def left(speed): global kit utils.myDebug('left ' + str(speed)) kit.motor4.throttle = speed kit.motor3.throttle = -1 * speed kit.motor2.throttle = speed kit.motor1.throttle = -1 * speed
def stop(): global kit utils.myDebug('stop') kit.motor4.throttle = 0 kit.motor3.throttle = 0 kit.motor2.throttle = 0 kit.motor1.throttle = 0
def forward(speed): global kit utils.myDebug('forward ' + str(speed)) kit.motor4.throttle = speed kit.motor3.throttle = speed kit.motor2.throttle = -1 * speed kit.motor1.throttle = -1 * speed
def checkPythonProcessRunning(pythonScript): counter = 0 for proc in psutil.process_iter(): if pythonScript in proc.cmdline(): counter += 1 utils.myDebug('cmd: ' + str(proc.cmdline())) utils.myLog(pythonScript + ' está en ejecución {} veces'.format(counter)) return counter
def getImage(preview=False): global camera if preview: camera.start_preview() # muestra la previsualizacion sleep(1) # espera 5 segundos now = date_time = now.strftime("%Y%m%d-%H%M%S") fileName = 'image' + date_time + '.jpg' fullName = config.ImagesDirectory + fileName utils.myDebug("image - " + fullName) camera.capture(fullName) # guarda la imagen if preview: camera.stop_preview() # cierra la previsualizacion return fullName
def updateBot(bot): """Answer the message the user sent.""" global update_id global chat_id global time_between_picture global welcomeMsg global nightMode global bReboot #utils.myLog('Updating telegramBot') # Request updates after the last update_id for update in bot.get_updates(offset=update_id, timeout=10): update_id = update.update_id + 1 if update.message: # your bot can receive updates without messages # Proccess the incoming message comando = update.message.text # message text command_time = # command date user = update.message.from_user #User full objetct chat_id = int( user_real_name = user.first_name #USER_REAL_NAME if chat_id not in config.ALLOWED_USERS: message = 'User: {} not allowed. Chat_id {} command: {}. Will be reported'.format( str(user_real_name), str(chat_id), comando) sendMsg2Admin(message) break TelegramBase.chat_ids[user_real_name] = [command_time, chat_id] utils.myLog('Command: ' + comando + ' from user ' + str(user_real_name) + ' in chat id:' + str(chat_id) + ' at ' + str(command_time)) if comando == cmdStart: update.message.reply_text(welcomeMsg, reply_markup=user_keyboard_markup) elif comando == cmdHi: update.message.reply_text('Hello {}'.format( update.message.from_user.first_name), reply_markup=user_keyboard_markup) elif comando == cmdInfo: answer = 'Info: ' + utils.getStrDateTime( ) + '\n==========================\n\n' + 'Tiempo entre imágenes: ' + getTimeLapseStr( ) + '\n ' + str(len(os.listdir( config.ImagesDirectory))) + ' imágenes' update.message.reply_text( answer, parse_mode=telegram.ParseMode.MARKDOWN, reply_markup=user_keyboard_markup) elif comando == cmdHelp: bot.send_message(chat_id=chat_id, text=commandList, reply_markup=user_keyboard_markup) elif comando == cmdUsers: sUsers = TelegramBase.getUsersInfo() TelegramBase.send_message(sUsers, chat_id) elif comando == cmdDayMode: nightMode == False update.message.reply_text('Day mode', reply_markup=user_keyboard_markup) elif comando == cmdNightMode: nightMode == True update.message.reply_text('Night mode', reply_markup=user_keyboard_markup) elif comando == cmdPhoto: answer = getImage() utils.myLog(answer) TelegramBase.send_picture(answer, chat_id) update.message.reply_text( answer, parse_mode=telegram.ParseMode.MARKDOWN, reply_markup=user_keyboard_markup) elif comando == cmdLastPhoto: imagenes = os.listdir(config.ImagesDirectory) answer = config.ImagesDirectory + sorted(imagenes)[-1] TelegramBase.send_picture(answer, chat_id) update.message.reply_text( answer, parse_mode=telegram.ParseMode.MARKDOWN, reply_markup=user_keyboard_markup) elif comando == cmdListPhotos: imagenes = sorted(os.listdir(config.ImagesDirectory)) answer = str( len(imagenes)) + ' Imágenes\n----------------------\n' utils.myDebug(answer) contadorImagenes = 1 for imagen in imagenes: answer += str(contadorImagenes) + ' ' + imagen + '\n' contadorImagenes += 1 utils.myDebug(answer) if len(imagenes) > 70: answer = answer[0:2041] + ' \n...' update.message.reply_text( answer, parse_mode=telegram.ParseMode.MARKDOWN, reply_markup=user_keyboard_markup) elif comando.startswith('/N'): numero = int(comando[2:]) imagenes = sorted(os.listdir(config.ImagesDirectory)) answer = config.ImagesDirectory + imagenes[numero] utils.myLog(answer) TelegramBase.send_picture(answer, chat_id) update.message.reply_text( answer, parse_mode=telegram.ParseMode.MARKDOWN, reply_markup=user_keyboard_markup) elif comando.startswith('/T'): time_between_picture = int(comando[2:]) answer = getTimeLapseStr() utils.myLog(answer) update.message.reply_text( answer, parse_mode=telegram.ParseMode.MARKDOWN, reply_markup=user_keyboard_markup) elif comando.startswith('/image'): answer = config.ImagesDirectory + comando[1:] TelegramBase.send_picture(answer, chat_id) update.message.reply_text( answer, parse_mode=telegram.ParseMode.MARKDOWN, reply_markup=user_keyboard_markup) elif comando == cmdTemp: answer = raspi.getTemp() utils.myLog(answer) update.message.reply_text( answer, parse_mode=telegram.ParseMode.MARKDOWN, reply_markup=user_keyboard_markup) elif comando == cmdDF: answer = raspi.getDiskUsed() utils.myLog(answer) update.message.reply_text( answer, parse_mode=telegram.ParseMode.MARKDOWN, reply_markup=user_keyboard_markup) elif comando == cmdIP: answer = raspi.getIP() utils.myLog(answer) update.message.reply_text( answer, parse_mode=telegram.ParseMode.MARKDOWN, reply_markup=user_keyboard_markup) elif comando == cmdReboot: answer = 'Reboot in 10 seconds!!!' utils.myLog(answer) update.message.reply_text( answer, parse_mode=telegram.ParseMode.MARKDOWN, reply_markup=user_keyboard_markup) bReboot = True else: update.message.reply_text('echobot: ' + update.message.text, reply_markup=user_keyboard_markup)
def init(): global kit utils.myDebug(' ' + v) kit = MotorKit()