def run_geo_opt(polymer, poly_size, smiles_list): ''' Runs geometry optimization calculation on given polymer Parameters --------- polymer: list (specific format) [(#,#,#,#), A, B] poly_size: int number of monomers per polymer smiles_list: list list of all possible monomer SMILES ''' # make file name string w/ convention monoIdx1_monoIdx2_fullNumerSequence file_name = utils.make_file_name(polymer, poly_size) # if output file already exists, skip xTB exists = os.path.isfile('output/%s.out' % (file_name)) if exists: print("output file existed") return # make polymer into SMILES string poly_smiles = utils.make_polymer_str(polymer, smiles_list, poly_size) # make polymer string into pybel molecule object mol = pybel.readstring('smi', poly_smiles) utils.make3D(mol) # write polymer .xyz file to containing folder mol.write('xyz', 'input/' % (file_name), overwrite=True) # make directory to run xtb in for the polymer mkdir_poly ='(mkdir %s)' % (file_name), shell=True) # run xTB geometry optimization xtb = '(cd %s && /ihome/ghutchison/geoffh/xtb/xtb ../input/ --opt >../output/%s.out)' % (file_name, file_name, file_name), shell=True) save_opt_file ='(cp %s/ opt/' % (file_name, file_name), shell=True) # delete xtb run directory for the polymer del_polydir ='(rm -r %s)' % (file_name), shell=True)
params_SA['N_time_step'] = 100 params_SA['symmetrize'] = False percentile = 99 fid_SA_group = {} T_count = 0 for T in np.arange(0.1, 4.01, 0.1): nQ_list = [ 0, 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 1000, 2000, 3000, 5000, 10000, 50000, 100000 ] for nQ in nQ_list: params_SA['N_quench'] = nQ params_SA['delta_t'] = T / 100 file_name = 'data/' + utils.make_file_name(params_SA) tmp = [] with open(file_name, 'rb') as f: #print(file_name) data = pickle.load(f) series = data[1] for d in series: tmp.append(d[1]) fidelity = np.mean(tmp) #fidelity=np.percentile(tmp,percentile) #fidelity=np.max(tmp) fidelity_std = np.std(tmp) fid_SA_group[(T_count, nQ)] = [fidelity, fidelity_std] T_count += 1 #######################################
def next_gen(params): ''' Runs one post-initial generation Parameters --------- params: list (specific format) [pop_size, poly_size, num_mono_species, opt_property, smiles_list, sequence_list, mono_list, population, poly_property_list, n, gen_counter, spear_counter, prop_value_counter] Returns ------- params: list (specific format) [pop_size, poly_size, num_mono_species, opt_property, smiles_list, sequence_list, mono_list, population, poly_property_list, n, gen_counter, spear_counter, prop_value_counter] ''' # unpack parameters pop_size = params[0] poly_size = params[1] num_mono_species = params[2] opt_property = params[3] smiles_list = params[4] sequence_list = params[5] mono_list = params[6] population = params[7] poly_property_list = params[8] n = params[9] gen_counter = params[10] spear_counter = params[11] prop_value_counter = params[12] # open output files analysis_file = open('gens_analysis.txt', 'a+') population_file = open('gens_population.txt', 'a+') values_file = open('gens_values.txt', 'a+') if opt_property == 'dip': dip_polar_file = open('gens_dip_polar.txt', 'a+') if opt_property == 'pol': polar_dip_file = open('gens_polar_dip.txt', 'a+') spear_file = open('gens_spear.txt', 'a+') gen_counter += 1 max_init = max(poly_property_list) # create sorted monomer list with most freq first gen1 = utils.sort_mono_indicies_list(mono_list) # Selection - select heaviest (best) 50% of polymers as parents population = parent_select(opt_property, population, poly_property_list) # Crossover & Mutation - create children to repopulate bottom 50% of polymers in population population = crossover_mutate(population, pop_size, poly_size, num_mono_species, sequence_list, smiles_list, mono_list) # calculate desired polymer property if opt_property == "mw": poly_property_list = find_poly_mw(population, poly_size, smiles_list) elif opt_property == "dip": elec_prop_list = find_elec_prop(population, poly_size, smiles_list) poly_property_list = elec_prop_list[0] polar_list = elec_prop_list[1] elif opt_property == 'pol': elec_prop_list = find_elec_prop(population, poly_size, smiles_list) poly_property_list = elec_prop_list[1] dip_list = elec_prop_list[0] else: print( "Error: opt_property not recognized. trace:main:loop pop properties" ) # record representative generation properties min_test = min(poly_property_list) max_test = max(poly_property_list) avg_test = mean(poly_property_list) if opt_property == 'dip': compound = utils.make_file_name( population[poly_property_list.index(max_test)], poly_size) polar_val = polar_list[poly_property_list.index(max_test)] if opt_property == 'pol': compound = utils.make_file_name( population[poly_property_list.index(max_test)], poly_size) dip_val = dip_list[poly_property_list.index(max_test)] # create sorted monomer list with most freq first gen2 = utils.sort_mono_indicies_list(mono_list) # calculate Spearman correlation coefficient for begin and end sorted monomer lists spear = stats.spearmanr(gen1[:n], gen2[:n])[0] # spear_05 = stats.spearmanr(gen1[:n_05], gen2[:n_05])[0] # spear_10 = stats.spearmanr(gen1[:n_10], gen2[:n_10])[0] # spear_15 = stats.spearmanr(gen1[:n_15], gen2[:n_15])[0] # capture monomer indexes and numerical sequence as strings for population file analysis_file.write('%f, %f, %f, %f, \n' % (min_test, max_test, avg_test, spear)) if opt_property == 'dip': dip_polar_file.write('%s, %d, %f, %f, \n' % (compound, gen_counter, max_test, polar_val)) if opt_property == 'pol': polar_dip_file.write('%s, %d, %f, %f, \n' % (compound, gen_counter, max_test, dip_val)) # spear_file.write('%d, %f, %f, %f, \n' % # (gen_counter, spear_05, spear_10, spear_15)) # write polymer population to file for polymer in population: poly_name = utils.make_file_name(polymer, poly_size) population_file.write('%s, ' % (poly_name)) population_file.write('\n') for value in poly_property_list: values_file.write('%f, ' % (value)) values_file.write('\n') # keep track of number of successive generations meeting Spearman criterion if spear > 0.92: spear_counter += 1 else: spear_counter = 0 # keep track of number of successive generations meeting property value convergence criterion if max_test >= (max_init - max_init * 0.05) and max_test <= ( max_init + max_init * 0.05): prop_value_counter += 1 else: prop_value_counter = 0 # close all output files analysis_file.close() population_file.close() values_file.close() if opt_property == 'dip': dip_polar_file.close() if opt_property == 'pol': polar_dip_file.close() spear_file.close() # make backup copies of output files shutil.copy('gens_analysis.txt', 'gens_analysis_copy.txt') shutil.copy('gens_population.txt', 'gens_population_copy.txt') shutil.copy('gens_values.txt', 'gens_values_copy.txt') if opt_property == 'dip': shutil.copy('gens_dip_polar.txt', 'gens_dip_polar_copy.txt') if opt_property == 'pol': shutil.copy('gens_polar_dip.txt', 'gens_polar_dip_copy.txt') shutil.copy('gens_spear.txt', 'gens_spear_copy.txt') params = [ pop_size, poly_size, num_mono_species, opt_property, smiles_list, sequence_list, mono_list, population, poly_property_list, n, gen_counter, spear_counter, prop_value_counter ] return (params)
def init_gen(pop_size, poly_size, num_mono_species, opt_property, perc, smiles_list): ''' Initializes parameter, creates population, and runs initial generation Parameters ---------- pop_size: int number of polymers in each generation poly_size: int number of monomers per polymer num_mono_species: int number of monomer species in each polymer (e.g. copolymer = 2) opt_property: str property being optimized perc: float percentage of number of monomers to compare with Spearman calculation smiles_list: list list of all possible monomer SMILES Returns ------- params: list (specific format) [pop_size, poly_size, num_mono_species, opt_property, smiles_list, sequence_list, mono_list, population, poly_property_list, n, gen_counter, spear_counter, prop_value_counter] ''' # create all possible numerical sequences for given number of monomer types sequence_list = utils.find_sequences(num_mono_species) n = int(len(smiles_list) * perc) # n_05 = int(len(smiles_list) * .05) # n_10 = int(len(smiles_list) * .10) # n_15 = int(len(smiles_list) * .15) # initialize generation counter gen_counter = 1 # initialize convergence counter spear_counter = 0 prop_value_counter = 0 # create monomer frequency list [(mono index 1, frequency), (mono index 2, frequency),...] mono_list = [] for x in range(len(smiles_list)): mono_list.append([x, 0]) # create inital population as list of polymers population = [] population_str = [] counter = 0 while counter < pop_size: # for polymer in range(pop_size): temp_poly = [] # select sequence type for polymer poly_seq = sequence_list[random.randint(0, len(sequence_list) - 1)] temp_poly.append(poly_seq) # select monomer types for polymer for num in range(num_mono_species): # randomly select a monomer index poly_monomer = random.randint(0, len(smiles_list) - 1) temp_poly.append(poly_monomer) # increase frequency count for monomer in mono_list mono_list[poly_monomer][1] += 1 # make SMILES string of polymer temp_poly_str = utils.make_polymer_str(temp_poly, smiles_list, poly_size) # add polymer to population # check for duplication - use str for comparison to avoid homopolymer, etc. type duplicates if temp_poly_str in population_str: pass else: population.append(temp_poly) population_str.append(temp_poly_str) counter += 1 # find initial population properties if opt_property == 'mw': # calculate polymer molecular weights poly_property_list = find_poly_mw(population, poly_size, smiles_list) elif opt_property == 'dip': # initialize list of polarizabilities polar_list = [] # calculate electronic properties for each polymer elec_prop_list = find_elec_prop(population, poly_size, smiles_list) poly_property_list = elec_prop_list[0] polar_list = elec_prop_list[1] elif opt_property == 'pol': # initialize list of dipole moments dip_list = [] # calculate electronic properties for each polymer elec_prop_list = find_elec_prop(population, poly_size, smiles_list) poly_property_list = elec_prop_list[1] dip_list = elec_prop_list[0] else: print( "Error: opt_property not recognized. trace:main:initial pop properties" ) # set initial values for min, max, and avg polymer weights min_test = min(poly_property_list) max_test = max(poly_property_list) avg_test = mean(poly_property_list) if opt_property == 'dip': compound = utils.make_file_name( population[poly_property_list.index(max_test)], poly_size) polar_val = polar_list[poly_property_list.index(max_test)] if opt_property == 'pol': compound = utils.make_file_name( population[poly_property_list.index(max_test)], poly_size) dip_val = dip_list[poly_property_list.index(max_test)] # create new output files analysis_file = open('gens_analysis.txt', 'w+') population_file = open('gens_population.txt', 'w+') values_file = open('gens_values.txt', 'w+') if opt_property == 'dip': dip_polar_file = open('gens_dip_polar.txt', 'w+') if opt_property == 'pol': polar_dip_file = open('gens_polar_dip.txt', 'w+') spear_file = open('gens_spear.txt', 'w+') # write files headers analysis_file.write('min, max, avg, spearman, \n') population_file.write('polymer populations \n') values_file.write('%s values \n' % (opt_property)) if opt_property == 'dip': dip_polar_file.write('compound, gen, dipole, polar \n') if opt_property == 'pol': polar_dip_file.write('compound, gen, polar, dip \n') #spear_file.write('gen, spear_05, spear_10, spear_15 \n') # capture initial population data analysis_file.write('%f, %f, %f, n/a, \n' % (min_test, max_test, avg_test)) if opt_property == 'dip': dip_polar_file.write('%s, %d, %f, %f, \n' % (compound, 1, max_test, polar_val)) if opt_property == 'pol': polar_dip_file.write('%s, %d, %f, %f, \n' % (compound, 1, max_test, dip_val)) spear_file.write('1, n/a, n/a, n/a, \n') # write polymer population to file for polymer in population: poly_name = utils.make_file_name(polymer, poly_size) population_file.write('%s, ' % (poly_name)) population_file.write('\n') for value in poly_property_list: values_file.write('%f, ' % (value)) values_file.write('\n') # close all output files analysis_file.close() population_file.close() values_file.close() if opt_property == 'dip': dip_polar_file.close() if opt_property == 'pol': polar_dip_file.close() spear_file.close() # make backup copies of output files shutil.copy('gens_analysis.txt', 'gens_analysis_copy.txt') shutil.copy('gens_population.txt', 'gens_population_copy.txt') shutil.copy('gens_values.txt', 'gens_values_copy.txt') if opt_property == 'dip': shutil.copy('gens_dip_polar.txt', 'gens_dip_polar_copy.txt') if opt_property == 'pol': shutil.copy('gens_polar_dip.txt', 'gens_polar_dip_copy.txt') shutil.copy('gens_spear.txt', 'gens_spear_copy.txt') params = [ pop_size, poly_size, num_mono_species, opt_property, smiles_list, sequence_list, mono_list, population, poly_property_list, n, gen_counter, spear_counter, prop_value_counter ] return (params)
def find_elec_prop(population, poly_size, smiles_list): ''' Calculates dipole moment and polarizability of each polymer in population TODO: add dipole tensor functionality TODO: update parser to catch failures/errors in output file Parameters --------- population: list list of polymers in population poly_size: int number of monomers per polymer smiles_list: list list of all possible monomer SMILES Returns ------- elec_prop_lists: list nested list of [list of polymer dipole moments, list of polymer polarizabilities] ''' poly_polar_list = [] poly_dipole_list = [] # run xTB geometry optimization #nproc = 8 for polymer in population: run_geo_opt(polymer, poly_size, smiles_list) # parse xTB output files for polymer in population: # make file name string w/ convention monoIdx1_monoIdx2_fullNumerSequence file_name = utils.make_file_name(polymer, poly_size) # count number of successful parsed properties num_succ_reads = 0 # check for xTB failures if 'FAILED!' in open('output/%s.out' % (file_name)).read(): # move output file to 'failed' directory move_fail_file = '(mv output/%s.out failed/%s.out)' % (file_name, file_name), shell=True) # note failure by filling property lists with dummy values poly_polar_list.append(-10) poly_dipole_list.append(-10) # if xTB successful, parse output file for static polarizability and dipole moment else: read_output = open('output/%s.out' % (file_name), 'r') for line in read_output: # create list of tokens in line tokens = line.split() if line.startswith(" Mol. α(0)"): temp_polar = float(tokens[4]) poly_polar_list.append(temp_polar) num_succ_reads += 1 elif line.startswith(" full:"): # dipole tensor - STILL A LIST OF STRINGS (not floats) # TODO: add tensor functionality later dipole_line = tokens temp_dipole = float(tokens[4]) poly_dipole_list.append(temp_dipole) num_succ_reads += 1 # break inner for loop to avoid overwriting with other lines starting with "full" break read_output.close() # This is a catch to move files to the failed folder if polarizability # .. and dipole are not parsed. if num_succ_reads != 2: poly_polar_list.append(-10) poly_dipole_list.append(-10) move_fail_file = '(mv output/%s.out failed/%s.out)' % (file_name, file_name), shell=True) # reset the number of successful reads num_succ_reads = 0 # make nested list of dipole moment and polarizability lists elec_prop_lists = [poly_dipole_list, poly_polar_list] return elec_prop_lists
def main(): param = { 'N_time_step': 100, 'N_quench': 0, 'Ti': 0.04, 'action_set': 0, 'hx_initial_state': -2.0, 'hx_final_state': 2.0, 'delta_t': 0.001, 'hx_i': -4.0, 'RL_CONSTRAINT': True, 'L': 6, 'J': 1.00, 'hz': 1.0, 'symmetrize': False } file_name = ut.make_file_name(param) res = ut.gather_data(param, "../data/") print(compute_observable.Ed_Ad_OP(res['h_protocol'], 4)) plotting.protocol(range(100), res['h_protocol'][0]) #plotting.protocol(range(100),res['h_protocol'][1]) #print(res['fid']) #print(res.keys()) print(file_name) #with open(' exit() import os #=========================================================================== # pca=PCA(n_components=2) # param['N_time_step']=10 # dc=ut.gather_data(param,'../data/') #['h_protocol']/4.) # X=pca.transform(dc['h_protocol']/4.) # # plt.scatter(X[:,0],X[:,1]) # plt.title('PCA, $t=0.1$, continuous protocol') # plt.savefig("PCA_AS2_t-0p1.pdf") # # exit() #=========================================================================== #=========================================================================== # dataBB8=[] # param['action_set']=0 # param['N_time_step']=60 # # param['delta_t']=0.5/60. # dc=ut.gather_data(param,'../data/') # pca=PCA(n_components=2) #['h_protocol']/4.) # print(pca.explained_variance_ratio_) # exit() # # param['delta_t']=3.0/60. # dc=ut.gather_data(param,'../data/') # X=pca.transform(dc['h_protocol']/4.) # # title='PCA$_{50}$, $t=3.0$, continuous protocol, nStep$=60$' # out_file="PCA_AS0_t-3p0_nStep-60.pdf" # plotting.visne_2D(X[:,0],X[:,1],dc['fid'],zlabel="Fidelity",out_file=out_file,title=title,show=True,xlabel='PCA-1',ylabel='PCA-2') # #=========================================================================== #exit() #plt.scatter(X[:,0],X[:,1]) #plt.title('PCA$_{50}$, $t=1.5$, continuous protocol, nStep$=60$') #plt.savefig("PCA_AS0_t-0p8_nStep-60.pdf") #exit() # exit() #=========================================================================== # param['N_time_step']=2 # param['action_set']=0 # dc=ut.gather_data(param,'../data/') # print(dc['h_protocol']) # exit() # dataBB8=[] #=========================================================================== #=============================================================================== # # param['action_set']=0 # param['N_time_step']=60 # param['delta_t']=0.5/60 # # dc=ut.gather_data(param,'../data/') # # protocols=dc['h_protocol'] # #print(np.shape(dc['h_protocol'])) # sort_f=np.argsort(dc['fid'])[::-1] # # print(sort_f[0]) # # #protocols[sort_f[0]] # # best_prot=protocols[sort_f[0:10]] # x=np.array(range(60))*1.0/60 # #print(best_prot.reshape) # #print(x.shape) # #print(np.array(range(60))*0.1/60) # #print(best_prot) # #print(np.shape(best_prot)) # #print(np.shape(np.arange(0.1,3.05,0.1)*0.05)) # # plotting.protocol(protocols[:2],x,labels=dc['fid'][:2],show=True) # # exit() # # #=============================================================================== param['N_time_step'] = 60 param['action_set'] = 0 dataBB8 = [] compTime = [] x = [] for t in np.arange(0.1, 3.05, 0.1): dt = t / param['N_time_step'] param['delta_t'] = dt # Changed it to be returning False if file is not found ... dc = ut.gather_data(param, '../data/') if dc is not False: eaop = compute_observable.Ed_Ad_OP(dc['h_protocol'], 4.0) print(t, eaop, dc['fid'].shape, '\t', np.mean(dc['n_fid'])) compTime.append(np.mean(dc['n_fid'])) dataBB8.append(eaop) x.append(t) else: print("Data not available for %.3f" % dt) y = compTime plotting.observable(y, x, title='Depth of search for bang-bang protocol', ylabel='\# of fidelity evaluations', xlabel='$T$', marker="-", labels=['Obtained time (SGD)']) exit() #=========================================================================== # param['action_set']=0 # param['delta_t']=0.01 #=========================================================================== #=========================================================================== # for i in range(2,300,4): # param['N_time_step']=i # is_there,dc=ut.gather_data(param,'../data/') # if is_there: # eaop=compute_observable.Ed_Ad_OP(dc['h_protocol'],4.0) # print(i,eaop,dc['fid'].shape,'\t',np.mean(dc['n_fid'])) # compTime.append(np.mean(dc['n_fid'])) # dataBB8.append(eaop) # x.append(i) # else: # print("Data not available for %i"%i) # #=========================================================================== #=========================================================================== # param['N_time_step']=150 # is_there,dc=ut.gather_data(param,'../data/') # x=np.arange(0,150*0.01,0.01) # plotting.protocol(dc['h_protocol'][:3],x,labels=dc['fid'][:3],show=True) # exit() # #x=np.array(range(2,300,4))*0.01 #=========================================================================== param['action_set'] = 0 param['delta_t'] = 0.01 mean_fid_BB = [] h_protocol_BB = {} fid_BB = {} n_fid_BB = [] x = [] sigma_fid = [] EA_OP = [] for i in range(2, 300, 4): param['N_time_step'] = i data_is_available, dc = ut.gather_data(param, '../data/') if data_is_available: mean_fid_BB.append(np.mean(dc['fid'])) sigma_fid.append(np.std(dc['fid'])) fid_BB[i] = dc['fid'] EA_OP.append(compute_observable.Ed_Ad_OP(dc['h_protocol'], 4.0)) h_protocol_BB[i] = dc['h_protocol'] n_fid_BB.append(np.mean(dc['n_fid'])) x.append(i * param['delta_t']) #print(fid_BB[130]) #mean=np.mean(fid_BB[130]) #sns.distplot(fid_BB[130],bins=np.linspace(mean-0.005,mean+0.005,100)) #plt.tick_params(labelleft='off') x = np.array(x) y = [ n / (x[i] / param['delta_t']) for n, i in zip(n_fid_BB, range(len(n_fid_BB))) ] plotting.observable(y, x, title='Depth of search for bang-bang protocol', ylabel='(\# of fidelity evaluations)/$N$', xlabel='$T$', marker="-", labels=['Minimum time', 'Obtained time (SGD)']) #plotting.protocol(h_protocol_BB[130][20:25],np.arange(0,130,1)*param['delta_t']) exit() #=========================================================================== # dataCONT=[] # for t in range(2,300,4): # print(t) # param['N_time_step']=t # dc=ut.gather_data(param,'../data/') # #print(dc['h_protocol'].shape) # eaop=compute_observable.Ed_Ad_OP(dc['h_protocol'],4.0) # print(eaop) # dataCONT.append(eaop) # # file="../data/EAOP_"+ut.make_file_name(param) # with open(file,'wb') as f: # pickle.dump(dataCONT,f);f.close(); # # exit() # #=========================================================================== #=========================================================================== # param['action_set']=0 # dataBB8=[] # for t in range(2,300,4): # print(t) # param['N_time_step']=t # dc=ut.gather_data(param,'../data/') # eaop=compute_observable.Ed_Ad_OP(dc['h_protocol'],4.0) # print(eaop) # #print(dc['h_protocol'].shape) # dataBB8.append(eaop) # # file="../data/EAOP_"+ut.make_file_name(param) # with open(file,'wb') as f: # pickle.dump(dataBB8,f);f.close(); # # exit() #=========================================================================== #=========================================================================== # param['N_time_step']=298 # param['action_set']=0 # file="../data/EAOP_"+ut.make_file_name(param) # with open(file,'rb') as f: # dataBB8=pickle.load(f);f.close(); # # param['action_set']=2 # f="../data/EAOP_"+ut.make_file_name(param) # with open(f,'rb') as file: # dataCONT=pickle.load(file); # # time_axis=np.array(range(2,300,4))*0.01 # title="Edward-Anderson parameter ($n=400$) vs. evolution time for SGD\n with the different action protocols ($L=1$)" # plotting.observable([dataBB8,dataCONT],[time_axis,time_axis],title=title, # out_file="SGD_EAOPvsT_AS0-2.pdf",show=True, # ylabel="$q_{EA}$",xlabel="$t$",labels=['bang-bang8','continuous']) #=========================================================================== #=========================================================================== # param['N_time_step']=250 # dc=ut.gather_data(param,'../data/') # sns.distplot(dc['fid'],kde=False,label='$t=%.3f$'%(param['N_time_step']*0.01)) # plt.legend(loc='best') # plt.savefig('SGD_hist_fid_t2p5.pdf') # # exit() #=========================================================================== #=========================================================================== # title="Fidelity ($n=400$) vs. evolution time for SGD\n with the different action protocols ($L=1$)" # plotting.observable(np.array(data),np.array(range(2,300,4))*0.01,title=title, # out_file="SGD_FvsT_AS2.pdf",show=True, # ylabel="$F$",xlabel="$t$",labels=['continuous']) # #=========================================================================== exit()
def b2(n10,w=10): x = np.array(list(np.binary_repr(n10, width=w)),dtype=np.float) x[x > 0.5] = 4. x[x < 0.5] = -4. return x par=default_parameters() par['symmetrize']=False par['L']=6 best_fid=0 best_fid_list=[] for n in range(10,405,10): par['N_time_step'] = n file=make_file_name(par) with open('data/'+file, 'rb') as f: data = pickle.load(f) for d in data[1]: if d[1] > best_fid: best_fid = d[1] best_fid_list.append(best_fid) np.savetxt('out.txt',best_fid_list) #print(data) exit() h=data[0][1] dt=0.015 t=np.arange(0,3.0,dt) plotting.protocol(t,h)
def main(): ut.check_sys_arg(sys.argv) global action_set,hx_discrete,hx_max#,FIX_NUMBER_FID_EVAL continuous=[0.01,0.05,0.1,0.2,0.5,1.,2.,3.,4.,8.] action_set_name=["bang-bang8","continuous-pos","continuous"] action_set_arrays=[ np.array([-8.0,0.,8.]), np.array(continuous,dtype=np.float32), np.array([-c for c in continuous]+[0]+continuous,dtype=np.float32) ] all_action_sets=dict(zip(action_set_name,action_set_arrays)) """ Parameters L: system size J: Jzz interaction hz: longitudinal field hx_i: initial tranverse field coupling hx_initial_state: initial state transverse field hx_final_state: final state transverse field Ti: initial temperature for annealing N_quench: number of quenches (i.e. no. of time temperature is quenched to reach exactly T=0) N_time_step: number of time steps action_set: array of possible actions outfile_name: file where data is being dumped (via pickle) delta_t: time scale N_restart: number of restart for the annealing verbose: If you want the program to print to screen the progress symmetrize_protocol: Wether or not to work in the symmetrized sector of protocols hx_max : maximum hx field (the annealer can go between -hx_max and hx_max FIX_NUMBER_FID_EVAL: decide wether you want to fix the maximum number of fidelity evaluations (deprecated) RL_CONSTRAINT: use reinforcement learning constraints or not fidelity_fast: prepcompute exponential matrices and runs fast_Fidelity() instead of Fidelity() """ #---------------------------------------- # DEFAULT PARAMETERS J = 1.0 # zz interaction hz = 1.0 #0.9045/0.809 #1.0 # hz field hx_i = -4.0 # -1.0 # initial hx coupling act_set_name='bang-bang8' Ti=0.04 # initial temperature (for annealing) L = 10 # system size hx_initial_state= -2.0 # initial state hx_final_state = 2.0 #+1.0 # final hx coupling N_quench=10 N_time_step=40 outfile_name='first_test.pkl' action_set=all_action_sets['bang-bang8'] delta_t=0.05 N_restart=4 symmetrize_protocol=True hx_max=4 h_set=compute_h_set(hx_i,hx_max) RL_CONSTRAINT=True verbose=True fidelity_fast=True #---------------------------------------- if len(sys.argv)>1: """ if len(sys.argv) > 1 : run from command line -- check command line for parameters """ argv=ut.read_command_line_arg(sys.argv,all_action_sets) L=argv[0] hx_initial_state=argv[1] hx_final_state=argv[2] N_quench=argv[3] N_time_step=argv[4] action_set=argv[5] outfile_name=argv[6] delta_t=argv[7] N_restart=argv[8] verbose=argv[9] act_set_name=argv[10] symmetrize_protocol=argv[11] print("-------------------- > Parameters < --------------------") print("L \t\t\t %i\nJ \t\t\t %.3f\nhz \t\t\t %.3f\nhx(t=0) \t\t %.3f\nhx_max \t\t\t %.3f "%(L,J,hz,hx_i,hx_max)) print("hx_initial_state \t %.2f\nhx_final_state \t\t %.2f"%(hx_initial_state,hx_final_state)) print("N_quench \t\t %i\ndelta_t \t\t %.2f\nN_restart \t\t %i"%(N_quench,delta_t,N_restart)) print("N_time_step \t\t %i"%N_time_step) print("Total_time \t\t %.2f"%(N_time_step*delta_t)) print("Output file \t\t %s"%('data/'+outfile_name)) print("Action_set \t <- \t %s"%np.round(action_set,3)) print("# of possible actions \t %i"%len(action_set)) print("Using RL constraints \t %s"%str(RL_CONSTRAINT)) print("Symmetrizing protocols \t %s"%str(symmetrize_protocol)) print("Fidelity MODE \t\t %s"%('fast' if fidelity_fast else 'standard')) param={'J':J,'hz':hz,'hx':hx_i} # Hamiltonian kwargs hx_discrete=[0]*N_time_step # dynamical part at every time step (initiaze to zero everywhere) # full system hamiltonian H,_ = Hamiltonian.Hamiltonian(L,fct=hx_vs_t,**param) # calculate initial and final states hx_discrete[0]=hx_initial_state # just a trick to get initial state _, psi_i = H.eigsh(time=0,k=1,which='SA') hx_discrete[0]=hx_final_state # just a trick to get final state _, psi_target = H.eigsh(time=0,k=1,which='SA') hx_discrete[0]=0 print("Initial overlap is \t %.5f"%(abs(np.sum(np.conj(psi_i)*psi_target))**2)) # simulated annealing kwargs: param_SA={'Ti':Ti, 'psi_i':psi_i,'H':H,'N_time_step':N_time_step, 'delta_t':delta_t,'psi_target':psi_target, 'hx_i':hx_i,'N_quench':N_quench,'RL_CONSTRAINT':RL_CONSTRAINT, 'verbose':verbose,'hx_initial_state':hx_initial_state,'hx_final_state':hx_final_state, 'L':L,'J':J,'hz':hz,'action_set':action_set_name.index(act_set_name), 'fidelity_fast':fidelity_fast,'symmetrize':symmetrize_protocol } if param_SA['fidelity_fast'] : print("\nPrecomputing evolution matrices ...") start=time.time() precompute_expmatrix(param_SA, h_set, H) print("Done in %.4f seconds"%(time.time()-start)) if outfile_name=="auto": outfile_name=ut.make_file_name(param_SA) to_save_par=['Ti','psi_i','N_time_step', 'delta_t','psi_target','hx_i','N_quench','RL_CONSTRAINT', 'hx_initial_state','hx_final_state','L','J','hz','action_set', 'symmetrize' ] file_content=ut.read_current_results('data/%s'%outfile_name) # Read current data if it exists if file_content : dict_to_save_parameters, all_results = file_content N_current_restart = len(all_results) print("Data with %i samples available !" % N_current_restart) else : dict_to_save_parameters = dict(zip(to_save_par,[param_SA[p] for p in to_save_par])) all_results=[] N_current_restart = 0 #print(N_current_restart," ",N_restart) for it in range(N_current_restart, N_restart): print("\n\n-----------> Starting new iteration <-----------") start_time=time.time() count_fid_eval,best_fid,best_action_protocol,best_hx_discrete = simulate_anneal(param_SA) result=[count_fid_eval,best_fid,best_action_protocol,best_hx_discrete] print("\n----------> RESULT FOR ANNEALING NO %i <-------------"%(it+1)) print("Number of fidelity eval \t%i"%count_fid_eval) print("Best fidelity \t\t\t%.4f"%best_fid) print("Best hx_protocol\t\t",list(best_hx_discrete)) if L > 1: _,E,delta_E,Sd,Sent = MB_observables(best_hx_discrete, param_SA, matrix_dict, fin_vals=True) result = result + [E, delta_E, Sd, Sent] # Appending Energy, Energy fluctuations, Diag. entropy, Ent. entropy all_results.append(result) with open('data/%s'%outfile_name,'wb') as pkl_file: ## Here read first then save, stop if reached quota pickle.dump([dict_to_save_parameters,all_results],pkl_file);pkl_file.close() print("Saved iteration --> %i to %s"%(it,'data/%s'%outfile_name)) print("Iteration run time --> %.2f s"%(time.time()-start_time)) print("\n Thank you and goodbye !")