def move(self, currentTime, speed, showDetails=False): self.checkLocation(currentTime) # move if len(self.driver['ongoingRide']) == 0: remainingDis = speed while remainingDis > 0: # move random direction (x, y) = self.driver['location'] possibleMoves = [ (x + min(self.gridWorldW - x, remainingDis), y), (x - min(x - 0, remainingDis), y), (x, y + min(self.gridWorldH - y, remainingDis)), (x, y - min(y - 0, remainingDis)) ] possibleMoves = [ move for move in possibleMoves if move[0] >= 0 and move[0] < self.gridWorldW and move[1] >= 0 and move[1] < self.gridWorldH and gridWorldDistance(move, (x, y)) > 0 ] newLoc = possibleMoves[randint(0, len(possibleMoves) - 1)] self.driver['location'] = newLoc remainingDis -= gridWorldDistance((x, y), newLoc) else: remainingDis = speed if len(self.route) == 0: self.updateRoute() # move to next point in route while remainingDis > 0 and len(self.route) > 0: (x_, y_) = self.route[0] (x, y) = self.driver['location'] # always try to align x axis first if randint(0, 1) == 0: if x < x_: shif = min(remainingDis, x_ - x) self.driver['location'] = (x + shif, y) else: shif = min(remainingDis, x - x_) self.driver['location'] = (x - shif, y) else: if y < y_: shif = min(remainingDis, y_ - y) self.driver['location'] = (x, y + shif) else: shif = min(remainingDis, y - y_) self.driver['location'] = (x, y - shif) movedDis = gridWorldDistance(self.driver['location'], (x, y)) remainingDis -= movedDis self.checkLocation(currentTime)
def generateRequetSeq(gridWorldW, gridWorldH, numOfSeq, maxNumOfRequestsPerSeq): requestSeq = [] reqId = 0 for i in range(numOfSeq): requests = [] startPoints = set() endPoints = set() # numOfRequests = randint(0, maxNumOfRequestsPerSeq) numOfRequests = maxNumOfRequestsPerSeq for _ in range(numOfRequests): while True: startX = randint(0, gridWorldW - 1) startY = randint(0, gridWorldH - 1) endX = randint(0, gridWorldW - 1) endY = randint(0, gridWorldH - 1) if (startX, startY) != (endX, endY) and \ (startX, startY) not in startPoints and \ (endX, endY) not in endPoints: startPoints.add((startX, startY)) endPoints.add((endX, endY)) break startPoints = list(startPoints) endPoints = list(endPoints) startEndPoints = zip(startPoints, endPoints) avgDistance = 0 for (startPoint, endPoint) in startEndPoints: requests.append({ "id": str(reqId), "userId": str(reqId), "startLocation": startPoint, "endLocation": endPoint, "requestedDate": i, "isOnCar": False, }) reqId += 1 avgDistance += gridWorldDistance(startPoint, endPoint) requestSeq.append(requests) return requestSeq
def _getStrictLineDistance(self, origin, destination): if self.useGridWorld: return gridWorldDistance(origin, destination) else: return haversineDistance(origin, destination)
def _getDistance(self, origin, destination): if self.useGridWorld: return gridWorldDistance(origin, destination) else: return getDistance(origin, destination)
def startSimulator(self, benchmark=False): while True: # extract request from sequence if self.currentTime <= len(self.requestSeq): curIdx = self.currentTime - 1 self.totalRequestCount += len(self.requestSeq[curIdx]) for r in self.requestSeq[curIdx]: r['isOnCar'] = False self.requests.extend(self.requestSeq[curIdx]) # extract driver from sequence if self.currentTime <= len(self.driverLocSeq): curIdx = self.currentTime - 1 self.totalDriverCount += len(self.driverLocSeq[curIdx]) for loc in self.driverLocSeq[curIdx]: self.drivers.append( Driver(finishedRequestsRef=self.finishedRequests, \ userId=self.nextDriverId, initialLocation=loc, \ capacity=self.capacity, gridWorldW=self.gridWorldW, gridWorldH=self.gridWorldH) ) self.nextDriverId += 1 if (self.currentTime != 1 or benchmark) and ( self.currentTime % self.matchEngineTriggerInterval == 0 or benchmark) and len( self.requests) > 0 and self.currentTime <= len( self.requestSeq): numOfRequest = len(self.requests) drivers = [ d.getDriver() for d in self.drivers if len(d.getDriver()['ongoingRide']) < 2 ] # ******* start match******** mappings, remainingRequests = self.matcher.match( self.requests, drivers, self.currentTime) # ******* end match******** self.requests = remainingRequests for (req, driver) in mappings: req['matchedDate'] = self.currentTime driverIdx = int(driver['userId']) self.drivers[driverIdx].updateRoute() self.drivers[driverIdx].matchedRide += 1 # calc stat numOfOccupiedSeat = 0 numOfCurrentTotalSeats = 0 numOfSharedOngoingRide = 0 numOfNonSharedOngoingRide = 0 for driver in self.drivers: ongoingRideLen = len(driver.driver['ongoingRide']) if ongoingRideLen == 2: numOfSharedOngoingRide += ongoingRideLen if ongoingRideLen == 1: numOfNonSharedOngoingRide += ongoingRideLen numOfOccupiedSeat += len(driver.driver['ongoingRide']) numOfCurrentTotalSeats += self.capacity # numOfEmptySeats = numOfCurrentTotalSeats - numOfOccupiedSeat if numOfCurrentTotalSeats > 0: u = numOfOccupiedSeat / numOfCurrentTotalSeats self.seatUtilization.append((self.currentTime, u)) self.numOfRemainingRequests.append( (self.currentTime, len(remainingRequests))) totalOngoingRide = numOfSharedOngoingRide + numOfNonSharedOngoingRide if totalOngoingRide > 0: sharedRate = numOfSharedOngoingRide / totalOngoingRide self.shareRates.append((self.currentTime, sharedRate)) numOfMatchedReq = numOfRequest - len(remainingRequests) matchRate = numOfMatchedReq / numOfRequest if numOfRequest > 0: self.matchingRates.append((self.currentTime, matchRate)) if len(mappings) > 0: print("[t=%d] match rate=%.3f, matched/unmatched/finished/total requests: %d/%d/%d/%d" % \ (self.currentTime, matchRate, len(mappings), len(remainingRequests),len(self.finishedRequests), self.totalRequestCount)) else: print("[t=%d] No match found. " % (self.currentTime)) print("\tmatch rate=%.3f, matched/unmatched/ongoing/finished/total requests: %d/%d/%d/%d" % \ (matchRate, len(mappings), len(remainingRequests), len(self.finishedRequests), self.totalRequestCount)) # increment time self.currentTime += 1 # move all drivers for d in self.drivers: d.move(self.currentTime, self.driverSpeed, self.showDetails) # detect if all ongoing ride ended if self.currentTime >= len(self.requestSeq): hasOngoingRideInProgress = False for driver in self.drivers: if len(driver.driver['ongoingRide']) > 0: hasOngoingRideInProgress = True if not hasOngoingRideInProgress: break print('[t=%d] Finished all rides' % (self.currentTime)) print('Num of finished/unmatched/total requests: %d/%d/%d' % (len(self.finishedRequests), len( self.requests), self.totalRequestCount)) totalWaitingTime = 0 totalDelay = 0 # calculate total delay and waiting time for req in self.finishedRequests: totalWaitingTime += req['startedRideDate'] - req['requestedDate'] optimalTravelTime = gridWorldDistance( req['startLocation'], req['endLocation']) / self.driverSpeed actualTravelTime = req['finishedDate'] - req['requestedDate'] totalDelay += actualTravelTime - optimalTravelTime for req in self.requests: totalWaitingTime += self.currentTime - req['requestedDate'] totalDelay += self.currentTime - req['requestedDate'] # print('Total waiting time = %d'%(totalWaitingTime)) # print('Total delay = %d'%(totalDelay)) # reqLen = len(self.finishedRequests) reqLen = len(self.finishedRequests) + len(self.requests) self.avgWaitingTime = totalWaitingTime / reqLen self.avgtotalDelay = totalDelay / reqLen print('Average waiting time = %.3f' % (self.avgWaitingTime)) print('Average total delay = %.3f' % (self.avgtotalDelay))
def peakTrafficTime(unitOfTimeToGenerate, maxNumOfReqGeneratePerUnitTime, totalDriver): ''' Waiting time= T_pickup - T_request total travel delay = T_drop - T*_arrive where T*_arrive the earliest possible time at which the destination could be reached 1 time unit ~ 6 seconds 1 space unit ~ 1 meter ''' gridWorldH = 1000 # 1km gridWorldW = 5000 # 5km totalRequests = unitOfTimeToGenerate * maxNumOfReqGeneratePerUnitTime numOfDriversChoices = [ totalDriver, # totalRequests//20, # totalRequests//30, ] for numOfDrivers in numOfDriversChoices: # generate requests for all rounds requestSeq = generateRequetSeq(gridWorldW, gridWorldH, unitOfTimeToGenerate, maxNumOfReqGeneratePerUnitTime) # generate driver locations driverLocSeq = [] for i in range(unitOfTimeToGenerate): if i == 0: dn = numOfDrivers driversLoc = [] for _ in range(dn): x = randint(0, gridWorldW - 1) y = randint(0, gridWorldH - 1) driversLoc.append((x, y)) driverLocSeq.append(driversLoc) else: driverLocSeq.append([]) # print stats totalRequest = totalRequests print() print('num of requsts =', totalRequest) print('num of drivers =', numOfDrivers) print() # calculate avg travel distance of requests startLocations = [ req['startLocation'] for seq in requestSeq for req in seq ] endLocations = [ req['endLocation'] for seq in requestSeq for req in seq ] avgTravelDis = 0 for (s1, s2) in zip(startLocations, endLocations): avgTravelDis += gridWorldDistance(s1, s2) avgTravelDis /= len(driverLocSeq) print('Average travel distance of request:', avgTravelDis) # calculate avg distance of pairwise drivers' initial locations driversLocations = [loc for seq in driverLocSeq for loc in seq] driverInitLocationPairs = list(combinations(driversLocations, 2)) locationAvgDistance = 0 for (s1, s2) in driverInitLocationPairs: locationAvgDistance += gridWorldDistance(s1, s2) locationAvgDistance /= len(driverInitLocationPairs) print('Average distance of pairwise drivers\' locations:', locationAvgDistance) print() print('Start Greedy simulation') gridWorld_greedy = GridWorldSimulator( gridWorldW=gridWorldW, gridWorldH=gridWorldH, constraints_param={ 'maxMatchDistance': maxMatchDistance_, }, requestSeq=requestSeq, driverLocSeq=driverLocSeq, driverSpeed=82, # ~25 km/h capacity=2, matchEngineTriggerInterval=10, algo='greedy', showDetails=False) gridWorld_greedy.startSimulator() print() print('Start Dynamic simulation') gridWorld_dynamic = GridWorldSimulator( gridWorldW=gridWorldW, gridWorldH=gridWorldH, constraints_param={ 'maxMatchDistance': maxMatchDistance_, 'maxCost': maxCost_ }, requestSeq=requestSeq, driverLocSeq=driverLocSeq, driverSpeed=82, # ~50 km/h capacity=2, matchEngineTriggerInterval=10, algo='dynamic', showDetails=False) gridWorld_dynamic.startSimulator() # plot figure gs = gridspec.GridSpec(2, 2) ax = plt.subplot(gs[0, 0]) ax.set_title('Matching Rate', fontsize=20) ax.set_xlabel('time', fontsize=18) ax.set_ylabel('# of matched requests / # of total requests', fontsize=12) x = [x for (x, _) in gridWorld_greedy.matchingRates] y = [y for (_, y) in gridWorld_greedy.matchingRates] ax.plot(x, y, linestyle='-', label='greedy') x = [x for (x, _) in gridWorld_dynamic.matchingRates] y = [y for (_, y) in gridWorld_dynamic.matchingRates] ax.plot(x, y, linestyle='--', label='dynamic') ax.legend() ax = plt.subplot(gs[0, 1]) ax.set_title('Ride Share Rate', fontsize=20) ax.set_xlabel('time', fontsize=18) ax.set_ylabel( '# of rides that share car with others / # of total rides', fontsize=12) x = [x for (x, _) in gridWorld_greedy.shareRates] y = [y for (_, y) in gridWorld_greedy.shareRates] ax.plot(x, y, linestyle='-', label='greedy') x = [x for (x, _) in gridWorld_dynamic.shareRates] y = [y for (_, y) in gridWorld_dynamic.shareRates] ax.plot(x, y, linestyle='--', label='dynamic') ax.legend() ax = plt.subplot(gs[1, 0]) ax.set_title('Unhandled Requests', fontsize=20) ax.set_xlabel('time', fontsize=18) ax.set_ylabel('# of unhandled requests', fontsize=18) x = [x for (x, _) in gridWorld_greedy.numOfRemainingRequests] y = [y for (_, y) in gridWorld_greedy.numOfRemainingRequests] ax.plot(x, y, linestyle='-', label='greedy') x = [x for (x, _) in gridWorld_dynamic.numOfRemainingRequests] y = [y for (_, y) in gridWorld_dynamic.numOfRemainingRequests] ax.plot(x, y, linestyle='--', label='dynamic') ax.legend() ax = plt.subplot(gs[1, 1]) numOfBarGroup = 2 idex = np.arange(numOfBarGroup) bar_width = 0.35 opacity = 0.8 greedy_data = (gridWorld_greedy.avgWaitingTime, gridWorld_greedy.avgtotalDelay) dynamic_data = (gridWorld_dynamic.avgWaitingTime, gridWorld_dynamic.avgtotalDelay) rects1 =, greedy_data, bar_width, alpha=opacity, color='r', label='Greedy') rects2 = + bar_width, dynamic_data, bar_width, alpha=opacity, color='b', label='Dynamic') ax.set_ylabel('time unit', fontsize=18) ax.set_title('Delay', fontsize=20) ax.set_xticks(idex + bar_width / 2) ax.set_xticklabels(('avg waiting time', 'avg total delay'), fontsize=14) ax.legend() fig = plt.gcf() fig.set_size_inches(15, 12) fig.suptitle('%d fix drivers / %d total ride requests' % (numOfDrivers, totalRequest), fontsize=26) timestr = time.strftime("%Y%m%d-%H%M%S") fig.savefig('simulationResult/%s_peak_%d_%d.png' % (timestr, numOfDrivers, totalRequest))
def benchmark(numOfReqToGenAtFirst): ''' Waiting time= T_pickup - T_request total travel delay = T_drop - T*_arrive where T*_arrive the earliest possible time at which the destination could be reached 1 time unit ~ 6 seconds 1 space unit ~ 1 meter ''' gridWorldH = 1000 # 1km gridWorldW = 5000 # 5km totalRequests = numOfReqToGenAtFirst numOfDriversChoices = [ (numOfReqToGenAtFirst) // 2, (numOfReqToGenAtFirst) // 4, (numOfReqToGenAtFirst) // 6, ] greedySimulators = [] dynamicSimulators = [] for numOfDrivers in numOfDriversChoices: # generate requests for all rounds requestSeq = generateRequetSeq(gridWorldW, gridWorldH, 1, numOfReqToGenAtFirst) # generate driver locations driverLocSeq = [] for i in range(1): dn = numOfDrivers driversLoc = [] for _ in range(dn): x = randint(0, gridWorldW - 1) y = randint(0, gridWorldH - 1) driversLoc.append((x, y)) driverLocSeq.append(driversLoc) # print stats totalRequest = 0 for seq in requestSeq: totalRequest += len(seq) print() print('num of requsts =', totalRequest) print('num of drivers =', numOfDrivers) print() print('Start Greedy simulation') gridWorld_greedy = GridWorldSimulator( gridWorldW=gridWorldW, gridWorldH=gridWorldH, constraints_param={ 'maxMatchDistance': maxMatchDistance_, }, requestSeq=requestSeq, driverLocSeq=driverLocSeq, driverSpeed=82, # ~25 km/h capacity=2, matchEngineTriggerInterval=10, algo='greedy', showDetails=False) gridWorld_greedy.startSimulator(benchmark=True) print() print('Start Dynamic simulation') gridWorld_dynamic = GridWorldSimulator( gridWorldW=gridWorldW, gridWorldH=gridWorldH, constraints_param={ 'maxMatchDistance': maxMatchDistance_, 'maxCost': maxCost_ }, requestSeq=requestSeq, driverLocSeq=driverLocSeq, driverSpeed=82, # ~50 km/h capacity=2, matchEngineTriggerInterval=10, algo='dynamic', showDetails=False) gridWorld_dynamic.startSimulator(benchmark=True) print() # calculate avg travel distance of requests startLocations = [ req['startLocation'] for seq in requestSeq for req in seq ] endLocations = [ req['endLocation'] for seq in requestSeq for req in seq ] avgTravelDis = 0 for (s1, s2) in zip(startLocations, endLocations): avgTravelDis += gridWorldDistance(s1, s2) avgTravelDis /= len(driverLocSeq) print('Average travel distance of request:', avgTravelDis) # calculate avg distance of pairwise drivers' initial locations driversLocations = [loc for seq in driverLocSeq for loc in seq] driverInitLocationPairs = list(combinations(driversLocations, 2)) locationAvgDistance = 0 for (s1, s2) in driverInitLocationPairs: locationAvgDistance += gridWorldDistance(s1, s2) locationAvgDistance /= len(driverInitLocationPairs) print('Average distance of pairwise drivers\' locations:', locationAvgDistance) greedySimulators.append(gridWorld_greedy) dynamicSimulators.append(gridWorld_dynamic) labels = ( '1:2\n(%d:%d)' % (totalRequests // 2, totalRequests), '1:4\n(%d:%d)' % (totalRequests // 4, totalRequests), '1:6\n(%d:%d)' % (totalRequests // 6, totalRequests), ) # plot figure gs = gridspec.GridSpec(1, 2) ax = plt.subplot(gs[0, 0]) numOfBarGroup = 3 idex = np.arange(numOfBarGroup) bar_width = 0.35 opacity = 0.8 data_1 = tuple([len(sim.requests) for sim in greedySimulators]) data_2 = tuple([len(sim.requests) for sim in dynamicSimulators]) rects1 =, data_1, bar_width, alpha=opacity, color='c', label='Greedy') rects2 = + bar_width, data_2, bar_width, alpha=opacity, color='y', label='Dynamic') ax.set_ylabel('# of requests', fontsize=18) ax.set_title('Unhandled Requests', fontsize=20) ax.set_xticks(idex + bar_width / 2) ax.set_xticklabels(labels, fontsize=18) ax.legend() ax = plt.subplot(gs[0, 1]) numOfBarGroup = 3 idex = np.arange(numOfBarGroup) bar_width = 0.35 opacity = 0.8 data_1 = tuple([sim.avgtotalDelay for sim in greedySimulators]) data_2 = tuple([sim.avgtotalDelay for sim in dynamicSimulators]) rects1 =, data_1, bar_width, alpha=opacity, color='r', label='Greedy') rects2 = + bar_width, data_2, bar_width, alpha=opacity, color='b', label='Dynamic') ax.set_ylabel('time unit', fontsize=16) ax.set_title('Total Delay', fontsize=20) ax.set_xticks(idex + bar_width / 2) ax.set_xticklabels(labels, fontsize=18) ax.legend() fig = plt.gcf() fig.set_size_inches(24, 12) fig.suptitle('Performance of different driver-request ratio', fontsize=26) timestr = time.strftime("%Y%m%d-%H%M%S") fig.savefig('simulationResult/%s_benchmark_%drequest_.png' % (timestr, totalRequests)) fig.clear()