def lie_algebras_to_pose(self, pred_lie_algebras, num_joints): """ arrange lie algebras and forward kinematics to pose """ lie_algebras = np.zeros([num_joints, 6]) i = 0 for idx, chain in enumerate(self.chains_idx): if idx == 0: lie_algebras[chain, 3:6] = pred_lie_algebras[0:3] i += 3 else: n = 4 * len(chain) lie_algebras[chain, 0:4] = pred_lie_algebras[i:i + n].reshape([-1, 4]) i += n pose = utils.forward_kinematics(lie_algebras, self.chains_idx) return pose
def arrange_initial_batch_examples(_idx, pose, num_joints, chains_idx, norm_bbx, predefined_bbx, target_pose): # resize ratio x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max, z_min, z_max = norm_bbx predefined_bbx = np.asarray([predefined_bbx]) point1 = np.array([[x_min, y_min, z_min]]) point2 = np.array([[x_max, y_max, z_max]]) _resize_ratio = predefined_bbx / (point2 - point1) # lie group of init pose assert pose.shape == (num_joints, 3) _lie_algebras = utils.inverse_kinematics(pose, chains_idx) joint_xyz_f, _lie_group = utils.forward_kinematics( _lie_algebras, chains_idx) assert len(_lie_group) == (len(chains_idx) - 1) # max error in current distance measurement max_error = np.max(np.linalg.norm(target_pose - pose, axis=1)) return _idx, _resize_ratio, _lie_group, max_error
time_passed = '{:>.2f} seconds passed'.format(1./25.*num) fig_text.set_text(time_passed) # create the animation object, for animation to work reference to this object must be kept line_ani = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, update_frame, seq_length, fargs=(pos, all_lines, parents, colors + [colors[0]]), interval=int(round(1000.0 / 25.0)), blit=False) def visualize_joint_angles(joint_angles, change_color_after_frame=None): """ Visualize motion given joint angles in exponential map format. :param positions: list of np arrays in shape (seq_length, n_joints*3) giving the 3D positions per joint and frame. :param change_color_after_frame: after this frame id, the color of the plot is changed """ positions = [forward_kinematics(ja) for ja in joint_angles] visualize_positions(positions, change_color_after_frame) if __name__ == '__main__': # load a random training sequence # TODO change data path here train_data = np.load('../data/train.npz')['data'] data = train_data[np.random.randint(len(train_data))]['angles'] positions = forward_kinematics(data) visualize_positions([positions])
# 3 - Working Area # 4 - Robot Animation print("Modes: \n") print("1) Forward Kinematics \n") print("2) Inverse Kinematics \n") print("3) Working Area \n") print("4) Path finding \n") mode = int(input("Please select a mode: ")) if (mode == 1): l_1 = int(input("Please input link 1 length: ")) theta_1 = int(input("Please input link 1 angle in degrees: ")) l_2 = int(input("Please input link 2 length: ")) theta_2 = int(input("Please input link 2 angle in degrees: ")) [x, y] = forward_kinematics(l_1, l_2, theta_1, theta_2) print(round(x, 3)) print(round(y, 3)) elif (mode == 2): l_1 = int(input("Please input link 1 length: ")) l_2 = int(input("Please input link 2 length: ")) x = int(input("Please input x: ")) y = int(input("Please input y: ")) [theta_1, theta_2] = inverse_kinematics(l_1, l_2, x, y) print("Theta 1") print(theta_1) print("Theta 2") print(theta_2) elif (mode == 3): l_1 = int(input("Please input link 1 length: ")) l_2 = int(input("Please input link 2 length: "))
def plot_working_area(l_1, l_2, theta_1_min, theta_1_max, theta_2_min, theta_2_max, plot=True): ################################################################ ################ Transform angles to radians ################ ################################################################ theta_1_min = math.radians(theta_1_min) theta_1_max = math.radians(theta_1_max) theta_2_min = math.radians(theta_2_min) theta_2_max = math.radians(theta_2_max) ################################################################ ################ Calculate Working Area ################ ################################################################ wa = l_1 * l_2 * (math.cos(theta_2_min) - math.cos(theta_2_max)) * (theta_1_max - theta_1_min) ################################################################ ################ Setup Graph ################ ################################################################ fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) ax.spines['left'].set_position('center') ax.spines['bottom'].set_position('center') ax.spines['right'].set_color('none') ax.spines['top'].set_color('none') ax.xaxis.set_ticks_position('bottom') ax.yaxis.set_ticks_position('left') ax.autoscale(True, 'both') ################################################################ ################ Common Variables ################ ################################################################ o = [0, 0] ################################################################ ################ Link 2 at minimum ################ ################################################################ start_point = forward_kinematics(l_1, l_2, theta_1_min, theta_2_min, True) end_point = forward_kinematics(l_1, l_2, theta_1_max, theta_2_min, True) radius = math.dist(end_point, o) start_angle = angle(start_point, [1, 0]) end_angle = angle(end_point, [1, 0]) ################################################################ current_path = Path.arc(start_angle, end_angle) new_verts = current_path.deepcopy().vertices for new_vert in new_verts: new_vert[0] = new_vert[0] * radius new_vert[1] = new_vert[1] * radius new_verts = new_verts[:] current_path = Path(new_verts, current_path.deepcopy().codes[:]) paths.append(current_path) patches.append(PathPatch(current_path)) ax.add_patch(patches[0]) ################################################################ ################ Link 2 at maximum ################ ################################################################ end_point = forward_kinematics(l_1, l_2, theta_1_min, theta_2_max, True) start_point = forward_kinematics(l_1, l_2, theta_1_max, theta_2_max, True) radius = math.dist(end_point, o) start_angle = angle_clockwise(start_point, [1, 0]) end_angle = angle_clockwise(end_point, [1, 0]) ################################################################ current_path = Path.arc(start_angle, end_angle) new_verts = current_path.deepcopy().vertices for new_vert in new_verts: new_vert[0] = new_vert[0] * radius new_vert[1] = new_vert[1] * radius * -1 new_verts = new_verts[:] current_path = Path(new_verts, current_path.deepcopy().codes[:]) paths.append(current_path) patches.append(PathPatch(current_path)) ax.add_patch(patches[1]) ################################################################ ################ Link 1 at minimum ################ ################################################################ center = (l_1 * math.cos(theta_1_min), l_1 * math.sin(theta_1_min)) end_point = forward_kinematics(l_1, l_2, theta_1_min, theta_2_min, True) end_point = [end_point[0] - center[0], end_point[1] - center[1]] start_point = forward_kinematics(l_1, l_2, theta_1_min, theta_2_max, True) start_point = [start_point[0] - center[0], start_point[1] - center[1]] radius = l_2 start_angle = angle_clockwise(start_point, [1, 0]) end_angle = angle_clockwise(end_point, [1, 0]) ################################################################ current_path = Path.arc(start_angle, end_angle) new_verts = current_path.deepcopy().vertices for new_vert in new_verts: new_vert[0] = (new_vert[0] * radius + center[0]) new_vert[1] = (new_vert[1] * radius + center[1]) * -1 new_verts[np.shape(new_verts)[0] - 1] = paths[0].vertices[0] new_verts = new_verts[:] current_path = Path(new_verts, current_path.deepcopy().codes[:]) paths.append(current_path) patches.append(PathPatch(current_path)) ax.add_patch(patches[2]) ################################################################ ################ Link 1 at maximum ################ ################################################################ center = (l_1 * math.cos(theta_1_max), l_1 * math.sin(theta_1_max)) start_point = forward_kinematics(l_1, l_2, theta_1_max, theta_2_min, True) start_point = [start_point[0] - center[0], start_point[1] - center[1]] end_point = forward_kinematics(l_1, l_2, theta_1_max, theta_2_max, True) end_point = [end_point[0] - center[0], end_point[1] - center[1]] radius = l_2 start_angle = angle(start_point, [1, 0]) end_angle = angle(end_point, [1, 0]) ################################################################ current_path = Path.arc(start_angle, end_angle) new_verts = current_path.deepcopy().vertices for new_vert in new_verts: new_vert[0] = new_vert[0] * radius + center[0] new_vert[1] = new_vert[1] * radius + center[1] new_verts = new_verts[:] current_path = Path(new_verts, current_path.deepcopy().codes[:]) paths.append(current_path) patches.append(PathPatch(current_path)) ax.add_patch(patches[3]) ################################################################ ################ Plot curves ################ ################################################################ ax.set_title("Working Area = {wa:.3f}".format(wa=wa)) new_path = Path.make_compound_path( paths[0], paths[3], paths[1], paths[2], ) old_vertices = new_path.deepcopy().vertices old_codes = new_path.deepcopy().codes new_path_vertices = [] new_path_codes = [] for i, old_vertex in enumerate(old_vertices, start=0): if (i == 0): new_path_vertices.append(old_vertex) new_path_codes.append(old_codes[i]) else: if (old_codes[i] != 1): new_path_vertices.append(old_vertex) new_path_codes.append(old_codes[i]) new_path = Path(new_path_vertices, new_path_codes) patches[0].remove() patches[1].remove() patches[2].remove() patches[3].remove() path_patch = PathPatch(new_path, fill=False, hatch='/', clip_on=True) patches.append(path_patch) ax.add_patch(path_patch) if (plot == True): return [ax, plt, fig]