def __init__(self, uq_parameters, index_set=None, method=None):
        self.uq_parameters = uq_parameters
        dimensions = len(uq_parameters)

        # For increased flexibility, if the index_set is not given, we will assume a tensor grid basis
        if index_set is None:

            # determine the orders!
            orders_to_use = []
            for u in range(0, dimensions):
                orders_to_use.append([u].order - 1))

            # Use the tensor grid option!
            self.index_set = IndexSet("Tensor grid", orders_to_use)

            # Now before we set self.index_set = index_set, we check to make sure that
            # the number of basis used is -1 the number of points!
            orders_to_use = []
            count = 0
            for u in range(0, dimensions):
                if orders_to_use[u] <= index_set.orders[u]:
                    count = count + 1
            if count > 0:
                    'IndexSet: Basis orders: Ensure that the basis order is always -1 the number of points!'

            self.index_set = index_set

        if method is not None:
            self.method = method
            self.method = 'QR'
    def getIndexSet(self):
        Returns all the elements of an index set

        :param IndexSet self: An instance of the IndexSet class

        :return: iset: An n-by-d array of index set elements. Here n represents the cardinality of the index set
            while d represents the number of dimensions.
        :rtype: ndarray
        name = self.index_set_type
        if name == "Total order":
            index_set = total_order_index_set(self.orders)
        elif name == "Sparse grid":
            sparse_index, a, SG_set = sparse_grid_index_set(self.level, self.growth_rule, self.dimension) # Note sparse grid rule depends on points!
            return sparse_index, a, SG_set
        elif name == "Tensor grid":
            index_set = tensor_grid_index_set(self.orders)
        elif name == "Hyperbolic basis":
            index_set = hyperbolic_index_set(self.orders, self.q)
            error_function('indexset __init__: invalid value for index_set_type!')
            index_set = [0]
        return index_set
Exemple #3
    def __init__(self,

        # Check what lower and upper are...
        self.order = points

        if lower is None:
            self.lower = -1.0
            self.lower = lower

        if upper is None:
            self.upper = 1.0
            self.upper = upper

        if param_type is None:
            self.param_type = 'Uniform'
            self.param_type = param_type

        if shape_parameter_A is None:
            self.shape_parameter_A = 0
            self.shape_parameter_A = shape_parameter_A

        if shape_parameter_B is None:
            self.shape_parameter_B = 0
            self.shape_parameter_B = shape_parameter_B

        if derivative_flag is None:
            self.derivative_flag = 0
            self.derivative_flag = derivative_flag

        if self.param_type == 'TruncatedGaussian':
            if upper is None or lower is None:
                    'parameter __init__: upper and lower bounds are required for a TruncatedGaussian distribution!'

        # Check that lower is indeed above upper
        if self.lower >= self.upper:
                'parameter __init__: upper bounds must be greater than lower bounds!'
Exemple #4
    def getPDF(self, N, graph=None):
        Returns the PDF of the parameter 

        :param Parameter self: An instance of the Parameter class
        :param integer N: Number of points along the x-axis 
        :param boolean graph: Select 1 for python to plot the PDF on a graph. Default is 0, in which case
            no graph is produced 
        :return: x, 1-by-N matrix that contains the values of the x-axis along the support of the parameter 
        :rtype: ndarray
        :return: w, 1-by-N matrix that contains the values of the PDF of the parameter
        :rtype: ndarray

        **Sample declaration**
            >> var1 = Parameter(points=12, shape_parameter_A=0.5, param_type='Exponential')
            >> x, y = var1.getPDF(50)
        if self.param_type is "Gaussian":
            x, y = analytical.Gaussian(N, self.shape_parameter_A, self.shape_parameter_B)
        elif self.param_type is "Beta":
            x, y = analytical.BetaDistribution(N, self.shape_parameter_A, self.shape_parameter_B, self.lower, self.upper) 
        elif self.param_type is "Gamma":
            x, y = analytical.Gamma(N, self.shape_parameter_A, self.shape_parameter_B)
        elif self.param_type is "Weibull":
            x, y = analytical.WeibullDistribution(N, self.shape_parameter_A, self.shape_parameter_B)
        elif self.param_type is "Cauchy":
            x, y = analytical.CauchyDistribution(N, self.shape_parameter_A, self.shape_parameter_B)
        elif self.param_type is "Uniform":
            x, y = analytical.UniformDistribution(N, self.lower, self.upper)
        elif self.param_type is "TruncatedGaussian":
            x, y = analytical.TruncatedGaussian(N, self.shape_parameter_A, self.shape_parameter_B, self.lower, self.upper)
        elif self.param_type is "Exponential":
            x, y = analytical.ExponentialDistribution(N, self.shape_parameter_A)
            error_function('parameter getPDF(): invalid parameter type!')
        if graph is None:
            return x, y
        elif graph == 1:
            fig = plt.figure()
            plt.plot(x, y, 'k-')
            error_function('parameter getPDF(): invalid value for graph!')

        return x, y
Exemple #5
def getSquareA(self, maximum_number_of_evals):

    flag = self.method
    if flag == "QR" or flag is None:
        option = 1  # default option!
    elif flag == "Random":
        option = 2
            "ERROR in EffectiveQuadSubsampling --> getAsubsampled(): For the third input choose from either 'QR' or 'Random'"

    A, quadrature_pts, quadrature_wts = getA(self)
    dimension = len(self.uq_parameters)
    m, n = A.shape

    if maximum_number_of_evals < n:
        print 'Dimensions of A prior to subselection:'
        print m, n
        print 'The maximum number of evaluations you requested'
        print maximum_number_of_evals
            "ERROR in EffectiveQuadSubsampling --> getAsubsampled(): The maximum number of evaluations must be greater or equal to the number of basis terms"

    # Now compute the rank revealing QR decomposition of A!
    if option == 1:
        P = mgs_pivoting(A.T)
        #Q, R, P = qr(A.T, pivoting=True)
        P = np.random.randint(0,
                              len(quadrature_pts) - 1,
                              len(quadrature_pts) - 1)

    # Now truncate number of rows based on the maximum_number_of_evals
    selected_quadrature_points = P[0:maximum_number_of_evals]

    # Form the "square" A matrix.
    Asquare = getRows(np.mat(A), selected_quadrature_points)

    #print np.linalg.cond(Asquare)
    esq_pts = getRows(np.mat(quadrature_pts), selected_quadrature_points)
    esq_wts = quadrature_wts[selected_quadrature_points]
    W = np.mat(np.diag(np.sqrt(esq_wts)))
    return Asquare, esq_pts, W, selected_quadrature_points
Exemple #6
def solve_constrainedLSQ(A,b,C,d):
    Solves the direct, constraint least squares problem ||Ax-b||_2 subject to Cx=d using 
    the method of direct elimination

    :param numpy matrix A: an m-by-n matrix
    :param numpy matrix b: an m-by-1 matrix
    :param numpy ndarray C: an k-by-n matrix
    :param numpy ndarray d: an k-by-1 matrix
    :return: x, the coefficients of the least squares problem.
    :rtype: ndarray

    A = np.mat(A)
    C = np.mat(C)
    # Size of matrices!
    m, n = A.shape
    p, q = b.shape
    k, l = C.shape
    s, t = d.shape

    # Check that the number of elements in b are equivalent to the number of rows in A
    if m != p:
        error_function('ERROR: mismatch in sizes of A and b')
    elif k != s:
        error_function('ERROR: mismatch in sizes of C and d') 
    Q , R = qr_Householder(C.T, 1) # Thin QR factorization on C'
    R = R[0:n, 0:n]
    u = np.linalg.inv(R.T) * d
    A_hat = A * Q
    z, w = A_hat.shape
    # Now split A
    Ahat_1 = A_hat[:, 0:len(u)]
    Ahat_2 = A_hat[:, len(u) : w]
    r = b - Ahat_1 * u
    # Solve the least squares problem
    v = solveLSQ(Ahat_2, r)
    x = Q * np.vstack([u, v]) 
    return x
    def getCardinality(self):
        Returns the cardinality (total number of elements) of the index set

        :param IndexSet self: An instance of the IndexSet class

        :return: cardinality: Total number of elements in the index set
        :rtype: integer
        name = self.index_set_type
        if name == "Total order":
            index_set = total_order_index_set(self.orders)
        elif name == "Sparse grid":
            index_set, a, SG_set = sparse_grid_index_set(self.level, self.growth_rule, self.dimension) # Note sparse grid rule depends on points!
            return sparse_index, a, SG_set
        elif name == "Tensor grid":
            index_set = tensor_grid_index_set(self.orders)
        elif name == "Hyperbolic basis":
            index_set = hyperbolic_index_set(self.orders, self.q)
            error_function('indexset __init__: invalid value for index_set_type!')

        # Now m or n is equivalent to the
        return len(index_set)
Exemple #8
def recurrence_coefficients(self, order=None):

    # Preliminaries.
    N = 8000  # no. of points for analytical distributions.
    if order is None:
        order = self.order

    # 1. Beta distribution
    if self.param_type is "Beta":
        #param_A = self.shape_parameter_B - 1 # bug fix @ 9/6/2016
        #param_B = self.shape_parameter_A - 1
        #if(param_B <= 0):
        #    error_function('ERROR: parameter_A (beta shape parameter A) must be greater than 1!')
        #if(param_A <= 0):
        #    error_function('ERROR: parameter_B (beta shape parameter B) must be greater than 1!')
        #ab =  jacobi_recurrence_coefficients_01(param_A, param_B , order)
        alpha = self.shape_parameter_A
        beta = self.shape_parameter_B
        lower = self.lower
        upper = self.upper
        x, w = analytical.BetaDistribution(N, alpha, beta, lower, upper)
        ab = custom_recurrence_coefficients(order, x, w)

    # 2. Uniform distribution
    elif self.param_type is "Uniform":
        self.shape_parameter_A = 0.0
        self.shape_parameter_B = 0.0
        ab = jacobi_recurrence_coefficients(self.shape_parameter_A,
                                            self.shape_parameter_B, order)
        #lower = self.lower
        #upper = self.upper
        #x, w = analytical.UniformDistribution(N, lower, upper)
        #ab = custom_recurrence_coefficients(order, x, w)

    # 3. Analytical Gaussian defined on [-inf, inf]
    elif self.param_type is "Gaussian":
        mu = self.shape_parameter_A
        sigma = np.sqrt(self.shape_parameter_B)
        x, w = analytical.Gaussian(N, mu, sigma)
        ab = custom_recurrence_coefficients(order, x, w)

    # 4. Analytical Exponential defined on [0, inf]
    elif self.param_type is "Exponential":
        lambda_value = self.shape_parameter_A
        x, w = analytical.ExponentialDistribution(N, lambda_value)
        ab = custom_recurrence_coefficients(order, x, w)

    # 5. Analytical Cauchy defined on [-inf, inf]
    elif self.param_type is "Cauchy":
        x0 = self.shape_parameter_A
        gammavalue = self.shape_parameter_B
        x, w = analytical.CauchyDistribution(N, x0, gammavalue)
        ab = custom_recurrence_coefficients(order, x, w)

    # 5. Analytical Gamma defined on [0, inf]
    elif self.param_type is "Gamma":
        k = self.shape_parameter_A
        theta = self.shape_parameter_B
        x, w = analytical.GammaDistribution(N, k, theta)
        ab = custom_recurrence_coefficients(order, x, w)

    # 6. Analytical Weibull defined on [0, inf]
    elif self.param_type is "Weibull":
        lambda_value = self.shape_parameter_A
        k = self.shape_parameter_B
        x, w = analytical.WeibullDistribution(N, lambda_value, k)
        ab = custom_recurrence_coefficients(order, x, w)

    # 3. Analytical Truncated Gaussian defined on [a,b]
    elif self.param_type is "TruncatedGaussian":
        mu = self.shape_parameter_A
        sigma = np.sqrt(self.shape_parameter_B)
        a = self.lower
        b = self.upper
        x, w = analytical.TruncatedGaussian(N, mu, sigma, a, b)
        ab = custom_recurrence_coefficients(order, x, w)

    #elif self.param_type == "Gaussian" or self.param_type == "Normal":
    #    param_B = self.shape_parameter_B - 0.5
    #   if(param_B <= -0.5):
    #        utils.error_function('ERROR: parameter_B (variance) must be greater than 0')
    #    else:
    #        ab =  hermite_recurrence_coefficients(self.shape_parameter_A, param_B, order)
            'ERROR: parameter type is undefined. Choose from Gaussian, Uniform, Gamma, Weibull, Cauchy, Exponential, TruncatedGaussian or Beta'

    return ab