def extract_courses(filename, courses):
    """Extract names and codes of all courses from an XML file containing infolists.

        filename: path to the XML file
        courses: dict to write into

        dict of courses
        xmldoc = ET.parse(filename)
        root = xmldoc.getroot()
        ilisty = root.find('informacneListy')

        for il in ilisty.findall('informacnyList'):
            if il.find('kod') is not None:
                kod = il.find('kod').text
                nazov = il.find('nazov').text

                kod = utils.parse_code(kod)
                courses[kod] = nazov
        print "Error: ", sys.exc_value
        return courses
Exemple #2
 def test_parse_code(self):
     data = {
         'FMFI.KJP/1-MXX-151/00': '1-MXX-151_00',
         u'FMFI.KAMŠ/2-PMS-119/10': u'2-PMS-119_10',
         'FMFI.KI/1-INF-160/00': '1-INF-160_00'
     for string, code in data.iteritems():
         self.assertEqual(utils.parse_code(string), code)
def process_file(filename, output_path=None, lang='sk', verbose=True):
    xmldoc = ET.parse(filename)
    root = xmldoc.getroot()
    organizacnaJednotka = root.find('organizacnaJednotka').text
    ilisty = root.find('informacneListy')
    if verbose:
        print "  Nasiel som %d informacnych listov." % len(ilisty.findall('informacnyList'))

    # elementy, ktore sa budu parsovat z XML-ka
    # kluc => XPath (kluc sa pouziva neskor v template)
    elements = {'kod': 'kod', 'nazov': 'nazov', 'kredit': 'kredit',
                'sposobUkoncenia': 'sposobUkoncenia',
                'studijnyProgram': 'studijneProgramy/studijnyProgram/popis',
                'datumSchvalenia': 'datumSchvalenia', 'obsahovaNapln': '_ON_/texty',
                'vahaHodnotenia': '_VH_/texty', 'garanti': 'garanti/garant/plneMeno'}
    data = []

    # spracovanie informacnych listov jednotlivych predmetov
    for il in ilisty.findall('informacnyList'):
        # preskocime predmety, ktore nie su statne skusky
        if il.find('_ON_') is None:
        d = {'lang' : lang, 'organizacnaJednotka': organizacnaJednotka}
        for key, path in elements.iteritems():
            if il.find(path) is not None:
                if path.startswith('_'):
                    d[key] = utils.get_text(il.find(path))
                elif key == 'studijnyProgram':
                    d[key] = [el.text for el in il.findall(path)]
                    d[key] = il.find(path).text
                d[key] = ''

        # uprava kodov predmetov
        d['kod'] = utils.parse_code(d['kod'])


    # nacitanie HTML sablony
    script_abs_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
    tpl_path = os.path.join(script_abs_path, 'templates')
    env = Environment(loader=FileSystemLoader(tpl_path))

    tpl_name = 'template_statne-skusky_table_%s.html' % lang
    html_tpl = env.get_template(tpl_name)

    # zapis do suborov
    for course in data:
        kod_predmetu = course['kod']

        html = html_tpl.render(course)

	filename = '%s.html' % kod_predmetu
        if output_path is not None:
	    path = os.path.join(output_path, filename)
            if not os.path.exists(output_path):
	    path = filename
        with open(path, 'w') as f:
def extract_infolists(filename, lang='sk', mode='regular', webpages={}, verbose=True):
    """Extract all infolists with all of their courses from a study program XML file.

        filename: path to the XML file
        lang: language

        list of infolists with cou dics
    xmldoc = ET.parse(filename)
    root = xmldoc.getroot()
    organizacnaJednotka = root.find('organizacnaJednotka').text
    vysokaSkola = root.find('vysokaSkola').text
    fakulta = root.find('fakulta').text
    ilisty = root.find('informacneListy')
    if verbose:
        print "  Nasiel som %d informacnych listov." % len(ilisty.findall('informacnyList'))

    # elementy, ktore sa budu parsovat z XML-ka
    # kluc => XPath (kluc sa pouziva neskor v template)
    elements = {'kod': 'kod',
                'nazov': 'nazov',
                'kredit': 'kredit',
                'sposobVyucby': 'sposobVyucby',
                'rozsahTyzdenny': 'rozsahTyzdenny',
                'rozsahSemestranly': 'rozsahSemestranly',
                'rokRocnikStudPlan': 'rokRocnikStudPlan',
                'kodSemesterStudPlan': 'kodSemesterStudPlan',
                'sposobUkoncenia': 'sposobUkoncenia',
                'studijnyProgram': 'studijneProgramy/studijnyProgram/popis',
                'podmienujucePredmety': 'podmienujucePredmety',
                'vylucujucePredmety': 'vylucujucePredmety',
                'doplujuceUdaje': 'doplujuceUdaje',
                'zabezpecuju': 'zabezpecuju',
                'strucnaOsnova': '_SO_/texty',
                'ciel': '_C_/texty',
                'zaverecneHodnotenie': '_Z_/texty/p',
                'literatura': '_L_/texty',
                'priebezneHodnotenie': '_P_/texty/p',
                'obsahovaPrerekvizita': '_O_/texty',
                'sylabus': '_S_/texty',
                'datumSchvalenia': 'datumSchvalenia', 
                'vahaHodnotenia': '_VH_/texty/p',
                'garanti': 'garanti/garant/plneMeno',
                'jazyk': '_PJ_/texty/p',
                'obsahovaNapln': '_ON_/texty',
                'podmienkyAbsolvovania': '_PA_/texty',
                'vysledkyVzdelavania': '_VV_/texty'   }
    data = []

    # spracovanie informacnych listov jednotlivych predmetov
    for il in ilisty.findall('informacnyList'):
        # preskocime statne skusky, tie sa spracuvaju inym skriptom
        if mode=='regular' and (il.find('_ON_') is not None):
        if mode=='statnice' and (il.find('_ON_') is None):

        d = {'lang' : lang, 
             'organizacnaJednotka': organizacnaJednotka,
             'vysokaSkola': vysokaSkola,
             'fakulta': fakulta }
        for key, path in elements.iteritems():
            if il.find(path) is not None:
                if key != 'vahaHodnotenia' and path.startswith('_'):
                    d[key] = utils.get_text(il.find(path))
                elif key in ['studijnyProgram', 'jazyk']:
                    d[key] = [el.text for el in il.findall(path)]
                    if key == 'jazyk':
                        d[key] = list(set(d[key]))
                    d[key] = il.find(path).text
                d[key] = ''

        # uprava kodov predmetov
        d['kod'] = utils.parse_code(d['kod'])

        # domovska stranka predmetu
        if d['kod'] in webpages:
            d['webStranka'] = webpages[d['kod']]


    return data
 # coding=utf8
import utils

print utils.parse_code(u"FMFI.KAMŠ+KAI/1-EFM-380/00");
print utils.parse_code(u"PriF.KBCh/N-bCBI-303/10");
print utils.parse_code(u"PriF.KBCh/N-bCBI-303/3ecf/10");
print utils.parse_code(u"alebo");

print utils.replace_codes(u"FMFI.KAMŠ/1-MAT-282/00 alebo FMFI.KAMŠ/2-INF-175/15", add_links=True);
print utils.replace_codes(u"FMFI.KI+KAI/2-INF-262/15 - Bezpečnosť IT infraštruktúry  a FMFI.KI/2-INF-178/15 - Kryptológia (1)  a FMFI.KI/2-INF-223/15 - Riadenie IT bezpečnosti  a FMFI.KI/2-INF-183/15 - Počítačové siete (2)  a FMFI.KI/2-INF-176/15 - UNIX pre administrátorov  a FMFI.KI/2-INF-224/15 - Teória informácie a teória kódovania (1)  a FMFI.KI/2-INF-225/15 - Teória informácie a teória kódovania (2)");