
        resource_constraint = Yss + new_borrowing - (Css + BIss + Gss) + (
            ss_hh_r * Bss - (delta + ss_firm_r) * Kss - debt_service_ss)
        print 'Yss= ', Yss, '\n', 'Css= ', Css, '\n', 'Bss = ', Bss, '\n', 'BIss = ', BIss, '\n', 'Kss = ', Kss, '\n', 'Iss = ', Iss, '\n', 'Lss = ', Lss, '\n', 'T_H = ', T_H, '\n', 'Gss= ', Gss
        print 'D/Y:', debt_ss / Yss, 'T/Y:', T_Hss / Yss, 'G/Y:', Gss / Yss, 'Rev/Y:', revenue_ss / Yss, 'Int payments to GDP:', (
            rss * debt_ss) / Yss
        print 'resource constraint: ', resource_constraint

    if Gss < 0:
        print 'Steady state government spending is negative to satisfy budget'

    if ENFORCE_SOLUTION_CHECKS and np.absolute(
            resource_constraint) > mindist_SS:
        print 'Resource Constraint Difference:', resource_constraint
        err = "Steady state aggregate resource constraint not satisfied"
        raise RuntimeError(err)

    # check constraints
    household.constraint_checker_SS(bssmat, nssmat, cssmat, ltilde)

    euler_savings = euler_errors[:S, :]
    euler_labor_leisure = euler_errors[S:, :]
        Return dictionary of SS results
    output = {
        'Kss': Kss,
        'bssmat': bssmat,
        'Bss': Bss,
        'Lss': Lss,
        'Css': Css,
        'Iss': Iss,
        'nssmat': nssmat,
        'Yss': Yss,
        'wss': wss,
        'rss': rss,
        'theta': theta,
        'BQss': BQss,
        'factor_ss': factor_ss,
        'bssmat_s': bssmat_s,
        'cssmat': cssmat,
        'bssmat_splus1': bssmat_splus1,
        'T_Hss': T_Hss,
        'Gss': Gss,
        'revenue_ss': revenue_ss,
        'euler_savings': euler_savings,
        'euler_labor_leisure': euler_labor_leisure,
        'chi_n': chi_n,
        'chi_b': chi_b

    return output
Exemple #13
def run_TPI(income_tax_params, tpi_params, iterative_params,
            initial_values, SS_values, fix_transfers=False,

    # unpack tuples of parameters
    analytical_mtrs, etr_params, mtrx_params, mtry_params = income_tax_params
    maxiter, mindist_SS, mindist_TPI = iterative_params
    J, S, T, BW, beta, sigma, alpha, Z, delta, ltilde, nu, g_y,\
                  g_n_vector, tau_payroll, tau_bq, rho, omega, N_tilde, lambdas, imm_rates, e, retire, mean_income_data,\
                  factor, T_H_baseline, h_wealth, p_wealth, m_wealth, b_ellipse, upsilon, chi_b, chi_n, theta = tpi_params
    K0, b_sinit, b_splus1init, factor, initial_b, initial_n, omega_S_preTP = initial_values
    Kss, Lss, rss, wss, BQss, T_Hss, Gss, bssmat_splus1, nssmat = SS_values

    TPI_FIG_DIR = output_dir
    # Initialize guesses at time paths
    domain = np.linspace(0, T, T)
    r = np.ones(T + S) * rss
    BQ = np.zeros((T + S, J))
    BQ0_params = (omega_S_preTP.reshape(S, 1), lambdas, rho.reshape(S, 1), g_n_vector[0], 'SS')
    BQ0 = household.get_BQ(r[0], initial_b, BQ0_params)
    for j in xrange(J):
        BQ[:, j] = list(np.linspace(BQ0[j], BQss[j], T)) + [BQss[j]] * S
    BQ = np.array(BQ)
    # print "BQ values = ", BQ[0, :], BQ[100, :], BQ[-1, :], BQss
    # print "K0 vs Kss = ", K0-Kss

    if fix_transfers:
        T_H = T_H_baseline
        if np.abs(T_Hss) < 1e-13 :
            T_Hss2 = 0.0 # sometimes SS is very small but not zero, even if taxes are zero, this get's rid of the approximation error, which affects the perc changes below
            T_Hss2 = T_Hss
        T_H = np.ones(T + S) * T_Hss2 * (r/rss)
    G = np.ones(T + S) * Gss
    # # print "T_H values = ", T_H[0], T_H[100], T_H[-1], T_Hss
    # # print "omega diffs = ", (omega_S_preTP-omega[-1]).max(), (omega[10]-omega[-1]).max()
    # Make array of initial guesses for labor supply and savings
    domain2 = np.tile(domain.reshape(T, 1, 1), (1, S, J))
    ending_b = bssmat_splus1
    guesses_b = (-1 / (domain2 + 1)) * (ending_b - initial_b) + ending_b
    ending_b_tail = np.tile(ending_b.reshape(1, S, J), (S, 1, 1))
    guesses_b = np.append(guesses_b, ending_b_tail, axis=0)
    # print 'diff btwn start and end b: ', (guesses_b[0]-guesses_b[-1]).max()
    domain3 = np.tile(np.linspace(0, 1, T).reshape(T, 1, 1), (1, S, J))
    guesses_n = domain3 * (nssmat - initial_n) + initial_n
    ending_n_tail = np.tile(nssmat.reshape(1, S, J), (S, 1, 1))
    guesses_n = np.append(guesses_n, ending_n_tail, axis=0)
    # b_mat = np.zeros((T + S, S, J))
    # n_mat = np.zeros((T + S, S, J))
    ind = np.arange(S)
    # # print 'diff btwn start and end n: ', (guesses_n[0]-guesses_n[-1]).max()
    # # find economic aggregates
    K = np.zeros(T+S)
    L = np.zeros(T+S)
    K[0] = K0
    K_params = (omega[:T-1].reshape(T-1, S, 1), lambdas.reshape(1, 1, J), imm_rates[:T-1].reshape(T-1,S,1), g_n_vector[1:T], 'TPI')
    K[1:T] = household.get_K(guesses_b[:T-1], K_params)
    K[T:] = Kss
    L_params = (e.reshape(1, S, J), omega[:T, :].reshape(T, S, 1), lambdas.reshape(1, 1, J), 'TPI')
    L[:T] = firm.get_L(guesses_n[:T], L_params)
    L[T:] = Lss
    Y_params = (alpha, Z)
    Y = firm.get_Y(K, L, Y_params)
    r_params = (alpha, delta)
    r[:T] = firm.get_r(Y[:T], K[:T], r_params)

    # uncomment lines below if want to use starting values from prior run
    r = TPI_START_VALUES['r']

    guesses_b = TPI_START_VALUES['b_mat']
    guesses_n = TPI_START_VALUES['n_mat']

    TPIiter = 0
    TPIdist = 10
    PLOT_TPI = False

    euler_errors = np.zeros((T, 2 * S, J))
    TPIdist_vec = np.zeros(maxiter)

    # print 'analytical mtrs in tpi = ', analytical_mtrs

    while (TPIiter < maxiter) and (TPIdist >= mindist_TPI):
        # Plot TPI for K for each iteration, so we can see if there is a
        # problem
        if PLOT_TPI is True:
            K_plot = list(K) + list(np.ones(10) * Kss)
            L_plot = list(L) + list(np.ones(10) * Lss)
                y=Kss, color='black', linewidth=2, label=r"Steady State $\hat{K}$", ls='--')
                T + 10), Kpath_plot[:T + 10], 'b', linewidth=2, label=r"TPI time path $\hat{K}_t$")
            plt.savefig(os.path.join(TPI_FIG_DIR, "TPI_K"))

        guesses = (guesses_b, guesses_n)
        w_params = (Z, alpha, delta)
        w = firm.get_w_from_r(r, w_params)
        # print 'r and rss diff = ', r-rss
        # print 'w and wss diff = ', w-wss
        # print 'BQ and BQss diff = ', BQ-BQss
        # print 'T_H and T_Hss diff = ', T_H - T_Hss
        # print 'guess b and bss = ', (bssmat_splus1 - guesses_b).max()
        # print 'guess n and nss = ', (nssmat - guesses_n).max()
        outer_loop_vars = (r, w, BQ, T_H)
        inner_loop_params = (income_tax_params, tpi_params, initial_values, ind)

        # Solve HH problem in inner loop
        euler_errors, b_mat, n_mat = inner_loop(guesses, outer_loop_vars, inner_loop_params)

        # print 'guess b and bss = ', (b_mat - guesses_b).max()
        # print 'guess n and nss over time = ', (n_mat - guesses_n).max(axis=2).max(axis=1)
        # print 'guess n and nss over age = ', (n_mat - guesses_n).max(axis=0).max(axis=1)
        # print 'guess n and nss over ability = ', (n_mat - guesses_n).max(axis=0).max(axis=0)
        # quit()

        print 'Max Euler error: ', (np.abs(euler_errors)).max()

        bmat_s = np.zeros((T, S, J))
        bmat_s[0, 1:, :] = initial_b[:-1, :]
        bmat_s[1:, 1:, :] = b_mat[:T-1, :-1, :]
        bmat_splus1 = np.zeros((T, S, J))
        bmat_splus1[:, :, :] = b_mat[:T, :, :]

        K[0] = K0
        K_params = (omega[:T-1].reshape(T-1, S, 1), lambdas.reshape(1, 1, J),
                    imm_rates[:T-1].reshape(T-1, S, 1), g_n_vector[1:T], 'TPI')
        K[1:T] = household.get_K(bmat_splus1[:T-1], K_params)
        L_params = (e.reshape(1, S, J), omega[:T, :].reshape(T, S, 1),
                    lambdas.reshape(1, 1, J), 'TPI')
        L[:T] = firm.get_L(n_mat[:T], L_params)
        # print 'K diffs = ', K-K0
        # print 'L diffs = ', L-L[0]

        Y_params = (alpha, Z)
        Ynew = firm.get_Y(K[:T], L[:T], Y_params)
        r_params = (alpha, delta)
        rnew = firm.get_r(Ynew[:T], K[:T], r_params)
        wnew = firm.get_w_from_r(rnew, w_params)

        omega_shift = np.append(omega_S_preTP.reshape(1, S),
                                omega[:T-1, :], axis=0)
        BQ_params = (omega_shift.reshape(T, S, 1), lambdas.reshape(1, 1, J),
                     rho.reshape(1, S, 1), g_n_vector[:T].reshape(T, 1), 'TPI')
        # b_mat_shift = np.append(np.reshape(initial_b, (1, S, J)),
        #                         b_mat[:T-1, :, :], axis=0)
        b_mat_shift = bmat_splus1[:T, :, :]
        # print 'b diffs = ', (bmat_splus1[100, :, :] - initial_b).max(), (bmat_splus1[0, :, :] - initial_b).max(), (bmat_splus1[1, :, :] - initial_b).max()
        # print 'r diffs = ', rnew[1]-r[1], rnew[100]-r[100], rnew[-1]-r[-1]
        BQnew = household.get_BQ(rnew[:T].reshape(T, 1), b_mat_shift,
        BQss2 = np.empty(J)
        for j in range(J):
            BQss_params = (omega[1, :], lambdas[j], rho, g_n_vector[1], 'SS')
            BQss2[j] = household.get_BQ(rnew[1], bmat_splus1[1, :, j],
        # print 'BQ test = ', BQss2-BQss, BQss-BQnew[1], BQss-BQnew[100], BQss-BQnew[-1]

        total_tax_params = np.zeros((T, S, J, etr_params.shape[2]))
        for i in range(etr_params.shape[2]):
            total_tax_params[:, :, :, i] = np.tile(np.reshape(np.transpose(etr_params[:,:T,i]),(T,S,1)),(1,1,J))

        tax_receipt_params = (np.tile(e.reshape(1, S, J),(T,1,1)), lambdas.reshape(1, 1, J), omega[:T].reshape(T, S, 1), 'TPI',
                total_tax_params, theta, tau_bq, tau_payroll, h_wealth, p_wealth, m_wealth, retire, T, S, J)
        net_tax_receipts = np.array(list(tax.get_lump_sum(np.tile(rnew[:T].reshape(T, 1, 1),(1,S,J)), np.tile(wnew[:T].reshape(T, 1, 1),(1,S,J)),
               bmat_s, n_mat[:T,:,:], BQnew[:T].reshape(T, 1, J), factor, tax_receipt_params)) + [T_Hss] * S)

        r[:T] = utils.convex_combo(rnew[:T], r[:T], nu)
        BQ[:T] = utils.convex_combo(BQnew[:T], BQ[:T], nu)
        if fix_transfers:
            T_H_new = T_H
            G[:T] = net_tax_receipts[:T] - T_H[:T]
            T_H_new = net_tax_receipts
            T_H[:T] = utils.convex_combo(T_H_new[:T], T_H[:T], nu)
            G[:T] = 0.0

        etr_params_path = np.zeros((T,S,J,etr_params.shape[2]))
        for i in range(etr_params.shape[2]):
            etr_params_path[:,:,:,i] = np.tile(
        tax_path_params = (np.tile(e.reshape(1, S, J),(T,1,1)),
                           lambdas, 'TPI', retire, etr_params_path, h_wealth,
                           p_wealth, m_wealth, tau_payroll, theta, tau_bq, J, S)
        b_to_use = np.zeros((T, S, J))
        b_to_use[0, 1:, :] = initial_b[:-1, :]
        b_to_use[1:, 1:, :] = b_mat[:T-1, :-1, :]
        tax_path = tax.total_taxes(
            np.tile(r[:T].reshape(T, 1, 1),(1,S,J)),
            np.tile(w[:T].reshape(T, 1, 1),(1,S,J)), b_to_use,
            n_mat[:T,:,:], BQ[:T, :].reshape(T, 1, J), factor,
            T_H[:T].reshape(T, 1, 1), None, False, tax_path_params)

        y_path = (np.tile(r[:T].reshape(T, 1, 1), (1, S, J)) * b_to_use[:T, :, :] +
                  np.tile(w[:T].reshape(T, 1, 1), (1, S, J)) *
                  np.tile(e.reshape(1, S, J), (T, 1, 1)) * n_mat[:T, :, :])
        cons_params = (e.reshape(1, S, J), lambdas.reshape(1, 1, J), g_y)
        c_path = household.get_cons(r[:T].reshape(T, 1, 1), w[:T].reshape(T, 1, 1), b_to_use[:T,:,:], b_mat[:T,:,:], n_mat[:T,:,:],
                       BQ[:T].reshape(T, 1, J), tax_path, cons_params)

        guesses_b = utils.convex_combo(b_mat, guesses_b, nu)
        guesses_n = utils.convex_combo(n_mat, guesses_n, nu)
        if T_H.all() != 0:
            TPIdist = np.array(list(utils.pct_diff_func(rnew[:T], r[:T])) +
                               list(utils.pct_diff_func(BQnew[:T], BQ[:T]).flatten()) +
                               list(utils.pct_diff_func(T_H_new[:T], T_H[:T]))).max()
            print 'r dist = ', np.array(list(utils.pct_diff_func(rnew[:T], r[:T]))).max()
            print 'BQ dist = ', np.array(list(utils.pct_diff_func(BQnew[:T], BQ[:T]).flatten())).max()
            print 'T_H dist = ', np.array(list(utils.pct_diff_func(T_H_new[:T], T_H[:T]))).max()
            print 'T_H path = ', T_H[:20]
            # print 'r old = ', r[:T]
            # print 'r new = ', rnew[:T]
            # print 'K old = ', K[:T]
            # print 'L old = ', L[:T]
            # print 'income = ', y_path[:, :, -1]
            # print 'taxes = ', tax_path[:, :, -1]
            # print 'labor supply = ', n_mat[:, :, -1]
            # print 'max and min labor = ', n_mat.max(), n_mat.min()
            # print 'max and min labor = ', np.argmax(n_mat), np.argmin(n_mat)
            # print 'max and min labor, j = 7 = ', n_mat[:,:,-1].max(), n_mat[:,:,-1].min()
            # print 'max and min labor, j = 6 = ', n_mat[:,:,-2].max(), n_mat[:,:,-2].min()
            # print 'max and min labor, j = 5 = ', n_mat[:,:,4].max(), n_mat[:,:,4].min()
            # print 'max and min labor, j = 4 = ', n_mat[:,:,3].max(), n_mat[:,:,3].min()
            # print 'max and min labor, j = 3 = ', n_mat[:,:,2].max(), n_mat[:,:,2].min()
            # print 'max and min labor, j = 2 = ', n_mat[:,:,1].max(), n_mat[:,:,1].min()
            # print 'max and min labor, j = 1 = ', n_mat[:,:,0].max(), n_mat[:,:,0].min()
            # print 'max and min labor, S = 80 = ', n_mat[:,-1,-1].max(), n_mat[:,-1,-1].min()
            # print "number  > 1 = ", (n_mat > 1).sum()
            # print "number  < 0, = ", (n_mat < 0).sum()
            # print "number  > 1, j=7 = ", (n_mat[:T,:,-1] > 1).sum()
            # print "number  < 0, j=7 = ", (n_mat[:T,:,-1] < 0).sum()
            # print "number  > 1, s=80, j=7 = ", (n_mat[:T,-1,-1] > 1).sum()
            # print "number  < 0, s=80, j=7 = ", (n_mat[:T,-1,-1] < 0).sum()
            # print "number  > 1, j= 7, age 80= ", (n_mat[:T,-1,-1] > 1).sum()
            # print "number  < 0, j = 7, age 80= ", (n_mat[:T,-1,-1] < 0).sum()
            # print "number  > 1, j= 7, age 80, period 0 to 10= ", (n_mat[:30,-1,-1] > 1).sum()
            # print "number  < 0, j = 7, age 80, period 0 to 10= ", (n_mat[:30,-1,-1] < 0).sum()
            # print "number  > 1, j= 7, age 70-79, period 0 to 10= ", (n_mat[:30,70:80,-1] > 1).sum()
            # print "number  < 0, j = 7, age 70-79, period 0 to 10= ", (n_mat[:30,70:80   ,-1] < 0).sum()
            # diag_dict = {'n_mat': n_mat, 'b_mat': b_mat, 'y_path': y_path, 'c_path': c_path}
            # pickle.dump(diag_dict, open('tpi_iter1.pkl', 'wb'))

            TPIdist = np.array(list(utils.pct_diff_func(rnew[:T], r[:T])) +
                               list(utils.pct_diff_func(BQnew[:T], BQ[:T]).flatten()) +
        TPIdist_vec[TPIiter] = TPIdist
        # After T=10, if cycling occurs, drop the value of nu
        # wait til after T=10 or so, because sometimes there is a jump up
        # in the first couple iterations
        # if TPIiter > 10:
        #     if TPIdist_vec[TPIiter] - TPIdist_vec[TPIiter - 1] > 0:
        #         nu /= 2
        #         print 'New Value of nu:', nu
        TPIiter += 1
        print '\tIteration:', TPIiter
        print '\t\tDistance:', TPIdist

    Y[:T] = Ynew

    # Solve HH problem in inner loop
    guesses = (guesses_b, guesses_n)
    outer_loop_vars = (r, w, BQ, T_H)
    inner_loop_params = (income_tax_params, tpi_params, initial_values, ind)
    euler_errors, b_mat, n_mat = inner_loop(guesses, outer_loop_vars, inner_loop_params)

    bmat_s = np.zeros((T, S, J))
    bmat_s[0, 1:, :] = initial_b[:-1, :]
    bmat_s[1:, 1:, :] = b_mat[:T-1, :-1, :]
    bmat_splus1 = np.zeros((T, S, J))
    bmat_splus1[:, :, :] = b_mat[:T, :, :]

    K[0] = K0
    K_params = (omega[:T-1].reshape(T-1, S, 1), lambdas.reshape(1, 1, J), imm_rates[:T-1].reshape(T-1,S,1), g_n_vector[1:T], 'TPI')
    K[1:T] = household.get_K(bmat_splus1[:T-1], K_params)
    L_params = (e.reshape(1, S, J), omega[:T, :].reshape(T, S, 1), lambdas.reshape(1, 1, J), 'TPI')
    L[:T]  = firm.get_L(n_mat[:T], L_params)

    Y_params = (alpha, Z)
    Ynew = firm.get_Y(K[:T], L[:T], Y_params)
    r_params = (alpha, delta)
    rnew = firm.get_r(Ynew[:T], K[:T], r_params)
    wnew = firm.get_w_from_r(rnew, w_params)

    omega_shift = np.append(omega_S_preTP.reshape(1,S),omega[:T-1,:],axis=0)
    BQ_params = (omega_shift.reshape(T, S, 1), lambdas.reshape(1, 1, J), rho.reshape(1, S, 1),
                 g_n_vector[:T].reshape(T, 1), 'TPI')
    b_mat_shift = np.append(np.reshape(initial_b,(1,S,J)),b_mat[:T-1,:,:],axis=0)
    BQnew = household.get_BQ(rnew[:T].reshape(T, 1), b_mat_shift, BQ_params)

    total_tax_params = np.zeros((T,S,J,etr_params.shape[2]))
    for i in range(etr_params.shape[2]):
        total_tax_params[:,:,:,i] = np.tile(np.reshape(np.transpose(etr_params[:,:T,i]),(T,S,1)),(1,1,J))

    tax_receipt_params = (np.tile(e.reshape(1, S, J),(T,1,1)), lambdas.reshape(1, 1, J), omega[:T].reshape(T, S, 1), 'TPI',
            total_tax_params, theta, tau_bq, tau_payroll, h_wealth, p_wealth, m_wealth, retire, T, S, J)
    net_tax_receipts = np.array(list(tax.get_lump_sum(np.tile(rnew[:T].reshape(T, 1, 1),(1,S,J)), np.tile(wnew[:T].reshape(T, 1, 1),(1,S,J)),
           bmat_s, n_mat[:T,:,:], BQnew[:T].reshape(T, 1, J), factor, tax_receipt_params)) + [T_Hss] * S)

    if fix_transfers:
        G[:T] = net_tax_receipts[:T] - T_H[:T]
        T_H[:T] = net_tax_receipts[:T]
        G[:T] = 0.0

    etr_params_path = np.zeros((T,S,J,etr_params.shape[2]))
    for i in range(etr_params.shape[2]):
        etr_params_path[:,:,:,i] = np.tile(np.reshape(np.transpose(etr_params[:,:T,i]),(T,S,1)),(1,1,J))
    tax_path_params = (np.tile(e.reshape(1, S, J),(T,1,1)), lambdas, 'TPI', retire, etr_params_path, h_wealth,
                       p_wealth, m_wealth, tau_payroll, theta, tau_bq, J, S)
    tax_path = tax.total_taxes(np.tile(r[:T].reshape(T, 1, 1),(1,S,J)), np.tile(w[:T].reshape(T, 1, 1),(1,S,J)), bmat_s,
                               n_mat[:T,:,:], BQ[:T, :].reshape(T, 1, J), factor, T_H[:T].reshape(T, 1, 1), None, False, tax_path_params)

    cons_params = (e.reshape(1, S, J), lambdas.reshape(1, 1, J), g_y)
    c_path = household.get_cons(r[:T].reshape(T, 1, 1), w[:T].reshape(T, 1, 1), bmat_s, bmat_splus1, n_mat[:T,:,:],
                   BQ[:T].reshape(T, 1, J), tax_path, cons_params)
    C_params = (omega[:T].reshape(T, S, 1), lambdas, 'TPI')
    C = household.get_C(c_path, C_params)
    I_params = (delta, g_y, omega[:T].reshape(T, S, 1), lambdas, imm_rates[:T].reshape(T, S, 1), g_n_vector[1:T+1], 'TPI')
    I = firm.get_I(bmat_splus1[:T], K[1:T+1], K[:T], I_params)
    rc_error = Y[:T] - C[:T] - I[:T] - G[:T]
    print 'Resource Constraint Difference:', rc_error

    # compute utility
    u_params = (sigma, np.tile(chi_n.reshape(1, S, 1), (T, 1, J)),
                b_ellipse, ltilde, upsilon,
                np.tile(rho.reshape(1, S, 1), (T, 1, J)),
                np.tile(chi_b.reshape(1, 1, J), (T, S, 1)))
    utility_path = household.get_u(c_path[:T, :, :], n_mat[:T, :, :],
                                   bmat_splus1[:T, :, :], u_params)

    # compute before and after-tax income
    y_path = (np.tile(r[:T].reshape(T, 1, 1), (1, S, J)) * bmat_s[:T, :, :] +
              np.tile(w[:T].reshape(T, 1, 1), (1, S, J)) *
              np.tile(e.reshape(1, S, J), (T, 1, 1)) * n_mat[:T, :, :])
    inctax_params = (np.tile(e.reshape(1, S, J), (T, 1, 1)), etr_params_path)
    y_aftertax_path = (y_path -
                       tax.tau_income(np.tile(r[:T].reshape(T, 1, 1), (1, S, J)),
                                      np.tile(w[:T].reshape(T, 1, 1), (1, S, J)),
                                      bmat_s[:T,:,:], n_mat[:T,:,:], factor, inctax_params))

    # compute after-tax wealth
    wtax_params = (h_wealth, p_wealth, m_wealth)
    b_aftertax_path = bmat_s[:T,:,:] - tax.tau_wealth(bmat_s[:T,:,:], wtax_params)

    print'Checking time path for violations of constaints.'
    for t in xrange(T):
            b_mat[t], n_mat[t], c_path[t], t, ltilde)

    eul_savings = euler_errors[:, :S, :].max(1).max(1)
    eul_laborleisure = euler_errors[:, S:, :].max(1).max(1)

    print 'Max Euler error, savings: ', eul_savings
    print 'Max Euler error labor supply: ', eul_laborleisure

    Save variables/values so they can be used in other modules

    output = {'Y': Y, 'K': K, 'L': L, 'C': C, 'I': I, 'BQ': BQ, 'G': G,
              'T_H': T_H, 'r': r, 'w': w, 'b_mat': b_mat, 'n_mat': n_mat,
              'c_path': c_path, 'tax_path': tax_path, 'bmat_s': bmat_s,
              'utility_path': utility_path, 'b_aftertax_path': b_aftertax_path,
              'y_aftertax_path': y_aftertax_path, 'y_path': y_path,
              'eul_savings': eul_savings, 'eul_laborleisure': eul_laborleisure}

    macro_output = {'Y': Y, 'K': K, 'L': L, 'C': C, 'I': I,
                    'BQ': BQ, 'G': G, 'T_H': T_H, 'r': r, 'w': w,
                    'tax_path': tax_path}

    # if ((TPIiter >= maxiter) or (np.absolute(TPIdist) > mindist_TPI)) and ENFORCE_SOLUTION_CHECKS :
    #     raise RuntimeError("Transition path equlibrium not found")
    # if ((np.any(np.absolute(rc_error) >= 1e-6))
    #     raise RuntimeError("Transition path equlibrium not found")
    # if ((np.any(np.absolute(eul_savings) >= mindist_TPI) or
    #     (np.any(np.absolute(eul_laborleisure) > mindist_TPI)))
    #     raise RuntimeError("Transition path equlibrium not found")

    return output, macro_output
Exemple #14
def SS_solver(b_guess_init, n_guess_init, wss, rss, T_Hss, factor_ss, params, fsolve_flag=False):
    Solves for the steady state distribution of capital, labor, as well as
    w, r, T_H and the scaling factor, using a bisection method similar to TPI.
    b_guess_init = [S,J] array, initial guesses for savings
    n_guess_init = [S,J] array, initial guesses for labor supply
    wguess = scalar, initial guess for SS real wage rate 
    rguess = scalar, initial guess for SS real interest rate
    T_Hguess = scalar, initial guess for lump sum transfer
    factorguess = scalar, initial guess for scaling factor to dollars
    chi_b = [J,] vector, chi^b_j, the utility weight on bequests
    chi_n = [S,] vector, chi^n_s utility weight on labor supply
    params = lenght X tuple, list of parameters 
    iterative_params = length X tuple, list of parameters that determine the convergence
                       of the while loop 
    tau_bq = [J,] vector, bequest tax rate 
    rho = [S,] vector, mortality rates by age
    lambdas = [J,] vector, fraction of population with each ability type
    omega = [S,] vector, stationary population weights 
    e =  [S,J] array, effective labor units by age and ability type


    b_guess = [S,] vector, initial guess at household savings
    n_guess = [S,] vector, initial guess at household labor supply
    b_s = [S,] vector, wealth enter period with
    b_splus1 = [S,] vector, household savings
    b_splus2 = [S,] vector, household savings one period ahead
    BQ = scalar, aggregate bequests to lifetime income group
    theta = scalar, replacement rate for social security benenfits
    error1 = [S,] vector, errors from FOC for savings 
    error2 = [S,] vector, errors from FOC for labor supply
    tax1 = [S,] vector, total income taxes paid
    cons = [S,] vector, household consumption

    RETURNS: solutions = steady state values of b, n, w, r, factor,
                    T_H ((2*S*J+4)x1 array)
    OUTPUT: None
    bssmat, nssmat, chi_params, ss_params, income_tax_params, iterative_params = params 

    J, S, T, BW, beta, sigma, alpha, Z, delta, ltilde, nu, g_y,\
                  g_n_ss, tau_payroll, tau_bq, rho, omega_SS, lambdas, e, retire, mean_income_data,\
                  h_wealth, p_wealth, m_wealth, b_ellipse, upsilon = ss_params

    analytical_mtrs, etr_params, mtrx_params, mtry_params = income_tax_params

    chi_b, chi_n = chi_params

    maxiter, mindist_SS = iterative_params

    # Rename the inputs
    w = wss
    r = rss
    T_H = T_Hss
    factor = factor_ss
    dist = 10
    iteration = 0
    dist_vec = np.zeros(maxiter)

    if fsolve_flag == True:
        maxiter = 1 

    while (dist > mindist_SS) and (iteration < maxiter):
        # Solve for the steady state levels of b and n, given w, r, T_H and
        # factor

        outer_loop_vars = (bssmat, nssmat, r, w, T_H, factor)
        inner_loop_params = (ss_params, income_tax_params, chi_params)

        euler_errors, bssmat, nssmat, new_r, new_w, \
             new_T_H, new_factor, new_BQ, average_income_model = inner_loop(outer_loop_vars, inner_loop_params)

        r = utils.convex_combo(new_r, r, nu)
        w = utils.convex_combo(new_w, w, nu)
        factor = utils.convex_combo(new_factor, factor, nu)
        T_H = utils.convex_combo(new_T_H, T_H, nu)
        if T_H != 0:
            dist = np.array([utils.pct_diff_func(new_r, r)] +
                            [utils.pct_diff_func(new_w, w)] +
                            [utils.pct_diff_func(new_T_H, T_H)] +
                            [utils.pct_diff_func(new_factor, factor)]).max()
            # If T_H is zero (if there are no taxes), a percent difference
            # will throw NaN's, so we use an absoluate difference
            dist = np.array([utils.pct_diff_func(new_r, r)] +
                            [utils.pct_diff_func(new_w, w)] +
                            [abs(new_T_H - T_H)] +
                            [utils.pct_diff_func(new_factor, factor)]).max()
        dist_vec[iteration] = dist
        # Similar to TPI: if the distance between iterations increases, then
        # decrease the value of nu to prevent cycling
        if iteration > 10:
            if dist_vec[iteration] - dist_vec[iteration - 1] > 0:
                nu /= 2.0
                print 'New value of nu:', nu
        iteration += 1
        print "Iteration: %02d" % iteration, " Distance: ", dist

        Generate the SS values of variables, including euler errors
    bssmat_s = np.append(np.zeros((1,J)),bssmat[:-1,:],axis=0)
    bssmat_splus1 = bssmat

    wss = w
    rss = r
    factor_ss = factor
    T_Hss = T_H

    Kss_params = (omega_SS.reshape(S, 1), lambdas, g_n_ss, 'SS')
    Kss = household.get_K(bssmat_splus1, Kss_params)
    Lss_params = (e, omega_SS.reshape(S, 1), lambdas, 'SS')
    Lss = firm.get_L(nssmat, Lss_params)
    Yss_params = (alpha, Z)
    Yss = firm.get_Y(Kss, Lss, Yss_params)
    Iss_params = (delta, g_y, g_n_ss)
    Iss = firm.get_I(Kss, Kss, Iss_params)

    BQss = new_BQ 
    theta = np.zeros(J) # zero out payroll taxes since included in tax functions
    # # theta_params = (e, J, omega_SS.reshape(S, 1), lambdas)
    # # tax.replacement_rate_vals(nssmat, wss, factor_ss, theta_params)
    # solve resource constraint
    etr_params_3D = np.tile(np.reshape(etr_params,(S,1,etr_params.shape[1])),(1,J,1))
    mtrx_params_3D = np.tile(np.reshape(mtrx_params,(S,1,mtrx_params.shape[1])),(1,J,1))
        The code below is to calulate and save model MTRs 
                - only exists help debug
    # etr_params_extended = np.append(etr_params,np.reshape(etr_params[-1,:],(1,etr_params.shape[1])),axis=0)[1:,:]
    # etr_params_extended_3D = np.tile(np.reshape(etr_params_extended,(S,1,etr_params_extended.shape[1])),(1,J,1))
    # mtry_params_extended = np.append(mtry_params,np.reshape(mtry_params[-1,:],(1,mtry_params.shape[1])),axis=0)[1:,:]
    # mtry_params_extended_3D = np.tile(np.reshape(mtry_params_extended,(S,1,mtry_params_extended.shape[1])),(1,J,1))
    # e_extended = np.array(list(e) + list(np.zeros(J).reshape(1, J))) 
    # nss_extended = np.array(list(nssmat) + list(np.zeros(J).reshape(1, J))) 
    # mtry_ss_params = (e_extended[1:,:], etr_params_extended_3D, mtry_params_extended_3D, analytical_mtrs)
    # mtry_ss = tax.MTR_capital(rss, wss, bssmat_splus1, nss_extended[1:,:], factor_ss, mtry_ss_params)
    # mtrx_ss_params = (e, etr_params_3D, mtrx_params_3D, analytical_mtrs)
    # mtrx_ss = tax.MTR_labor(rss, wss, bssmat_s, nssmat, factor_ss, mtrx_ss_params)

    # np.savetxt("mtr_ss_capital.csv", mtry_ss, delimiter=",")
    # np.savetxt("mtr_ss_labor.csv", mtrx_ss, delimiter=",")

    # solve resource constraint
    taxss_params = (e, lambdas, 'SS', retire, etr_params_3D, 
                    h_wealth, p_wealth, m_wealth, tau_payroll, theta, tau_bq, J, S)
    taxss = tax.total_taxes(rss, wss, bssmat_s, nssmat, BQss, factor_ss, T_Hss, None, False, taxss_params)
    css_params = (e, lambdas.reshape(1, J), g_y)
    cssmat = household.get_cons(rss, wss, bssmat_s, bssmat_splus1, nssmat, BQss.reshape(
        1, J), taxss, css_params)

    Css_params = (omega_SS.reshape(S, 1), lambdas, 'SS') 
    Css = household.get_C(cssmat, Css_params)

    resource_constraint = Yss - (Css + Iss)

    print 'Resource Constraint Difference:', resource_constraint

    if ENFORCE_SOLUTION_CHECKS and np.absolute(resource_constraint) > 1e-8:
        err = "Steady state aggregate resource constraint not satisfied"
        raise RuntimeError(err)

    # check constraints
    household.constraint_checker_SS(bssmat, nssmat, cssmat, ltilde)

    euler_savings = euler_errors[:S,:]
    euler_labor_leisure = euler_errors[S:,:]

        Return dictionary of SS results

    output = {'Kss': Kss, 'bssmat': bssmat, 'Lss': Lss, 'Css':Css, 'nssmat': nssmat, 'Yss': Yss,
              'wss': wss, 'rss': rss, 'theta': theta, 'BQss': BQss, 'factor_ss': factor_ss,
              'bssmat_s': bssmat_s, 'cssmat': cssmat, 'bssmat_splus1': bssmat_splus1,
              'T_Hss': T_Hss, 'euler_savings': euler_savings,
              'euler_labor_leisure': euler_labor_leisure, 'chi_n': chi_n,
              'chi_b': chi_b}

    return output