Exemple #1
def merge_local_require(bindings):
    """"Merge local require in bindings. This takes a list of bindings, and return a new list of bindings."""
    created_bindings = []
    removed_bindings = []
    merge = []
    local = []
    # For all bindings,
    for b in bindings:
        # if it is a local binding
        if b.type == "local":
            # we try to find this provide as a require in an other binding
            for b1 in bindings:
                if b1.require_xpath == b.provide_xpath:
                    logger.debug("created bindings %s" % b)
                    created_bindings.append(Binding(b.require_xpath, "external", b1.provide_xpath, b1.arity))
                    # We create merge information which will be used
                    # for unmerge operation.
                    # We store the port that is merged, the orginal require and the new require.
                    merge.append(("@"+b1.provide_xpath, get_lifecycle(b1.require_xpath), get_lifecycle(b.require_xpath)))
            # We create a tuple (requirer, provider) of local
            # require. This will be used to update location of the
            # local require to be the same than the provider component.
            local.append((get_lifecycle(b.require_xpath), get_lifecycle(b.provide_xpath)))
    # Finally, we removed merged bindings
    for b in bindings:
        if b not in created_bindings:
            if b not in removed_bindings:

    return (created_bindings, merge, local)
Exemple #2
def get_non_local_provide(initial, bindings):
    """Return the list of lifecycle and state that are not local
    provide. They will be used by specification.

    :rtype: [{"component":lifecycle, "state": state}]

    non_local = []
    i = initial.xpath
    non_local.append({"component": get_lifecycle(i), "state": get_state(i)})
    for b in bindings:
        if b.type == "external":
            non_local.append({"component": get_lifecycle(b.provide_xpath), "state": get_state(b.provide_xpath)})
    return non_local
Exemple #3
def visualisation_plan(workspace_path):
    file_replay = workspace_path + "/" + aeolus.common.FILE_ARMONIC_REPLAY_FILLED
    file_metis_plan = workspace_path + "/" +  aeolus.common.FILE_METIS_PLAN_JSON

    with open(file_replay, 'r') as f:
        replay = json.load(f)
    with open(file_metis_plan, 'r') as f:
        metis_plan = json.load(f)

    plan = aeolus.launcher.metis_to_armonic(metis_plan, replay)

    def is_final_state(jid, cpt, plan):
        # Used to know if a component state change is the last one or not.
        for p in plan:
            if p.type == 'state-goto' and p.jid == jid and utils.get_lifecycle(p.xpath) == cpt:
                return False
        return True

    ret = []

    for idx, action in enumerate(plan):
        if type(action) == StateGoto:
            action.location = action.jid
            action.component_type = utils.get_lifecycle(action.xpath)
            action.state = utils.get_state(action.xpath)
            action.final = is_final_state(action.location, action.component_type, plan[idx+1:])
            action.last_one = (idx == len(plan) - 1)


    plan.insert(0, Start(len(plan)))

    return plan
Exemple #4
def get_component(components, xpath):
    name = get_lifecycle(xpath)
    # First, we create components that provide something
    os = [armonic.utils.OsTypeMBS(), armonic.utils.OsTypeDebian()]
    lfms = []
    for o in os:
        l = armonic.serialize.Serialize(os_type=o)
        lf = name
        state = get_state(xpath)
        state_xpath = "%s/%s" % (lf, state)
        path = l.state_goto_path(state_xpath)[0]['paths']
        if len(path) > 1:
            raise Exception("Number of paths to reach %s must not be greather than 1" % state_xpath)
        if len(path) == 1:

    if len(lfms) > 1:
        logger.error("%s is available the following OS:" % xpath)
        for l in lfms:
            logger.error("  %s" % l.lf_manager.os_type)
        raise Exception("%s is available on several OS and this is not supported (yet)." % xpath)
    lfm = lfms[0]

    c = None
    for i in components:
        if i.name == name:
            c = i
    if c is None:
        c = Component(name, lfm)
    return c
Exemple #5
 def test_volume_manifest_spec_from_interface(self):
     cont = self.getContainerbyName("fake-vol-interface")
     spec = utils.get_lifecycle(cont, "Kubernetes")
     test = VolumeManifest("myapp", cont, spec)
         test.resource.get("spec").get("hostPath").get("path"), "getthispath"
Exemple #6
 def _get_terraform_interface(self, node):
     Return tosca interfaces for the node
     interfaces = utils.get_lifecycle(node, "Terraform")
     if not interfaces:
         logger.debug("No interface for Terraform in {}".format(node.name))
     return interfaces
Exemple #7
 def _node_data_get_interface(self, node):
     Get interface for node from tosca
     interfaces = utils.get_lifecycle(node, "Occopus")
     if not interfaces:
         logger.debug("No interface for Occopus in {}".format(node.name))
     return interfaces
Exemple #8
    def create_visualisation_attributes(self):
        def is_final_state(jid, cpt, actions):
            # Used to know if a component state change is the last one or not.
            for p in actions:
                if p.type == 'state-goto' and p.jid == jid and utils.get_lifecycle(p.xpath) == cpt:
                    return False
            return True

        for idx, action in enumerate(self.actions):
            if type(action) == StateGoto:
                action.location = action.jid
                action.component_type = utils.get_lifecycle(action.xpath)
                action.state = utils.get_state(action.xpath)
                action.final = is_final_state(action.location, action.component_type, self.actions[idx+1:])
                action.last_one = (idx == len(self.actions) - 1)

        # Add header and footer used to inform interface deployment has started and is ended
        self.actions.insert(0, Start(len(self.actions)))
Exemple #9
 def is_final_state(jid, cpt, actions):
     # Used to know if a component state change is the last one or not.
     for p in actions:
         if p.type == 'state-goto' and p.jid == jid and utils.get_lifecycle(p.xpath) == cpt:
             return False
     return True
Exemple #10
 def test_overwrite_parent_interfaces(self):
     cont = self.getContainerbyName("overwrite-with-auto")
     test = utils.get_lifecycle(cont, "Kubernetes")
     self.assertEqual(test.get("create").get("kind"), "Deployment")
Exemple #11
 def test_get_parent_interfaces(self):
     cont = self.getContainerbyName("daemonset-by-auto")
     test = utils.get_lifecycle(cont, "Kubernetes")
     self.assertEqual(test.get("create").get("kind"), "DaemonSet")
Exemple #12
 def test_config_manifest_spec_from_property(self):
     cont = self.getContainerbyName("fake-config-abst")
     spec = utils.get_lifecycle(cont, "Kubernetes")
     test = ConfigMapManifest("myapp", cont, spec)
     self.assertEqual(test.resource.get("data"), {"datagoes": "here"})
Exemple #13
 def test_config_manifest_spec_overwrite_from_interface(self):
     cont = self.getContainerbyName("fake-config")
     spec = utils.get_lifecycle(cont, "Kubernetes")
     test = ConfigMapManifest("myapp", cont, spec)
     self.assertEqual(test.resource.get("binaryData"), {"bingoes": "here"})
Exemple #14
 def test_volume_manifest_spec_from_property(self):
     cont = self.getContainerbyName("fake-vol-abst")
     spec = utils.get_lifecycle(cont, "Kubernetes")
     test = VolumeManifest("myapp", cont, spec)
     self.assertEqual(test.resource.get("spec").get("nfs").get("path"), "volinprop")
Exemple #15
 def test_volume_manifest_spec_overwrite_from_interface(self):
     cont = self.getContainerbyName("fake-vol-interface")
     spec = utils.get_lifecycle(cont, "Kubernetes")
     test = VolumeManifest("myapp", cont, spec)
     self.assertEqual(len(test.resource.get("spec").get("accessModes")), 1)