Exemple #1
    def __init__(self, system):
        self.ets = 0
        self.newts = 0
        self.newl = None
        self.val = Value()
        self.system = system
        self.decided = False
        self.proposed = False
        self.l = getMax(system.processes)

        self.val.v = 0
        self.val.defined = False

            Ep(self.system, self.ets, self.l, EpState(0, self.val)))
Exemple #2
    def check(self):
        notSuspected = dict()
        for key in self.system.processes.keys():
            if key not in self.suspected.keys():
                notSuspected[key] = self.system.processes[key]

        maximum = getMax(notSuspected)
        if not maximum:

        if not self.leader or (not self.leader.rank == maximum.rank):
            self.leader = maximum

            message = Message()
            message.abstractionId = 'ec'
            message.type = Message.Type.ELD_TRUST
Exemple #3
def runGrover(config):

    # Add the search specific gates


    # Compile and run the Quantum circuit on a simulator backend
    job_sim = execute(qc, "local_qasm_simulator")
    sim_result = job_sim.result()

    # Show the results
    print("simulation: ", sim_result)
    # Returns a dict

    print("Searching for : " + config)
    print("Found         : " + utils.getMax(sim_result.get_counts(qc)))
    print("This was found " + str(sim_result.get_counts(qc).get(config)) +
          " times")
        if iter == 1:
            m = inner.getInitial(nodeEdgeIndex)
            Xstart, Xend = inner.runInner_iteration(timestamps, nodeEdgeIndex,
            m = inner.getNextInput(nodeEdgeIndex, Xstart, Xend)
            Xstart, Xend = inner.runInner_iteration(timestamps, nodeEdgeIndex,

            utils.getCost(Xstart, Xend) / ((event_length - 1) * num_nodes))
        p, r, f = utils.compareGT(Xstart, Xend, active_truth, timestamps)
        Costmax_IP.append(utils.getMax(Xstart, Xend) / (event_length - 1))

    name = 'test_convergence'
    plt.plot(iterations, Cost_IP, 'k')
    plt.xlabel('iterations', fontsize=25)
    plt.ylabel('Relative total length', fontsize=25)
    plt.savefig(name + '_' + 'total.pdf')

    plt.plot(iterations, Costmax_IP, 'k')
    plt.xlabel('iterations', fontsize=25)
    plt.ylabel('Relative max length', fontsize=25)
    plt.savefig(name + '_' + 'costmax.pdf')
Exemple #5
#!/usr/bin/env python3

# Import the Halite SDK, which will let you interact with the game.
import hlt
from hlt import constants

import random
import logging
import utils

# This game object contains the initial game state.
game = hlt.Game()
ship_status = {}
maxx, maxy = utils.getMax(game)
lb, rb = utils.setBorders(game, maxx)
#logging.info('lb = {}, rb = {}'.format(lb, rb))

# Respond with your name.

while True:
    # Get the latest game state.
    # You extract player metadata and the updated map metadata here for convenience.
    me = game.me
    game_map = game.game_map

    # A command queue holds all the commands you will run this turn.
    command_queue = []

    for ship in me.get_ships():
Exemple #6
from utils import getMax, getSum

arr1 = [1, 2, 3, 4]
arr2 = [4, 5, 6, 7, 8]
arr3 = [1312313, 3443, 43123213]
arr4 = [12, 3, 2, 1323]
arrays = [arr1, arr2, arr3, arr4]
for i in arrays:
    maxi = getMax(i)
    sumi = getSum(i)
    print(i, maxi, sumi)
    G = utils.generateGraph(n=num_nodes)
    print 'number of nodes in the background network:', G.number_of_nodes()
    print 'number of edges in the background network:', G.number_of_edges()

    timestamps, active_truth = utils.generateIntervals(
        G, event_length=event_length, overlap=overlap)

    print 'number of timestamps', len(timestamps)

    if alg == 'baseline':
        Xstart, Xend = baseline.baseline(timestamps)
    elif alg == 'inner':
        Xstart, Xend = inner_point.runInner(timestamps)
    elif alg == 'budget':
        Xstart, Xend = budget.runBudget(timestamps)
        print('no algorithm specified')


    print 'relative total length of solution =', utils.getCost(
        Xstart, Xend) / ((event_length - 1) * num_nodes)
    print 'relative maximum length of solution =', utils.getMax(
        Xstart, Xend) / (event_length - 1)
    p, r, f = utils.compareGT(Xstart, Xend, active_truth, timestamps)
    print 'precision =', p
    print 'recall =', r
    print 'f-measure =', f
Exemple #8
 def __init__(self, system):
     self.lastts = 0
     self.system = system
     self.ts = system.me.rank
     self.trusted = getMax(system.processes)
Exemple #9
        for li in range(0, len(line)):
        recommendations = []
        accuracies = []

        for ri in range(0, len(testResourcesTS)):
            X0 = numpy.array(testResourcesTS[ri].features).reshape((1, -1))
            Xr = X0
            if use_ml_model == 1:
                Xr = scaler.transform(X0)

            #6.3 - get prediction
            rPred = model.predict(Xr)
            predTask = taskSet[rPred[0]]
            rProb = model.predict_proba(Xr)
            maxProb = getMax(rProb[0])

            #6.4 - compare predicted and real value
            realTasks = testResourcesTS[ri].nextTask
            if maxProb >= current_threshold:
                if predTask in realTasks:

        #6.5 - record avg results for test resources at ts
        avgRecommendations = getAvg(recommendations)
        avgAccuracy = getAvg(accuracies)
Exemple #10
    def get_flip_score(self):
        cannon_len = sum(b['type'] == 2 for b in self.ai_unflipped)
        big_score = 0
        big_block = {}
        current_round = self.blocks_map
        unflipped = self.ai_unflipped + self.player_unflipped
        unflipped_map = {}
        for b in unflipped:
            right_one = self.blocks_map.get(toStr(b['x'] + 1, b['y']), None)
            right_two = self.blocks_map.get(toStr(b['x'] + 2, b['y']), None)
            left_one = self.blocks_map.get(toStr(b['x'] - 1, b['y']), None)
            left_two = self.blocks_map.get(toStr(b['x'] - 2, b['y']), None)
            up_one = self.blocks_map.get(toStr(b['x'], b['y'] + 1), None)
            up_two = self.blocks_map.get(toStr(b['x'], b['y'] + 2), None)
            down_one = self.blocks_map.get(toStr(b['x'], b['y'] - 1), None)
            down_two = self.blocks_map.get(toStr(b['x'], b['y'] - 2), None)
            up_right = self.blocks_map.get(toStr(b['x'] + 1, b['y'] + 1), None)
            up_left = self.blocks_map.get(toStr(b['x'] - 1, b['y'] + 1), None)
            down_right = self.blocks_map.get(toStr(b['x'] + 1, b['y'] - 1),
            down_left = self.blocks_map.get(toStr(b['x'] - 1, b['y'] - 1),

            # flip, if cannons in unfliped blocks
            if cannon_len > 0:
                init_score = -9999
                if right_two and right_two[
                        'hasFlip'] and self.side != right_two[
                            'side'] and right_two['type'] != 0:
                    if right_one and not right_one['hasFlip']:
                        score = POINTS[right_two['type']] / 50 * cannon_len
                        if score > init_score:
                            init_score = score
                            unflipped_map[toStr(b['x'], b['y'])] = score
                elif left_two and left_two['hasFlip'] and self.side != left_two[
                        'side'] and left_two['type'] != 0:
                    if left_one and not left_one['hasFlip']:
                        score = POINTS[left_two['type']] / 50 * cannon_len
                        if score > init_score:
                            init_score = score
                            unflipped_map[toStr(b['x'], b['y'])] = score
                elif up_two and up_two['hasFlip'] and self.side != up_two[
                        'side'] and up_two['type'] != 0:
                    if up_one and not up_one['hasFlip']:
                        score = POINTS[up_two['type']] / 50 * cannon_len
                        if score > init_score:
                            init_score = score
                            unflipped_map[toStr(b['x'], b['y'])] = score
                elif down_two and down_two['hasFlip'] and self.side != down_two[
                        'side'] and down_two['type'] != 0:
                    if down_one and not down_one['hasFlip']:
                        score = POINTS[down_two['type']] / 50 * cannon_len
                        if score > init_score:
                            init_score = score
                            unflipped_map[toStr(b['x'], b['y'])] = score
                    score = self.expect_score / 50
                    unflipped_map[toStr(b['x'], b['y'])] = score
            # flip, if no cannon in unfliped blocks
                init_score = -9999
                if right_one and right_one[
                        'hasFlip'] and self.side != right_one['side']:
                    score = (self.expect_score -
                             POINTS[right_one['type']]) / 50
                    if score > init_score:
                        init_score = score
                        unflipped_map[toStr(b['x'], b['y'])] = score
                elif left_one and left_one[
                        'hasFlip'] and self.side != left_one['side']:
                    score = (self.expect_score - POINTS[left_one['type']]) / 50
                    if score > init_score:
                        init_score = score
                        unflipped_map[toStr(b['x'], b['y'])] = score
                elif up_one and up_one[
                        'hasFlip'] and self.side != up_one['side']:
                    score = (self.expect_score - POINTS[up_one['type']]) / 50
                    if score > init_score:
                        init_score = score
                        unflipped_map[toStr(b['x'], b['y'])] = score
                elif down_one and down_one[
                        'hasFlip'] and self.side != down_one['side']:
                    score = (self.expect_score - POINTS[down_one['type']]) / 50
                    if score > init_score:
                        init_score = score
                        unflipped_map[toStr(b['x'], b['y'])] = score
                elif up_right and up_right[
                        'hasFlip'] and self.side != up_right['side']:
                    score = (self.expect_score - POINTS[up_right['type']]) / 50
                    if score > init_score:
                        init_score = score
                        unflipped_map[toStr(b['x'], b['y'])] = score
                elif up_left and up_left[
                        'hasFlip'] and self.side != up_left['side']:
                    score = (self.expect_score - POINTS[up_left['type']]) / 50
                    if score > init_score:
                        init_score = score
                        unflipped_map[toStr(b['x'], b['y'])] = score
                elif down_right and down_right[
                        'hasFlip'] and self.side != down_right['side']:
                    score = (self.expect_score -
                             POINTS[down_right['type']]) / 50
                    if score > init_score:
                        init_score = score
                        unflipped_map[toStr(b['x'], b['y'])] = score
                elif down_left and down_left[
                        'hasFlip'] and self.side != down_left['side']:
                    score = (self.expect_score -
                             POINTS[down_left['type']]) / 50
                    if score > init_score:
                        init_score = score
                        unflipped_map[toStr(b['x'], b['y'])] = score
                    score = self.expect_score / 50
                    unflipped_map[toStr(b['x'], b['y'])] = score

        if unflipped_map:
            max_block_key = getMax(unflipped_map)
            big_block = self.blocks_map.get(max_block_key)
            big_score = max(unflipped_map.values())
            detail = {}
            for xy in unflipped_map:
                detail[xy] = {'score': unflipped_map[xy]}
            return {
                'action': 'flip',
                'score': big_score,
                'block': big_block,
                'from': None,
                'detail': detail
            return {
                'action': 'flip',
                'score': None,
                'big_block': None,
                'from': None,
                'detail': None
Exemple #11
    def get_move_score(self):
        big_score = 0
        big_block = {}
        ai_kill_block = {}
        current_round = self.blocks_map
        move_map = {}
        to_map = {}
        for b in self.ai_flipped:
            right_one = self.blocks_map.get(toStr(b['x'] + 1, b['y']), None)
            right_two = self.blocks_map.get(toStr(b['x'] + 2, b['y']), None)
            right_three = self.blocks_map.get(toStr(b['x'] + 3, b['y']), None)
            right_up_two = self.blocks_map.get(toStr(b['x'] + 1, b['y'] + 2),
            right_down_two = self.blocks_map.get(toStr(b['x'] + 1, b['y'] - 2),
            left_one = self.blocks_map.get(toStr(b['x'] - 1, b['y']), None)
            left_two = self.blocks_map.get(toStr(b['x'] - 2, b['y']), None)
            left_three = self.blocks_map.get(toStr(b['x'] - 3, b['y']), None)
            left_up_two = self.blocks_map.get(toStr(b['x'] - 1, b['y'] + 2),
            left_down_two = self.blocks_map.get(toStr(b['x'] - 1, b['y'] - 2),
            up_one = self.blocks_map.get(toStr(b['x'], b['y'] + 1), None)
            up_two = self.blocks_map.get(toStr(b['x'], b['y'] + 2), None)
            up_three = self.blocks_map.get(toStr(b['x'], b['y'] + 3), None)
            down_one = self.blocks_map.get(toStr(b['x'], b['y'] - 1), None)
            down_two = self.blocks_map.get(toStr(b['x'], b['y'] - 2), None)
            down_three = self.blocks_map.get(toStr(b['x'], b['y'] - 3), None)
            up_right = self.blocks_map.get(toStr(b['x'] + 1, b['y'] + 1), None)
            up_right_two = self.blocks_map.get(toStr(b['x'] + 2, b['y'] + 1),
            up_left = self.blocks_map.get(toStr(b['x'] - 1, b['y'] + 1), None)
            up_left_two = self.blocks_map.get(toStr(b['x'] - 2, b['y'] + 1),
            down_right = self.blocks_map.get(toStr(b['x'] + 1, b['y'] - 1),
            down_right_two = self.blocks_map.get(toStr(b['x'] + 2, b['y'] - 1),
            down_left = self.blocks_map.get(toStr(b['x'] - 1, b['y'] - 1),
            down_left_two = self.blocks_map.get(toStr(b['x'] - 2, b['y'] - 1),

            # can kill, not cannon
            init_score = -9999
            if right_one and right_one['hasFlip'] and self.side != right_one[
                    'side'] and b['type'] != 2 and vs(b, right_one):
                score = POINTS[right_one['type']]
                if (right_two and right_two['hasFlip'] and self.side != right_two['side'] and vs(b, right_two)) or\
                   (up_right and up_right['hasFlip'] and self.side != up_right['side'] and vs(b, up_right)) or\
                   (down_right and down_right['hasFlip'] and self.side != down_right['side'] and vs(b, down_right)):
                    if vs(b, right_two):
                        score = score + POINTS[right_two['type']] / 10
                    if vs(b, up_right):
                        score = score + POINTS[up_right['type']] / 10
                    if vs(b, down_right):
                        score = score + POINTS[down_right['type']] / 10
                    if [vs(b, right_two),
                            vs(b, up_right),
                            vs(b, down_right)].count(True) > 1:
                        vs1 = POINTS[right_two['type']] if vs(b,
                                                              right_two) else 0
                        vs2 = POINTS[up_right['type']] if vs(b,
                                                             up_right) else 0
                        vs3 = POINTS[down_right['type']] if vs(
                            b, down_right) else 0
                        score = score + min([vs1, vs2, vs3])
                # kill and then be killed, killed by cannon or others
                if (right_two and right_two['hasFlip'] and self.side != right_two['side'] and vs(right_two, b)) or\
                   (up_right and up_right['hasFlip'] and self.side != up_right['side'] and vs(up_right, b)) or\
                   (down_right and down_right['hasFlip'] and self.side != down_right['side'] and vs(down_right, b)) or\
                   (right_three and right_three['hasFlip'] and self.side != right_three['side'] and right_three['type'] == 2) or\
                   (right_up_two and right_up_two['hasFlip'] and self.side != right_up_two['side'] and right_up_two['type'] == 2) or\
                   (right_down_two and right_down_two['hasFlip'] and self.side != right_down_two['side'] and right_down_two['type'] == 2):
                    score = 0 - POINTS[b['type']]
                if score > init_score:
                    init_score = score
                    move_map[toStr(b['x'], b['y'])] = score
                    to_map[toStr(b['x'], b['y'])] = right_one
            elif left_one and left_one['hasFlip'] and self.side != left_one[
                    'side'] and b['type'] != 2 and vs(b, left_one):
                score = POINTS[left_one['type']]
                if (left_two and left_two['hasFlip'] and self.side != left_two['side'] and vs(b, left_two)) or\
                   (up_left and up_left['hasFlip'] and self.side != up_left['side'] and vs(b, up_left)) or\
                   (down_left and down_left['hasFlip'] and self.side != down_left['side'] and vs(b, down_left)):
                    if vs(b, left_two):
                        score = score + POINTS[left_two['type']] / 10
                    if vs(b, up_left):
                        score = score + POINTS[up_left['type']] / 10
                    if vs(b, down_left):
                        score = score + POINTS[down_left['type']] / 10
                    if [vs(b, left_two),
                            vs(b, up_left),
                            vs(b, down_left)].count(True) > 1:
                        vs1 = POINTS[left_two['type']] if vs(b,
                                                             left_two) else 0
                        vs2 = POINTS[up_left['type']] if vs(b, up_left) else 0
                        vs3 = POINTS[down_left['type']] if vs(b,
                                                              down_left) else 0
                        score = score + min([vs1, vs2, vs3])
                if (left_two and left_two['hasFlip'] and self.side != left_two['side'] and vs(left_two, b)) or\
                   (up_left and up_left['hasFlip'] and self.side != up_left['side'] and vs(up_left, b)) or\
                   (down_left and down_left['hasFlip'] and self.side != down_left['side'] and vs(down_left, b)) or\
                   (left_three and left_three['hasFlip'] and self.side != left_three['side'] and left_three['type'] == 2) or\
                   (left_up_two and left_up_two['hasFlip'] and self.side != left_up_two['side'] and left_up_two['type'] == 2) or\
                   (left_down_two and left_down_two['hasFlip'] and self.side != left_down_two['side'] and left_down_two['type'] == 2):
                    score = 0 - POINTS[b['type']]
                if score > init_score:
                    init_score = score
                    move_map[toStr(b['x'], b['y'])] = score
                    to_map[toStr(b['x'], b['y'])] = left_one
            elif up_one and up_one['hasFlip'] and self.side != up_one[
                    'side'] and b['type'] != 2 and vs(b, up_one):
                score = POINTS[up_one['type']]
                if (up_two and up_two['hasFlip'] and self.side != up_two['side'] and vs(b, up_two)) or\
                   (up_left and up_left['hasFlip'] and self.side != up_left['side'] and vs(b, up_left)) or\
                   (up_right and up_right['hasFlip'] and self.side != up_right['side'] and vs(b, up_right)):
                    if vs(b, up_two):
                        score = score + POINTS[up_two['type']] / 10
                    if vs(b, up_left):
                        score = score + POINTS[up_left['type']] / 10
                    if vs(b, up_right):
                        score = score + POINTS[up_right['type']] / 10
                    if [vs(b, up_two),
                            vs(b, up_left),
                            vs(b, up_right)].count(True) > 1:
                        vs1 = POINTS[up_two['type']] if vs(b, up_two) else 0
                        vs2 = POINTS[up_left['type']] if vs(b, up_left) else 0
                        vs3 = POINTS[up_right['type']] if vs(b,
                                                             up_right) else 0
                        score = score + min([vs1, vs2, vs3])
                if (up_two and up_two['hasFlip'] and self.side != up_two['side'] and vs(up_two, b)) or\
                   (up_left and up_left['hasFlip'] and self.side != up_left['side'] and vs(up_left, b)) or\
                   (up_right and up_right['hasFlip'] and self.side != up_right['side'] and vs(up_right, b)) or\
                   (up_three and up_three['hasFlip'] and self.side != up_three['side'] and up_three['type'] == 2) or\
                   (up_right_two and up_right_two['hasFlip'] and self.side != up_right_two['side'] and up_right_two['type'] == 2) or\
                   (up_left_two and up_left_two['hasFlip'] and self.side != up_left_two['side'] and up_left_two['type'] == 2):
                    score = 0 - POINTS[b['type']]
                if score > init_score:
                    init_score = score
                    move_map[toStr(b['x'], b['y'])] = score
                    to_map[toStr(b['x'], b['y'])] = up_one
            elif down_one and down_one['hasFlip'] and self.side != down_one[
                    'side'] and b['type'] != 2 and vs(b, down_one):
                score = POINTS[down_one['type']]
                if (down_two and down_two['hasFlip'] and self.side != down_two['side'] and vs(b, down_two)) or\
                   (down_right and down_right['hasFlip'] and self.side != down_right['side'] and vs(b, down_right)) or\
                   (down_left and down_left['hasFlip'] and self.side != down_left['side'] and vs(b, down_left)):
                    if vs(b, down_two):
                        score = score + POINTS[down_two['type']] / 10
                    if vs(b, down_right):
                        score = score + POINTS[down_right['type']] / 10
                    if vs(b, down_left):
                        score = score + POINTS[down_left['type']] / 10
                    if [vs(b, down_two),
                            vs(b, down_right),
                            vs(b, down_left)].count(True) > 1:
                        vs1 = POINTS[down_two['type']] if vs(b,
                                                             down_two) else 0
                        vs2 = POINTS[down_right['type']] if vs(
                            b, down_right) else 0
                        vs3 = POINTS[down_left['type']] if vs(b,
                                                              down_left) else 0
                        score = score + min([vs1, vs2, vs3])
                if (down_two and down_two['hasFlip'] and self.side != down_two['side'] and vs(down_two, b)) or\
                   (down_right and down_right['hasFlip'] and self.side != down_right['side'] and vs(down_right, b)) or\
                   (down_left and down_left['hasFlip'] and self.side != down_left['side'] and vs(down_left, b)) or\
                   (down_three and down_three['hasFlip'] and self.side != down_three['side'] and down_three['type'] == 2) or\
                   (down_right_two and down_right_two['hasFlip'] and self.side != down_right_two['side'] and down_right_two['type'] == 2) or\
                   (down_left_two and down_left_two['hasFlip'] and self.side != down_left_two['side'] and down_left_two['type'] == 2):
                    score = 0 - POINTS[b['type']]
                if score > init_score:
                    init_score = score
                    move_map[toStr(b['x'], b['y'])] = score
                    to_map[toStr(b['x'], b['y'])] = down_one
            # can kill, cannon
            elif b['type'] == 2:
                if self.cannon_move(b):
                    ck = self.cannon_move(b)
                    for cb in ck:
                        if ck[cb]:
                            vb = ck[cb]
                            cannon_right_one = self.blocks_map.get(
                                toStr(vb['x'] + 1, vb['y']), None)
                            cannon_right_two = self.blocks_map.get(
                                toStr(vb['x'] + 2, vb['y']), None)
                            cannon_left_one = self.blocks_map.get(
                                toStr(vb['x'] - 1, vb['y']), None)
                            cannon_left_two = self.blocks_map.get(
                                toStr(vb['x'] - 2, vb['y']), None)
                            cannon_up_one = self.blocks_map.get(
                                toStr(vb['x'], vb['y'] + 1), None)
                            cannon_up_two = self.blocks_map.get(
                                toStr(vb['x'], vb['y'] + 2), None)
                            cannon_down_one = self.blocks_map.get(
                                toStr(vb['x'], vb['y'] - 1), None)
                            cannon_down_two = self.blocks_map.get(
                                toStr(vb['x'], vb['y'] - 2), None)

                            if vb['hasFlip'] and self.side != vb['side']:
                                score = POINTS[vb['type']]
                            if not vb['hasFlip']:
                                score = -(self.expect_score) * 3
                            vs1 = 0
                            vs2 = 0
                            vs3 = 0
                            vs4 = 0
                            if cannon_right_two and cannon_right_two[
                                    'hasFlip'] and self.side != cannon_right_two[
                                vs1 = POINTS[cannon_right_two['type']] / 10
                            if cannon_left_two and cannon_left_two[
                                    'hasFlip'] and self.side != cannon_left_two[
                                vs2 = POINTS[cannon_left_two['type']] / 10
                            if cannon_up_two and cannon_up_two[
                                    'hasFlip'] and self.side != cannon_up_two[
                                vs3 = POINTS[cannon_up_two['type']] / 10
                            if cannon_down_two and cannon_down_two[
                                    'hasFlip'] and self.side != cannon_down_two[
                                vs3 = POINTS[cannon_down_two['type']] / 10
                            if [vs1, vs2, vs3, vs4].count(0) == 3:
                                score = score + vs1 + vs2 + vs3 + vs4
                            if [vs1, vs2, vs3, vs4].count(0) < 3:
                                l = [vs1, vs2, vs3, vs4]
                                score = score + min(l)

                            if (cannon_right_one and cannon_right_one['hasFlip'] and self.side != cannon_right_one['side'] and vs(cannon_right_one, b)) or\
                               (cannon_left_one and cannon_left_one['hasFlip'] and self.side != cannon_left_one['side'] and vs(cannon_left_one, b)) or\
                               (cannon_up_one and cannon_up_one['hasFlip'] and self.side != cannon_up_one['side'] and vs(cannon_up_one, b)) or\
                               (cannon_down_one and cannon_down_one['hasFlip'] and self.side != cannon_down_one['side'] and vs(cannon_down_one, b)) or\
                               (cannon_right_two and cannon_right_two['hasFlip'] and self.side != cannon_right_two['side'] and cannon_right_two['type'] == 2) or\
                               (cannon_left_two and cannon_left_two['hasFlip'] and self.side != cannon_left_two['side'] and cannon_left_two['type'] == 2) or\
                               (cannon_up_two and cannon_up_two['hasFlip'] and self.side != cannon_up_two['side'] and cannon_up_two['type'] == 2) or\
                               (cannon_down_two and cannon_down_two['hasFlip'] and self.side != cannon_down_two['side'] and cannon_down_two['type'] == 2):
                                score = 0 - POINTS[b['type']]
                            if score > init_score:
                                move_map[toStr(b['x'], b['y'])] = score
                                to_map[toStr(b['x'], b['y'])] = vb
                # TODO
                score = 0
                move_map[toStr(b['x'], b['y'])] = score
                to_map[toStr(b['x'], b['y'])] = None

        if move_map:
            max_block_key = getMax(move_map)
            big_block = self.blocks_map.get(max_block_key)
            big_score = max(move_map.values())
            ai_kill_block = to_map.get(max_block_key)
            detail = {}
            for xy in move_map:
                detail[xy] = {'score': move_map[xy], 'to': to_map[xy]}
            return {
                'action': 'move',
                'score': big_score,
                'block': ai_kill_block,
                'from': big_block,
                'detail': detail
            return {
                'action': 'move',
                'score': None,
                'block': None,
                'from': None,
                'detail': None