Exemple #1
def addTag(bot, update):
    chatId = update.message.chat_id
    if update.message.reply_to_message:
        replyTo = update.message.reply_to_message.from_user.id
        replyTo = update.message.from_user.id
    fromUser = update.message.from_user.id
    if db.isLimied(fromUser):
            u"操作被拒绝: 速率限制", reply_to_message_id=update.message.message_id)
    db.addLimit(fromUser, chatId)

    for item in str(update.message.text).split(" "):
        tag = update.message.text[5:]
        db.addTag(replyTo, chatId, tag)

    if update.message.from_user:
        db.setUserName(getUserName(update.message.from_user), fromUser)

    if update.message.reply_to_message:

    update.message.reply_text(u"操作成功 添加了Tag",
def createFollowingGameList():
    username = utils.getUserName()
    if not username:
        games = TWITCHTV.getFollowingGames(username)
        items = [CONVERTER.convertGameToListItem(element) for element in games]
        return items
Exemple #3
def createFollowingGameList():
    username = utils.getUserName()
    if not username:
        games = TWITCHTV.getFollowingGames(username)
        items = [CONVERTER.convertGameToListItem(element) for element in games]
        return items
def createFollowingList():
    username = utils.getUserName()
    if not username:
        streams = TWITCHTV.getFollowingStreams(username)
        liveStreams = [CONVERTER.convertStreamToListItem(stream) for stream in streams[Keys.LIVE]]
        liveStreams.insert(0, {'path': PLUGIN.url_for(endpoint='createFollowingList'), 'icon': Images.ICON,
                               'thumbnail': Images.THUMB, 'art': utils.theArt(), 'is_playable': False,
                               'label': PLUGIN.get_string(30012)})
        liveStreams.append({'path': PLUGIN.url_for(endpoint='createFollowingList'), 'icon': Images.ICON,
                            'thumbnail': Images.THUMB, 'art': utils.theArt(), 'is_playable': False,
                            'label': PLUGIN.get_string(30013)})
        liveStreams.extend([CONVERTER.convertFollowersToListItem(follower) for follower in streams[Keys.OTHERS]])
        return liveStreams
Exemple #5
def createFollowingList():
    username = utils.getUserName()
    if not username:
        streams = TWITCHTV.getFollowingStreams(username)
        liveStreams = [CONVERTER.convertStreamToListItem(stream) for stream in streams[Keys.LIVE]]
        liveStreams.insert(0, {'path': PLUGIN.url_for(endpoint='createFollowingList'), 'icon': Images.ICON,
                               'thumbnail': Images.THUMB, 'art': utils.theArt(), 'is_playable': False,
                               'label': PLUGIN.get_string(30012)})
        liveStreams.append({'path': PLUGIN.url_for(endpoint='createFollowingList'), 'icon': Images.ICON,
                            'thumbnail': Images.THUMB, 'art': utils.theArt(), 'is_playable': False,
                            'label': PLUGIN.get_string(30013)})
        liveStreams.extend([CONVERTER.convertFollowersToListItem(follower) for follower in streams[Keys.OTHERS]])
        return liveStreams
Exemple #6
import fnmatch, os, re, sys
import hooks, utils
from exceptions import EupsException

who = utils.getUserName()

tagListFileExt = "tags"
tagListFileTmpl = "%s." + tagListFileExt
tagListFileRe = re.compile(r"^(\w\S*).%s$" % tagListFileExt)
commRe = re.compile(r"\s*#.*$")

class Tags(object):
    a manager of a set of known tag names.  Tags are organized into 
    groups; however, the same name may not be allowed in more than one 
    group.  Three groups are handled by default: global, pseudo, and user.  

    # the group string name indicating the global tag group
    global_ = "_"

    # the group string name indicating the user tag group
    user = "******"

    # pseudo-tags used by the VRO
    pseudo = "_p"

    def __init__(self, globals=None, groups=[]):

        # a lookup of recognized tag names.  These are separated into groups 
        # of which three are generally used:
#!/usr/bin/env python
"""Creates a PC file with a selection of points from a BBox and level"""

import argparse, traceback, time, os, psycopg2, datetime
import utils

# Check the LAStools is installed and that it is in the PATH before libLAS
if utils.shellExecute('lasmerge -version').count('LAStools') == 0:
    raise Exception("LAStools lasmerge is not found!. Please check that it is in PATH and that it is before libLAS binaries")

USERNAME = utils.getUserName()

def argument_parser():
    """ Define the arguments and return the parser object"""
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
    description="""Creates a PC file with a selection of points from a BBox and level""")
    parser.add_argument('-s','--srid',default='',help='SRID',type=int, required=True)
    parser.add_argument('-e','--mail',   default='',help='E-mail address to send e-mail after completion',type=str, required=True)
    parser.add_argument('-b','--bbox',   default='', help='Bounding box for the points selection given as "minX minY maxX maxY"',required=True,type=str)
    parser.add_argument('-l','--level',  default='',help='Level of data used for the generation (only used if the used table is the one with the potree data). If not provided the raw data is used',type=str)
    parser.add_argument('-d','--dbname',default=utils.DB_NAME,help='Postgres DB name [default ' + utils.DB_NAME + ']',type=str)
    parser.add_argument('-u','--dbuser', default=USERNAME,help='DB user [default ' + USERNAME + ']',type=str)
    parser.add_argument('-p','--dbpass', default='',help='DB pass',type=str)
    parser.add_argument('-t','--dbhost', default='',help='DB host',type=str)
    parser.add_argument('-r','--dbport', default='',help='DB port',type=str)
    parser.add_argument('-w','--baseurl', default='',help='Base URL for the output file (web access)',type=str)
    parser.add_argument('-f','--basepath', default='',help='Base path for the output file (internal access)',type=str)
    return parser

def run(srid, userMail, level, bBox, dbName, dbPass, dbUser, dbHost, dbPort, baseURL, basePath):
Exemple #8
def takeLocks(cmdName, path, lockType, nolocks=False, ntry=10, verbose=0):
    locks = []

    if hooks.config.site.lockDirectoryBase is None:
        if verbose > 2:
            print >> utils.stdinfo, "Locking is disabled"
        nolocks = True

    if lockType is not None and not nolocks:
        if lockType == LOCK_EX:
            lockTypeName = "exclusive"
            lockTypeName = "shared"

        if verbose > 1:
            print >> utils.stdinfo, "Acquiring %s locks for command \"%s\"" % (lockTypeName, cmdName)

        dt = 1.0                        # number of seconds to wait
        for d in path:
            makeLock = True             # we can make the lock
            for i in range(1, ntry + 1):
                    lockDir = os.path.join(getLockPath(d), _lockDir)
                    getLockPath(d, create=True)

                except OSError, e:
                    if lockType == LOCK_EX:
                        lockPids = listLockers(lockDir, getPids=True)
                        if len(lockPids) == 1 and lockPids[0] == os.environ.get("EUPS_LOCK_PID", "-1"):
                            pass        # OK, there's a lock but we know about it
                            if verbose:
                                print >> utils.stdinfo, "Lock is held by a parent, PID %d" % lockPids[0]
                            if e.errno == errno.EEXIST:
                                reason = "locks are held by %s" % " ".join(listLockers(lockDir))
                                reason = str(e)

                            msg = "Unable to take exclusive lock on %s" % (d)
                            if e.errno == errno.EACCES:
                                if verbose >= 0:
                                    print >> utils.stdinfo, "%s; your command may fail" % (msg)
                                makeLock = False
                            msg += ": %s" % (reason)
                            if i == ntry:
                                raise RuntimeError(msg)
                                print >> utils.stdinfo, "%s; retrying" % msg

                        if not os.path.exists(lockDir):
                            if verbose:
                                print >> utils.stdwarn, "Unable to lock %s; proceeding with trepidation" % d
                            return []

                if not makeLock:

                if verbose > 2:
                    print >> utils.stdinfo, "Creating lock directory %s" % (lockDir)
                # OK, the lock directory exists.
                # If we're a shared lock, we need to check that no-one holds an exclusive lock (or, if someone
                # does hold the lock, that we're the holder's child)
                # N.b. the check isn't atomic, but that's conservative (we don't care if the exclusive lock's
                # dropped while we're pondering its existence)
                lockers = listLockers(lockDir, "exclusive*")
                if len(lockers) > 0:
                    if len(lockers) == 1 and \
                       os.environ.get("EUPS_LOCK_PID", "-1") == \
                       listLockers(lockDir, "exclusive*", getPids=True)[0]:
                        raise RuntimeError(("Unable to take shared lock on %s: " +
                                            "an exclusive lock is held by %s") % (d, " ".join(lockers)))

                break                   # got the lock

            if not makeLock:
            if not os.environ.has_key("EUPS_LOCK_PID"): # remember the PID of the process taking the lock
                os.environ["EUPS_LOCK_PID"] = "%d" % os.getpid()
                os.putenv("EUPS_LOCK_PID", os.environ["EUPS_LOCK_PID"])
            # Create a file in it
            who = utils.getUserName()
            pid = os.getpid()

            lockFile = "%s-%s.%d" % (lockTypeName, who, pid)

                fd = os.open(os.path.join(lockDir, lockFile), os.O_EXCL | os.O_RDWR | os.O_CREAT)
            except OSError, e:
                if e.errno != errno.EEXIST:
                    # should not occur

            locks.append((lockDir, lockFile))

            if verbose > 3:
                print >> utils.stdinfo, "Creating lockfile %s" % (os.path.join(lockDir, lockFile))
Exemple #9
import fnmatch, os, re, sys
import hooks, utils
from exceptions import EupsException

who = utils.getUserName()

tagListFileExt = "tags"
tagListFileTmpl = "%s." + tagListFileExt
tagListFileRe = re.compile(r"^(\w\S*).%s$" % tagListFileExt)
commRe = re.compile(r"\s*#.*$")

class Tags(object):
    a manager of a set of known tag names.  Tags are organized into 
    groups; however, the same name may not be allowed in more than one 
    group.  Three groups are handled by default: global, pseudo, and user.  

    # the group string name indicating the global tag group
    global_ = "_"

    # the group string name indicating the user tag group
    user = "******"

    # pseudo-tags used by the VRO
    pseudo = "_p"

    def __init__(self, globals=None, groups=[]):

        # a lookup of recognized tag names.  These are separated into groups