def update(self): if (self.sample_counter < self.args['update_freq']) or \ not self.replay_buffer.can_sample(self.batch_size * self.args['episode_len']): return None self.sample_counter = 0 self.train() tt = time.time() obs, full_act, rew, obs_next, done = \ self.replay_buffer.sample(self.batch_size) #act = split_batched_array(full_act, self.act_shape) time_counter[-1] += time.time() - tt tt = time.time() # convert to variables obs_n = self._process_frames(obs) obs_next_n = self._process_frames(obs_next, volatile=True) full_act_n = Variable(torch.from_numpy(full_act)).type(FloatTensor) rew_n = Variable(torch.from_numpy(rew), volatile=True).type(FloatTensor) done_n = Variable(torch.from_numpy(done), volatile=True).type(FloatTensor) time_counter[0] += time.time() - tt tt = time.time() self.optim.zero_grad() # train p network q_val =, action=None, output_critic=True) p_loss = -q_val.mean().squeeze() p_ent = if self.args['ent_penalty'] is not None: p_loss -= self.args['ent_penalty'] * p_ent # encourage exploration common.debugger.print('>> P_Loss = {}'.format(, False) p_loss.backward() ) # we do not need to compute q_grad for actor!!! if self.grad_norm_clip is not None: utils.clip_grad_norm(, self.grad_norm_clip) self.optim.step() # train q network self.optim.zero_grad() common.debugger.print('Grad Stats of Q Update ...', False) target_q_next = self.target_net(obs_next_n, output_critic=True) target_q = rew_n + self.gamma * (1.0 - done_n) * target_q_next target_q.volatile = False current_q =, action=full_act_n, output_critic=True) q_norm = (current_q * current_q).mean().squeeze() # l2 norm q_loss = F.smooth_l1_loss( current_q, target_q) + self.args['critic_penalty'] * q_norm # huber common.debugger.print('>> Q_Loss = {}'.format(, False) #q_loss = q_loss * 50 q_loss.backward() # total_loss = q_loss + p_loss # grad clip if self.grad_norm_clip is not None: utils.clip_grad_norm(, self.grad_norm_clip) self.optim.step() common.debugger.print('Stats of P Network (after clip and opt)....', False) utils.log_parameter_stats(common.debugger, time_counter[1] += time.time() - tt tt = time.time() # update target networks make_update_exp(, self.target_net, rate=self.target_update_rate) common.debugger.print('Stats of Target Network (After Update)....', False) utils.log_parameter_stats(common.debugger, self.target_net) time_counter[2] += time.time() - tt return dict([0],[0],[0],[0])
def update(self): if (self.sample_counter < self.args['update_freq']) or \ not self.replay_buffer.can_sample(self.batch_size * self.args['episode_len']): return None self.sample_counter = 0 self.train() tt = time.time() obs, full_act, rew, obs_next, done = \ self.replay_buffer.sample(self.batch_size) #act = split_batched_array(full_act, self.act_shape) time_counter[-1] += time.time() - tt tt = time.time() # convert to variables obs_n = self._process_frames(obs) obs_next_n = self._process_frames(obs_next, volatile=True) full_act_n = Variable(torch.from_numpy(full_act)).type(FloatTensor) rew_n = Variable(torch.from_numpy(rew), volatile=True).type(FloatTensor) done_n = Variable(torch.from_numpy(done), volatile=True).type(FloatTensor) time_counter[0] += time.time() - tt tt = time.time() # train q network common.debugger.print('Grad Stats of Q Update ...', False) target_act_next = self.target_p(obs_next_n) target_q_next = self.target_q(obs_next_n, target_act_next) target_q = rew_n + self.gamma * (1.0 - done_n) * target_q_next target_q.volatile = False current_q = self.q(obs_n, full_act_n) q_norm = (current_q * current_q).mean().squeeze() # l2 norm q_loss = F.smooth_l1_loss( current_q, target_q) + self.args['critic_penalty'] * q_norm # huber common.debugger.print('>> Q_Loss = {}'.format(, False) self.q_optim.zero_grad() q_loss.backward() common.debugger.print('Stats of Q Network (*before* clip and opt)....', False) utils.log_parameter_stats(common.debugger, self.q) if self.grad_norm_clip is not None: #nn.utils.clip_grad_norm(self.q.parameters(), self.grad_norm_clip) utils.clip_grad_norm(self.q.parameters(), self.grad_norm_clip) self.q_optim.step() # train p network new_act_n = self.p(obs_n) # NOTE: maybe use <gumbel_noise=None> ? q_val = self.q(obs_n, new_act_n) p_loss = -q_val.mean().squeeze() p_ent = self.p.entropy().mean().squeeze() if self.args['ent_penalty'] is not None: p_loss -= self.args['ent_penalty'] * p_ent # encourage exploration common.debugger.print('>> P_Loss = {}'.format(, False) self.p_optim.zero_grad() self.q_optim.zero_grad() # important!! clear the grad in Q p_loss.backward() if self.grad_norm_clip is not None: #nn.utils.clip_grad_norm(self.p.parameters(), self.grad_norm_clip) utils.clip_grad_norm(self.p.parameters(), self.grad_norm_clip) self.p_optim.step() common.debugger.print( 'Stats of Q Network (in the phase of P-Update)....', False) utils.log_parameter_stats(common.debugger, self.q) common.debugger.print('Stats of P Network (after clip and opt)....', False) utils.log_parameter_stats(common.debugger, self.p) time_counter[1] += time.time() - tt tt = time.time() # update target networks make_update_exp(self.p, self.target_p, rate=self.target_update_rate) make_update_exp(self.q, self.target_q, rate=self.target_update_rate) common.debugger.print('Stats of Q Target Network (After Update)....', False) utils.log_parameter_stats(common.debugger, self.target_q) common.debugger.print('Stats of P Target Network (After Update)....', False) utils.log_parameter_stats(common.debugger, self.target_p) time_counter[2] += time.time() - tt return dict([0],[0],[0],[0])
def update(self): if (self.a is not None) or \ not self.replay_buffer.can_sample(self.batch_size * 4): return None self.sample_counter = 0 self.train() tt = time.time() obs, full_act, rew, msk, done, total_length = \ self.replay_buffer.sample(self.batch_size, seq_len=self.batch_len) total_length = float(total_length) #act = split_batched_array(full_act, self.act_shape) time_counter[-1] += time.time() - tt tt = time.time() # convert to variables _full_obs_n = self._process_frames( obs, merge_dim=False, return_variable=False) # [batch, seq_len+1, ...] batch = _full_obs_n.size(0) seq_len = _full_obs_n.size(1) - 1 full_obs_n = Variable(_full_obs_n, volatile=True) obs_n = Variable( _full_obs_n[:, :-1, ...]).contiguous() # [batch, seq_len, ...] obs_next_n = Variable(_full_obs_n[:, 1:, ...], volatile=True).contiguous() img_c, img_h, img_w = obs_n.size(-3), obs_n.size(-2), obs_n.size(-1) packed_obs_n = obs_n.view(-1, img_c, img_h, img_w) packed_obs_next_n = obs_next_n.view(-1, img_c, img_h, img_w) full_act_n = Variable(torch.from_numpy(full_act)).type( FloatTensor) # [batch, seq_len, ...] act_padding = Variable( torch.zeros(self.batch_size, 1, full_act_n.size(-1))).type(FloatTensor) pad_act_n =[act_padding, full_act_n], dim=1) # [batch, seq_len+1, ...] rew_n = Variable(torch.from_numpy(rew), volatile=True).type(FloatTensor) msk_n = Variable(torch.from_numpy(msk)).type( FloatTensor) # [batch, seq_len] done_n = Variable(torch.from_numpy(done)).type( FloatTensor) # [batch, seq_len] time_counter[0] += time.time() - tt tt = time.time() # train q network common.debugger.print('Grad Stats of Q Update ...', False) full_target_act, _ = self.target_p( full_obs_n, act=pad_act_n) # list([batch, seq_len+1, act_dim]) target_act_next =, dim=-1)[:, 1:, :] act_dim = target_act_next.size(-1) target_act_next = target_act_next.resize(batch * seq_len, act_dim) target_q_next = self.target_q(packed_obs_next_n, act=target_act_next) #[batch * seq_len] target_q_next.view(batch, seq_len) target_q = (rew_n + self.gamma * done_n * target_q_next) * msk_n target_q = target_q.view(-1) target_q.volatile = False current_q = self.q(packed_obs_n, act=full_act_n.view( -1, act_dim)) * msk_n.view(-1) q_norm = (current_q * current_q).sum() / total_length # l2 norm q_loss = F.smooth_l1_loss(current_q, target_q, size_average=False) / total_length \ + self.args['critic_penalty']*q_norm # huber common.debugger.print('>> Q_Loss = {}'.format(, False) self.q_optim.zero_grad() q_loss.backward() common.debugger.print('Stats of Q Network (*before* clip and opt)....', False) utils.log_parameter_stats(common.debugger, self.q) if self.grad_norm_clip is not None: #nn.utils.clip_grad_norm(self.q.parameters(), self.grad_norm_clip) utils.clip_grad_norm(self.q.parameters(), self.grad_norm_clip) self.q_optim.step() # train p network new_act_n, _ = self.p( obs_n, act=pad_act_n[:, :-1, :]) # [batch, seq_len, act_dim] new_act_n =, dim=-1) new_act_n = new_act_n.view(-1, act_dim) q_val = self.q(packed_obs_n, new_act_n) * msk_n.view(-1) p_loss = -q_val.sum() / total_length p_ent = self.p.entropy(weight=msk_n).sum() / total_length if self.args['ent_penalty'] is not None: p_loss -= self.args['ent_penalty'] * p_ent # encourage exploration common.debugger.print('>> P_Loss = {}'.format(, False) self.p_optim.zero_grad() self.q_optim.zero_grad() # important!! clear the grad in Q p_loss.backward() if self.grad_norm_clip is not None: #nn.utils.clip_grad_norm(self.p.parameters(), self.grad_norm_clip) utils.clip_grad_norm(self.p.parameters(), self.grad_norm_clip) self.p_optim.step() common.debugger.print( 'Stats of Q Network (in the phase of P-Update)....', False) utils.log_parameter_stats(common.debugger, self.q) common.debugger.print('Stats of P Network (after clip and opt)....', False) utils.log_parameter_stats(common.debugger, self.p) time_counter[1] += time.time() - tt tt = time.time() # update target networks make_update_exp(self.p, self.target_p, rate=self.target_update_rate) make_update_exp(self.q, self.target_q, rate=self.target_update_rate) common.debugger.print('Stats of Q Target Network (After Update)....', False) utils.log_parameter_stats(common.debugger, self.target_q) common.debugger.print('Stats of P Target Network (After Update)....', False) utils.log_parameter_stats(common.debugger, self.target_p) time_counter[2] += time.time() - tt return dict([0],[0],[0],[0])
def update(self): if (self.sample_counter < self.args['update_freq']) or \ not self.replay_buffer.can_sample(self.batch_size * min(self.args['update_freq'], 20)): return None self._update_counter += 1 self.sample_counter = 0 self.train() tt = time.time() obs, act, rew, obs_next, done = \ self.replay_buffer.sample(self.batch_size) if self.multi_target: target_idx = self.target_buffer[self.replay_buffer._idxes] targets = np.zeros((self.batch_size, common.n_target_instructions), dtype=np.uint8) targets[list(range(self.batch_size)), target_idx] = 1 #act = split_batched_array(full_act, self.act_shape) time_counter[-1] += time.time() - tt tt = time.time() # convert to variables obs_n = self._process_frames(obs) obs_next_n = self._process_frames(obs_next, volatile=True) act_n = Variable(torch.from_numpy(act)).type(LongTensor) rew_n = Variable(torch.from_numpy(rew), volatile=True).type(FloatTensor) done_n = Variable(torch.from_numpy(done), volatile=True).type(FloatTensor) if self.multi_target: target_n = Variable(torch.from_numpy(targets).type(FloatTensor)) else: target_n = None time_counter[0] += time.time() - tt tt = time.time() # compute critic loss target_q_val_next = self.target_net(obs_next_n, only_q_value=True, target=target_n) # double Q learning target_act_next = torch.max(, only_q_value=True, target=target_n), dim=1, keepdim=True)[1] target_q_next = torch.gather(target_q_val_next, 1, target_act_next).squeeze() target_q = rew_n + self.gamma * (1.0 - done_n) * target_q_next target_q.volatile=False current_q_val =, only_q_value=True, target=target_n) current_q = torch.gather(current_q_val, 1, act_n.view(-1, 1)).squeeze() q_norm = (current_q * current_q).mean().squeeze() q_loss = F.smooth_l1_loss(current_q, target_q) common.debugger.print('>> Q_Loss = {}'.format(, False) common.debugger.print('>> Q_Norm = {}'.format(, False) total_loss = q_loss.mean() if self.args['critic_penalty'] > 1e-10: total_loss += self.args['critic_penalty']*q_norm # compute gradient self.optim.zero_grad() #autograd.backward([total_loss, current_act], [torch.ones(1), None]) total_loss.backward() if self.grad_norm_clip is not None: #nn.utils.clip_grad_norm(self.q.parameters(), self.grad_norm_clip) utils.clip_grad_norm(, self.grad_norm_clip) self.optim.step() common.debugger.print('Stats of Model (*after* clip and opt)....', False) utils.log_parameter_stats(common.debugger, time_counter[1] += time.time() -tt tt =time.time() # update target networks if self.target_net_update_freq is not None: if self._update_counter == self.target_net_update_freq: self._update_counter = 0 self.target_net.load_state_dict( else: make_update_exp(, self.target_net, rate=self.target_update_rate) common.debugger.print('Stats of Target Network (After Update)....', False) utils.log_parameter_stats(common.debugger, self.target_net) time_counter[2] += time.time()-tt return dict([0],[0])
def update(self, cpu_batch, gpu_batch): #print('[elf_ddpg] update!!!!') self.update_counter += 1 self.train() tt = time.time() obs_n, obs_next_n, full_act_n, rew_n, done_n = self._process_elf_frames( gpu_batch, keep_time=False) # collapse all the samples obs_n = (obs_n.type(FloatTensor) - 128.0) / 256.0 obs_n = Variable(obs_n) obs_next_n = (obs_next_n.type(FloatTensor) - 128.0) / 256.0 obs_next_n = Variable(obs_next_n, volatile=True) full_act_n = Variable(full_act_n) rew_n = Variable(rew_n, volatile=True) done_n = Variable(done_n, volatile=True) self.sample_counter += obs_n.size(0) time_counter[0] += time.time() - tt #print('[elf_ddpg] data loaded!!!!!') tt = time.time() self.optim.zero_grad() # train p network q_val =, action=None, output_critic=True) p_loss = -q_val.mean().squeeze() p_ent = if self.args['ent_penalty'] is not None: p_loss -= self.args['ent_penalty'] * p_ent # encourage exploration common.debugger.print('>> P_Loss = {}'.format(, False) p_loss.backward() ) # we do not need to compute q_grad for actor!!! # train q network common.debugger.print('Grad Stats of Q Update ...', False) target_q_next = self.target_net(obs_next_n, output_critic=True) target_q = rew_n + self.gamma * (1.0 - done_n) * target_q_next target_q.volatile = False current_q =, action=full_act_n, output_critic=True) q_norm = (current_q * current_q).mean().squeeze() # l2 norm q_loss = F.smooth_l1_loss( current_q, target_q) + self.args['critic_penalty'] * q_norm # huber common.debugger.print('>> Q_Loss = {}'.format(, False) q_loss = q_loss * self.q_loss_coef q_loss.backward() # total_loss = q_loss + p_loss # grad clip if self.grad_norm_clip is not None: utils.clip_grad_norm(, self.grad_norm_clip) self.optim.step() common.debugger.print('Stats of P Network (after clip and opt)....', False) utils.log_parameter_stats(common.debugger, time_counter[1] += time.time() - tt tt = time.time() # update target networks make_update_exp(, self.target_net, rate=self.target_update_rate) common.debugger.print('Stats of Target Network (After Update)....', False) utils.log_parameter_stats(common.debugger, self.target_net) time_counter[2] += time.time() - tt stats = dict([0],[0],[0],[0] / self.q_loss_coef, eplen=cpu_batch[-1]['stats_eplen'].mean(), avg_rew=cpu_batch[-1]['stats_rew'].mean()) self.print_log(stats)
def update(self): if (self.sample_counter < self.args['update_freq']) or \ not self.replay_buffer.can_sample(self.batch_size * min(self.args['update_freq'], 10)): return None self.sample_counter = 0 self.train() tt = time.time() obs, act, rew, obs_next, done = \ self.replay_buffer.sample(self.batch_size) #act = split_batched_array(full_act, self.act_shape) time_counter[-1] += time.time() - tt tt = time.time() # convert to variables obs_n = self._process_frames(obs) obs_next_n = self._process_frames(obs_next, volatile=True) act_n = torch.from_numpy(act).type(LongTensor) rew_n = Variable(torch.from_numpy(rew), volatile=True).type(FloatTensor) done_n = Variable(torch.from_numpy(done), volatile=True).type(FloatTensor) time_counter[0] += time.time() - tt tt = time.time() # compute critic loss target_q_next = self.target_net(obs_next_n, only_value=True) target_q = rew_n + self.gamma * (1.0 - done_n) * target_q_next target_q.volatile=False current_act, current_q =, return_value=True) q_norm = (current_q * current_q).mean().squeeze() q_loss = F.smooth_l1_loss(current_q, target_q) common.debugger.print('>> Q_Loss = {}'.format(, False) common.debugger.print('>> Q_Norm = {}'.format(, False) total_loss = q_loss.mean() if self.args['critic_penalty'] > 1e-10: total_loss += self.args['critic_penalty']*q_norm # compute policy loss # NOTE: currently 1-step lookahead!!! TODO: multiple-step lookahead raw_adv_ts = (rew_n - current_q).data #raw_adv_ts = (target_q - current_q).data # use estimated advantage?? adv_ts = (raw_adv_ts - raw_adv_ts.mean()) / (raw_adv_ts.std() + 1e-15) #current_act.reinforce(adv_ts) p_ent = p_loss = p_loss = p_loss * Variable(adv_ts) p_loss = p_loss.mean() total_loss -= p_loss if self.args['ent_penalty'] is not None: total_loss -= self.args['ent_penalty'] * p_ent # encourage exploration common.debugger.print('>> P_Loss = {}'.format(, False) common.debugger.print('>> P_Entropy = {}'.format(, False) # compute gradient self.optim.zero_grad() #autograd.backward([total_loss, current_act], [torch.ones(1), None]) total_loss.backward() if self.grad_norm_clip is not None: #nn.utils.clip_grad_norm(self.q.parameters(), self.grad_norm_clip) utils.clip_grad_norm(, self.grad_norm_clip) self.optim.step() common.debugger.print('Stats of Model (*after* clip and opt)....', False) utils.log_parameter_stats(common.debugger, time_counter[1] += time.time() -tt tt =time.time() # update target networks make_update_exp(, self.target_net, rate=self.target_update_rate) common.debugger.print('Stats of Target Network (After Update)....', False) utils.log_parameter_stats(common.debugger, self.target_net) time_counter[2] += time.time()-tt return dict([0],[0],[0],[0])