def _command_LS(self, matchObj): """Handler for LS command: Retrieves a listing of file names and sizes on the server.""" sendStr(self._connSock, "LS\n") result = recvLine(self._connSock) if isError(result): return getSize = re.match(r"^OK (?P<size>\d+)$", result) if not getSize: if not self._isSocketClosed(result): debugPrint("CLIENT FAILURE: Malformed LS reply from server.") return numBytes = int("size")) listing = recvAll(self._dataSock, numBytes).decode() if len(listing) < numBytes: if not self._isSocketClosed(listing): debugPrint("CLIENT FAILURE: Incomplete reply from server.") return theList = [fileLine.split(maxsplit=1) for fileLine in listing.splitlines()] dirs = [entry[1] for entry in theList if entry[0] == "DIR"] files = [entry for entry in theList if entry[0] != "DIR"] # Get the maximum field width of the file sizes, for alignment when printing. maxSizeWidth = len(max(next(zip(*files)), key=len)) print("Directories:") for name in dirs: print(" "*maxSizeWidth, name) print("Files:") for (size, name) in files: print("{{fsize: >{width}}} {{fname}}".format(width=maxSizeWidth).format( fsize=("" if size == "DIR" else size), fname=name))
def handleClientConnection(self): """The workhorse function of this server implementation. Repeatedly processes client commands one-by-one until the client exits.""" while self._continueHandling: try: ctrlLine = recvLine(self._connSock) except socket.error: ctrlLine = None if not ctrlLine: debugPrint("SERVER: EOF from client socket.") break # Stop for (regex, handler) in self._protocolHandlers.items(): matchObj = re.match("^"+regex+"$", ctrlLine) if matchObj: (handlerFunc, needData, closeData, args, kwargs) = handler if needData and not self._dataSock: sendStr(self._connSock, "ERR NO DATA CONNECTION\n") break handlerFunc(matchObj, *args, **kwargs) if not self._config["persistent"] and closeData and self._dataSock: self._dataSock.close() self._dataSock = None break else: sendStr(self._connSock, "ERR BAD REQUEST\n") self._connSock.close() if self._dataSock: self._dataSock.close() debugPrint("SERVER: Client disconnected.")
def setMissilePause(self): num_bad_hits = 0 for h in self.bad_hit_queue: num_bad_hits += h mp = ANIMATION_FRAME_COUNT * (1 + num_bad_hits) utils.debugPrint("%s bad hits, setting missile pause to %s" % (num_bad_hits, mp)) self.missile_pause = mp self.current_missile_pause = mp
def _command_QUIT(self, matchObj): """Handler for the QUIT command: Signals the termination of the connection.""" sendStr(self._connSock, "GO AWAY\n") result = recvLine(self._connSock) if result == "OK BYE": self._connSock.close() self._isFinished = True else: if not self._isSocketClosed(result): debugPrint("CLIENT FAILURE: Malformed QUIT reply from server.")
def typeString(s, timeInterval=0.1): ''' Type the string s. Wait timeInterval secs between each char. String s should only contains lower english letters and digits. length of s should <= 30. ''' if len(s) > 30: debugPrint("Error in typeString(s) \n \t len of s > 30 \n") if not all(c.isdigit() or c.islower() for c in s): debugPrint("Error in typeString(s) \n \t s should only contains lower english letters and digits.\n") for c in s: typeChr(c, timeInterval)
def registerCommandHandler(self, regex, handlerFunc, needData, *args, **kwargs): """Register handlerFunc with the connection so that if a client command matches the given regex, that function is called with its appropriate re.match object and any other arguments. The needData flag denotes if the handler function needs a data connection. Attempting to add a regex which is already matched by an existing rule will fail with an error message.""" for handler in self._commandHandlers.keys(): if re.match("^"+handler+"$", regex): debugPrint("CLIENT: Invalid rule {rule}: Already matched by {old}.".format( rule=regex, old=handler)) break else: self._commandHandlers[regex] = (handlerFunc, needData, args, kwargs)
def _command_CHUNK(self, matchObj): """Handler for CHUNK command: sets the transfer chunk size (bytes).""" chunkSize = int("size")) if chunkSize < 1: print("FAILURE: Chunk size must be positive!") return sendStr(self._connSock, "SETCONFIG CHUNKSIZE {size}\n".format(size=chunkSize)) result = recvLine(self._connSock) if result == "OK CHUNKSIZE {size}".format(size=chunkSize): self._config["chunk_size"] = chunkSize print("SUCCESS: Chunk size is now {size} byte{s}.".format( size=chunkSize, s=("s" if chunkSize > 1 else ""))) else: if not self._isSocketClosed(result): debugPrint("CLIENT FAILURE: Malformed CHUNK response from server.")
def registerProtocolHandler(self, regex, handlerFunc, needData, closeData, *args, **kwargs): """Register handlerFunc with the connection so that if a client command matches the given regex, that function is called with its appropriate re.match object and any other arguments. The needData and closeData flags denote, respectively, if the handler function needs a data connection, and whether that data connection should be closed when it isfinished. Attempting to add a regex which is already matched by an existing rule will fail with an error message.)""" for handler in self._protocolHandlers.keys(): if re.match("^"+handler+"$", regex): debugPrint("SERVER: Invalid rule {rule}: Already matched by {old}.".format( rule=regex, old=handler)) break else: self._protocolHandlers[regex] = (handlerFunc, needData, closeData, args, kwargs)
def setMeteors(self, meteors_to_reset, excluded_rows): data.GlobalGameStatus.value.checkNewQueue() data.GlobalGameStatus.value.checkWrongQueue() data.GlobalGameStatus.value.printQueues() data.GlobalGameStatus.value.printReport() for i in meteors_to_reset: j = data.GlobalGameStatus.value.pick(excluded_rows) utils.debugPrint("resetting meteor #%s, got row %s" % (i, j)) if j == data.BAD_ROW: self.meteors.getMeteor(i).setContent("?", data.BAD_ROW) else: excluded_rows.append(j) c = data.GlobalContentData.value.getRow(j).char self.meteors.getMeteor(i).setContent(c, j) for i in range(0, self.meteors.size()): m = self.meteors.getMeteor(i) utils.debugPrint("meteor #%s has row index %s, which has status %s" % (i, m.row_ind, data.GlobalGameStatus.value.getStatus(m.row_ind)))
def _protocol_GET(self, matchObj): """Handler for the GET command: Downloads a file from the server.""" fileName ="filename") if isdir(fileName): sendStr(self._connSock, "ERR FILE IS A DIRECTORY\n") elif not isfile(fileName): sendStr(self._connSock, "ERR FILE DOES NOT EXIST\n") else: fileSize = getsize(fileName) debugPrint("SERVER: Sending {fname}".format(fname=fileName)) try: sendStr(self._connSock, "READY {size}\n".format(size=fileSize)) sendFile(self._dataSock, fileName, self._config["chunk_size"]) except (PermissionError, IOError): sendStr(self._connSock, "ERR CANNOT READ FILE\n") else: sendStr(self._connSock, "OK {size}\n".format(size=fileSize))
def _command_GET(self, matchObj, overwriteFlag): """Handler for GET command: Downloads a file from the server.""" fileName ="filename") if isdir(fileName): print("FAILURE: A directory with that name already exists.") return if isfile(fileName) and not overwriteFlag: print("FAILURE: That file already exists.") return sendStr(self._connSock, "GET {name}\n".format(name=fileName)) result = recvLine(self._connSock) if isError(result): return getSize = re.match("^READY (?P<size>\d+)$", result) if not getSize: if not self._isSocketClosed(result): debugPrint("CLIENT FAILURE: Malformed GET reply from server.") return fileSize = int("size")) chunkSize = self._config["chunk_size"] try: with Timer() as xferTime: numBytesWritten = recvFile(self._dataSock, fileSize, fileName, "wb", chunkSize) except (PermissionError, IOError): print("FAILURE: Cannot write to file.") else: if numBytesWritten < fileSize: print("FAILURE: Incomplete file data written.") else: isOK = recvLine(self._connSock) if isOK == "OK {size}".format(size=numBytesWritten): print("SUCCESS: {name} ({size} byte{s}) retrieved in {secs} seconds.".format( name=fileName, size=fileSize, secs=xferTime.elapsedTime(), s=("s" if fileSize > 1 else ""))) elif not self._isSocketClosed(isOK): print("CLIENT FAILURE: Malformed GET reply from server after transfer.")
def getImgLoc(imgName, numPts=4000): targetImg = cv2.imread(imgName, cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE) screenImg = cv2.cvtColor(np.asarray(ig.grab()), cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY) sift = cv2.SIFT_create(nfeatures=numPts) kp1, des1 = sift.detectAndCompute(targetImg, None) kp2, des2 = sift.detectAndCompute(screenImg, None) _, good_kp2 = flannMatch(kp1, des1, kp2, des2) if len(good_kp2) <= IMG_FOUND_THRES: debugPrint("getImgLoc:", imgName, "not found. #pts =", len(good_kp2)) return None sumX, sumY = 0, 0 for i in range(len(good_kp2)): sumX += good_kp2[i][0] sumY += good_kp2[i][1] debugPrint("getImgLoc:", imgName, "found. #pts =", len(good_kp2)) return int(sumX / len(good_kp2)), int(sumY / len(good_kp2))
def handleCommand(self, command): """The workhorse function of this client implementation. """ if not command: return False # Stop for (regex, handler) in self._commandHandlers.items(): matchObj = re.match("^"+regex+"$", command) if matchObj: (handlerFunc, needData, args, kwargs) = handler if needData and not self._dataSock: if not self._openDataConnection(): debugPrint("CLIENT FAILURE: Could not establish data connection.") return False handlerFunc(matchObj, *args, **kwargs) if not self._config["persistent"] and self._dataSock: self._dataSock.close() self._dataSock = None return True else: print("Error: Invalid command! Type 'HELP' for a list of commands.") return False
def main(): MULTI_REDDIT = configs["MULTI_REDDIT"] for submission in reddit.subreddit(MULTI_REDDIT).stream.submissions(): if submission.saved: debugPrint("Skipping Saved: " + continue signalHandler.loopStart() debugPrint() print("Discovered: " + if not submission.is_self: config = configs[submission.subreddit.display_name.lower()] if not isVideoOfAccepatableLength(submission, config): submission.mod.remove(reason_id=config.REASON_ID) submission.mod.send_removal_message(config.REMOVAL_MESSAGE) print("Removed: " + submission.permalink) signalHandler.loopEnd()
def _command_PERSIST(self, matchObj): """Handler for PERSIST command: Enables or disables a persistent data connection.""" option ="option") if option == "YES": sendStr(self._connSock, "SETCONFIG PERSISTENTDATA YES\n") result = recvLine(self._connSock) if result != "OK PERSISTENTDATA ENABLED": if not self._isSocketClosed(result): debugPrint("CLIENT FAILURE: Malformed PERSIST reply from server.") else: self._config["persistent"] = True print("Persistent data connection enabled.") else: sendStr(self._connSock, "SETCONFIG PERSISTENTDATA NO\n") result = recvLine(self._connSock) if result != "OK PERSISTENTDATA DISABLED": if not self._isSocketClosed(result): debugPrint("CLIENT FAILURE: Malformed PERSIST reply from server.") else: self._config["persistent"] = False print("Persistent data connection disabled.")
def _command_PASV(self, matchObj): """Handler for PASV command: Enables or disables passive data transfer mode.""" option ="option") if option == "YES": sendStr(self._connSock, "SETCONFIG PASSIVE YES\n") result = recvLine(self._connSock) if result != "OK PASSIVE ENABLED": if not self._isSocketClosed(result): debugPrint("CLIENT FAILURE: Malformed PASV reply from server.") else: self._config["passive"] = True print("Passive data transfer mode enabled.") else: sendStr(self._connSock, "SETCONFIG PASSIVE NO\n") result = recvLine(self._connSock) if result != "OK PASSIVE DISABLED": if not self._isSocketClosed(result): debugPrint("CLIENT FAILURE: Malformed PASV reply from server.") else: self._config["passive"] = False print("Passive data transfer mode disabled.")
def parseFinStat(self): accounts = self.rawJSON['list'] self.stockCode = accounts[0]['stock_code'] for account in accounts: # print('parseFinStat:' + account['account_nm']) if account['account_nm'] == '유동자산': self.currentAssets = commasToInt(account['thstrm_amount']) elif account['account_nm'] == '비유동자산': self.nonCurrentAssets = commasToInt(account['thstrm_amount']) elif account['account_nm'] == '자산총계': self.totalAssets = commasToInt(account['thstrm_amount']) elif account['account_nm'] == '유동부채': self.currentLiabilities = commasToInt(account['thstrm_amount']) elif account['account_nm'] == '비유동부채': self.nonCurrentLiabilities = commasToInt( account['thstrm_amount']) elif account['account_nm'] == '부채총계': self.totalLiabilities = commasToInt(account['thstrm_amount']) elif account['account_nm'] == '자본금': self.equityCapital = commasToInt(account['thstrm_amount']) elif account['account_nm'] == '이익잉여금': self.retainedEarnings = commasToInt(account['thstrm_amount']) elif account['account_nm'] == '자본총계': self.totalEquity = commasToInt(account['thstrm_amount']) elif account['account_nm'] == '매출액': self.revenues = commasToInt(account['thstrm_amount']) elif account['account_nm'] == '영업이익': self.incomeFromOperations = commasToInt( account['thstrm_amount']) elif account['account_nm'] == '법인세차감전 순이익': self.incomeBeforeTax = commasToInt(account['thstrm_amount']) elif account['account_nm'] == '당기순이익': self.netIncome = commasToInt(account['thstrm_amount']) else: debugPrint('Unknown account_nm {0}'.format( account['account_nm']))
def _command_PUT(self, matchObj): """Handler for PUT command: Uploads a file to the server.""" fileName ="filename") chunkSize = self._config["chunk_size"] if isdir(fileName): print("FAILURE: Cannot upload a directory.") elif not isfile(fileName): print("FAILURE: The file does not exist.") else: fileSize = getsize(fileName) sendStr(self._connSock, "PUT {size} {name}\n".format(size=fileSize, name=fileName)) isReady = recvLine(self._connSock) if isError(isReady): return if isReady != "READY {size}".format(size=fileSize): if not self._isSocketClosed(isReady): debugPrint("CLIENT FAILURE: Malformed PUT reply from server.") return try: with Timer() as xferTime: sendFile(self._dataSock, fileName, chunkSize) except (PermissionError, IOError): print("CLIENT FAILURE: Cannot read from file.") else: isSent = recvLine(self._connSock) if isSent != "OK {size}".format(size=fileSize): if not self._isSocketClosed(isSent): debugPrint("CLIENT FAILURE: Malformed PUT reply from server.") else: print("SUCCESS: {name} ({size} byte{s}) uploaded in {secs:.4f} seconds.".format( name=fileName, size=fileSize, secs=xferTime.elapsedTime(), s=("s" if fileSize > 1 else "")))
def setCorrectIndex(self, c): utils.debugPrint("correct index is %s" % c) row_ind = self.meteors.getMeteor(c).row_ind self.correct_text = "%s" % data.GlobalContentData.value.getRow(row_ind).reading self.correct_meteor_indices = [] for i in range(0, self.meteors.size()): m = self.meteors.getMeteor(i) alt_ind = data.GlobalContentData.value.findAlternateReadingRow(m.row_ind, self.correct_text) if alt_ind != data.BAD_ROW: utils.debugPrint("for meteor %s, alt_ind = %s" % (i, alt_ind)) utils.debugPrint("adding index %s to correct answers" % i) self.correct_meteor_indices.append(i) if alt_ind != m.row_ind: m.setContent(data.GlobalContentData.value.getRow(alt_ind).char, alt_ind)
def stateGameOver(self): rects = [] if not self.end_screen.isReady(): utils.debugPrint("mastered = ") utils.debugPrint(self.mastered) utils.debugPrint("unmastered = ") utils.debugPrint(self.unmastered) num_mastered = 0 for r in self.mastered: already_mastered = data.GlobalSaveFile.value.get(r) data.GlobalSaveFile.value.set(r, True) if not already_mastered: num_mastered += 1 for r in self.unmastered: data.GlobalSaveFile.value.set(r, False) self.end_screen.init(num_mastered, len(self.unmastered), self.shot_history.getCorrectPercentage(), self.getPlayTimeText()) data.GlobalSaveFile.value.addPlayTime(self.getPlayTime()) self.end_screen.visible = True self.end_screen.increment() return (GAMEPLAY_GAME_OVER, rects)
def getFinStatJSON(self): assert (self.reprt_code in ['11013', '11012', '11014', '11011']) url = '' params = { 'crtfc_key': config.crtfc_key, 'corp_code': self.corp_code, 'bsns_year': self.bsns_year, 'reprt_code': self.reprt_code } debugPrint('Connecting to {0}...'.format(url)) res = requests.get(url, params=params) if res.status_code != 200: print('getFinStatJSON: {0} returned status code {1}'.format( url, res.status_code)) return None debugPrint('Downloaded account as a JSON format') # print(str(res.content, 'utf-8')) accountJson = json.loads(res.content) debugPrint('Transformed into a JSON object') return accountJson
def forkingServer_listenForever(servPort, connHandlerType): """Given a ServerConnectionHandler type, uses forking to implement a parallel server which listens for (possibly concurrent) client connections and handle them in child processes.""" assert issubclass(connHandlerType, ServerConnectionHandler) workerProcs = [] try: with socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) as servSock: servSock.bind(("", servPort)) debugPrint("SERVER ({addr}) : Listening for incoming connections on port {p}.".format( addr=servSock.getsockname()[0], p=servPort)) debugPrint("SERVER: Press Ctrl+C to quit.") servSock.listen(2) while True: try: (clientSock, clientAddr) = servSock.accept() except KeyboardInterrupt: debugPrint("SERVER: Received exit signal. Waiting for workers to finish...") for workerPID in workerProcs: waitpid(workerPID, 0) debugPrint("SERVER: Shutting down.") servSock.close() exit(0) childPID = fork() # NB: fork() returns 0 to child; and the child PID to the parent. if childPID == 0: try: handler = connHandlerType(clientSock, clientAddr) handler.handleClientConnection() except KeyboardInterrupt: # The break will be handled by the main server process. pass finally: _exit(0) else: debugPrint("SERVER: Client ({addr}) connected -- handler PID {pid}...".format( addr=clientAddr, pid=childPID)) workerProcs.append(childPID) debugPrint("SERVER: Main loop running, accepting more connections...") except socket.error as socketError: debugPrint("SERVER: Could not creating listening socket. Reason: {err}".format( err=socketError)) exit(1)
def threadingServer_listenForever(servPort, connHandlerType): """Given a ServerConnectionHandler type, uses threading to implement a parallel server which listens for (possibly concurrent) client connections and process them in child threads.""" assert issubclass(connHandlerType, ServerConnectionHandler) workerThreads = [] try: with socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) as servSock: servSock.bind(("", servPort)) debugPrint("SERVER ({addr}) : Listening for incoming connections on port {p}.".format( addr=servSock.getsockname()[0], p=servPort)) debugPrint("SERVER: Press Ctrl+C to quit.") servSock.listen(2) while True: (clientSock, clientAddr) = servSock.accept() handler = connHandlerType(clientSock, clientAddr) clientThread = threading.Thread(target=handler.handleClientConnection) workerThreads.append(clientThread) debugPrint("SERVER: Client ({addr}) connected -- handler thread {tid}...".format( addr=clientAddr, clientThread.start() debugPrint("SERVER: Main loop running, accepting more connections...") except socket.error as socketError: debugPrint("SERVER: Could not creating listening socket. Reason: {err}".format( err=socketError)) exit(1) except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit): debugPrint("SERVER: Received exit signal. Waiting for workers to finish...") for childThread in workerThreads: childThread.join() debugPrint("SERVER: Shutting down.") servSock.close() exit(0)
def updateBadHitQueue(self, hit_type): utils.debugPrint("updateHitQueue") self.bad_hit_queue.append(hit_type) if len(self.bad_hit_queue) > BAD_HIT_QUEUE_SIZE: self.bad_hit_queue = self.bad_hit_queue[1:]
def recordIncorrect(self): utils.debugPrint("recordIncorrect") self.updateBadHitQueue(1) self.setMissilePause() self.num_shots += 1
def loadCorpCodes(): # Check if pickle already exists corpCode = loadCorpCodesCached() if corpCode is not None: debugPrint('corpCode cache hit!') return corpCode # Fetch Zipped XML from OPEN DART baseUrl = '' params = {'crtfc_key': config.crtfc_key} res = requests.get(baseUrl, params=params) debugPrint('Downloading corpcode zip file...') if res.status_code != 200: debugPrint('{0} returned status code {1}'. format(baseUrl, res.status_code)) return None debugPrint('Downloaded corpcode zip file') # Save zip file debugPrint('Saving corpcode zip file...') if not os.path.exists(config.dataPath): os.mkdir(config.dataPath) with open(config.corpCodeZipPath, 'wb') as f: for chunk in res.iter_content(chunk_size=128): f.write(chunk) debugPrint('Saved corpcode zip file') # Extract zip file and save it as an XML file debugPrint('Extracting corpcode zip file...') with zipfile.ZipFile(config.corpCodeZipPath) as zf: zf.extractall(config.dataPath) debugPrint('loadCorpCodes', 'Extracted corpcode zip file') # Transfrom XML as an dictionary debugPrint('Transforming XML into dictionary...') corpCode = dict() tree = elemTree.parse(config.corpCodeXmlPath) for elem in tree.iter('list'): code = elem.find('corp_code').text name = elem.find('corp_name').text corpCode[name] = code debugPrint('Transformed XML into dictionary') # Cache the dictionary as a pickle object debugPrint('Saving dictonary as a pickle object...') with open(config.corpCodePklPath, 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(corpCode, f) debugPrint('Saved dictonary as a pickle object') return corpCode
from collections import defaultdict import argparse from cbid_cuda import correlation_cbid from utils import debugPrint # parse argument to get the program name and path parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Sort events") parser.add_argument("--input_trace", help="set the input trace") parser.add_argument("--output_trace", help="set the output trace destination") parser.add_argument( "--gpu_log", help= "log file created by HC with GPU information (kernels, barriers, memcpy)") args = parser.parse_args() debugPrint("SORT EVENTS") # Add the input trace to the collection collection = btr.TraceCollection() # Set the input traces if args.input_trace == None: directory = os.getcwd() + "/../lttng-traces/" path = max([os.path.join(directory, d) for d in os.listdir(directory)], key=os.path.getmtime) else: path = args.input_trace if path[-1] == "/": path = path[:-1] collection.add_trace(path + "/ust/uid/1000/64-bit", 'ctf') # Set the output trace
def recordUnmaster(self, row_ind): utils.debugPrint("recordUnmaster") add_set = set([row_ind]) self.unmastered |= add_set self.mastered -= add_set
def getCurrentCursorPos(): setDPI() x, y = win32gui.GetCursorPos() debugPrint("CurPos: ", (x, y)) return x, y
pass ffree= consts.maxIno-files # f_blocks, f_bfree, f_bavail, f_files, f_ffree, f_namemax self.log ("sftats!") return (consts.fragmentSize, blocks, free, consts.maxIno, ffree, 255) if __name__ == '__main__': (opts, args)= parseOpts ([ Option ('b', 'broadcast-to', True, default=''), Option ('c', 'connect-to', True), Option ('l', 'log-file', True, default='virtue.log'), ], argv[1:]) debugPrint (1, 'parsed args: %s, left args: %s' % ( ", ".join ( map ( lambda x: "%s: %s" % (x, opts[x].value), opts.keys () )) , args)) net= opts['b'].asString () url= opts['c'].asString () server= Virtue (url, net, fileName=opts['l'].asString ()) server.flags= 0 # server.multithreaded= 1; server.main () server.saveLog ()
from collections import defaultdict import argparse from utils import debugPrint import math # parse argument to get the program name and path parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Sort events") parser.add_argument("--input_trace", help="set the input trace") parser.add_argument("--output_trace", help="set the output trace destination") parser.add_argument( "--gpu_log", help= "log file created by HC with GPU information (kernels, barriers, memcpy)") args = parser.parse_args() debugPrint("SORT EVENTS") # Add the input trace to the collection collection = btr.TraceCollection() # Set the input traces if args.input_trace == None: directory = os.getcwd() + "/../lttng-traces/" path = max([os.path.join(directory, d) for d in os.listdir(directory)], key=os.path.getmtime) else: path = args.input_trace if path[-1] == "/": path = path[:-1] collection.add_trace(path + "/ust/uid/1000/64-bit", 'ctf') # Set the output trace
def _openDataConnection(self): """Opens a data connection to the server. The existing data connection (if any) is closed.""" if self._dataSock: self._dataSock.close() self._dataSock = None if self._config["passive"]: sendStr(self._connSock, "DATA\n") result = recvLine(self._connSock).rstrip() if isError(result): return False getPort = re.match(r"^READY (?P<port>\d+)$", result) if not getPort: if not self._isSocketClosed(result): debugPrint("CLIENT FAILURE: Malformed DATA reply from server. 2") return False port = int("port")) try: self._dataSock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) self._dataSock.connect((self._remoteAddr[0], port)) except socket.error as err: debugPrint("CLIENT FAILURE: Socket error: {errmsg}".format(errmsg=err)) self._dataSock = None return False else: result = recvLine(self._connSock).rstrip() if isError(result): self._dataSock = None return False elif result == "OK {port}".format(port=port): return True else: if not self._isSocketClosed(result): debugPrint("CLIENT FAILURE: Malformed DATA reply from server. 3") self._dataSock = None return False else: # Not passive dataConn = None try: dataConn = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) dataConn.bind(("", 0)) dataConn.settimeout(60) dataConn.listen(1) dataPort = dataConn.getsockname()[1] sendStr(self._connSock, "DATA {p}\n".format(p=dataPort)) while True: (serverDataSock, serverAddr) = dataConn.accept() if serverAddr[0] == self._remoteAddr[0]: result = recvLine(self._connSock).rstrip() if result == "OK {port}".format(port=dataPort): self._dataSock = serverDataSock return True else: if not self._isSocketClosed(result): debugPrint("CLIENT FAILURE: Malformed DATA reply from server. 1") self._dataSock = None serverDataSock.close() return False else: serverDataSock.close() except socket.timeout as err: return False