def load_imagenet_test_data(normalize=False, count=-1, outType='YUV'): d = unpickle(IMAGENET_PATH + '/val_data') x = d['data'] if count != -1: x = x[:count] return preproc(x, normalize=normalize, outType=outType)
def load_cifar10_test_data(normalize=False, count=-1, outType='YUV'): filename = '{}/test_batch'.format(CIFAR10_PATH) batch_data = unpickle(filename) data_test = batch_data[b'data'] labels_test = batch_data[b'labels'] if count != -1: data_test = data_test[:count] return preproc(data_test, normalize=normalize, outType=outType)
def load_imagenet_data(idx, normalize=False, flip=False, count=-1, outType='YUV'): data_file = IMAGENET_PATH + '/train_data_batch_' d = unpickle(data_file + str(idx)) x = d['data'] mean_image = d['mean'] if count != -1: x = x[:count] return preproc(x, normalize=normalize, flip=flip, mean_image=mean_image, outType=outType)
def imagenet_data_generator(batch_size, normalize=False, flip=False, scale=1, outType='YUV'): while True: for idx in range(1, 11): data_file = IMAGENET_PATH + '/train_data_batch_' d = unpickle(data_file + str(idx)) x = d['data'] mean_image = d['mean'] count = 0 while count <= x.shape[0] - batch_size: data = x[count:count + batch_size] count = count + batch_size if outType == 'YUV': data_yuv, data_rgb = preproc(data, normalize=normalize, flip=flip, mean_image=mean_image) yield data_yuv[:, :, :, :1], data_yuv[:, :, :, 1:] * scale elif outType == 'LAB': lab, grey = preproc(data, normalize=normalize, flip=flip, mean_image=mean_image, outType=outType) yield lab, grey
def imagenet_test_data_generator(batch_size, normalize=False, scale=1, count=-1, outType='YUV'): d = unpickle(IMAGENET_PATH + '/val_data') x = d['data'] if count != -1: x = x[:count] while True: count = 0 while count <= x.shape[0] - batch_size: data = x[count:count + batch_size] count = count + batch_size if outType == 'YUV': data_yuv, data_rgb = preproc(data, normalize=normalize, outType=outType) yield data_yuv[:, :, :, :1], data_yuv[:, :, :, 1:] * scale elif outType == 'LAB': lab, grey = preproc(data, normalize=normalize, outType=outType) yield lab, grey
def fit(self, iteration=1000): """ generate a style-transfered image. The overall process is as follows: 1. initiating the initial canvas 2. setting Evaluator 3. optimizing using L-BFGS method Args: iteration (int): the total iteration number of optimization """ if self.initial_canvas == 'random': generated_img = utils.preproc(np.random.uniform(0, 255, size=self.img_shape)\ .astype(K.floatx())) elif self.initial_canvas == 'content': generated_img = self.content_img.copy() else: # style generated_img = self.style_img.copy() evaluator = Evaluator(self.eval_fn, self.img_shape) self.step = 0 print('Starting optimization with L-BFGS-B') for i in range(1, iteration + 1): if self.verbose: print('Starting iteration %d' % (i)) start_time = time.time() generated_img, min_loss, _ = fmin_l_bfgs_b(evaluator.loss, generated_img.flatten(), fprime=evaluator.grads, callback=self._callback, maxfun=20) generated_img = np.clip(generated_img, -127, 127) end_time = time.time() if self.verbose: print('Total_Loss: %g, Content Loss: %g, Style Loss: %g' % \ (min_loss, evaluator.content_loss, evaluator.style_loss)) print('Iteration %d completed in %d s' % (i, end_time - start_time)) if i == 1 or (self.save_every_n_iters != 0 and i % self.save_every_n_iters == 0): utils.save_image(utils.deproc(generated_img, self.img_shape), self.output_path, 'generated_%d' % (i) + '.jpg')
def load_cifar10_data(normalize=False, shuffle=False, flip=False, count=-1, outType='YUV'): names = unpickle('{}/batches.meta'.format(CIFAR10_PATH))[b'label_names'] data, labels = [], [] for i in range(1, 6): filename = '{}/data_batch_{}'.format(CIFAR10_PATH, i) batch_data = unpickle(filename) if len(data) > 0: data = np.vstack((data, batch_data[b'data'])) labels = np.hstack((labels, batch_data[b'labels'])) else: data = batch_data[b'data'] labels = batch_data[b'labels'] if shuffle: np.random.shuffle(data) if count != -1: data = data[:count] return preproc(data, normalize=normalize, flip=flip, outType=outType)
if __name__ == '__main__': args = parse_args() #load img and mask noisy_img = utils.imread(args.noisy_img) if not (args.clean_img is None): clean_img = utils.imread(args.clean_img) output_dir = args.output_dir if len(noisy_img.shape) == 2: num_ch = 1 noisy_img = noisy_img[:, :, np.newaxis] else: num_ch = noisy_img.shape[-1] noisy_img = Variable(utils.preproc(noisy_img)) # Generate 2 DIP trajectories traj_set = [] for _ in range(2): T = dip(noisy_img,, niter=args.niter, traj_iter=args.traj_iter, num_ch=num_ch, reg_noise_std=args.reg_noise_std, n_ch_down=args.n_ch_down, n_ch_up=args.n_ch_up, skip_conn=args.skip_conn, depth=args.depth, act_fun=args.act_fun,
def __init__(self, content_path, style_path, output_path, loss_ratio=1e-3, verbose=True, save_every_n_iters=10, initial_canvas='content'): """ intialize all things for style transfer the overall process is as follows: 1. image preprocessing 2. define loss functions for content representations and style representations 3. define evaluation function for training loss and gradients Args: content_image_path (str): The path for the content image style_image_path (str): The path for the style image loss_ratio (float): alpha divided by beta (beta is defined as 1) verbose (bool): True for print states, False otherwise save_every_n_steps: save images every n steps initial_canvas (str): the initial canvas for generated images. Choice in {'random', 'content', 'style'} """ self.output_path = output_path self.save_every_n_iters = save_every_n_iters self.initial_canvas = initial_canvas self.verbose = verbose self.step = 0 content_layer = DEFAULT_CONTENT_LAYER style_layers = DEFAULT_STYLE_LAYERS # load the style and content images content_img = utils.open_image(content_path) self.img_shape = (content_img.shape[0], content_img.shape[1], 3) self.content_img = utils.preproc(content_img) self.style_img = utils.preproc( utils.open_image(style_path, self.img_shape)) content_img = K.variable(self.content_img) style_img = K.variable(self.style_img) # define a placeholder for a generated image if K.image_data_format() == 'channels_first': generated_img = K.placeholder( (1, 3, self.img_shape[0], self.img_shape[1])) else: generated_img = K.placeholder( (1, self.img_shape[0], self.img_shape[1], 3)) # create a keras tensor for the input input_tensor = K.concatenate([content_img, style_img, generated_img], axis=0) # load VGG16 with the weights pretrained on imagenet. # ! the original paper uses vgg19 and replaces its all max_pooling to avg_pooling. vgg16 = VGG16(input_tensor=input_tensor, include_top=False, input_shape=self.img_shape) # outputs of each layer outputs_dict = { layer.output for layer in vgg16.layers} # loss for the content image content_feat = outputs_dict[content_layer][0] generat_feat = outputs_dict[content_layer][2] feat_size, ch_size = utils.get_feat_channel_size(generat_feat) # ! the original paper suggests 'divided by 2' # the following denominator is from: # from content_loss = K.sum(K.square(content_feat - generat_feat)) \ / (2. * feat_size * ch_size) # loss for the style image. style_loss = K.variable(0.) style_loss_weight = 1. / len(style_layers) for style_layer in style_layers: style_feat = outputs_dict[style_layer][1] generat_feat = outputs_dict[style_layer][2] feat_size, ch_size = utils.get_feat_channel_size(generat_feat) style_loss += style_loss_weight * \ K.sum(K.square(utils.gram_matrix(style_feat) - \ utils.gram_matrix(generat_feat))) / \ (4. * feat_size ** 2 * ch_size ** 2) # composite loss beta = 1 alpha = loss_ratio * beta content_loss = alpha * content_loss style_loss = beta * style_loss total_loss = content_loss + style_loss # gradients grads = K.gradients(total_loss, generated_img) # evaluation function self.eval_fn = K.function( [generated_img], [total_loss, content_loss, style_loss] + grads)
def build_trainset_and_voc_char_level(ifilename,ofilename,vocabulary_file,shuffle=True): with open(ifilename,'r') as infile,open(ofilename,'w') as outfile,open(vocabulary_file,'w') as vocfile: vocabulary=defaultdict(lambda :0) trainingset=[] for eachline in infile: item=[] splits=eachline.split('=>') rule=splits[0].strip() node_info=splits[1].strip() semantics=splits[2].strip() item.append(node_info) item.append(semantics) char_list=[] bio_list=[] chunk_list=re.split(r'(\(.*?\)|\[.*?\])',rule) for each_chunk in chunk_list: if each_chunk.startswith('[') or each_chunk.startswith('('): each_chunk=each_chunk.strip('[]()') name,tag=each_chunk.split(':') tmp_char_list=[i for i in preproc(name).split(' ') if i!=''] tmp_bio_list=[] tag=tag.split('=')[1] for each_char in tmp_char_list: vocabulary[each_char]+=1 tmp_bio_list.append('I-'+tag) char_list.extend(tmp_char_list) tmp_bio_list[0]='B-'+tag bio_list.extend(tmp_bio_list) else: tmp_char_list=[i for i in preproc(each_chunk).split(' ') if i!=''] if tmp_char_list==[]: continue tmp_bio_list=[] for each_char in tmp_char_list: vocabulary[each_char]+=1 tmp_bio_list.append('O') char_list.extend(tmp_char_list) bio_list.extend(tmp_bio_list) item.append((char_list,bio_list)) trainingset.append(item) if shuffle: random.shuffle(trainingset) for each in trainingset: outfile.write('\n') # 用来区分每一个sample outfile.write(each[0]+'\n') # 第一个位置是sentence classification结果 outfile.write(each[1]+'\n') # 第二个位置是解析的语义槽 char_list,bio_list=each[2] assert len(char_list)==len(bio_list) for idx,_ in enumerate(bio_list): outfile.write(char_list[idx]+'\t'+bio_list[idx]+'\n') total_num=len(trainingset) vocfile.write('<PAD>\t0\t0\n') vocfile.write('<UNK>\t1\t0\n') index=2 tuples=list(sorted(vocabulary.items(),key=lambda x:x[1],reverse=True)) for voc,count in tuples: vocfile.write(voc+'\t'+str(index)+'\t'+str(count)+'\n') index+=1
if __name__ == '__main__': args = parse_args() print(args) img_file = args.img_file output_file = args.output_file mask_file = args.mask_file #load img and mask noisy_img = utils.imread(img_file) if len(noisy_img.shape) == 2: num_ch = 1 else: num_ch = noisy_img.shape[-1] noisy_img = Variable(utils.preproc(noisy_img)) if (len(mask_file) > 0): mask = utils.imread(mask_file) mask = Variable(utils.preproc(mask)) else: mask = None dip(noisy_img, args.output_file, mask=mask,, niter=args.niter, traj_iter=args.traj_iter, net_struct=args.net_struct, num_ch=num_ch, fixed_start=(args.fixed_start != 0),