def save(self): """ Saves the session. This is done by saving a "session file" containing the cookies and any other credientials, as well as a cache file containing the API data. """ session_file_path = config.CONFIG["session-path"] if self.user:"Saving session to %s.", session_file_path) try: if utils.prepare_directory(os.path.dirname(session_file_path)): "Created directory(s) %s.", os.path.dirname(session_file_path) ) with open(session_file_path, "w") as f: os.chmod(session_file_path, 0o600) pickle.dump( ( self.user, requests.utils.dict_from_cookiejar( self.requests_session.cookies ) ), f ) except IOError: logger.warn( "Could not save session to %s.", session_file_path, exc_info = sys.exc_info() ) api_info_file_path = config.CONFIG["api-info-path"] if self.api_info_raw:"Saving API info to %s.", api_info_file_path) try: if utils.prepare_directory(os.path.dirname(api_info_file_path)): "Created directory(s) %s.", os.path.dirname(api_info_file_path) ) with open(api_info_file_path, "wb") as f: f.write(self.api_info_raw) except IOError: logger.warn( "Could not save API Info to %s.", api_info_file_path, exc_info = sys.exc_info() )
def main(): folders = glob.glob(os.path.join(args.glob_root, '*')) folders = [f for f in folders if os.path.isdir(f) and 'combined-results' not in f] print ('Experiment folders under {}:'.format(args.glob_root)) for folder in folders: print ('\t{}'.format(folder)) keys = args.keys.split(',') # names of the log attributes in log files print ('Attributes whose values will be combined:', keys) max_key_len = max([len(k) for k in keys]) combined_logs = {} for k in keys: combined_logs[k] = [] utils.prepare_directory(args.save_dir, force_delete=True) logger = utils.Logger( args.save_dir, 'results', list(map(lambda k: '{}/mean'.format(k), keys)) + \ list(map(lambda k: '{}/std'.format(k), keys))) for folder in folders: log_file = os.path.join(folder, args.log_file) # log file in the experiment folder if not os.path.exists(log_file): continue print ('\tLoading log file {} ...'.format(log_file)) L = np.load(log_file) for k in keys: v = L[k] print ('\t\tkey:{key:{width}s}, value.shape:{keyshape:15s}, value[-1]:{keyval:}'.format( key=k, width=max_key_len+1, keyshape=str(np.asarray(v).shape), keyval=v[-1])) if len(v.shape) < 2: v = v.reshape([-1, 1]) combined_logs[k].append(v) for k in keys: combined_k = np.concatenate(combined_logs[k], axis=1) mean_k = combined_k.mean(axis=1) std_k = combined_k.std(axis=1) for lix, (mean, std) in enumerate(zip(mean_k, std_k)): logger.append(['{}/mean'.format(k), '{}/std'.format(k)], [mean, std], lix) print ('\taverage {key:{width}s}: {mean:} +- {std:}'.format( key=k, width=max_key_len+1, mean=mean_k[-1], std=std_k[-1])) logger.close()
def save(self): """ Saves the session. This is done by saving a "session file" containing the cookies and any other credientials, as well as a cache file containing the API data. """ session_file_path = config.CONFIG["session-path"] if self.user:"Saving session to %s.", session_file_path) try: if utils.prepare_directory(os.path.dirname(session_file_path)):"Created directory(s) %s.", os.path.dirname(session_file_path)) with open(session_file_path, "w") as f: os.chmod(session_file_path, 0o600) pickle.dump((self.user, requests.utils.dict_from_cookiejar( self.requests_session.cookies)), f) except IOError: logger.warn("Could not save session to %s.", session_file_path, exc_info=sys.exc_info()) api_info_file_path = config.CONFIG["api-info-path"] if self.api_info_raw:"Saving API info to %s.", api_info_file_path) try: if utils.prepare_directory( os.path.dirname(api_info_file_path)):"Created directory(s) %s.", os.path.dirname(api_info_file_path)) with open(api_info_file_path, "wb") as f: f.write(self.api_info_raw) except IOError: logger.warn("Could not save API Info to %s.", api_info_file_path, exc_info=sys.exc_info())
parser.add_argument('--data_dir', type=str, default='') parser.add_argument('--exp_dir', type=str, default='./test/') parser.add_argument('--ckpt_file', type=str, default='') parser.add_argument('--device', type=str, default='cuda') # parser.add_argument('--multi_gpu', action='store_true') parser.add_argument('--dataset', type=str, default='Simp') parser.add_argument('--test_split', type=float, default=0.2) parser.add_argument('--red_rate', type=float, default=0.0) parser.add_argument('--validation_split', type=float, default=0.0) parser.add_argument('--d_latent', type=int, default=256) parser.add_argument('--batch_size', type=int, default=32) parser.add_argument('--n_epochs', type=int, default=2000) parser.add_argument('--size', type=int, default=256) parser.add_argument('--logfile', type=str, default='test.txt') args = parser.parse_args() if args.device == 'cuda' and torch.cuda.is_available(): from subprocess import call print('available gpus:') call([ "nvidia-smi", "--format=csv", "--query-gpu=index,name,driver_version,,memory.used," ]) cudnn.benchmark = True else: args.device = 'cpu' utils.prepare_directory(args.exp_dir) utils.write_logs(args) configure(args.exp_dir) main(args)
def _download(self, url, file_name): """ See :meth:`download`. """ downloads_directory = config.CONFIG["downloads-directory"] if utils.prepare_directory(downloads_directory): "Created directory(s) %s.", downloads_directory ) # Find an available file path final_file_path = utils.find_available_file( os.path.join(downloads_directory, file_name) ) final_file_name = os.path.basename(final_file_path) logger.debug("File will be saved to %s.", final_file_path) # Get a generator function that makes a pretty progress bar. bar = ui.progress_bar_indeterminate() # Actually try to grab the file from the server while True: ui.print_carriage( "%s Trying to download file... %s" % (ui.progress_bar(0.0), " " * 30) ) # Ask the server for the file try: file_request = self.requests_session.get( url, timeout = 1, stream = True, verify = _get_verify() ) except requests.exceptions.Timeout: "Request timed out. Server did not accept connection after " "1 second." ) # If it's giving it to us... if file_request.status_code == 200: logger.debug( "Response headers...\n%s", pprint.pformat(file_request.headers, width = 72) ) if "content-length" in file_request.headers: size = float(file_request.headers["content-length"]) else:"File is of unknown size.") size = 0 ui.print_carriage( ui.progress_bar(-1) + " Downloading file." ) # Download the file in chunks. chunk_size = 124 downloaded = 0 with open(final_file_path, "wb") as f: for chunk in file_request.iter_content(124): if size != 0: ui.print_carriage( ui.progress_bar(downloaded / size) + " Downloading file." ) downloaded += chunk_size f.write(chunk) # If the server got particularly angry at us... if (file_request.status_code == 500 or ("X-CallSuccess" in file_request.headers and file_request.headers["X-CallSuccess"] == "False")): logger.critical( "500 response. The server encountered an error." ) sys.exit(1) if file_request.status_code == break # Make sure that the trying prompt appears for at least a moment or # so time.sleep(0.5) period = 0.1 wait_for = 4 for i in xrange(int(wait_for / period)): ui.print_carriage( next(bar) + " Download not ready yet. Waiting." ) time.sleep(period) print "File saved to %s." % utils.shorten_path(final_file_path)
choices=['cuda', 'cpu']) # classifier arguments parser.add_argument('--lr', type=float, default=0.) parser.add_argument('--wd', type=float, default=0.) parser.add_argument('--batch_size', type=int, default=0) parser.add_argument('--n_epoch', type=int, default=0) args = parser.parse_args() np.set_printoptions(linewidth=150, precision=4, suppress=True) th.set_printoptions(linewidth=150, precision=4) FN = th.from_numpy join = os.path.join logger = logging.getLogger() utils.prepare_directory(args.exp_root, force_delete=True) utils.init_logger(join(args.exp_root, 'program.log')) utils.write_args(args) dset = data.XianDataset(args.data_dir, args.mode, feature_norm=args.feature_norm) _X_s_tr = FN(dset.X_s_tr).to(args.device) _Y_s_tr = FN(dset.Y_s_tr).to(args.device) _X_s_te = FN(dset.X_s_te).to(args.device) _Y_s_te = FN(dset.Y_s_te).to(args.device) _X_u_te = FN(dset.X_u_te).to(args.device) _Y_u_te = FN(dset.Y_u_te).to(args.device) _Cu = FN(dset.Cu).to(args.device) _Sall = FN(dset.Sall).to(args.device)
def main(): utils.prepare_directory(args.exp_dir, force_delete=False) utils.init_logger(join(args.exp_dir, 'program.log')) utils.write_args(args) # **************************************** load dataset **************************************** dset = data.XianDataset(args.data_dir, args.mode, feature_norm=args.feature_norm) _X_s_tr = FN(dset.X_s_tr).to(args.device) _Y_s_tr_ix = FN(dil(dset.Y_s_tr, dset.Cs)).to(args.device) # indexed labels _Ss = FN(dset.Sall[dset.Cs]).to(args.device) _Su = FN(dset.Sall[dset.Cu]).to(args.device) if args.d_noise == 0: args.d_noise = dset.d_attr # **************************************** create data loaders **************************************** _sampling_weights = None if args.dataset != 'SUN': _sampling_weights = data.compute_sampling_weights( dil(dset.Y_s_tr, dset.Cs)).to(args.device) xy_iter = data.Iterator([_X_s_tr, _Y_s_tr_ix], args.batch_size, sampling_weights=_sampling_weights) label_iter = data.Iterator([torch.arange(dset.n_Cs, device=args.device)], args.batch_size) class_iter = data.Iterator([torch.arange(dset.n_Cs)], 1) # **************************************** per-class means and stds **************************************** # per class samplers and first 2 class moments per_class_iters = [] Xs_tr_mean, Xs_tr_std = [], [] Xs_te_mean, Xs_te_std = [], [] Xu_te_mean, Xu_te_std = [], [] for c_ix, c in enumerate(dset.Cs): # training samples of seen classes _inds = np.where(dset.Y_s_tr == c)[0] assert _inds.shape[0] > 0 _X = dset.X_s_tr[_inds] Xs_tr_mean.append(_X.mean(axis=0, keepdims=True)) Xs_tr_std.append(_X.std(axis=0, keepdims=True)) if args.n_gm_iter > 0: _y = np.ones([_inds.shape[0]], np.int64) * c_ix per_class_iters.append( data.Iterator([FN(_X).to(args.device), FN(_y).to(args.device)], args.per_class_batch_size)) # test samples of seen classes _inds = np.where(dset.Y_s_te == c)[0] assert _inds.shape[0] > 0 _X = dset.X_s_te[_inds] Xs_te_mean.append(_X.mean(axis=0, keepdims=True)) Xs_te_std.append(_X.std(axis=0, keepdims=True)) # test samples of unseen classes for c_ix, c in enumerate(dset.Cu): _inds = np.where(dset.Y_u_te == c)[0] assert _inds.shape[0] > 0 _X = dset.X_u_te[_inds] Xu_te_mean.append(_X.mean(axis=0, keepdims=True)) Xu_te_std.append(_X.std(axis=0, keepdims=True)) del _X, _inds, c_ix, c Xs_tr_mean = FN(np.concatenate(Xs_tr_mean, axis=0)).to(args.device) Xs_tr_std = FN(np.concatenate(Xs_tr_std, axis=0)).to(args.device) Xs_te_mean = FN(np.concatenate(Xs_te_mean, axis=0)).to(args.device) Xs_te_std = FN(np.concatenate(Xs_te_std, axis=0)).to(args.device) Xu_te_mean = FN(np.concatenate(Xu_te_mean, axis=0)).to(args.device) Xu_te_std = FN(np.concatenate(Xu_te_std, axis=0)).to(args.device) # **************************************** create networks **************************************** g_net = modules.get_generator(args.gen_type)( dset.d_attr, args.d_noise, args.n_g_hlayer, args.n_g_hunit, args.normalize_noise, args.dp_g, args.leakiness_g).to(args.device) g_optim = optim.Adam(g_net.parameters(), args.gan_optim_lr_g, betas=(args.gan_optim_beta1, args.gan_optim_beta2), weight_decay=args.gan_optim_wd) d_net = modules.ConditionalDiscriminator(dset.d_attr, args.n_d_hlayer, args.n_d_hunit, args.d_normalize_ft, args.dp_d, args.leakiness_d).to(args.device) d_optim = optim.Adam(d_net.parameters(), args.gan_optim_lr_d, betas=(args.gan_optim_beta1, args.gan_optim_beta2), weight_decay=args.gan_optim_wd) start_it = 1 utils.model_info(g_net, 'g_net', args.exp_dir) utils.model_info(d_net, 'd_net', args.exp_dir) if args.n_gm_iter > 0: if args.clf_type == 'bilinear-comp': clf = classifiers.BilinearCompatibility(dset.d_ft, dset.d_attr, args) elif args.clf_type == 'mlp': clf = classifiers.MLP(dset.d_ft, dset.n_Cs, args) utils.model_info(, 'clf', args.exp_dir) pret_clf = None if os.path.isfile(args.pretrained_clf_ckpt):'Loading pre-trained {} checkpoint at {} ...'.format( args.clf_type, args.pretrained_clf_ckpt)) ckpt = torch.load(args.pretrained_clf_ckpt, map_location=args.device) pret_clf = classifiers.BilinearCompatibility(dset.d_ft, dset.d_attr, args)[args.clf_type]) for p in p.requires_grad = False pret_regg = None if os.path.isfile(args.pretrained_regg_ckpt): 'Loading pre-trained regressor checkpoint at {} ...'.format( args.pretrained_regg_ckpt)) ckpt = torch.load(args.pretrained_regg_ckpt, map_location=args.device) pret_regg = classifiers.Regressor(args, dset.d_ft, dset.d_attr)['regressor']) for p in p.requires_grad = False training_log_titles = [ 'd/loss', 'd/real', 'd/fake', 'd/penalty', 'gm/loss', 'gm/real_loss', 'gm/fake_loss', 'g/fcls_loss', 'g/cycle_loss', 'clf/train_loss', 'clf/train_acc', 'mmad/X_s_tr', 'mmad/X_s_te', 'mmad/X_u_te', 'smad/X_s_tr', 'smad/X_s_te', 'smad/X_u_te', ] if args.n_gm_iter > 0: training_log_titles.extend([ 'grad-cossim/{}'.format(n) for n, p in ]) training_log_titles.extend( ['grad-mse/{}'.format(n) for n, p in]) training_logger = utils.Logger(os.path.join(args.exp_dir, 'training-logs'), 'logs', training_log_titles) t0 = time.time()'penguenler olmesin') for it in range(start_it, args.n_iter + 1): # **************************************** Discriminator updates **************************************** for p in d_net.parameters(): p.requires_grad = True for p in g_net.parameters(): p.requires_grad = False for _ in range(args.n_d_iter): x_real, y_ix = next(xy_iter) s = _Ss[y_ix] x_fake = g_net(s) d_real = d_net(x_real, s).mean() d_fake = d_net(x_fake, s).mean() d_penalty = modules.gradient_penalty(d_net, x_real, x_fake, s) d_loss = d_fake - d_real + args.L * d_penalty d_optim.zero_grad() d_loss.backward() d_optim.step() training_logger.update_meters( ['d/real', 'd/fake', 'd/loss', 'd/penalty'], [ d_real.mean().item(), d_fake.mean().item(), d_loss.item(), d_penalty.item() ], x_real.size(0)) # **************************************** Generator updates **************************************** for p in d_net.parameters(): p.requires_grad = False for p in g_net.parameters(): p.requires_grad = True g_optim.zero_grad() [y_fake] = next(label_iter) s = _Ss[y_fake] x_fake = g_net(s) # wgan loss d_fake = d_net(x_fake, s).mean() g_wganloss = -d_fake # f-cls loss fcls_loss = 0.0 if pret_clf is not None: fcls_loss = pret_clf.loss(x_fake, _Ss, y_fake) training_logger.update_meters(['g/fcls_loss'], [fcls_loss.item()], x_fake.size(0)) # cycle-loss cycle_loss = 0.0 if pret_regg is not None: cycle_loss = pret_regg.loss(x_fake, s) training_logger.update_meters(['g/cycle_loss'], [cycle_loss.item()], x_fake.size(0)) g_loss = args.C * fcls_loss + args.R * cycle_loss + g_wganloss g_loss.backward() # gmn iterations for _ in range(args.n_gm_iter): c = next(class_iter)[0].item() x_real, y_real = next(per_class_iters[c]) y_fake = y_real.detach().repeat(args.gm_fake_repeat) s = _Ss[y_fake] x_fake = g_net(s) # gm loss if args.clf_type == 'bilinear-comp': real_loss = clf.loss(x_real, _Ss, y_real) fake_loss = clf.loss(x_fake, _Ss, y_fake) elif args.clf_type == 'mlp': real_loss = clf.loss(x_real, y_real) fake_loss = clf.loss(x_fake, y_fake) grad_cossim = [] grad_mse = [] for n, p in # if len(p.shape) == 1: continue real_grad = grad([real_loss], [p], create_graph=True, only_inputs=True)[0] fake_grad = grad([fake_loss], [p], create_graph=True, only_inputs=True)[0] if len(p.shape) > 1: _cossim = F.cosine_similarity(fake_grad, real_grad, dim=1).mean() else: _cossim = F.cosine_similarity(fake_grad, real_grad, dim=0) # _cossim = F.cosine_similarity(fake_grad, real_grad, dim=1).mean() _mse = F.mse_loss(fake_grad, real_grad) grad_cossim.append(_cossim) grad_mse.append(_mse) training_logger.update_meters( ['grad-cossim/{}'.format(n), 'grad-mse/{}'.format(n)], [_cossim.item(), _mse.item()], x_real.size(0)) grad_cossim = torch.stack(grad_cossim) grad_mse = torch.stack(grad_mse) gm_loss = (1.0 - grad_cossim).sum() * args.Q + grad_mse.sum() * args.Z gm_loss.backward() training_logger.update_meters( ['gm/real_loss', 'gm/fake_loss'], [real_loss.item(), fake_loss.item()], x_real.size(0)) g_optim.step() # **************************************** Classifier update **************************************** if args.n_gm_iter > 0: if it % args.clf_reset_iter == 0: if args.clf_reset_iter == 1: # no need to generate optimizer each time clf.init_params() else: clf.reset() else: x, y_ix = next(xy_iter) if args.clf_type == 'bilinear-comp': clf_acc, clf_loss = clf.train_step(x, _Ss, y_ix) else: clf_acc, clf_loss = clf.train_step(x, y_ix) training_logger.update_meters( ['clf/train_loss', 'clf/train_acc'], [clf_loss, clf_acc], x.size(0)) # **************************************** Log **************************************** if it % 1000 == 0: g_net.eval() # synthesize samples for seen classes and compute their first 2 moments Xs_fake_mean, Xs_fake_std = [], [] with torch.no_grad(): for c in range(dset.n_Cs): y = torch.ones(256, device=args.device, dtype=torch.long) * c a = _Ss[y] x_fake = g_net(a) Xs_fake_mean.append(x_fake.mean(dim=0, keepdim=True)) Xs_fake_std.append(x_fake.std(dim=0, keepdim=True)) Xs_fake_mean = Xs_fake_std = # synthesize samples for unseen classes and compute their first 2 moments def compute_firsttwo_moments(S, C): X_mean, X_std = [], [] with torch.no_grad(): for c in range(dset.n_Cu): y = torch.ones( 256, device=args.device, dtype=torch.long) * c a = _Su[y] x_fake = g_net(a) X_mean.append(x_fake.mean(dim=0, keepdim=True)) X_std.append(x_fake.std(dim=0, keepdim=True)) X_mean = X_std = Xu_fake_mean, Xu_fake_std = [], [] with torch.no_grad(): for c in range(dset.n_Cu): y = torch.ones(256, device=args.device, dtype=torch.long) * c a = _Su[y] x_fake = g_net(a) Xu_fake_mean.append(x_fake.mean(dim=0, keepdim=True)) Xu_fake_std.append(x_fake.std(dim=0, keepdim=True)) Xu_fake_mean = Xu_fake_std = g_net.train() training_logger.update_meters([ 'mmad/X_s_tr', 'smad/X_s_tr', 'mmad/X_s_te', 'smad/X_s_te', 'mmad/X_u_te', 'smad/X_u_te' ], [ torch.abs(Xs_tr_mean - Xs_fake_mean).sum(dim=1).mean().item(), torch.abs(Xs_tr_std - Xs_fake_std).sum(dim=1).mean().item(), torch.abs(Xs_te_mean - Xs_fake_mean).sum(dim=1).mean().item(), torch.abs(Xs_te_std - Xs_fake_std).sum(dim=1).mean().item(), torch.abs(Xu_te_mean - Xu_fake_mean).sum(dim=1).mean().item(), torch.abs(Xu_te_std - Xu_fake_std).sum(dim=1).mean().item() ]) training_logger.flush_meters(it) elapsed = time.time() - t0 per_iter = elapsed / it apprx_rem = (args.n_iter - it) * per_iter'Iter:{:06d}/{:06d}, '\ '[ET:{:.1e}(min)], ' \ '[IT:{:.1f}(ms)], ' \ '[REM:{:.1e}(min)]'.format( it, args.n_iter, elapsed / 60., per_iter * 1000., apprx_rem / 60)) if it % 10000 == 0: utils.save_checkpoint( { 'g_net': g_net.state_dict(), 'd_net': d_net.state_dict(), 'g_optim': g_optim.state_dict(), 'd_optim': d_optim.state_dict(), 'iteration': it }, args.exp_dir, None, it if it % (args.n_iter // args.n_ckpt) == 0 else None, ) training_logger.close()
def _download(self, url, file_name): """ See :meth:`download`. """ downloads_directory = config.CONFIG["downloads-directory"] if utils.prepare_directory(downloads_directory):"Created directory(s) %s.", downloads_directory) # Find an available file path final_file_path = utils.find_available_file( os.path.join(downloads_directory, file_name)) final_file_name = os.path.basename(final_file_path) logger.debug("File will be saved to %s.", final_file_path) # Get a generator function that makes a pretty progress bar. bar = ui.progress_bar_indeterminate() # Actually try to grab the file from the server while True: ui.print_carriage("%s Trying to download file... %s" % (ui.progress_bar(0.0), " " * 30)) # Ask the server for the file try: file_request = self.requests_session.get(url, timeout=1, stream=True, verify=_get_verify()) except requests.exceptions.Timeout: "Request timed out. Server did not accept connection after " "1 second.") # If it's giving it to us... if file_request.status_code == 200: logger.debug("Response headers...\n%s", pprint.pformat(file_request.headers, width=72)) if "content-length" in file_request.headers: size = float(file_request.headers["content-length"]) else:"File is of unknown size.") size = 0 ui.print_carriage( ui.progress_bar(-1) + " Downloading file.") # Download the file in chunks. chunk_size = 124 downloaded = 0 with open(final_file_path, "wb") as f: for chunk in file_request.iter_content(124): if size != 0: ui.print_carriage( ui.progress_bar(downloaded / size) + " Downloading file.") downloaded += chunk_size f.write(chunk) # If the server got particularly angry at us... if (file_request.status_code == 500 or ("X-CallSuccess" in file_request.headers and file_request.headers["X-CallSuccess"] == "False")): logger.critical( "500 response. The server encountered an error.") sys.exit(1) if file_request.status_code == break # Make sure that the trying prompt appears for at least a moment or # so time.sleep(0.5) period = 0.1 wait_for = 4 for i in xrange(int(wait_for / period)): ui.print_carriage( next(bar) + " Download not ready yet. Waiting.") time.sleep(period) print "File saved to %s." % utils.shorten_path(final_file_path)