#!/usr/bin/env python
# This script can be used to see how bitmaps will be preprocessed before
# subsetting the CASIA HWDB1.1 data set
import sys

import matplotlib.cm as cm
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

import utils

if len(sys.argv) != 2:
    print 'Usage: %s gnt_dirpath' % sys.argv[0]

gnt_dirpath = sys.argv[1]

for i, (bitmap,
        tagcode) in enumerate(utils.read_gnt_in_directory(gnt_dirpath)):
    print utils.tagcode_to_unicode(tagcode).encode(
        'utf-8')  # wrong terminal encoding = garbage

    proc_bitmap = utils.normalize_bitmap(bitmap)
    proc_bitmap = utils.preprocess_bitmap(proc_bitmap)

    plt.imshow(bitmap, cmap=cm.Greys_r)
    plt.imshow(np.squeeze(proc_bitmap, axis=0), cmap=cm.Greys_r)
Exemple #2
    # populate subsets
    trn_i = vld_i = 0
    for index, is_trn in indexes:
        bitmap, tagcode = f1['trn/bitmap'][index], f1['trn/tagcode'][index][0]

        # compute label and categorical for current tagcode
        if tagcode not in tagcode_to_label:
            tagcode_to_label[tagcode] = next(counter)
        label = tagcode_to_label[tagcode]
        if label not in label_to_categorical:
            label_to_categorical[label] = keras.utils.np_utils.to_categorical(
                [label], 200).reshape(200)
            assert sum(label_to_categorical[label] == 1)

        if is_trn:
            trn_x[trn_i] = utils.preprocess_bitmap(bitmap)
            trn_y[trn_i] = label_to_categorical[label]
            trn_i += 1
            vld_x[vld_i] = utils.preprocess_bitmap(bitmap)
            vld_y[vld_i] = label_to_categorical[label]
            vld_i += 1
        tagcode_to_count[tagcode] += 1


    print('Subsetting \'tst\'...')
    # find allowed characters in the data set
    indexes = [i for i in range(223991) if f1['tst/tagcode'][i][0] in allowed]
    new_size = len(indexes)
Exemple #3
def run():
    allowed = set(
        utils.unicode_to_tagcode(c) for c in [
            u'谈', u'般', u'盏', u'坤', u'膀', u'脂', u'型', u'骏', u'童', u'挟', u'损',
            u'恋', u'婴', u'读', u'账', u'服', u'任', u'茸', u'张', u'亢', u'耀', u'涉',
            u'个', u'随', u'挂', u'抗', u'贞', u'瞥', u'瘤', u'作', u'河', u'欲', u'侵',
            u'吸', u'眺', u'线', u'捂', u'倾', u'牌', u'筒', u'渊', u'拥', u'话', u'赞',
            u'知', u'除', u'巩', u'惫', u'揭', u'扬', u'驼', u'绿', u'渔', u'榆', u'辊',
            u'应', u'儡', u'假', u'崩', u'抬', u'是', u'讲', u'刷', u'鸿', u'契', u'寒',
            u'录', u'教', u'也', u'艾', u'囤', u'秦', u'峨', u'括', u'诲', u'滴', u'凶',
            u'须', u'孽', u'巾', u'沉', u'餐', u'暂', u'蒙', u'攘', u'键', u'厄', u'的',
            u'芭', u'岳', u'惜', u'椰', u'足', u'伴', u'离', u'笼', u'临', u'胁', u'泉',
            u'晚', u'迟', u'汞', u'级', u'跳', u'轴', u'偶', u'啸', u'移', u'贾', u'老',
            u'节', u'蜗', u'堑', u'帕', u'肖', u'伟', u'渝', u'撮', u'臀', u'吉', u'汉',
            u'反', u'双', u'坏', u'翔', u'胖', u'绪', u'固', u'舀', u'再', u'咏', u'堂',
            u'尔', u'沟', u'符', u'涵', u'水', u'误', u'岿', u'所', u'摄', u'广', u'结',
            u'学', u'苫', u'臭', u'恬', u'诱', u'递', u'烷', u'硼', u'茁', u'标', u'越',
            u'吏', u'笑', u'馒', u'耗', u'氟', u'加', u'砧', u'稻', u'晃', u'臂', u'其',
            u'配', u'城', u'筑', u'痹', u'揖', u'江', u'连', u'卡', u'狠', u'瓤', u'乳',
            u'赵', u'仿', u'睹', u'相', u'好', u'屿', u'争', u'袭', u'王', u'吃', u'疏',
            u'粕', u'涟', u'垣', u'逢', u'锤', u'覆', u'薯', u'贴', u'冷', u'霸', u'聂',
            u'糕', u'占'
    assert len(allowed) == 200

    counter = count()
    tagcode_to_label = dict()
    label_to_categorical = dict()

    with h5py.File(dataset_filepath,
                   'r') as f1, h5py.File('HWDB1.1subset.hdf5', 'w') as f2:
        print('Subsetting \'trn\'...')
        # find allowed characters in the data set
        tagcode_to_count = defaultdict(int)
        indexes = list()
        for i in range(TRN_SIZE):
            tagcode = f1['trn/tagcode'][i][0]
            if tagcode in allowed:
                indexes.append((i, tagcode_to_count[tagcode] < 200))
                tagcode_to_count[tagcode] += 1

        # create the subsets
        trn_size = sum(1 if is_trn else 0 for index, is_trn in indexes)
        assert trn_size == 200 * 200
        trn_grp = f2.create_group('trn')
        trn_x = trn_grp.create_dataset('x', (trn_size, 64, 64, 1),
        trn_y = trn_grp.create_dataset('y', (trn_size, 200), dtype='uint16')

        vld_size = len(indexes) - trn_size  # 7783
        vld_grp = f2.create_group('vld')
        vld_x = vld_grp.create_dataset('x', (vld_size, 64, 64, 1),
        vld_y = vld_grp.create_dataset('y', (vld_size, 200), dtype='uint16')

        # populate subsets
        trn_i = vld_i = 0
        for index, is_trn in indexes:
            bitmap, tagcode = f1['trn/bitmap'][index], f1['trn/tagcode'][

            # compute label and categorical for current tagcode
            if tagcode not in tagcode_to_label:
                tagcode_to_label[tagcode] = next(counter)
            label = tagcode_to_label[tagcode]
            if label not in label_to_categorical:
                    label] = keras.utils.np_utils.to_categorical(
                        [label], 200).reshape(200)
                assert sum(label_to_categorical[label] == 1)

            if is_trn:
                trn_x[trn_i] = utils.preprocess_bitmap(bitmap)
                trn_y[trn_i] = label_to_categorical[label]
                trn_i += 1
                vld_x[vld_i] = utils.preprocess_bitmap(bitmap)
                vld_y[vld_i] = label_to_categorical[label]
                vld_i += 1


        print('Subsetting \'tst\'...')
        # find allowed characters in the data set
        indexes = [
            i for i in range(TST_SIZE) if f1['tst/tagcode'][i][0] in allowed
        new_size = len(indexes)  # 11947

        # create the subset
        tst_grp = f2.create_group('tst')
        tst_x = tst_grp.create_dataset('x', (new_size, 64, 64, 1),
        tst_y = tst_grp.create_dataset('y', (new_size, 200), dtype='uint16')
        tst_t = tst_grp.create_dataset('t', (new_size, 1), dtype='uint16')

        # populate subset
        for i, index in enumerate(indexes):
            bitmap, tagcode = f1['tst/bitmap'][index], f1['tst/tagcode'][

            label = tagcode_to_label[tagcode]

            tst_x[i] = utils.preprocess_bitmap(bitmap)
            tst_y[i] = label_to_categorical[label]
            tst_t[i] = tagcode
#!/usr/bin/env python2
# This script can be used to see how bitmaps will be preprocessed before
# subsetting the CASIA HWDB1.1 data set
import sys

import matplotlib.cm as cm
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

import utils

if len(sys.argv) != 2:
    print 'Usage: %s gnt_dirpath' % sys.argv[0]

gnt_dirpath = sys.argv[1]

for i, (bitmap, tagcode) in enumerate(utils.read_gnt_in_directory(gnt_dirpath)):
    print utils.tagcode_to_unicode(tagcode).encode('utf-8')  # wrong terminal encoding = garbage

    proc_bitmap = utils.normalize_bitmap(bitmap)
    proc_bitmap = utils.preprocess_bitmap(proc_bitmap)

    plt.imshow(bitmap, cmap=cm.Greys_r)
    plt.imshow(np.squeeze(proc_bitmap, axis=0), cmap=cm.Greys_r)
    # populate subsets
    trn_i = vld_i = 0
    for index, is_trn in indexes:
        bitmap, tagcode = f1['trn/bitmap'][index], f1['trn/tagcode'][index][0]

        # compute label and categorical for current tagcode
        if tagcode not in tagcode_to_label:
            tagcode_to_label[tagcode] = next(counter)
        label = tagcode_to_label[tagcode]
        if label not in label_to_categorical:
            label_to_categorical[label] = keras.utils.np_utils.to_categorical([label], 200).reshape(200)
            assert sum(label_to_categorical[label] == 1)

        if is_trn:
            trn_x[trn_i] = utils.preprocess_bitmap(bitmap)
            trn_y[trn_i] = label_to_categorical[label]
            trn_i += 1
            vld_x[vld_i] = utils.preprocess_bitmap(bitmap)
            vld_y[vld_i] = label_to_categorical[label]
            vld_i += 1
        tagcode_to_count[tagcode] += 1


    print 'Subsetting \'tst\'...'
    # find allowed characters in the data set
    indexes = [i for i in range(223991) if f1['tst/tagcode'][i][0] in allowed]
    new_size = len(indexes)