Exemple #1
    def popup_menu(self):
        """Creates and returns tray icon popup menu"""
        status_menu = wx.Menu()
        for title, code in CONFIG.PRESENCE_STATUSES:
            status_menu.Append(getattr(ids, code.upper(), wx.ID_ANY),
        status_menu.Check(getattr(ids, self.presence.upper(), wx.ID_ANY), True)

        menu = wx.Menu()
        if self.app.roster.IsShown():
            menu.Append(ids.HIDE, CONFIG.ICON_HIDE_ROSTER)
            menu.Append(ids.RESTORE, CONFIG.ICON_SHOW_ROSTER)
        pres = wx.MenuItem(menu,
        if self.presence in ('online', 'away', 'offline'):
        prefs = wx.MenuItem(menu, ids.PREFERENCES, CONFIG.ICON_PREFERENCES)
        prefs_img = wx.Image(img('preferences'))
        prefs_img.Rescale(16, 16)
        menu.Append(ids.EXIT, CONFIG.ICON_EXIT)
        return menu
Exemple #2
    def forward(ctx, V, E, D, res, t, j, elem_batch=100, mode='density'):
        ## check if E is subdim
        subdim = E.shape[1] == j and V.shape[1] == j
        assert (E.shape[1] == j + 1 or subdim)
        if subdim:
            assert (
                (D == D[0]).sum().item() == D.numel()
            )  # assert same densities for all simplices (homogeneous filling)
            V = torch.cat(
                (V, torch.zeros(1, V.shape[1], device=V.device,
            E = torch.cat((E, V.shape[0] - 1 + torch.zeros(
                (E.shape[0], 1), device=E.device, dtype=E.dtype)),
        n_elem = E.shape[0]
        n_vert = V.shape[0]
        n_channel = D.shape[1]

        ## save context info for backwards
        ctx.mark_non_differentiable(E)  # mark non-differentiable
        ctx.res = res
        ctx.t = t
        ctx.j = j
        ctx.mode = mode
        ctx.n_dims = V.shape[1]
        ctx.elem_batch = elem_batch
        ctx.subdim = subdim

        # compute content array
        C = factorial(j) * simplex_content(V, E, signed=subdim)  # [n_elem, 1]
        ctx.save_for_backward(V, E, D, C)

        ## compute frequencies F
        n_dims = ctx.n_dims
        assert (n_dims == len(res))  # consistent spacial dimensionality
        assert (E.shape[0] == D.shape[0])  # consistent vertex numbers
        assert (mode in ['density', 'mass'])

        # frequency tensor
        omega = fftfreqs(res,
                         dtype=V.dtype).to(V.device)  # [dim0, dim1, dim2, d]

        # normalize frequencies
        for dim in range(n_dims):
            omega[..., dim] *= 2 * pi / t[dim]

        # initialize output F
        F_shape = list(omega.shape)[:-1]
        F_shape += [n_channel, 2]
        F = torch.zeros(
            *F_shape, dtype=V.dtype,
            device=V.device)  # [dimX, dimY, dimZ, n_chan, 2] 2: real/imag

        # compute element-point tensor
        P = V[E]  # [n_elem, j+1, d]

        # loop over element batches
        for idx in range(ceil(n_elem / elem_batch)):
            id_start = idx * elem_batch
            id_end = min((idx + 1) * elem_batch, n_elem)
            Xi = P[id_start:id_end]  # [elem_batch, j+1, d]
            Di = D[id_start:id_end]  # [elem_batch, n_channel]
            Ci = C[id_start:id_end]  # [elem_batch, 1]
            CDi = Ci.expand_as(Di) * Di  # [elem_batch, n_channel]
            sig = torch.einsum('bjd,...d->bj...', (Xi, omega))
            sig = torch.unsqueeze(
                sig, dim=-1)  # [elem_batch, j+1, dimX, dimY, dimZ, 1]
            esig = torch.stack(
                (torch.cos(sig), -torch.sin(sig)),
                dim=-1)  # [elem_batch, j+1, dimX, dimY, dimZ, 1, 2]
            sig = torch.unsqueeze(
                sig, dim=-1)  # [elem_batch, j+1, dimX, dimY, dimZ, 1, 1]
            denom = torch.ones_like(
                sig)  # [elem_batch, j+1, dimX, dimY, dimZ, 1, 1]
            for dim in range(1, j + 1):
                seq = permute_seq(dim, j + 1)
                denom *= sig - sig[:, seq]
            tmp = torch.sum(esig / denom,
                            dim=1)  # [elem_batch, dimX, dimY, dimZ, 1, 2]
            CDi.unsqueeze_(-1)  # [elem_batch, n_channel, 1]
            for _ in range(n_dims):  # unsqueeze to broadcast
                CDi.unsqueeze_(dim=1)  # [elem_batch, 1, 1, 1, n_channel, 2]
            shape_ = (list(tmp.shape[:-2]) + [n_channel, 2])
            tmp = tmp * CDi  # [elem_batch, dimX, dimY, dimZ, n_channel, 2]
            Fi = torch.sum(tmp, dim=0,
                           keepdim=False)  # [dimX, dimY, dimZ, n_channel, 2]
            CDi_ = torch.sum(CDi, dim=0)
            for _ in range(n_dims):  # squeeze dims
                CDi_.squeeze_(dim=0)  # [n_channel, 2]
            Fi[tuple([0] * n_dims)] = -1 / factorial(j) * CDi_
            F += Fi

        F = img(
            F, deg=j)  # Fi *= 1j**j [dimX, dimY, dimZ, n_chan, 2] 2: real/imag

        if mode == 'density':
            res_t = torch.tensor(res)
            if not torch.equal(
                    res_t, res[0] * torch.ones(len(res), dtype=res_t.dtype)):
                    "WARNING: density preserving mode not correctly implemented if not all res are equal"
            F *= res[0]**j
        return F
Exemple #3
def start():
    print("about to initiate a browser")
    subprocess.Popen(pars.firefoxApp  + " " + verse)
Exemple #4
    def backward(ctx, dF):
        :param dF: per-frequency sensitivity from downstream layers of shape [dimX, dimY, dimZ, n_channel, 2]
        # from pdb import set_trace; set_trace()
        if ctx.subdim and ctx.needs_input_grad[2]:
                "Cannot compute D gradients with subdim mode (E.shape[1] == V.shape[1] == j).",

        if ctx.needs_input_grad[0] or ctx.needs_input_grad[2]:
            V, E, D, C = ctx.saved_tensors

            n_dims = V.shape[1]
            n_elem = E.shape[0]
            n_vert = V.shape[0]
            n_channel = D.shape[1]

            # recover context
            res = ctx.res
            t = ctx.t
            j = ctx.j
            mode = ctx.mode
            n_dims = ctx.n_dims
            elem_batch = ctx.elem_batch

            # frequency tensor
            omega = fftfreqs(res, dtype=V.dtype).to(
                V.device)  # [dim0, dim1, dim2, d]

            # normalize frequencies
            for dim in range(n_dims):
                omega[..., dim] *= 2 * pi / t[dim]

            # compute element-point tensor
            P = V[E]  # [n_elem, j+1, d]

            # initialize output dV
            dV = torch.zeros_like(
                V) if ctx.needs_input_grad[0] else None  # [j+1, n_dims]
            dD = torch.zeros_like(
                D) if ctx.needs_input_grad[2] else None  # [n_elem, n_chan]

            # compute element-point tensor
            P = V[E]  # [n_elem, j+1, n_dims]

            # helper functions
            seq = lambda i: permute_seq(i, j + 1)  # return looped sequences

            # loop over element batches
            for idx in range(ceil(n_elem / elem_batch)):
                id_start = idx * elem_batch
                id_end = min((idx + 1) * elem_batch, n_elem)
                elem_batch_i = id_end - id_start
                Xi = P[id_start:id_end]  # [elem_batch, j+1, n_dims]
                Di = D[id_start:id_end]  # [elem_batch, n_channel]
                Ci = C[id_start:id_end]  # [elem_batch, 1]
                Ei = E[id_start:id_end]  # [elem_batch, j+1]
                sig = torch.einsum('bjd,...d->bj...', (Xi, omega))
                sig = torch.unsqueeze(
                    sig, dim=-1)  # [elem_batch, j+1, dimX, dimY, dimZ, 1]
                esig = torch.stack(
                    (torch.cos(sig), -torch.sin(sig)),
                    dim=-1)  # [elem_batch, j+1, dimX, dimY, dimZ, 1, 2]
                sig = torch.unsqueeze(
                    sig, dim=-1)  # [elem_batch, j+1, dimX, dimY, dimZ, 1, 1]
                denom = torch.ones_like(
                    sig)  # [elem_batch, j+1, dimX, dimY, dimZ, 1, 1]
                for dim in range(1, j + 1):
                    denom *= sig - sig[:, seq(dim)]
                Si = esig / denom  # [elem_batch, j+1, dimX, dimY, dimZ, 1, 2]

                # reduce S over each element and multiply by imag and dF
                S = torch.sum(Si,
                              dim=1)  # [elem_batch, dimX, dimY, dimZ, 1, 2]
                S = S.permute(
                    *(list(range(1, 1 + n_dims)) + [0] +
                      list(range(1 + n_dims, len(
                          S.shape)))))  # [dimX, dimY, dimZ, elem_batch, 1, 2]
                S[tuple([0] * n_dims)] = -1 / factorial(j)
                S = S.permute(
                    *([n_dims] + list(range(n_dims)) +
                      list(range(1 + n_dims, len(
                          S.shape)))))  # [elem_batch, dimX, dimY, dimZ, 1, 2]
                S_ = img(
                    deg=j) * dF  # [elem_batch, dimX, dimY, dimZ, n_channel, 2]
                S_ = torch.sum(
                    dim=tuple([-1] +
                              list(range(1, 1 +
                                         n_dims))))  # [elem_batch, n_channel]

                if ctx.needs_input_grad[0]:
                    # first part: tmp
                    tmp = torch.zeros_like(
                        Si)  # [elem_batch, j+1, dimX, dimY, dimZ, 1, 2]
                    for dim in range(1, j + 1):
                        tmp += (Si[:, seq(dim)] + Si) / (sig[:, seq(dim)] -
                    tmp -= img(
                        Si, deg=1)  # [elem_batch, j+1, dimX, dimY, dimZ, 1, 2]
                    tmp = tmp.permute(
                        *(list(range(2, 2 + n_dims)) + [0, 1] +
                          list(range(2 + n_dims, len(tmp.shape)))))
                    tmp[tuple([0] * n_dims)] = 0
                    tmp = tmp.permute(
                        *(list(range(n_dims, 2 + n_dims)) +
                          list(range(n_dims)) +
                          list(range(2 + n_dims, len(tmp.shape)))))
                    tmp = img(tmp, deg=j)
                    tmp = tmp * dF  # [elem_batch, j+1, dimX, dimY, dimZ, n_channel, 2]
                    tmp = tmp.unsqueeze(-3) * omega.unsqueeze(-1).unsqueeze(
                    )  # [elem_batch, j+1, dimX, dimY, dimZ, n_dims, n_channel, 2]
                    tmp = torch.sum(tmp,
                                    dim=tuple([-1] +
                                              list(range(2, 2 + n_dims)))
                                    )  # [elem_batch, j+1, n_dims, n_channel]
                    tmp = torch.sum(tmp * Di.unsqueeze(1).unsqueeze(1),
                                    dim=-1)  # [elem_batch, j+1, n_dims]
                    tmp *= Ci.unsqueeze(-1)  # [elem_batch, j+1, n_dims]

                    # second part: tmp2
                    tmp2 = S_ * ((-1)**(j + 1)) / (2**j)
                    tmp2 = tmp2 / Ci  # [elem_batch, n_channel]
                    tmp2 = (tmp2 * Di).sum(-1)  # [elem_batch]
                    # summation term
                    B = construct_B_batch(Xi)  # [elem_batch, j+2, j+2]
                    B_adj = batch_adjugate(B)  # [elem_batch, j+2, j+2]
                    B_adj_sub = B_adj[:, 1:, 1:]  # [elem_batch, j+1, j+1]
                    tmpsum = torch.zeros_like(Xi)  # [elem_batch, j+1, n_dims]
                    rind = list(range(j + 1))
                    for dim in range(1, j + 1):
                        adj = B_adj_sub[:, rind, seq(dim)].unsqueeze(
                            -1)  # [elem_batch, j+1, 1]
                        tmpsum += 2 * (Xi - Xi[:, seq(dim)]
                                       ) * adj  # [elem_batch, j+1, n_dims]
                    tmp2 = tmpsum * tmp2.unsqueeze(-1).unsqueeze(
                        -1)  # [elem_batch, j+1, n_dims]

                    tmp += tmp2
                    ddV = coalesce_update(Ei, tmp, dV.shape)
                    dV += ddV

                if ctx.needs_input_grad[2]:
                    ddD = S_ * Ci  # [elem_batch, n_channel]
                    dD[id_start:id_end] = ddD  # [elem_batch, n_channel]

            if mode == "density":
                if ctx.needs_input_grad[0]:
                    dV *= res[0]**j
                if ctx.needs_input_grad[2]:
                    dD *= res[0]**j

            if ctx.subdim:
                if ctx.needs_input_grad[0]:
                    dV = dV[:-1]

            dV = None
            dD = None

        return dV, None, dD, None, None, None, None, None
Exemple #5
 def start(self):
     subprocess.Popen(pars.firefoxApp  + " " + self.url)