def _feedforward(self, x): x_in = x for layer in x_out = [] for node in layer: active = activation(node['func']) node["a"] = active(dotprod(node['weights'], x_in)) x_out.append(node["a"]) x_in = x_out # set output as next input return x_in
def gdraw(bgraph,cgraphs, plotname = 'default_name', measure = 'cosine'): #pos = nx.graphviz_layout(cgraphs['kg']) nodelist = bgraph.nodes() adjs = [ array(nx.adj_matrix(g, nodelist = nodelist)) for g in cgraphs.values() ] badj = array(nx.adj_matrix(bgraph, nodelist = nodelist)) bnrm = badj / sqrt(sum(badj**2)) if measure == 'cosine': nrms = [] bnrm = badj / sqrt(sum(badj**2)) for a in adjs: n = sqrt(sum(a**2)) nrms.append(a / n) sims = array([round(nfu.cosine_adj(a1,bnrm),8) for a1 in nrms]) elif measure =='jaccard': sims = array([round(nfu.dotprod(a1,badj),8)/ (sum(a1) + sum(badj)) for a1 in adjs]) elif measure =='specificity': sims = array([round(nfu.dotprod(a1,badj),8)/sum(a1) for a1 in adjs]) elif measure =='sensitivity': sims = array([round(nfu.dotprod(a1,badj),8)/sum(badj) for a1 in adjs]) else: raise Exception() srto = argsort(cgraphs.keys()) #XVALs give ranks of each key index. xvals = argsort(srto) cols = map(lambda x: ('flt' in x and x.count('thr') > 1) and 'orange' or ('flt' in x) and 'red' or ('thr' in x) and 'yellow' or ('fg' in x) and 'green' or ('su' in x) and 'blue' or 'black', cgraphs.keys()) yvals = sims f = plt.gcf() f = myplots.fignum(3, (.25 * len(sims),10)) f.clear() ax = f.add_subplot(111) myplots.padded_limits(ax,xvals,yvals + [0.], margin = [.02,.02]) ax.scatter(xvals,yvals,100, color = cols) ax.set_ylabel('red fly similarity ({0})'.format(measure)) ax.set_xlabel('networks') ax.set_xticklabels([]) ax.set_xticks([]) mark_ys = [0, median(sims), mean(sims), sort(sims)[::-1][1],1] ax.hlines(mark_ys, *ax.get_xlim(), linestyle = ':',alpha = .2) f.savefig(cfg.dataPath('figs/meAWG/filter_{0}_meth_{1}_nolabels.pdf'.\ format(plotname,measure))) ax.set_xticks(range(len(srto))) cols_added = [] annotes = [] for z in zip(cgraphs.keys(),cols): if not z[1] in cols_added: annotes.append( ' '.join(z)) cols_added.append(z[1]) ax.annotate('\n'.join(annotes), [1,1],xycoords = 'axes fraction', va = 'top', ha = 'right') ax.set_xticklabels([cgraphs.keys()[i] for i in srto], rotation = 90, va = 'bottom', size = 'xx-small') f.savefig(cfg.dataPath('figs/meAWG/filter_{0}_meth_{1}_labels.pdf'.\ format(plotname,measure)))
def show_mcmc(graphs,nc_base =12, weighted = True, module_type = 'doubles', measure = 'cosine'): nodelist = graphs.values()[0].nodes() print 'using module type: {0}'.format(module_type) adjs = [ array(nx.adj_matrix(g, nodelist = nodelist)) for g in graphs.values() ] nrms = [] for a in adjs: n = sqrt(sum(a**2)) nrms.append(a / n) idxs_allowed =[ i for i, k in enumerate(graphs.keys()) if 'mcmc' in k] belt = graphs.keys().index('network_flt{0}'.format(nc_base)) if measure == 'cosine': sims = array([round(nfu.cosine_adj(a1,nrms[belt]),8) for i, a1 in enumerate(nrms) if i in idxs_allowed]) elif measure == 'dotprod': sims = array([nfu.dotprod(a1,adjs[belt]) for i, a1 in enumerate(adfs) if i in idxs_allowed]) else: raise Exception() keys_allowed = [k for i, k in enumerate(graphs.keys()) if i in idxs_allowed] srto = argsort([k for i, k in enumerate(graphs.keys()) if i in idxs_allowed]) #XVALs give ranks of each key index. xvals = argsort(srto) cols = map(lambda x: ('flt' in x and x.count('thr') > 1) and 'orange' or ('flt' in x) and 'red' or ('thr' in x) and 'yellow' or ('fg' in x) and 'green' or ('su' in x) and 'blue' or 'black', keys_allowed) yvals = sims f = plt.gcf() f = myplots.fignum(3, (.25 * len(sims),10)) f.clear() ax = f.add_subplot(111) myplots.padded_limits(ax,xvals,yvals + [0.], margin = [.02,.02]) ax.scatter(xvals,yvals,100, color = cols) ax.set_ylabel('red fly similarity ({0})'.format(measure)) ax.set_xlabel('networks') ax.set_xticklabels([]) ax.set_xticks([]) mark_ys = [0, median(sims), mean(sims), sort(sims)[::-1][1],1] ax.hlines(mark_ys, *ax.get_xlim(), linestyle = ':',alpha = .2) ax.vlines(range(len(xvals))[::10], *ax.get_ylim(), linestyle = ':',alpha = .1) figtitle = 'mcmc_net_comparisons_{0}_{1}net_comps{2}_sim_{3}_nolabels'.\ format(module_type,nc_base ,'' if weighted else 'unweighted',measure) f.savefig(figtemplate.format(figtitle)) ax.set_xticks(range(len(srto))) #ax.annotate('\n'.join(' '.join(z) for z in zip(graphs.keys())), # [0,1],xycoords = 'axes fraction', va = 'top') ax.set_xticklabels([keys_allowed[i] for i in srto], rotation = 90, size = 'xx-small', )#color = cols) figtitle = 'mcmc_net_comparisons_{0}_{1}net_comps{2}_sim_{3}_labels'.\ format(module_type,nc_base ,'' if weighted else 'unweighted', measure) f.savefig(figtemplate.format(figtitle))