Exemple #1
    def apply_filter(self, original_image, *args):
        r = original_image[:, :, 0]
        b = original_image[:, :, 2]
        r_boost_lower = self.channel_adjust(r, [
            0, 0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3,
            0.5, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9,
            0.95, 1.0])
        b_more = np.clip(b + 0.03, 0, 1.0)
        merged = np.stack([r_boost_lower, original_image[:, :, 1], b_more], axis=2)

            Blurs the image. FFT is used here.
        blurred = gaussian_filter(merged, 0.001)

        final = np.clip(merged * 1.3 - blurred * 0.3, 0, 1.0)
        b = final[:, :, 2]
        b_adjusted = self.channel_adjust(b, [
            0, 0.047, 0.198, 0.251, 0.318,
            0.392, 0.42, 0.439, 0.475,
            0.561, 0.58, 0.627, 0.671,
            0.733, 0.847, 0.925, 1])

        final[:, :, 2] = b_adjusted
        return final
def ssim(x: torch.Tensor, y: torch.Tensor, kernel_size: int = 11, kernel_sigma: float = 1.5,
         data_range: Union[int, float] = 1., reduction: str = 'mean', full: bool = False,
         k1: float = 0.01, k2: float = 0.03) -> Union[torch.Tensor, Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]]:
    r"""Interface of Structural Similarity (SSIM) index.
        x: Batch of images. Required to be 2D (H, W), 3D (C,H,W), 4D (N,C,H,W) or 5D (N,C,H,W,2), channels first.
        y: Batch of images. Required to be 2D (H, W), 3D (C,H,W) 4D (N,C,H,W) or 5D (N,C,H,W,2), channels first.
        kernel_size: The side-length of the sliding window used in comparison. Must be an odd value.
        kernel_sigma: Sigma of normal distribution.
        data_range: Value range of input images (usually 1.0 or 255).
        reduction: Specifies the reduction to apply to the output:
            ``'none'`` | ``'mean'`` | ``'sum'``. ``'none'``: no reduction will be applied,
        full: Return cs map or not.
        k1: Algorithm parameter, K1 (small constant, see [1]).
        k2: Algorithm parameter, K2 (small constant, see [1]).
            Try a larger K2 constant (e.g. 0.4) if you get a negative or NaN results.
        Value of Structural Similarity (SSIM) index. In case of 5D input tensors, complex value is returned
        as a tensor of size 2.
        .. [1] Wang, Z., Bovik, A. C., Sheikh, H. R., & Simoncelli, E. P.
           (2004). Image quality assessment: From error visibility to
           structural similarity. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing,
           13, 600-612.


    if isinstance(x, torch.ByteTensor) or isinstance(y, torch.ByteTensor):
        x = x.type(torch.float32)
        y = y.type(torch.float32)

    kernel = gaussian_filter(kernel_size, kernel_sigma).repeat(x.size(1), 1, 1, 1).to(y)
    _compute_ssim_per_channel = _ssim_per_channel_complex if x.dim() == 5 else _ssim_per_channel
    ssim_map, cs_map = _compute_ssim_per_channel(x=x, y=y, kernel=kernel, data_range=data_range, k1=k1, k2=k2)
    ssim_val = ssim_map.mean(1)
    cs = cs_map.mean(1)

    if reduction != 'none':
        reduction_operation = {'mean': torch.mean,
                               'sum': torch.sum}
        ssim_val = reduction_operation[reduction](ssim_val, dim=0)
        cs = reduction_operation[reduction](cs, dim=0)

    if full:
        return ssim_val, cs

    return ssim_val
Exemple #3
    def apply_filter(self, original_image, *args):
        r = original_image[:, :, 0]
        g = original_image[:, :, 1]
        b = original_image[:, :, 2]
        gray = rgb2gray(original_image)
        r = g = b = gray
        merged = np.stack([r,g, b], axis=2)

        # Apply the Gaussian Filter in the frequency domain to average the color values
        blurred = gaussian_filter(merged, 0.1)

        final = np.clip(merged + blurred*0.3, 0, 1.0)
        return final
Exemple #4
    def apply_filter(self, original_image, *args):
        r = original_image[100:, :, 0]
        b = original_image[100:, :, 2]
        r_boost_lower = self.channel_adjust(r, [
            0, 0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3,
            0.5, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9,
            0.95, 1.0])
        # b_more = np.clip(b + 0.2, 0, 1.0)
        merged = np.stack([r_boost_lower, original_image[100:, :, 1], b], axis=2)

        # Apply the Gaussian Filter in the frequency domain to average the color values
        blurred = gaussian_filter(merged, 0.1)

        final = np.clip(merged + blurred*0.3, 0, 1.0)
        b = final[100:, :,1]
        return final
Exemple #5
    def apply_filter(self, original_image, *args):
        r = original_image[:, :, 0]
        b = original_image[:, :, 2]
        r_boost_lower = self.channel_adjust(r, [
            0, 0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3,
            0.5, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9,
            0.95, 1.0])
        b_more = np.clip(b + 0.2, 0, 1.0)
        merged = np.stack([r_boost_lower, original_image[:, :, 1], b_more], axis=2)

        ## Note: This has been changed to use the custom-defined Gaussian filter using FFT
        blurred = gaussian_filter(merged, 0.1)

        final = np.clip(merged + blurred*0.3, 0, 1.0)
        b = final[:, :,1]
        return final
Exemple #6
def generate_gaussian_octave(input, s, sigma):
		The initial image is incrementally convolved with Gaussian
		to produce images separated by a constant factor k in scale space.
		i.e. k=2**(1/s), where s is the number of images we want in each DoG octave.

	:param input: input image in a specific octave
	:param s: number of images in each DoG octave (5 was chosen in the paper)
	:param sigma: prior smoothing for each octave (1.6 was chosen in the paper)
    octave = [input]
    k = 2**(1 / s)
    g_kernel = gaussian_filter(k * sigma)

    for i in range(s + 2):
        next_layer = cv2.filter2D(octave[-1], -1, g_kernel)

    return octave
Exemple #7
def calcOrientation(img, kp):
    auxList = []
    sigma = sigma_c * kp.scale
    radius = int(2 * np.ceil(sigma) + 1)
    hist = np.zeros(bins, dtype=np.float32)

    kernel = gaussian_filter(sigma)

    for i in range(-radius, radius + 1):
        y = kp.y + i
        if isOut(img, 1, y):
        for j in range(-radius, radius + 1):
            x = kp.x + j
            if isOut(img, x, 1):

            mag, theta = get_grad(img, x, y)
            weight = kernel[i + radius, j + radius] * mag

            binn = quantize_orientation(theta, bins) - 1
            hist[binn] += weight

    maxBin = np.argmax(hist)
    maxBinVal = np.max(hist)

    kp.setDir(maxBin * 10)

    # checking if exist other valeus above 80% of the max
    #print ('->', hist)

    for binno, k in enumerate(hist):
        if binno == maxBin:
        if k > .85 * maxBinVal:
            nkp = handleKeypoints.KeyPoint(kp.x, kp.y, kp.scale, binno * 10)

    return auxList
#création de la table des snr
snrframe = pd.DataFrame(index=['hard', 'soft'])

#débruitage et optimisation du filtre
Yh = np.zeros(Y.shape)
Ys = np.zeros(Y.shape)
Yg = np.zeros(Y.shape)
parameters = np.linspace(1, 5, 600)

#def filt(y, tau):
 #   return utils.gaussian_filter(y, tau*sigma)
for i in range(Y.shape[0]):
    mug = sc.opt(parameters, utils.gaussian_filter, Yb[i], Y[i])
    Yg[i] = utils.gaussian_filter(Yb[i], mug*sigma)
snrframe.loc[:,'gaussian'] = pd.Series(data=[utils.snr(Y, Yg), utils.snr(Y, Yg) ], index=snrframe.index)
snrframe.loc[:,'noisy'] = pd.Series(data=[utils.snr(Y, Yb), utils.snr(Y, Yb) ], index=snrframe.index)

for w in pywt.wavelist('db'):
    print w
    def filt_hard (y, tau):
            return utils.wave_hard_filter(y, sigma, tau, w)
    def filt_soft(y, tau):
        return utils.wave_soft_filter(y, sigma, tau, w)
    for i in range(Y.shape[0]):
        tauhard = sc.opt(parameters, filt_hard, Yb[i], Y[i])
        tausoft = sc.opt(parameters, filt_soft, Yb[i], Y[i])
        Yh[i] = utils.wave_hard_filter(Yb[i], sigma, tauhard, w)
        Ys[i] = utils.wave_soft_filter(Yb[i], sigma, tausoft, w)
    snrframe.loc[:,w] = pd.Series(data=[utils.snr(Y, Yh), utils.snr(Y, Ys) ], index=snrframe.index)
Exemple #9
def anhir_method(source, target, echo=True):
    ##### Step 0 - Parameters, Smoothing and Initial Resampling #####

    b_time_total = time.time()
    params = dict()
    params["echo"] = echo
    params["initial_alignment_size"] = 2048
    params["centroid_rotation_size"] = 512
    params["nonrigid_registration_size"] = 2048
    params["gaussian_divider"] = 1.24
    params['nr_method'] = "dm"  # pd or dm

    nr_params = dict()
    nr_params['echo'] = echo
    nr_params['global_min_size'] = 64
    nr_params['global_max_size'] = 512
    nr_params['local_min_size'] = 64
    nr_params['local_max_size'] = 768
    nr_params['global_iterations'] = 100
    nr_params['inner_iterations'] = 15
    nr_params['outer_iterations'] = 5
    nr_params['L_smooth'] = 1e7
    nr_params['L_sigma'] = 1
    nr_params['R_sigma'] = 1
    nr_params['M_sigma'] = 2
    nr_params['x_box'] = 19
    nr_params['y_box'] = 19

    nr_params['spacing'] = (1.0, 1.0)
    nr_params['update_mode'] = "composition"
    nr_params['gradient_mode'] = "symmetric"
    nr_params['diffusion_sigma'] = (2.0, 2.0)
    nr_params['fluid_sigma'] = (0.5, 0.5)
    nr_params['mind_sigma'] = (1.0, 1.0)
    nr_params['mind_radius'] = (2, 2)
    nr_params['early_stop'] = 10

    return_dict = dict()

    initial_resample_ratio = utils.calculate_resample_size(
        source, target,

    source = utils.gaussian_filter(
        source, initial_resample_ratio / params["gaussian_divider"])
    target = utils.gaussian_filter(
        target, initial_resample_ratio / params["gaussian_divider"])

    if echo:
        print("Registration start.")
        print("Source shape: ", source.shape)
        print("Target shape: ", target.shape)

    ##### Step 1 - Preprocessing #####

    if echo:
        print("Preprocessing start.")

    b_time_r = time.time()
    p_source, p_target = utils.resample_both(source, target,
    e_time_r = time.time()
    tt_source = p_source.copy()

    if echo:
        print("Initially resampled source shape: ", p_source.shape)
        print("Initially resampled target shape: ", p_target.shape)
        print("Time for initial resampling: ", e_time_r - b_time_r,
              " seconds.")

    b_time_p = time.time()
    p_source, p_target, t_source, t_target, source_shift, target_shift = pp.preprocess(
        p_source, p_target, echo)
    e_time_p = time.time()

    return_dict["preprocessing_time"] = e_time_p - b_time_p

    if echo:
        print("Source shift: ", source_shift)
        print("Target shift: ", target_shift)
        print("Preprocessed source shape: ", p_source.shape)
        print("Preprocessed target shape: ", p_target.shape)
        print("Time for preprocessing: ", e_time_p - b_time_p, " seconds.")
        print("Preprocessing end.")

    ##### Step 2 - Initial Alignment #####

    b_ia_time = time.time()

    if echo:
        print("Initial alignment start.")

    ia_resample_ratio = params["nonrigid_registration_size"] / params[
    to_cv_source, to_cv_target = utils.resample_both(p_source, p_target,

    cv_failed = False
    ct_failed = False
    ia_failed = False
    i_u_x, i_u_y, initial_transform, cv_failed = ia.cv_initial_alignment(
        to_cv_source, to_cv_target, echo)

    if cv_failed:
        if echo:
            print("CV failed.")
            print("CT start.")

        ia_resample_ratio = params["nonrigid_registration_size"] / params[
        to_ct_source, to_ct_target = utils.resample_both(
            p_source, p_target, ia_resample_ratio)

        i_u_x, i_u_y, initial_transform, ct_failed = ia.ct_initial_alignment(
            to_ct_source, to_ct_target, echo)
        if ct_failed:
            if echo:
                print("CT failed.")
                print("Initial alignment failed.")
            ia_failed = True

    if ia_failed:
        i_u_x, i_u_y = np.zeros(p_source.shape), np.zeros(p_target.shape)
        y_size, x_size = np.shape(p_source)
        i_u_x, i_u_y = utils.resample_displacement_field(
            i_u_x, i_u_y, x_size, y_size)

    e_ia_time = time.time()

    return_dict["cv_failed"] = cv_failed
    return_dict["ct_failed"] = ct_failed
    return_dict["ia_failed"] = ia_failed
    return_dict["initial_alignment_time"] = e_ia_time - b_ia_time

    if echo:
        print("Elapsed time for initial alignment: ", e_ia_time - b_ia_time,
              " seconds.")
        print("Initial alignment end.")

    ia_source = utils.warp_image(p_source, i_u_x, i_u_y)
    u_x_g, u_y_g = nr.partial_data_registration_global(ia_source, p_target,
    u_x_g, u_y_g = utils.compose_vector_fields(i_u_x, i_u_y, u_x_g, u_y_g)
    ng_source = utils.warp_image(p_source, u_x_g, u_y_g)

    success = fd.detect_mind_failure(ia_source, p_target, ng_source, echo)
    if not success:
        u_x_g, u_y_g = i_u_x, i_u_y
        ng_source = ia_source

    return_dict["ng_failed"] = not success

    ##### Step 3 - Nonrigid Registration #####

    b_nr_time = time.time()

    if echo:
        print("Nonrigid registration start.")

    if params['nr_method'] == "dm":
        u_x_nr, u_y_nr = nr.dm(ng_source, p_target, nr_params)
        u_x_nr, u_y_nr = utils.compose_vector_fields(u_x_g, u_y_g, u_x_nr,
        nr_source = utils.warp_image(p_source, u_x_nr, u_y_nr)
    elif params['nr_method'] == "pd":
        u_x_nr, u_y_nr = nr.partial_data_registration_local(
            ng_source, p_target, nr_params)
        u_x_nr, u_y_nr = utils.compose_vector_fields(u_x_g, u_y_g, u_x_nr,
        nr_source = utils.warp_image(p_source, u_x_nr, u_y_nr)

    e_nr_time = time.time()

    return_dict["nonrigid_registration_time"] = e_nr_time - b_nr_time

    if echo:
        print("Elapsed time for nonrigid registration: ",
              e_nr_time - b_nr_time, " seconds.")
        print("Nonrigid registration end.")

    ##### Step 4 - Warping function creation #####

    def warp_original_landmarks(source_landmarks):
        source_landmarks = source_landmarks / initial_resample_ratio
        source_landmarks = utils.pad_landmarks(source_landmarks,
        source_landmarks = utils.transform_landmarks(source_landmarks, u_x_nr,
        source_l_x, source_r_x, source_l_y, source_r_y = source_shift
        target_l_x, target_r_x, target_l_y, target_r_y = target_shift
        source_landmarks[:, 0] = source_landmarks[:, 0] - source_l_x
        source_landmarks[:, 1] = source_landmarks[:, 1] - source_l_y
        out_y_size, out_x_size = np.shape(source)
        in_y_size, in_x_size = np.shape(tt_source)
                         0] = source_landmarks[:, 0] * out_x_size / in_x_size
                         1] = source_landmarks[:, 1] * out_y_size / in_y_size
        return source_landmarks

    def warp_resampled_landmarks(source_landmarks, target_landmarks):
        source_landmarks = source_landmarks / initial_resample_ratio
        target_landmarks = target_landmarks / initial_resample_ratio
        source_landmarks = utils.pad_landmarks(source_landmarks,
        target_landmarks = utils.pad_landmarks(target_landmarks,
        transformed_source_landmarks = utils.transform_landmarks(
            source_landmarks, u_x_nr, u_y_nr)
        return source_landmarks, transformed_source_landmarks, target_landmarks

    e_time_total = time.time()
    return_dict["total_time"] = e_time_total - b_time_total
    if echo:
        print("Total registration time: ", e_time_total - b_time_total,
              " seconds.")
        print("End of registration.")

    return p_source, p_target, ia_source, ng_source, nr_source, i_u_x, i_u_y, u_x_nr, u_y_nr, warp_resampled_landmarks, warp_original_landmarks, return_dict
Exemple #10
binWidth = int(360 / bins)

windowSize = 16
sigma = windowSize / 6
radius = int(windowSize / 2)

toRadVal = 180.0 / np.pi

hist = [[np.zeros(bins, dtype=np.float32) for _ in range(4)] for _ in range(4)]

for kp in kpList:
    i = 0
    cx, cy, s = kp.x, kp.y, kp.scale
    kpDir = kp.dir
    theta = kpDir * np.pi / 180.0
    kernel = gaussian_filter(windowSize / 6)

    t, l = max(0, cy - windowSize // 2), max(0, cx - windowSize // 2)
    b, r = min(img.shape[0],
               cy + windowSize // 2 + 1), min(img.shape[1],
                                              cx + windowSize // 2 + 1)
    patch = img[t:b, l:r]

    dx, dy = get_patch_grads(patch)

    if dx.shape[0] < windowSize + 1:
        if t == 0: kernel = kernel[kernel.shape[0] - dx.shape[0]:]
        else: kernel = kernel[:dx.shape[0]]
    if dx.shape[1] < windowSize + 1:
        if l == 0: kernel = kernel[kernel.shape[1] - dx.shape[1]:]
        else: kernel = kernel[:dx.shape[1]]
Exemple #11
 def apply_filter(self, original_image, amount, *args):
     blurred = gaussian_filter(original_image, 1/amount)
     return blurred