Exemple #1
def edit_ad(url):
    room = Room.query.filter_by(urlname=url).first()
    if not room and room.user == g.user:
    if room.dead or get_days_ago(room.created_at) > OLD_DAYS.days:
    occupied = Occupied.query.filter_by(space=room.occupieds).order_by("created_at").first()
    if occupied and get_days_ago(occupied.created_at) > OCCUPIED_DAYS.days:
    if room.is_available:
        form = AvailableAdForm()
        form = WantedAdForm()
    form.starting.flags.is_date = True
    if request.method == "GET":
        if room.is_available:
            form.room_pref.data = factorize(room.room_pref)
            form.room_type.data = factorize(room.room_type)
        form.email.data = g.user.email
    elif form.validate_on_submit():
        if room.is_available:
            form.room_pref.data = product(form.room_pref.data)
            form.room_type.data = product(form.room_type.data)
        return redirect(url_for("view_ad", url=room.urlname))
    return render_template("autoform.html", form=form, title="Edit advertisement", submit="Save")
Exemple #2
def post_ad(state="available"):
    is_available = state == "available"
    if is_available:
        form = AvailableAdForm()
        form = WantedAdForm()
    form.starting.flags.is_date = True
    if request.method == "GET":
        form.email.data = g.user.email
    if form.validate_on_submit():
        room = Room(user=g.user, is_available=is_available)
        if room.is_available:
            form.room_pref.data = product(form.room_pref.data)
            form.room_type.data = product(form.room_type.data)
        room.urlname = str(uuid4())[:8]

        # Search for matching rooms
        rooms_distance = Room.search_rooms(room)
        # Send emails to interested users
        for r, distance in rooms_distance:
            if room.is_available:  # ad poster is looking for a person
                send_email_found_room(r.user, room, distance)
            else:  # ad poster is looking for a room.
                send_email_found_person(r.user, room, distance)

        flash("Your ad has been posted!", category="info")
        return render_template("found.html", room=room, rooms_distance=rooms_distance)
    return render_template("autoform.html", form=form, title="Post a new advertisement", submit="Post ad")
Exemple #3
def baseline_KL(real_data, fake_data):
    Calculate the Kullback-Leibler divergence from the null hypothesis (sample nouns and verbs according to frequency) to two sets of data
    :param real_data: first set of tuples
    :param fake_data: second set of tuples
    :return: (real KLs, fake KLs), each for (SVO, SV, VO) subsets
    real_prob = separate_prob(real_data)
    fake_prob = separate_prob(fake_data)
    noun_prob = pred_freq * noun_mask / pred_freq[nouns].sum()
    verb_prob = pred_freq * verb_mask / pred_freq[verbs].sum()
    both_prob = noun_prob + verb_prob
    real_match = [{tup: product(both_prob[p] for p in tup)
                   for tup in c}
                  for c in real_prob]
    fake_match = [{tup: product(both_prob[p] for p in tup)
                   for tup in c}
                  for c in fake_prob]
    real_KL = [KL(real_prob[i], real_match[i]) for i in range(3)]
    fake_KL = [KL(fake_prob[i], fake_match[i]) for i in range(3)]

    return real_KL, fake_KL
Exemple #4
def step_0(u):
    u['M'] = u['g1']**u['m'][0] * product(
        [Z**m for Z, m in zip(u['Z'], u['m'][1:])])
    u['r'] = G.random(ZR, len(u['m']))
    u['T'] = u['g1']**u['r'][0] * product(
        [Z**r for Z, r in zip(u['Z'], u['r'][1:])])
    return {'M': u['M'], 'T': u['T']}
Exemple #5
def cell_likelihood(reads,ps):
    points = sorted(concat(reads))
    G = len(ps)
    if not 0 in points:
    if not G in points:
    read_complements = [(stop)]
    return product([product(1-p for p in ps[start:stop]) for (start,stop) in reads])
Exemple #6
 def __init__(self, shape, physical_size, values=None):
     from utils import product
     #super(PhysicalGrid, self).__init__(shape=shape)
     if len(shape) != len(physical_size):
         raise GridError()
     self.shape = shape
     self.size = map(float, physical_size)
     self.volume = product(physical_size)
     self.increments = map(lambda x, y: x / y, self.size, shape)
     self.values = values
     self.no_elements = product(shape)
Exemple #7
def productGen( matrix ):
    n = 20
    for i in xrange( n ):
        for j in xrange( n ):
            V, Vb = j <= 16, j >= 3
            H, Hb = i <= 16, i >= 3
            if V:
                yield product( matrix[ i ][ j + k ] for k in xrange( 4 ) )
            if H:
                yield product( matrix[ i + k ][ j ] for k in xrange( 4 ) )
            if H and V:
                yield product( matrix[ i + k ][ j + k ] for k in xrange( 4 ) )
            if Hb and V:
                yield product( matrix[ i - k ][ j + k ] for k in xrange( 4 ) )
Exemple #8
 def _weight_variable(shape, name):
     # If shape is [5, 5, 20, 32], then each of the 32 output planes
     # has 5 * 5 * 20 inputs.
     number_inputs_added = utils.product(shape[:-1])
     stddev = 1 / math.sqrt(number_inputs_added)
     # http://neuralnetworksanddeeplearning.com/chap3.html#weight_initialization
     return tf.Variable(tf.truncated_normal(shape, stddev=stddev), name=name)
 def get_quantities_score(self, quantities: Tuple[int, ...]) -> int:
     >>> IngredientSet.from_ingredients_text(
     ...     "Butterscotch: capacity -1, durability -2, flavor 6, "
     ...     "texture 3, calories 8\\n"
     ...     "Cinnamon: capacity 2, durability 3, flavor -2, texture -1, "
     ...     "calories 3\\n"
     ... ).get_quantities_score((44, 56))
     >>> IngredientSet.from_ingredients_text(
     ...     "Butterscotch: capacity -1, durability -2, flavor 6, "
     ...     "texture 3, calories 8\\n"
     ...     "Cinnamon: capacity 2, durability 3, flavor -2, texture -1, "
     ...     "calories 3\\n"
     ... ).get_quantities_score((10, 90))
     if len(quantities) != len(self.ingredients):
         raise Exception(
             f"Expected {len(self.ingredients)} quantities, but got "
     return product(
                 getattr(ingredient, _property) * quantity for quantity,
                 ingredient in zip(quantities, self.ingredients)))
         for _property in self.SCORE_PROPERTIES)
Exemple #10
def solve2(buses, depart):
    """Find the smallest timestamp, such that all the <buses> follow their
    bus ID, which is indexically paired with <depart>.

    Here I used the Chinese Remainder Theorem, someone well acquainted to
    anyone who does competitive or discrete mathematics.  """

    # Desired residue class for each bus.
    mods = [(b - d) % b for b, d in zip(buses, depart)]

    # Cross multiplication of the elements in the sequence.
    cross_mul = [product(buses) // b for b in buses]

    return sum(
        [c * pow(c, -1, b) * m
         for b, c, m in zip(buses, cross_mul, mods)]) % product(buses)
Exemple #11
def horizontal_adjacent_numbers(k: int = 4) -> int:
    prod = 1
    for i in range(20):
        for j in range(20 - k + 1):
            adjacent_numbers = matrix[i][j:j+k]
            prod = max(prod, product(adjacent_numbers))
    return prod
Exemple #12
def vertical_adjacent_numbers(k: int = 4) -> int:
    prod = 1
    for i in range(20 - k + 1):
        for j in range(20):
            adjacent_numbers = [matrix[i+idx][j] for idx in range(k)]
            prod = max(prod, product(adjacent_numbers))
    return prod
Exemple #13
def chinese_remainder(remainders):
    total = 0
    prod = utils.product(remainders.keys())
    for bus, remainder in remainders.items():
        p = prod // bus
        total += remainder * mul_inv(p, bus) * p
    return total % prod
def solve_linear_congruence_system(
        divisors_and_remainders: Iterable[Tuple[int, int]]) -> int:
    >>> solve_linear_congruence_system([(3, 2), (5, 3), (7, 2)])
    divisors = [
        for divisor, _ in divisors_and_remainders
    non_co_prime_divisors = utils.get_non_co_primes(divisors)
    if non_co_prime_divisors:
        raise Exception(
            f"Some divisors are not co-prime: {non_co_prime_divisors}")
    divisors_product = utils.product(divisors)
    coefficients_pairs = (
        get_bezout_coefficients(divisor, divisors_product // divisor)
        for divisor in divisors

    a_solution = sum(
        remainder * coefficient * divisors_product // divisor
        for (divisor, remainder), (_, coefficient)
        in zip(divisors_and_remainders, coefficients_pairs)

    return a_solution % divisors_product
Exemple #15
def anti_diagonal_adjacent_numbers(k: int = 4) -> int:
    prod = 1
    for i in range(20 - k + 1):
        for j in range(19, k - 2, -1):
            adjacent_numbers = [matrix[i+idx][j-idx] for idx in range(k)]
            prod = max(prod, product(adjacent_numbers))
    return prod
Exemple #16
def part2() -> int:
    total = 0
    for ds in DATA:
        total += 2 * (ds[0] + ds[1])
        total += utils.product(ds)

    return total
Exemple #17
 def _weight_variable(shape, name):
     # If shape is [5, 5, 20, 32], then each of the 32 output planes
     # has 5 * 5 * 20 inputs.
     number_inputs_added = utils.product(shape[:-1])
     stddev = 1 / math.sqrt(number_inputs_added)
     # http://neuralnetworksanddeeplearning.com/chap3.html#weight_initialization
     return tf.Variable(tf.truncated_normal(shape, stddev=stddev), name=name)
Exemple #18
def diagonal_left_right_max(A, length):
  M = len(A)
  N = len(A[0])
  prods = [[0 for j in range(N-length)] for i in range(M-length)]
  for i in range(M-length):
    for j in range(N-length):
      prods[i][j] = product(A[i+x][j+x] for x in range(length))
  return max(max(row) for row in prods)
Exemple #19
def horizontal_max(A, length):
  M = len(A)
  N = len(A[0])
  prods = [[0 for j in range(N-length)] for i in range(M)]
  for i in range(M):
    for j in range(N-length):
      prods[i][j] = product(A[i][j:j+length])
  return max(max(row) for row in prods)
Exemple #20
def step_7(v):
    """ Verifier - Verify """
    lhs = v['td']
    prod = product([pair(v['X'], B)**s for B, s in zip(v['Bt'], v['s'])])
    rhs = pair(v['g'], v['Ct'])**v['c'] * pair(v['X'],
                                               v['At'][0])**v['sa'] * prod
    accept = lhs == rhs
    return {"Accept": accept}
Exemple #21
def compare_KL(model, real_data, fake_data, samples=(100, 100, 100), **kwargs):
    Approximately calculate the Kullback-Leibler divergence from the model to two sets of data
    :param model: the sem-func model
    :param real_data: first set of tuples
    :param fake_data: second set of tuples
    :param samples: number of samples to draw, for: SVO, SV, VO graphs
    :return: (real KLs, fake KLs), each for (SVO, SV, VO) subsets
    # Get sample probabilities from the data
    real_prob = separate_prob(real_data)
    fake_prob = separate_prob(fake_data)

    # Initialise counts for generated samples
    real_match = [{tup: 0 for tup in c} for c in real_prob]
    fake_match = [{tup: 0 for tup in c} for c in fake_prob]

    # Sample from the model
    sampler = [
        model.sample_background_svo, model.sample_background_sv,

    for i in range(3):
        # Sample entities for each graph configuration
        for ents in sampler[i](samples=samples[i], **kwargs):
            # For the sampled entities, find the distribution over predicates
            pred_dist = [model.pred_dist(e) for e in ents]
            # Add the probability that this sample would generate the observed predicates
            for preds in real_match[i]:
                real_match[i][preds] += product(pred_dist[j][p]
                                                for j, p in enumerate(preds))
            for preds in fake_match[i]:
                fake_match[i][preds] += product(pred_dist[j][p]
                                                for j, p in enumerate(preds))
        # Average the probabilities
        for preds in real_match[i]:
            real_match[i][preds] /= samples[i]
        for preds in fake_match[i]:
            fake_match[i][preds] /= samples[i]

    real_KL = [KL(real_prob[i], real_match[i]) for i in range(3)]
    fake_KL = [KL(fake_prob[i], fake_match[i]) for i in range(3)]

    return real_KL, fake_KL
Exemple #22
def get_lcm(l):
    factor_lists = [get_prime_factors(e) for e in l]
    factors = get_factor_set(factor_lists)
    d = defaultdict(int)
    for factor in factors:
        for fl in factor_lists:
            if fl.count(factor) > d[factor]:
                d[factor] = fl.count(factor)
    return product([k**v for k,v in d.items()])
Exemple #23
def few_liberties_feature(position):
    feature = position.get_liberties()
    onehot_features = np.zeros(feature.shape + (3, ), dtype=np.uint8)
    onehot_index_offsets = np.arange(0, utils.product(onehot_features.shape),
                                     3) + feature.ravel()
    nonzero_elements = ((feature != 0) & (feature <= 3)).ravel()
    nonzero_index_offsets = onehot_index_offsets[nonzero_elements] - 1
    onehot_features.ravel()[nonzero_index_offsets] = 1
    return onehot_features
Exemple #24
def agg_gen_challange(sk, F, Mid):
    """ Aggregated challange generation """
    Lfs = [agg_poly(sk, fid, Mid) for fid in F]
    r = G.random()
    xc = G.random()  # xc != m foreach m in f
    Lf, *_ = Lfs
    Kf = product(g**(r * Lf(xc)) for Lf in Lfs)
    H = (g**r, xc, g**(r * Lf[0]))
    return (Kf, H)
Exemple #25
 def propensity(self, stoich_vector, rate_constant):
     choices = [choose(x_j, -v_j) for x_j, v_j in zip(self.state, stoich_vector) if v_j < 0]
     # print choices
     propensity = rate_constant * product(choices)
     # print "state:",self.state,"stoich:",stoich_vector,"rate const:",rate_constant,"prop:",propensity
     if propensity < 0:
         print "propensity less than zero:", stoich_vector, rate_constant
         raise Exception
     return propensity
Exemple #26
 def iterate_neighbors():
     for k in itertools.product(range(-max_order, max_order + 1),
         if all(kk == 0 for kk in k):
         g = utils.product((gens[i]**k[i] for i in xrange(1, len(gens))),
         for pt in basepoints:
             acted = pt.act_with(g)
             yield pt.act_with(g)
def chinese_remainder(a, n):
    N = product(n)

    output = 0
    for ni, ai in zip(n, a):
        _, s = extended_euclide(ni, N // ni)
        output += ai * s * N // ni
        # print(ai, s, N//ni)

    return output % N
Exemple #28
def step_4(u):
    u["r'"], u["r''"], u['ra'], *u['r'] = G.random(ZR, len(u['m']) + 3)
    u['At'] = [A**u["r'"] for A in u['A']]
    u['Bt'] = [B**u["r'"] for B in u['B']]
    u['Ct'] = u['C']**(u["r'"] * u["r''"])

    prod = product([pair(u['X'], Bt)**r for Bt, r in zip(u['Bt'], u['r'])])
    u['td'] = pair(u['X'], u['At'][0])**u['ra'] * prod

    return {'At': u['At'], 'Bt': u['Bt'], 'Ct': u['Ct'], 'td': u['td']}
Exemple #29
def step_7(v):
    """ Verifier - Verify """
    lhs = v['td']**v['ω']
    prod = product([pair(S, B) for S, B in zip(v['S'], v['Bt'])])

    rhs = pair(v['g']**(v['ω'] * v['c']), v['Ct']) * pair(
        v['Xd'], v['At'][0])**v['sa'] * prod

    accept = lhs == rhs
    return {"Accept": accept}
Exemple #30
def do( N ):
    ways = ( choose( 25, N )
             * product( xrange( 75, 100 - N ) )
             * fact( 75 ) )

    all = fact( 100 )
    ret = ways * 10 ** 50 / all
    import sys
    print >>sys.stderr, (ret, N)
    return ret
Exemple #31
def part2() -> int:
    tests = [
        (1, 1),
        (3, 1),
        (5, 1),
        (7, 1),
        (1, 2),

    return utils.product(check_slope(DATA, dx, dy) for (dx, dy) in tests)
Exemple #32
 def coprime_congruence_classes(self, primes):
     modulus = utils.product(primes)
     coprime_congruence_classes = set([num for num in range(1, modulus)])
     for prime in primes:
         prime_multiple = prime
         while prime_multiple < modulus:
             prime_multiple += prime
     coprime_congruence_classes = list(coprime_congruence_classes)
     return coprime_congruence_classes, modulus
def make_onehot(feature, planes):
    onehot_features = np.zeros(feature.shape + (planes,), dtype=np.uint8)
    capped = np.minimum(feature, planes)
    onehot_index_offsets = np.arange(0, product(onehot_features.shape), planes) + capped.ravel()
    # A 0 is encoded as [0,0,0,0], not [1,0,0,0], so we'll
    # filter out any offsets that are a multiple of $planes
    # A 1 is encoded as [1,0,0,0], not [0,1,0,0], so subtract 1 from offsets
    nonzero_elements = (capped != 0).ravel()
    nonzero_index_offsets = onehot_index_offsets[nonzero_elements] - 1
    onehot_features.ravel()[nonzero_index_offsets] = 1
    return onehot_features
Exemple #34
def main():
    N = 12000
    mps, results = [maxint for i in xrange(N - 1)], set()
    for x in xrange(4, 2 * N + 1):
        for factors in factorizations(x):
            k = len(factors) + product(factors) - sum(factors)
            if k > 1 and k <= N:
                mps[k - 2] = min(mps[k - 2], x)
    for number in mps:
    print sum(results)
Exemple #35
def markov_blanket_sample(X, e, bn):
    """Retornar uma amostra de P (X | mb) onde mb denota que a
     Variáveis no cobertor de Markov de X tomam seus valores do evento
     E (que deve atribuir um valor a cada). A manta de Markov de X é
     X pais, filhos e pais das crianças."""
    Xnode = bn.variable_node(X)
    Q = ProbDist(X)
    for xi in bn.variable_values(X):
        ei = extend(e, X, xi)
        Q[xi] = Xnode.p(xi, e) * product(
            Yj.p(ei[Yj.variable], ei) for Yj in Xnode.children)
    return probability(Q.normalize()[True])
Exemple #36
    def __init__(self, enc_out_features):
        super(MNISTDenseClassifier2, self).__init__()

        if is_iterable(enc_out_features):
            enc_out_features = product(enc_out_features)

        self.classifier = nn.Sequential(
            nn.Linear(enc_out_features, 1000),
            nn.Linear(1000, 10),
Exemple #37
def factorizations(x):
    factorization, listes = factors(x), [[x]]
    for n_factors in range(1, len(factorization)):
        for combination in combinations(factorization, n_factors):
            p = product(combination)
            for facto in factorizations(x / p):
                liste = [p]
                liste = sorted(liste)
                if liste not in listes:
    return listes
Exemple #38
def make_onehot(feature, planes):
    onehot_features = np.zeros(feature.shape + (planes,), dtype=np.uint8)
    capped = np.minimum(feature, planes)
    onehot_index_offsets = np.arange(0, product(
        onehot_features.shape), planes) + capped.ravel()
    # A 0 is encoded as [0,0,0,0], not [1,0,0,0], so we'll
    # filter out any offsets that are a multiple of $planes
    # A 1 is encoded as [1,0,0,0], not [0,1,0,0], so subtract 1 from offsets
    nonzero_elements = (capped != 0).ravel()
    nonzero_index_offsets = onehot_index_offsets[nonzero_elements] - 1
    onehot_features.ravel()[nonzero_index_offsets] = 1
    return onehot_features
Exemple #39
def compare_KL(model, real_data, fake_data, samples=(100,100,100), **kwargs):
    Approximately calculate the Kullback-Leibler divergence from the model to two sets of data
    :param model: the sem-func model
    :param real_data: first set of tuples
    :param fake_data: second set of tuples
    :param samples: number of samples to draw, for: SVO, SV, VO graphs
    :return: (real KLs, fake KLs), each for (SVO, SV, VO) subsets
    # Get sample probabilities from the data
    real_prob = separate_prob(real_data)
    fake_prob = separate_prob(fake_data)
    # Initialise counts for generated samples
    real_match = [{tup: 0 for tup in c} for c in real_prob]
    fake_match = [{tup: 0 for tup in c} for c in fake_prob]
    # Sample from the model
    sampler = [model.sample_background_svo, model.sample_background_sv, model.sample_background_vo]
    for i in range(3):
        # Sample entities for each graph configuration
        for ents in sampler[i](samples=samples[i], **kwargs):
            # For the sampled entities, find the distribution over predicates
            pred_dist = [model.pred_dist(e) for e in ents]
            # Add the probability that this sample would generate the observed predicates
            for preds in real_match[i]:
                real_match[i][preds] += product(pred_dist[j][p] for j,p in enumerate(preds))
            for preds in fake_match[i]:
                fake_match[i][preds] += product(pred_dist[j][p] for j,p in enumerate(preds))
        # Average the probabilities
        for preds in real_match[i]:
            real_match[i][preds] /= samples[i]
        for preds in fake_match[i]:
            fake_match[i][preds] /= samples[i]
    real_KL = [KL(real_prob[i], real_match[i]) for i in range(3)]
    fake_KL = [KL(fake_prob[i], fake_match[i]) for i in range(3)]

    return real_KL, fake_KL
def markov_blanket_sample(X, e, bn):
    """Return a sample from P(X | mb) where mb denotes that the
    variables in the Markov blanket of X take their values from event
    e (which must assign a value to each). The Markov blanket of X is
    X's parents, children, and children's parents."""
    Xnode = bn.variable_node(X)
    Q = ProbDist(X)
    for xi in bn.variable_values(X):
        ei = extend(e, X, xi)
        # [Equation 14.12]
        Q[xi] = Xnode.p(xi, e) * product(Yj.p(ei[Yj.variable], ei) for Yj in Xnode.children)
    # (assuming a Boolean variable here)
    return probability(Q.normalize()[True])
Exemple #41
def index(request):
    values_strings = request.GET.getlist('values')
        values_ints = map(int, values_strings)
    except ValueError as e:
        err_result = {'details': str(e) }
        json_output = json.dumps(err_result)
        return HttpResponse(json_output, status=400)
    vsum = sum(values_ints)
    vproduct = product(values_ints)
    json_output = json.dumps({'sum': vsum, 'product': vproduct})
    return HttpResponse(json_output)
Exemple #42
def problem_008(series: int = 13, n: str = n) -> int:
    Straightforward solution using slicing window and product function.

    - O(n * series) time-complexity
    - O(1) space-complexity
    prod = 0
    for i in range(len(n) - series + 1):
        adjacent_digits = n[i:i + series]
        prod = max(prod, product([int(digit) for digit in adjacent_digits
                                  ]))  # compare current and new products
    return prod
def alpha81(df):
    ((rank(Log(product(rank((rank(correlation(vwap, sum(adv10, 49.6054),
    8.47743))^4)), 14.9655))) < rank(correlation(rank(vwap), rank(volume), 5.07914))) * -1)
    temp = u.rank(
                    u.rank(u.corr(df.vwap, u.ts_sum(u.adv(df, 10), 50),
                                  8))**4), 15)))
    return ((temp < u.rank(u.corr(u.rank(df.vwap), u.rank(df.volume), 5))) *
Exemple #44
def markov_blanket_sample(X, e, bn):
    """Return a sample from P(X | mb) where mb denotes that the
    variables in the Markov blanket of X take their values from event
    e (which must assign a value to each). The Markov blanket of X is
    X's parents, children, and children's parents."""
    Xnode = bn.variable_node(X)
    Q = ProbDist(X)
    for xi in bn.variable_values(X):
        ei = extend(e, X, xi)
        # [Equation 14.12:]
        Q[xi] = Xnode.p(xi, e) * product(Yj.p(ei[Yj.variable], ei)
                                         for Yj in Xnode.children)
    # (assuming a Boolean variable here)
    return probability(Q.normalize()[True])
Exemple #45
def baseline_KL(real_data, fake_data):
    Calculate the Kullback-Leibler divergence from the null hypothesis (sample nouns and verbs according to frequency) to two sets of data
    :param real_data: first set of tuples
    :param fake_data: second set of tuples
    :return: (real KLs, fake KLs), each for (SVO, SV, VO) subsets
    real_prob = separate_prob(real_data)
    fake_prob = separate_prob(fake_data)

    noun_prob = pred_freq * noun_mask / pred_freq[nouns].sum()
    verb_prob = pred_freq * verb_mask / pred_freq[verbs].sum()
    both_prob = noun_prob + verb_prob

    real_match = [{tup: product(both_prob[p] for p in tup)
                   for tup in c} for c in real_prob]
    fake_match = [{tup: product(both_prob[p] for p in tup)
                   for tup in c} for c in fake_prob]

    real_KL = [KL(real_prob[i], real_match[i]) for i in range(3)]
    fake_KL = [KL(fake_prob[i], fake_match[i]) for i in range(3)]

    return real_KL, fake_KL
Exemple #46
def step_3(i):
    lhs = i['T']
    rhs = i['M']**i['c'] * i['g1']**i['s'][0] * product(
        [Z**s for Z, s in zip(i['Z'], i['s'][1:])])

    if lhs != rhs:
        raise ValueError("Step3 fuckup on check")

    a0 = G.random(ZR)
    i['A'] = [i['g1']**a0]
    i['A'] += [i['A'][0]**z for z in i['z']]
    i['B'] = [A**i['y'] for A in i['A']]
    i['C'] = i['A'][0]**i['x'] * i['M']**(a0 * i['x'] * i['y'])

    return {'A': i['A'], 'B': i['B'], 'C': i['C']}
def alpha29(df):
    (min(product(rank(rank(scale(log(sum(ts_min(rank(rank((-1 * rank(delta((close - 1),
    5))))), 2), 1))))), 1), 5) + ts_rank(delay((-1 * returns), 6), 5)) 
    temp1 = u.scale(
                    u.rank(u.rank((-1 * u.rank(u.delta((df.close - 1), 5))))),
                    2), 1)))
    temp2 = u.product(u.rank(u.rank(temp1)), 1)
    temp3 = u.ts_rank(u.delay((-1 * df.returns), 6), 5)
    return (np.where(temp1 < temp2, temp1, temp2) + temp3)
 def bayes(self, party, party_tweets, sample_freq_list):
     prob_of_party = len(party_tweets) / len(self.tweets)
     feature_probs = []
     # iterate over every word (boolean flag)
     for i in xrange(0, len(sample_freq_list)):
         # P(A|B) = P(B|A) * P(A) / P(B)
         # P(match|party) = P(party|match) * P(match) / P(party)
         #                = P(match)
         # because we're only looking at the party's tweets
         matching_fn = lambda test_tweet: test_tweet.freq_list[i] == sample_freq_list[i]
         matching_tweets = filter(matching_fn, party_tweets)
         probability = len(matching_tweets) / len(party_tweets)
     combined = prob_of_party * utils.product(feature_probs)
     return combined
Exemple #49
def statistical_mutual_information(ngram, text):
    Return the probability of all the terms of the ngram to appear together.
    Do we may consider the stop_words ?
    candidates = [(k, v) for k, v in enumerate(ngram) if normalize_token(v) not in stop_words \
                  and not v.isdigit() and len(v) > 1]
    alone_count = {}
    if len(candidates) == 0: return 0.1
    for candidate in candidates:
        next = candidates.index(candidate) < len(candidates) - 1 \
               and candidates[candidates.index(candidate) + 1] \
               or None
        previous = candidates.index(candidate) > 0 \
               and candidates[candidates.index(candidate) - 1] \
               or None
        alone_count[candidate] = 0
        indexes = [ idx for idx, value in enumerate(text) if value == candidate[1] ]
        for idx in indexes:
            if next is not None:
                positions_diff = next[0] - candidate[0]
                if idx >= len(text) - (positions_diff + 1) \
                   or not text[idx+positions_diff] == next[1]:
                    #we are close end of text, next can't be found
                    alone_count[candidate] += 1
            if previous is not None:
                positions_diff = candidate[0] - previous[0]
                if idx < positions_diff \
                   or not text[idx-positions_diff] == previous[1]:
                    #we are close beggin of text, preivous can't be found
                    alone_count[candidate] += 1
    res = [v for k,v in alone_count.items()]
#    print [v for v in alone_count.items()]
    if 0 in res:
        return 1
        return product([1.0 * len(ngram) / (len(ngram) + v) for v in res])
def original_solution():
    """ original_solution took 584.394 ms
              584.394 ms (write is_int inline instead of as a function call)
              741.234 ms (build a table of funcs instead of eval inline)
            13419.094 ms (intuition: solution won't have a 0 in it (useless!))
            20296.724 ms (intuition: solution needs to have 1 in it)
            50730.742 ms (save list of all operator combos instead of dynamic generation)
            51467.405 ms (format instead of 3 string replaces)
            53080.543 ms (essential set of combos)
            91008.076 ms (initial)
        The answer (original) is: 1258
    # all possible combinations of operators
    olist = [p for p in product(['+', '-', '*', '/'], repeat=3)] 
    # all possible parenthesizations
    combos = ['(a %c (b %c c)) %c d', '((a %c b) %c c) %c d', 'a %c (b %c (c %c d))', 'a %c ((b %c c) %c d)', '(a %c b) %c (c %c d)']
    # all possible functions
    funcs = [eval('lambda a,b,c,d : %s' % (c % o)) for c in combos for o in olist]  
    m, answer = 0, ''
    for numbers in combinations(xrange(1, 10), 4):
        if not 1 in numbers: continue # intuition about requirements for solution
        outcomes = set()
        for a,b,c,d in permutations(numbers):
            for f in funcs:
                    n = f(a,b,c,d)
                    if 0 < n and int(n) == n:
                except ZeroDivisionError:
        lcr = largest_continuous_range(sorted(outcomes)) #lcr = largest_continuous_range_new(outcomes)
        if m < lcr:
            m, answer = lcr, ''.join(map(str, numbers))
            print 'new max: %d from %s' % (m, answer)
    return answer
Exemple #51
 def qCombination_square(n, k):  # TODO:
     if n >= k >= 0:
         return utils.product(fun=lambda x: QAnalogue.qNumber(2 * x), start=0, end=n) / \
                utils.product(fun=lambda x: QAnalogue.qNumber(2 * x), start=0, end=k) / \
                utils.product(fun=lambda x: QAnalogue.qNumber(2 * x), start=0, end=n - k)
     return 0
Exemple #52
import itertools

from utils import fast_prime_stream, fast_prime_posneg_stream, product

def triple_stream():
    # This will not generate all triples.
    # Need to multiply these by a constant to generate all.
    for a in itertools.count(2):
        for b in range(2, a):
            # Euclid's formula
            yield (a**2 - b**2, 2*a*b, a**2 + b**2)

def triple_children(t):
    for e in itertools.count(1):
        yield map(lambda n: n * e, t)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    for t in triple_stream():
        for c in triple_children(t):
            s = sum(c)
            if s == 1000:
                print c
                print product(c)
            if s > 1000:
Exemple #53
def falling_fac(n,k):
    return product([n-j for j in range(k)])
Exemple #54

from utils import product

BIGNUMSTR = "7316717653133062491922511967442657474235534919493496983520312774506326239578318016984801869478851843858615607891129494954595017379583319528532088055111254069874715852386305071569329096329522744304355766896648950445244523161731856403098711121722383113622298934233803081353362766142828064444866452387493035890729629049156044077239071381051585930796086670172427121883998797908792274921901699720888093776657273330010533678812202354218097512545405947522435258490771167055601360483958644670632441572215539753697817977846174064955149290862569321978468622482839722413756570560574902614079729686524145351004748216637048440319989000889524345065854122758866688116427171479924442928230863465674813919123162824586178664583591245665294765456828489128831426076900422421902267105562632111110937054421750694165896040807198403850962455444362981230987879927244284909188845801561660979191338754992005240636899125607176060588611646710940507754100225698315520005593572972571636269561882670428252483600823257530420752963450"

prod = 0
for i in range(0, len(BIGNUMSTR)):
    slicestr = BIGNUMSTR[i:i+13]
    numbers = [int(slicestr[i]) for i in range(len(slicestr))]
    thisprod = product(numbers)
    if thisprod > prod:
        prod = thisprod

print prod
Exemple #55
 def weight(ss):
     return (falling_fac(q,sum(ss))*product(k**s for k,s in zip(ks,ss)))
Exemple #56
def p_first_occ_at_i(strand,start,stop,hyp,i):
    if strand == '+':
        return hyp[i%G]*product((1-hyp[j%G]) for j in xrange(start,i,+1))
        return hyp[i%G]*product((1-hyp[j%G]) for j in xrange(stop,i,-1))
Exemple #57
 def class_probability(targetval):
     return (target_dist[targetval] *
             product(attr_dists[targetval, attr][example[attr]]
                     for attr in dataset.inputs))
Exemple #58
from utils import product
from pyprimes import factors
from itertools import combinations

target = 2 * 2 * 2 * 3 * 5 * 7 * 11 * 13 * 17 * 19 * 23
count, primes = 0, list(set(factors(target)))
for i in xrange(len(primes) + 1):
    for comb in combinations(primes, i):
        count += (-1) ** i *  product(comb)
R = abs(count) * target / product(primes)
print target
print R
print target - 1
print R / float(target - 1)
print 15499. / 94744.
print R / float(target - 1) < 15499. / 94744.
Exemple #59
def mat_permanent(M):
    m = M.rows
    n = M.cols
    return sum(product(M[i,perm[i]] for i in range(m))
               for perm in itertools.permutations(range(n)))
Exemple #60
def esp_ref(ks,j):
    """compute jth elementary symmetric polynomial on ks"""
    n = len(ks)
    return sum(product(rslice(ks,comb)) for comb in itertools.combinations(range(n),j))