def ged(g1, g2, algo, debug=False, timeit=False): # gp = get_gmt_path() append_str = get_append_str(g1, g2) src, t_datapath = setup_temp_data_folder(gp, append_str) meta1 = write_to_temp(g1, t_datapath, algo, 'g1') meta2 = write_to_temp(g2, t_datapath, algo, 'g2') if meta1 != meta2: raise RuntimeError('Different meta data {} vs {}'.format(meta1, meta2)) prop_file = setup_property_file(src, gp, meta1, append_str) rtn = [] if not exec( 'cd {} && java {}' ' -classpath {}/src/graph-matching-toolkit/bin algorithms.GraphMatching ' './properties/properties_temp_{}.prop'.format( gp, '-XX:-UseGCOverheadLimit -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -Xmx50g' if algo == 'astar' else '', get_root_path(), append_str)): rtn.append(-1) else: d, t, lcnt, g1size, g2size, result_file = get_result( gp, algo, append_str) rtn.append(d) if g1size != g1.number_of_nodes(): print('g1size {} g1.number_of_nodes() {}'.format( g1size, g1.number_of_nodes())) assert (g1size == g1.number_of_nodes()) assert (g2size == g2.number_of_nodes()) if debug: rtn += [lcnt, g1, g2] if timeit: rtn.append(t) clean_up(t_datapath, prop_file, result_file) if len(rtn) == 1: return rtn[0] return tuple(rtn)
def __init__(self, import_name, defaults=None): dict.__init__(self, defaults or {}) self.root_path = get_root_path(import_name) self.from_pyfile('') profile_active = self.get('PROFILE_ACTIVE') if profile_active is not None: self.from_pyfile('' % profile_active)
def exp7(): dataset = 'aids10k' model = 'vj' train_data = load_data(dataset, True) test_data = load_data(dataset, False) m = len(test_data.graphs) n = len(train_data.graphs) ged_mat = np.zeros((m, n)) time_mat = np.zeros((n, n)) outdir = get_root_path() + '/files' file = open('{}/ged_{}_{}_{}.csv'.format( \ outdir, dataset, model, get_ts()), 'w') print_and_log('i,j,i_node,j_node,i_edge,j_edge,ged,time', file) for i in range(m): for j in range(n): g1 = test_data.graphs[i] g2 = train_data.graphs[j] t = time() d = ged(g1, g2, model) t = time() - t s = '{},{},{},{},{},{},{},{:.5f}'.format(i, j, \ g1.number_of_nodes(), g2.number_of_nodes(), \ g1.number_of_edges(), g2.number_of_edges(), \ d, t) print_and_log(s, file) ged_mat[i][j] = d time_mat[i][j] = t file.close()'{}/ged_ged_mat_{}_{}_{}'.format( \ outdir, dataset, model, get_ts()), ged_mat)'{}/ged_time_mat_{}_{}_{}'.format( \ outdir, dataset, model, get_ts()), time_mat)
def exp8_helper(dataset, models, metric, rs): font = {'family': 'serif', 'size': 22} matplotlib.rc('font', **font) plt.figure(0) plt.figure(figsize=(16, 10)) xs = get_test_graph_sizes(dataset) so = np.argsort(xs) xs.sort() for model in models: mat = rs[model].mat( print('plotting for {}'.format(model)) ys = np.mean(mat, 1)[so] plt.plot(xs, ys, **args1[model]) plt.scatter(xs, ys, s=200, label=model, **args2[model]) plt.xlabel('query graph size') ax = plt.gca() ax.set_xticks(xs) plt.ylabel('average {}'.format(metric.ylabel)) plt.legend(loc='best', ncol=2) plt.grid(linestyle='dashed') plt.tight_layout() # plt.savefig(get_root_path() + '/files/{}/{}/ged_{}_mat_{}_{}.png'.format( \ dataset, metric, metric, dataset, '_'.join(models)))
def gen_aids10k(): datadir = get_root_path() + '/data' dirin = datadir + '/AIDS' graphs = {} nodes_graphs = defaultdict(list) lesseq30 = set() disconnects = set() for file in glob(dirin + '/*.gexf'): gid = int(file.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0]) g = nx.read_gexf(file) if not nx.is_connected(g): print('{} not connected'.format(gid)) disconnects.add(gid) continue graphs[gid] = g nodes_graphs[g.number_of_nodes()].append(gid) if g.number_of_nodes() <= 30: lesseq30.add(gid) print(len(disconnects), disconnects) # exit(1) # print(nodes_graphs[222]) # print(nodes_graphs[2]) train_dir = '{}/AIDS10k/train'.format(datadir) test_dir = '{}/AIDS10k/test'.format(datadir) exec('mkdir -p {}'.format(train_dir)) exec('mkdir -p {}'.format(test_dir)) for num_node in range(5, 23): choose = sample(nodes_graphs[num_node], 1)[0] print('choose {} with {} nodes'.format(choose, num_node)) nx.write_gexf(graphs[choose], test_dir + '/{}.gexf'.format(choose)) lesseq30.remove(choose) for tid in sample(lesseq30, 10000): nx.write_gexf(graphs[tid], train_dir + '/{}.gexf'.format(tid)) print('Done')
def main(): root = utils.get_root_path(False) usage = "usage: %prog [options] arg" parser = OptionParser(usage) parser.add_option('--learning_rate_rbm', action='store', type='string', dest='learning_rate_rbm') parser.add_option('--epochs_rbm', action='store', type='string', dest='epochs_rbm') parser.add_option('--batch_size', action='store', type='string', dest='batch_size') parser.add_option('--data_set', action='store', type='string', dest='data_set') (opts, args) = parser.parse_args() file_data = ReadFile.ReadFile(root + '/NSL_KDD-master', opts=opts).get_data() data_pp = preprocess.Preprocess(file_data).do_predict_preprocess() dbn_model.DBN(data_pp).do_dbn('yadlt', opts=opts) dbn_model.DBN(data_pp).do_dbn_with_weight_matrix(root + '/save') model.do_svm()
def get_contacts_for_country(variables): f = open(get_root_path() + '/data/contact_matrix.csv', 'r') max_age = variables['max_age'] df = pd.read_csv(f, header=0) df = df[ == variables['country']].drop(columns='country') df = df[df.type == 'all'].drop(columns='type') df = df.set_index(['age of contact']) = 'age group of participant' df = df.sum(axis=0) ages = [] counts = [] for age_group, count in df.items(): if age_group == '70+': start, end = 70, variables['max_age'] else: start, end = map(int, age_group.split('-')) for age in range(start, end + 1): ages.append(age) counts.append(count) return pd.Series(counts, index=ages)
def get_detected_cases(variables): area_name = variables['area_name'] assert area_name == 'HUS' f = open(CASES_FNAME, 'r') df = pd.read_csv(f, header=0) df['date'] = pd.to_datetime(df['date']) df = df.set_index('date') return df cdf = df[['district', 'confirmed']].reset_index().set_index(['date', 'district' ]).unstack('district') cdf['total'] = cdf.sum(axis=1) ratio = cdf[('confirmed', area_name)] / cdf['total'] ratio = ratio.iloc[-1] df = df[df.district == area_name].drop(columns='district') f = open(get_root_path() + '/data/hospitalizations_fin.csv', 'r') hdf = pd.read_csv(f, header=0).set_index('date') hdf = (hdf * ratio).dropna().astype(int) df['hospitalized'] = hdf['hospitalized'] df['in_icu'] = hdf['in_icu'] df = df.dropna() return df
def exp5(): font = {'family': 'serif', 'size': 22} matplotlib.rc('font', **font) file = 'ged_astar_beam5_beam10_beam20_beam40_beam80_hungarian_vj_2018-04-29T14:56:38.676491' data = read_csv(get_root_path() + '/files/{}.csv'.format(file)) models = [] for model in data.columns.values: if 'time' in model: models.append(model.split('_')[1]) if 'astar' in models: for i, t in data['time_astar'].iteritems(): if t >= 300: data.loc[i, 'time_astar'] = 300 data.loc[i, 'ged_astar'] = 0 print(data) plt.figure(0) plt.figure(figsize=(16, 10)) for i, model in enumerate(models): if model == 'astar': continue plt.scatter(data['g2_node'], data['time_' + model], s=150, label=model, **args2[model]) plt.xlabel('# nodes of graph 2') plt.ylabel('time (sec)') plt.legend(loc='best') plt.grid(linestyle='dashed') plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig(get_root_path() + '/files/{}_time.png'.format(file)) # plt.figure(1) plt.figure(figsize=(11, 11)) for i, model in enumerate(models): plt.scatter(data['ged_astar'], data['ged_' + model], s=150, label=model, **args[i]) plt.xlabel('true ged') plt.ylabel('ged') plt.xlim(1, 57) plt.legend(loc='best') plt.grid(linestyle='dashed') plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig(get_root_path() + '/files/{}_ged.png'.format(file))
def _get_result_mat(self, dataset, metric): file_p = get_root_path() + '/files/{}/{}/ged_{}_mat_{}_{}_*.npy'.format( \ dataset, metric, metric, dataset, self.model_) li = glob(file_p) if len(li) != 1: raise RuntimeError('Files for {}: {}'.format(file_p, li)) file = li[0] return np.load(file)
def setup_temp_data_folder(gp, append_str): dir = gp + '/data' create_dir_if_not_exists(dir) tp = dir + '/temp_{}'.format(append_str) exec_cmd('rm -rf {} && mkdir {}'.format(tp, tp)) src = get_root_path() + '/src/gmt_files' exec_cmd('cp {}/temp.xml {}/temp_{}.xml'.format(src, tp, append_str)) return src, tp
def __init__(self): model_str = self.get_model_str() self.logdir = join(get_root_path(), 'logs', '{}_{}'.format(model_str, get_ts())) create_dir_if_not_exists(self.logdir) self.model_info_f = self._open('model_info.txt') self._log_model_info() self._save_conf_code() print('Logging to {}'.format(self.logdir))
def get_model_info_as_command(): rtn = [] d = vars(FLAGS) for k in sorted_nicely(d.keys()): v = d[k] s = '--{}={}'.format(k, v) rtn.append(s) return 'python {} {}'.format(join(get_root_path(), ''), ' '.join(rtn))
def init(self): self.graphs = [] datadir = get_root_path() + '/data/AIDS10k/' + ('train' if self.train \ else 'test') for file in glob(datadir + '/*.gexf'): gid = int(file.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0]) g = nx.read_gexf(file) g.graph['gid'] = gid self.graphs.append(g) if not nx.is_connected(g): raise RuntimeError('{} not connected'.format(gid)) print('Loaded {} graphs from {}'.format(len(self.graphs), datadir))
def init_logging(): logger = logging.getLogger() s_handler = logging.StreamHandler() f_handler = logging.FileHandler(filename=os.path.join(utils.get_root_path(), 'logs', 'greenHouseCntrl_{}.log' .format(timezone.make_naive(, timezone=timezone.get_current_timezone()).strftime('%d-%m-%y_%H-%M-%S')))) formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s') s_handler.setFormatter(formatter) f_handler.setFormatter(formatter) logger.addHandler(s_handler) logger.addHandler(f_handler) logger.setLevel(cfg.LOG_LEVEL)
def clean(): for sample in samples: path = utils.get_sample_build_path(sample[0]) if os.path.exists(path): shutil.rmtree(path) remove_python_cache(utils.get_build_utils_path()) remove_python_cache(utils.get_samples_utils_path()) remove_python_cache(utils.get_script_path()) for root, subdirs, files in os.walk(utils.get_root_path()): for file in files: if file.endswith(".log"): os.remove(os.path.join(root, file))
def ged(g1, g2, algo): # gp = get_gmt_path() src, tp = setup_temp_folder(gp) meta1 = write_to_temp(g1, tp, algo, 'g1') meta2 = write_to_temp(g2, tp, algo, 'g2') if meta1 != meta2: raise RuntimeError('Different meta data {} vs {}'.format(meta1, meta2)) setup_property_file(src, gp, meta1) if not exec( 'cd {} && java -classpath {}/src/graph-matching-toolkit/bin algorithms.GraphMatching ./properties/properties_temp_{}.prop' .format(gp, get_root_path(), get_ts()), timeout=1000): return -1 return get_result(gp, algo)
def fit(self, train_X, train_Y, val_X=None, val_Y=None, graph=None): """Fit the model to the data. Parameters ---------- train_X : array_like, shape (n_samples, n_features) Training data. train_Y : array_like, shape (n_samples, n_classes) Training labels. val_X : array_like, shape (N, n_features) optional, (default = None). Validation data. val_Y : array_like, shape (N, n_classes) optional, (default = None). Validation labels. graph : tf.Graph, optional (default = None) Tensorflow Graph object. Returns ------- """ if len(train_Y.shape) != 1: num_classes = train_Y.shape[1] else: raise Exception("Please convert the labels with one-hot encoding.") g = graph if graph is not None else self.tf_graph with g.as_default(): # Build model self.build_model(train_X.shape[1], num_classes) with tf.Session() as self.tf_session: # Initialize tf stuff summary_objs = tf_utils.init_tf_ops(self.tf_session) self.tf_merged_summaries = summary_objs[0] self.tf_summary_writer = summary_objs[1] self.tf_saver = summary_objs[2] # Train model self._train_model(train_X, train_Y, val_X, val_Y) # Save model _weight = for matrix in _weight: np.savetxt(utils.get_root_path(False) + '/save/' + str(matrix.shape[0]) + 'to' + str(matrix.shape[1]) + '.txt', matrix), self.model_path)
def get_contacts_for_country(variables): f = open(get_root_path() + '/data/contact_matrix.csv', 'r') max_age = variables['max_age'] df = pd.read_csv(f, header=0) df = df[ == variables['country']].drop(columns='country') df['place_type'] = df['place_type'].map( lambda x: x.replace('cnt_', '').replace('otherplace', 'other')) s = '-%d' % max_age df['participant_age'] = df['participant_age'].map( lambda x: x.replace('+', s)) last_col = [x for x in df.columns if '+' in x] assert len(last_col) == 1 df = df.rename(columns={last_col[0]: last_col[0].replace('+', s)}) return df
def get_population(): f = open(get_root_path() + '/data/005_11re_2018.csv', 'r', encoding='iso8859-1') f.readline() f.readline() df = pd.read_csv(f) df = df[(df.Alue != 'KOKO MAA') & (df['Ikä'] != 'Yhteensä')] df = df.rename( columns={ 'Miehet 2018 Väestö 31.12.': 'Male', 'Naiset 2018 Väestö 31.12.': 'Female', 'Alue': 'Area', 'Ikä': 'Age', }) df['Age'] = df['Age'].replace('100 -', '100').astype(int) return df.set_index('Area')
def exp10(): # Query visualization. dataset = 'aids10k' model = 'beam80' k = 5 info_dict = { 'draw_node_size': 10, 'draw_node_label_enable': True, 'draw_node_label_font_size': 8, 'draw_node_color_map': { 'C': 'red', 'O': 'blue', 'N': 'green' }, 'draw_edge_label_enable': True, 'draw_edge_label_font_size': 6, 'each_graph_text_list': [], 'each_graph_font_size': 10, 'plot_dpi': 200, 'plot_save_path': '' } r = load_result(dataset, model) ged_mat = r.ged_mat() time_mat = r.time_mat() ids = r.ged_sort_id_mat() m, n = ged_mat.shape train_data = load_data(dataset, train=True) test_data = load_data(dataset, train=False) for i in range(m): q = test_data.graphs[i] gids = ids[i][:k] gs = [train_data.graphs[j] for j in gids] info_dict['each_graph_text_list'] = \ ['query id: {}'.format(q.graph['gid'])] + \ [get_text_label(ged_mat, time_mat, i, j, \ train_data.graphs[j]) for j in gids] info_dict['plot_save_path'] = \ get_root_path() + \ '/files/{}//query_vis/{}/query_vis_{}_{}_{}.png'.format( \ dataset, model, dataset, model, i) vis(q, gs, info_dict)
def exp9(): # Plot ap@k. dataset = 'aids10k' models = ['beam5', 'beam10', 'beam20', 'beam40', 'beam80', \ 'hungarian', 'vj'] true_model = 'beam80' metric = 'ap@k' rs = load_results_as_dict(dataset, models) true_result = rs[true_model] ks = [] k = 1 while k < true_result.ged_mat().shape[1]: ks.append(k) k *= 2 # print_ids = range(true_mat.shape[0]) print_ids = [] font = {'family': 'serif', 'size': 22} matplotlib.rc('font', **font) plt.figure(figsize=(16, 10)) for model in models: print(model) aps = precision_at_ks(true_result, rs[model], ks, print_ids) #print('aps {}: {}'.format(model, aps)) plt.semilogx(ks, aps, **args1[model]) plt.scatter(ks, aps, s=200, label=model, **args2[model]) plt.xlabel('k') # ax = plt.gca() # ax.set_xticks(ks) plt.ylabel(metric) plt.legend(loc='best', ncol=2) plt.grid(linestyle='dashed') plt.tight_layout() # plt.savefig(get_root_path() + '/files/{}/{}/ged_{}_{}_{}.png'.format( \ dataset, metric, metric, dataset, '_'.join(models)))
def exp4(): ms = [ 'astar', 'beam5', 'beam10', 'beam20', 'beam40', 'beam80', 'hungarian', 'vj' ] fn = '_'.join(ms) file = open(get_root_path() + '/files/ged_{}_{}.csv'.format(fn, get_ts()), 'w') xs = [10] ys = list(range(10, 141, 10)) cnt = 10 ged_s = ','.join(['ged_' + i for i in ms]) time_s = ','.join(['time_' + i for i in ms]) print_and_log('g1_node,g2_node,g1_edge,g2_edge,{},{}'.format( \ ged_s, time_s), file) for x in xs: for y in ys: for i in range(cnt): g1 = generate_random_graph(x) g2 = generate_random_graph(y) ds = [] ts = [] for m in ms: t = time() d = ged(g1, g2, m) t = time() - t ds.append(d) ts.append(t) s = '{},{},{},{},{},{}'.format( \ g1.number_of_nodes(), g2.number_of_nodes(), \ g1.number_of_edges(), g2.number_of_edges(), \ ','.join(str(i) for i in ds), ','.join(['{:.5f}'.format(i) for i in ts])) print_and_log(s, file) # if d1 < 0: # exit(-1) file.close()
def get_old_aids_id(): files = glob(get_root_path() + '/data/AIDS_old/data/*.gxl') return [get_file_base_id(file) for file in files]
def gen_aids(): dirin = get_root_path() + '/data' file = dirin + '/AIDO99SD' dirout = dirin + '/AIDS' g = nx.Graph() line_i = 0 gid = 0 aids_old_ids = get_old_aids_id() charges = set() charge_gids = set() with open(file) as f: for line in f: if '$$$$' in line: print(gid) nx.write_gexf(g, dirout + '/{}.gexf'.format(gid)) g = nx.Graph(gid=gid) line_i = 0 gid += 1 else: if gid == 40650: print(line, end='') ls = line.rstrip().split() if len(ls) == 9: nid = line_i - 4 ls = line.rstrip().split() type = ls[3] charge = int(ls[6]) # if charge != 0: # print(gid) # if (gid + 1) in aids_old_ids: # print('#####'*20) if charge != 0: charges.add((type, charge)) charge_gids.add(gid) if charge == 1: charge = 3 elif charge == 2: charge = 2 elif charge == 3: charge = 1 elif charge == 4: raise RuntimeError('Cannot handle doublet radical') elif charge == 5: charge = -1 elif charge == 6: charge = -2 elif charge == 7: charge = -3 elif charge != 0: raise RuntimeError( 'Unrecognized charge {}'.format(charge)) if type != 'H': g.add_node(nid, type=type) elif len(ls) == 6: ls = line.rstrip().split() nid0 = int(ls[0]) - 1 nid1 = int(ls[1]) - 1 valence = int(ls[2]) if nid0 in g.nodes() and nid1 in g.nodes(): g.add_edge(nid0, nid1, valence=valence) line_i += 1 print(len(charges), charges) print(len(charge_gids), charge_gids)
# graph padding: value range: [0, 1] 'top_space': 0.1, # out of whole graph 'bottom_space': 0, 'hbetween_space': 0.4, # out of the subgraph 'wbetween_space': 0.01, # plot config 'plot_dpi': 200, 'plot_save_path': get_root_path() + '/temp/test_vis.png' } test_data = load_data('aids10k', train=False) train_data = load_data('aids10k', train=True) q = test_data.graphs[0] gs = [] for i in range(1, 5): print(i) gs.append(train_data.graphs[i]) vis(q, gs, info_dict) ''' TODO: 1. node color [done]
"""Library-wise configurations.""" import errno import utils import os root = utils.get_root_path() class Config(object): """Configuration class.""" class __Singleton(object): """Singleton design pattern.""" def __init__(self, models_dir='models/', data_dir='data/', logs_dir='log/'): """Constructor. Parameters ---------- models_dir : string, optional (default='models/') directory path to store trained models. Path is relative to ~/.yadlt data_dir : string, optional (default='data/') directory path to store model generated data. Path is relative to ~/.yadlt logs_dir : string, optional (default='logs/') directory path to store yadlt and tensorflow logs. Path is relative to ~/.yadlt """
def save(self): self.folder, root_path = get_root_path(self.folder_name) name = self.cleaned_data["file"].name self.filename, self.path = get_file_path(name, root_path) handle_uploaded_file(self.cleaned_data["file"], self.path)
for edge in edges: g.add_edge(*edge) return g g0 = create_graph([(0, 1), (0, 2), (0, 3), (0, 4), (4, 5), (5, 6), \ (6, 7), (7, 5)]) g1 = create_graph([(0, 1), (2, 3)]) nx.set_node_attributes(g0, 'atom_type', {0: 'carbon', 1: 'oxygen'}) nx.set_node_attributes(g1, 'atom_type', {0: 'oxygen', 3: 'nitrogen'}) nx.set_node_attributes(g0, 'strawberry', {0: -0.01, 1: 3.61423, 2: 1423}) nx.set_edge_attributes(g0, 'some_label_1', {(0, 1): -1, (0, 2): -5, (7, \ 5): 2.0}) nx.set_edge_attributes(g0, 'some_label_2', {(0, 1): 1, (0, 2): 5, (7, 5): 2}) nx.set_edge_attributes(g0, 'some_label_3', {(0, 1): True, (0, 2): False}) nx.set_edge_attributes(g0, 'some_label_4', {(0, 1): True, (0, 2): -0.9, \ (4, 5): 'xxx', (7, 5): '', \ (5, 6): None}) nx.set_edge_attributes(g0, 'some_label_5', {(0, 1): True, (0, 2): None}) nx.set_edge_attributes(g0, 'some_label_6', {(0, 1): True, (0, 2): [False]}) nx_to_gxl(g0, 'g0', get_root_path() + '/files/g0.gxl') nx_to_gxl(g1, 'g1', get_root_path() + '/files/g1.gxl')
def gen_aids_small(name, additional=False): datadir = get_root_path() + '/data' dirin = datadir + '/AIDS40k_orig' sfn = get_save_path() + '/aids40k_orig' loaded = load_as_dict(sfn) if not loaded: graphs = {} nodes_graphs = defaultdict(list) lesseq30 = set() lesseq10 = set() disconnects = set() # Iterate through all 40k graphs. for file in glob(dirin + '/*.gexf'): gid = int(file.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0]) g = nx.read_gexf(file) if not nx.is_connected(g): print('{} not connected'.format(gid)) disconnects.add(gid) continue graphs[gid] = g nodes_graphs[g.number_of_nodes()].append(gid) if g.number_of_nodes() <= 30: lesseq30.add(gid) if g.number_of_nodes() <= 10: lesseq10.add(gid) save_as_dict(sfn, graphs, nodes_graphs, lesseq30, lesseq10, disconnects) else: graphs = loaded['graphs'] nodes_graphs = loaded['nodes_graphs'] lesseq30 = loaded['lesseq30'] lesseq10 = loaded['lesseq10'] disconnects = loaded['disconnects'] print(len(disconnects), 'disconnected graphs out of', len(graphs)) print(len(lesseq30), 'with <= 30 nodes') print(len(lesseq10), 'with <= 10 nodes') # exit(1) train_dir = '{}/{}/train'.format(datadir, name) if additional: train_data = load_data(name.lower(), train=True) test_dir_str = 'test2' else: exec_cmd('mkdir -p {}'.format(train_dir)) test_dir_str = 'test' test_dir = '{}/{}/{}'.format(datadir, name, test_dir_str) exec_cmd('mkdir -p {}'.format(test_dir)) if not additional: if name == 'AIDS10k': for num_node in range(5, 23): choose = random.Random(123).sample(nodes_graphs[num_node], 1)[0] print('choose {} with {} nodes'.format(choose, num_node)) nx.write_gexf(graphs[choose], test_dir + '/{}.gexf'.format(choose)) lesseq30.remove(choose) for tid in random.Random(123).sample(lesseq30, 10000): nx.write_gexf(graphs[tid], train_dir + '/{}.gexf'.format(tid)) elif name == 'AIDS700nef': lesseq10 = sample_from_lessthan10eq(train_dir, lesseq10, 560, graphs, 'train') sample_from_lessthan10eq(test_dir, lesseq10, 140, graphs, 'test') else: assert (name == 'AIDS10k') for num_node in range(5, 30): k = 4 from_li = nodes_graphs[num_node] print('sampling {} from {} (size={})'.format( k, len(from_li), num_node)) choose = random.Random(123).sample_exclude(from_li, k, train_data.get_gids()) print('choose {} with {} nodes'.format(choose, num_node)) for c in choose: nx.write_gexf(graphs[c], test_dir + '/{}.gexf'.format(c)) print('Done')
def __init__(self, model): super(BaseGenerator, self).__init__() self.model = model self.templates_path = os.path.join(get_root_path(), "genodis", TEMPLATES_PATH) self.templates_folder_name = ""
def get_healthcare_districts(): p = get_root_path() + '/data/shp_jasenkunnat_2020.xls' df = pd.read_excel(p, header=3, sheet_name='shp_jäsenkunnat_2020_lkm') df = df[['kunta', 'sairaanhoitopiiri', 'erva-alue']].dropna() return df
def generate(self): root_path = get_root_path() jinja_env = self.setup_env() d = {"model": self.model, "app_name":} destination = os.path.join(root_path, SRC_GEN_PATH) if not os.path.exists(destination): os.mkdir(destination) django_path = os.path.join(destination, os.mkdir(django_path) # # Create file # template = jinja_env.get_template("django_manage.template"), '')) # # Create folder with, and # app_settings = os.path.join(django_path, os.mkdir(app_settings) self.create_init_file(app_settings) template = jinja_env.get_template("django_settings.template"), '')) template = jinja_env.get_template("django_urls.template"), '')) template = jinja_env.get_template("django_wsgi.template"), '')) # # Create app folder # django_app = os.path.join(django_path, + "_app") os.mkdir(django_app) self.create_init_file(django_app) # # Creating file # template = jinja_env.get_template("django_admin.template"), '')) # # Creating file # template = jinja_env.get_template("django_models.template"), '')) # # Creating file # template = jinja_env.get_template("django_tests.template"), '')) # # Creating file # template = jinja_env.get_template("django_urls.template"), '')) # # Creating file # template = jinja_env.get_template("django_views.template"), '')) # creating folder for migrations migrations_path = os.path.join(django_app, "migrations") os.mkdir(migrations_path) self.create_init_file(migrations_path) # creating folder for templates templates_path = os.path.join(django_app, "templates") os.mkdir(templates_path) view_templates = os.path.join(templates_path, os.mkdir(view_templates) # creating folder for static files static_files = os.path.join(django_app, "static") os.mkdir(static_files)
def generate(self): root_path = get_root_path() jinja_env = self.setup_env() d = {"model": self.model, "app_name":} destination = os.path.join(root_path, SRC_GEN_PATH) if not self.generate_as_static: if not os.path.exists(destination): os.mkdir(destination) angular_app_name = + "_js" angular_path = os.path.join(destination, angular_app_name) os.mkdir(angular_path) # create app folder angular_app = os.path.join(angular_path, "app") os.mkdir(angular_app) else: angular_app = os.path.join(destination,, + "_app", "static") # # Create app.js # template = jinja_env.get_template("app.template"), 'app.js')) # # Create app.css # template = jinja_env.get_template("app_css.template"), 'app.css')) # # Create index.html # template = jinja_env.get_template("index.template"), 'index.html')) # create controllers folder controllers_path = os.path.join(angular_app, "controllers") os.mkdir(controllers_path) # # Create controllers for all classes # template = jinja_env.get_template("controllers.template") for c in self.model.classes: ctlr_name = + "_controller.js" data = {"c": c}, ctlr_name)) # create views folder views_path = os.path.join(angular_app, "views") os.mkdir(views_path) # # Create views for all classes # template = jinja_env.get_template("views.template") for c in self.model.classes: view_name = + "s.html" data = {"c": c}, view_name))
def get_js_ctx(file_name): js_dir = os.path.join(get_root_path(__name__), 'encrypt_file', file_name) jsstr = file_reader(js_dir) ctx = execjs.compile(jsstr) return ctx
ctlr_name = + "_controller.js" data = {"c": c}, ctlr_name)) # create views folder views_path = os.path.join(angular_app, "views") os.mkdir(views_path) # # Create views for all classes # template = jinja_env.get_template("views.template") for c in self.model.classes: view_name = + "s.html" data = {"c": c}, view_name)) if __name__ == "__main__": metamodel = get_model_meta() path = get_root_path() model_file = os.path.join(path, "tests", "examples", "") model = metamodel.model_from_file(model_file) server_generator = DjangoServerGenerator(model) server_generator.generate() angular_generator = AngularJSGenerator(model, generate_as_static=True) angular_generator.generate()