def _updateConferenceObject(self, request):

        # preload necessary data items
        user, userId, userDisplayName, profileKey = currentUser()

        conference, conferenceKey = self._getConferenceFromWebsafeKey(request.websafeKey)

        # Verify if the user is the organizer of the conference
        if profileKey != conference.key.parent():
            raise endpoints.UnauthorizedException("You must be the owner of the conference to update it.")

        # update existing conference
        for field in request.all_fields():
            data = getattr(request,

            # only copy fields where we get data
            if data not in (None, []):

                # special handling for dates (convert string to Date)
                if in ("startDate", "endDate"):
                    data = datetime.strptime(data, "%Y-%m-%d").date()
                    if == "startDate":
                        conference.month = data.month

                setattr(conference,, data)

        return self._copyConferenceToForm(conference, userDisplayName)
    def getConferencesCreated(self, request):
        """ Return conferences created by user."""

        user, userId, userDisplayName, userProfileKey = currentUser()

        conferences = Conference.query(ancestor=userProfileKey)

        # return set of ConferenceForm objects per Conference
        return ConferenceForms(items=[self._copyConferenceToForm(conf, userDisplayName) for conf in conferences])
    def _createConferenceObject(self, request):
        """Create a Conference object, returning ConferenceForm/request."""

        if not
            raise endpoints.BadRequestException("Conference 'name' field required")

        # preload necessary data items
        user, userId, userDisplayName, profileKey = currentUser()

        # copy ConferenceForm/ProtoRPC Message into dict
        data = { getattr(request, for field in request.all_fields()}
        del data["websafeKey"]
        del data["organizerDisplayName"]
        del data["seatsAvailable"]

        # add default values for those missing (both data model & outbound Message)
        for df in CONFERENCE_DEFAULTS:
            if data[df] in (None, []):
                data[df] = CONFERENCE_DEFAULTS[df]
                setattr(request, df, CONFERENCE_DEFAULTS[df])

        # convert dates from strings to Date objects; set month based on start_date
        if data["startDate"]:
            data["startDate"] = datetime.strptime(data["startDate"][:10], "%Y-%m-%d").date()
            data["month"] = data["startDate"].month
            data["month"] = 0
        if data["endDate"]:
            data["endDate"] = datetime.strptime(data["endDate"][:10], "%Y-%m-%d").date()

        # set seatsAvailable to be the same as maxAttendees on creation
        # both for data model & outbound Message
        if data["maxAttendees"] > 0:
            data["seatsAvailable"] = data["maxAttendees"]
            setattr(request, "seatsAvailable", data["maxAttendees"])

        # allocate new Conference ID with profileKey as parent
        conferenceId = Conference.allocate_ids(size=1, parent=profileKey)[0]

        # make Conference key from ID
        conferenceKey = ndb.Key(Conference, conferenceId, parent=profileKey)
        data["key"] = conferenceKey

        data["organizerUserId"] = request.organizerUserId = userId

        # create Conference, send email to organizer confirming
        # creation of Conference & return (modified) ConferenceForm

            params={"email":, "conferenceInfo": repr(request)}, url="/tasks/send_confirmation_email"
        return self._copyConferenceToForm(conferenceKey.get(), userDisplayName)
    def _createSessionObject(self, request):
        """ Create or update Session object, returning SessionForm/request."""

        if not
            raise endpoints.BadRequestException("Session 'name' field required")

        # preload necessary data items
        user, userId, userDisplayName, profileKey = currentUser()

        conference, conferenceKey = self._getConferenceFromWebsafeKey(request.websafeKey)

        # Verify if the user is the organizer of the conference
        if profileKey != conference.key.parent():
            raise endpoints.UnauthorizedException("You must be the organizer of the conference to create its session.")

        # copy SessionForm/ProtoRPC Message into dict
        data = { getattr(request, for field in request.all_fields()}

        # add default values for those missing (both data model & outbound Message)
        if data["startTime"] and not data["endTime"]:
            data["endTime"] = data["startTime"]

        for df in SESSION_DEFAULTS:
            if data[df] in (None, []):
                data[df] = SESSION_DEFAULTS[df]
                setattr(request, df, SESSION_DEFAULTS[df])

        # convert dates from strings to Date and Time objects;
        data["date"] = datetime.strptime(data["date"], "%Y-%m-%d")
        data["startTime"] = datetime.strptime(data["startTime"], "%H:%M:%S")
        data["endTime"] = datetime.strptime(data["endTime"], "%H:%M:%S")

        if data["startTime"] > datetime.strptime("19:00:00", "%H:%M:%S"):
            data["lateSession"] = True
            data["lateSession"] = False

        del data["speakerKey"]
        del data["websafeKey"]
        del data["duration"]

        # allocate session's id by setting conference key as a parent
        sessionId = Session.allocate_ids(size=1, parent=conferenceKey)[0]
        sessionKey = ndb.Key(Session, sessionId, parent=conferenceKey)
        data["key"] = sessionKey

        # Update the one to many relationship between speaker and session
        speaker, speakerKey = self._getSpeakerKey(request.speakerKey)
        data["speaker"] = speaker.key


        # create Session object and put it into DB

        # Add to a task queue the task to set memcache about featured speakers
            params={"speaker_websafeKey": request.speakerKey, "conference_websafeKey": request.websafeKey},

        # return SessionForm object
        return self._copySessionToForm(sessionKey.get())