def build_accounts_report(period, filename=None, format='pdf'): ''' PDF: List of balances ''' if not filename: filename = get_temp_filename('pdf') doc = Document(title=_(u"Accounts balance for %s") \ % period.display_name(), landscape=True) table = Table(4) table.add_header_row([ Text(_(u"Account Number")), Text(_(u"Account Name")), Text(_(u"Budget")), Text(_(u"Balance"))]) # column widths table.set_column_width(10, 0) table.set_column_width(15, 2) table.set_column_width(15, 3) # column alignments table.set_alignment(Table.ALIGN_LEFT, column=0) table.set_alignment(Table.ALIGN_LEFT, column=1) table.set_alignment(Table.ALIGN_RIGHT, column=2) table.set_alignment(Table.ALIGN_RIGHT, column=3) accounts = [account_summary(account, period) \ for account in session.query(Account).all()] list_budget = [] list_balance = [] for account in accounts: table.add_row([ Text(unicode(account[0])), Text(unicode(account[1])), Text(formatted_number(account[2])), Text(formatted_number(account[3]))]) list_budget.append(account[2]) list_balance.append(account[3]) table.add_row([Text(u''), Text(u'TOTALS', bold=True), Text(formatted_number(sum(list_budget)), bold=True), Text(formatted_number(sum(list_balance)), bold=True)]) doc.add_element(table) gen = PDFGenerator(doc, filename) gen.render_document() return gen.get_filename()
def __init__(self, parent, account, *args, **kwargs): QtGui.QDialog.__init__(self, parent, *args, **kwargs) = session.query(Operation).\ filter_by(account=self.account, period=current_period()).\ order_by(desc(Operation.invoice_date)).all() self.account = account title = QtGui.QLabel() self.setWindowTitle(_(u"Delete an operation")) if == []: title.setText(_(u"There is no operation removed for this account")) ok_butt = QtGui.QPushButton(_(u"OK")) ok_butt.clicked.connect(self.close) vbox = QtGui.QVBoxLayout() vbox.addWidget(title) vbox.addWidget(ok_butt) self.setLayout(vbox) else: title.setText(_(u"Select an operation to delete")) title.setAlignment(QtCore.Qt.AlignHCenter) title_hbox = QtGui.QHBoxLayout() title_hbox.addWidget(title) #Combobox widget = QtGui.QComboBox() for index in xrange(0, len( op =[index] sentence = _(u"%(date)s - %(amount)s to " \ u"%(provider)s/%(invoice_num)s " \ u"(Order #%(order_num)s)") \ % {'order_num': op.order_number, \ 'invoice_num': op.invoice_number, \ 'provider': op.provider, \ 'amount': formatted_number(op.amount), \ 'date': op.invoice_date.strftime('%x')}, QtCore.QVariant( combo_hbox = QtGui.QHBoxLayout() combo_hbox.addWidget( #delete and cancel hbox button_hbox = QtGui.QHBoxLayout() #Delete Button widget. delete_but = QtGui.QPushButton(_(u"Delete operation")) button_hbox.addWidget(delete_but) delete_but.clicked.connect(self.delete) #Cancel Button widget. cancel_but = QtGui.QPushButton(_(u"Cancel")) button_hbox.addWidget(cancel_but) cancel_but.clicked.connect(self.cancel) #Create the QVBoxLayout contenaire. vbox = QtGui.QVBoxLayout() vbox.addLayout(title_hbox) vbox.addLayout(combo_hbox) vbox.addLayout(button_hbox) self.setLayout(vbox)
def _format_for_table(self, value): ''' formats input value for string in table widget ''' if isinstance(value, basestring): return value if isinstance(value, (int, float, long)): return formatted_number(value) return u"%s" % value
def build_balance_report(filename=None, format='pdf'): ''' PDF: List of balances ''' if not filename: filename = get_temp_filename('pdf') doc = Document(title=_(u"List of balances")) table = Table(4) table.add_header_row([ Text(_(u"Date")), Text(_(u"Type")), Text(_(u"Value")), Text(_(u"Balance")) ]) # column widths table.set_column_width(20, 0) table.set_column_width(10, 2) table.set_column_width(15, 3) # column alignments table.set_alignment(Table.ALIGN_LEFT, column=0) table.set_alignment(Table.ALIGN_LEFT, column=1) table.set_alignment(Table.ALIGN_RIGHT, column=2) table.set_alignment(Table.ALIGN_RIGHT, column=3) operations = [(op.date_op, op.type_, op.value, op.balance) \ for op in"date_op")) .filter(type_="balance")] for operation in operations: table.add_row([ Text(unicode(operation[0])), Text(unicode(operation[1])), Text(formatted_number(operation[2])), Text(formatted_number(operation[3])) ]) doc.add_element(table) gen = PDFGenerator(doc, filename) gen.render_document() return gen.get_filename()
def build_balance_report(filename=None, format='pdf'): ''' PDF: List of balances ''' if not filename: filename = get_temp_filename('pdf') doc = Document(title=_(u"List of balances")) table = Table(4) table.add_header_row([ Text(_(u"Date")), Text(_(u"Type")), Text(_(u"Value")), Text(_(u"Balance"))]) # column widths table.set_column_width(20, 0) table.set_column_width(10, 2) table.set_column_width(15, 3) # column alignments table.set_alignment(Table.ALIGN_LEFT, column=0) table.set_alignment(Table.ALIGN_LEFT, column=1) table.set_alignment(Table.ALIGN_RIGHT, column=2) table.set_alignment(Table.ALIGN_RIGHT, column=3) operations = [(op.date_op, op.type_, op.value, op.balance) \ for op in"date_op")) .filter(type_="balance")] for operation in operations: table.add_row([ Text(unicode(operation[0])), Text(unicode(operation[1])), Text(formatted_number(operation[2])), Text(formatted_number(operation[3]))]) doc.add_element(table) gen = PDFGenerator(doc, filename) gen.render_document() return gen.get_filename()
def set_data_for(self): = [(op.date_op.strftime(_(u'%x %Hh:%Mmn')), op.type_, formatted_number(op.value), formatted_number(op.balance)) for op in'date_op', 'asc'))]
def set_data_for(self): """ completed the table """ self._data = [(operation.number.full_name(), formatted_number(operation.amount) + " fcfa",'%H:%M')) \ for operation in'date')]
def build_operations_report(account, period, filename=None, format='pdf'): ''' PDF: List of operations ''' if not filename: filename = get_temp_filename('pdf') doc = Document(title=_(u"The list of operations for the period %s.") \ % period.display_name(), \ landscape=False, stick_sections=True) if account == None: accounts = session.query(Account).all() else: accounts = session.query(Account).\ filter_by(number=account.number).all() flag = False for account in accounts: operations = [(operation.order_number, operation.invoice_number,\ operation.invoice_date.strftime(u'%x'),\ operation.provider, operation.amount, operation) \ for operation in session.query(Operation).\ filter_by(account=account, period=period).\ order_by(desc(Operation.invoice_date)).all()] if operations: section_name = (_(u'%(name)s (%(number)s)'))\ % {'name':,\ 'number': account.number} doc.add_element(Section(section_name)) doc.add_element(Paragraph(u'')) table = Table(5) # header row table.add_header_row([ Text(_(u"Order No.")), Text(_(u"Invoice No.")), Text(_(u"Invoice date")), Text(_(u"Provider")), Text(_(u"Amount"))]) # column widths table.set_column_width(10, 0) table.set_column_width(10, 1) table.set_column_width(15, 2) table.set_column_width(15, 4) # column alignments table.set_alignment(Table.ALIGN_LEFT, column=0) table.set_alignment(Table.ALIGN_LEFT, column=1) table.set_alignment(Table.ALIGN_LEFT, column=2) table.set_alignment(Table.ALIGN_LEFT, column=3) table.set_alignment(Table.ALIGN_RIGHT, column=4) list_amount = [] for operation in operations: table.add_row([ Text(operation[0]), Text(operation[1]), Text(operation[2]), Text(operation[3]), Text(formatted_number(operation[4]))]) list_amount.append(operation[4]) table.add_row([Text(u''), Text(u''), Text(u''), Text(u'TOTAL', bold=True), Text(formatted_number(sum(list_amount)), \ bold=True)]) doc.add_element(table) flag = True if not flag: doc.add_element(Paragraph(\ Text(_(u'It has no operations for this period.'), bold=True))) gen = PDFGenerator(doc, filename) gen.render_document() return gen.get_filename()
def __init__(self, account, period=current_period(), \ parent=0, *args, **kwargs): super(OperationWidget, self).__init__(parent=parent, *args, **kwargs) ANMPeriodHolder.__init__(self, period, *args, **kwargs) # set global account self.account = account self.main_period = period self.balance = account_balance(self.account, period) self.table = OperationTableWidget(parent=self, period=self.main_period) self.title = ANMPageTitle(_(u"Transactions List for Account " \ u"%(number)s: %(name)s.") \ % {'name':, \ 'number': self.account.number}) self.balance_title = ANMPageTitle(_(u"Balance: " u"%(balance)s FCFA") \ % {'balance': \ formatted_number(account_balance(self.account, period))}) hbox = QtGui.QHBoxLayout() hbox.addWidget(self.table) formbox = QtGui.QFormLayout() self.order_number = QtGui.QLineEdit() self.invoice_number = QtGui.QLineEdit() self.invoice_date = QtGui.QDateTimeEdit(QtCore.QDate.currentDate()) self.invoice_date.setDisplayFormat("yyyy-MM-dd") # change date if appropriate self.adjust_date_field() self.provider = QtGui.QLineEdit() self.amount = QtGui.QLineEdit() self.amount.setValidator(QtGui.QIntValidator()) butt = QtGui.QPushButton(_(u"Add")) butt.clicked.connect(self.add_operation) formbox1 = QtGui.QHBoxLayout() formbox1.addWidget(QtGui.QLabel(_(u'Order number'))) formbox1.addWidget(QtGui.QLabel(_(u'Invoice number'))) formbox1.addWidget(QtGui.QLabel(_(u'Invoice date'))) formbox1.addWidget(QtGui.QLabel(_(u'Provider'))) formbox1.addWidget(QtGui.QLabel(_(u'Amount'))) formbox1.addSpacing(90) formbox = QtGui.QHBoxLayout() formbox.addWidget(self.order_number) formbox.addWidget(self.invoice_number) formbox.addWidget(self.invoice_date) formbox.addWidget(self.provider) formbox.addWidget(self.amount) formbox.addWidget(butt) vbox = QtGui.QVBoxLayout() vbox.addWidget(self.title) vbox.addWidget(self.balance_title) vbox.addWidget(self.periods_bar) vbox.addLayout(formbox1) vbox.addLayout(formbox) vbox.addLayout(hbox) self.setLayout(vbox)
def map_details(data): """helper method to map the details received from omdb to kodi compatible format""" result = {} if sys.version_info.major == 3: for key, value in data.items(): # filter the N/A values if value in ["N/A", "NA"] or not value: continue if key == "title": result["title"] = value elif key == "year": try: result["year"] = try_parse_int(value.split("-")[0]) except Exception: result["year"] = value elif key == "rated": result["mpaa"] = value.replace("Rated", "") elif key == "released": date_time = arrow.get(value, "DD MMM YYYY") result["premiered"] = date_time.strftime( xbmc.getRegion("dateshort")) try: result["premiered.formatted"] = date_time.format( 'DD MMM YYYY', locale=KODI_LANGUAGE) except Exception: result["premiered.formatted"] = value elif key == "runtime": result["runtime"] = try_parse_int(value.replace( " min", "")) * 60 elif key == "genre": result["genre"] = value.split(", ") elif key == "director": result["director"] = value.split(", ") elif key == "writer": result["writer"] = value.split(", ") elif key == "country": result["country"] = value.split(", ") result["country.0"] = value.split(", ")[0] elif key == "awards": result["awards"] = value elif key == "poster": result["thumbnail"] = value result["art"] = {} result["art"]["thumb"] = value elif key == "imdbVotes": result[""] = value result["votes"] = try_parse_int(value.replace(",", "")) elif key == "imdbRating": result[""] = value result["rating"] = float(value) result[""] = "%s" % (try_parse_int( float(value) * 10)) elif key == "metascore": result["metacritic.rating"] = value result["metacritic.rating.percent"] = "%s" % value elif key == "imdbID": result["imdbnumber"] = value elif key == "BoxOffice": result["boxoffice"] = value elif key == "DVD": date_time = arrow.get(value, "DD MMM YYYY") result["dvdrelease"] = date_time.format('YYYY-MM-DD') result["dvdrelease.formatted"] = date_time.format( 'DD MMM YYYY', locale=KODI_LANGUAGE) elif key == "Production": result["studio"] = value.split(", ") elif key == "Website": result["homepage"] = value elif key == "plot": result["plot"] = value result["imdb.plot"] = value elif key == "type": if value == "series": result["type"] = "tvshow" else: result["type"] = value result["media_type"] = result["type"] # rotten tomatoes elif key == "tomatoMeter": result["rottentomatoes.meter"] = value result["rottentomatoesmeter"] = value elif key == "tomatoImage": result["rottentomatoes.image"] = value elif key == "tomatoRating": result["rottentomatoes.rating"] = value result["rottentomatoes.rating.percent"] = "%s" % ( try_parse_int(float(value) * 10)) result["rating.rt"] = value elif key == "tomatoReviews": result[""] = formatted_number(value) elif key == "tomatoFresh": result["rottentomatoes.fresh"] = value elif key == "tomatoRotten": result["rottentomatoes.rotten"] = value elif key == "tomatoConsensus": result["rottentomatoes.consensus"] = value elif key == "tomatoUserMeter": result["rottentomatoes.usermeter"] = value elif key == "tomatoUserRating": result["rottentomatoes.userrating"] = value result["rottentomatoes.userrating.percent"] = "%s" % ( try_parse_int(float(value) * 10)) elif key == "tomatoUserReviews": result["rottentomatoes.userreviews"] = int_with_commas( value) elif key == "tomatoeURL": result["rottentomatoes.url"] = value else: for key, value in data.iteritems(): # filter the N/A values if value in ["N/A", "NA"] or not value: continue if key == "title": result["title"] = value elif key == "Year": try: result["year"] = try_parse_int(value.split("-")[0]) except Exception: result["year"] = value elif key == "rated": result["mpaa"] = value.replace("Rated", "") elif key == "released": date_time = arrow.get(value, "DD MMM YYYY") result["premiered"] = date_time.strftime( xbmc.getRegion("dateshort")) try: result["premiered.formatted"] = date_time.format( 'DD MMM YYYY', locale=KODI_LANGUAGE) except Exception: result["premiered.formatted"] = value elif key == "runtime": result["runtime"] = try_parse_int(value.replace( " min", "")) * 60 elif key == "genre": result["genre"] = value.split(", ") elif key == "director": result["director"] = value.split(", ") elif key == "writer": result["writer"] = value.split(", ") elif key == "country": result["country"] = value.split(", ") elif key == "awards": result["awards"] = value elif key == "poster": result["thumbnail"] = value result["art"] = {} result["art"]["thumb"] = value elif key == "imdbVotes": result[""] = value result["votes"] = try_parse_int(value.replace(",", "")) elif key == "imdbRating": result[""] = value result["rating"] = float(value) result[""] = "%s" % (try_parse_int( float(value) * 10)) elif key == "metascore": result["metacritic.rating"] = value result["metacritic.rating.percent"] = "%s" % value elif key == "imdbID": result["imdbnumber"] = value elif key == "BoxOffice": result["boxoffice"] = value elif key == "DVD": date_time = arrow.get(value, "DD MMM YYYY") result["dvdrelease"] = date_time.format('YYYY-MM-DD') result["dvdrelease.formatted"] = date_time.format( 'DD MMM YYYY', locale=KODI_LANGUAGE) elif key == "Production": result["studio"] = value.split(", ") elif key == "Website": result["homepage"] = value elif key == "plot": result["plot"] = value result["imdb.plot"] = value elif key == "type": if value == "series": result["type"] = "tvshow" else: result["type"] = value result["media_type"] = result["type"] # rotten tomatoes elif key == "tomatoMeter": result["rottentomatoes.meter"] = value result["rottentomatoesmeter"] = value elif key == "tomatoImage": result["rottentomatoes.image"] = value elif key == "tomatoRating": result["rottentomatoes.rating"] = value result["rottentomatoes.rating.percent"] = "%s" % ( try_parse_int(float(value) * 10)) result["rating.rt"] = value elif key == "tomatoReviews": result[""] = formatted_number(value) elif key == "tomatoFresh": result["rottentomatoes.fresh"] = value elif key == "tomatoRotten": result["rottentomatoes.rotten"] = value elif key == "tomatoConsensus": result["rottentomatoes.consensus"] = value elif key == "tomatoUserMeter": result["rottentomatoes.usermeter"] = value elif key == "tomatoUserRating": result["rottentomatoes.userrating"] = value result["rottentomatoes.userrating.percent"] = "%s" % ( try_parse_int(float(value) * 10)) elif key == "tomatoUserReviews": result["rottentomatoes.userreviews"] = int_with_commas( value) elif key == "tomatoeURL": result["rottentomatoes.url"] = value return result
def adjust_balance(self, period): ''' adjusts the balance by period ''' self.balance = account_balance(self.account, period) self.balance_title.setText(_(u"Balance: " u"%(balance)s FCFA") \ % {'balance': \ formatted_number(self.balance)})
def set_data_for(self): consumptions = consumption() consumptions.reverse() = [(op[0].strftime(_(u'%x %Hh:%Mmn')),\ formatted_number(op[1])) for op in consumptions]
def map_details(data): '''helper method to map the details received from omdb to kodi compatible format''' result = {} for key, value in data.iteritems(): # filter the N/A values if value in ["N/A", "NA"] or not value: continue if key == "Title": result["title"] = value elif key == "Year": try: result["year"] = try_parse_int(value.split("-")[0]) except Exception: result["year"] = value elif key == "Year": result["year"] = value if key == "Rated": result["mpaa"] = value.replace("Rated", "") elif key == "Title": result["title"] = value elif key == "Released": date_time = arrow.get(value, "DD MMM YYYY") result["premiered"] = date_time.strftime( xbmc.getRegion("dateshort")) try: result["premiered.formatted"] = date_time.format( 'DD MMM YYYY', locale=KODI_LANGUAGE) except Exception: result["premiered.formatted"] = value elif key == "Runtime": result["runtime"] = try_parse_int(value.replace(" min", "")) * 60 elif key == "Genre": result["genre"] = value.split(", ") elif key == "Director": result["director"] = value.split(", ") elif key == "Writer": result["writer"] = value.split(", ") elif key == "Country": result["country"] = value.split(", ") elif key == "Awards": result["awards"] = value elif key == "Poster": result["thumbnail"] = value result["art"] = {} result["art"]["thumb"] = value elif key == "imdbVotes": result[""] = value result["votes"] = try_parse_int(value.replace(",", "")) elif key == "Ratings": for rating_item in value: if rating_item["Source"] == "Internet Movie Database": rating = rating_item["Value"] result[""] = rating rating = rating.split("/")[0] result[""] = rating result["rating"] = float(rating) result[""] = "%s" % (try_parse_int( float(rating) * 10)) elif rating_item["Source"] == "Rotten Tomatoes": rating = rating_item["Value"] result["rottentomatoes.rating.percent"] = rating rating = rating.replace("%", "") # this should be a dedicated rt rating instead of the meter result["rottentomatoes.rating"] = rating result["rating.rt"] = rating result["rottentomatoes.meter"] = rating result["rottentomatoesmeter"] = rating rating = int(rating) if rating < 60: result["rottentomatoes.rotten"] = rating result["rottentomatoes.image"] = "rotten" else: result["rottentomatoes.fresh"] = rating result["rottentomatoes.image"] = "fresh" elif rating_item["Source"] == "Metacritic": rating = rating_item["Value"] result[""] = rating rating = rating.split("/")[0] result["metacritic.rating"] = rating result[""] = rating result["metacritic.rating.percent"] = "%s" % rating elif key == "imdbID": result["imdbnumber"] = value elif key == "BoxOffice": result["boxoffice"] = value elif key == "DVD": date_time = arrow.get(value, "DD MMM YYYY") result["dvdrelease"] = date_time.format('YYYY-MM-DD') result["dvdrelease.formatted"] = date_time.format( 'DD MMM YYYY', locale=KODI_LANGUAGE) elif key == "Production": result["studio"] = value.split(", ") elif key == "Website": result["homepage"] = value # rotten tomatoes - will probably never work again (OMDBAPI doesnt't provide them anymore) elif key == "tomatoReviews": result[""] = formatted_number(value) elif key == "tomatoConsensus": result["rottentomatoes.consensus"] = value elif key == "tomatoUserMeter": result["rottentomatoes.usermeter"] = value elif key == "tomatoUserRating": result["rottentomatoes.userrating"] = value result["rottentomatoes.userrating.percent"] = "%s" % ( try_parse_int(float(value) * 10)) elif key == "tomatoUserReviews": result["rottentomatoes.userreviews"] = int_with_commas(value) elif key == "tomatoURL": result["rottentomatoes.url"] = value return result
def __init__(self, parent=0, *args, **kwargs): super(DashbordViewWidget, self).__init__(parent=parent, *args, **kwargs) vbox = QtGui.QVBoxLayout() hbox = QtGui.QHBoxLayout() box_left = QtGui.QHBoxLayout() box_rigth = QtGui.QHBoxLayout() hbox_alert = QtGui.QVBoxLayout() box = QtGui.QListWidget() consuption = max_consumption() duration_cut = duration() avg_conso = average_consumption() num_days = estimated_duration() #All alerts if consuption: box.addItem(_(u"The increased consumption is %(conso)s" u" cfa (%(date)s).")\ % {'conso': formatted_number(consuption[0]), 'date': consuption[1].strftime(u'%x')}) if duration_cut: box.addItem(_(u"The biggest break is %(duration)s (%(date)s).")\ % {'duration': duration_cut[0], 'date': duration_cut[1].strftime(u"%x")}) if avg_conso: box.addItem(_(u"The average consumption is %(avg)s FCFA.") % {'avg': formatted_number(avg_conso)}) if num_days: box.addItem(_(u"The end balance is estimated at %(num)s days.") % {'num': num_days}) tablebox_balance = QtGui.QVBoxLayout() tablebox_consumption = QtGui.QVBoxLayout() # On recupere la derniere balance msg = _("Balance: {} FCFA") balance = last_balance() balance = msg.format(0 if not balance else formatted_number(balance)) self.title = PowerPageTitle(balance) self.title_alert = PowerPageTitle(_(u"Statistics")) self.title_box_balance = PowerBoxTitle(_(u"Table balances")) self.title_box_consumption = PowerBoxTitle(_(u"Table consumptions")) self.table_balance = BalanceTableWidget(parent=self) self.table_consumption = ConsumptionTableWidget(parent=self) # GRAPH jinja = Environment(loader=PackageLoader('power_m', 'templates')) template = jinja.get_template('chart.html') graph1 = template.render(base_url=BASE_URL, type="balance", data=balance_graph()[1], date=balance_graph()[0]) graph2 = template.render(base_url=BASE_URL, type="consuption", data=consumption_graph()[1], date=consumption_graph()[0]) label_b = QWebView() label_b.setHtml(graph1) box_left.addWidget(label_b) label_cons = QWebView() label_cons.setHtml(graph2) box_rigth.addWidget(label_cons) hbox_alert.addWidget(self.title_alert) hbox_alert.addWidget(box) #Combobox widget list_type = [_(u"Week"), _(u"Month")] self.box_type = QtGui.QComboBox() for index in list_type: self.box_type.addItem((u"%(type)s") % {"type": index}) box_combo = QtGui.QHBoxLayout() box_combo.addWidget(self.box_type) box_combo.addSpacing(930) vbox.addWidget(self.title) vbox.addLayout(box_combo) tablebox_balance.addWidget(self.title_box_balance) tablebox_balance.addWidget(self.table_balance) tablebox_consumption.addWidget(self.title_box_consumption) tablebox_consumption.addWidget(self.table_consumption) tab_widget1 = tabbox(box_left, tablebox_balance) tab_widget2 = tabbox(box_rigth, tablebox_consumption) hbox.addWidget(tab_widget1) hbox.addWidget(tab_widget2) vbox.addLayout(hbox) vbox.addLayout(hbox_alert) self.setLayout(vbox)
def map_details(data): '''helper method to map the details received from omdb to kodi compatible format''' result = {} for key, value in data.iteritems(): # filter the N/A values if value in ["N/A", "NA"] or not value: continue if key == "Title": result["title"] = value elif key == "Year": try: result["year"] = try_parse_int(value.split("-")[0]) except Exception: result["year"] = value elif key == "Year": result["year"] = value if key == "Rated": result["mpaa"] = value.replace("Rated", "") elif key == "Title": result["title"] = value elif key == "Released": date_time = arrow.get(value, "DD MMM YYYY") result["premiered"] = date_time.strftime(xbmc.getRegion("dateshort")) try: result["premiered.formatted"] = date_time.format('DD MMM YYYY', locale=KODI_LANGUAGE) except Exception: result["premiered.formatted"] = value elif key == "Runtime": result["runtime"] = try_parse_int(value.replace(" min", "")) * 60 elif key == "Genre": result["genre"] = value.split(", ") elif key == "Director": result["director"] = value.split(", ") elif key == "Writer": result["writer"] = value.split(", ") elif key == "Country": result["country"] = value.split(", ") elif key == "Awards": result["awards"] = value elif key == "Poster": result["thumbnail"] = value result["art"] = {} result["art"]["thumb"] = value elif key == "imdbVotes": result[""] = value result["votes"] = try_parse_int(value.replace(",", "")) elif key == "Ratings": for rating_item in value: if rating_item["Source"] == "Internet Movie Database": rating = rating_item["Value"] result[""] = rating rating = rating.split("/")[0] result[""] = rating result["rating"] = float(rating) result[""] = "%s" % (try_parse_int(float(rating) * 10)) elif rating_item["Source"] == "Rotten Tomatoes": rating = rating_item["Value"] result["rottentomatoes.rating.percent"] = rating rating = rating.replace("%", "") # this should be a dedicated rt rating instead of the meter result["rottentomatoes.rating"] = rating result["rating.rt"] = rating result["rottentomatoes.meter"] = rating result["rottentomatoesmeter"] = rating rating = int(rating) if rating < 60: result["rottentomatoes.rotten"] = rating result["rottentomatoes.image"] = "rotten" else: result["rottentomatoes.fresh"] = rating result["rottentomatoes.image"] = "fresh" elif rating_item["Source"] == "Metacritic": rating = rating_item["Value"] result[""] = rating rating = rating.split("/")[0] result["metacritic.rating"] = rating result[""] = rating result["metacritic.rating.percent"] = "%s" % rating elif key == "imdbID": result["imdbnumber"] = value elif key == "BoxOffice": result["boxoffice"] = value elif key == "DVD": date_time = arrow.get(value, "DD MMM YYYY") result["dvdrelease"] = date_time.format('YYYY-MM-DD') result["dvdrelease.formatted"] = date_time.format('DD MMM YYYY', locale=KODI_LANGUAGE) elif key == "Production": result["studio"] = value.split(", ") elif key == "Website": result["homepage"] = value # rotten tomatoes - will probably never work again (OMDBAPI doesnt't provide them anymore) elif key == "tomatoReviews": result[""] = formatted_number(value) elif key == "tomatoConsensus": result["rottentomatoes.consensus"] = value elif key == "tomatoUserMeter": result["rottentomatoes.usermeter"] = value elif key == "tomatoUserRating": result["rottentomatoes.userrating"] = value result["rottentomatoes.userrating.percent"] = "%s" % (try_parse_int(float(value) * 10)) elif key == "tomatoUserReviews": result["rottentomatoes.userreviews"] = int_with_commas(value) elif key == "tomatoURL": result["rottentomatoes.url"] = value return result
def __init__(self, parent=0, *args, **kwargs): super(DashbordViewWidget, self).__init__(parent=parent, *args, **kwargs) vbox = QtGui.QVBoxLayout() hbox = QtGui.QHBoxLayout() box_left = QtGui.QHBoxLayout() box_rigth = QtGui.QHBoxLayout() hbox_alert = QtGui.QVBoxLayout() box = QtGui.QListWidget() consuption = max_consumption() duration_cut = duration() avg_conso = average_consumption() num_days = estimated_duration() #All alerts if consuption: box.addItem(_(u"The increased consumption is %(conso)s" u" cfa (%(date)s).")\ % {'conso': formatted_number(consuption[0]), 'date': consuption[1].strftime(u'%x')}) if duration_cut: box.addItem(_(u"The biggest break is %(duration)s (%(date)s).")\ % {'duration': duration_cut[0], 'date': duration_cut[1].strftime(u"%x")}) if avg_conso: box.addItem( _(u"The average consumption is %(avg)s FCFA.") % {'avg': formatted_number(avg_conso)}) if num_days: box.addItem( _(u"The end balance is estimated at %(num)s days.") % {'num': num_days}) tablebox_balance = QtGui.QVBoxLayout() tablebox_consumption = QtGui.QVBoxLayout() # On recupere la derniere balance msg = _("Balance: {} FCFA") balance = last_balance() balance = msg.format(0 if not balance else formatted_number(balance)) self.title = PowerPageTitle(balance) self.title_alert = PowerPageTitle(_(u"Statistics")) self.title_box_balance = PowerBoxTitle(_(u"Table balances")) self.title_box_consumption = PowerBoxTitle(_(u"Table consumptions")) self.table_balance = BalanceTableWidget(parent=self) self.table_consumption = ConsumptionTableWidget(parent=self) # GRAPH jinja = Environment(loader=PackageLoader('power_m', 'templates')) template = jinja.get_template('chart.html') graph1 = template.render(base_url=BASE_URL, type="balance", data=balance_graph()[1], date=balance_graph()[0]) graph2 = template.render(base_url=BASE_URL, type="consuption", data=consumption_graph()[1], date=consumption_graph()[0]) label_b = QWebView() label_b.setHtml(graph1) box_left.addWidget(label_b) label_cons = QWebView() label_cons.setHtml(graph2) box_rigth.addWidget(label_cons) hbox_alert.addWidget(self.title_alert) hbox_alert.addWidget(box) #Combobox widget list_type = [_(u"Week"), _(u"Month")] self.box_type = QtGui.QComboBox() for index in list_type: self.box_type.addItem((u"%(type)s") % {"type": index}) box_combo = QtGui.QHBoxLayout() box_combo.addWidget(self.box_type) box_combo.addSpacing(930) vbox.addWidget(self.title) vbox.addLayout(box_combo) tablebox_balance.addWidget(self.title_box_balance) tablebox_balance.addWidget(self.table_balance) tablebox_consumption.addWidget(self.title_box_consumption) tablebox_consumption.addWidget(self.table_consumption) tab_widget1 = tabbox(box_left, tablebox_balance) tab_widget2 = tabbox(box_rigth, tablebox_consumption) hbox.addWidget(tab_widget1) hbox.addWidget(tab_widget2) vbox.addLayout(hbox) vbox.addLayout(hbox_alert) self.setLayout(vbox)
def __init__(self, parent, *args, **kwargs): QtGui.QDialog.__init__(self, parent, *args, **kwargs) ="date_op") title = QtGui.QLabel() self.setWindowTitle(_(u"Delete an operation")) if == []: title.setText(_(u"There is no operation removed for this account")) ok_butt = QtGui.QPushButton(_(u"OK")) ok_butt.clicked.connect(self.close) vbox = QtGui.QVBoxLayout() vbox.addWidget(title) vbox.addWidget(ok_butt) self.setLayout(vbox) else: title.setText(_(u"Select a statement has deleted")) title.setAlignment(QtCore.Qt.AlignHCenter) title_hbox = QtGui.QHBoxLayout() title_hbox.addWidget(title) #Combobox widget # = QtGui.QComboBox() # for index in xrange(0, # op =[index] # sentence = _(u"%(date_op)s - %(type)s - " \ # u"%(value)s/%(balance)s ")\ # % {'date_op': op.date_op, \ # 'type': op.type, \ # 'value': op.value, \ # 'balance': formatted_number(op.balance)} #, QtCore.QVariant( = QtGui.QComboBox() for index in op = index sentence = _(u"%(date_op)s - %(type)s - " \ u"%(value)s/%(balance)s ")\ % {'date_op': op.date_op, \ 'type': op.type_, \ 'value': op.value, \ 'balance': formatted_number(op.balance)}, QtCore.QVariant( combo_hbox = QtGui.QHBoxLayout() combo_hbox.addWidget( #delete and cancel hbox button_hbox = QtGui.QHBoxLayout() #Delete Button widget. delete_but = QtGui.QPushButton(_(u"Delete")) delete_but.clicked.connect(self.delete) #Cancel Button widget. cancel_but = QtGui.QPushButton(_(u"Cancel")) cancel_but.clicked.connect(self.cancel) button_hbox.addWidget(cancel_but) button_hbox.addWidget(delete_but) #Create the QVBoxLayout contenaire. vbox = QtGui.QVBoxLayout() vbox.addLayout(title_hbox) vbox.addLayout(combo_hbox) vbox.addLayout(button_hbox) self.setLayout(vbox)