def main(): print 'Cargando... rate = %r...' % get_ratio() with DAOokwDataContext(_CS_OKW) as okw: okw.CommandTimeout = _DEFAULT_COMMAND_TIMEOUT with DAOSomatomDataContext(_CS_OKW) as somatom: somatom.CommandTimeout = _DEFAULT_COMMAND_TIMEOUT script = Script(okw, somatom, get_ratio()) script.procesa() print 'listo...'
def fe1(): prefix = '企业基本信息&高管信息&投资信息' df, train_num = utils.get_df(prefix, ['企业名称', '注册资金', '注册资本(金)币种名称', '企业(机构)类型名称', '行业门类代码', '成立日期', '核准日期', '住所所在地省份', '姓名', '法定代表人标志', '首席代表标志', '职务', '投资人', '出资比例']) df[prefix + '_出资比例'] = df[prefix + '_出资比例'].apply(lambda x: x if x <= 1 else x / 100) df[prefix + '_注册资金'] = df[[prefix + '_注册资金', prefix + '_注册资本(金)币种名称']].apply( lambda x: x[prefix + '_注册资金'] if x[prefix + '_注册资本(金)币种名称'] not in utils.exch_rate.keys() else x[prefix + '_注册资金'] * utils.exch_rate[x[prefix + '_注册资本(金)币种名称']], axis=1).fillna(0) df[prefix + '_注册资金_binning'] = df[prefix + '_注册资金'].apply( lambda x: utils.binning(x, [300, 500, 1000, 3000, 6000])) df[prefix + '_成立日期'] = df[prefix + '_成立日期'].astype('str').apply( lambda x: utils.get_date(x[:10]) if x != 'nan' else np.nan) df[prefix + '_核准日期'] = df[prefix + '_核准日期'].apply(lambda x: utils.get_date(x[:10])) df[prefix + '_成立日期_核准日期_diff'] = df[prefix + '_成立日期'] - df[prefix + '_核准日期'] df[prefix + '_法定代表人职务'] = df[[prefix + '_法定代表人标志', prefix + '_职务']].apply( lambda x: x[prefix + '_职务'] if x[prefix + '_法定代表人标志'] == '是' else np.nan, axis=1) df[prefix + '_首席代表职务'] = df[[prefix + '_首席代表标志', prefix + '_职务']].apply( lambda x: x[prefix + '_职务'] if x[prefix + '_首席代表标志'] == '是' else np.nan, axis=1) df = pd.merge(df, df.dropna(subset=[prefix + '_姓名']).groupby( prefix + '_姓名', as_index=False)['企业名称'].agg({prefix + '_姓名_企业名称_nunique': 'nunique'}), on=prefix + '_姓名', how='left') df = pd.merge(df, df.dropna(subset=[prefix + '_投资人']).groupby( prefix + '_投资人', as_index=False)['企业名称'].agg({prefix + '_投资人_企业名称_nunique': 'nunique'}), on=prefix + '_投资人', how='left') group = df.groupby('企业名称', as_index=False) df = pd.merge(df, utils.get_agg(group, prefix + '_姓名', ['nunique']), on='企业名称', how='left') df = pd.merge(df, utils.get_agg(group, prefix + '_投资人', ['nunique']), on='企业名称', how='left') df = pd.merge(df, utils.get_agg(group, prefix + '_姓名_企业名称_nunique', ['max', 'mean', 'sum']), on='企业名称', how='left') df = pd.merge(df, utils.get_agg(group, prefix + '_投资人_企业名称_nunique', ['max', 'mean', 'sum']), on='企业名称', how='left') df = pd.merge(df, utils.get_agg(group, prefix + '_出资比例', ['max', 'min', 'mean']), on='企业名称', how='left') f_pairs = [ [prefix + '_住所所在地省份', prefix + '_企业(机构)类型名称'], [prefix + '_住所所在地省份', prefix + '_行业门类代码'], [prefix + '_注册资金_binning', prefix + '_企业(机构)类型名称'], [prefix + '_注册资金_binning', prefix + '_行业门类代码'], [prefix + '_企业(机构)类型名称', prefix + '_行业门类代码'] ] df = utils.get_ratio(df, f_pairs) for f in ['注册资本(金)币种名称', '姓名', '法定代表人标志', '首席代表标志', '职务', '投资人', '出资比例', '姓名_企业名称_nunique', '投资人_企业名称_nunique']: del df[prefix + '_' + f] train_df, test_df = df[:train_num], df[train_num:] train_df.drop_duplicates('企业名称', inplace=True) train_df.dropna(subset=[prefix + '_成立日期'], inplace=True) test_df.drop_duplicates('企业名称', inplace=True) for f in ['法定代表人职务', '首席代表职务', '企业(机构)类型名称', '行业门类代码', '住所所在地省份']: label_dict = dict(zip(train_df[prefix + '_' + f].unique(), range(train_df[prefix + '_' + f].nunique()))) train_df[prefix + '_' + f] = train_df[prefix + '_' + f].map(label_dict).fillna(-1).astype('int16') test_df[prefix + '_' + f] = test_df[prefix + '_' + f].map(label_dict).fillna(-1).astype('int16') return prefix, train_df, test_df
def fe8(): prefix = '企业税务登记信息' df, train_num = utils.get_df(prefix, ['企业名称', '审核时间', '登记注册类型', '审核结果']) df[prefix + '_审核时间'] = df[prefix + '_审核时间'].apply(utils.get_date) df[prefix + '_审核结果'] = df[prefix + '_审核结果'].apply( lambda x: x if '江苏省苏州地方税务局' == x or '开业' == x or '正常' == x else '其他') f_pairs = [[prefix + '_登记注册类型', prefix + '_审核结果']] df = utils.get_ratio(df, f_pairs) train_df, test_df = df[:train_num], df[train_num:] train_df.drop_duplicates('企业名称', keep='last', inplace=True) test_df.drop_duplicates('企业名称', keep='last', inplace=True) for f in [prefix + '_审核结果', prefix + '_登记注册类型']: label_dict = dict(zip(train_df[f].unique(), range(train_df[f].nunique()))) train_df[f] = train_df[f].map(label_dict).fillna(-1).astype('int16') test_df[f] = test_df[f].map(label_dict).fillna(-1).astype('int16') return prefix, train_df, test_df
def fe(): label_df11 = pd.read_csv( open('data/round1/train/失信被执行人名单.csv', encoding='utf-8')) label_df12 = pd.read_csv( open('data/round2/train/失信被执行人名单.csv', encoding='utf-8')) label_df1 = pd.concat([label_df11, label_df12], axis=0, ignore_index=True) label_df1['label1'] = 1 label_df21 = pd.read_csv( open('data/round1/train/双公示-法人行政处罚信息.csv', encoding='utf-8')) label_df22 = pd.read_csv( open('data/round2/train/双公示-法人行政处罚信息.csv', encoding='utf-8')) label_df22.drop(label_df22.columns.values[1:], axis=1, inplace=True) label_df2 = pd.concat([label_df21, label_df22], axis=0, ignore_index=True) label_df2['label2'] = 1 print('fe1') prefix1, train_df1, test_df1 = fe1() print('fe2') prefix2, train_df2, test_df2 = fe2() print('fe3') prefix3, train_df3, test_df3 = fe3() print('fe4') prefix4, train_df4, test_df4 = fe4() print('fe5') prefix5, train_df5, test_df5 = fe5() print('fe6') prefix6, train_df6, test_df6 = fe6() print('fe7') prefix7, train_df7, test_df7 = fe7() print('fe8') prefix8, train_df8, test_df8 = fe8() print('fe9') prefix9, train_df9, test_df9 = fe9() print('fe10') prefix10, train_df10, test_df10 = fe10() print('fe11') prefix11, train_df11, test_df11 = fe11() print('fe12') prefix12, train_df12, test_df12 = fe12() test_df = pd.merge(test_df1, test_df2, on='企业名称', how='left') test_df = pd.merge(test_df, test_df3, on='企业名称', how='left') test_df = pd.merge(test_df, test_df4, on='企业名称', how='left') test_df = pd.merge(test_df, test_df5, on='企业名称', how='left') test_df = pd.merge(test_df, test_df6, on='企业名称', how='left') test_df = pd.merge(test_df, test_df7, on='企业名称', how='left') test_df = pd.merge(test_df, test_df8, on='企业名称', how='left') test_df = pd.merge(test_df, test_df9, on='企业名称', how='left') test_df = pd.merge(test_df, test_df10, on='企业名称', how='left') test_df = pd.merge(test_df, test_df11, on='企业名称', how='left') test_df = pd.merge(test_df, test_df12, on='企业名称', how='left') test_df[prefix5] = test_df[prefix5].fillna(0) df = pd.merge(train_df1, train_df2, on='企业名称', how='left') df = pd.merge(df, train_df3, on='企业名称', how='left') df = pd.merge(df, train_df4, on='企业名称', how='left') df = pd.merge(df, train_df5, on='企业名称', how='left') df = pd.merge(df, train_df6, on='企业名称', how='left') df = pd.merge(df, train_df7, on='企业名称', how='left') df = pd.merge(df, train_df8, on='企业名称', how='left') df = pd.merge(df, train_df9, on='企业名称', how='left') df = pd.merge(df, train_df10, on='企业名称', how='left') df = pd.merge(df, train_df11, on='企业名称', how='left') df = pd.merge(df, train_df12, on='企业名称', how='left') df = pd.merge(df, label_df1, on='企业名称', how='left') df = pd.merge(df, label_df2, on='企业名称', how='left') df[prefix5] = df[prefix5].fillna(0) df['label1'] = df['label1'].fillna(0) df['label2'] = df['label2'].fillna(0) labels2 = df['label2'].values df[prefix1 + '_成立日期_' + prefix3 + '_发证日期_diff'] = df[prefix1 + '_成立日期'] - df[prefix3 + '_发证日期'] test_df[prefix1 + '_成立日期_' + prefix3 + '_发证日期_diff'] = test_df[prefix1 + '_成立日期'] - test_df[prefix3 + '_发证日期'] train_num = df.shape[0] df = pd.concat([df, test_df], axis=0, ignore_index=True) f_pairs = [[prefix1 + '_住所所在地省份', prefix3 + '_行政区划']] df = utils.get_ratio(df, f_pairs) del df['label1'], df['label2'] test_df = df[train_num:] df = df[:train_num] train_names = df['企业名称'] test_names = test_df['企业名称'] del df['企业名称'], test_df['企业名称'] return df, train_names, labels2, test_df, test_names
def fe3(): def business_scope(x): x = re.sub('(.*?)', '', x) if '。' == x[-1]: x = x[:-1] if '。' in x: if ';' in x: x.replace('。', ';') elif '、' in x: x.replace('。', '、') else: x.replace('。', ' ') return x def business_scope_to_key_words(x, key_words): for w in key_words: if w in x: return w return '其他' prefix = '机构设立(变更)登记信息' df, train_num = utils.get_df(prefix, [ '企业名称', '注册(开办)资金', '实收资金', '经营范围', '企业类型代码', '所属行业代码', '机构地址(住所)', '发证日期', '行政区划' ]) df[prefix + '_经营范围'] = df[prefix + '_经营范围'].astype('str').apply(business_scope) sentences = df[prefix + '_经营范围'].values docs = [] for s in sentences: if ';' in s: docs.append(' '.join(s.split(';'))) elif '、' in s: docs.append(' '.join(s.split('、'))) else: docs.append(' '.join(s.split(' '))) v = TfidfVectorizer(max_df=0.7, min_df=323) v.fit_transform(docs) key_words = v.get_feature_names() df[prefix + '_经营范围'] = df[prefix + '_经营范围'].apply( lambda x: business_scope_to_key_words(x, key_words)) df[prefix + '_注册(开办)资金'] = df[[ prefix + '_注册(开办)资金', prefix + '_实收资金' ]].apply(lambda x: x[prefix + '_注册(开办)资金'] if x[prefix + '_实收资金'] not in utils.exch_rate.keys() else x[ prefix + '_注册(开办)资金'] * utils.exch_rate[x[prefix + '_实收资金']], axis=1).fillna(0) df[prefix + '_注册(开办)资金_binning'] = df[prefix + '_注册(开办)资金'].apply( lambda x: utils.binning(x, [300, 500, 1000, 3000, 6000])) df[prefix + '_发证日期'] = df[prefix + '_发证日期'].apply(lambda x: utils.get_date( x) if '.' not in x else utils.get_date(x[:10])) df[prefix + '_机构地址(住所)'] = df[prefix + '_机构地址(住所)'].apply(lambda x: x[:2]) df[prefix + '_行政区划'] = df[prefix + '_行政区划'].astype('str').apply( lambda x: x if x != '999999' else 'nan').astype('float32') f_pairs = [[prefix + '_行政区划', prefix + '_企业类型代码'], [prefix + '_行政区划', prefix + '_所属行业代码'], [prefix + '_经营范围', prefix + '_企业类型代码'], [prefix + '_经营范围', prefix + '_所属行业代码'], [prefix + '_经营范围', prefix + '_注册(开办)资金_binning'], [prefix + '_机构地址(住所)', prefix + '_企业类型代码'], [prefix + '_机构地址(住所)', prefix + '_所属行业代码'], [prefix + '_机构地址(住所)', prefix + '_行政区划'], [prefix + '_机构地址(住所)', prefix + '_注册(开办)资金_binning']] df = utils.get_ratio(df, f_pairs) del df[prefix + '_注册(开办)资金'], df[prefix + '_注册(开办)资金_binning'], df[prefix + '_实收资金'] train_df, test_df = df[:train_num], df[train_num:] train_df.drop_duplicates('企业名称', keep='last', inplace=True) test_df.drop_duplicates('企业名称', keep='last', inplace=True) for f in ['企业类型代码', '所属行业代码', '行政区划', '经营范围', '机构地址(住所)']: label_dict = dict( zip(train_df[prefix + '_' + f].unique(), range(train_df[prefix + '_' + f].nunique()))) train_df[prefix + '_' + f] = train_df[prefix + '_' + f].map(label_dict).fillna(-1).astype('int16') test_df[prefix + '_' + f] = test_df[prefix + '_' + f].map(label_dict).fillna(-1).astype('int16') return prefix, train_df, test_df
def process(self): # fill na for column in self.nanum_columns: print("Fill NA {}".format(column)) self.df_all[column].fillna(-1, inplace=True) for column in self.nastr_columns: print("Fill NA {}".format(column)) self.df_all[column].fillna("", inplace=True) # new features self.df_all["dstipscope_dominate"] = self.df_all.apply( lambda row: utils.get_ip_scope(row["dstipcategory_dominate"]), axis=1) self.df_all["srcipscope_dominate"] = self.df_all.apply( lambda row: utils.get_ip_scope(row["srcipcategory_dominate"]), axis=1) # ip zone features self.df_all["ip_zone_1"] = self.df_all.apply( lambda row: utils.get_ip_zone(row["ip"], 1), axis=1) self.df_all["ip_zone_2"] = self.df_all.apply( lambda row: utils.get_ip_zone(row["ip"], 2), axis=1) self.df_all["ip_zone_3"] = self.df_all.apply( lambda row: utils.get_ip_zone(row["ip"], 3), axis=1) self.df_all["ip_zone_4"] = self.df_all.apply( lambda row: utils.get_ip_zone(row["ip"], 4), axis=1) # concatenation features self.df_all["ip_zone_12"] = self.df_all.apply( lambda row: utils.concatenate_values( [row["ip_zone_1"], row["ip_zone_2"]]), axis=1) self.df_all["ip_zone_123"] = self.df_all.apply( lambda row: utils.concatenate_values( [row["ip_zone_1"], row["ip_zone_2"], row["ip_zone_3"]]), axis=1) self.df_all["ip_zone_34"] = self.df_all.apply( lambda row: utils.concatenate_values( [row["ip_zone_3"], row["ip_zone_4"]]), axis=1) self.df_all["ip_zone_234"] = self.df_all.apply( lambda row: utils.concatenate_values( [row["ip_zone_2"], row["ip_zone_3"], row["ip_zone_4"]]), axis=1) self.le_columns.append("ip_zone_12") self.le_columns.append("ip_zone_123") self.le_columns.append("ip_zone_34") self.le_columns.append("ip_zone_234") feature_pairs = [("categoryname", "ipcategory_scope"), \ ("categoryname", "overallseverity"), \ ("srcipscope_dominate", "dstipscope_dominate")] for item in feature_pairs: f1 = item[0] f2 = item[1] fn = f1 + "_" + f2 self.df_all[fn] = self.df_all.apply( lambda row: utils.concatenate_values([row[f1], row[f2]]), axis=1) self.le_columns.append(fn) # timestamp_dist in hour and minute self.df_all["timestamp_hour"] = self.df_all.apply( lambda row: utils.get_duration(row["timestamp_dist"]), axis=1) # ending time features self.df_all["end_hour"] = self.df_all.apply( lambda row: utils.get_end_time(row["start_hour"], row[ "start_minute"], row["start_second"], row["timestamp_dist"], "hour"), axis=1) self.df_all["end_minute"] = self.df_all.apply( lambda row: utils.get_end_time(row["start_hour"], row[ "start_minute"], row["start_second"], row["timestamp_dist"], "minute"), axis=1) self.df_all["end_second"] = self.df_all.apply( lambda row: utils.get_end_time(row["start_hour"], row[ "start_minute"], row["start_second"], row["timestamp_dist"], "second"), axis=1) # sum score features self.df_all["sum_score"] = self.df_all.apply( lambda row: utils.get_sum([ row["{}score".format(score)] for score in ["untrust", "flow", "trust", "enforcement"] ]), axis=1) self.df_all["sum_n"] = self.df_all.apply(lambda row: utils.get_sum( [row["n{}".format(i)] for i in range(1, 11)]), axis=1) self.df_all["sum_p5"] = self.df_all.apply(lambda row: utils.get_sum( [row["p5{}".format(p5)] for p5 in ["m", "w", "d"]]), axis=1) self.df_all["sum_p8"] = self.df_all.apply(lambda row: utils.get_sum( [row["p8{}".format(p8)] for p8 in ["m", "w", "d"]]), axis=1) #self.df_all["sum_p58"] = self.df_all.apply(lambda row: utils.get_sum([row["sum_p5"], row["sum_p8"]]), axis = 1) # get ratio features # self.df_all["thrcnt_month_week"] = self.df_all.apply(lambda row: utils.get_ratio(row["thrcnt_month"], row["thrcnt_week"]), axis = 1) self.df_all["thrcnt_month_day"] = self.df_all.apply( lambda row: utils.get_ratio(row["thrcnt_month"], row["thrcnt_day"] ), axis=1) self.df_all["thrcnt_week_day"] = self.df_all.apply( lambda row: utils.get_ratio(row["thrcnt_week"], row["thrcnt_day"]), axis=1) # encode features with label encoder label_encoder = LabelEncoder() for column in self.le_columns: print("Label encoding {}".format(column))[column]) self.df_all[column] = label_encoder.transform(self.df_all[column]) # encode features with one-hot encoder for column in self.oe_columns: print("One-hot encoding {}".format(column)) pd_encoded = pd.get_dummies(self.df_all[column]) pd_encoded.columns = [ "{}_{}".format(column, "_".join(str(col).lower().split())) for col in pd_encoded.columns ] self.df_all.drop(column, axis=1, inplace=True) self.df_all = pd.concat([self.df_all, pd_encoded], axis=1)