Exemple #1
def expand_registry_url(hostname):
    if hostname.startswith('http:') or hostname.startswith('https:'):
        if '/' not in hostname[9:]:
            hostname = hostname + '/v1/'
        return hostname
    if utils.ping('https://' + hostname + '_ping'):
        return 'https://' + hostname + '/v1/'
    return 'http://' + hostname + '/v1/'
Exemple #2
def check_connection():
    status_code = ping()
    if status_code is None:
        raise ValueError("Invalid Status Code")

    log_level, log_message = get_log_level(status_code=status_code)
    logging.log(log_level, log_message)
    return log_level == logging.INFO
 def run(self):
     if not self.stopped:
         if ping(self.url) == 200:
             logging.info("   Service %s healthy", self.url)
             logging.warning("Service %s unavailable", self.url)
         # Call self.run again in 2s in a new thread (so it doesn't block)
         threading.Timer(2, self.run).start()
Exemple #4
def expand_registry_url(hostname):
    if hostname.startswith('http:') or hostname.startswith('https:'):
        if '/' not in hostname[9:]:
            hostname = hostname + '/v1/'
        return hostname
    if utils.ping('https://' + hostname + '_ping'):
        return 'https://' + hostname + '/v1/'
    return 'http://' + hostname + '/v1/'
Exemple #5
 def ping(self):
     ip_list = self.ip_list
     utils.log('IP-addresses: '+', '.join(ip_list))
     for ip in ip_list:
         utils.log('Pinging {} ({})'.format(self.name, ip))
         if utils.ping(ip):
             utils.log('Ping successful')
             return ip
         utils.log('Ping unsuccessful')
     raise HostDownException
def network_check():
    tf.logging.info('************NETWORK CHECK*******************')
    tf_config = get_tf_config()
    if not tf_config:

    for ip in tf_config['cluster']['worker']:
        if ping(str(ip)):
            tf.logging.info('PINGING: {} - OK'.format(ip))
            tf.logging.warning('PINGING: {} - FAILED'.format(ip))
    for ip in tf_config['cluster']['ps']:
        if ping(str(ip)):
            tf.logging.info('PINGING: {} - OK'.format(ip))
            tf.logging.warning('PINGING: {} - FAILED'.format(ip))
    for ip in tf_config['cluster']['master']:
        if ping(str(ip)):
            tf.logging.info('PINGING: {} - OK'.format(ip))
            tf.logging.warning('PINGING: {} - FAILED'.format(ip))
Exemple #7
def status():
    Retrieves the status of a node, including:
    * If it's up (responds to ping)
    * Whether we can login
    * Disk space used
    * Disk space available
    * Uptime and current load
    * Whether Java has been installed

    The status is stored on the node at ~/status/status_[hostname].txt
    # Ping it and return of it's down
    up = utils.ping(env.host_string, 10)
    puts('Host is ' + ('UP' if up else 'DOWN'))
    if not up:
        return False

    # Hide output while we're getting info
    with hide('running', 'stdout', 'stderr'):
        # Check if we can SSH in and run a command
        except SystemExit:
            puts('Unable to log in!')
            return False

        # Get the status info
        disk = run('df -h').split('\n')[1].split()
        uptime = run('uptime')
        java = run('java -version 2>&1 | head -1')
        python = run('python --version 2>&1')

        # Make status folder if necessary
        run('mkdir -p status')
        status_file = './status/status_%s.txt' % env.host_string

        # Empty or make status file
        run('echo -n > %s' % status_file)

        # Write status to file
        append('Disk space used: %s' % disk[2], status_file)
        append('Disk space free: %s' % disk[3], status_file)
        append('Uptime and load: %s' % uptime, status_file)
        append('Java: %s' % ('not installed' if java.failed else java),
        append('Python: %s' % ('not installed' if python.failed else python),

    # Print out status that was written
    run('cat %s' % status_file)
    return True
Exemple #8
async def handle_start_ping(alice_request):
    user_id = alice_request.session.user_id
    request_text = alice_request.request.original_utterance
    addr = request_text
    if 'мой сервер' in request_text:
        addr = SKOLTECH_URL
    result = utils.ping(addr)
    await dp.storage.set_state(user_id, UserStates.SELECT_COMMAND)
    if result == 0:
        return alice_request.response('Пакетики доставлены. Что дальше ?',
        return alice_request.response('Пакетики не доставлены. Что дальше ?',
Exemple #9
def status():
    Retrieves the status of a node, including:
    * If it's up (responds to ping)
    * Whether we can login
    * Disk space used
    * Disk space available
    * Uptime and current load
    * Whether Java has been installed

    The status is stored on the node at ~/status/status_[hostname].txt
    # Ping it and return of it's down
    up = utils.ping(env.host_string, 10)
    puts('Host is ' + ('UP' if up else 'DOWN'))
    if not up:
        return False

    # Hide output while we're getting info
    with hide('running', 'stdout', 'stderr'):
        # Check if we can SSH in and run a command
        except SystemExit:
            puts('Unable to log in!')
            return False

        # Get the status info
        disk = run('df -h').split('\n')[1].split()
        uptime = run('uptime')
        java = run('java -version 2>&1 | head -1')
        python = run('python --version 2>&1')

        # Make status folder if necessary
        run('mkdir -p status')
        status_file = './status/status_%s.txt' % env.host_string

        # Empty or make status file
        run('echo -n > %s' % status_file)
        # Write status to file
        append('Disk space used: %s' % disk[2], status_file)
        append('Disk space free: %s' % disk[3], status_file)
        append('Uptime and load: %s' % uptime, status_file)
        append('Java: %s' % ('not installed' if java.failed else java), status_file)
        append('Python: %s' % ('not installed' if python.failed else python), status_file)
    # Print out status that was written
    run('cat %s' % status_file)
    return True
Exemple #10
def _stop_remote_redis(host):
    while True:
            cmd = "pkill -15 redis-server"
            exec_remote(host, cmd, exectimeout=7)
        except Exp, e:

            cmd = "ps aux|grep -v grep|grep redis-server"
            exec_remote(host, cmd, exectimeout=7)
        except Exp, e:
            p = ping(host)
            if p:
                dwarn("redis-server stopped!")
                dwarn("%s network down!" % (host))
Exemple #11
async def handle_start_attack(alice_request):
    user_id = alice_request.session.user_id
    request_text = alice_request.request.original_utterance
    addr = request_text
    if 'мой сервер' in request_text:
        addr = SKOLTECH_URL
    result = utils.ping(addr)
    if result == 0:
        proc = subprocess.Popen(
            ['python', './src/test_http.py', addr]
        await dp.storage.update_data(user_id=user_id,
                                     data={'dos': proc})
        await dp.storage.set_state(user_id, DosStates.START_ATTACK)
        return alice_request.response('Атака на Сколтех началась')
        await dp.storage.set_state(user_id, UserStates.SELECT_COMMAND)
        return alice_request.response('Невалидный хост')
def send_ping():
    print("Sending ping to server...", end='\t', flush=True)
    response = ping()
    print("response code:", response)
    # -- The received message is in raw bytes
    msg_raw = cs.recv(2048)

    # -- We decode it for converting it
    # -- into a human-redeable string
    msg = msg_raw.decode()

    formatted_message = utils.format_command(msg)
    formatted_message = formatted_message.split(" ")
    if len(formatted_message) == 1:
        command = formatted_message[0]
        command = formatted_message[0]
        argument = formatted_message[1]
    if command == "PING":
        # -- Send a response message to the client
        response = "OK!"
        # -- The message has to be encoded into bytes
    elif command == "GET":
        utils.get(cs, list_sequences, argument)
    elif command == "INFO":
    elif command == "COMP":
        utils.comp(cs, list_sequences, argument)
    elif command == "REV":
        utils.rev(cs, list_sequences, argument)
    elif command == "GENE":
        utils.gene(cs, argument)
def send_ping(url):
    logging.info("Sending ping to %s...", url)
    start = time.time()
    response = ping(url)
    logging.debug("Ping took %.02fs to respond", time.time() - start)
    logging.info("response code: %s\n", response)
def send_ping(url):
    logging.info("Sending ping to %s...", url)
    response = ping(url)
    logging.info("response code: %s\n", response)
Exemple #16
def get_available_server():
    for server in servers:
        if utils.ping(server):
            print("server active:" + server)
            return server
    return None
	def test_is_postgres_service_reachable(self):
		"""Check the Postgres service is reachable by pinging it"""