Exemple #1
def parse_input():
    node_dict = {}
    # for line in test_input().splitlines():
    for line in utils.read_input(12):
        start, others = re.match(r'([\d]*) <-> (.*)', line).groups()
        nums = [int(n.strip()) for n in others.split(',')]
        node_dict[int(start)] = nums

    return node_dict
def main(separator='\t'):
    Choose the next node to be added to the subgraph.
    Take as input:
        - iterable of nodes (ordered) as key
        - iterable of iterable as value
    data = read_input(sys.stdin)
    for nodes, neighbours_iterable in data:
        nodes = eval(nodes)

        neighbours_iterable = eval(neighbours_iterable)
        next_nodes = choose_nodes(nodes, neighbours_iterable)

        for n in next_nodes:
            print("{}\t{}".format(sorted(nodes + (n, )), neighbours_iterable))
def main(separator='\t'):
    Join the neighbours_iterables from the reducer.
    Receives as key an ordered iterable of nodes (the subgraph).
    Builds the the next neighbours_iterable filtering duplicates.
    data = read_input(sys.stdin, separator=separator)
    for key, value in groupby(data, itemgetter(0)):
        next_iterable = set()
        for i in value:
            for t in eval(i[1]):

        next_tuple = tuple(next_iterable)
        key = tuple(eval(key))

        #  Check for the density!
        if density(key, next_tuple) >= RHO:
            with open("Output/FOUND", "w") as f:
                print("{}".format(key), file=f)

        print("{}\t{}".format(key, next_tuple))
Exemple #4
import sys
import utils
from dbscan import *

if __name__ == "__main__":
    filename = sys.argv[1]
    points = utils.read_input(filename) 
    dbscan(points, 0.5) # it will labeled cluster of elements of points
Exemple #5
def spatial_pooler(images, shape, p_connect=0.15, connect_threshold=0.2,
                   p_inc=0.02, p_dec=0.02, b_inc=0.005, p_mult=0.01,
                   min_activity_threshold=0.01, desired_activity_mult=0.05,
                   b_max=4, max_iterations=10000, cycles_to_save=100,
    Implements the main BSP loop (p. 3). It goes continually through the images
    set until convergence.
    :param images: set of images to learn from. It is an array of shape
                   (l, m, n) where (l, m) == (shape[0], shape[1]) and
                   (l, m) == (shape[2], shape[3])
    :param shape: the shape of the output array. It must have 4 components, and
                  (shape[0], shape[1]) == (shape[2], shape[3]).
    :param p_connect: probability of the columns mapped to [i, j] to have a
                      potential synapse to coordinates [k, l], for all i in
                      shape[0], j in shape[1], k in shape[2], and l in
    :param connect_threshold: threshold over which a potential synapse is
                              considered *connected*. All potential synapses
                              start with a permanence value within 0.1 of
                              this parameter.
    :param p_inc: the BSP'perm pInc parameter (p. 4). A float that indicates
                  the amount by which a synapse'perm permanence must be
    :param p_dec: the BSP'perm pDec parameter (p. 4). A float that indicates
                  the amount by which a synapse'perm permanence must be
    :param b_inc: the BSP'perm bInc parameter (p. 4). A float that indicates
                  the amount by which a column'perm boost must be incremented.
    :param p_mult: the BSP'perm pMult parameter (p. 4). A float that indicates
                   the amount by which a synapse'perm permanence must be
    :param min_activity_threshold: the BSP's minActivityThreshold parameter
                                   (p. 4).
    :param desired_activity_mult: the BSP's desiredActivityMult parameter
                                  (p. 4).
    :param b_max: the ASP'perm bMax parameter (p. 6). A float that indicates
                  the amount by which a synapse'perm permanence must be
    :param max_iterations: an integer indicating the maximum number of runs
                           through the set of images allowed. Pass None if no
                           limit is desired.
    :param cycles_to_save: wait this number of iterations over the complete set
                           of images before saving the columns to disk.
    :param output_file: file name used to save the pickled columns.
    :return: a matrix *columns* of shape *shape*, created and modified
             according to the BSP learning algorithm.
    # Initialize boost matrix.
    boost = np.ones(shape=shape[:2])
    part_rbuffer = partial(RingBuffer,
                           input_array=np.zeros(1000, dtype=np.bool),
    # Initialize activity dictionary.
    activity = defaultdict(part_rbuffer)
    # Initialize columns and distances matrices.
    pprint("Initializing synapses ...")
    columns, distances = initialise_synapses(shape, p_connect,
    random_rows = np.random.randint(0, shape[0], 2)
    random_cols = np.random.randint(0, shape[1], 2)
    pprint(columns[random_rows, random_cols])
    pprint(distances[random_rows, random_cols])
    # Calculate the inhibition_area parameter.
    pprint("Calculating inhibition area ...")
    inhibition_area = update_inhibition_area(columns, connect_threshold)
    pprint("Inhibition area: %s" % inhibition_area)
    # Calculate the desired activity in a inhibition zone.
    pprint("Calculating desired activity ...")
    desired_activity = desired_activity_mult * inhibition_area
    pprint("Desired activity: %s" % desired_activity)

    converged = False
    i = 0
    # While synapses are modified and the maximum number of iterations is not
    # overstepped, ...
    pprint("Starting learning loop ...")
    start = datetime.now()
    while not converged and (max_iterations is None or i < max_iterations):
        # Initialize the synapses_modified array, assuming no synapses will be
        # modified.
        synapses_modified = np.zeros(shape=len(images), dtype=np.bool)
        # For each image *image*, with index *j* in the images set, ...
        for j, image, _ in read_input(images):
            # According to the paper (sic):
            #   "minOverlap was dynamically set to be the product of the mean
            #    pixel intensity of the current image and the mean number of
            #    connected synapses for an individual column."
            # This leaves unclear exactly what is meant by "mean number of
            # connected synapses for an individual column"; it could be a
            # historical mean or a mean over all columns, here the latter was
            # chosen.
            mean_conn_synapses = (columns[columns > connect_threshold].size /
                                  (shape[2] * shape[3]))
            min_overlap = image.mean() * mean_conn_synapses
            # calculate the overlap of the columns with the image.
            # (this is a simple count of the number of its connected synapses
            # that are receiving active input (p. 3)), ...
            overlap = calculate_overlap(image, columns, min_overlap,
                                        connect_threshold, boost)
            # force sparsity by inhibiting columns, ...
            active, activity =\
                inhibit_columns(columns, distances, inhibition_area,
                                overlap, activity, desired_activity)
            # calculate the min_activity matrix, ...
            min_activity =\
                calculate_min_activity(columns, active, distances,
                                       inhibition_area, activity,
            # and finally, adapt the synapse's permanence values.
            columns, synapses_modified[j] =\
                learn_synapse_connections(columns, active, image, p_inc,
                                          p_dec, activity, min_activity, boost,
                                          b_inc, p_mult, connect_threshold,
                                          distances, b_max)
            # Update the inhibition_area parameter.
            inhibition_area = update_inhibition_area(columns,
            # Update the desired activity in a inhibition zone.
            desired_activity = desired_activity_mult * inhibition_area
            # Print a snapshot of the model state every 1000 images.
            if j % 1000 == 0:
                pprint("########## %sth image of %sth iteration ##########" %
                       (j+1, i+1))
                elapsed = datetime.now() - start
                elapsed_h = elapsed.total_seconds() // 3600
                elapsed_m = (elapsed.total_seconds() // 60) % 60
                elapsed_s = elapsed.seconds % 60
                pprint("########## Elapsed time: %02d:%02d:%02d ##########" %
                       (elapsed_h, elapsed_m, elapsed_s))
                pprint(overlap[random_rows, random_cols])
                for l, key in enumerate(activity.iterkeys()):
                    if l in random_rows:
                pprint(active[random_rows, random_cols])
                pprint("Min activity:")
                pprint(min_activity[random_rows, random_cols])
                pprint("Inhibition area: %s" % inhibition_area)
                pprint("Inhibition radius: %s" %
                pprint("Desired activity: %s" % desired_activity)
                pprint("Synapses modified: %s" % synapses_modified[j])
        # Check if any synapses changed from connected to disconnected or
        # vice-versa in the last learning cycle.
        converged = test_for_convergence(synapses_modified)
        pprint("Iteration %s. Number of synapses modified: %s" %
               (i, synapses_modified.sum()))
        if i % cycles_to_save == 0 or converged:
            if output_file is not None:
                with open(output_file, 'wb') as fp:
                    pickle.dump(columns, fp)
        # Increment iterations counter.
        i += 1

    return columns
Exemple #6
import utils
import re

specs, your, other = utils.read_input(delim='\n\n', test=False)
specs = specs.split('\n')
specs = {
    a: [int(b) for b in bs]
    for a, *bs in [
        re.match(r'^([a-z ]+): (\d+)-(\d+) or (\d+)-(\d+)', s).groups()
        for s in specs

intervals = sorted([
    a for b in [[[lo1, h1], [lo2, hi2]]
                for lo1, h1, lo2, hi2 in specs.values()] for a in b

sm = 0
valid_rows = []

for row in other.split('\n')[1:]:
    ns = [int(i) for i in row.split(',')]
    row_invalid = False
    for n in ns:
        invalid = True
        for (a, b) in intervals:
            if a <= n and b >= n:
                invalid = False
        if invalid:
import numpy as np

from utils import read_input, update_grid, print_grid, score_grid

if __name__ == "__main__":
    grid = read_input()
    original_grid = np.array(grid)
    total = 1000000000

    visited = {}
    cycle_start = None
    cycle_end = None

    for i in range(total):
        grid = update_grid(grid)
        grid_str = ''.join(''.join(row) for row in grid)
        if grid_str in visited:
            cycle_start = visited[grid_str]
            cycle_end = i

        visited[grid_str] = i

    period = cycle_end - cycle_start
    if total >= cycle_start:
        total = cycle_start + (total - cycle_start) % period
        f"Cycle starts at {cycle_start} and ends at {cycle_end} with a period of {period}"
    print(f"Will run {total} cycles to obtain the desired result")
Exemple #8
import utils
import annealing
import campos
import networkx as nx
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

g = utils.read_input("generated_inputs/25.in")
g2 = utils.read_input("generated_inputs/50.in")
g3 = utils.read_input("generated_inputs/100.in")
gsmol = np.ones((5, 5)) - np.eye(5)
gsmol2 = np.ones((10, 10)) - np.eye(10)
gcomp = np.ones((25, 25)) - np.eye(25)
gcomp2 = np.ones((50, 50)) - np.eye(50)
gcomp3 = np.ones((100, 100)) - np.eye(100)

def test_initial():
    G = utils.read_input("inputs/large-14.in")
    state = annealing.initial_fn(G)
    cost = utils.cost_fn(state)
    print("Done with cost ", cost)
    utils.write_output(state, G, "/tmp/res.txt")
    assert utils.verify_in_out(G, "/tmp/res.txt")
from utils import operations, read_input

if __name__ == "__main__":
    bound, instructions = read_input()
    pointer = 0
    registry = [0] * 6
    registry[0] = 1

    while pointer < len(instructions):
        registry[bound] = pointer
        instr = instructions[pointer]
        operation = operations[instr[0]]
        registry = operation(registry, instr[1])

        if pointer == 3:
            for x in range(1, registry[2] + 1):
                registry[1] = x
                if registry[2] % registry[1] == 0:
                    registry[0] += registry[2] // registry[1]
        pointer = registry[bound]
        pointer += 1
Exemple #10
from utils import read_input
from math import cos, sin, radians

navigations = read_input('inputs/input12.txt')

def navigate(instruction, pos_x, pos_y, dir):
    nav = instruction[0]
    value = int(instruction[1:])
    if nav == 'N':
        pos_y += value
    elif nav == 'E':
        pos_x += value
    elif nav == 'S':
        pos_y -= value
    elif nav == 'W':
        pos_x -= value
    elif nav == 'R':
        dir = (dir - value) % 360
    elif nav == 'L':
        dir = (dir + value) % 360
    elif nav == 'F':
        if dir == 0:
            pos_x += value
        elif dir == 90:
            pos_y += value
        elif dir == 180:
            pos_x -= value
        elif dir == 270:
            pos_y -= value
Exemple #11
#!/usr/bin/env python


import board,player,engine,validator,utils
from board import *
from validator import *
from player import *
from engine import *

print "some tests..."
print "is_winner tests:"
boards = utils.read_input("input")
for i in range(len(boards)):
	print str(boards[i])
	print "w=" + is_winner(boards[i]) + "\n"


		+ 'player.next_move tests:')
boards = utils.read_input("input-ai")
for i in range(len(boards)):
	print str(i+1) + '.'
	print str(boards[i]) + "\n"
	while not boards[i].is_full() and is_winner(boards[i]) == Board.BLANK:
		if turn == p1.sym:
Exemple #12
                found = y
        if found is None:
            return x
    return False

def is_invalid(x, prev):
    found = False
    for y in set(prev):
        if x - y in prev:
            found = y
    return found

def part2(data):
    VALUE = 57195069
    for size in range(2, len(data)):
        for i in range(len(data) - size):
            if sum(data[i:i + size]) == VALUE:
                print(data[i:i + size])
                return max(data[i:i + size]) + min(data[i:i + size])
    return False

if __name__ == '__main__':
    data = read_input('input.txt', by_line=True, fn=int)
Exemple #13
from utils import read_input, dist

if __name__ == "__main__":
    radii = read_input()

    removed = [False] * len(radii)
    while True:
        noutside = [0] * len(radii)
        for removedi, (coordi, ri) in zip(removed, radii.items()):
            if removedi:
            for j, (coordj, rj) in enumerate(radii.items()):
                if removed[j]:
                if dist(coordi, coordj) > ri + rj:
                    noutside[j] += 1
        if sum(noutside) == 0:
        maxn = max(noutside)
        removed = [r or n == maxn for r, n in zip(removed, noutside)]

    dists = [dist(c, (0,0,0)) - r
             for removedi, (c, r) in zip(removed, radii.items()) if not removedi]
    print(f"The distance to (0,0,0) is {max(dists)}")
def add_edges(grid, graph):
    for x in range(grid.shape[0]):
        for y in range(grid.shape[1]):
            target = grid[x, y]
            if x < grid.shape[0] - 1:
                source = grid[x + 1, y]
                for toola in tools_allowed[source]:
                    for toolb in tools_allowed[target]:
                        if toola == toolb:
                            graph.add_edge((x, y, toola), (x + 1, y, toolb),
            if y < grid.shape[1] - 1:
                source = grid[x, y + 1]
                for toola in tools_allowed[source]:
                    for toolb in tools_allowed[target]:
                        if toola == toolb:
                            graph.add_edge((x, y, toola), (x, y + 1, toolb),

if __name__ == "__main__":
    depth, targetx, targety = read_input()
    grid = define_grid(targetx, targety, depth, padding=10)
    graph = define_graph(grid)
    p = nx.shortest_path(graph, (0, 0, 0), (targetx, targety, 0),
    duration = sum(
        [graph.edges[v, u]['weight'] for v, u in zip(p[0:-1], p[1:])])
    print(f"The shortest duration is {duration}")
    commands = deque([
        'west', 'take mug', 'north', 'take easter egg', 'south', 'east',
        'south', 'east', 'north', 'take candy cane', 'south', 'west', 'north',
        'east', 'take coin', 'north', 'north', 'take hypercube', 'south',
        'east', 'take manifold', 'west', 'south', 'south', 'east',
        'take pointer', 'west', 'west', 'take astrolabe', 'north', 'east',
        'north', 'drop manifold', 'drop easter egg', 'drop pointer',
        'drop candy cane', 'east'])
    while True:
        text = []
            while output := next(computer.generator):
        except StopIteration:
        command = commands.popleft() if commands else input()
        if command == 'exit': return
        for c in command:
            output = computer.generator.send(ord(c))
            if output: print(chr(output), end='')

def part2(raw_input):
    print("Part 2")
    return "Happy Holidays!"

raw_input = utils.read_input()
from itertools import permutations
from typing import Optional, Tuple

from utils import read_input

INPUT = read_input('day7')

def parse_instruction(instruction: int) -> Tuple[int, int, int, int]:
    return (instruction % 100 // 1,
            instruction % 1000 // 100,
            instruction % 10000 // 1000,
            instruction % 100000 // 10000)

class Amplifier:
    def __init__(self, code: str, phase_setting: int):
        self.i = 0
        self.mem = list(map(int, code.split(',')))
        self.inputs = [phase_setting]
    def run(self, input_signal: int) -> Optional[int]:

        def param(num: int) -> int:
            return self.mem[self.i + num]

        def param_value(param_num: int) -> int:
            p = param(param_num)
Exemple #17
from utils import read_input
from sympy.ntheory.modular import crt

data = read_input('inputs/input13.txt')

def part_1():
    departure_time = int(data[0])
    bus_lines = [int(x) for x in data[1].split(',') if x != 'x']

    diffs = []
    for t in bus_lines:
        r = departure_time % t
        d = t - r

    min_diff = min(diffs)
    bus_id = bus_lines[diffs.index(min_diff)]
    print(min_diff * bus_id)

def part_2():
    times = data[1].split(',')
    bus_lines = [int(x) for x in data[1].split(',') if x != 'x']
    time_diff = [times.index(str(x)) for x in bus_lines]

    # t mod b1 = r1
    # t mod b2 = r2
    # t mod b3 = r3
    # ...
    reminders = [n1 - n2 for (n1, n2) in zip(bus_lines, time_diff)]
def reconstruct_images(alg, images, columns, connect_threshold,
                       desired_activity_mult, min_overlap, img_shape,
    cols_shape = columns.shape
    # Initialize boost matrix.
    boost = np.ones(shape=cols_shape[:2])
    part_rbuffer = partial(RingBuffer,
                           input_array=np.zeros(1, dtype=np.bool), copy=True)
    # Initialize activity dictionary.
    activity = defaultdict(part_rbuffer)
    if alg == 'bsp':
        # Initialize overlap_sum dictionary.
        overlap_sum = defaultdict(part_rbuffer)

    distances = calculate_distances(cols_shape)
    # Calculate the inhibition_area parameter.
    inhibition_area = update_inhibition_area(columns, connect_threshold)
    # Calculate the desired activity in a inhibition zone.
    desired_activity = desired_activity_mult * inhibition_area

    reconstructions = np.zeros_like(images)
    # Initialize the activations matrix. This will be used to calculate the
    # population and lifetime kurtoses.
    activations = np.zeros(shape=(images.shape[0], cols_shape[0],
                                  cols_shape[1]), dtype=np.int)

    for i, image, _ in read_input(images):
        if alg == 'bsp':
            overlap, _ = bsp_overlap(image, columns, min_overlap,
                                     connect_threshold, boost, overlap_sum)
        elif alg == 'asp':
            # calculate the overlap of the columns with the image.
            # (this is a simple count of the number of its connected synapses
            # that are receiving active input (p. 3)), ...
            overlap = asp_overlap(image, columns, min_overlap,
                                  connect_threshold, boost)
        # force sparsity by inhibiting columns, ...
        active, _ = inhibit_columns(columns, distances, inhibition_area,
                                    overlap, activity, desired_activity)
        # set reconstructions[i][y, x] to (sic, p. 7):
        #    "[...] the linear superposition of the
        #     connected synapses of the columns that become active
        #     when the input is present [...]"
        # first, generate a copy of the columns array, where all the synapses
        # of all inactive columns are set to 0, ...
        active_cols = np.where(active, columns,
                               np.zeros(shape=(cols_shape[2], cols_shape[3])))
        # and then set reconstructions[i] to the linear superposition of the
        # synapses of the active columns.
        reconstructions[i] = np.nansum(active_cols, axis=(0, 1))
        # Store the post-inhibition overlap activity of each column as the
        # sum of the overlap of the active columns.
        activations[i] = np.nansum(columns, axis=(2, 3))

    if out_dir is not None:
        if not os.path.exists(out_dir):
        # Rebuild the 256x 256 images from the 16x16 patches.
        reconstructions = rebuild_imgs_from_patches(reconstructions, img_shape)
        # Scale the pixel values to the range [0, 1].
        reconstructions = reconstructions - reconstructions.min()
        reconstructions /= reconstructions.max() - reconstructions.min()
        # Scale the pixel values to the range [0, 255].
        reconstructions *= 255
        for i, reconstruct_img in enumerate(reconstructions):
            with open(os.path.join(out_dir, 'rec_img_%d.png' % i), 'wb') as fp:
                plt.imsave(fname=fp, arr=reconstruct_img, cmap='gray', )
    return activations
 def test_with_input(self):
     boarding_passes = utils.read_input(5)
     self.assertEqual(day5.part_2(boarding_passes), 597)
Exemple #20
                seen, doors = navigate(p, opt + line[end + 1:], seen, doors)
            return seen, doors

def p1(lines):
    global distances

    start = (0, 0)
    _, doors = navigate(start, lines[0].strip(), set(), defaultdict(set))

    distances = {start: 0}
    q = Queue()
    while not q.empty():
        src = q.get()
        for dst in doors[src]:
            if dst not in distances:
                distances[dst] = distances[src] + 1

    return max(distances.values())

def p2(_):
    global distances
    return len([k for k in distances if distances[k] >= 1000])

if __name__ == "__main__":
    solve(read_input(), lambda x: x, p1, p2)
Exemple #21
            or name in _optionnal_fields)

def is_passport_valid(passport):
    return all(field in passport and is_field_valid(field, passport[field])
               for field in _mandatory_fields)

def part01(passports):
    valids_passports = list(
        filter(lambda x: all(field in x for field in _mandatory_fields),
    return len(valids_passports)

def part02(passports):
    valids_passports = list(filter(is_passport_valid, passports))
    return len(valids_passports)

if __name__ == "__main__":

    input = [
        line.strip("\n") for line in read_input("04", ignore_blank_lines=False)
    passports = format_passports(input)

    # print(passports)
Exemple #22
from utils import read_input, count, selection_phase, attacking_phase

if __name__ == "__main__":
    groups, _ = read_input()
    nimmunes, ninfections = count(groups)
    while nimmunes > 0 and ninfections > 0:
        groups = [g for g in groups if g.units > 0]
        nimmunes, ninfections = count(groups)

    nimmunes, ninfections = count(groups)
        f"There are {nimmunes} immune system units and {ninfections} infection units"
Exemple #23
            elif pancake == len(stack) - 2:
                if revStack[pancake + 1] == '-':
                    toFlip = revStack[pancake:]
                    stayTheSame = revStack[:pancake]
                    toFlip = revStack[pancake + 1:]
                    stayTheSame = revStack[:pancake+1]
                toFlip = revStack[pancake:]
                stayTheSame = revStack[:pancake]
            flipped = flip(toFlip)
            return list(reversed(stayTheSame))

def flip(arr):
    rev = list(reversed(arr))
    ans = []
    for index in range(0, len(rev)):
        if rev[index] == '-':
        elif rev[index] == '+':
    return ans

filename = utils.getFilename()
input = utils.read_input(filename)
output = process(input)
utils.print_output(filename, output)
Exemple #24
        if node in traversed:
        last = False
        for edge in edges:
            if edge[1] == node and edge[0] not in traversed:
                last = True
        if not last:
    return traversed[-1]

if __name__ == "__main__":
    nodes, edges = read_input()
    traversed = []
    start = find_start(nodes, edges, traversed)
    while len(traversed) < len(nodes):
        # Find edges starting with start
        candidates = [edge[1] for edge in edges if edge[0] == start]
        # Remove edges with a start that has not been traversed yet
        remove = []
        for edge in edges:
            if edge[0] != start and edge[1] in candidates and edges[
                    0] not in traversed:
        candidates = [c for c in candidates if not c in remove]
        # Traverse an edge
        if len(candidates) > 0:
Exemple #25
from collections import Counter
from itertools import chain
from typing import List, Optional, Tuple

from utils import read_input

Point = Tuple[int, int]

INPUT = read_input(6)
1, 1
1, 6
8, 3
3, 4
5, 5
8, 9

def day6(input_: List[str], safe_range: int = 10000) -> None:
    def parse_line(line: str) -> Point:
        a, b = line.split(', ')
        return int(a), int(b)

    points = list(map(parse_line, input_))

    def distance(a: Point, b: Point) -> int:
        return abs(b[0] - a[0]) + abs(b[1] - a[1])

    def closest(a: Point) -> Optional[Point]:
        min_dist = 100000000
Exemple #26
import utils

if __name__ == '__main__':
    lines = utils.read_input(5)
    nums = [int(n) for n in lines]

    num_steps = 0
    idx = 0
    while idx < len(nums):
        old_idx = idx
        step = nums[idx]
        idx += step
        nums[old_idx] = nums[old_idx] + 1 if nums[old_idx] < 3 else nums[old_idx] - 1
        num_steps += 1

Exemple #27
def parse_input():
    for line in read_input(7):
        splits = line.split()
        prereq = splits[1]
        action = splits[7]
        yield Instruction(prereq, action)
Exemple #28
(opt, args) = parser.parse_args()

# general setup
maxNPF = 4500
n_features_pf = 8
n_features_pf_cat = 3
normFac = 50.
epochs = 100
batch_size = 64
preprocessed = True
emb_out_dim = 8

## read input and do preprocessing
Xorg, Y = read_input(opt.input)
Y = Y / -normFac

Xi, Xc1, Xc2, Xc3 = preProcessing(Xorg)
Xc = [Xc1, Xc2, Xc3]
emb_input_dim = {
    i: int(np.max(Xc[i][0:1000])) + 1
    for i in range(n_features_pf_cat)
print('Embedding input dimensions', emb_input_dim)

# prepare training/val data
Yr = Y
Xr = [Xi] + Xc
indices = np.array([i for i in range(len(Yr))])
Exemple #29
#!/usr/bin/env python3

from utils import read_input

def part1_solution(numbers):
    for i, num1 in enumerate(numbers):
        for j, num2 in enumerate(numbers, start=i + 1):
            if num1 + num2 == 2020:
                return num1 * num2

def part2_solution(numbers):
    for i, num1 in enumerate(numbers):
        for j, num2 in enumerate(numbers, start=i + 1):
            for k, num3 in enumerate(numbers, start=j + 1):
                if num1 + num2 + num3 == 2020:
                    return num1 * num2 * num3

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # print(part1_solution(read_input('day1_input')))
Exemple #30
import utils
import numpy as np
from PIL import Image

input = utils.read_input(delim='\n', generator=int)

def a(input):
    for i in range(25, len(input)):
        num = input[i]
        seeds = input[i - 25:i]
        found = False
        for x in range(0, len(seeds)):
            for y in range(x, len(seeds)):
                if num == seeds[x] + seeds[y]:
                    found = True
        if not found:
            return num

def b(inp, num):
    lo, hi, val = 0, 1, inp[0] + inp[1]
    while True:
        if val == num:
            rang = inp[lo:hi + 1]
            return max(rang) + min(rang)
        elif val < num:
            hi += 1
            val += inp[hi]
Exemple #31
from utils import read_input

passwords = read_input('inputs/input02.txt')

valid_passwords_part_1 = 0
valid_passwords_part_2 = 0
for line in passwords:

    # parse input
    [interval, letter, password] = line.split(' ')
    letter = letter[0]
    [lower, upper] = interval.split('-')
    lower, upper = int(lower), int(upper)

    # part 1
    count = password.count(letter)
    if lower <= count <= upper:
        valid_passwords_part_1 += 1

    # part 2
    lower_position = password[lower - 1] == letter
    upper_position = password[upper - 1] == letter
    if lower_position != upper_position:
        valid_passwords_part_2 += 1

Exemple #32
            for y2 in range(0, len(values)):
                for x2 in range(0, len(values[0])):
                    value2 = values[y2][x2]
                    south = y2 - y
                    east = x2 - x

                    if value2 == '.' or (south == 0 and east == 0):

                    gcd = math.gcd(south, east)
                    asteroid = (int(south / gcd), int(east / gcd))

                    if asteroid not in asteroids:

            if len(asteroids) > len(most_asteroids):
                most_asteroids = asteroids
                loc = (x, y)

    result = len(most_asteroids)
    return result

if __name__ == '__main__':
    lines = read_input()
    result = str(calc(lines))
Exemple #33

import numpy as np

from utils import read_input, score_gen, grow

if __name__ == "__main__":

    low_boundary = -10
    gen, trans = read_input(abs(low_boundary))

    scores = grow(gen, trans, low_boundary, 200, verbose="score")

    scores = np.asarray(scores)
    fit = np.polyfit(scores[100:,0], scores[100:,1], 1)
    print(fit, scores[-1,:], fit[1] + scores[-1,0]*fit[0])
    n = 50000000000
    fit_score = fit[1] + n*fit[0]
    print(f"Fitted score after {n} generations are {fit_score}")
def main(separator='\t'):
    """Emit the node and its neighbour."""
    data = read_input(sys.stdin)
    for u, v in data:
        print("{}\t{}".format(u, v))
        print("{}\t{}".format(v, u))
Exemple #35
                self.direction = turn_left(self.direction)
            elif self.num_cross == 1:
                self.direction = turn_right(self.direction)
            self.num_cross = (self.num_cross + 1) % 3

    def __eq__(self, other):  # for in operator
        return isinstance(other,
                          Cart) and self.x == other.x and self.y == other.y

    def __repr__(self):
        return f"Cart({self.x}, {self.y}, {self.direction})"

raw = read_input(__file__)
road_map = []
carts: Deque[Cart] = deque([])
for y, line in enumerate(raw.splitlines()):
    row = []
    for x, char in enumerate(line):
        if char in (Direction.UP, Direction.DOWN):
            carts.append(Cart(x, y, char))
        elif char in (Direction.LEFT, Direction.RIGHT):
            carts.append(Cart(x, y, char))
Exemple #36
import utils
from collections import Counter

def east(stepcount):
    return (stepcount['ne'] - stepcount['sw']) + (stepcount['se'] - stepcount['nw'])

if __name__ == '__main__':
    inp = utils.read_input(11)
    stepcount = Counter(steps)

    print('north/south dist away:')
    print(stepcount['n'] - stepcount['s'])
    eastdist = 366 + 284
    # I guess this is the answer...
    # north/south is less, so only east matters

    maxfar = 0
    for idx in range(len(steps)):
        maxfar = max(east(Counter(steps[:idx])), maxfar)
from collections import Counter, deque

from utils import read_input

INPUT = read_input('day8')

def part1(inp: str) -> None:
    digits = list(map(int, inp))

    layers = []

    size = 25 * 6
    for i in range(len(digits) // size):
        layer = digits[i * size:(i + 1) * size]

    layer_min_0 = min(layers, key=lambda c: c[0])

    print(layer_min_0[1] * layer_min_0[2])

def part2(inp: str) -> None:
    digits = deque(map(int, inp))

    img = [[deque() for _ in range(25)] for _ in range(6)]

    size = 25 * 6
    for layer in range(len(digits) // size):
        for r in range(6):
            for c in range(25):
Exemple #38
import re
import utils
from collections import Counter

inp_lines = utils.read_input(8)

registers = Counter()
cur_max = 0
for line in inp_lines:
    reg, command, value, condition = \
            re.match(r'([A-Za-z]+) (inc|dec) ([-]*\d+) if (.+)', line).groups()
    value = int(value)

    check_reg = condition.split(' ')[0]
    reg_value = registers[check_reg]
    condition = condition.replace(check_reg, str(reg_value))

    result = eval(condition)
    if not result:
    if command == 'inc':
        registers[reg] += value
        registers[reg] -= value

    cur_max = max(cur_max, registers.most_common(1)[0][1])

def main() -> Tuple[int, int]:
    s = read_input(__file__)
    result_1 = part1(s)
    result_2 = part2(s)
    return result_1, result_2
Exemple #40
import utils

inp = utils.read_input(24)
testinp = """0/2

def parse_input(inp):
    return [tuple(map(int, line.split('/'))) for line in inp]

def possible(domino):
    return [domino, (domino[1], domino[0])]

def score(domino_list):
    return sum((dom[0] + dom[1]) for dom in domino_list)

def last_entry(domino_list):
    return domino_list[-1][1]

def find_chains(cur_list, dominos_to_pick):
    if not dominos_to_pick:
Exemple #41
    parser.add_argument("--visualize", default="2d", help="2d/3d")
    args = parser.parse_args()

    if args.algorithm == "ucs":
        algorithm = ucs
    elif args.algorithm == "greedy":
        algorithm = greedy
    elif args.algorithm == "a_star":
        algorithm = a_star
    elif args.algorithm == "t3_greedy":
        algorithm = t3_greedy
    elif args.algorithm == "t3_dp":
        algorithm = t3_dp
        raise ValueError(args.algorithm + " is not an acceptable algorithm")

    if args.visualize == "2d":
        visualize = "2d"
    elif args.visualize == "3d":
        visualize = "3d"
        raise ValueError(args.visualize +
                         " is not an acceptable visualisation option")

    bound_x, bound_y, s_point, t_point, polygon_list, extra_point_list = read_input(
    visualize_input(polygon_list, s_point, t_point, extra_point_list, bound_x,
    graph = Graph(polygon_list, s_point, t_point, extra_point_list)
    graph.visualize_with(algorithm, visualize, bound_x, bound_y)
Exemple #42
    early = EarlyStopping(monitor="val_acc", mode="max", patience=5)
    ra_val = RocAucEvaluation(validation_data=(input_val, output_val),
    callbacks_list = [ra_val, checkpoint, early]

              validation_data=(input_val, output_val),

if __name__ == "__main__":

    # Input data files are available in the "../input/" directory.
    input_path = 'input/'
    sentenceLength = 150
    input_train, topic_train, out_train, input_val, topic_val, out_val = read_input(
    (input_train, input_val, topic_train, topic_val,
     word_index) = text_precocess(input_train, input_val, topic_train,

    model = build_model()
    train_model(model, input_train, out_train, input_val, out_val)
Exemple #43
    count += 1
    cur_config = tuple(banks)
#     print(cur_config)


# ## Day 8

# In[24]:

inp = read_input(7)
inp = """pbga (66)
xhth (57)
ebii (61)
havc (66)
ktlj (57)
fwft (72) -> ktlj, cntj, xhth
qoyq (66)
padx (45) -> pbga, havc, qoyq
tknk (41) -> ugml, padx, fwft
jptl (61)
ugml (68) -> gyxo, ebii, jptl
gyxo (61)
cntj (57)"""
words = Counter()
for line in inp: