Exemple #1
def register(request):
    Returns the register template (GET) or creates a new account (POST)
    if HTTP_METHOD_POST == request.method:
        if not settings.REGISTRATION.get('enable', False):
            return utils.render_template('ui/error', {'error_message': ErrorStr('Registration disabled'), 'error_status': 403})
        # create the account
        post = request.POST
        set_primary = settings.REGISTRATION.get('set_primary_secret', 1)
        user_hash = {'account_id': post.get('account_id'),
                 'contact_email': post.get('account_id'),        # TODO:the contact_email key is not present in the register form for now, so use the account_id
                     'full_name': post.get('full_name'),
              'primary_secret_p': set_primary,
            'secondary_secret_p': settings.REGISTRATION.get('set_secondary_secret', 1)}
        api = get_api()
        res, content = api.account_create(body=user_hash)
        # on success, forward to page according to the secrets that were or were not generated
        if '200' == res['status']:
            account_xml = content or '<root/>'
            account = utils.parse_account_xml(account_xml)
            account_id = account.get('id')
            if not set_primary:
                return utils.render_template(LOGIN_PAGE, {'MESSAGE': _('You have successfully registered.') + ' ' + _('After an administrator has approved your account you may login.'), 'SETTINGS': settings})
            # display the secondary secret if there is one
            has_secondary_secret = (None != account.get('secret') and len(account.get('secret')) > 0)
            if has_secondary_secret:
                return utils.render_template('ui/register', {'SETTINGS': settings, 'ACCOUNT_ID': account_id, 'SECONDARY': account.get('secret'), 'MESSAGE': _('You have successfully registered.') + ' ' + _('At the link sent to your email address, enter the following activation code:')})
            return HttpResponseRedirect('/accounts/%s/send_secret/sent' % account_id)
        return utils.render_template('ui/register', {'ERROR': ErrorStr((content or 'Setup failed')), 'SETTINGS': settings})
    return utils.render_template('ui/register', {'SETTINGS': settings})
Exemple #2
def reset_password(request, account_id, primary_secret):
    http://localhost/accounts/[email protected]/reset_password/taOFzInlYlDKLbiM
    params = {'ACCOUNT_ID': account_id, 'PRIMARY_SECRET': primary_secret, 'SETTINGS': settings}
    if HTTP_METHOD_POST == request.method:
        secondary_secret = request.POST.get('conf1') + request.POST.get('conf2')
        # check the validity of the primary and secondary secrets
        api = get_api()
        resp, content = api.account_check_secrets(account_email=account_id, primary_secret=primary_secret, body={
            'secondary_secret': secondary_secret
        # secrets are valid, set the new password:
        if '200' == resp['status']:
            params['SECONDARY_SECRET'] = secondary_secret
            # get account info
            resp, content = api.account_info(account_email = account_id)
            account = utils.parse_account_xml(content or '<root/>')
            # check passwords
            pw1 = request.POST.get('pw1')
            if len(pw1) >= (settings.REGISTRATION['min_password_length'] or 8):
                pw2 = request.POST.get('pw2')
                if pw1 == pw2:
                    resp, content = api.account_password_set(account_email=account_id, body={'password': pw1})
                    # password was reset, log the user in
                    if '200' == resp['status']:
                                username = account['auth_systems'][0]['username']      # TODO: I don't like this...
                                tokens_get_from_server(request, username, pw1)
                            except Exception as e:
                                params['ERROR'] = ErrorStr(str(e))                     # We'll never see this
                            return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse(index))
                        except IOError as e:
                            params['ERROR'] = ErrorStr(e.strerror)
                        params['ERROR'] = ErrorStr(content or 'Password reset failed')
                    params['ERROR'] = ErrorStr('Passwords do not match')
                params['ERROR'] = ErrorStr('Password too short')
        # wrong secrets (primary or secondary)
            params['ERROR'] = ErrorStr(content or 'Wrong confirmation code')
    return utils.render_template('ui/reset_password', params)
Exemple #3
def send_secret(request, account_id, status):
    http://localhost/accounts/[[email protected]/]send_secret/[(sent|wrong)]
    params = {'ACCOUNT_ID': account_id}
    if HTTP_METHOD_GET == request.method:
        if account_id:
            if 'wrong' == status:
                params['ERROR'] = ErrorStr('Wrong secret')
            elif 'sent' == status:
                params['MESSAGE'] = _('Use the link sent to your email address to proceed with account activation')
    elif HTTP_METHOD_POST == request.method:
        account_id = request.POST.get('account_id', '')
        params['ACCOUNT_ID'] = account_id
        # re-send the primary secret and display the secondary, if needed
        if request.POST.get('re_send', False):
            api = get_api()
            resp, content = api.account_resend_secret(account_email=account_id)
            if '404' == resp['status']:
                params['ERROR'] = ErrorStr('Unknown account')
            elif '200' != resp['status']:
                params['ERROR'] = ErrorStr(content or 'Error')
            # re-sent the primary, display a secondary if there is one
                params['MESSAGE'] = _('The activation email has been sent')
                resp, content = api.account_info(account_email=account_id)
                status = resp['status']
                if '404' == status:
                    params['ERROR'] = ErrorStr('Unknown account')
                elif '200' != status:
                    params['ERROR'] = ErrorStr(resp.response.get('response_data', 'Server Error'))
                    account_xml = content or '<root/>'
                    account = utils.parse_account_xml(account_xml)
                    has_secondary_secret = (None != account.get('secret') and len(account.get('secret')) > 0)
                    if has_secondary_secret:
                        params['MESSAGE'] += '. ' + ('At the link sent to your email address, enter the following activation code:')
                        params['SECONDARY'] = account.get('secret')
            params['MESSAGE'] = _('Use the link sent to your email address to proceed with account activation')
    return utils.render_template('ui/send_secret', params)
Exemple #4
def account_name(request, account_id):
    http://localhost/accounts/[email protected]/name
    api = get_api()
    resp, content = api.account_info(account_email=account_id)
    status = resp['status']
    dict = {'account_id': account_id}
    if '404' == status:
        dict['error'] = ErrorStr('Unknown account').str()
    elif '200' != status:
        dict['error'] = ErrorStr(ret.response.get('response_data', 'Server Error')).str()
        account = utils.parse_account_xml(content)
        dict['name'] = account.get('fullName')
    return HttpResponse(simplejson.dumps(dict))
def account_name(request, account_id):
    http://localhost/accounts/[email protected]/name
    api = get_api()
    ret = api.account_info(account_id=account_id)
    status = ret.response.get('response_status', 500)
    dict = {'account_id': account_id}
    if 404 == status:
        dict['error'] = ErrorStr('Unknown account').str()
    elif 200 != status:
        dict['error'] = ErrorStr(ret.response.get('response_data', 'Server Error')).str()
        account_xml = ret.response.get('response_data', '<root/>')
        account = utils.parse_account_xml(account_xml)
        dict['name'] = account.get('fullName')
    return HttpResponse(simplejson.dumps(dict))
Exemple #6
def account_setup(request, account_id, primary_secret, secondary_secret):
    http://localhost/accounts/[email protected]/setup/taOFzInlYlDKLbiM
    api = get_api()
    # is this account already initialized?
    resp, content = api.account_info(account_email=account_id)
    status = resp['status']
    if '404' == status:
        return utils.render_template(LOGIN_PAGE, {'ERROR': ErrorStr('Unknown account')})
    if '200' != status:
        return utils.render_template('ui/error', {'error_status': status, 'error_message': ErrorStr(content or 'Server Error')})
    account_xml = content or '<root/>'
    account = utils.parse_account_xml(account_xml)
    account_state = account.get('state')
    has_primary_secret = (len(primary_secret) > 0)      # TODO: Get this information from the server (API missing as of now)
    has_secondary_secret = (None != account.get('secret') and len(account.get('secret')) > 0)
    # if the account is already active, show login IF at least one auth-system is attached
    if 'active' == account_state:
        if len(account['auth_systems']) > 0:
            return utils.render_template(LOGIN_PAGE, {'MESSAGE': _('Your account is now active, you may log in below'), 'SETTINGS': settings})
    elif 'uninitialized' != account_state:
        return utils.render_template(LOGIN_PAGE, {'ERROR': ErrorStr('This account is %s' % account_state), 'SETTINGS': settings})
    # received POST data, try to setup
    params = {'ACCOUNT_ID': account_id, 'PRIMARY_SECRET': primary_secret, 'SECONDARY_SECRET': secondary_secret, 'SETTINGS': settings}
    if HTTP_METHOD_POST == request.method:
        post = request.POST
        username = post.get('username', '').lower().strip()
        password = post.get('pw1')
        secondary_secret = post.get('secondary_secret', '')
        # verify PRIMARY secret first and send back to "resend secret" page if it is wrong
        resp, content = api.account_check_secrets(account_email=account_id, primary_secret=primary_secret)
        if '200' != resp['status']:
            return HttpResponseRedirect('/accounts/%s/send_secret/wrong' % account_id)
        # verify SECONDARY secret as well, if there is one
        if has_secondary_secret:
            resp, content = api.account_check_secrets(account_email=account_id, primary_secret=primary_secret, body={'secondary_secret': secondary_secret})
            if '200' != resp['status']:
                params['ERROR'] = ErrorStr('Wrong confirmation code')
                return utils.render_template('ui/account_init', params)
        # verify passwords
        error = None
        if len(username) < 1:
            error = ErrorStr("Username too short")
        if len(password) < (settings.REGISTRATION['min_password_length'] or 8):
            error = ErrorStr("Password too short")
        elif password != post.get('pw2'):
            error = ErrorStr("Passwords do not match")
        if error is not None:
            params['ERROR'] = error
            return utils.render_template('ui/account_setup', params)
        # secrets are ok, passwords check out: Attach the login credentials to the account
        resp, content = api.account_authsystem_add(
            account_email = account_id,
            body = {
                  'system': 'password',
                'username': username,
                'password': password
        if '200' == resp['status']:
            # everything's OK, log this person in, hard redirect to change location
            resp, content = tokens_get_from_server(request, username, password)
            if resp['status'] != '200':
                return utils.render_template(LOGIN_PAGE, {'ERROR': ErrorStr(e.strerror), 'RETURN_URL': request.POST.get('return_url', '/'), 'SETTINGS': settings})
            return HttpResponseRedirect('/')
        elif '400' == resp['status']:
            params['ERROR'] = ErrorStr('Username already taken')
            return utils.render_template('ui/account_setup', params)
        params['ERROR'] = ErrorStr('account_init_error')
        return utils.render_template('ui/account_setup', params)
    # got no secondary_secret, go back to init step which will show a prompt for the secondary secret
    if has_secondary_secret and not secondary_secret:
        return HttpResponseRedirect('/accounts/%s/init/%s' % (account_id, primary_secret))
    return utils.render_template('ui/account_setup', params)
Exemple #7
def account_init(request, account_id, primary_secret):
    http://localhost/accounts/[email protected]/init/icmloNHxQrnCQKNn
    Legacy: http://localhost/indivoapi/accounts/[email protected]/initialize/icmloNHxQrnCQKNn
    api = get_api()
    try_to_init = False
    move_to_setup = False
    # is this account already initialized?
    resp, content = api.account_info(account_email=account_id)
    status = resp['status']
    if '404' == status:
        return utils.render_template(LOGIN_PAGE, {'ERROR': ErrorStr('Unknown account')})
    if '200' != status:
        return utils.render_template('ui/error', {'error_status': status, 'error_message': ErrorStr(content or 'Server Error')})
    account_xml = content or '<root/>'
    account = utils.parse_account_xml(account_xml)
    account_state = account.get('state')
    has_primary_secret = (len(primary_secret) > 0)      # TODO: Get this information from the server (API missing as of now)
    secondary_secret = ''
    has_secondary_secret = (None != account.get('secret') and len(account.get('secret')) > 0)
    # if the account is already active, show login IF at least one auth-system is attached
    if 'uninitialized' != account_state:
        if 'active' == account_state:
            if len(account['auth_systems']) > 0:
                return utils.render_template(LOGIN_PAGE, {'MESSAGE': _('Your account is now active, you may log in below'), 'SETTINGS': settings})
                move_to_setup = True
            return utils.render_template(LOGIN_PAGE, {'ERROR': ErrorStr('This account is %s' % account_state), 'SETTINGS': settings})
    # bail out if the primary secret is wrong
    if has_primary_secret:
        resp, content = api.account_check_secrets(account_email=account_id, primary_secret=primary_secret)
        if '200' != resp['status']:
            return HttpResponseRedirect('/accounts/%s/send_secret/wrong' % account_id)
    # GET the form; if we don't need a secondary secret, continue to the 2nd step automatically
    if HTTP_METHOD_GET == request.method:
        if not has_secondary_secret:
            try_to_init = True
    # POSTed the secondary secret
    if HTTP_METHOD_POST == request.method:
        secondary_secret = request.POST.get('conf1') + request.POST.get('conf2')
        try_to_init = True
    # try to initialize
    if try_to_init and not move_to_setup:
        data = {}
        if has_secondary_secret:
            data = {'secondary_secret': secondary_secret}
        resp, content = api.account_initialize(account_email = account_id,
                                 primary_secret = primary_secret,
                                           body = data)
        status = resp['status']
        # on success also create the first record if we have a full_name and is enabled in settings
        if '200' == status:
            if settings.REGISTRATION['autocreate_record'] and account['fullName'] and len(account['fullName']) > 0:
                full_name = account['fullName']
		email = account['contactEmail']
                    split_index = full_name.index(' ')
                    given_name = full_name[0:split_index]
                    family_name = full_name[split_index:]
                except ValueError:
                    given_name = full_name
                    family_name = full_name
                demographics = '''<Demographics xmlns="http://indivo.org/vocab/xml/documents#">
                                </Demographics>''' % (email, family_name, given_name)
                res = _record_create(account_id, demographics)
                if 200 != res.status_code:
                    utils.log("account_init(): Error creating a record after initializing the account, failing silently. The error was: %s" % res.content)
            move_to_setup = True
        elif '404' == status:
            return utils.render_template(LOGIN_PAGE, {'ERROR': ErrorStr('Unknown account')})
        elif '403' == status:
            return utils.render_template('ui/account_init', {'ACCOUNT_ID': account_id, 'PRIMARY_SECRET': primary_secret, 'ERROR': ErrorStr('Wrong confirmation code')})
            utils.log("account_init(): Error initializing an account: %s" % content)
            return utils.render_template('ui/account_init', {'ACCOUNT_ID': account_id, 'PRIMARY_SECRET': primary_secret, 'ERROR': ErrorStr('Setup failed')})
    # proceed to setup if we have the correct secondary secret
    params = {'ACCOUNT_ID': account_id, 'PRIMARY_SECRET': primary_secret, 'SETTINGS': settings}
    if move_to_setup and (not has_secondary_secret or len(secondary_secret) > 0):
        resp, content = api.account_check_secrets(account_email=account_id, primary_secret=primary_secret, body={'secondary_secret': secondary_secret})
        status = resp['status']
        if '200' == status:
            return HttpResponseRedirect('/accounts/%s/setup/%s/%s' % (account_id, primary_secret, secondary_secret))
        if '403' == status:
            params['ERROR'] = ErrorStr('Wrong confirmation code')
            params['ERROR'] = content or 'Server Error'
    return utils.render_template('ui/account_init', params)
def account_init(request, account_id, primary_secret):
    http://localhost/accounts/[email protected]/init/icmloNHxQrnCQKNn
    Legacy: http://localhost/indivoapi/accounts/[email protected]/initialize/icmloNHxQrnCQKNn
    api = IndivoClient(settings.CONSUMER_KEY, settings.CONSUMER_SECRET, settings.INDIVO_SERVER_LOCATION)
    try_to_init = False
    move_to_setup = False
    # is this account already initialized?
    ret = api.account_info(account_id=account_id)
    status = ret.response.get('response_status', 500)
    if 404 == status:
        return utils.render_template(LOGIN_PAGE, {'ERROR': ErrorStr('Unknown account')})
    if 200 != status:
        return utils.render_template('ui/error', {'error_status': status, 'error_message': ErrorStr(ret.response.get('response_data', 'Server Error'))})
    account_xml = ret.response.get('response_data', '<root/>')
    account = utils.parse_account_xml(account_xml)
    account_state = account.get('state')
    has_primary_secret = (len(primary_secret) > 0)      # TODO: Get this information from the server (API missing as of now)
    secondary_secret = ''
    has_secondary_secret = (None != account.get('secret') and len(account.get('secret')) > 0)
    # if the account is already active, show login IF at least one auth-system is attached
    if 'uninitialized' != account_state:
        if 'active' == account_state:
            if len(account['auth_systems']) > 0:
                return utils.render_template(LOGIN_PAGE, {'MESSAGE': _('Your account is now active, you may log in below'), 'SETTINGS': settings})
                move_to_setup = True
            return utils.render_template(LOGIN_PAGE, {'ERROR': ErrorStr('This account is %s' % account_state), 'SETTINGS': settings})
    # bail out if the primary secret is wrong
    if has_primary_secret:
        ret = api.check_account_secrets(account_id=account_id, primary_secret=primary_secret)
        if 200 != ret.response.get('response_status', 0):
            return HttpResponseRedirect('/accounts/%s/send_secret/wrong' % account_id)
    # GET the form; if we don't need a secondary secret, continue to the 2nd step automatically
    if HTTP_METHOD_GET == request.method:
        if not has_secondary_secret:
            try_to_init = True
    # POSTed the secondary secret
    if HTTP_METHOD_POST == request.method:
        secondary_secret = request.POST.get('conf1') + request.POST.get('conf2')
        try_to_init = True
    # try to initialize
    if try_to_init and not move_to_setup:
        data = {}
        if has_secondary_secret:
            data = {'secondary_secret': secondary_secret}
        ret = api.account_initialize(account_id = account_id,
                                 primary_secret = primary_secret,
                                           data = data)
        status = ret.response.get('response_status', 0)
        # on success also create the first record if we have a full_name and is enabled in settings
        if 200 == status:
            if settings.REGISTRATION['autocreate_record'] and account['fullName'] and len(account['fullName']) > 0:
                res = _record_create(account_id, {'fullName': account['fullName'], 'email': account_id})
                if 200 != res.status_code:
                    utils.log("account_init(): Error creating a record after initializing the account, failing silently. The error was: %s" % res.content)
            move_to_setup = True
        elif 404 == status:
            return utils.render_template(LOGIN_PAGE, {'ERROR': ErrorStr('Unknown account')})
        elif 403 == status:
            return utils.render_template('ui/account_init', {'ACCOUNT_ID': account_id, 'PRIMARY_SECRET': primary_secret, 'ERROR': ErrorStr('Wrong confirmation code')})
            utils.log("account_init(): Error initializing an account: %s" % ret.response)
            return utils.render_template('ui/account_init', {'ACCOUNT_ID': account_id, 'PRIMARY_SECRET': primary_secret, 'ERROR': ErrorStr('Setup failed')})
    # proceed to setup if we have the correct secondary secret
    params = {'ACCOUNT_ID': account_id, 'PRIMARY_SECRET': primary_secret, 'SETTINGS': settings}
    if move_to_setup and (not has_secondary_secret or len(secondary_secret) > 0):
        ret = api.check_account_secrets(account_id=account_id, primary_secret=primary_secret, parameters={'secondary_secret': secondary_secret})
        status = ret.response.get('response_status', 0)
        if 200 == status:
            return HttpResponseRedirect('/accounts/%s/setup/%s/%s' % (account_id, primary_secret, secondary_secret))
        if 403 == status:
            params['ERROR'] = ErrorStr('Wrong confirmation code')
            params['ERROR'] = ret.response.get('response_data', 'Server Error')
    return utils.render_template('ui/account_init', params)