def maybeRespond(name, msg): global prevWords, responses, avgQuality # responses is person talking to previous person talking to words said previously to word to say to frequency print "maybe responding" name = utils.getCanonicalName(name) prevWords[name] = utils.tokenizeLine(msg) if name and beingWho: score = 0 modifier = {} for person in prevWords: for word in prevWords[person]: word = word.strip() if (beingWho in responses) and (person in responses[beingWho]) and (word in responses[beingWho][person]): print word for cword in responses[beingWho][person][word]: modifier[cword] = responses[beingWho][person][word][cword]**2 # TODO: +=, don't override score += modifier[cword] print modifier print('response score: '+ str(score)) if score > 0: # TODO: factor response score into decision for whether to fire off the response? best = 0 bestc = None for i in range(20): candidate = babble(beingWho, frequencies, modifier) cscore = 0 cwords = utils.tokenizeLine(candidate) for cw in cwords: if cw in modifier: cscore += modifier[cw] length = len(cwords) - 2 # start and end token if length < 4 and'[a-zA-z]+', candidate): print "length modifier" cscore += (4-length)**2 print candidate, cwords, cscore if cscore > best: best = cscore bestc = candidate # chance to discard: threshold = randrange(avgQuality*2) if bestc: print bestc+': '+str(best)+' > '+str(threshold)+'?' if best > threshold: avgQuality = math.ceil(float(avgQuality+best)/2) print 'New average:', avgQuality sendMsg(bestc) prevWords = {} else: avgQuality = math.ceil(float(avgQuality*2+best)/3) # TODO: evaluate print 'updated average:', avgQuality
def processInput(text): # process a line of text from the IRC server. global channel, frequencies, beingWho, avgQuality # try to get contents of a message # these functions will return emtpy things if it wasn't actually a message to the channel firstAndRest = getFirstWordAndRest(text) userName = getName(text) # initialize helper variables for responding to message: (chan, message) = getMsg(text) firstWord = "" restOfText = "" allWords = message.split() if len(firstAndRest) > 0: # must have found a message to the channel firstWord = firstAndRest[0] if len(firstAndRest) > 1: # there is more than one word in the message restOfText = firstAndRest[1].strip() # respond to message as needed: if firstWord == 'hay': sendMsg(userName+', hay v:', chan) if message.startswith('Subbot, be '): who = allWords[2] person = utils.getCanonicalName(who) if person in frequencies: sendIrcCommand('nick _'+person+'_\n') sendMsg(babble(person, frequencies)) beingWho = person avgQuality = 5 else: sendMsg("who's "+who+"?") if message.strip() == 'Subbot, stop': sendIrcCommand('nick '+botnick+'\n') beingWho = None # tell me what is in your database! m = re.match(r'if (.+?) says (.+?), what does (.+?) say?', message) if m: print "getting responses" person = word = me = print me, person, word if (me in responses) and (person in responses[me]) and (word in responses[me][person]): sendMsg(str(responses[me][person][word]), chan) else: sendMsg("no data!", chan) '''
def parseFile(filename, d, responses): # stores word occurrences for file in the giant word map badNames = set() prevWords = {} # people to word set f = open(filename, "r") for line in f: (who, what) = parseLine(line) if who != "": name = utils.getCanonicalName(who) if name is None: if who not in ["Topic", "Mode"]: badNames.add(who) else: tokens = utils.tokenizeLine(what) storeTokens(name, tokens, d) storeResponses(name, set(tokens), prevWords, responses) prevWords[name] = set( tokens ) # TODO: do more filtering here instead of in storeResponses; move to helper util function for word in set(tokens): if not word in totalWords: totalWords[word] = 0 totalWords[word] += 1 print badNames