def solveLeastSquaresWithGradients(self, maximum_number_of_evals,
                                       function_values, gradient_values):
        Returns the coefficients for the effectively subsampled quadratures least squares problem. 

        :param EffectiveSubsampling object: An instance of the EffectiveSubsampling class
        :param integer maximum_number_of_evals: The maximum number of evaluations the user would like. This value has to be atleast equivalent to the
            total number of basis terms of the index set.    
        :param callable function_values: A function call to the simulation model, that takes in d inputs and returns one output. If users know the 
            quadrature subsamples required, they may also input all the simulation outputs as a single ndarray.     
        :param callable gradient_values: A function call to the simulation model, that takes in d inputs and returns the dx1 gradient vector at those inputs.
            If the user knows the quadrature subsampled required, they may also input all the simulation gradients as an nd array. 
        :return: x, the coefficients of the least squares problem.
        :rtype: ndarray

        **Sample declaration**
            >> x = eq.solveLeastSquares(150, function_call)
        A, esq_pts, W, points = getSquareA(self, maximum_number_of_evals)
        A, normalizations = rowNormalize(A)
        C = self.getCsubsampled(esq_pts)

        # Check if user input is a function or a set of function values!
        if callable(function_values):
            fun_values = evalfunction(esq_pts, function_values)
            fun_values = function_values

        if callable(gradient_values):
            grad_values = evalfunction(esq_pts, gradient_values)
            grad_values = gradient_values

        # Weight and row normalize function values!
        b = W * fun_values
        b =, b)

        # Weight and row normalize gradient values!
        # Assume that the gradient values are given as a matrix
        # First check if the dimensions make sense...then weight them
        # Then send them to the lsqr routine...

        # Now the gradient values will usually be arranged as a N-by-d matrix,
        # where N are the number of points and d is the number of dimensions.
        # This needs to be changed into a single vector
        p, q = grad_values.shape
        d_vec = np.zeros((p * q, 1))
        counter = 0
        for j in range(0, q):
            for i in range(0, p):
                d_vec[counter] = grad_values[i, j]
                counter = counter + 1

        # Now solve the constrained least squares problem
        return solveCLSQ(A, b, C, d_vec)
Exemple #2
 def computeCoefficients(self, func, gradfunc=None, gradientmethod=None):
     # If there are no gradients, solve via standard least squares!
     if self.gradients is False:
         p, q = self.Wz.shape
         # Get function values!
         if callable(func):
             #scaled_points = super(Polylsq, self).scaleInputs(self.quadraturePoints)
             y = evalfunction(self.quadraturePoints, func)
             y = func
         self.functionEvaluations = y =, np.reshape(y, (p, 1)))
         alpha = np.linalg.lstsq(self.Az,
         self.coefficients = alpha[0]
     # If there are gradients then use a constrained least squares approach!
     elif self.gradients is True and gradfunc is not None:
         p, q = self.Wz.shape
         # Get function values!
         if callable(func):
             y = evalfunction(self.quadraturePoints, func)
             y = func
         # Get gradient values!
         if callable(func):
             grad_values = evalgradients(self.quadraturePoints, gradfunc,
             grad_values = gradfunc
         # Assemble gradients into a single long vector called dy!
         p, q = grad_values.shape
         d = np.zeros((p * q, 1))
         counter = 0
         for j in range(0, q):
             for i in range(0, p):
                 d[counter] = grad_values[i, j]
                 counter = counter + 1
         self.dy = d
         del d, grad_values =, np.reshape(y, (p, 1)))
         coefficients, cond = solveCLSQ(self.Az,, self.Cz, self.dy,
         self.coefficients = coefficients
     elif self.gradients is True and gradfunc is None:
         raise (
             'Polylsq:computeCoefficients:: Gradient function evaluations must be provided, either a callable function or as vectors.'
     super(Polylsq, self).__setCoefficients__(self.coefficients)
     super(Polylsq, self).__setQuadrature__(self.quadraturePoints,
Exemple #3
    def solveLeastSquaresWithGradients(self, maximum_number_of_evals,
                                       function_values, gradient_values):
        Returns the coefficients for the effectively subsampled quadratures least squares problem. 

        :param EffectiveSubsampling object: An instance of the EffectiveSubsampling class
        :param integer maximum_number_of_evals: The maximum number of evaluations the user would like. This value has to be atleast equivalent to the
            total number of basis terms of the index set.    
        :param callable function_values: A function call to the simulation model, that takes in d inputs and returns one output. If users know the 
            quadrature subsamples required, they may also input all the simulation outputs as a single ndarray.     
        :param callable gradient_values: A function call to the simulation model, that takes in d inputs and returns the dx1 gradient vector at those inputs.
            If the user knows the quadrature subsampled required, they may also input all the simulation gradients as an nd array. 
        :return: x, the coefficients of the least squares problem.
        :rtype: ndarray

        **Sample declaration**
            >> x = eq.solveLeastSquares(150, function_call)
        A, esq_pts, W, points = getSquareA(self, maximum_number_of_evals, flag)
        A, normalizations = rowNormalize(A)
        C = getSubsampled(self, esq_pts)

        # Check if user input is a function or a set of function values!
        if callable(function_values):
            fun_values = evalfunction(esq_pts, function_values)
            fun_values = function_values

        if callable(gradient_values):
            grad_values = evalfunction(esq_pts, gradient_values)
            grad_values = gradient_values

        # Weight and row normalize function values!
        b = W * fun_values
        b =, b)

        # Weight and row normalize gradient values!
        # Assume that the gradient values are given as a matrix
        # First check if the dimensions make sense...then weight them
        # Then send them to the lsqr routine...
        d = 0

        # Now solve the constrained least squares problem
        x = solve_constrainedLSQ(A, b, C, d)

        return 0
def getSparseCoefficientsViaIntegration(self, function):

    # Preliminaries
    stackOfParameters = self.uq_parameters
    indexSets = self.index_sets
    dimensions = len(stackOfParameters)

    # Sparse grid integration rule
    pts, wts, sg_set_full = sparseGrid(stackOfParameters, indexSets)

    for i in range(0, len(sg_set_full)):
        for j in range(0, dimensions):
            sg_set_full[i, j] = int(sg_set_full[i, j])

    P = getMultiOrthoPoly(self, pts, sg_set_full)
    f = evalfunction(pts, function)
    f = np.mat(f)
    Wdiag = np.diag(wts)

    # Allocate memory for the coefficients
    rows = len(sg_set_full)
    coefficients = np.zeros((1, rows))

    # I multiply by P[0,:] because my zeroth order polynomial is not 1.0
    for i in range(0, rows):
        coefficients[0, i] = np.mat(P[i, :]) * Wdiag * np.diag(P[0, :]) * f

    return coefficients, sg_set_full, pts
    def solveLeastSquares(self, maximum_number_of_evals, function_values):
        Returns the coefficients for the effectively subsampled quadratures least squares problem. 

        :param EffectiveSubsampling object: An instance of the EffectiveSubsampling class
        :param integer maximum_number_of_evals: The maximum number of evaluations the user would like. This value has to be atleast equivalent to the
            total number of basis terms of the index set.    
        :param callable function_values: A function call to the simulation model, that takes in d inputs and returns one output. If users know the 
            quadrature subsamples required, they may also input all the simulation outputs as a single ndarray.     
        :return: x, the coefficients of the least squares problem.
        :rtype: ndarray

        **Sample declaration**
            >> x = eq.solveLeastSquares(150, function_call)
        A, esq_pts, W, points = getSquareA(self, maximum_number_of_evals)
        A, normalizations = rowNormalize(A)

        # Check if user input is a function or a set of function values!
        if callable(function_values):
            fun_values = evalfunction(esq_pts, function_values)
            fun_values = function_values

        b = W * fun_values
        b =, b)
        x = solveLSQ(A, b)
        return x
def getPseudospectralCoefficients(self, function, override_orders=None):
    if override_orders is None:
        pts, wts = super(Polyint, self).getTensorQuadratureRule()
        tensor_elements = self.basis.elements
        P = super(Polyint, self).getPolynomial(pts)
        pts, wts = super(Polyint,
        tensor_basis = Basis('Tensor grid', override_orders)
        tensor_elements = tensor_basis.elements
        P = super(Polyint, self).getPolynomial(pts, tensor_elements)

    m = len(wts)
    W = np.mat(np.diag(np.sqrt(wts)))
    A = np.mat(W * P.T)
    if callable(function):
        y = evalfunction(points=pts, function=function)
        y = function
    b =, np.reshape(y, (m, 1)))
    coefficients =, b)
    return coefficients, tensor_elements, pts, wts
 def integrate(self, function):
     p, w = self._getLocalQuadrature()
     return float(, evalfunction(p)))
    def computeCoefficients(self, func, gradfunc=None, gradientmethod=None):
        Computes the coefficients of the polynomial via least squares.

        :param Polylsq self:
            An instance of the Polylsq class.
        :param: callable func:
            The function that needs to be approximated. In the absence of a callable function, the input can be the function evaluated at the quadrature points.
        :param: callable gradfunc:
            The gradient of the function that needs to be approximated. In the absence of a callable gradient function, the input can be a matrix of gradient evaluations at the quadrature points.
        :param: string gradientmethod:
            The underlying strategy used to estimate the coefficients when gradient evaluations are provided. Options include:
            'stacked', 'constrained-DE', 'constrained-NS'.

        # If there are no gradients, solve via standard least squares!
        if self.gradients is False:
            p, q = self.Wz.shape
            # Get function values!
            if callable(func):
                #scaled_points = super(Polylsq, self).scaleInputs(self.quadraturePoints)
                y = evalfunction(self.quadraturePoints, func)
                y = func
            self.functionEvaluations = y
   =, np.reshape(y, (p, 1)))
            alpha = np.linalg.lstsq(self.Az,
            self.coefficients = alpha[0]
        # If there are gradients then use a constrained least squares approach!
        elif self.gradients is True and gradfunc is not None:
            p, q = self.Wz.shape
            # Get function values!
            if callable(func):
                y = evalfunction(self.quadraturePoints, func)
                y = func
            # Get gradient values!
            if callable(func):
                grad_values = evalgradients(self.quadraturePoints, gradfunc,
                grad_values = gradfunc
            # Assemble gradients into a single long vector called dy!
            p, q = grad_values.shape
            d = np.zeros((p * q, 1))
            counter = 0
            for j in range(0, q):
                for i in range(0, p):
                    d[counter] = self.Wz[i, i] * grad_values[i, j]
                    counter = counter + 1
            self.dy = d
            del d, grad_values
   =, np.reshape(y, (p, 1)))
            coefficients, cond = solveCLSQ(self.Az,, self.Cz, self.dy,
            self.coefficients = coefficients
        elif self.gradients is True and gradfunc is None:
            raise (
                'Polylsq:computeCoefficients:: Gradient function evaluations must be provided, either a callable function or as vectors.'
        super(Polylsq, self).__setCoefficients__(self.coefficients)
        super(Polylsq, self).__setQuadrature__(self.quadraturePoints,