Exemple #1
def getPartime(curstats, data):
    print "A quiz timer has been implemented."
    print "Enter a floating-point number to select a par time in seconds."
    print "If you don't want to play with a timer, choose 0."
    partime = -1
    while partime < 0:
            cin, pcval = utils.getInput(curstats, data, "Enter another command, or choose a par time.")
            if pcval == -1:
                print "Exiting Quiz mode."
                return partime, cin
            partime = float(cin)
            if partime < 0:
                print "You need to choose a nonnegative par time."
            print "That's not a valid input."

    if partime == 0:
        print "Timed mode is OFF."
        print "Timed mode is ON, with par time set to "+ str(partime) + "."
        print "The time bonus you will receive for each correct answer is"
        print "20 * par/(time + par^2) - 20 * par/(par + par^2)"
        print "Note that entering commands will NOT reset or invalidate"
        print "the timer, except for exiting."
        print "Press <ENTER> or enter any non-command to begin."
        cin, pcval = utils.getInput(curstats, data, "Press <ENTER> or enter any non-command to begin.")
        if pcval == -1:
            print "Exiting Quiz mode."
            return partime, cin
    return partime, None
Exemple #2
def getNeuralNetFromUser():
	neural_net_file = "resources/neural_net" #JSON in a text file used to load the neural network
	net = None
	print "Load Neural Network from file?"
	value = getInput("-1 for training a new network, other key to load a trained one: ")
	if (value == '-1'):
		net_layers = [TOTAL_SIZE] #List of neurons, input layer == N pixels
		i =  1
		print "For each layer, insert the number of neurons\nInsert -1 to finish: "
			s_layer = "Layer {}: ".format(i)
			layer = int(getInput(s_layer))
			if(layer == -1):
			i += 1
		net_layers.append(N_ELEMENTS) #Output layer == N possible output values
		net = network2.Network(net_layers, cost=network2.CrossEntropyCost)
		value = getInput("-1 for specifying the neural network file. Other to load the default '{}': ".format(neural_net_file))
		if(value == '-1'):
			neural_net_file = getInput("Insert file name of the neural net to be loaded: ")
				if (isfile(neural_net_file)):
				neural_net_file = getInput("Insert file name of the neural net to be loaded: ")
				print "Name invalid, please try again"
		net = network2.load(neural_net_file) #Loads an existing neural network from a file
	return net
def processUserNeuralSettings():
	epochs = int(getInput("epochs: "))
	batch = int(getInput("batch-size: "))
	eta = float(getInput("learning rate (< 1): "))
	lmbda = float(getInput("lambda: "))

	return epochs, batch, eta, lmbda
Exemple #4
def processUserNeuralSettings():
    epochs = int(getInput("epochs: "))
    batch = int(getInput("batch-size: "))
    eta = float(getInput("learning rate (< 1): "))
    lmbda = float(getInput("lambda: "))

    return epochs, batch, eta, lmbda
Exemple #5
def launchUseSkills(*args):
        forWin = win32gui.GetForegroundWindow()
        utils.positionWindows(False, 0, 0, 770, 332, True, False, True)
        choices = {
            '1': "Clones",
            '2': "Jacky Lee",
            '3': "Cthulhu",
            '4': "Doppelganger",
            '5': "D. Evelope",
            '6': "gods"
        if len(args) > 1:
            choice = args[1]
            choice = ''
            while choice == '':
                choice = utils.getInput(
                    "Fight: " +
                    ', '.join([') '.join([k, v])
                               for k, v in choices.items()]) + '\n')
        return skillControl.useSkills(choices[choice])
    except OSError:
        except UnboundLocalError:
        logging.getLogger(__name__).exception("Program terminated")
        print("Restarting script")
        os.execl(sys.executable, sys.argv[0], sys.argv[0], '2', choice)
    return ''
Exemple #6
def askChoice(*args):
    choices = {
        '1': launchAfky,
        '2': launchUseSkills,
        '3': launchCalcCreations,
        '4': launchCalcPets,
        '5': launchCalcDivGen,
        '6': launchCalcBestMonumentPath,
        '7': launchSkillTraining,
        'q': sys.exit
    choice = args[0]

    while True:
        utils.positionWindows(False, 0, 0, 770, 332, False, True, False)
        if choice == '' or choice is None:
            choice = utils.getInput(
                'Choose: 1) Afky, 2) Use Skills, 3) Calc creation, 4) Pet Clone Stat calc\n        5) Div Gen, 6) Monument Path, 7) Skill Training, or q) Exit\n'
        if choice in choices.keys():
            if len(args) == 1:
                choice = choices[choice]()
                choice = choices[choice](*args)
            print("Invalid selection. Choose:",
                  ', '.join([k for k in choices.keys()]))
            choice = ''
Exemple #7
def quiz(curstats, data):
    partime, cin = getPartime(curstats, data)
    if cin is not None:
        return cin

    # Trackers so more recent keys aren't as likely to be generated.
    turns = 0
    lastused = {}
    for key in curstats.wins:
        lastused[key] = 0

    while True:
        turns = turns + 1
        starttime = time.clock()
        if random.randint(0, 1) == 0:
            letter = utils.getKey(data["letters"], lastused, turns, curstats.wins, curstats.losses, data["debug"]) 
            lastused[letter] = turns
            lastused[data["morse"][letter]] = turns
            print "Type the code for: "+letter
            cin, pcval = utils.getInput(curstats, data, "Type the code for: "+letter)
            if cin == "//" or cin == "??" or cin == "idk":
                print "Okay, the correct answer is: ", data["morse"][letter]
                print "Try it!"
                curstats.losses[letter] = curstats.losses[letter] + 1
                curstats.tl = curstats.tl + 1
                cin, pcval = utils.getInput(curstats, data, "Type the code for: "+letter)
            if pcval == -1:
                print "Exiting Quiz mode."
                return cin
            processAnswer(cin.upper(), partime, starttime, letter, data["morse"][letter], curstats)
            code = utils.getKey(data["codes"], lastused, turns, curstats.wins, curstats.losses, data["debug"]) 
            lastused[code] = turns
            lastused[data["demorse"][code]] = turns
            print "Type the character for: "+code
            cin, pcval = utils.getInput(curstats, data, "Type the character for: "+code)
            if cin == "//" or cin == "??" or cin == "idk":
                print "Okay, the correct answer is: ", data["demorse"][code]
                print "Try it!"
                curstats.tl = curstats.tl + 1
                curstats.losses[code] = curstats.losses[code] + 1
                cin, pcval = utils.getInput(curstats, data, "Type the character for: "+code)
            if pcval == -1:
                print "Exiting Quiz mode."
                return cin
            processAnswer(cin.upper(), partime, starttime, code, data["demorse"][code], curstats)
Exemple #8
def launchCalcPets(*args):
    utils.positionWindows(False, 0, 0, 0, 0, True, False, True)
    while True:
        choice = utils.getInput("1) Pet Hunger  2) Pet Clone Stats")
        if choice == '1':
            return pets.petHunger()
        elif choice == '2':
            return pets.petClone()
Exemple #9
def listen(curstats, data):
    tunit, pcval = inputTUnit(curstats, data)
    if pcval == -1:
        return tunit

    # Trackers so more recent keys aren't as likely to be generated.
    turns = 0
    lastused = {}
    for key in curstats.wins:
        lastused[key] = 0
    adcmd = []

    while True:
        turns = turns + 1
        # starttime = time.clock()
        key = utils.getKey(data["codes"], lastused, turns, curstats.wins, curstats.losses, data["debug"]) 
        lastused[key] = turns
        lastused[data["demorse"][key]] = turns
        print "Type the character for the following: "
        playCode(key, tunit)
        cin, pcval = utils.getInput(curstats, data, "Type /replay to replay the code.", adcmd)
        while cin == "/replay" or cin == "/repeat": 
            playCode(key, tunit)
            cin, pcval = utils.getInput(curstats, data, "Type /replay to replay the code.", adcmd)
        if cin == "//" or cin == "??" or cin == "idk":
            print "Okay, the correct answer is: ", data["demorse"][key]
            print "Try it!"
            # curstats.losses[key] = curstats.losses[key] + 1
            # curstats.tl = curstats.tl + 1
            cin, pcval = utils.getInput(curstats, data, "Type /replay to replay the code.", adcmd)
        if pcval == -1:
            print "Exiting Listen Mode."
            return cin
        while cin == "/replay" or cin == "/repeat":
            playCode(key, tunit)
            cin, pcval = utils.getInput(curstats, data, "Type /replay to replay the code.", adcmd)
        quiz.processAnswer(cin.upper(), 0, 0, key, data["demorse"][key], curstats)
Exemple #10
def launchSkillTraining(*args):
    utils.positionWindows(False, 0, 0, 0, 0, True, False, False)
    level = utils.getInput("Start at how many clones? Blank for 500\n")
    if level == "":
        return skillControl.training()
    level = eval(level)
    if isinstance(level, int) and level % 500 == 0:
        return skillControl.training(int(level))
        print("Invalid level")
        choice = ''
Exemple #11
def inputTUnit(curstats, data):
    print "Specify a unit time in milliseconds. This will be the length"
    print "of a dot. The recommended time is 120. Note that the sound"
    print "may not play correctly if the unit time is too short."
    tunit = -1
    while tunit <= 0:
        tunit, pcval = utils.getInput(curstats, data, "Specify a unit time in ms.")
        if pcval == -1:
            return tunit, pcval
            tunit = int(tunit)
            if tunit <= 0:
                print "Specify a positive integer time."
            tunit = tunit + 0 # Verify that it's not a string somehow
            print "Specify a positive integer time."
            tunit = -1
    return tunit, 0
    def classify(self, candidateAndFillerAndOffsetList):
        # TEST MODEL #

        logger.info('... testing')

        index = T.lscalar()  # index to a [mini]batch

        if self.gotNetwork == 0:
            return []

        inputMatrixDev_a, inputMatrixDev_b, inputMatrixDev_c, lengthListDev_a, lengthListDev_b, lengthListDev_c, inputFeaturesDev, _ = getInput(
            candidateAndFillerAndOffsetList, self.representationsize,
            self.contextsize, self.filtersize, self.wordvectors,
        # create input matrix and save them in valid_set

        dt = theano.config.floatX
        valid_set_xa = theano.shared(numpy.matrix(inputMatrixDev_a, dtype=dt))
        valid_set_xb = theano.shared(numpy.matrix(inputMatrixDev_b, dtype=dt))
        valid_set_xc = theano.shared(numpy.matrix(inputMatrixDev_c, dtype=dt))
        valid_mlp = theano.shared(numpy.matrix(inputFeaturesDev, dtype=dt))

        # compute number of minibatches for testing
        n_valid_batches = valid_set_xa.get_value(borrow=True).shape[0]
        n_valid_batches /= self.batch_size

        test_model_confidence = theano.function(
                valid_set_xa[index * self.batch_size:(index + 1) *
                valid_set_xb[index * self.batch_size:(index + 1) *
                valid_set_xc[index * self.batch_size:(index + 1) *
                valid_mlp[index * self.batch_size:(index + 1) *

        resultList = [
            test_model_confidence(i) for i in xrange(n_valid_batches)

        return resultList
import math
import operator
from functools import reduce
from typing import Callable

import utils

input = utils.getInput(13).splitlines()

start = int(input[0])

class Bus:
    def __init__(self, id, position) -> None:
        self.id = int(id)
        self.position = int(position)
        self.last = None

    def __str__(self) -> str:
        return f"{self.id}"

    def next(self, after: int):
        return self.id * math.ceil(after / self.id)

busses = [
    Bus(i, p) for p, i in enumerate(input[1].split(","), start=0) if i != "x"

min = None
Exemple #14
        print 'No Data to output'

if __name__=="__main__":
    #parse arguments from initial startup -should only be called once
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    parser.add_argument("-d","--debug", help="Optional Debug Mode for stack traces", action="store_true")
    parser.add_argument("file", help="File to import data from", nargs='?')
    args = parser.parse_args()
    #Retrieve all the operations we can do on the data
    functionalities = dict([func for func in inspect.getmembers(functionality) if inspect.isfunction(func[1])])
    # Make sure we have a csv extension if not ask the user again and attempt to load the file
    while args.file == None or args.file[-4:] != '.csv':
        args.file = utils.getInput('The file provided is not a csv file. Please provide a csv file to load ("override" to override and continue) <-1 to exit>: ', str, None)
        if args.file == 'override':
        elif args.file == '-1':
            print 'Bye Bye'    
    people = loadData(args.file, args.debug)
    while people == None:
        args.file = utils.getInput('The file provided could not be found or opened please provide another csv file <-1 to exit>: ', str, None)
        if args.file == '-1':
            print 'Bye Bye'    
        people = loadData(args.file, args.debug)
Exemple #15
if (argv[2]):
    if (not isdir(argv[2])):
        printErrorMsg("'" + argv[2] + "'" + " is not a valid directory\n" +
    vPath = argv[2]

if (argv[3]):
    if (not isdir(argv[3])):
        printErrorMsg("'" + argv[3] + "'" + " is not a valid directory\n" +
    testPath = argv[3]

training_data, validation_data, test_data = loadImgs(tPath, vPath, testPath)
value = getInput("-1 to expand training data, skip otherwise: ")
if (value == '-1'):
    training_data = expandTrainingData(training_data)

epochs = 20
batch = 10
eta = 0.1
lmbda = 0.1
print "\nDefinition of the neural network"
print "################################"
net = getNeuralNetFromUser(
)  # Allows to load an existing network or creating a new network
value = getInput("-1 to manually specify parameters, other key for default: ")
if (value == '-1'):
    epochs, batch, eta, lmbda = processUserNeuralSettings()
Exemple #16
from itertools import combinations
from math import prod

import utils

input = [int(i) for i in utils.getInput(1).splitlines()]

for i in (1, 2):
    for combo in combinations(input, 1 + i):
        if sum(combo) == 2020:
            print(f"part {i}: {prod(combo)}")
    def classify(self, candidateAndFillerAndOffsetList, slot):
        # TEST MODEL #

        slotIndex = self.slotList.index(slot)
        logger.info('... testing')
        logger.info("boosting CNN score if best path goes through class")

        index = T.lscalar()  # index to a [mini]batch

        if self.gotNetwork == 0:
            return []

        inputMatrixDev_a, inputMatrixDev_b, inputMatrixDev_c, lengthListDev_a, lengthListDev_b, lengthListDev_c, inputFeaturesDev, _ = getInput(
            candidateAndFillerAndOffsetList, self.representationsize,
            self.contextsize, self.filtersize, self.wordvectors,
        # create input matrix and save them in valid_set

        dt = theano.config.floatX

        valid_set_xa = theano.shared(numpy.matrix(inputMatrixDev_a, dtype=dt))
        valid_set_xb = theano.shared(numpy.matrix(inputMatrixDev_b, dtype=dt))
        valid_set_xc = theano.shared(numpy.matrix(inputMatrixDev_c, dtype=dt))
        valid_mlp = theano.shared(numpy.matrix(inputFeaturesDev, dtype=dt))

        # compute number of minibatches for testing
        n_valid_batches = valid_set_xa.get_value(borrow=True).shape[0]
        n_valid_batches /= self.batch_size

        input_dict = {}
        input_dict[self.xa] = valid_set_xa[index *
                                           self.batch_size:(index + 1) *
        input_dict[self.xb] = valid_set_xb[index *
                                           self.batch_size:(index + 1) *
        input_dict[self.xc] = valid_set_xc[index *
                                           self.batch_size:(index + 1) *
            self.additionalFeatures] = valid_mlp[index *
                                                 self.batch_size:(index + 1) *
        test_model = theano.function([index],
        predictions_model = theano.function([index],

        resultList = [test_model(i) for i in xrange(n_valid_batches)]
        predictionsList = [
            predictions_model(i)[0][0, 2] for i in xrange(n_valid_batches)
        confidenceList = []
        for r in range(len(resultList)):
            predclass = predictionsList[r]
            conf = resultList[r][0, slotIndex]
            if predclass == slotIndex:
                conf = max(
                    1.0, conf +
                    0.75)  # boost confidence if best path goes through class

        return confidenceList
Exemple #18
from utils import getInput, getTokens

# Thoroughly comment your code to make it easy to follow

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # 1. Load your saved model

    maxSentLen = 295  # 80 percentile sentence length in training dataset.

    model = load_model("models/20829490_NLP_model.model")

    # 2. Load your testing data

    test_raw, labels = getInput('test')

    # Tokenizing, removing stop words and lemmetizing.
    tokens1 = getTokens(test_raw)

    # Truncating longer sentences to 80 percentile sentence length.
    truncatedData = [' '.join(seq[:maxSentLen]) for seq in tokens1]

    # Processing Test Data.
    tokenizer = pickle.load(open("data/token.p", "rb"))
    final_data = tokenizer.texts_to_sequences(truncatedData)

    # Padding the data.
    final_data = pad_sequences(final_data, maxlen=maxSentLen, padding='post')

    # 3. Run prediction on the test data and print the test accuracy
  def classify(self, candidateAndFillerAndOffsetList, slot):
    # TEST MODEL #

    logger.info('... testing')

    index = T.lscalar()  # index to a [mini]batch

    if self.gotNetwork == 0:
      return []

    inputMatrixDev_a, inputMatrixDev_b, inputMatrixDev_c, lengthListDev_a, lengthListDev_b, lengthListDev_c, inputFeaturesDev, _ = getInput(candidateAndFillerAndOffsetList, self.representationsize, self.contextsize, self.filtersize, self.wordvectors, self.vectorsize)
    # create input matrix and save them in valid_set

    slot2types, binarizer, numTypes = getSlot2Types()

    yner1Dev = []
    yner2Dev = []
    type1bin = binarizer.transform([slot2types[slot][0]])
    type2bin = binarizer.transform([slot2types[slot][1]])
    dt = theano.config.floatX

    for item in range(len(inputMatrixDev_a)):
    yner1DevNumpy = numpy.array(yner1Dev, dtype = numpy.int32)
    yner2DevNumpy = numpy.array(yner2Dev, dtype = numpy.int32)

    valid_set_xa = theano.shared(numpy.matrix(inputMatrixDev_a, dtype = dt))
    valid_set_xb = theano.shared(numpy.matrix(inputMatrixDev_b, dtype = dt))
    valid_set_xc = theano.shared(numpy.matrix(inputMatrixDev_c, dtype = dt))
    valid_mlp = theano.shared(numpy.matrix(inputFeaturesDev, dtype = dt))
    valid_yner1 = theano.shared(yner1DevNumpy.reshape(yner1DevNumpy.shape[0], yner1DevNumpy.shape[2]))
    valid_yner2 = theano.shared(yner2DevNumpy.reshape(yner2DevNumpy.shape[0], yner2DevNumpy.shape[2]))

    # compute number of minibatches for testing
    n_valid_batches = valid_set_xa.get_value(borrow=True).shape[0]
    n_valid_batches /= self.batch_size

    input_dict = {}
    input_dict[self.xa] = valid_set_xa[index * self.batch_size: (index + 1) * self.batch_size]
    input_dict[self.xb] = valid_set_xb[index * self.batch_size: (index + 1) * self.batch_size]
    input_dict[self.xc] = valid_set_xc[index * self.batch_size: (index + 1) * self.batch_size]
    input_dict[self.yNER1] = valid_yner1[index * self.batch_size: (index + 1) * self.batch_size]
    input_dict[self.yNER2] = valid_yner2[index * self.batch_size: (index + 1) * self.batch_size]
    input_dict[self.additionalFeatures] = valid_mlp[index * self.batch_size: (index + 1) * self.batch_size]

    test_model_confidence = theano.function([index], self.layer3.results(), givens = input_dict)

    resultList = [test_model_confidence(i) for i in xrange(n_valid_batches)]

    return resultList
Exemple #20
    def iprompt(self, out=sys.stdout):
        """Start a prompt listening to user input."""

        cmds = """
          i -- index: print current iteration index
          p -- pause: interrupt sampling and return to the main console.
                      Sampling can be resumed later with icontinue().
          h -- halt:  stop sampling and truncate trace. Sampling cannot be
                      resumed for this chain.
          b -- bg:    return to the main console. The sampling will still
                      run in a background thread. There is a possibility of
                      malfunction if you interfere with the Sampler's
                      state or the database during sampling. Use this at your
                      own risk.

        print >> out, """==============
 PyMC console

        PyMC is now sampling. Use the following commands to query or pause the sampler.
        print >> out, cmds

        prompt = True
            while self.status in ['running', 'paused']:
                    # sys.stdout.write('pymc> ')
                    if prompt:
                        out.write('pymc > ')

                    if self._exc_info is not None:
                        a,b,c = self._exc_info
                        raise a, b, c

                    cmd = utils.getInput().strip()
                    if cmd == 'i':
                        print >> out,  'Current iteration: ', self._current_iter
                        prompt = True
                    elif cmd == 'p':
                        self.status = 'paused'
                    elif cmd == 'h':
                        self.status = 'halt'
                    elif cmd == 'b':
                    elif cmd == '\n':
                        prompt = True
                    elif cmd == '':
                        prompt = False
                        print >> out, 'Unknown command: ', cmd
                        print >> out, cmds
                        prompt = True

        except KeyboardInterrupt:
            if not self.status == 'ready':
                self.status = 'halt'

        if self.status == 'ready':
            print >> out, "Sampling terminated successfully."
            print >> out, 'Waiting for current iteration to finish...'
            while self._sampling_thread.isAlive():
            print >> out, 'Exiting interactive prompt...'
            if self.status == 'paused':
                print >> out, 'Call icontinue method to continue, or call halt method to truncate traces and stop.'
from collections import defaultdict

import utils

input = [int(i) for i in utils.getInput(15).split(",")]

lookup = defaultdict(lambda: [])
for i, m in enumerate(input):
    lookup[m].append(i + 1)

last = input[-1]
for i in range(len(input), 30000000):
        last = lookup[last][-1] - lookup[last][-2]
    except IndexError:
        last = 0

    lookup[last].append(i + 1)
    if i == 2019:
        print(f"part 1: {last}")

print(f"part 2: {last}")
Exemple #22
          " respectively.",

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # 1. load your training data

    # 2. Train your network
    # 		Make sure to print your training loss and accuracy within training to show progress
    # 		Make sure you print the final training accuracy

    # 3. Save your model

    # Reading the training data.
    train_raw, labels = getInput('train')

    # Tokenizing the training data.
    tokens = getTokens(train_raw)
    # tokens = removeStopWords(tokens)

    opt_dim = 50

    # Finding the 80 percentile sentence length.
    # percentile = int(np.percentile([len(seq) for seq in tokens], 80))
    # print('80th Percentile Sentence Length:', percentile)
    percentile = 295  # 80th Percentile Sentence Length, Found using above two lines.

    # Truncate the data at 80 percentile sentence length.
    truncatedData = [' '.join(seq[:percentile]) for seq in tokens]
Exemple #23
def useSkills(fightWhat):
    idleGodshwdn = findWindowHandle("Idling to Rule The Gods")
    skills = determineAvailSkills(loadSkills())
    fightButtonCoords = {
        'Clones': (991, 406),
        'Jacky Lee': (1245, 400),
        'Cthulhu': (1655, 405),
        'Doppelganger': (845, 475),
        'D. Evelope': (1245, 470),
        'gods': (1640, 470)

    if len(sys.argv) <= 1:
        answer = getInput(
            "Do you wish to update the number of uses per skill?  y/n \n")
        if answer == 'y':
            skills = setUses(skills)

    while True:
        focus = getInput(
            "Focus defeating 1) enemy or 2) using non-one cloned skills\n")
        if focus != '1' and focus != '2':
            print('Invalid choice, choose 1 or 2')

    nextSkill = ''
    for key in skills:
        if not skills[key].avail:
            nextSkill = key

    atkDelay = 0.25
    if focus == '1':
        skillsToUse = [
            'Shadow Fist', 'Invisible Hand', 'Big Bang',
            'Unlimited Creation Works', 'Aura Ball', 'High Kick',
            'Ionioi Hero Summon', 'Whirling Foot', '108 Fists', 'Double Punch'
        ignore = skillsToUse.copy()
        skillsToUse = orderSkills(skills)
        ignore = []

    # Shadow Clones button
    if py.pixelMatchesColor(991, 406, (3, 3, 3), tolerance=10):

    coolDowns = [time.time()] * len(skillsToUse)
    while True:
        if detectKeypress():
        if py.pixelMatchesColor(1151, 405, (4, 4, 4), tolerance=10):
            skills[key].uses -= 1
            if min(coolDowns) >= time.time():
                sleep(min(coolDowns) - time.time() + 0.5)
            skills, nextSkill = detectEndFight(skills,
        if win32gui.GetForegroundWindow() != idleGodshwdn:
        for x in range(len(skillsToUse)):
            key = skillsToUse[x]
            if key in skills and skills[key].useMove():
                coolDowns[x] = skills[key].nextUse
                sleepTime = max(min(coolDowns) - time.time() + 0.3, atkDelay)
                if 'focused' not in key.lower(
                ) and key not in ignore and not skills[key].needUse():
                if key not in skills:
                    print("Key:", key, "not in skills")
                elif skills[key].nextUse < time.time() and skills[key].avail:
                    print("Skill:", key,
                          "off cooldown but not able to be used")
    return ''
Exemple #24
        data = functionality.getIdsByLastName(GLOB['people'], lastname)
        return jsonify(**{'ids': data[0]})

if __name__ == '__main__':
    global GLOB
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    parser.add_argument("-d","--debug", help="Optional Debug Mode for stack traces", action="store_true")
    parser.add_argument("port", help="File to import data from", type=int)
    #since this is a web app the load data is required (should eventually load through a POST request
    parser.add_argument("file", help="File to import data from")
    args = parser.parse_args()
    # Make sure we have the data loaded before we continue
    data = people.loadData(args.file, args.debug)
    while data == None:
        args.file = utils.getInput('The file provided could not be found or opened please provide another csv file <-1 to exit>: ', str, None)
        if args.file == '-1':
            print 'Bye Bye'    
        data = people.loadData(args.file, args.debug)
    # Set up the app
    GLOB['people'] = data
    app.run(host='', port=args.port)
Exemple #25
from collections import defaultdict

import utils

input = utils.getInput(24)

class Grid:
    WHITE = True
    BLACK = False

    moves = {
        "e": (1, -1, 0),
        "se": (0, -1, 1),
        "sw": (-1, 0, 1),
        "w": (-1, 1, 0),
        "nw": (0, 1, -1),
        "ne": (1, 0, -1),

    def __init__(self) -> None:
        self.grid = self._newGrid()

    def _newGrid(self):
        return defaultdict(lambda: self.START)

    def _copyGrid(self):
        new = self._newGrid()
Exemple #26
if len(argv) < 2:
	printErrorMsg("Param number incorrect\n"+USE)
tPath = argv[1]
vPath = None
if not isdir(tPath):
	printErrorMsg("'"+tPath+"'"+" is not a valid directory\n"+USE)
if (argv[2]):
	if (not isdir(argv[2])):
		printErrorMsg("'"+argv[2]+"'"+" is not a valid directory\n"+USE)
	vPath = argv[2]

training_data, test_data = loadImgs(tPath, vPath)
value = getInput("-1 to expand training data, skip otherwise: ")
if (value == '-1'):
	training_data = expandTrainingData(training_data)
epochs = 20
batch = 10
eta = 0.1
lmbda = 0.1
print "\nDefinition of the neural network"
print "################################"
net = getNeuralNetFromUser() #Allows to load an existing network or creating a new network
value = getInput("-1 to manually specify parameters, other key for default: ")
if (value == '-1'):
	epochs, batch, eta, lmbda = processUserNeuralSettings()

Exemple #27
logger.info("batch size " + str(batch_size))
myLambda1 = 0
if "lambda1" in config:
    myLambda1 = float(config["lambda1"])
myLambda2 = 0
if "lambda2" in config:
    myLambda2 = float(config["lambda2"])
logger.info("lambda1 " + str(myLambda1))
logger.info("lambda2 " + str(myLambda2))

# load model architecture and word vectors etc
binaryCNN = CNN(configfile, train=True)

trainfilehandle = open(trainfile)
inputMatrixTrain_a, inputMatrixTrain_b, inputMatrixTrain_c, length_a, length_b, length_c, inputFeaturesTrain, resultVectorTrain = getInput(
    trainfilehandle, binaryCNN.representationsize, binaryCNN.contextsize,
    binaryCNN.filtersize, binaryCNN.wordvectors, binaryCNN.vectorsize)
devfilehandle = open(devfile)
inputMatrixDev_a, inputMatrixDev_b, inputMatrixDev_c, length_a, length_b, length_c, inputFeaturesDev, resultVectorDev = getInput(
    devfilehandle, binaryCNN.representationsize, binaryCNN.contextsize,
    binaryCNN.filtersize, binaryCNN.wordvectors, binaryCNN.vectorsize)

dt = theano.config.floatX

train_set_xa = theano.shared(numpy.matrix(inputMatrixTrain_a, dtype=dt),
valid_set_xa = theano.shared(numpy.matrix(inputMatrixDev_a, dtype=dt),
train_set_xb = theano.shared(numpy.matrix(inputMatrixTrain_b, dtype=dt),
Exemple #28
from utils import getInput, displayList

list = []

for i in range(0, 3):

Exemple #29
    def iprompt(self, out=sys.stdout):
        """Start a prompt listening to user input."""

        cmds = """
          i -- index: print current iteration index
          p -- pause: interrupt sampling and return to the main console.
                      Sampling can be resumed later with icontinue().
          h -- halt:  stop sampling and truncate trace. Sampling cannot be
                      resumed for this chain.
          b -- bg:    return to the main console. The sampling will still
                      run in a background thread. There is a possibility of
                      malfunction if you interfere with the Sampler's
                      state or the database during sampling. Use this at your
                      own risk.

        print >> out, """==============
 PyMC console

        PyMC is now sampling. Use the following commands to query or pause the sampler.
        print >> out, cmds

        prompt = True
            while self.status in ['running', 'paused']:
                # sys.stdout.write('pymc> ')
                if prompt:
                    out.write('pymc > ')

                if self._exc_info is not None:
                    a, b, c = self._exc_info
                    raise a, b, c

                cmd = utils.getInput().strip()
                if cmd == 'i':
                    print >> out, 'Current iteration: ', self._current_iter
                    prompt = True
                elif cmd == 'p':
                    self.status = 'paused'
                elif cmd == 'h':
                    self.status = 'halt'
                elif cmd == 'b':
                elif cmd == '\n':
                    prompt = True
                elif cmd == '':
                    prompt = False
                    print >> out, 'Unknown command: ', cmd
                    print >> out, cmds
                    prompt = True

        except KeyboardInterrupt:
            if not self.status == 'ready':
                self.status = 'halt'

        if self.status == 'ready':
            print >> out, "Sampling terminated successfully."
            print >> out, 'Waiting for current iteration to finish...'
            while self._sampling_thread.isAlive():
            print >> out, 'Exiting interactive prompt...'
            if self.status == 'paused':
                print >> out, 'Call icontinue method to continue, or call halt method to truncate traces and stop.'
import utils

input = utils.getInput(18)

input = "5 * 9 * (7 * 3 * 3 + 9 * 3 + (8 + 6 * 4))"
lines = [l.strip() for l in input.replace(" ", "").splitlines()]

def lex(line):
    i = 0
    tree = []
    while i < len(line):
        if line[i].isnumeric():
        elif line[i] in "+*":
        elif line[i] == "(":
            _i, branch = lex(line[i + 1:])
            i += _i + 1
        elif line[i] == ")":
            return i, tree
        i += 1

    return i, tree

def calc(tree):
    tot = 0
    op = "+"
    for i in tree:
import re

import utils

input = utils.getInput(4).split("\n\n")

passports = [s.replace("\n", " ").split(" ") for s in input]

hairPattern = re.compile("^#[0-9a-f]{6}$")
pidPattern = re.compile("^[0-9]{9}$")

def cmVal(v):
    return v[-2:] == "cm" and int(v[:-2]) >= 150 and int(v[:-2]) <= 193

def inVal(v):
    return v[-2:] == "in" and int(v[:-2]) >= 59 and int(v[:-2]) <= 76

validation = {
    "byr": lambda v: int(v) >= 1920 and int(v) <= 2002,
    "iyr": lambda v: int(v) >= 2010 and int(v) <= 2020,
    "eyr": lambda v: int(v) >= 2020 and int(v) <= 2030,
    "hgt": lambda v: cmVal(v) or inVal(v),
    "hcl": lambda v: bool(hairPattern.match(v)),
    "ecl": lambda v: v in ["amb", "blu", "brn", "gry", "grn", "hzl", "oth"],
    "pid": lambda v: bool(pidPattern.match(v)),
    "cid": lambda v: True,
Exemple #32
from typing import Dict, List, Set

import utils

inputBlocks = utils.getInput(16).split("\n\n")

class Rule:
    def __init__(self, name: str, ranges: list) -> None:
        self.name = name
        self.ranges = ranges

    def __str__(self) -> str:
        return f"{self.name}: {self.ranges}"

    def parse(cls, row):
        name, ranges = [s.strip() for s in row.split(":")]

        parsedRanges = [[int(r) for r in range.split("-")]
                        for range in [s.strip() for s in ranges.split("or")]]

        return cls(name, parsedRanges)

class Ticket:
    def __init__(self, numbers: list) -> None:
        self.numbers = numbers
Exemple #33
def launchCalcCreations(*args):
    creation = utils.getInput('Which creation?\n').lower()
    num = eval(utils.getInput('How many?\n'))
    return creations.create(creation, num)
import utils

input = utils.getInput(8).split("\n")

def run(program):
    acc = 0
    pos = 0
    prev = []

    while True:
        if pos in prev:
            return acc, 1

        if pos >= len(program):
            return acc, 0

        cmd, val = program[pos].split(" ")
        if cmd == "acc":
            acc += int(val)
            pos += 1
        elif cmd == "jmp":
            pos += int(val)
        elif cmd == "nop":
            pos += 1

acc = run(input)[0]

print(f"part 1: {acc}")
Exemple #35
import utils

input = [int(i) for i in utils.getInput(9).split("\n")]
inputLength = len(input)

preableSize = 25
part1 = None
part2 = None
for i in range(preableSize, inputLength):
    found = False
    for j in range(i - preableSize, i):
        for k in range(i - preableSize, i):
            if input[j] != input[k] and (input[j] + input[k]) == input[i]:
                found = True

    if not found:
        part1 = input[i]

if part1 is None:

print(f"part 1: {part1}")

for i in range(inputLength):
    for j in range(inputLength):
        if j - i < 2:

        currentRange = input[i:j]
        rangeSum = sum(currentRange)