Exemple #1
def main():

    fpns_to_sync = [x for x in [x.strip() for x in open(os.path.join(utils.getScriptPath(), "fpns_to_sync.txt")).read().\
        split("\n")] if x[0] != "#"] # there!
#    logger.debug("WILL SYNC "+",".join(fpns_to_sync))
    if len(fpns_to_sync) == 0: 
        logger.error("Nothing to sync")
        return -1

# validate legacy list -- used by diff
    validFPNs = diff.getValidFPNs()
    #logger.debug("Valid FPNS "+str(validFPNs))

    logger.debug("connecting to sp")
    spsoap = spsoapclient.spsoapclient()
    sp_list_map = spsoap.get_lists_as_map()

    def _check_lists():
        bad = False
        for ed in fpns_to_sync:
            except KeyError:
                logger.error("List to sync:|%s| not in SP"%ed)
#                for k in sp_list_map.keys(): 
#                   logger.debug("|%s|"%k)
                bad = True
            if ed not in validFPNs:
                logger.error("List to sync: |%s| not in ValidFPNs"%ed)
                bad = True
        return bad
    if _check_lists(): 
        return -1
    not1 = [x for x in fpns_to_sync if x not in validFPNs]
    if len(not1):
        print "fpns_to_sync not in validFPNS"
        print not1

    not1 = [x for x in validFPNs if x not in fpns_to_sync]
    if len(not1):
        print "validFPNS not in fpns_to_sync"
        print not1

    print "OK"
    return 0

#    now = datetime.datetime.now()
#    nowfile = os.path.join(archive_dir, "now.csv")
#    spsfsync_runner.__dumpSF(nowfile)
    return 0
Exemple #2
def main():
    from tkinter import PhotoImage
    global root
    root = Tk()
    icon = PhotoImage(file=utils.getScriptPath() + "/images/haus_18x16.png")
    root.call('wm', 'iconphoto', root._w, icon)

    if 'win' not in sys.platform:
        style = ttk.Style()

    wv = WV(root)
    global ctrl
    ctrl = WvController(wv)
    #wv.after(1, lambda: dlg.focus_force())

    root.option_add('*Dialog.msg.font', 'Helvetica 11')
    wv.bind("<Visibility>", onFirstShow)

Exemple #3
#     #width = root.winfo_screenwidth()
#     #width = root.winfo_width()
#     #height = int(root.winfo_screenheight()/2)
#     #root.geometry('%sx%s' % (900, height))
#     #wv.bind("<Visibility>", show)
#     root.option_add('*Dialog.msg.font', 'Helvetica 11')
#     wv.mainloop()

if __name__ == '__main__':
    print("path: ", sys.path)
    print("current work directory: ", os.getcwd())
    print("scriptpath: ", utils.getScriptPath())

- Tab Page Jahresdaten implementieren (für *eine* Wohnung)
- Dialog Jahresdaten implementieren (Vergleich *aller* Wohnungen)
- Bug: Wohnung löschen geht nicht
- Bug: Löschen der letzten Rechnung: Fehler wird gemeldet, 
       letzte Rechnung bleibt stehen, ist beim neuen LAden
       dann aber doch weg
- zusätzliche Plausi bei Mtl. Ein-Auszahlungen: Es darf keine Änderung
  von Miete, NK, HG WÄHREND eines Monats geben, sonst laufen die Jahresdaten
  und die AnlageV-Berechnung falsch.
- Verwalter neu/ändern implementieren
Exemple #4
def getValidFPNs():
    p = open(os.path.join(utils.getScriptPath(), "fpns.txt")).read().split("\n")
    return [px.strip() for px in p if px != "" and px.strip()[0] != "#" and px.strip() != ""]
Exemple #5
import os.path
import datetime
import commands
import uu
import curl
import fcntl

mailhost = "mail.advisen.com"
administrators = "[email protected],[email protected]"
mailsender = "*****@*****.**"
logger = createLogger("pushreports")
sleepTime = 5

configFile = "pushreports.cfg"
configPath =  os.path.join(getScriptPath(), configFile)

pid_file = os.path.join(getScriptPath(), 'program.pid')
fp = open(pid_file, 'w')
    fcntl.lockf(fp, fcntl.LOCK_EX | fcntl.LOCK_NB)
except IOError:
    logger.error("Another instance is already running")
class PRException(sf.SFException):
    def __init__(self, msg):
        self.msg = msg
class Mailer:
    def mailAttach(self, subject, body, type="text"):
 def getGrundsteuerDefs() -> list:
     columnsDefs = ColumnDefsProvider._getWidgetDefs(utils.getScriptPath() +
     return columnsDefs
Exemple #7
def main(archive_dir, debug = 0):
    if not os.path.isdir(archive_dir):
        print "archive_dir "+archive_dir+" not found"
        return -1

    logger.debug("DEBUG = "+str(debug))
    fpns_to_sync = [x for x in [x.strip() for x in open(os.path.join(utils.getScriptPath(), "fpns_to_sync.txt")).read().\
        split("\n")] if x[0] != "#"] # there!
    logger.debug("WILL SYNC "+",".join(fpns_to_sync))
    if len(fpns_to_sync) == 0: 
        logger.error("Nothing to sync")
        return -1

    logger.debug("connecting to sp")
    spsoap = spsoapclient.spsoapclient()

    sp_list_map = spsoap.get_lists_as_map()

    def _check_lists():
        bad = False
        for ed in fpns_to_sync:
            except KeyError:
                logger.error("List to sync:%s not in SP"%ed)
                bad = True
        return bad
    if _check_lists(): 
        return -1

    rmap = spsoap.get_recips_as_map(os.path.join(tempdir, utils.temp_name("sp_export.csv")))
    logger.debug("rmap len %d"%len(rmap))

    now = datetime.datetime.now()
    nowfile = os.path.join(archive_dir, "now.csv")
    prevfile = os.path.join(archive_dir, "prev.csv")

    if debug != 1:
        if not os.path.isfile(nowfile):
            logger.debug("there is no now file - wtf do we do")
            if os.path.isfile(prevfile):
                n = os.path.join(archive_dir,
                    "prev_%04d%02d%02d.csv"%(now.year, now.month, now.day))
                if os.path.isfile(n):
                os.rename(prevfile, n)
            os.rename(nowfile, prevfile)

    rc = spsfsync.main(nowfile, rmap, None, send_emails_to)
    import diff
    adds, deletes = diff.diff(nowfile, prevfile)
    if len(adds) == 0 and len(deletes) == 0:
        logger.debug("Nothing to do")
        return 0
    good_adds = []
    bad_adds = []
    good_dels = []
    bad_dels = []
    for ed in fpns_to_sync:
        listid = sp_list_map[ed]

        logger.debug("DOING %s - %d"%(ed, listid))
        if ed in adds:
            for a in adds[ed]:
                logger.debug("add %s to %s id %d"%(a, ed, listid))
                if a in rmap:
                    recip_id = rmap[a][0]
                        recip_id = spsoap.create_recip(a)
                    except spsoapclient.spsoapclient_exception, e:
                        bad_adds.append("%s to %s failed with %s"%(a,ed,e.what))
                rc = spsoap.add_recip_to_list(int(listid), int(recip_id))
                good_adds.append("%s to %s"%(a, ed))

        logger.debug("DOING dels %d"%(len(deletes)))
        if ed in deletes:
            for a in deletes[ed]:
                logger.debug("delete %s from %s id %d"%(a, ed, listid))
                if a in rmap:
                    recip_id = rmap[a][0]
                    mailing_id = rmap[a][2]
                    rc = spsoap.delete_recip_from_list(int(listid), int(recip_id), int(mailing_id))
                    good_dels.append("%s from %s"%(a, ed))
                    bad_dels.append("%s unsub from %s is not in recip list of SP"%(a, ed))
 def getSonstigeEinAusDefs() -> list:
     columnsDefs = ColumnDefsProvider._getWidgetDefs(utils.getScriptPath() +
     return columnsDefs
 def getMonatlicheEinAusDefs() -> list:
     columnsDefs = ColumnDefsProvider._getWidgetDefs(
         utils.getScriptPath() + "/monatlicheeinaus.json")
     return columnsDefs
 def getRechnungDefs() -> list:
     columnsDefs = ColumnDefsProvider._getWidgetDefs(utils.getScriptPath() +
     return columnsDefs
from libs import *
import utils
from business import DataProvider, DataError, ServiceException
from vermietercontroller import VermieterController
from verwaltercontroller import VerwalterController, VerwalterModifiedAction
from mywidgets import TextEntry
from actions import Action
from stammdatenview import StammdatenView, StammdatenAction
from interfaces import XWohnungDaten, XVerwalter, XVermieter, \
    XVermieterList, XVerwalterList
import datehelper

class StammdatenController:
    def __init__(self, dataProvider: DataProvider,
                 stammdatenView: StammdatenView):
        self._dataProvider = dataProvider
        self._view = stammdatenView
        self._whg_id = None
        self._vermieterDic: Dict[int, str] = {}  #dictionary of all vermieter
        self._verwalterDic: Dict[int, str] = {}  #dictionary of all verwalter
        self._actionCompletedCallbacks = list()
        self._xwohnungDataTmp = None

    def startWork(self) -> None:
global p_main, p_steam, p_run, p_update
import utils

p_main = utils.getScriptPath() + "/working"
p_steam = p_main + "/steamcmd"
p_ark = p_main + "/ark"
p_run = p_ark + "/run"
p_update = p_ark + "/update"

def main():
    if sys.argv[1] == "init":
    if sys.argv[1] == "start":
        print("Versuche Update Server ...")
        updated = update_manager.try_update(p_run)
        print("Versuche Update Mods ...")
        updated_mods = update_manager.try_update_mods(p_run, config.mods)
        if(updated and updated_mods):

if __name__ == "__main__":
    import os
    import sys
    import update_manager
    import ark_manager as ark