Exemple #1

""" User selected parameters """
input_wav = "speech.wav"
grain_len = 20      # in milliseconds
grain_over = 0.99   # grain overlap (0,1)
shift_factor = 1.5

# open WAV file
samp_freq, signal = wavfile.read(input_wav)
signal = signal[:,]  # get first channel
data_type = signal.dtype
MAX_VAL = np.iinfo(data_type).max

# derived parameters
GRAIN_LEN_SAMP = ms2smp(grain_len, samp_freq)
STRIDE = compute_stride(GRAIN_LEN_SAMP, grain_over)

# allocate input and output buffers
input_buffer = np.zeros(STRIDE, dtype=data_type)
output_buffer = np.zeros(STRIDE, dtype=data_type)

# state variables and constants
def init():

    # lookup table for tapering window
    global WIN
    WIN = win_taper(GRAIN_LEN_SAMP, grain_over, data_type)

    # lookup table for linear interpolation
Exemple #2
from utils import ms2smp, double_len, double_len_taper

f = 100
grain_len = 32  # ms
overlap = 0.3
duration = 100  # ms
disp = 60
fs = 16000

# original
time = np.arange(int(duration * 1e-3 * fs)) / fs
x = np.sin(2 * np.pi * f * time)

# double length
grain_len_samp = ms2smp(grain_len, fs)
x_double = double_len(x, grain_len_samp)
time_double = np.arange(len(x_double)) / fs

# double length with overlap/window
x_double_win, stride_samp, grains = double_len_taper(x, grain_len_samp,
stride_len = stride_samp / fs * 1000
time_double_win = np.arange(len(x_double_win)) / fs

# visualize discontinuous
f, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(2, 1)

ax1.plot(time, x)
ax1.set_ylabel("Original", fontsize=18)
Exemple #3
import numpy as np
from utils import ms2smp, compute_stride, win_taper, build_linear_interp_table
import sounddevice as sd
Real-time pitch shifting with granular synthesis for shift factors <=1.0
""" User selected parameters """
grain_len = 30
grain_over = 0.2
shift_factor = 0.7
data_type = np.int16

# derived parameters
MAX_VAL = np.iinfo(data_type).max
GRAIN_LEN_SAMP = ms2smp(grain_len, 8000)
STRIDE = compute_stride(GRAIN_LEN_SAMP, grain_over)

# allocate input and output buffers
input_buffer = np.zeros(STRIDE, dtype=data_type)
output_buffer = np.zeros(STRIDE, dtype=data_type)

# state variables and constants
def init():

    # lookup table for tapering window
    global WIN
    WIN = win_taper(GRAIN_LEN_SAMP, grain_over, data_type)

    # lookup table for linear interpolation