def dota_news(message): if intime(message): cid = getCID(message) content = getContent(message) url = "" request = requests.get(url) data = request.json() if content != "?": if request.status_code == 200: title = data['appnews']['newsitems'][0]['title'] content = data['appnews']['newsitems'][0]['contents'] content_nice = content.replace(" - ", "\n - ") content_nice = content_nice.replace("*", "\n*") content_nice = parser.unescape(content_nice) url = data['appnews']['newsitems'][0]['url'] bot.send_message( cid, u'*{title}*```> \n{content_nice}\n[...]\n```'.format(title=title, content_nice=content_nice) + u'[More info here]({url})'.format(url=url), parse_mode="Markdown", disable_web_page_preview=True) else: bot.reply_to( message, "`There has been an error, the number {error} to be specific.`" .format(error=request.status_code), parse_mode="Markdown") else: bot.reply_to( message, "`Send this command alone and I will show you the last Steam News for Dota2 entry`", parse_mode="Markdown")
def dota_blog(message): if intime(message): cid = getCID(message) dota_blog_rss_url = "" feed = feedparser.parse(dota_blog_rss_url) content = unicode(feed["items"][0]["summary"]) content = content.split('…', 1) content = content[ 0] # content.split gives a list of unicode strings, content[0] is the real content content = content.encode( 'utf-8') # If not encoded, unicode characters will cause an error text_title = feed["items"][0]["title"].encode('utf-8') text_url = feed["items"][0]["link"].encode('utf-8') text_formatted = '*{title}* ```\n\n{content}...\n\n```'.format( title=text_title, content=content) link_text_formatted = '[Read the entire blog post in your browser]({url})'.format(url=text_url)\ message_text = text_formatted + link_text_formatted bot.send_message(cid, message_text, disable_web_page_preview=True, parse_mode="Markdown")
def pro_matches(message): """Gets recent pro matches, will give a number of matches equal to argument.""" default_number_of_posts = 5 posts_max = 20 if intime(message): cid = getCID(message) param = getContent(message) try: param = int(param) except ValueError: param = 0 number_of_posts = param if 0 < param <= posts_max else default_number_of_posts open_dota_url = '' response = requests.get(open_dota_url) response_json = response.json() # Array of 100 most recent pro matches matches_json = response_json[:number_of_posts] matches_text = [] for match_json in matches_json: matches_text.append(match_short_description(match_json)) message_text = 'Last {number} pro matches:'.format( number=number_of_posts) for match_text in matches_text: message_text = message_text + '\n{match}'.format(match=match_text) bot.send_message(cid, message_text, disable_web_page_preview=True, parse_mode="Markdown")
def dota_blog(message): if intime(message): cid = getCID(message) dota_blog_rss_url = "" feed = feedparser.parse(dota_blog_rss_url) post_title = feed["items"][0]["title"] post_link = addBlogPostInstantView(feed["items"][0]["link"]) bot.send_message( cid, u'*{title}* ```\n\n```' .format(title = post_title) + u'[Read the latest blog post in your browser]({url})' .format(url = post_link), parse_mode = "Markdown")
def dota_blog(message): if intime(message): cid = getCID(message) dota_blog_rss_url = "" feed = feedparser.parse(dota_blog_rss_url) content = unicode(feed["items"][0]["summary"]) content = content.split('…', 1) bot.send_message( cid, '*{title}* ```\n\n{content}...\n\n```'.format( title=feed["items"][0]["title"], content=content) + '[Read the entire blog post in your browser]({url})'.format( url=feed["items"][0]["link"]), parse_mode="Markdown", disable_web_page_preview=True)
def find_match(message): if intime(message): cid = getCID(message) content = getContent(message) match_id = message.text match_id = match_id.split()[1] try: match = api.get_match_details(match_id) url = match.url request = requests.get(url) match_data = request.json() if content != "?": if request.status_code == 200: hero_list = [] if match_data['result']['radiant_win']: title = "Radiant!" else: title = "Dire!" url = "" + match_id radiant_content = "" dire_content = "" for player in match_data['result']['players']: if player['player_slot'] < 100: # radiant for hero in heroes_list: if hero['id'] == player['hero_id']: hero_list.append(hero['localized_name']) radiant_content = (radiant_content + hero['localized_name'] + " " + str(player['kills']) + "/" + str(player['deaths']) + "/" + str(player['assists']) + '\n') else: # dire for hero in heroes_list: if hero['id'] == player['hero_id']: hero_list.append(hero['localized_name']) dire_content = (dire_content + hero['localized_name'] + " " + str(player['kills']) + "/" + str(player['deaths']) + "/" + str(player['assists']) + '\n') bot.send_message( cid, 'Winner: *{title}* \n _Radiant:_ \n{radiant}\n _Dire:_\n{dire}\n' .format(title=title, radiant=radiant_content, dire=dire_content) + '[Dotabuff link]({url})'.format(url=url), parse_mode="Markdown", disable_web_page_preview=True) else: bot.reply_to( message, "`There has been an error, the number {error} to be specific.`".format(error=request.status_code), parse_mode="Markdown") else: bot.reply_to(message, "`wat`", parse_mode="Markdown") except Exception as ex: bot.reply_to( message, "There has been an error, its message is:\n `{error}`".format(error=ex.msg), parse_mode="Markdown")