def _compile(self, md, ars): mcp = md.Compile() smsg = mcp.get_name() try: cflgs = self._cpp_compiler_flags if cflgs is not None: if utils.is_windows(): mcp.set_cpp_compiler_flags("windows", cflgs) elif utils.is_linux(): mcp.set_cpp_compiler_flags("linux", cflgs) elif utils.is_mac(): mcp.set_cpp_compiler_flags("mac", cflgs) lflgs = self._linker_flags if lflgs is not None: if utils.is_windows(): mcp.set_linker_flags("windows", lflgs) elif utils.is_linux(): mcp.set_linker_flags("linux", lflgs) elif utils.is_mac(): mcp.set_linker_flags("mac", lflgs) smsg += " - OK!" ars.append(smsg) except Exception as e: smsg += " - ERROR: " + utils.exception_to_string(e) ars.append(smsg) raise e
def __init__(self, reference_folder=None, screenshot_folder=None, keyword_on_failure='ImageHorizonLibrary.Take A Screenshot'): '''ImageHorizonLibrary can be imported with several options. ``reference_folder`` is path to the folder where all reference images are stored. It must be a _valid absolute path_. As the library is suite-specific (ie. new instance is created for every suite), different suites can have different folders for it's reference images. ``screenshot_folder`` is path to the folder where screenshots are saved. If not given, screenshots are saved to the current working directory. ``keyword_on_failure`` is the keyword to be run, when location-related keywords fail. If you wish to not take screenshots, use for example `BuiltIn.No Operation`. Keyword must however be a valid keyword. ''' self.reference_folder = reference_folder self.screenshot_folder = screenshot_folder self.keyword_on_failure = keyword_on_failure self.open_applications = OrderedDict() self.screenshot_counter = 1 self.is_windows = utils.is_windows() self.is_mac = utils.is_mac() self.is_linux = utils.is_linux()
def getCode(): ''' Apre una finestra che chiede il codice licenza. Resituisce il codice licenza e chiude la finestra. ''' appresult = None root = None root = Tk() if utils.is_windows(): root.wm_iconbitmap('../Nemesys.ico') app = LoginGui(master=root) app.master.title("Attivazione Ne.Me.Sys") app.mainloop() appresult = str(app.result) if appresult == 'Cancel':"User pressed Cancel button, exiting") raise LoginCancelledException() if appresult == '' or len(appresult) < 4: appresult = None logger.error('Exit: wrong activation code') CodeError() raise LoginAuthenticationException('Wrong username/password') if root: root.destroy() return appresult
def __write_read(self, write_fn, read_fn, ep, length = 8): intf = self.backend.get_interface_descriptor(, 0, 0, 0).bInterfaceNumber for data in (utils.get_array_data1(length), utils.get_array_data2(length)): length = len(data) * data.itemsize try: ret = write_fn(self.handle, ep, intf, data, 1000) except NotImplementedError: return self.assertEqual(ret, length, 'Failed to write data: ' + \ str(data) + \ ', in EP = ' + \ str(ep)) buff = usb.util.create_buffer(length) try: ret = read_fn(self.handle, ep | usb.util.ENDPOINT_IN, intf, buff, 1000) except NotImplementedError: return self.assertEqual(ret, length, str(ret) + ' != ' + str(length)) self.assertEqual(buff, data, 'Failed to read data: ' + \ str(data) + \ ', in EP = ' + \ str(ep)) if utils.is_windows(): time.sleep(0.5)
def create_semlock(obj, cpid, tp, val, imax): sid = None if utils.is_windows(): obj._semlock = _multiprocessing.SemLock(tp, val, imax) chandle = _multiprocessing.win32.OpenProcess( _multiprocessing.win32.PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, False, cpid) sid = multiprocessing.forking.duplicate(obj._semlock.handle, chandle) multiprocessing.forking.close(chandle) else: cnttry = 0 while True: _sharememmap["semaphore"].acquire() try: _sharememmap["sem_counter"] += 1 sid = _sharememmap["sem_counter"] finally: _sharememmap["semaphore"].release() obj._sem_name = _sharememmap["sem_name"] + str(sid) obj._sem_t = _sharememmap["libbase"].semaphoreCreate( obj._sem_name, val) if obj._sem_t != -1: break cnttry += 1 if cnttry >= 100: raise Exception("semaphoreOpen failed.") obj._semlock = _multiprocessing.SemLock._rebuild(*(obj._sem_t, tp, imax)) obj._make_methods() return (sid, tp, imax)
def _generate_id(self): if os.getenv("JENKINS_HOME"): prefix = "jenkins" elif os.getenv("TRAVIS"): prefix = "travis" elif any([key.startswith("bamboo") for key in os.environ.keys()]): prefix = "bamboo" elif os.getenv("TEAMCITY_VERSION"): prefix = "teamcity" elif os.getenv("DOCKER_HOST"): prefix = "docker" elif os.getenv("AWS_"): prefix = "amazon" elif os.getenv("GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS") or os.getenv("CLOUDSDK_CONFIG"): prefix = "google_cloud" elif os.getenv("WEBJOBS_NAME"): prefix = "azure" elif is_linux(): prefix = 'linux' elif is_windows(): prefix = 'windows' else: prefix = 'macos' return "%s-%x" % (prefix, uuid.getnode())
def get_logs(cls): config = Config.getInstance() if not config.logs() or cls.MOCK_MODE: yield return filename = config.log_name() if not filename: filename = str(time()).replace('.', '') filename += '.log' filename = join(config.defaults.get('folder'), filename) logger().info('Starting logs capture to ' + filename) with open(filename, 'w') as f: cls._action(cls._get_adb_command_prefix() + ['logcat', '-c']) cmd = cls._get_adb_command_prefix() + ['logcat', '-v', 'time'] if is_windows(): CREATE_NO_WINDOW = 0x08000000 # Doesn't really work, shows a window and hides it p = Popen(cmd, stdout=f, creationflags=CREATE_NO_WINDOW) else: p = Popen(cmd, stdout=f) try: yield finally: p.kill() logger().info('finished logs capture to ' + filename)
def connect(cls): if is_windows(): logger().error('iOS not yet supported on Windows') return False device_name = Config.getInstance().ui_main.ios_device_var.get() if not device_name: logger().warning('No device to connect to') return False if not exists(cls._PIPE_PATH): try: mkfifo(cls._PIPE_PATH) except OSError: logger().error("Pipe operation isn't supported here") return False typethree_path = join(getenv('DEV_ENV_PATH'), 'AutoFill', 'TypeThree', 'TypeThree') if not typethree_path: logger().error("Can't locate typethree") return False cls._typethree_process = Popen( [typethree_path, device_name, '-p', cls._PIPE_PATH], stderr=PIPE) ready = False while not ready: ready = 'Trying to read input from' in cls._typethree_process.stderr.readline( ) logger().debug('iOS connected') return True
def run(self): bok = True arstatus = []"BEGIN COMPILE ALL") try: self._compile(compile_lib_z, arstatus) self._compile(compile_lib_core, arstatus) self._compile(compile_lib_gdi, arstatus) self._compile(compile_lib_osutil, arstatus) if utils.is_windows(): self._compile(compile_os_win_launcher, arstatus) self._compile(compile_os_win_service, arstatus) self._compile(compile_os_win_updater, arstatus) self._compile(compile_lib_screencapture, arstatus)"END COMPILE ALL") except: bok = False"ERROR COMPILE ALL")"")"")"COMPILATION STATUS:") for n in arstatus:"") if bok:"ALL COMPILED CORRECTLY.") else:"ERRORS OCCURRED DURING COMPILATION.")
def _parse_ping_stdout(self, raw_text): if utils.is_windows(): raw_text = raw_text.decode('gbk') end = -1 begin = -1 for e in raw_text.splitlines(): if e.find('无法访问目标主机') != -1: break end = e.find('%') if end != -1: begin = e.rfind('(') last_line = e break if begin + 1 >= end: loss_rate = 100.0 else: loss_rate = float(last_line[begin + 1:end].strip()) # print('loss_rate=', loss_rate) else: raw_text = raw_text.decode('utf-8') last_line = raw_text.splitlines()[-1] end = last_line.find('%') begin = last_line.rfind(',') if begin + 1 >= end: loss_rate = 100.0 else: loss_rate = float(last_line[begin + 1:end].strip()) return loss_rate
def download_file(url, desc, filename, file_size, verbose=False, req_timeout=(5, None)): """ Download file with progressbar Usage: download_file('') """ with requests.get(url, stream=True, timeout=req_timeout) as r: r.raise_for_status() chunk_size = 1024 num_bars = int(file_size / chunk_size) + 1 if verbose: print("size = %d, url = %s" % (file_size, url)) download_size = 0 with open(filename+'.canvas_tmp', 'wb') as fp: with tqdm.tqdm( r.iter_content(chunk_size=chunk_size), total=num_bars, unit='KB', desc=desc, bar_format='{l_bar}{bar}{r_bar}', ascii=is_windows() ) as pbar: for chunk in pbar: fp.write(chunk) download_size += len(chunk) if download_size != file_size: raise Exception( f"Incomplete file: expected {file_size}, downloaded {download_size}") os.replace(filename+'.canvas_tmp', filename) return
def download_file(url, desc, filename=False, verbose=False, req_timeout=(5, None)): """ Download file with progressbar Usage: download_file('') """ if not filename: local_filename = os.path.join(".", url.split('/')[-1]) else: local_filename = filename r = requests.get(url, stream=True, timeout=req_timeout) file_size = int(r.headers.get('Content-Length', 0)) chunk = 1 chunk_size = 1024 num_bars = int(file_size / chunk_size) + 1 if verbose: print(dict(file_size=file_size)) print(dict(num_bars=num_bars)) with open(local_filename + '.canvas_tmp', 'wb') as fp: for chunk in tqdm.tqdm(r.iter_content(chunk_size=chunk_size), total=num_bars, unit='KB', desc=desc, bar_format='{l_bar}{bar}{r_bar}', ascii=is_windows()): fp.write(chunk) os.replace(local_filename + '.canvas_tmp', local_filename) return
def __init__(self, master=None): Frame.__init__(self, master) self.config(width="800") if utils.is_windows(): self.master.wm_iconbitmap(os.path.join('..', 'nemesys.ico')) self.pack() self.createWidgets() self.result = None
def __init__(self, agent_main): self._agent_main=agent_main if utils.is_windows(): self._osnative = Windows(self._agent_main) elif utils.is_linux(): self._osnative = Linux() elif utils.is_mac(): self._osnative = Mac()
def ErrorDialog(message): root = Tk() if utils.is_windows(): root.wm_iconbitmap('../Nemesys.ico') root.withdraw() title = 'Errore' tkMessageBox.showerror(title, message, parent=root) root.destroy()
def get_suffix(): if utils.is_windows(): return "win" elif utils.is_linux(): return "linux" elif utils.is_mac(): return "mac" return None
def run(self): bok = True arstatus = [] utils.init_path(self.get_path_native())"BEGIN DEPENDENCIES") try: if utils.is_windows(): self._dependency("lib_gcc", "8.1.0", arstatus) self._dependency("lib_stdcpp", "8.1.0", arstatus) self._dependency("lib_z", "1.2.11", arstatus) self._dependency("lib_turbojpeg", "2.0.3", arstatus) self._dependency("lib_opus", "21.3.1", arstatus) self._dependency("lib_rtaudio", "5.1.0", arstatus)"END DEPENDENCIES") except: bok = False"ERROR DEPENDENCIES") if bok:"BEGIN COMPILE ALL") try: self._compile(compile_lib_core, arstatus) self._compile(compile_lib_gdi, arstatus) self._compile(compile_lib_osutil, arstatus) if utils.is_windows(): self._compile(compile_os_win_launcher, arstatus) self._compile(compile_os_win_service, arstatus) self._compile(compile_os_win_updater, arstatus) self._compile(compile_lib_screencapture, arstatus) self._compile(compile_lib_soundcapture, arstatus)"END COMPILE ALL") except: bok = False"ERROR COMPILE ALL")"")"")"STATUS:") for n in arstatus:"") if bok:"ALL COMPILED CORRECTLY.") else:"ERRORS OCCURRED.")
def OkDialog(): root = Tk() if utils.is_windows(): root.wm_iconbitmap('../Nemesys.ico') root.withdraw() title = 'Ne.Me.Sys autenticazione corretta' message = 'Username e password corrette e verificate' tkMessageBox.showinfo(title, message, parent=root) root.destroy()
def init_parameter_path(value, default): if value is None: value = default else: # expand variables in no-windows if not utils.is_windows(): value = value.replace('~', utils.get_real_home()) value = os.path.abspath(value) return value
def _prepare_map(self): if self.ftype == "F": self._mmap = mmap.mmap(self.file.fileno(), 0) elif self.ftype == "M": if not utils.is_windows(): self._mmap = mmap.mmap(self.fd, MapFile._SIZE) else: self._mmap = mmap.mmap(0, MapFile._SIZE, "Global\\" + self.fname)
def connect_semlock(obj, state): if utils.is_windows(): obj._semlock = _multiprocessing.SemLock._rebuild(*state) else: obj._sem_name = _sharememmap["sem_name"] + str(state[0]) obj._sem_t = _sharememmap["libbase"].semaphoreOpen(obj._sem_name) obj._semlock = _multiprocessing.SemLock._rebuild(*(obj._sem_t, state[1], state[2])) obj._make_methods()
def run(self): is_windows = utils.is_windows()'hexo generate --cwd {}'.format( self.blog_path)), shell=is_windows) if self.deploy:'hexo deploy --cwd {}'.format( self.blog_path)), shell=is_windows)
def destroy_semlock(obj): if obj._semlock is not None: try: obj._semlock.release() except: None obj._semlock = None if utils.is_windows(): None else: _sharememmap["libbase"].semaphoreClose(obj._sem_t) _sharememmap["libbase"].semaphoreUnlink(obj._sem_name)
def _unload_lib_obj(olib): if utils.is_windows(): import _ctypes _ctypes.FreeLibrary(olib._handle) del olib elif utils.is_linux(): import _ctypes _ctypes.dlclose(olib._handle) del olib elif utils.is_mac(): import _ctypes _ctypes.dlclose(olib._handle) del olib
def __init__(self): self.message_queue = None self.ping_count = 1 self.ping_size = 1 self.ping_wait_time = 1 if utils.is_windows(): self.ping_count_arg = '-n' self.ping_size_arg = '-l' self.ping_wait_time_arg = "-w" else: self.ping_count_arg = '-c' self.ping_size_arg = '-s' self.ping_wait_time_arg = '-W'
def run(self):"BEGIN " + self.get_name()) utils.make_tmppath() tarname=CONF["name"] + "-" + CONF["version"] + ".tar.gz" utils.remove_from_native(CONF) if os.path.exists(CONF["pathdst"]): utils.remove_path(CONF["pathdst"]) if os.path.exists(utils.PATHTMP + os.sep + tarname): utils.remove_path(utils.PATHTMP + os.sep + tarname) if os.path.exists(utils.PATHTMP + os.sep + CONF["name"] + "-" + CONF["version"]): utils.remove_path(utils.PATHTMP + os.sep + CONF["name"] + "-" + CONF["version"]) utils.download_file(CONF["urlsrc"], utils.PATHTMP + os.sep + tarname) utils.untar_file(utils.PATHTMP + os.sep + tarname, utils.PATHTMP) utils.remove_file(utils.PATHTMP + os.sep + tarname) os.rename(utils.PATHTMP + os.sep + CONF["name"] + "-" + CONF["version"], CONF["pathdst"]) if utils.is_mac(): #CORREGGE configure apppth=CONF["pathdst"] + os.sep + "configure" f =, encoding='utf-8') appdata = f.close() appdata=appdata.replace('.dylib','.so').replace("-dynamiclib","-shared") os.remove(apppth) f =, encoding='utf-8', mode='w+') f.write(appdata) f.close() os.chmod(apppth, stat.S_IRWXU) if utils.is_windows(): utils.system_exec(["mingw32-make.exe", "-fwin32/Makefile.gcc"],CONF["pathdst"]) else: utils.system_exec(["./configure"],CONF["pathdst"]) utils.system_exec(["make"],CONF["pathdst"]) if utils.is_mac(): #CORREGGE zutil.h apppth=CONF["pathdst"] + os.sep + "zutil.h" f =, encoding='utf-8') appdata = f.close() appdata=appdata.replace('# define local static','//# define local static') os.remove(apppth) f =, encoding='utf-8', mode='w+') f.write(appdata) f.close() utils.copy_to_native(CONF)"END " + self.get_name())
def run(self, edit, cmd, resolve=None, reject=None): command = cmd.split(' ') if isinstance(cmd, str) else cmd proc = Popen(command, stdin=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, env=get_proc_env(), shell=is_windows()) stdout, stderr = proc.communicate() if proc.returncode == 0 and resolve: self.view.run_command(resolve) elif reject: self.view.run_command(reject)
def move_old_config(): # FIXME: This function will be removed at the next release. old_file = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"), "." + CONFIG_FILE) if not os.path.exists(old_file): return False with open(old_file) as f: data = with open(CONFIG_PATH, "w") as f: if "DOTCLOUD_CONFIG_FILE" not in os.environ: data = data.replace("http://", "https://") f.write(data) if not is_windows(): os.fchmod(f.fileno(), 0600) info("Migrated from {0}".format(old_file)) return True
def destroy(self): if not self.bdestroy: self.bdestroy = True if self.bcreate: if self.ftype == "F": if utils.path_exists(self.fpath): utils.path_remove(self.fpath) elif self.ftype == "M": if not utils.is_windows(): iret = _sharememmap["libbase"].sharedMemoryUnlink( self.fname) if iret != 0: raise Exception("sharedMemoryUnlink fail") else: MapFile._memlistname.remove(self.fname)
def setup(): import re if not os.path.exists(CONFIG_DIR): os.mkdir(CONFIG_DIR, 0700) if move_old_config() is True: return conf = {"url": ""} apikey = raw_input("Enter your api key (You can find it at ") if not re.match("\w{20}:\w{40}", apikey): die("Not a valid api key.") conf["apikey"] = apikey with open(CONFIG_PATH, "w") as f: json.dump(conf, f, indent=4) if not is_windows(): os.fchmod(f.fileno(), 0600)
def get(self, key): try: self._semaphore.acquire() try: if self._lang_current is None: applng = None try: if utils.is_windows(): import ctypes windll = ctypes.windll.kernel32 windll.GetUserDefaultUILanguage() wl = locale.windows_locale[ windll.GetUserDefaultUILanguage()] applng = wl.split("_")[0] elif utils.is_mac(): p = subprocess.Popen( ['defaults', 'read', '-g', 'AppleLocale'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) sout, serr = p.communicate() if sout is not None: applng = sout.replace("\n", "").replace(" ", "_")[:10] except: None try: if applng is None: l = locale.getdefaultlocale() if l is not None: applng = l[0] except: None self._set_locale(applng) finally: self._semaphore.release() if key in self._data_current: return self._data_current[key] elif key in self._data_default: return self._data_default[key] else: return "RES_MISSING#" + key except: return "RES_ERROR#" + key
def _action(cls, cmd): logger().debug(" ".join(cmd)) if not cls.MOCK_MODE: try: if is_windows(): CREATE_NO_WINDOW = 0x08000000 # Doesn't really work, shows a window and hides it # TODO synchronicity should be according to param, sometimes it might be could to cancel it Popen(cmd, shell=True, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, creationflags=CREATE_NO_WINDOW).communicate() else: system(" ".join(cmd)) except Exception as e: logger().error("Command failed " + str(e)) #TODO eran also check ret code
def setup(): import re if not os.path.exists(CONFIG_DIR): os.mkdir(CONFIG_DIR, 0700) if move_old_config() is True: return conf = {'url': ''} apikey = raw_input('Enter your api key (You can find it at ') if not re.match('\w{20}:\w{40}', apikey): die('Not a valid api key.') conf['apikey'] = apikey with open(CONFIG_PATH, 'w') as f: json.dump(conf, f, indent=4) if not is_windows(): os.fchmod(f.fileno(), 0600) if os.path.exists(CONFIG_KEY): os.remove(CONFIG_KEY)
def create_default_config(): if not Path(CONFIG_FILE).exists(): src = Path(CONFIG_EXAMPLE) if not src.exists(): if sys._MEIPASS: # for portable exe created by pyinstaller # load config from temporary dirertory src = Path(sys._MEIPASS) / CONFIG_EXAMPLE else: print( f"{Fore.RED}Config not found, default config not found either{Style.RESET_ALL}" ) if is_windows(): # for windows double-click user input() exit() dst = Path(CONFIG_FILE) dst.write_bytes(src.read_bytes())
def _annotate_files(self): """Annotate Source files: add acc_period/period for each source file. 1. Annotate java source files, which have $JAVA_SRC_ROOT prefix. 2. Annotate c++ source files. """ dest_dir = self.config['annotate_dest_dir'] for key in self.file_periods: from_path = key if not os.path.isfile(from_path): log_warning("can't find source file for path %s" % from_path) continue if from_path.startswith('/'): to_path = os.path.join(dest_dir, from_path[1:]) elif is_windows() and ':\\' in from_path: to_path = os.path.join(dest_dir, from_path.replace(':\\', os.sep)) else: to_path = os.path.join(dest_dir, from_path) is_java = from_path.endswith('.java') self._annotate_file(from_path, to_path, self.file_periods[key], is_java)
def run_codex(result_file): if utils.is_windows(): cur_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) print(cur_path) codex_path = os.path.join(cur_path, "CodeX", "CodeX64.exe") if not os.path.exists(codex_path):"Hint: put CodeX to CodeX folder to Cubifier dir, Cubifier calls CodeX automatically") return"Found CodeX, encoding file. This might take a while...") _dir, fname = os.path.split(result_file) name, ext = os.path.splitext(fname) cube_file = os.path.join(_dir, name + ".cube") args = [codex_path, "CubePro", "EnCode", result_file, cube_file]
def load_paths(self): ''' The global load paths for Sass files. This is meant for plugins and libraries to register the paths to their Sass stylesheets to that they may be `@imported`. This load path is used by every instance of [sass.Engine]. They are lower-precedence than any load paths passed in via the { `:load_paths` option}. If the `SASS_PATH` environment variable is set, the initial value of `load_paths` will be initialized based on that. The variable should be a colon-separated list of path names (semicolon-separated on Windows). Note that files on the global load path are never compiled to CSS themselves, even if they aren't partials. They exist only to be imported. @example Sass.load_paths().append(os.path.dirname(__file__ + '/sass')) @return [list<str, sass.importers.Base>] ''' if not self._load_paths: self._load_paths = os.getenv('SASS_PATH','').split(';' if utils.is_windows() else ':') return self._load_paths
def key(self, data): with open(config.CONFIG_KEY, 'w') as f: f.write(data) if not utils.is_windows(): os.fchmod(f.fileno(), 0600)
def main(): parser = ArgParser(description=('Command line interface ' 'to web2exe. {}'.format(__version__)), prog='web2execmd') command_base = CommandBase() command_base.init() parser.add_argument('project_dir', metavar='project_dir', help='The project directory.', type=unicode_arg) parser.add_argument('--output-dir', dest='output_dir', help='The output directory for exports.', type=unicode_arg) parser.add_argument('--quiet', dest='quiet', action='store_true', default=False, help='Silences output messages') parser.add_argument('--verbose', dest='verbose', action='store_true', default=False, help=('Prints debug errors and messages instead ' 'of logging to files/errors.log')) parser.add_argument('--package-json', dest='load_json', nargs='?', default='', const=True, help=('Loads the package.json ' 'file in the project directory. ' 'Ignores other command line arguments.')) parser.add_argument('--cmd-version', action='version', version='%(prog)s {}'.format(__version__)) for setting_group_dict in command_base.settings['setting_groups']+[command_base.settings['compression']]: for setting_name, setting in setting_group_dict.items(): kwargs = {} if setting_name == 'name': kwargs.update({'default': command_base.project_name}) else: kwargs.update({'required': setting.required, 'default': setting.default_value}) action = 'store' option_name = setting_name.replace('_', '-') if setting.type in ['file', 'string', 'strings']: kwargs.update({'type': unicode_arg}) if isinstance(setting.default_value, bool): action = ('store_true' if setting.default_value is False else 'store_false') kwargs.update({'action': action}) if setting.default_value is True: option_name = u'disable-{}'.format(option_name) else: if setting.values: kwargs.update({'choices': setting.values}) setting.description += u' Possible values: {{{}}}'.format(', '.join([unicode(x) for x in setting.values])) kwargs.update({'metavar': ''}) else: kwargs.update({'metavar': '<{}>'.format(setting.display_name)}) parser.add_argument(u'--{}'.format(option_name), dest=setting_name, help=setting.description, **kwargs ) export_args = [arg for arg in command_base.settings['export_settings']] parser.add_argument('--export-to', dest='export_options', nargs='+', required=True, choices=export_args, help=('Choose at least one system ' 'to export to.')) args = parser.parse_args() if args.verbose: logging.basicConfig( stream=sys.stdout, format=("%(levelname) -10s %(module) " "%(lineno)s %(funcName)s - %(message)s"), level=logging.DEBUG ) else: logging.basicConfig( filename=LOG_FILENAME, format=("%(levelname) -10s %(asctime)s %(module) " "%(lineno)s %(funcName)s - %(message)s"), level=logging.DEBUG ) global logger global handler logger = logging.getLogger('CMD Logger') handler = lh.RotatingFileHandler(LOG_FILENAME, maxBytes=100000, backupCount=2) logger.addHandler(handler) def my_excepthook(type_, value, tback): output_err = u''.join([unicode(x) for x in traceback.format_exception(type_, value, tback)]) logger.error(u'{}'.format(output_err)) sys.__excepthook__(type_, value, tback) sys.excepthook = my_excepthook command_base.logger = logger if args.quiet: command_base.quiet = True if utils.is_windows() and os.path.isabs(args.project_dir): command_base._project_dir = u'//?/' + args.project_dir else: command_base._project_dir = args.project_dir command_base._output_dir = (args.output_dir or utils.path_join(command_base._project_dir, 'output')) if args.app_name is None: args.app_name = command_base.project_name() if is not None: setting = command_base.get_setting('name') = setting.filter_name( if not callable( else command_base._project_name = args.app_name if not callable(args.app_name) else args.app_name() if not args.title: args.title = command_base.project_name() for name, val in args._get_kwargs(): if callable(val): val = val() if name == 'export_options': for opt in val: setting = command_base.get_setting(opt) if setting is not None: setting.value = True else: setting = command_base.get_setting(name) if setting is not None: setting.value = val if args.load_json is True: command_base.load_package_json() elif args.load_json: command_base.load_package_json(args.load_json) command_base.export()
def delay(alt): # Hack to avoid two consecutive isochronous transfers to fail if alt == devinfo.INTF_ISO and utils.is_windows(): time.sleep(0.5)
def is_installed(): uninst = get_file('uninst.exe') return utils.is_windows() and os.path.exists(uninst)