Exemple #1
def send_email_from_form(dbo, username, data):
    Sends an email to a person from a posted form. Attaches it as
    a log entry if specified.
    emailfrom = utils.df_ks(data, "from")
    emailto = utils.df_ks(data, "to")
    emailcc = utils.df_ks(data, "cc")
    subject = utils.df_ks(data, "subject")
    ishtml = utils.df_kc(data, "html")
    addtolog = utils.df_kc(data, "addtolog")
    logtype = utils.df_ki(data, "logtype")
    body = utils.df_ks(data, "body")
    utils.send_email(dbo, emailfrom, emailto, emailcc, subject, body, ishtml == 1 and "html" or "plain")
    if addtolog == 1:
        log.add_log(dbo, username, log.PERSON, utils.df_ki(data, "personid"), logtype, body)
Exemple #2
def save_values_for_link(dbo, data, linkid, linktype="animal"):
    Saves incoming additional field values from a form, clearing any
    existing values first.
    delete_values_for_link(dbo, linkid, linktype)
    af = get_field_definitions(dbo, linktype)
    l = dbo.locale
    for f in af:
        key = "a." + str(f["MANDATORY"]) + "." + str(f["ID"])
        if data.has_key(key):
            val = utils.df_ks(data, key)
            if f["FIELDTYPE"] == YESNO:
                val = str(utils.df_kc(data, key))
            elif f["FIELDTYPE"] == MONEY:
                val = str(utils.df_km(data, key, l))
            elif f["FIELDTYPE"] == DATE:
                if len(val.strip()) > 0 and utils.df_kd(data, key, l) == None:
                    raise utils.ASMValidationError(
                            "Additional date field '{0}' contains an invalid date.",
                val = python2display(dbo.locale, utils.df_kd(data, key, l))
            sql = db.make_insert_sql("additional",
                                     (("LinkType", db.di(f["LINKTYPE"])),
                                      ("LinkID", db.di(int(linkid))),
                                      ("AdditionalFieldID", db.di(f["ID"])),
                                      ("Value", db.ds(val))))
                db.execute(dbo, sql)
            except Exception, err:
                al.error("Failed saving additional field: %s" % str(err),
                         "animal.update_animal_from_form", dbo, sys.exc_info())
Exemple #3
def send_email_from_form(dbo, username, data):
    Sends an email to a person from a posted form. Attaches it as
    a log entry if specified.
    emailfrom = utils.df_ks(data, "from")
    emailto = utils.df_ks(data, "to")
    emailcc = utils.df_ks(data, "cc")
    subject = utils.df_ks(data, "subject")
    ishtml = utils.df_kc(data, "html")
    addtolog = utils.df_kc(data, "addtolog")
    logtype = utils.df_ki(data, "logtype")
    body = utils.df_ks(data, "body")
    utils.send_email(dbo, emailfrom, emailto, emailcc, subject, body,
                     ishtml == 1 and "html" or "plain")
    if addtolog == 1:
        log.add_log(dbo, username, log.PERSON, utils.df_ki(data, "personid"),
                    logtype, body)
def save_values_for_link(dbo, data, linkid, linktype="animal"):
    Saves incoming additional field values from a form, clearing any
    existing values first.
    delete_values_for_link(dbo, linkid, linktype)
    af = get_field_definitions(dbo, linktype)
    l = dbo.locale
    for f in af:
        key = "a." + str(f["MANDATORY"]) + "." + str(f["ID"])
        if data.has_key(key):
            val = utils.df_ks(data, key)
            if f["FIELDTYPE"] == YESNO:
                val = str(utils.df_kc(data, key))
            elif f["FIELDTYPE"] == MONEY:
                val = str(utils.df_km(data, key, l))
            elif f["FIELDTYPE"] == DATE:
                if len(val.strip()) > 0 and utils.df_kd(data, key, l) == None:
                    raise utils.ASMValidationError(
                        _("Additional date field '{0}' contains an invalid date.", l).format(f["FIELDNAME"])
                val = python2display(dbo.locale, utils.df_kd(data, key, l))
            sql = db.make_insert_sql(
                    ("LinkType", db.di(f["LINKTYPE"])),
                    ("LinkID", db.di(int(linkid))),
                    ("AdditionalFieldID", db.di(f["ID"])),
                    ("Value", db.ds(val)),
                db.execute(dbo, sql)
            except Exception, err:
                    "Failed saving additional field: %s" % str(err),
Exemple #5
def insert_adoption_from_form(dbo, username, data, creating=[]):
    Inserts a movement from the workflow adopt an animal screen.
    Returns the new movement id
    creating is an ongoing list of animals we're already going to
    create adoptions for. It prevents a never ending recursive loop
    of animal1 being bonded to animal2 that's bonded to animal1, etc.
    l = dbo.locale
    # Validate that we have a movement date before doing anthing
    if None == utils.df_kd(data, "movementdate", l):
        raise utils.ASMValidationError(
            i18n._("Adoption movements must have a valid adoption date.", l))
    # Get the animal record for this adoption
    a = animal.get_animal(dbo, utils.df_ki(data, "animal"))
    if a is None:
        raise utils.ASMValidationError(
            "Adoption POST has an invalid animal ID: %d" %
            utils.df_ki(data, "animal"))
        "Creating adoption for %d (%s - %s)" %
        (a["ID"], a["SHELTERCODE"], a["ANIMALNAME"]),
        "movement.insert_adoption_from_form", dbo)
    # If the animal is bonded to other animals, we call this function
    # again with a copy of the data and the bonded animal substituted
    # so we can create their adoption records too.
    if a["BONDEDANIMALID"] is not None and a["BONDEDANIMALID"] != 0 and a[
            "BONDEDANIMALID"] not in creating:
            "Found bond to animal %d, creating adoption..." %
            a["BONDEDANIMALID"], "movement.insert_adoption_from_form", dbo)
        newdata = dict(data)
        newdata["animal"] = str(a["BONDEDANIMALID"])
        insert_adoption_from_form(dbo, username, newdata, creating)
    if a["BONDEDANIMAL2ID"] is not None and a["BONDEDANIMAL2ID"] != 0 and a[
            "BONDEDANIMAL2ID"] not in creating:
            "Found bond to animal %d, creating adoption..." %
            a["BONDEDANIMAL2ID"], "movement.insert_adoption_from_form", dbo)
        newdata = dict(data)
        newdata["animal"] = str(a["BONDEDANIMAL2ID"])
        insert_adoption_from_form(dbo, username, newdata, creating)
    cancel_reserves = configuration.cancel_reserves_on_adoption(dbo)
    # Prepare a dictionary of data for the movement table via insert_movement_from_form
    move_dict = {
        "person": utils.df_ks(data, "person"),
        "animal": utils.df_ks(data, "animal"),
        "adoptionno": utils.df_ks(data, "movementnumber"),
        "movementdate": utils.df_ks(data, "movementdate"),
        "type": str(ADOPTION),
        "donation": utils.df_ks(data, "amount"),
        "insurance": utils.df_ks(data, "insurance"),
        "returncategory": configuration.default_return_reason(dbo),
        "trial": utils.df_ks(data, "trial"),
        "trialenddate": utils.df_ks(data, "trialenddate")
    # Is this animal currently on foster? If so, return the foster
    fm = get_animal_movements(dbo, utils.df_ki(data, "animal"))
    for m in fm:
        if m["MOVEMENTTYPE"] == FOSTER and m["RETURNDATE"] is None:
            return_movement(dbo, m["ID"], utils.df_ki(data, "animal"),
                            utils.df_kd(data, "movementdate", l))
    # Is this animal current at a retailer? If so, return it from the
    # retailer and set the originalretailermovement and retailerid fields
    # on our new adoption movement so it can be linked back
    for m in fm:
        if m["MOVEMENTTYPE"] == RETAILER and m["RETURNDATE"] is None:
            return_movement(dbo, m["ID"], utils.df_ki(data, "animal"),
                            utils.df_kd(data, "movementdate", l))
            move_dict["originalretailermovement"] = str(m["ID"])
            move_dict["retailer"] = str(m["OWNERID"])
    # Did we say we'd like to flag the owner as homechecked?
    if utils.df_kc(data, "homechecked") == 1:
        db.execute(dbo, "UPDATE owner SET IDCheck = 1, DateLastHomeChecked = %s WHERE ID = %d" % \
            ( db.dd(i18n.now(dbo.timezone)), utils.df_ki(data, "person")))
    # If the animal was flagged as not available for adoption, then it
    # shouldn't be since we've just adopted it.
        dbo, "UPDATE animal SET IsNotAvailableForAdoption = 0 WHERE ID = %s" %
        utils.df_ks(data, "animal"))
    # Is the animal reserved to the person adopting?
    movementid = 0
    for m in fm:
        if m["MOVEMENTTYPE"] == NO_MOVEMENT and m["RESERVATIONDATE"] is not None \
            and m["RESERVATIONCANCELLEDDATE"] is None and m["ANIMALID"] == utils.df_ki(data, "animal") \
            and m["OWNERID"] == utils.df_ki(data, "person"):
            # yes - update the existing movement
            movementid = m["ID"]
            move_dict["movementid"] = str(movementid)
            move_dict["adoptionno"] = utils.padleft(movementid, 6)
            move_dict["reservationdate"] = str(
                i18n.python2display(l, m["RESERVATIONDATE"]))
            move_dict["comments"] = utils.nulltostr(m["COMMENTS"])
        elif cancel_reserves and m["MOVEMENTTYPE"] == NO_MOVEMENT and m["RESERVATIONDATE"] is not None \
            and m["RESERVATIONCANCELLEDDATE"] is None:
            # no, but it's reserved to someone else and we're cancelling
            # reserves on adoption
            db.execute(dbo, "UPDATE adoption SET ReservationCancelledDate = %s WHERE ID = %d" % \
                ( utils.df_d(data, "movementdate", l), m["ID"] ))
    if movementid != 0:
        update_movement_from_form(dbo, username, move_dict)
        movementid = insert_movement_from_form(dbo, username, move_dict)
    # Create the donation if there is one
    donation_amount = int(utils.df_m(data, "amount", l))
    if donation_amount > 0:
        due = ""
        received = utils.df_ks(data, "movementdate")
        if configuration.movement_donations_default_due(dbo):
            due = utils.df_ks(data, "movementdate")
            received = ""
        don_dict = {
            "person": utils.df_ks(data, "person"),
            "animal": utils.df_ks(data, "animal"),
            "movement": str(movementid),
            "type": utils.df_ks(data, "donationtype"),
            "payment": utils.df_ks(data, "payment"),
            "frequency": "0",
            "amount": utils.df_ks(data, "amount"),
            "due": due,
            "received": received,
            "giftaid": utils.df_ks(data, "giftaid")
        financial.insert_donation_from_form(dbo, username, don_dict)
    # And a second donation if there is one
    donation_amount = int(utils.df_m(data, "amount2", l))
    if donation_amount > 0:
        due = ""
        received = utils.df_ks(data, "movementdate")
        if configuration.movement_donations_default_due(dbo):
            due = utils.df_ks(data, "movementdate")
            received = ""
        don_dict = {
            "person": utils.df_ks(data, "person"),
            "animal": utils.df_ks(data, "animal"),
            "movement": str(movementid),
            "type": utils.df_ks(data, "donationtype2"),
            "payment": utils.df_ks(data, "payment2"),
            "frequency": "0",
            "amount": utils.df_ks(data, "amount2"),
            "due": due,
            "received": received,
            "giftaid": utils.df_ks(data, "giftaid")
        financial.insert_donation_from_form(dbo, username, don_dict)
    # Then any boarding cost record
    cost_amount = int(utils.df_m(data, "costamount", l))
    cost_type = utils.df_ks(data, "costtype")
    cost_create = utils.df_ki(data, "costcreate")
    if cost_amount > 0 and cost_type != "" and cost_create == 1:
        boc_dict = {
            "animalid": utils.df_ks(data, "animal"),
            "type": cost_type,
            "costdate": utils.df_ks(data, "movementdate"),
            "cost": utils.df_ks(data, "costamount")
        animal.insert_cost_from_form(dbo, username, boc_dict)
    return movementid
Exemple #6
def insert_adoption_from_form(dbo, username, data, creating = []):
    Inserts a movement from the workflow adopt an animal screen.
    Returns the new movement id
    creating is an ongoing list of animals we're already going to
    create adoptions for. It prevents a never ending recursive loop
    of animal1 being bonded to animal2 that's bonded to animal1, etc.
    l = dbo.locale
    # Validate that we have a movement date before doing anthing
    if None == utils.df_kd(data, "movementdate", l):
        raise utils.ASMValidationError(i18n._("Adoption movements must have a valid adoption date.", l))
    # Get the animal record for this adoption
    a = animal.get_animal(dbo, utils.df_ki(data, "animal"))
    if a is None:
        raise utils.ASMValidationError("Adoption POST has an invalid animal ID: %d" % utils.df_ki(data, "animal"))
    al.debug("Creating adoption for %d (%s - %s)" % (a["ID"], a["SHELTERCODE"], a["ANIMALNAME"]), "movement.insert_adoption_from_form", dbo)
    # If the animal is bonded to other animals, we call this function
    # again with a copy of the data and the bonded animal substituted
    # so we can create their adoption records too.
    if a["BONDEDANIMALID"] is not None and a["BONDEDANIMALID"] != 0 and a["BONDEDANIMALID"] not in creating:
        al.debug("Found bond to animal %d, creating adoption..." % a["BONDEDANIMALID"], "movement.insert_adoption_from_form", dbo)
        newdata = dict(data)
        newdata["animal"] = str(a["BONDEDANIMALID"])
        insert_adoption_from_form(dbo, username, newdata, creating)
    if a["BONDEDANIMAL2ID"] is not None and a["BONDEDANIMAL2ID"] != 0 and a["BONDEDANIMAL2ID"] not in creating:
        al.debug("Found bond to animal %d, creating adoption..." % a["BONDEDANIMAL2ID"], "movement.insert_adoption_from_form", dbo)
        newdata = dict(data)
        newdata["animal"] = str(a["BONDEDANIMAL2ID"])
        insert_adoption_from_form(dbo, username, newdata, creating)
    cancel_reserves = configuration.cancel_reserves_on_adoption(dbo)
    # Prepare a dictionary of data for the movement table via insert_movement_from_form
    move_dict = {
        "person"                : utils.df_ks(data, "person"),
        "animal"                : utils.df_ks(data, "animal"),
        "adoptionno"            : utils.df_ks(data, "movementnumber"),
        "movementdate"          : utils.df_ks(data, "movementdate"),
        "type"                  : str(ADOPTION),
        "donation"              : utils.df_ks(data, "amount"),
        "insurance"             : utils.df_ks(data, "insurance"),
        "returncategory"        : configuration.default_return_reason(dbo),
        "trial"                 : utils.df_ks(data, "trial"),
        "trialenddate"          : utils.df_ks(data, "trialenddate")
    # Is this animal currently on foster? If so, return the foster
    fm = get_animal_movements(dbo, utils.df_ki(data, "animal"))
    for m in fm:
        if m["MOVEMENTTYPE"] == FOSTER and m["RETURNDATE"] is None:
            return_movement(dbo, m["ID"], utils.df_ki(data, "animal"), utils.df_kd(data, "movementdate", l))
    # Is this animal current at a retailer? If so, return it from the
    # retailer and set the originalretailermovement and retailerid fields
    # on our new adoption movement so it can be linked back
    for m in fm:
        if m["MOVEMENTTYPE"] == RETAILER and m["RETURNDATE"] is None:
            return_movement(dbo, m["ID"], utils.df_ki(data, "animal"), utils.df_kd(data, "movementdate", l))
            move_dict["originalretailermovement"] = str(m["ID"])
            move_dict["retailer"] = str(m["OWNERID"])
    # Did we say we'd like to flag the owner as homechecked?
    if utils.df_kc(data, "homechecked") == 1:
        db.execute(dbo, "UPDATE owner SET IDCheck = 1, DateLastHomeChecked = %s WHERE ID = %d" % \
            ( db.dd(i18n.now(dbo.timezone)), utils.df_ki(data, "person")))
    # If the animal was flagged as not available for adoption, then it
    # shouldn't be since we've just adopted it.
    db.execute(dbo, "UPDATE animal SET IsNotAvailableForAdoption = 0 WHERE ID = %s" % utils.df_ks(data, "animal"))
    # Is the animal reserved to the person adopting? 
    movementid = 0
    for m in fm:
        if m["MOVEMENTTYPE"] == NO_MOVEMENT and m["RESERVATIONDATE"] is not None \
            and m["RESERVATIONCANCELLEDDATE"] is None and m["ANIMALID"] == utils.df_ki(data, "animal") \
            and m["OWNERID"] == utils.df_ki(data, "person"):
            # yes - update the existing movement
            movementid = m["ID"]
            move_dict["movementid"] = str(movementid)
            move_dict["adoptionno"] = utils.padleft(movementid, 6)
            move_dict["reservationdate"] = str(i18n.python2display(l, m["RESERVATIONDATE"]))
            move_dict["comments"] = utils.nulltostr(m["COMMENTS"])
        elif cancel_reserves and m["MOVEMENTTYPE"] == NO_MOVEMENT and m["RESERVATIONDATE"] is not None \
            and m["RESERVATIONCANCELLEDDATE"] is None:
            # no, but it's reserved to someone else and we're cancelling
            # reserves on adoption
            db.execute(dbo, "UPDATE adoption SET ReservationCancelledDate = %s WHERE ID = %d" % \
                ( utils.df_d(data, "movementdate", l), m["ID"] ))
    if movementid != 0:
        update_movement_from_form(dbo, username, move_dict)
        movementid = insert_movement_from_form(dbo, username, move_dict)
    # Create the donation if there is one
    donation_amount = int(utils.df_m(data, "amount", l))
    if donation_amount > 0:
        due = ""
        received = utils.df_ks(data, "movementdate")
        if configuration.movement_donations_default_due(dbo):
            due = utils.df_ks(data, "movementdate")
            received = ""
        don_dict = {
            "person"                : utils.df_ks(data, "person"),
            "animal"                : utils.df_ks(data, "animal"),
            "movement"              : str(movementid),
            "type"                  : utils.df_ks(data, "donationtype"),
            "payment"               : utils.df_ks(data, "payment"),
            "frequency"             : "0",
            "amount"                : utils.df_ks(data, "amount"),
            "due"                   : due,
            "received"              : received,
            "giftaid"               : utils.df_ks(data, "giftaid")
        financial.insert_donation_from_form(dbo, username, don_dict)
    # And a second donation if there is one
    donation_amount = int(utils.df_m(data, "amount2", l))
    if donation_amount > 0:
        due = ""
        received = utils.df_ks(data, "movementdate")
        if configuration.movement_donations_default_due(dbo):
            due = utils.df_ks(data, "movementdate")
            received = ""
        don_dict = {
            "person"                : utils.df_ks(data, "person"),
            "animal"                : utils.df_ks(data, "animal"),
            "movement"              : str(movementid),
            "type"                  : utils.df_ks(data, "donationtype2"),
            "payment"               : utils.df_ks(data, "payment2"),
            "frequency"             : "0",
            "amount"                : utils.df_ks(data, "amount2"),
            "due"                   : due,
            "received"              : received,
            "giftaid"               : utils.df_ks(data, "giftaid")
        financial.insert_donation_from_form(dbo, username, don_dict)
    # Then any boarding cost record
    cost_amount = int(utils.df_m(data, "costamount", l))
    cost_type = utils.df_ks(data, "costtype")
    cost_create = utils.df_ki(data, "costcreate")
    if cost_amount > 0 and cost_type != "" and cost_create == 1:
        boc_dict = {
            "animalid"          : utils.df_ks(data, "animal"),
            "type"              : cost_type,
            "costdate"          : utils.df_ks(data, "movementdate"),
            "cost"              : utils.df_ks(data, "costamount")
        animal.insert_cost_from_form(dbo, username, boc_dict)
    return movementid