Exemple #1
def _obfuscate(args):
    '''Obfuscate scripts without project'''
    path = args.src
    logging.info('Obfuscate scripts in path "%s" ...', path)

    capsule = os.path.join(path, capsule_filename)
    if not os.path.exists(capsule):
        logging.info('Generate capsule %s', capsule)

    output = args.output
    files = Project.build_globfiles(args.patterns, path)
    filepairs = [(os.path.join(path, x), os.path.join(output, x))
                 for x in files]
    mode = Project.map_obfuscate_mode(default_obf_module_mode,

    logging.info('Obfuscate scripts with mode %s', mode)
    logging.info('Save obfuscated scripts to "%s"', output)
    for a, b in filepairs:
        logging.info('\t%s -> %s', a, b)
    obfuscate_scripts(filepairs, mode, capsule, output)

    logging.info('Make runtime files')
    make_runtime(capsule, output)

    for entry in args.entry.split(','):
        filename = os.path.join(output, entry.strip())
        if not os.path.exists(filename):
            shutil.copy(os.path.join(path, entry.strip()), filename)
        logging.info('Update entry script %s', filename)

    logging.info('Obfuscate %d scripts OK.', len(files))
Exemple #2
def _obfuscate(args):
    '''Obfuscate scripts without project'''
    if args.src is None and args.entry is None and not args.scripts:
        raise RuntimeError('No entry script')

    entry = args.entry or args.scripts[0]
    path = os.path.abspath(
        os.path.dirname(entry) if args.src is None else args.src)
    logging.info('Obfuscate scripts in path "%s" ...', path)

    capsule = args.capsule if args.capsule else DEFAULT_CAPSULE
    if os.path.exists(capsule) and check_capsule(capsule):
        logging.info('Use cached capsule %s', capsule)
        logging.info('Generate capsule %s', capsule)

    output = args.output
    if args.recursive:
        pats = ['global-include *.py', 'prune build', 'prune dist']
        if hasattr('', 'decode'):
            pats = [p.decode() for p in pats]
        files = Project.build_manifest(pats, path)
        files = Project.build_globfiles(['*.py'], path)
    filepairs = [(os.path.join(path, x), os.path.join(output, x))
                 for x in files]

    if args.restrict:
        logging.info('Restrict mode is eanbled')
        mode = Project.map_obfuscate_mode(default_obf_module_mode,
        logging.info('Restrict mode is disabled')
        mode = Project.map_obfuscate_mode(default_obf_module_mode, 'wrap')

    logging.info('Obfuscate scripts with mode %s', mode)
    logging.info('Save obfuscated scripts to "%s"', output)
    for a, b in filepairs:
        logging.info('\t%s -> %s', a, b)
    obfuscate_scripts(filepairs, mode, capsule, output)

    logging.info('Make runtime files')
    make_runtime(capsule, output)
    if not args.restrict:
        licode = '*FLAGS:%c*CODE:Pyarmor-Project' % chr(1)
        licfile = os.path.join(output, license_filename)
        logging.info('Generate no restrict mode license file: %s', licfile)
        make_project_license(capsule, licode, licfile)

    make_entry(os.path.basename(entry), path, output)
    for script in args.scripts[1:]:
        make_entry(os.path.basename(script), path, output)

    logging.info('Obfuscate %d scripts OK.', len(files))
Exemple #3
def _build(args):
    '''Build project, obfuscate all files in the project'''
    project = Project()
    logging.info('Build project %s ...', args.project)
    capsule = build_path(project.capsule, args.project)

    if not args.only_runtime:
        output = project.output
        mode = project.get_obfuscate_mode()
        files = project.get_build_files(args.force)
        src = project.src
        filepairs = [(os.path.join(src, x), os.path.join(output, x))
                     for x in files]

        logging.info('%s increment build',
                     'Disable' if args.force else 'Enable')
        logging.info('Search scripts from %s', src)
        logging.info('Obfuscate %d scripts with mode %s', len(files), mode)
        for x in files:
            logging.info('\t%s', x)
        logging.info('Save obfuscated scripts to %s', output)

        obfuscate_scripts(filepairs, mode, capsule, output)

        # for x in targets:
        #     output = os.path.join(project.output, x)
        #     pairs = [(os.path.join(src, x), os.path.join(output, x))
        #              for x in files]
        #     for src, dst in pairs:
        #         try:
        #             shutil.copy2(src, dst)
        #         except Exception:
        #             os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(dst))
        #             shutil.copy2(src, dst)
        project['build_time'] = time.time()

    if not args.no_runtime:
        logging.info('Make runtime files')
        make_runtime(capsule, output)

    if project.entry:
        for x in project.entry.split(','):
            filename = os.path.join(output, x.strip())
            logging.info('Update entry script %s', filename)
            make_entry(filename, project.runtime_path)
        logging.info('\tIn order to import obfuscated scripts, insert ')
        logging.info('\t2 lines in entry script:')
        logging.info('\t\tfrom pytransfrom import pyarmor_runtime')

    logging.info('Build project OK.')
Exemple #4
def _obfuscate(args):
    '''Obfuscate scripts without project'''
    path = args.src
    logging.info('Obfuscate scripts in path "%s" ...', path)

    capsule = args.capsule if args.capsule else capsule_filename
    if os.path.exists(capsule):
        logging.info('Use cached capsule %s', capsule)
        logging.info('Generate capsule %s', capsule)

    output = args.output
    if args.recursive:
        pat = 'global-include *.py'.decode() if hasattr('', 'decode') \
            else 'global-include *.py'
        files = Project.build_manifest([pat], path)
        files = Project.build_globfiles(args.patterns, path)
    filepairs = [(os.path.join(path, x), os.path.join(output, x))
                 for x in files]
    if args.no_restrict:
        logging.info('Restrict mode is disabled')
        mode = Project.map_obfuscate_mode(default_obf_module_mode, 'wrap')
        mode = Project.map_obfuscate_mode(default_obf_module_mode,

    logging.info('Obfuscate scripts with mode %s', mode)
    logging.info('Save obfuscated scripts to "%s"', output)
    for a, b in filepairs:
        logging.info('\t%s -> %s', a, b)
    obfuscate_scripts(filepairs, mode, capsule, output)

    logging.info('Make runtime files')
    make_runtime(capsule, output)
    if args.no_restrict:
        licode = '*FLAGS:%c*CODE:Pyarmor-Project' % chr(1)
        licfile = os.path.join(output, license_filename)
        logging.info('Generate no restrict mode license file: %s', licfile)
        make_project_license(capsule, licode, licfile)

    if args.entry:
        make_entry(args.entry, path, output)
    logging.info('Obfuscate %d scripts OK.', len(files))
Exemple #5
def _build(args):
    '''Build project, obfuscate all scripts in the project.'''
    project = Project()
    logging.info('Build project %s ...', args.project)

    capsule = build_path(project.capsule, args.project)
    logging.info('Use capsule: %s', capsule)

    output = build_path(project.output, args.project) \
             if args.output is None else args.output
    logging.info('Output path is: %s', output)

    if not args.only_runtime:
        mode = project.get_obfuscate_mode()
        files = project.get_build_files(args.force)
        src = project.src
        soutput = os.path.join(output, os.path.basename(src)) \
                  if project.get('is_package') else output
        filepairs = [(os.path.join(src, x), os.path.join(soutput, x))
                     for x in files]

        logging.info('%s increment build',
                     'Disable' if args.force else 'Enable')
        logging.info('Search scripts from %s', src)
        logging.info('Obfuscate %d scripts with mode %s', len(files), mode)
        for x in files:
            logging.info('\t%s', x)
        logging.info('Save obfuscated scripts to %s', soutput)

        obfuscate_scripts(filepairs, mode, capsule, soutput)

        # for x in targets:
        #     output = os.path.join(project.output, x)
        #     pairs = [(os.path.join(src, x), os.path.join(output, x))
        #              for x in files]
        #     for src, dst in pairs:
        #         try:
        #             shutil.copy2(src, dst)
        #         except Exception:
        #             os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(dst))
        #             shutil.copy2(src, dst)
        project['build_time'] = time.time()

        if project.entry:

    if not args.no_runtime:
        routput = os.path.join(output, os.path.basename(project.src)) \
            if project.get('is_package') else output
        if not os.path.exists(routput):
            logging.info('Make path: %s', routput)
        logging.info('Make runtime files to %s', routput)
        make_runtime(capsule, routput)
        if project.get('disable_restrict_mode'):
            licode = '*FLAGS:%c*CODE:Pyarmor-Project' % chr(1)
            licfile = os.path.join(routput, license_filename)
            logging.info('Generate no restrict mode license file: %s', licfile)
            make_project_license(capsule, licode, licfile)

        logging.info('\tIn order to import obfuscated scripts, insert ')
        logging.info('\t2 lines in entry script:')
        logging.info('\t\tfrom pytransfrom import pyarmor_runtime')

    logging.info('Build project OK.')