def main(): global _threadError num_threads = os.cpu_count() * 2 root_dir = path.join(utils.get_script_folder(), '..') docs_dir = path.join(root_dir, 'docs') xml_dir = path.join(docs_dir, 'xml') html_dir = path.join(docs_dir, 'html') mcss_dir = path.join(root_dir, 'extern', 'mcss') doxygen = path.join(mcss_dir, 'documentation', '') # delete any leftovers from the previous run if 1: utils.delete_directory(xml_dir) utils.delete_directory(html_dir) # run doxygen to generate the xml if 1: subprocess.check_call( ['doxygen', 'Doxyfile'], shell=True, cwd=docs_dir ) # fix some shit that's broken in the xml if 1: preprocess_xml(xml_dir) # run (m.css) to generate the html if 1: utils.run_python_script(doxygen, path.join(docs_dir, 'Doxyfile-mcss'), '--no-doxygen') # post-process html files if 1: fixes = [ CustomTagsFix() , SyntaxHighlightingFix() , IndexPageFix() , ModifiersFix1() , ModifiersFix2() , ExtDocLinksFix() , EnableIfFix() , ExternalLinksFix() , TemplateTemplateFix() ] files = [path.split(f) for f in utils.get_all_files(html_dir, any=('*.html', '*.htm'))] if files: with futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=min(len(files), num_threads)) as executor: jobs = { executor.submit(postprocess_file, dir, file, fixes) : file for dir, file in files } for job in futures.as_completed(jobs): if _threadError: executor.shutdown(False) break else: file = jobs[job] print('Finished processing {}.'.format(file)) if _threadError: return 1
def main(): # feature mode ap = argparse.ArgumentParser() # Add the arguments to the parser ap.add_argument( "-f", "--feature", required=True, help="The feature to perform: 'convolutions' or 'template_matching'") ap.add_argument("-m", "--mode", required=True, help="The mode of operation: 'train' or 'test'") ap.add_argument("-i", "--image", required=False, help="The image to perform the convolution on") args = vars(ap.parse_args()) feature = args['feature'] mode = args['mode'] if feature == 'optimise': optimise_parameters() if feature == config.CONVOLUTIONS_ARG: image_dir = args['image'] if image_dir is None: raise Exception( "Please enter the path to the image to perform the convolution on." ) if not os.path.exists(image_dir): raise Exception( "The image at the specified directory was not found.") convolute(image_dir) if feature == config.TEMPLATE_MATCHING_ARG: # Perform template matching if mode == config.TRAINING_ARG: utils.delete_directory(config.TEMPLATE_OUTPUT_DIR) return template_matching(config.TRAINING_DIR, config.TEMPLATE_OUTPUT_DIR) image = test_template_matching(config.TESTING_DIR, config.TEMPLATE_OUTPUT_DIR)[0] cv2.imshow('test-2', image) cv2.waitKey(0) cv2.destroyAllWindows()
def optimise_parameters(): pyramid_levels = [3, 4, 5] # pyramid_levels = [x for x in range(3,6)] rotations = [[x for x in range(0, 360, rot)] for rot in range(20, 35, 5)] gaussian_parameters = [[5, 5, 15]] # Create results directory utils.create_directory(config.RESULTS_DIR) for level in pyramid_levels: for rots in rotations: for g_n, gaussian in enumerate(gaussian_parameters): step_size = rots[1] - rots[0] row, col, dev = gaussian g = utils.gaussian_kernel(row, col, dev) utils.delete_directory(config.TEMPLATE_OUTPUT_DIR) print( 'training rotation {} level {} gaussian {}-{}-{}'.format( step_size, level, row, col, dev), rots, level) start = time.time() template_matching(config.TRAINING_DIR, config.TEMPLATE_OUTPUT_DIR, level, rots, g) new_dir = config.RESULTS_DIR + 'level{}-rot{}-g-{}-{}-{}/'.format( level, step_size, row, col, dev) utils.create_directory(new_dir) print('testing', rots, level) images = test_template_matching(config.TESTING_DIR, config.TEMPLATE_OUTPUT_DIR) end = time.time() time_elapsed = end - start utils.write_to_file(new_dir + 'time.txt', time_elapsed) for idx, im in enumerate(images): cv2.imwrite(new_dir + '{}.png'.format(idx), im) return True
def clean(self): delete_directory(self.root)