def match(title, shorten_content, answer, question): if utils.is_zh_or_en(title): title_list = utils.split_word_zh(title) + ['。'] else: title_list = utils.split_word_en(title) + ['.'] if utils.is_zh_or_en(shorten_content): content_list = utils.split_word_zh(shorten_content) else: content_list = utils.split_word_en(shorten_content) merge_list = title_list + content_list merge_len = len(merge_list) if utils.is_zh_or_en(question): answer_list = utils.split_word_zh(answer) question_list = utils.split_word_zh(question) question_str = ' '.join(question_list) else: answer_list = utils.split_word_en(answer) question_list = utils.split_word_en(question) question_str = ' '.join(question_list) answer_len = len(answer_list) start = [] end = [] if answer == '': return -1, -1 for i in range(0, merge_len - answer_len + 1): if merge_list[i:i + answer_len] == answer_list: start.append(i) end.append(i + answer_len - 1) if len(start) == 0: return -1, -1 elif len(start) == 1: return start[0], end[0] else: scores = [] # 前后扩展5个词 for s, e in zip(start, end): s = max(s - 5, 0) answer_can = ' '.join(merge_list[s:e + 5]) score = rouge.get_scores(answer_can, question_str, avg=True)['rouge-l']['r'] scores.append(score) max_idx = np.argmax(scores) return start[max_idx], end[max_idx]
def build_vocab_embedding(list_df, vocab_path, embedding_in_zh, embedding_in_en, embedding_out): data = [] for df in list_df: if 'answer' in df: data += df[['title', 'content', 'question', 'answer']].values.flatten().tolist() else: data += df[['title', 'content', 'question']].values.flatten().tolist() vocab = set() for d in data: if utils.is_zh_or_en(d): d_list = utils.split_word_zh(d) else: d_list = utils.split_word_en(d) for dd in d_list: vocab.add(dd) print('data, word_num:%d' % len(vocab)) # zh model_zh = gensim.models.KeyedVectors.load_word2vec_format(embedding_in_zh) # en model_en = gensim.models.KeyedVectors.load_word2vec_format(embedding_in_en) tmp = set() for word in vocab: if word in model_zh or word in model_en: tmp.add(word) print('word_nums in pre-embedding:%d/%d, radio:%.4f' % (len(tmp), len(vocab), len(tmp) / len(vocab))) w2i = {'<pad>': 0} i2w = {0: '<pad>'} c = 1 embedding = np.zeros([len(tmp) + 3, model_zh.vector_size]) for word in tmp: w2i[word] = c i2w[c] = word if word in model_zh: embedding[c] = model_zh[word] elif word in model_en: embedding[c] = model_en[word] c += 1 w2i['<unk>'] = len(tmp) + 1 i2w[len(tmp) + 1] = '<unk>' w2i[' '] = len(tmp) + 2 i2w[len(tmp) + 2] = ' ' lang = {'w2i': w2i, 'i2w': i2w} print('vocab size:%d' % (c + 2)) print('embedding size:', embedding.shape) # save with open(vocab_path, 'wb') as file: pickle.dump(lang, file), embedding)
def gen_tag_index(df): df = df[['title', 'content', 'question']] data = df.values.flatten().tolist() tag2i = {'<pad>': 0, '<unk>': 1} cc = 2 for d in data: if utils.is_zh_or_en(d): _, tags = utils.split_word_zh(d, have_tag=True) else: _, tags = utils.split_word_en(d, have_tag=True) for t in tags: if t not in tag2i: tag2i[t] = cc cc += 1 with open(config.tag_path, 'wb') as file: pickle.dump(tag2i, file) print('word flag num:%d' % len(tag2i)) # 98个
def shorten_content_all(df, max_len): """ :param df: :param max_len: :return: df """ sys.setrecursionlimit(1000000) rouge = Rouge(metrics=['rouge-l']) def match(title, content, question, max_len): title_is_zh = utils.is_zh_or_en(title) content_is_zh = utils.is_zh_or_en(content) if title_is_zh: title_list = utils.split_word_zh(title) else: title_list = utils.split_word_en(title) def count(flag, content_list): """ 查数 """ number = 0 for i in range(len(flag)): if flag[i] != 0: number += len(content_list[i])+1 return number # 过滤 if content_is_zh: title_number = len(title_list) content_number = len(utils.split_word_zh(content)) if (title_number + content_number + 1) <= max_len: return content if content_is_zh: if '。' not in content: c_list = utils.split_word_zh(content) c_list = c_list[: config.max_len-len(title_list)-1] return ''.join(c_list) content_list = content.split('。') temp = [] for c in content_list: if c not in ['', ' ', ' ']: temp.append(c) content_list = temp content_list = [utils.split_word_zh(c) for c in content_list] content_list = [title_list] + content_list content_len = len(content_list) if utils.is_zh_or_en(question): question_list = utils.split_word_zh(question) else: question_list = utils.split_word_en(question) question_str = ' '.join(question_list) # 相似性得分: rouge-l scores = [] for c in content_list: if ''.join(c) in question: scores.append(-5) continue c_str = ' '.join(c) score = rouge.get_scores(c_str, question_str, avg=True)['rouge-l']['r'] scores.append(score) # 标记类型 flag = np.zeros(content_len) # title_number = len(utils.split_word_zh(title)) # max_len = max_len - title_number # 核心句: max_score = max(scores) for i in range(content_len): if scores[i] == max_score: flag[i] = -1 # 核心句下一句 for i in range(content_len): if (flag[i] == -1) and (i+1 < content_len) and (flag[i+1] == 0): flag[i+1] = -2 # 最后一句 if flag[-1] == 0: flag[-1] = -3 # 第一句 if flag[1] == 0: flag[1] = -4 # 蕴含句(上+中+下) for i in range(content_len): if scores[i] == -5: if (i-1 >= 0) and (flag[i-1] == 0): flag[i-1] = -5 if flag[i] == 0: flag[i] = -5 if (i+1 < content_len) and (flag[i+1] == 0): flag[i+1] = -5 # 核心句下下句 for i in range(content_len): if (flag[i] == -1) and (i+2 < content_len) and (flag[i+2] == 0): flag[i+2] = -6 # 核心句上一句 for i in range(content_len): if (flag[i] == -1) and (i-1 >= 0) and (flag[i-1] == 0): flag[i-1] = -7 # 核心句下下下句 for i in range(content_len): if (flag[i] == -1) and (i+3 < content_len) and (flag[i+3] == 0): flag[i+3] = -8 # 核心句上上句 for i in range(content_len): if (flag[i] == -1) and (i-2 >= 0) and (flag[i-2] == 0): flag[i-2] = -9 # 倒数第二句 if(len(flag) >= 3) and (flag[-2] == 0): flag[-2] = -10 # 第二句 if (len(flag) >= 3) and (flag[2] == 0): flag[2] = -11 flag[0] = 0 number = count(flag, content_list) max_len = max_len - len(title_list) result = [] if number <= max_len: for i in range(content_len): if flag[i] != 0: result.append(''.join(content_list[i])) else: flag_copy = np.zeros(content_len) c_count = 0 xxx = True for i in range(-1, -12, -1): for j in range(len(flag)): if flag[j] == i: c_count = c_count + len(content_list[j]) + 1 if c_count <= max_len: flag_copy[j] = -1 else: xxx = False break if xxx is False: break for i in range(content_len): if flag_copy[i] == -1: result.append(''.join(content_list[i])) if len(result) == 0: for j in range(len(flag)): if flag[j] == -1: result = [''.join(content_list[j][: max_len-1])] break # 过滤重复 temp = [] for r in result: if r not in temp: temp.append(r) result = temp return '。'.join(result) else: www = content words = utils.split_word_en(www) if (len(words) + len(title_list) + 1) <= config.max_len: return content else: index = 0 for i in words[: config.max_len-len(title_list)-1]: index = index + len(i) while content[index] != ' ': index = index + 1 return content[: index] titles = df['title'].values contents = df['content'].values questions = df['question'].values shorten_content = [match(t, c, q, max_len) for t, c, q in zip(titles, contents, questions)] df['shorten_content'] = shorten_content # 评估数据集构建效果 if 'answer' in df: answers = df['answer'].values is_in = [True if (a in c) or (a in t) else False for c, t, a in zip(contents, titles, answers)] r1 = sum(is_in)/len(df) print('答案存在比例:%.4f' % r1) is_in = [True if (a in t) or (a in m) else False for t, m, a in zip(titles, shorten_content, answers)] df['is_in'] = is_in r2 = sum(is_in)/len(df) print('截取比例:%.4f' % r2) print('截取准确率:%.4f' % (r2/r1)) merge_len = [] for t, s in zip(titles, shorten_content): if utils.is_zh_or_en(t): len_t = len(utils.split_word_zh(t)) else: len_t = len(utils.split_word_en(t)) if utils.is_zh_or_en(s): len_s = len(utils.split_word_zh(s)) else: len_s = len(utils.split_word_en(s)) len_m = len_t + len_s + 1 merge_len.append(len_m) df['len'] = merge_len print('max length: %d' % max(merge_len)) print('min length: %d' % min(merge_len)) print('mean length:%d' % df['len'].mean()) print('median length:%d' % df['len'].median()) return df
def match(title, content, question, max_len): title_is_zh = utils.is_zh_or_en(title) content_is_zh = utils.is_zh_or_en(content) if title_is_zh: title_list = utils.split_word_zh(title) else: title_list = utils.split_word_en(title) def count(flag, content_list): """ 查数 """ number = 0 for i in range(len(flag)): if flag[i] != 0: number += len(content_list[i])+1 return number # 过滤 if content_is_zh: title_number = len(title_list) content_number = len(utils.split_word_zh(content)) if (title_number + content_number + 1) <= max_len: return content if content_is_zh: if '。' not in content: c_list = utils.split_word_zh(content) c_list = c_list[: config.max_len-len(title_list)-1] return ''.join(c_list) content_list = content.split('。') temp = [] for c in content_list: if c not in ['', ' ', ' ']: temp.append(c) content_list = temp content_list = [utils.split_word_zh(c) for c in content_list] content_list = [title_list] + content_list content_len = len(content_list) if utils.is_zh_or_en(question): question_list = utils.split_word_zh(question) else: question_list = utils.split_word_en(question) question_str = ' '.join(question_list) # 相似性得分: rouge-l scores = [] for c in content_list: if ''.join(c) in question: scores.append(-5) continue c_str = ' '.join(c) score = rouge.get_scores(c_str, question_str, avg=True)['rouge-l']['r'] scores.append(score) # 标记类型 flag = np.zeros(content_len) # title_number = len(utils.split_word_zh(title)) # max_len = max_len - title_number # 核心句: max_score = max(scores) for i in range(content_len): if scores[i] == max_score: flag[i] = -1 # 核心句下一句 for i in range(content_len): if (flag[i] == -1) and (i+1 < content_len) and (flag[i+1] == 0): flag[i+1] = -2 # 最后一句 if flag[-1] == 0: flag[-1] = -3 # 第一句 if flag[1] == 0: flag[1] = -4 # 蕴含句(上+中+下) for i in range(content_len): if scores[i] == -5: if (i-1 >= 0) and (flag[i-1] == 0): flag[i-1] = -5 if flag[i] == 0: flag[i] = -5 if (i+1 < content_len) and (flag[i+1] == 0): flag[i+1] = -5 # 核心句下下句 for i in range(content_len): if (flag[i] == -1) and (i+2 < content_len) and (flag[i+2] == 0): flag[i+2] = -6 # 核心句上一句 for i in range(content_len): if (flag[i] == -1) and (i-1 >= 0) and (flag[i-1] == 0): flag[i-1] = -7 # 核心句下下下句 for i in range(content_len): if (flag[i] == -1) and (i+3 < content_len) and (flag[i+3] == 0): flag[i+3] = -8 # 核心句上上句 for i in range(content_len): if (flag[i] == -1) and (i-2 >= 0) and (flag[i-2] == 0): flag[i-2] = -9 # 倒数第二句 if(len(flag) >= 3) and (flag[-2] == 0): flag[-2] = -10 # 第二句 if (len(flag) >= 3) and (flag[2] == 0): flag[2] = -11 flag[0] = 0 number = count(flag, content_list) max_len = max_len - len(title_list) result = [] if number <= max_len: for i in range(content_len): if flag[i] != 0: result.append(''.join(content_list[i])) else: flag_copy = np.zeros(content_len) c_count = 0 xxx = True for i in range(-1, -12, -1): for j in range(len(flag)): if flag[j] == i: c_count = c_count + len(content_list[j]) + 1 if c_count <= max_len: flag_copy[j] = -1 else: xxx = False break if xxx is False: break for i in range(content_len): if flag_copy[i] == -1: result.append(''.join(content_list[i])) if len(result) == 0: for j in range(len(flag)): if flag[j] == -1: result = [''.join(content_list[j][: max_len-1])] break # 过滤重复 temp = [] for r in result: if r not in temp: temp.append(r) result = temp return '。'.join(result) else: www = content words = utils.split_word_en(www) if (len(words) + len(title_list) + 1) <= config.max_len: return content else: index = 0 for i in words[: config.max_len-len(title_list)-1]: index = index + len(i) while content[index] != ' ': index = index + 1 return content[: index]