def generateSubpeakFASTA(TFtoEnhancerDict, subpeaks, genomeDirectory, projectName, projectFolder, constExtension): ''' from a BED file of constituents generate a FASTA for the consituients contained within the canidate supers ''' subpeakDict = {} subpeakBED = [['track name=' + projectName + ' color=204,0,204']] subpeakTable = utils.parseTable(subpeaks, '\t') subpeakLoci = [ utils.Locus(l[0], int(l[1]), int(l[2]), '.') for l in subpeakTable ] subpeakCollection = utils.LocusCollection(subpeakLoci, 50) for gene in TFtoEnhancerDict.keys(): subpeakDict[gene] = [] for region in TFtoEnhancerDict[gene]: overlaps = subpeakCollection.getOverlap(region) extendedOverlaps = [ utils.makeSearchLocus(x, constExtension, constExtension) for x in overlaps ] overlapCollectionTemp = utils.LocusCollection(extendedOverlaps, 50) overlapCollection = overlapCollectionTemp.stitchCollection() for overlap in overlapCollection.getLoci(): subpeakBED.append( [overlap.chr(), overlap.start(), overlap.end()]) subpeakDict[gene].append(overlap) bedfilename = projectFolder + projectName + '_subpeaks.bed' utils.unParseTable(subpeakBED, bedfilename, '\t') fasta = [] for gene in subpeakDict: for subpeak in subpeakDict[gene]: fastaTitle = gene + '|' + subpeak.chr() + '|' + str( subpeak.start()) + '|' + str(subpeak.end()) fastaLine = utils.fetchSeq(genomeDirectory, subpeak.chr(), int(subpeak.start() + 1), int(subpeak.end() + 1)) fasta.append('>' + fastaTitle) fasta.append(upper(fastaLine)) outname = projectFolder + projectName + '_SUBPEAKS.fa' utils.unParseTable(fasta, outname, '')
def generateSubpeakFASTA(TFandSuperDict, subpeaks, genomeDirectory, projectName, projectFolder, motifExtension): ''' takes as input a BED file of constituents outputs a FASTA file of merged extended super-enhancer consituents and associated formated name ''' print 'MAKE FASTA' subpeakDict = {} subpeakBED = [['track name=' + projectName + ' color=204,0,204']] subpeakTable = utils.parseTable(subpeaks, '\t') subpeakLoci = [utils.Locus(l[0], int(l[1]), int(l[2]), '.') for l in subpeakTable] subpeakCollection = utils.LocusCollection(subpeakLoci, 50) for gene in TFandSuperDict.keys(): subpeakDict[gene] = [] for region in TFandSuperDict[gene]: overlaps = subpeakCollection.getOverlap(region) extendedOverlaps = [utils.makeSearchLocus(x, motifExtension, motifExtension) for x in overlaps] overlapCollectionTemp = utils.LocusCollection(extendedOverlaps, 50) overlapCollection = overlapCollectionTemp.stitchCollection() for overlap in overlapCollection.getLoci(): subpeakBED.append([overlap.chr(), overlap.start(), overlap.end()]) subpeakDict[gene].append(overlap) bedfilename = projectFolder + projectName + '_subpeaks.bed' utils.unParseTable(subpeakBED, bedfilename, '\t') fasta = [] for gene in subpeakDict: for subpeak in subpeakDict[gene]: fastaTitle = gene + '|' + subpeak.chr() + '|' + str(subpeak.start()) + '|' + str(subpeak.end()) fastaLine = utils.fetchSeq(genomeDirectory, subpeak.chr(), int(subpeak.start()+1), int(subpeak.end()+1)) fasta.append('>' + fastaTitle) fasta.append(upper(fastaLine)) # Output the fasta file of extended SE constituents outname = projectFolder + projectName + '_SUBPEAKS.fa' utils.unParseTable(fasta, outname, '')
def generateSubpeakFASTA(gene_to_enhancer_dict, subpeaks, genome, projectName, projectFolder, constExtension): ''' from a BED file of constituents generate a FASTA for the consituients contained within the canidate supers ''' genomeDirectory = subpeakDict = {} subpeakBED = [['track name=' + projectName + ' color=204,0,204']] subpeakTable = utils.parseTable(subpeaks, '\t') subpeakLoci = [utils.Locus(l[0], int(l[1]), int(l[2]), '.') for l in subpeakTable] subpeakCollection = utils.LocusCollection(subpeakLoci, 50) for gene in gene_to_enhancer_dict.keys(): subpeakDict[gene] = [] for region in gene_to_enhancer_dict[gene]: overlaps = subpeakCollection.getOverlap(region) extendedOverlaps = [utils.makeSearchLocus(x, constExtension, constExtension) for x in overlaps] overlapCollectionTemp = utils.LocusCollection(extendedOverlaps, 50) overlapCollection = overlapCollectionTemp.stitchCollection() for overlap in overlapCollection.getLoci(): subpeakBED.append([overlap.chr(), overlap.start(), overlap.end()]) subpeakDict[gene].append(overlap) fasta = [] for gene in subpeakDict: for subpeak in subpeakDict[gene]: fastaTitle = gene + '|' + subpeak.chr() + '|' + str(subpeak.start()) + '|' + str(subpeak.end()) fastaLine = utils.fetchSeq(genomeDirectory, subpeak.chr(), int(subpeak.start()+1), int(subpeak.end()+1)) fasta.append('>' + fastaTitle) fasta.append(string.upper(fastaLine)) return subpeakBED,fasta
def mapGFFLineToAnnot(gffLine, outFolder, nBins, geneDict, txCollection, sense='both', header=''): ''' for every line produces a file with all of the rectangles to draw ''' if len(header) == 0: gffString = '%s_%s_%s_%s' % (gffLine[0], gffLine[6], gffLine[3], gffLine[4]) else: gffString = header diagramTable = [[0, 0, 0, 0]] nameTable = [['', 0, 0]] gffLocus = utils.Locus(gffLine[0], int(gffLine[3]), int(gffLine[4]), gffLine[6], gffLine[1]) scaleFactor = float(nBins) / gffLocus.len() # plotting buffer for diagrams plotBuffer = int(gffLocus.len() / float(nBins) * 20) overlapLoci = txCollection.getOverlap(gffLocus, sense='both') geneList = [locus.ID() for locus in overlapLoci] if gffLine[6] == '-': refPoint = int(gffLine[4]) else: refPoint = int(gffLine[3]) offsetCollection = utils.LocusCollection([], 500) for geneID in geneList: gene = geneDict[geneID] print(gene.commonName()) if len(gene.commonName()) > 1: name = gene.commonName() else: name = geneID offset = 4 * len(offsetCollection.getOverlap(gene.txLocus())) offsetCollection.append( utils.makeSearchLocus(gene.txLocus(), plotBuffer, plotBuffer)) # write the name of the gene down if gene.sense() == '+': geneStart = gene.txLocus().start() else: geneStart = gene.txLocus().end() geneStart = abs(geneStart - refPoint) * scaleFactor nameTable.append([name, geneStart, -2 - offset]) # draw a line across the entire txLocus [start, stop] = [ abs(x - refPoint) * scaleFactor for x in gene.txLocus().coords() ] diagramTable.append([start, -0.01 - offset, stop, 0.01 - offset]) # now draw thin boxes for all txExons if len(gene.txExons()) > 0: for txExon in gene.txExons(): [start, stop] = [ abs(x - refPoint) * scaleFactor for x in txExon.coords() ] diagramTable.append([start, -0.5 - offset, stop, 0.5 - offset]) # now draw fatty boxes for the coding exons if any if len(gene.cdExons()) > 0: for cdExon in gene.cdExons(): [start, stop] = [ abs(x - refPoint) * scaleFactor for x in cdExon.coords() ] diagramTable.append([start, -1 - offset, stop, 1 - offset]) utils.unParseTable(diagramTable, outFolder + gffString + '_diagramTemp.txt', '\t') utils.unParseTable(nameTable, outFolder + gffString + '_nameTemp.txt', '\t')
def findCanidateTFs(annotationFile, enhancerLoci, expressedNM, expressionDictNM, bamFile, TFlist, refseqToNameDict, projectFolder, projectName, promoter): ''' Assign each Super-Enhancer to the closest active TSS to its center Return a dictionary keyed by TF that points to a list of loci ''' print 'FINDING CANIDATE TFs' enhancerAssignment = [] TFtoEnhancerDict = defaultdict(list) startDict = utils.makeStartDict(annotationFile) tssLoci = [] for gene in expressedNM: tssLoci.append(utils.makeTSSLocus(gene,startDict,1000,1000)) tssCollection = utils.LocusCollection(tssLoci,50) # Loop through enhancers for enhancer in enhancerLoci: # If the enhancer overlaps a TSS, save it overlappingLoci = tssCollection.getOverlap(enhancer, 'both') overlappingGenes =[] for overlapLocus in overlappingLoci: overlappingGenes.append(overlapLocus.ID()) # Find all gene TSS within 100 kb proximalLoci = tssCollection.getOverlap(utils.makeSearchLocus(enhancer,100000,100000),'both') proximalGenes =[] for proxLocus in proximalLoci: proximalGenes.append(proxLocus.ID()) # If no genes are within 100 kb, find the closest active gene closestGene = '' if len(overlappingGenes) == 0 and len(proximalGenes) == 0: distalLoci = tssCollection.getOverlap(utils.makeSearchLocus(enhancer,1000000,1000000),'both') distalGenes =[] for distalLocus in distalLoci: distalGenes.append(distalLocus.ID()) enhancerCenter = (int(enhancer.start()) + int(enhancer.end())) / 2 distList = [abs(enhancerCenter - startDict[geneID]['start'][0]) for geneID in distalGenes] if distList: closestGene = distalGenes[distList.index(min(distList))] overlappingGenes = utils.uniquify(overlappingGenes) proximalGenes = utils.uniquify(proximalGenes) for refID in overlappingGenes: if proximalGenes.count(refID) == 1: proximalGenes.remove(refID) # If a TSS overlaps an enhancer, assign them together if overlappingGenes: for gene in overlappingGenes: if gene in TFlist: TFtoEnhancerDict[gene].append(enhancer) enhancerAssignment.append([gene, enhancer.chr(), enhancer.start(), enhancer.end(), enhancer.ID()]) # Otherwise, assign the enhancer to the most active gene in 100 kb elif not overlappingGenes and proximalGenes: highestGene = '' highestActivity = 0 for gene in proximalGenes: if expressionDictNM[gene] > highestActivity: highestActivity = expressionDictNM[gene] highestGene = gene if highestGene in TFlist: TFtoEnhancerDict[gene].append(enhancer) enhancerAssignment.append([gene, enhancer.chr(), enhancer.start(), enhancer.end(), enhancer.ID()]) elif not overlappingGenes and not proximalGenes and closestGene: if closestGene in TFlist: gene = closestGene TFtoEnhancerDict[gene].append(enhancer) enhancerAssignment.append([gene, enhancer.chr(), enhancer.start(), enhancer.end(), enhancer.ID()]) # Add promoter is it's not contained in the super if promoter: for gene in TFtoEnhancerDict.keys(): promoter = utils.Locus(startDict[gene]['chr'], int(startDict[gene]['start'][0]) - 2000, int(startDict[gene]['start'][0]) + 2000, startDict[gene]['sense']) overlapBool = False for enhancer in TFtoEnhancerDict[gene]: if promoter.overlaps(enhancer): overlapBool = True if not overlapBool: TFtoEnhancerDict[gene].append(promoter) seAssignmentFile = projectFolder + projectName + '_ENHANCER_ASSIGNMENT.txt' utils.unParseTable(enhancerAssignment, seAssignmentFile, '\t') return TFtoEnhancerDict
def mapEnhancerToGene(annotFile,enhancerFile,transcribedFile='',uniqueGenes=True,searchWindow =50000,noFormatTable = False): ''' maps genes to enhancers. if uniqueGenes, reduces to gene name only. Otherwise, gives for each refseq ''' startDict = utils.makeStartDict(annotFile) enhancerTable = utils.parseTable(enhancerFile,'\t') #internal parameter for debugging byRefseq = False if len(transcribedFile) > 0: transcribedTable = utils.parseTable(transcribedFile,'\t') transcribedGenes = [line[1] for line in transcribedTable] else: transcribedGenes = startDict.keys() print('MAKING TRANSCRIPT COLLECTION') transcribedCollection = utils.makeTranscriptCollection(annotFile,0,0,500,transcribedGenes) print('MAKING TSS COLLECTION') tssLoci = [] for geneID in transcribedGenes: tssLoci.append(utils.makeTSSLocus(geneID,startDict,0,0)) #this turns the tssLoci list into a LocusCollection #50 is the internal parameter for LocusCollection and doesn't really matter tssCollection = utils.LocusCollection(tssLoci,50) geneDict = {'overlapping':defaultdict(list),'proximal':defaultdict(list)} #dictionaries to hold ranks and superstatus of gene nearby enhancers rankDict = defaultdict(list) superDict= defaultdict(list) #list of all genes that appear in this analysis overallGeneList = [] if noFormatTable: #set up the output tables #first by enhancer enhancerToGeneTable = [enhancerTable[0]+['OVERLAP_GENES','PROXIMAL_GENES','CLOSEST_GENE']] else: #set up the output tables #first by enhancer enhancerToGeneTable = [enhancerTable[0][0:9]+['OVERLAP_GENES','PROXIMAL_GENES','CLOSEST_GENE'] + enhancerTable[5][-2:]] #next by gene geneToEnhancerTable = [['GENE_NAME','REFSEQ_ID','PROXIMAL_ENHANCERS']] #next make the gene to enhancer table geneToEnhancerTable = [['GENE_NAME','REFSEQ_ID','PROXIMAL_ENHANCERS','ENHANCER_RANKS','IS_SUPER']] for line in enhancerTable: if line[0][0] =='#' or line[0][0] == 'R': continue enhancerString = '%s:%s-%s' % (line[1],line[2],line[3]) enhancerLocus = utils.Locus(line[1],line[2],line[3],'.',line[0]) #overlapping genes are transcribed genes whose transcript is directly in the stitchedLocus overlappingLoci = transcribedCollection.getOverlap(enhancerLocus,'both') overlappingGenes =[] for overlapLocus in overlappingLoci: overlappingGenes.append(overlapLocus.ID()) #proximalGenes are transcribed genes where the tss is within 50kb of the boundary of the stitched loci proximalLoci = tssCollection.getOverlap(utils.makeSearchLocus(enhancerLocus,searchWindow,searchWindow),'both') proximalGenes =[] for proxLocus in proximalLoci: proximalGenes.append(proxLocus.ID()) distalLoci = tssCollection.getOverlap(utils.makeSearchLocus(enhancerLocus,1000000,1000000),'both') distalGenes =[] for proxLocus in distalLoci: distalGenes.append(proxLocus.ID()) overlappingGenes = utils.uniquify(overlappingGenes) proximalGenes = utils.uniquify(proximalGenes) distalGenes = utils.uniquify(distalGenes) allEnhancerGenes = overlappingGenes + proximalGenes + distalGenes #these checks make sure each gene list is unique. #technically it is possible for a gene to be overlapping, but not proximal since the #gene could be longer than the 50kb window, but we'll let that slide here for refID in overlappingGenes: if proximalGenes.count(refID) == 1: proximalGenes.remove(refID) for refID in proximalGenes: if distalGenes.count(refID) == 1: distalGenes.remove(refID) #Now find the closest gene if len(allEnhancerGenes) == 0: closestGene = '' else: #get enhancerCenter enhancerCenter = (int(line[2]) + int(line[3]))/2 #get absolute distance to enhancer center distList = [abs(enhancerCenter - startDict[geneID]['start'][0]) for geneID in allEnhancerGenes] #get the ID and convert to name closestGene = startDict[allEnhancerGenes[distList.index(min(distList))]]['name'] #NOW WRITE THE ROW FOR THE ENHANCER TABLE if noFormatTable: newEnhancerLine = list(line) newEnhancerLine.append(join(utils.uniquify([startDict[x]['name'] for x in overlappingGenes]),',')) newEnhancerLine.append(join(utils.uniquify([startDict[x]['name'] for x in proximalGenes]),',')) newEnhancerLine.append(closestGene) else: newEnhancerLine = line[0:9] newEnhancerLine.append(join(utils.uniquify([startDict[x]['name'] for x in overlappingGenes]),',')) newEnhancerLine.append(join(utils.uniquify([startDict[x]['name'] for x in proximalGenes]),',')) newEnhancerLine.append(closestGene) newEnhancerLine += line[-2:] enhancerToGeneTable.append(newEnhancerLine) #Now grab all overlapping and proximal genes for the gene ordered table overallGeneList +=overlappingGenes for refID in overlappingGenes: geneDict['overlapping'][refID].append(enhancerString) rankDict[refID].append(int(line[-2])) superDict[refID].append(int(line[-1])) overallGeneList+=proximalGenes for refID in proximalGenes: geneDict['proximal'][refID].append(enhancerString) rankDict[refID].append(int(line[-2])) superDict[refID].append(int(line[-1])) #End loop through #Make table by gene overallGeneList = utils.uniquify(overallGeneList) #use enhancer rank to order rankOrder = utils.order([min(rankDict[x]) for x in overallGeneList]) usedNames = [] for i in rankOrder: refID = overallGeneList[i] geneName = startDict[refID]['name'] if usedNames.count(geneName) > 0 and uniqueGenes == True: continue else: usedNames.append(geneName) proxEnhancers = geneDict['overlapping'][refID]+geneDict['proximal'][refID] superStatus = max(superDict[refID]) enhancerRanks = join([str(x) for x in rankDict[refID]],',') newLine = [geneName,refID,join(proxEnhancers,','),enhancerRanks,superStatus] geneToEnhancerTable.append(newLine) #resort enhancerToGeneTable if noFormatTable: return enhancerToGeneTable,geneToEnhancerTable else: enhancerOrder = utils.order([int(line[-2]) for line in enhancerToGeneTable[1:]]) sortedTable = [enhancerToGeneTable[0]] for i in enhancerOrder: sortedTable.append(enhancerToGeneTable[(i+1)]) return sortedTable,geneToEnhancerTable
def mapEnhancerToGeneTop(rankByBamFile, controlBamFile, genome, annotFile, enhancerFile, transcribedFile='', uniqueGenes=True, searchWindow=50000, noFormatTable=False): ''' maps genes to enhancers. if uniqueGenes, reduces to gene name only. Otherwise, gives for each refseq ''' startDict = utils.makeStartDict(annotFile) enhancerName = enhancerFile.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0] enhancerTable = utils.parseTable(enhancerFile, '\t') # internal parameter for debugging byRefseq = False if len(transcribedFile) > 0: transcribedTable = utils.parseTable(transcribedFile, '\t') transcribedGenes = [line[1] for line in transcribedTable] else: transcribedGenes = startDict.keys() print('MAKING TRANSCRIPT COLLECTION') transcribedCollection = utils.makeTranscriptCollection( annotFile, 0, 0, 500, transcribedGenes) print('MAKING TSS COLLECTION') tssLoci = [] for geneID in transcribedGenes: tssLoci.append(utils.makeTSSLocus(geneID, startDict, 0, 0)) # this turns the tssLoci list into a LocusCollection # 50 is the internal parameter for LocusCollection and doesn't really # matter tssCollection = utils.LocusCollection(tssLoci, 50) geneDict = {'overlapping': defaultdict( list), 'proximal': defaultdict(list)} # dictionaries to hold ranks and superstatus of gene nearby enhancers rankDict = defaultdict(list) superDict = defaultdict(list) # list of all genes that appear in this analysis overallGeneList = [] # find the damn header for line in enhancerTable: if line[0][0] == '#': continue else: header = line break if noFormatTable: # set up the output tables # first by enhancer enhancerToGeneTable = [ header + ['OVERLAP_GENES', 'PROXIMAL_GENES', 'CLOSEST_GENE']] else: # set up the output tables # first by enhancer enhancerToGeneTable = [ header[0:9] + ['OVERLAP_GENES', 'PROXIMAL_GENES', 'CLOSEST_GENE'] + header[-2:]] # next by gene geneToEnhancerTable = [ ['GENE_NAME', 'REFSEQ_ID', 'PROXIMAL_ENHANCERS']] # next make the gene to enhancer table geneToEnhancerTable = [ ['GENE_NAME', 'REFSEQ_ID', 'PROXIMAL_ENHANCERS', 'ENHANCER_RANKS', 'IS_SUPER', 'ENHANCER_SIGNAL']] for line in enhancerTable: if line[0][0] == '#' or line[0][0] == 'R': continue enhancerString = '%s:%s-%s' % (line[1], line[2], line[3]) enhancerLocus = utils.Locus(line[1], line[2], line[3], '.', line[0]) # overlapping genes are transcribed genes whose transcript is directly # in the stitchedLocus overlappingLoci = transcribedCollection.getOverlap( enhancerLocus, 'both') overlappingGenes = [] for overlapLocus in overlappingLoci: overlappingGenes.append(overlapLocus.ID()) # proximalGenes are transcribed genes where the tss is within 50kb of # the boundary of the stitched loci proximalLoci = tssCollection.getOverlap( utils.makeSearchLocus(enhancerLocus, searchWindow, searchWindow), 'both') proximalGenes = [] for proxLocus in proximalLoci: proximalGenes.append(proxLocus.ID()) distalLoci = tssCollection.getOverlap( utils.makeSearchLocus(enhancerLocus, 1000000, 1000000), 'both') distalGenes = [] for proxLocus in distalLoci: distalGenes.append(proxLocus.ID()) overlappingGenes = utils.uniquify(overlappingGenes) proximalGenes = utils.uniquify(proximalGenes) distalGenes = utils.uniquify(distalGenes) allEnhancerGenes = overlappingGenes + proximalGenes + distalGenes # these checks make sure each gene list is unique. # technically it is possible for a gene to be overlapping, but not proximal since the # gene could be longer than the 50kb window, but we'll let that slide # here for refID in overlappingGenes: if proximalGenes.count(refID) == 1: proximalGenes.remove(refID) for refID in proximalGenes: if distalGenes.count(refID) == 1: distalGenes.remove(refID) # Now find the closest gene if len(allEnhancerGenes) == 0: closestGene = '' else: # get enhancerCenter enhancerCenter = (int(line[2]) + int(line[3])) / 2 # get absolute distance to enhancer center distList = [abs(enhancerCenter - startDict[geneID]['start'][0]) for geneID in allEnhancerGenes] # get the ID and convert to name closestGene = startDict[ allEnhancerGenes[distList.index(min(distList))]]['name'] # NOW WRITE THE ROW FOR THE ENHANCER TABLE if noFormatTable: newEnhancerLine = list(line) newEnhancerLine.append( join(utils.uniquify([startDict[x]['name'] for x in overlappingGenes]), ',')) newEnhancerLine.append( join(utils.uniquify([startDict[x]['name'] for x in proximalGenes]), ',')) newEnhancerLine.append(closestGene) else: newEnhancerLine = line[0:9] newEnhancerLine.append( join(utils.uniquify([startDict[x]['name'] for x in overlappingGenes]), ',')) newEnhancerLine.append( join(utils.uniquify([startDict[x]['name'] for x in proximalGenes]), ',')) newEnhancerLine.append(closestGene) newEnhancerLine += line[-2:] enhancerToGeneTable.append(newEnhancerLine) # Now grab all overlapping and proximal genes for the gene ordered # table overallGeneList += overlappingGenes for refID in overlappingGenes: geneDict['overlapping'][refID].append(enhancerString) rankDict[refID].append(int(line[-2])) superDict[refID].append(int(line[-1])) overallGeneList += proximalGenes for refID in proximalGenes: geneDict['proximal'][refID].append(enhancerString) rankDict[refID].append(int(line[-2])) superDict[refID].append(int(line[-1])) # End loop through # Make table by gene print('MAKING ENHANCER ASSOCIATED GENE TSS COLLECTION') overallGeneList = utils.uniquify(overallGeneList) enhancerGeneCollection = utils.makeTranscriptCollection( annotFile, 5000, 5000, 500, overallGeneList) enhancerGeneGFF = utils.locusCollectionToGFF(enhancerGeneCollection) # dump the gff to file enhancerFolder = utils.getParentFolder(enhancerFile) gffRootName = "%s_TSS_ENHANCER_GENES_-5000_+5000" % (genome) enhancerGeneGFFFile = "%s%s_%s.gff" % (enhancerFolder, enhancerName,gffRootName) utils.unParseTable(enhancerGeneGFF, enhancerGeneGFFFile, '\t') # now we need to run bamToGFF # Try to use the script on cluster, otherwise, failover to local (in path), otherwise fail. bamliquidator_path = '/ark/home/jdm/pipeline/' if not os.path.isfile(bamliquidator_path): bamliquidator_path = '' if not os.path.isfile(bamliquidator_path): raise ValueError(' not found in path') print('MAPPING SIGNAL AT ENHANCER ASSOCIATED GENE TSS') # map density at genes in the +/- 5kb tss region # first on the rankBy bam bamName = rankByBamFile.split('/')[-1] mappedRankByFolder = "%s%s_%s_%s/" % (enhancerFolder, enhancerName,gffRootName, bamName) mappedRankByFile = "%s%s_%s_%s/matrix.gff" % (enhancerFolder,enhancerName, gffRootName, bamName) cmd = 'python ' + bamliquidator_path + ' --sense . -e 200 --match_bamToGFF -r %s -o %s %s' % (enhancerGeneGFFFile, mappedRankByFolder,rankByBamFile) print("Mapping rankby bam %s" % (rankByBamFile)) print(cmd) outputRank = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True) outputRank = outputRank.communicate() if len(outputRank[0]) > 0: # test if mapping worked correctly print("SUCCESSFULLY MAPPED TO %s FROM BAM: %s" % (enhancerGeneGFFFile, rankByBamFile)) else: print("ERROR: FAILED TO MAP %s FROM BAM: %s" % (enhancerGeneGFFFile, rankByBamFile)) sys.exit() # next on the control bam if it exists if len(controlBamFile) > 0: controlName = controlBamFile.split('/')[-1] mappedControlFolder = "%s%s_%s_%s/" % ( enhancerFolder, enhancerName,gffRootName, controlName) mappedControlFile = "%s%s_%s_%s/matrix.gff" % ( enhancerFolder, enhancerName,gffRootName, controlName) cmd = 'python ' + bamliquidator_path + ' --sense . -e 200 --match_bamToGFF -r %s -o %s %s' % (enhancerGeneGFFFile, mappedControlFolder,controlBamFile) print("Mapping control bam %s" % (controlBamFile)) print(cmd) outputControl = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True) outputControl = outputControl.communicate() if len(outputControl[0]) > 0: # test if mapping worked correctly print("SUCCESSFULLY MAPPED TO %s FROM BAM: %s" % (enhancerGeneGFFFile, controlBamFile)) else: print("ERROR: FAILED TO MAP %s FROM BAM: %s" % (enhancerGeneGFFFile, controlBamFile)) sys.exit() # now get the appropriate output files if len(controlBamFile) > 0: print("CHECKING FOR MAPPED OUTPUT AT %s AND %s" % (mappedRankByFile, mappedControlFile)) if utils.checkOutput(mappedRankByFile, 1, 1) and utils.checkOutput(mappedControlFile, 1, 1): print('MAKING ENHANCER ASSOCIATED GENE TSS SIGNAL DICTIONARIES') signalDict = makeSignalDict(mappedRankByFile, mappedControlFile) else: print("NO MAPPING OUTPUT DETECTED") sys.exit() else: print("CHECKING FOR MAPPED OUTPUT AT %s" % (mappedRankByFile)) if utils.checkOutput(mappedRankByFile, 1, 30): print('MAKING ENHANCER ASSOCIATED GENE TSS SIGNAL DICTIONARIES') signalDict = makeSignalDict(mappedRankByFile) else: print("NO MAPPING OUTPUT DETECTED") sys.exit() # use enhancer rank to order rankOrder = utils.order([min(rankDict[x]) for x in overallGeneList]) usedNames = [] # make a new dict to hold TSS signal by max per geneName geneNameSigDict = defaultdict(list) print('MAKING GENE TABLE') for i in rankOrder: refID = overallGeneList[i] geneName = startDict[refID]['name'] if usedNames.count(geneName) > 0 and uniqueGenes == True: continue else: usedNames.append(geneName) proxEnhancers = geneDict['overlapping'][ refID] + geneDict['proximal'][refID] superStatus = max(superDict[refID]) enhancerRanks = join([str(x) for x in rankDict[refID]], ',') enhancerSignal = signalDict[refID] geneNameSigDict[geneName].append(enhancerSignal) newLine = [geneName, refID, join( proxEnhancers, ','), enhancerRanks, superStatus, enhancerSignal] geneToEnhancerTable.append(newLine) #utils.unParseTable(geneToEnhancerTable,'/grail/projects/newRose/geneMapper/foo.txt','\t') print('MAKING ENHANCER TO TOP GENE TABLE') if noFormatTable: enhancerToTopGeneTable = [ enhancerToGeneTable[0] + ['TOP_GENE', 'TSS_SIGNAL']] else: enhancerToTopGeneTable = [enhancerToGeneTable[0][0:12] + [ 'TOP_GENE', 'TSS_SIGNAL'] + enhancerToGeneTable[0][-2:]] for line in enhancerToGeneTable[1:]: geneList = [] if noFormatTable: geneList += line[-3].split(',') geneList += line[-2].split(',') else: geneList += line[10].split(',') geneList += line[11].split(',') geneList = utils.uniquify([x for x in geneList if len(x) > 0]) if len(geneList) > 0: try: sigVector = [max(geneNameSigDict[x]) for x in geneList] maxIndex = sigVector.index(max(sigVector)) maxGene = geneList[maxIndex] maxSig = sigVector[maxIndex] if maxSig == 0.0: maxGene = 'NONE' maxSig = 'NONE' except ValueError: if len(geneList) == 1: maxGene = geneList[0] maxSig = 'NONE' else: maxGene = 'NONE' maxSig = 'NONE' else: maxGene = 'NONE' maxSig = 'NONE' if noFormatTable: newLine = line + [maxGene, maxSig] else: newLine = line[0:12] + [maxGene, maxSig] + line[-2:] enhancerToTopGeneTable.append(newLine) # resort enhancerToGeneTable if noFormatTable: return enhancerToGeneTable, enhancerToTopGeneTable, geneToEnhancerTable else: enhancerOrder = utils.order([int(line[-2]) for line in enhancerToGeneTable[1:]]) sortedTable = [enhancerToGeneTable[0]] sortedTopGeneTable = [enhancerToTopGeneTable[0]] for i in enhancerOrder: sortedTable.append(enhancerToGeneTable[(i + 1)]) sortedTopGeneTable.append(enhancerToTopGeneTable[(i + 1)]) return sortedTable, sortedTopGeneTable, geneToEnhancerTable
def mapEnhancerToGeneTop(rankByBamFile, controlBamFile, genome, annotFile, enhancerFile, transcribedFile='', uniqueGenes=True, searchWindow=50000, noFormatTable=False): ''' maps genes to enhancers. if uniqueGenes, reduces to gene name only. Otherwise, gives for each refseq ''' startDict = utils.makeStartDict(annotFile) enhancerName = enhancerFile.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0] enhancerTable = utils.parseTable(enhancerFile, '\t') # internal parameter for debugging byRefseq = False if len(transcribedFile) > 0: transcribedTable = utils.parseTable(transcribedFile, '\t') transcribedGenes = [line[1] for line in transcribedTable] else: transcribedGenes = startDict.keys() print('MAKING TRANSCRIPT COLLECTION') transcribedCollection = utils.makeTranscriptCollection( annotFile, 0, 0, 500, transcribedGenes) print('MAKING TSS COLLECTION') tssLoci = [] for geneID in transcribedGenes: tssLoci.append(utils.makeTSSLocus(geneID, startDict, 0, 0)) # this turns the tssLoci list into a LocusCollection # 50 is the internal parameter for LocusCollection and doesn't really # matter tssCollection = utils.LocusCollection(tssLoci, 50) geneDict = {'overlapping': defaultdict( list), 'proximal': defaultdict(list)} # dictionaries to hold ranks and superstatus of gene nearby enhancers rankDict = defaultdict(list) superDict = defaultdict(list) # list of all genes that appear in this analysis overallGeneList = [] # find the damn header for line in enhancerTable: if line[0][0] == '#': continue else: header = line break if noFormatTable: # set up the output tables # first by enhancer enhancerToGeneTable = [ header + ['OVERLAP_GENES', 'PROXIMAL_GENES', 'CLOSEST_GENE']] else: # set up the output tables # first by enhancer enhancerToGeneTable = [ header[0:9] + ['OVERLAP_GENES', 'PROXIMAL_GENES', 'CLOSEST_GENE'] + header[-2:]] # next by gene geneToEnhancerTable = [ ['GENE_NAME', 'REFSEQ_ID', 'PROXIMAL_ENHANCERS']] # next make the gene to enhancer table geneToEnhancerTable = [ ['GENE_NAME', 'REFSEQ_ID', 'PROXIMAL_ENHANCERS', 'ENHANCER_RANKS', 'IS_SUPER', 'ENHANCER_SIGNAL']] for line in enhancerTable: if line[0][0] == '#' or line[0][0] == 'R': continue enhancerString = '%s:%s-%s' % (line[1], line[2], line[3]) enhancerLocus = utils.Locus(line[1], line[2], line[3], '.', line[0]) # overlapping genes are transcribed genes whose transcript is directly # in the stitchedLocus overlappingLoci = transcribedCollection.getOverlap( enhancerLocus, 'both') overlappingGenes = [] for overlapLocus in overlappingLoci: overlappingGenes.append(overlapLocus.ID()) # proximalGenes are transcribed genes where the tss is within 50kb of # the boundary of the stitched loci proximalLoci = tssCollection.getOverlap( utils.makeSearchLocus(enhancerLocus, searchWindow, searchWindow), 'both') proximalGenes = [] for proxLocus in proximalLoci: proximalGenes.append(proxLocus.ID()) distalLoci = tssCollection.getOverlap( utils.makeSearchLocus(enhancerLocus, 1000000, 1000000), 'both') distalGenes = [] for proxLocus in distalLoci: distalGenes.append(proxLocus.ID()) overlappingGenes = utils.uniquify(overlappingGenes) proximalGenes = utils.uniquify(proximalGenes) distalGenes = utils.uniquify(distalGenes) allEnhancerGenes = overlappingGenes + proximalGenes + distalGenes # these checks make sure each gene list is unique. # technically it is possible for a gene to be overlapping, but not proximal since the # gene could be longer than the 50kb window, but we'll let that slide # here for refID in overlappingGenes: if proximalGenes.count(refID) == 1: proximalGenes.remove(refID) for refID in proximalGenes: if distalGenes.count(refID) == 1: distalGenes.remove(refID) # Now find the closest gene if len(allEnhancerGenes) == 0: closestGene = '' else: # get enhancerCenter enhancerCenter = (int(line[2]) + int(line[3])) / 2 # get absolute distance to enhancer center distList = [abs(enhancerCenter - startDict[geneID]['start'][0]) for geneID in allEnhancerGenes] # get the ID and convert to name closestGene = startDict[ allEnhancerGenes[distList.index(min(distList))]]['name'] # NOW WRITE THE ROW FOR THE ENHANCER TABLE if noFormatTable: newEnhancerLine = list(line) newEnhancerLine.append( join(utils.uniquify([startDict[x]['name'] for x in overlappingGenes]), ',')) newEnhancerLine.append( join(utils.uniquify([startDict[x]['name'] for x in proximalGenes]), ',')) newEnhancerLine.append(closestGene) else: newEnhancerLine = line[0:9] newEnhancerLine.append( join(utils.uniquify([startDict[x]['name'] for x in overlappingGenes]), ',')) newEnhancerLine.append( join(utils.uniquify([startDict[x]['name'] for x in proximalGenes]), ',')) newEnhancerLine.append(closestGene) newEnhancerLine += line[-2:] enhancerToGeneTable.append(newEnhancerLine) # Now grab all overlapping and proximal genes for the gene ordered # table overallGeneList += overlappingGenes for refID in overlappingGenes: geneDict['overlapping'][refID].append(enhancerString) rankDict[refID].append(int(line[-2])) superDict[refID].append(int(line[-1])) overallGeneList += proximalGenes for refID in proximalGenes: geneDict['proximal'][refID].append(enhancerString) rankDict[refID].append(int(line[-2])) superDict[refID].append(int(line[-1])) # End loop through # Make table by gene print('MAKING ENHANCER ASSOCIATED GENE TSS COLLECTION') overallGeneList = utils.uniquify(overallGeneList) #get the chromLists from the various bams here cmd = 'samtools idxstats %s' % (rankByBamFile) idxStats = subprocess.Popen(cmd,stdout=subprocess.PIPE,shell=True) idxStats= idxStats.communicate() bamChromList = [line.split('\t')[0] for line in idxStats[0].split('\n')[0:-2]] if len(controlBamFile) > 0: cmd = 'samtools idxstats %s' % (controlBamFile) idxStats = subprocess.Popen(cmd,stdout=subprocess.PIPE,shell=True) idxStats= idxStats.communicate() bamChromListControl = [line.split('\t')[0] for line in idxStats[0].split('\n')[0:-2]] bamChromList = [chrom for chrom in bamChromList if bamChromListControl.count(chrom) != 0] #now make sure no genes have a bad chrom overallGeneList = [gene for gene in overallGeneList if bamChromList.count(startDict[gene]['chr']) != 0] #now make an enhancer collection of all transcripts enhancerGeneCollection = utils.makeTranscriptCollection( annotFile, 5000, 5000, 500, overallGeneList) enhancerGeneGFF = utils.locusCollectionToGFF(enhancerGeneCollection) # dump the gff to file enhancerFolder = utils.getParentFolder(enhancerFile) gffRootName = "%s_TSS_ENHANCER_GENES_-5000_+5000" % (genome) enhancerGeneGFFFile = "%s%s_%s.gff" % (enhancerFolder, enhancerName,gffRootName) utils.unParseTable(enhancerGeneGFF, enhancerGeneGFFFile, '\t') # now we need to run bamToGFF # Try to use the script on cluster, otherwise, failover to local (in path), otherwise fail. bamliquidator_path = 'bamliquidator_batch' print('MAPPING SIGNAL AT ENHANCER ASSOCIATED GENE TSS') # map density at genes in the +/- 5kb tss region # first on the rankBy bam bamName = rankByBamFile.split('/')[-1] mappedRankByFolder = "%s%s_%s_%s/" % (enhancerFolder, enhancerName,gffRootName, bamName) mappedRankByFile = "%s%s_%s_%s/matrix.txt" % (enhancerFolder,enhancerName, gffRootName, bamName) cmd = bamliquidator_path + ' --sense . -e 200 --match_bamToGFF -r %s -o %s %s' % (enhancerGeneGFFFile, mappedRankByFolder,rankByBamFile) print("Mapping rankby bam %s" % (rankByBamFile)) print(cmd) os.system(cmd) #check for completion if utils.checkOutput(mappedRankByFile,0.2,5): print("SUCCESSFULLY MAPPED TO %s FROM BAM: %s" % (enhancerGeneGFFFile, rankByBamFile)) else: print("ERROR: FAILED TO MAP %s FROM BAM: %s" % (enhancerGeneGFFFile, rankByBamFile)) sys.exit() # next on the control bam if it exists if len(controlBamFile) > 0: controlName = controlBamFile.split('/')[-1] mappedControlFolder = "%s%s_%s_%s/" % ( enhancerFolder, enhancerName,gffRootName, controlName) mappedControlFile = "%s%s_%s_%s/matrix.txt" % ( enhancerFolder, enhancerName,gffRootName, controlName) cmd = bamliquidator_path + ' --sense . -e 200 --match_bamToGFF -r %s -o %s %s' % (enhancerGeneGFFFile, mappedControlFolder,controlBamFile) print("Mapping control bam %s" % (controlBamFile)) print(cmd) os.system(cmd) #check for completion if utils.checkOutput(mappedControlFile,0.2,5): print("SUCCESSFULLY MAPPED TO %s FROM BAM: %s" % (enhancerGeneGFFFile, controlBamFile)) else: print("ERROR: FAILED TO MAP %s FROM BAM: %s" % (enhancerGeneGFFFile, controlBamFile)) sys.exit() # now get the appropriate output files if len(controlBamFile) > 0: print("CHECKING FOR MAPPED OUTPUT AT %s AND %s" % (mappedRankByFile, mappedControlFile)) if utils.checkOutput(mappedRankByFile, 1, 1) and utils.checkOutput(mappedControlFile, 1, 1): print('MAKING ENHANCER ASSOCIATED GENE TSS SIGNAL DICTIONARIES') signalDict = makeSignalDict(mappedRankByFile, mappedControlFile) else: print("NO MAPPING OUTPUT DETECTED") sys.exit() else: print("CHECKING FOR MAPPED OUTPUT AT %s" % (mappedRankByFile)) if utils.checkOutput(mappedRankByFile, 1, 30): print('MAKING ENHANCER ASSOCIATED GENE TSS SIGNAL DICTIONARIES') signalDict = makeSignalDict(mappedRankByFile) else: print("NO MAPPING OUTPUT DETECTED") sys.exit() # use enhancer rank to order rankOrder = utils.order([min(rankDict[x]) for x in overallGeneList]) usedNames = [] # make a new dict to hold TSS signal by max per geneName geneNameSigDict = defaultdict(list) print('MAKING GENE TABLE') for i in rankOrder: refID = overallGeneList[i] geneName = startDict[refID]['name'] if usedNames.count(geneName) > 0 and uniqueGenes == True: continue else: usedNames.append(geneName) proxEnhancers = geneDict['overlapping'][ refID] + geneDict['proximal'][refID] superStatus = max(superDict[refID]) enhancerRanks = join([str(x) for x in rankDict[refID]], ',') enhancerSignal = signalDict[refID] geneNameSigDict[geneName].append(enhancerSignal) newLine = [geneName, refID, join( proxEnhancers, ','), enhancerRanks, superStatus, enhancerSignal] geneToEnhancerTable.append(newLine) #utils.unParseTable(geneToEnhancerTable,'/grail/projects/newRose/geneMapper/foo.txt','\t') print('MAKING ENHANCER TO TOP GENE TABLE') if noFormatTable: enhancerToTopGeneTable = [ enhancerToGeneTable[0] + ['TOP_GENE', 'TSS_SIGNAL']] else: enhancerToTopGeneTable = [enhancerToGeneTable[0][0:12] + [ 'TOP_GENE', 'TSS_SIGNAL'] + enhancerToGeneTable[0][-2:]] for line in enhancerToGeneTable[1:]: geneList = [] if noFormatTable: geneList += line[-3].split(',') geneList += line[-2].split(',') else: geneList += line[10].split(',') geneList += line[11].split(',') geneList = utils.uniquify([x for x in geneList if len(x) > 0]) if len(geneList) > 0: try: sigVector = [max(geneNameSigDict[x]) for x in geneList] maxIndex = sigVector.index(max(sigVector)) maxGene = geneList[maxIndex] maxSig = sigVector[maxIndex] if maxSig == 0.0: maxGene = 'NONE' maxSig = 'NONE' except ValueError: if len(geneList) == 1: maxGene = geneList[0] maxSig = 'NONE' else: maxGene = 'NONE' maxSig = 'NONE' else: maxGene = 'NONE' maxSig = 'NONE' if noFormatTable: newLine = line + [maxGene, maxSig] else: newLine = line[0:12] + [maxGene, maxSig] + line[-2:] enhancerToTopGeneTable.append(newLine) # resort enhancerToGeneTable if noFormatTable: return enhancerToGeneTable, enhancerToTopGeneTable, geneToEnhancerTable else: enhancerOrder = utils.order([int(line[-2]) for line in enhancerToGeneTable[1:]]) sortedTable = [enhancerToGeneTable[0]] sortedTopGeneTable = [enhancerToTopGeneTable[0]] for i in enhancerOrder: sortedTable.append(enhancerToGeneTable[(i + 1)]) sortedTopGeneTable.append(enhancerToTopGeneTable[(i + 1)]) return sortedTable, sortedTopGeneTable, geneToEnhancerTable
def findCanidateTFs(genome, enhancer_gff, expressedNM, expressionDictNM, bamFile, TFlist, refseqToNameDict, projectFolder, projectName, promoter): ''' Assign each Super-Enhancer to the closest active TSS to its center Return a dictionary keyed by TF that points to a list of loci ''' #loading in the enhancer gff regions enhancer_collection = utils.gffToLocusCollection(enhancer_gff) enhancer_loci = enhancer_collection.getLoci() #loading in the genome and TF info annot_file = genome.returnFeature('annot_file') startDict = utils.makeStartDict(annot_file) tf_table = utils.parseTable(genome.returnFeature('tf_file'),'\t') refID_list = [line[0] for line in tf_table] #creates a list of all NM IDs for TFs #make a collection of all TF TSSs tssLoci = [] for refID in refID_list: tssLoci.append(utils.makeTSSLocus(refID,startDict,0,0)) #this is a precise 1 coordinate TSS locus tssCollection = utils.LocusCollection(tssLoci,50) enhancerTable = [['ENHANCER_ID','CHROM','START','STOP','GENE_LIST']] gene_to_enhancer_dict = defaultdict(list) # Loop through enhancers #all gene nnames stored by refID for enhancer in enhancer_loci: # If the enhancer overlaps a TSS, save it overlapping_loci = tssCollection.getOverlap(enhancer, 'both') overlapping_refIDs =[locus.ID() for locus in overlapping_loci] # Find all gene TSS within 100 kb proximal_loci = tssCollection.getOverlap(utils.makeSearchLocus(enhancer,100000,100000),'both') proximal_refIDs =[locus.ID() for locus in proximal_loci] # If no genes are within 100 kb, find the closest active gene within 1 million bp closest_refID = [] if len(overlapping_refIDs) == 0 and len(proximal_refIDs) == 0: distal_loci = tssCollection.getOverlap(utils.makeSearchLocus(enhancer,1000000,1000000),'both') distal_refIDs =[locus.ID() for locus in distal_loci] enhancerCenter = (int(enhancer.start()) + int(enhancer.end())) / 2 distance_list = [abs(enhancerCenter - startDict[geneID]['start'][0]) for geneID in distal_refIDs] if len(distance_list) > 0: closest_refID = [distalGenes[distance_list.index(min(distance_list))]] #now we have all potential gene cases all_refIDs = overlappingGenes + proximalGenes + closest_refID #now we get all names and refIDs all_refIDs = utils.uniquify([refID for refID in all_refIDs if len(refID) > 0 ]) all_names = utils.uniquify([startDict[refID]['name'] for refID in all_refIDs]) #first do enhancer level assignment names_string = ','.join(all_names) enhancer_table.append([enhancer.ID(),enhancer.chr(),enhancer.start(),enhancer.end(),names_string]) #now do gene level assignment for refID in all_refIDs: gene_to_enhancer_dict[refID].append(enhancer.ID()) #an enhancer can be assigned to multiple genes #a promoter can only be assigned to 1 gene #promoters don't have enhancerIDs so don't add them yet #this should just be an enhancer level table #followed by a gene level table overlappingGenes = utils.uniquify(overlappingGenes) proximalGenes = utils.uniquify(proximalGenes) for refID in overlappingGenes: if proximalGenes.count(refID) == 1: proximalGenes.remove(refID) # If a TSS overlaps an enhancer, assign them together if overlappingGenes: for gene in overlappingGenes: if gene in tf_list: TFtoEnhancerDict[gene].append(enhancer) enhancerAssignment.append([gene, enhancer.chr(), enhancer.start(), enhancer.end(), enhancer.ID()]) # Otherwise, assign the enhancer to the most active gene in 100 kb elif not overlappingGenes and proximalGenes: highestGene = '' highestActivity = 0 for gene in proximalGenes: if expressionDictNM[gene] > highestActivity: highestActivity = expressionDictNM[gene] highestGene = gene if highestGene in TFlist: TFtoEnhancerDict[gene].append(enhancer) enhancerAssignment.append([gene, enhancer.chr(), enhancer.start(), enhancer.end(), enhancer.ID()]) elif not overlappingGenes and not proximalGenes and closestGene: if closestGene in TFlist: gene = closestGene TFtoEnhancerDict[gene].append(enhancer) enhancerAssignment.append([gene, enhancer.chr(), enhancer.start(), enhancer.end(), enhancer.ID()]) # Add promoter is it's not contained in the super if promoter: for gene in TFtoEnhancerDict.keys(): promoter = utils.Locus(startDict[gene]['chr'], int(startDict[gene]['start'][0]) - 2000, int(startDict[gene]['start'][0]) + 2000, startDict[gene]['sense']) overlapBool = False for enhancer in TFtoEnhancerDict[gene]: if promoter.overlaps(enhancer): overlapBool = True if not overlapBool: TFtoEnhancerDict[gene].append(promoter) seAssignmentFile = projectFolder + projectName + '_ENHANCER_ASSIGNMENT.txt' utils.unParseTable(enhancerAssignment, seAssignmentFile, '\t') return TFtoEnhancerDict
def mapGFFLineToAnnot(gffLine, outFolder, nBins, geneDict, txCollection, sense='both', header=''): ''' for every line produces a file with all of the rectangles to draw ''' if len(header) == 0: gffString = '%s_%s_%s_%s' % (gffLine[0], gffLine[6], gffLine[3], gffLine[4]) else: gffString = header diagramTable = [[0, 0, 0, 0]] nameTable = [['', 0, 0]] gffLocus = utils.Locus(gffLine[0], int(gffLine[3]), int(gffLine[4]), gffLine[6], gffLine[1]) scaleFactor = float(nBins) / gffLocus.len() # plotting buffer for diagrams plotBuffer = int(gffLocus.len() / float(nBins) * 20) overlapLoci = txCollection.getOverlap(gffLocus, sense='both') geneList = [locus.ID() for locus in overlapLoci] if gffLine[6] == '-': refPoint = int(gffLine[4]) else: refPoint = int(gffLine[3]) offsetCollection = utils.LocusCollection([], 500) for geneID in geneList: gene = geneDict[geneID] print(gene.commonName()) if len(gene.commonName()) > 1: name = gene.commonName() else: name = geneID offset = 4 * len(offsetCollection.getOverlap(gene.txLocus())) offsetCollection.append(utils.makeSearchLocus(gene.txLocus(), plotBuffer, plotBuffer)) # write the name of the gene down if gene.sense() == '+': geneStart = gene.txLocus().start() else: geneStart = gene.txLocus().end() geneStart = abs(geneStart - refPoint) * scaleFactor nameTable.append([name, geneStart, -2 - offset]) # draw a line across the entire txLocus [start, stop] = [abs(x - refPoint) * scaleFactor for x in gene.txLocus().coords()] diagramTable.append([start, -0.01 - offset, stop, 0.01 - offset]) # now draw thin boxes for all txExons if len(gene.txExons()) > 0: for txExon in gene.txExons(): [start, stop] = [abs(x - refPoint) * scaleFactor for x in txExon.coords()] diagramTable.append([start, -0.5 - offset, stop, 0.5 - offset]) # now draw fatty boxes for the coding exons if any if len(gene.cdExons()) > 0: for cdExon in gene.cdExons(): [start, stop] = [abs(x - refPoint) * scaleFactor for x in cdExon.coords()] diagramTable.append([start, -1 - offset, stop, 1 - offset]) utils.unParseTable(diagramTable, outFolder + gffString + '_diagramTemp.txt', '\t') utils.unParseTable(nameTable, outFolder + gffString + '_nameTemp.txt', '\t')