def __init__(self, num_shifts): self.num_shifts = num_shifts utils.reset_directory(autotune_preprocessed_directory, empty=False)"Results will be saved in: {0}".format(autotune_preprocessed_directory)) # load the performance indices for the datasets: all ids that have an instance in all directories performance_list = sorted(list( set([f[:-4] for f in os.listdir(pyin_directory) if "npy"]) & set([f[:-4] for f in os.listdir(midi_directory) if "npy"]) & set([f[:-4] for f in os.listdir(back_chroma_directory) if "npy"]))) training_list, validation_list, test_list = split_into_training_validation_test(performance_list) print("training list", len(training_list), training_list[:5], training_list[-5:]) training_list = training_list[2500:] + training_list[:2500] print("rotated training list", len(training_list), training_list[:5], training_list[-5:])"training list {0} validation list {1}".format(len(training_list), len(validation_list))) # build custom datasets freeze = False self.device = ("cpu")"fixing some of the shifts across all songs: {0}".format(freeze)) self.training_dataset = get_dataset(data_list=training_list, num_shifts=self.num_shifts, songs_per_batch=1, mode="training", device=self.device, freeze=freeze) self.validation_dataset = get_dataset(data_list=validation_list, num_shifts=self.num_shifts, songs_per_batch=1, mode="testing", device=self.device, freeze=freeze) self.test_dataset = get_dataset(data_list=test_list, num_shifts=self.num_shifts, songs_per_batch=1, mode="testing", device=self.device, freeze=freeze)
def main(args): utils.reset_directory(os.path.join(base_directory, analysis_dir)) utils.reset_directory(differences_dir) intonation_hist_path = os.path.join(base_directory, analysis_dir, "intonation_hist.pkl") clustering_hist_path = os.path.join(base_directory, analysis_dir, "clustering_hist.pkl") plots_dir_intonation = os.path.join(base_directory, "plots/Intonation/") plots_dir_clustering = os.path.join(base_directory, "plots/clustering_data_sanna/") utils.reset_directory(plots_dir_intonation) utils.reset_directory(plots_dir_clustering)'classic') if args.get_histogram is True: # load the files if they exist if os.path.exists(intonation_hist_path): with open(intonation_hist_path, "rb") as fname: intonation_hist = pickle.load(fname) with open(clustering_hist_path, "rb") as fname: clustering_hist = pickle.load(fname) # otherwise, run the analysis else: print("computing histograms...") intonation_hist = get_histogram(intonation_pitch_dir, intonation_midi_dir, plots_dir_intonation, differences_dir, args.max_count) clustering_hist = get_histogram(clustering_pitch_dir, clustering_midi_dir, plots_dir_clustering, differences_dir, args.max_count) with open(os.path.join(base_directory, analysis_dir, "intonation_hist.pkl"), "wb") as fname: pickle.dump(intonation_hist, fname) with open(os.path.join(base_directory, analysis_dir, "clustering_hist.pkl"), "wb") as fname: pickle.dump(clustering_hist, fname) # process and normalize print("clustering", clustering_hist.most_common(10)) print("intonation", intonation_hist.most_common(10)) intonation_hist = np.array(list(map(list, zip(*sorted(intonation_hist.items()))))) clustering_hist = np.array(list(map(list, zip(*sorted(clustering_hist.items()))))) print("sums", np.sum(intonation_hist[1]), np.sum(clustering_hist[1]), ) normalization = np.sum(intonation_hist[1])/np.sum(clustering_hist[1]) clustering_hist[1] = (clustering_hist[1] * normalization).astype(int) # plot full histograms comparison # linear scale fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 5)) plt.plot(clustering_hist[0], (clustering_hist[1]), label="Remaining clusters", color="red", linestyle="dotted") plt.plot(intonation_hist[0], (intonation_hist[1]), label="Selected clusters", color="blue", linewidth=0.75, linestyle="solid") plt.xlabel("Deviations (cents)", fontsize='large') plt.ylabel("Occurrences in 1000s", fontsize='large') plt.xlim(-1600, 1600) plt.ylim(0, 213000) ax = plt.axes() ax.xaxis.label.set_size(18) ax.yaxis.label.set_size(18) ticks_y = ticker.FuncFormatter(lambda x, pos: '{0:g}'.format(x / 1000)) ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter(ticks_y) # log scale ax2 = ax.twinx() ax2.set_ylabel("Log of occurrences", fontsize='large') ax2.set_ylim(0, 40) ax2.yaxis.label.set_size(18) ax2.plot(clustering_hist[0], np.log(clustering_hist[1]+1), label="Remaining (log)", color="orange", linestyle="dotted") ax2.plot(intonation_hist[0], np.log(intonation_hist[1]+1), label="Selected (log)", color="green", linewidth=0.75, linestyle="solid") lines, labels = ax.get_legend_handles_labels() lines2, labels2 = ax2.get_legend_handles_labels() ax2.legend(lines + lines2, labels + labels2, loc=0) plt.tight_layout() fig.savefig(os.path.join(plots_dir_intonation, "full_histograms_comparison.eps"), format="eps")'ggplot') # plot full histograms comparison # linear scale plt.plot(clustering_hist[0], (clustering_hist[1]), label="Remaining clusters", color="red", linewidth=0.75) plt.plot(intonation_hist[0], (intonation_hist[1]), label="Selected clusters", color="blue", linewidth=0.75) plt.xlabel("Deviations (cents)") plt.ylabel("Occurrences in 1000s") plt.xlim(-500, 500) plt.ylim(0, 25000) ax = plt.axes() ticks_y = ticker.FuncFormatter(lambda x, pos: '{0:g}'.format(x / 1000)) ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter(ticks_y) # log scale ax2 = ax.twinx() ax2.set_ylabel("Log of occurrences") ax2.set_ylim(0, 40) ax2.plot(clustering_hist[0], np.log(clustering_hist[1] + 1), label="Remaining clusters (log)", color="orange", linewidth=0.75) ax2.plot(intonation_hist[0], np.log(intonation_hist[1] + 1), label="Selected clusters (log)", color="green", linewidth=0.75) lines, labels = ax.get_legend_handles_labels() lines2, labels2 = ax2.get_legend_handles_labels() ax2.legend(lines + lines2, labels + labels2, loc=0) plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig(os.path.join(plots_dir_intonation, "full_histograms_comparison_zoom.eps"), format="eps") rng = 100 ind_pos = np.arange(rng + 1) # the x locations for the groups width = 0.35 # the width of the bars intonation_pos = np.zeros(rng + 1) intonation_neg = np.zeros(rng + 1) for i in range(1, rng + 1): if i in intonation_hist[0]: intonation_pos[i] = intonation_hist[1][np.where(intonation_hist[0] == i)[0][0]] if -i in clustering_hist[0]: intonation_neg[i] = intonation_hist[1][np.where(intonation_hist[0] == -i)[0][0]] clustering_pos = np.zeros(rng + 1) clustering_neg = np.zeros(rng + 1) for i in range(1, rng + 1): if i in clustering_hist[0]: clustering_pos[i] = clustering_hist[1][np.where(clustering_hist[0] == i)[0][0]] if -i in clustering_hist[0]: clustering_neg[i] = clustering_hist[1][np.where(clustering_hist[0] == -i)[0][0]] fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(6, 4)) # matplotlib.rcParams.update({'font.size': 18}) plt.plot(intonation_pos[1:], color='#66b3ff', linestyle=":", label="Selected clusters: Positive") plt.plot(intonation_neg[1:], color='#000099', linestyle="-.", label="Selected clusters: Negative") plt.plot(clustering_pos[1:], color='#ff751a', linestyle="--", label='Remaining clusters: Positive') plt.plot(clustering_neg[1:], color='#cc2900', linestyle="-", label='Remaining clusters: Negative') plt.legend(loc="upper right") ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(ticker.MultipleLocator(5)) ticks_y = ticker.FuncFormatter(lambda x, pos: '{0:g}'.format(x / 1000)) ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter(ticks_y) ax.set_ylabel('Occurrences in 1000s') ax.set_xlabel('Deviations (cents)') ax.set_xlim(0.5, 100.5) ax.set_ylim(0, 250000) # for i in range(5, 100, 5): # plt.axvline(x=i, ls='dotted', color="green", linewidth=0.9) plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig(os.path.join(plots_dir_intonation, "full_pos_vs_neg_line.eps"), format="eps") width = 0.24 fig, ax = plt.subplots() rects1 = - width * 1.5, intonation_pos, width, color='#66b3ff') rects2 = - width * 0.5, intonation_neg, width, color='#000099') rects3 = + width * 0.5, clustering_pos, width, color='#ff751a') rects4 = + width * 1.5, clustering_neg, width, color='#cc2900') # add some text for labels, title and axes ticks ax.set_ylabel('Occurrences in 1000s') ax.set_xlabel('Deviations (cents)') ax.legend((rects1[0], rects2[0], rects3[0], rects4[0]), ('Selected clusters: Positive', 'Selected clusters: Negative', 'Remaining clusters: Positive', 'Remaining clusters: Negative')) plt.ylim(0, 160000) plt.xlim(0.5, 100.5) ticks_x = ticker.FuncFormatter(lambda x, pos: '{0:g}'.format(x / 1000)) ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(ticker.MultipleLocator(5)) ticks_y = ticker.FuncFormatter(lambda x, pos: '{0:g}'.format(x / 1000)) ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter(ticks_y) plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig(os.path.join(plots_dir_intonation, "full_pos_vs_neg.eps"), format="eps") width = 0.4 fig, ax = plt.subplots() rects3 = - width * 0.5, clustering_pos, width, color='#ff751a') rects4 = + width * 0.5, clustering_neg, width, color='#cc2900') # add some text for labels, title and axes ticks ax.set_ylabel('Occurrences in 1000s') ax.set_xlabel('Deviations (cents)') ax.legend((rects3[0], rects4[0]), ('Remaining clusters: Positive', 'Remaining clusters: Negative')) plt.ylim(0, 160000) plt.xlim(0.5, 60.5) ticks_x = ticker.FuncFormatter(lambda x, pos: '{0:g}'.format(x / 1000)) ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(ticker.MultipleLocator(5)) ticks_y = ticker.FuncFormatter(lambda x, pos: '{0:g}'.format(x / 1000)) ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter(ticks_y) plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig(os.path.join(plots_dir_intonation, "clustering_pos_vs_neg.eps"), format="eps") width = 0.4 fig, ax = plt.subplots() rects1 = - width * 0.5, intonation_pos, width, color='#66b3ff') rects2 = + width * 0.5, intonation_neg, width, color='#000099') # add some text for labels, title and axes ticks ax.set_ylabel('Occurrences in 1000s') ax.set_xlabel('Deviations (cents)') ax.legend((rects1[0], rects2[0]), ('Selected clusters: Positive', 'Selected clusters: Negative')) plt.ylim(0, 160000) plt.xlim(0.5, 60.5) ticks_x = ticker.FuncFormatter(lambda x, pos: '{0:g}'.format(x / 1000)) ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(ticker.MultipleLocator(5)) ticks_y = ticker.FuncFormatter(lambda x, pos: '{0:g}'.format(x / 1000)) ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter(ticks_y) plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig(os.path.join(plots_dir_intonation, "intonation_pos_vs_neg.eps"), format="eps") if args.bootstrap is True: bootstrap(intonation_midi_dir, differences_dir, cents_min=args.bootstrap_cents_min, cents_max=args.bootstrap_cents_max) bootstrap(clustering_midi_dir, differences_dir, cents_min=args.bootstrap_cents_min, cents_max=args.bootstrap_cents_max) plot_pipeline(differences_dir, plots_dir_intonation)
import pickle import torch import segmentation_models_pytorch from dataset import create_segmentation_dataloaders from utils import reset_directory, train_segmentation_model from history import plot_segmentation_history num_epochs = 50 mode = "segmentation" device = torch.device("cuda") reset_directory(mode) dataset_path = "/home/shouki/Desktop/Programming/Python/AI/Datasets/ImageData/Covid19XrayImageSegmentationDataset" image_size = (224, 224) batch_size = 16 train_dataloader, validation_dataloader = create_segmentation_dataloaders(dataset_path, image_size, "train", batch_size), create_segmentation_dataloaders(dataset_path, image_size, "validation", batch_size) model = segmentation_models_pytorch.Unet("resnet101", encoder_weights="imagenet", classes=1, activation=None).to(device) criterion = torch.nn.BCEWithLogitsLoss() optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr=1e-3) scheduler = torch.optim.lr_scheduler.ReduceLROnPlateau(optimizer, mode="min", patience=3, verbose=True) history = train_segmentation_model(model, criterion, optimizer, scheduler, num_epochs, train_dataloader, validation_dataloader, device) plot_segmentation_history(history, num_epochs, mode) with open("./histories/segmentation/history.pkl", "wb") as f: pickle.dump(history, f)
def __init__(self, extension, hidden_size, global_dropout, learning_rate, resume, small_dataset, max_norm, num_layers, num_shifts, epochs, report_step, sandbox): self.extension = extension self.hidden_size = hidden_size self.global_dropout = global_dropout self.learning_rate = learning_rate self.resume = resume self.small_dataset = small_dataset self.max_norm = max_norm self.num_layers = num_layers self.num_shifts = num_shifts self.epochs = epochs self.report_step = report_step self.sandbox = sandbox self.is_best = False # set paths, make sure all directories exist and delete results from previous runs self.results_root = "./results_root" + self.extension # root directory for plots and results self.results_directory = os.path.join(self.results_root, "rnn_results") self.plot_directory = os.path.join(self.results_root, "plots") self.parameter_plot_directory = os.path.join(self.plot_directory, "parameter_visualization") self.layer_plot_directory = os.path.join(self.plot_directory, "layer_visualization") self.user_prediction_directory = os.path.join(self.plot_directory, "user_prediction") self.test_prediction_directory = os.path.join(self.user_prediction_directory, "test_prediction") self.test_results_directory = os.path.join(self.results_directory, "test") utils.reset_directory(self.results_root, empty=False) utils.reset_directory(self.results_directory, empty=True) utils.reset_directory(self.user_prediction_directory, empty=True) utils.reset_directory(self.layer_plot_directory, empty=True) utils.reset_directory(self.test_prediction_directory, empty=True) utils.reset_directory(self.test_results_directory, empty=True) utils.reset_directory(pytorch_models_directory, empty=False) utils.reset_directory(autotune_preprocessed_directory, empty=False)"preprocessed dir: {0}".format(autotune_preprocessed_directory)) # pytorch checkpoint directories self.resume_file = os.path.join(pytorch_models_directory, 'model_best' + self.extension + '.pth.tar') # save latest model parameters to this checkpoint self.latest_checkpoint_file = os.path.join( pytorch_models_directory, 'checkpoint_rnn' + self.extension + '.pth.tar') # save model parameters with best validation loss to this checkpoint self.best_checkpoint_file = os.path.join(pytorch_models_directory, 'model_best' + self.extension + '.pth.tar') # gpu versus cpu device self.device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu") # model self.model = ConvRNN(hidden_size=self.hidden_size, num_layers=self.num_layers).to(self.device) utils.print_param_sizes(self.model) # error and loss self.criterion = nn.MSELoss() self.optimizer = optim.Adam(self.model.parameters(), lr=self.learning_rate) # initialize training parameters or load them from checkpoint if the file exists and resume is set to True self.best_prec1, self.start_epoch, self.training_losses, self.validation_losses, self.model, self.optimizer = \ restore_checkpoint(self.resume, self.resume_file, self.device, self.model, self.optimizer) # load the performance indices for the datasets: all ids that have an instance in all directories performance_list = sorted(list( set([f[:-4] for f in os.listdir(pyin_directory) if "npy" in f]) & set([f[:-4] for f in os.listdir(back_chroma_directory) if "npy" in f]))) # leave boundary_arr_id to default if using full dataset training_list, validation_list, test_list = split_into_training_validation_test(performance_list, boundary_arr_id="3769415_3769415") # keep only a subset for development purposes if self.small_dataset is True: validation_list = validation_list[:1] + training_list[:1] training_list = training_list[:1] test_list = training_list[:1]"training list {0} validation list {1}".format(training_list, validation_list)) else:"training list {0} validation list {1}".format(len(training_list), len(validation_list))) # build custom datasets freeze = True if self.small_dataset is True else False # freeze some note-wise shifts to check program accuracy"fixing some of the shifts across all songs: {0}".format(freeze)) self.training_dataset = get_dataset(data_list=training_list, num_shifts=self.num_shifts, songs_per_batch=1, mode="training", device=self.device, freeze=freeze) self.validation_dataset = get_dataset(data_list=validation_list, num_shifts=self.num_shifts, songs_per_batch=1, mode="testing", device=self.device, freeze=freeze) self.test_dataset = get_dataset(data_list=test_list, num_shifts=self.num_shifts, songs_per_batch=1, mode="testing", device=self.device, freeze=freeze)
def __getitem__(self, idx): """ :param keep: number of songs to keep, less or equal to the number of pitch shifts :return: a list of length num_performance_shifts. Each item is a tuple with the labels <seq len, shifts>, input <seq len, shifts, fdim>, key (str) """ fpath = os.path.join(autotune_preprocessed_directory, self.performance_list[idx] + ".pkl") if not os.path.exists(fpath): try: pyin = np.load(os.path.join(pyin_directory, self.performance_list[idx] + ".npy")) # load stft of vocals, keep complex values in order to use istft later for pitch shifting stft_v = dataset_analysis.get_stft( os.path.join(vocals_directory, self.performance_list[idx] + ".wav")).T # load cqt of backing track cqt_b = np.abs(dataset_analysis.get_cqt(os.path.join(backing_tracks_directory, self.arr_keys[self.performance_list[idx]] + ".wav"))).T # truncate pitch features to same length frames = min(cqt_b.shape[0], stft_v.shape[0], len(pyin)) pyin = pyin[:frames] stft_v = stft_v[:frames, :] cqt_b = cqt_b[:frames, :] original_boundaries = np.arange(frames).astype(np.int64) # store the original indices of the notes here # find locations of note onsets using pYIN min_note_frames = 24 # half second audio_beginnings = np.array([i for i in range(frames - min_note_frames) # first nonzero frames if i == 0 and pyin[i] > 0 or i > 0 and pyin[i] > 0 and pyin[i - 1] == 0]) if self.plot is True: utils.reset_directory("./plots") bplt.output_file(os.path.join("./plots", "note_parse_" + self.performance_list[idx]) + ".html") s1 = bplt.figure(title="note parse") s1.line(np.arange(len(pyin)), pyin) for i, ab in enumerate(audio_beginnings): loc = Span(location=ab, dimension='height', line_color='green') s1.add_layout(loc) # discard silent frames silent_frames = np.ones(frames) silent_frames[np.where(pyin < 1)[0]] *= 0 pyin = pyin[silent_frames.astype(bool)] stft_v = stft_v[silent_frames.astype(bool), :] cqt_b = cqt_b[silent_frames.astype(bool), :] original_boundaries = original_boundaries[silent_frames.astype(bool)] audio_beginnings = [n - np.sum(silent_frames[:n] == 0) for _, n in enumerate(audio_beginnings)] frames = len(pyin) audio_endings = np.hstack((audio_beginnings[1:], frames - 1)) # merge notes that are too short note_beginnings = [] note_endings = [] min_note_frames = 24 start_note = end_note = 0 while start_note < len(audio_beginnings): note_beginnings.append(audio_beginnings[start_note]) while (audio_endings[end_note] - audio_beginnings[start_note] < min_note_frames and end_note < len(audio_endings) - 1): end_note += 1 note_endings.append(audio_endings[end_note]) start_note = end_note + 1 end_note = start_note # check that the last note is long enough while note_endings[-1] - note_beginnings[-1] < min_note_frames: del note_beginnings[-1] del note_endings[-2] notes = np.array([note_beginnings, note_endings]).T # one minor issue if notes[-1, 1] > frames - 1: notes[-1, 1] = frames - 1 if self.plot is True: s2 = bplt.figure(title="note parse of active frames") s2.line(np.arange(len(pyin)), pyin) for i, ab in enumerate(note_beginnings): loc = Span(location=ab, dimension='height', line_color='green') s2.add_layout(loc) for i, ab in enumerate(note_endings): loc = Span(location=ab+1, dimension='height', line_color='red', line_dash='dotted') s2.add_layout(loc)[[s1, s2]], toolbar_location=None)) # store the original indices of the notes original_boundaries = np.array([original_boundaries[notes[:, 0]], original_boundaries[notes[:, 1]]]).T # compute shifts for every note in every version in the batch (num_shifts) note_shifts = np.random.rand(self.num_shifts, notes.shape[0]) * 2 - 1 # all shift combinations if self.freeze is True: note_shifts[:3, :] = self.frozen_shifts[:3, :note_shifts.shape[1]] # compute the framewise shifts frame_shifts = np.zeros((self.num_shifts, frames)) # this will be truncated later for i in range(self.num_shifts): for j in range(len(notes)): # only shift the non-silent frames between the note onset and note offset frame_shifts[i, notes[j][0]:notes[j][1]] = note_shifts[i][j] # de-tune the pYIN pitch tracks and STFT of vocals shifted_pyin = np.vstack([pyin] * self.num_shifts) * np.power(2, max_semitone * frame_shifts / 12) # de-tune the vocals stft and vocals cqt stacked_cqt_v = np.zeros((frames, self.num_shifts, cqt_params['total_bins'])) for i, note in enumerate(notes): note_stft = np.array(stft_v[note[0]:note[1], :]).T note_rt = librosa.istft(note_stft, hop_length=hopSize, center=False) for j in range(self.num_shifts): shifted_note_rt = librosa.effects.pitch_shift(note_rt, sr=global_fs, n_steps=note_shifts[j, i]) stacked_cqt_v[note[0]:note[1], j, :] = np.abs(librosa.core.cqt( shifted_note_rt, sr=global_fs, hop_length=hopSize, n_bins=cqt_params['total_bins'], bins_per_octave=cqt_params['bins_per_8va'], fmin=cqt_params['fmin']))[:, 4:-4].T # get the data into the proper format and shape for tensors cqt_b_binary = np.copy(cqt_b) # copy single-channel CQT for binarization # need to repeat the backing track for the batch cqt_b = np.stack([cqt_b] * self.num_shifts, axis=1) # third channel stacked_cqt_v_binary = np.copy(stacked_cqt_v) for i in range(self.num_shifts): thresh = threshold_mean(stacked_cqt_v_binary[:, i, :]) stacked_cqt_v_binary[:, i, :] = (stacked_cqt_v_binary[:, i, :] > thresh).astype(np.float) thresh = threshold_mean(cqt_b_binary) cqt_b_binary = (cqt_b_binary > thresh).astype(np.float) stacked_cqt_b_binary = np.stack([cqt_b_binary] * self.num_shifts, axis=1) stacked_cqt_combined = np.abs(stacked_cqt_v_binary - stacked_cqt_b_binary) data_dict = dict() data_dict['notes'] = notes data_dict['spect_v'] = stacked_cqt_v data_dict['spect_b'] = cqt_b data_dict['spect_c'] = stacked_cqt_combined data_dict['shifted_pyin'] = shifted_pyin data_dict['shifts_gt'] = note_shifts data_dict['original_boundaries'] = original_boundaries data_dict['perf_id'] = self.performance_list[idx] with open(fpath, "wb") as f: pickle.dump(data_dict, f) # save for future epochs except Exception as e:"exception in dataset {0} skipping song {1}".format(e, self.performance_list[idx])) return None else: # pre-processing has already been computed: load from file try: data_dict = self.loaditem(fpath) except Exception as e:"exception in dataset {0} skipping song {1}".format(e, self.performance_list[idx])) return None try: # now format the numpy arrays into torch tensors with note-wise splits data_dict['spect_v'] = torch.Tensor(data_dict['spect_v']) data_dict['spect_b'] = torch.Tensor(data_dict['spect_b']) data_dict['spect_c'] = torch.Tensor(data_dict['spect_c']) data_dict['shifted_pyin'] = torch.Tensor(data_dict['shifted_pyin'].T) data_dict['shifts_gt'] = torch.Tensor(data_dict['shifts_gt'].T) # adjust dimension of note shifts data_dict['shifts_gt'].unsqueeze_(1) # split full songs into sequences split_sizes = tuple(np.append( np.diff(data_dict['notes'][:, 0]), data_dict['notes'][-1, 1] - data_dict['notes'][-1, 0] + 1)) data_dict['spect_v'] = torch.split(data_dict['spect_v'], split_size_or_sections=split_sizes, dim=0) data_dict['spect_b'] = torch.split(data_dict['spect_b'], split_size_or_sections=split_sizes, dim=0) data_dict['spect_c'] = torch.split(data_dict['spect_c'], split_size_or_sections=split_sizes, dim=0) data_dict['shifted_pyin'] = torch.split(data_dict['shifted_pyin'], split_size_or_sections=split_sizes, dim=0) except Exception as e:"exception in dataset {0} skipping song {1}".format(e, self.performance_list[idx])) return None return data_dict
def __getitem__(self, idx): """ :param keep: number of songs to keep, less or equal to the number of pitch shifts :return: a list of length num_performance_shifts. Each item is a tuple with the labels <seq len, shifts>, input <seq len, shifts, fdim>, key (str) """ fpath = os.path.join(autotune_preprocessed_directory, self.performance_list[idx] + ".pkl") if not os.path.exists(fpath): try: # pass if acctID is 33128648 pyin = np.load(os.path.join(pyin_directory, self.performance_list[idx] + ".npy")) # load stft of vocals, keep complex values in order to use istft later for pitch shifting stft_v = dataset_analysis.get_stft( os.path.join(vocals_directory, self.performance_list[idx] + ".wav")).T # load cqt of backing track cqt_b = np.abs(dataset_analysis.get_cqt(os.path.join(backing_tracks_directory, self.arr_keys[ self.performance_list[idx]] + ".wav"))).T # truncate pitch features to same length frames = min(cqt_b.shape[0], stft_v.shape[0], len(pyin)) pyin = pyin[:frames] stft_v = stft_v[:frames, :] cqt_b = cqt_b[:frames, :] original_boundaries = np.arange(frames).astype(np.int64) # store the original indices of the notes here # find locations of note onsets using pYIN min_note_frames = 24 # half second audio_beginnings = np.array([i for i in range(frames - min_note_frames) # first nonzero frames if i == 0 and pyin[i] > 0 or i > 0 and pyin[i] > 0 and pyin[i - 1] == 0]) if self.plot is True: utils.reset_directory("./plots") bplt.output_file(os.path.join("./plots", "note_parse_" + self.performance_list[idx]) + ".html") s1 = bplt.figure(title="note parse") s1.line(np.arange(len(pyin)), pyin) for i, ab in enumerate(audio_beginnings): loc = Span(location=ab, dimension='height', line_color='green') s1.add_layout(loc) # discard silent frames silent_frames = np.ones(frames) silent_frames[np.where(pyin < 1)[0]] *= 0 pyin = pyin[silent_frames.astype(bool)] stft_v = stft_v[silent_frames.astype(bool), :] cqt_b = cqt_b[silent_frames.astype(bool), :] original_boundaries = original_boundaries[silent_frames.astype(bool)] audio_beginnings = [n - np.sum(silent_frames[:n] == 0) for _, n in enumerate(audio_beginnings)] frames = len(pyin) audio_endings = np.hstack((audio_beginnings[1:], frames - 1)) # merge notes that are too short note_beginnings = [] note_endings = [] min_note_frames = 24 start_note = end_note = 0 while start_note < len(audio_beginnings): note_beginnings.append(audio_beginnings[start_note]) while (audio_endings[end_note] - audio_beginnings[start_note] < min_note_frames and end_note < len(audio_endings) - 1): end_note += 1 note_endings.append(audio_endings[end_note]) start_note = end_note + 1 end_note = start_note # check that the last note is long enough while note_endings[-1] - note_beginnings[-1] < min_note_frames: del note_beginnings[-1] del note_endings[-2] notes = np.array([note_beginnings, note_endings]).T # one minor issue if notes[-1, 1] > frames - 1: notes[-1, 1] = frames - 1 if self.plot is True: s2 = bplt.figure(title="note parse of active frames") s2.line(np.arange(len(pyin)), pyin) for i, ab in enumerate(note_beginnings): loc = Span(location=ab, dimension='height', line_color='green') s2.add_layout(loc) for i, ab in enumerate(note_endings): loc = Span(location=ab + 1, dimension='height', line_color='red', line_dash='dotted') s2.add_layout(loc)[[s1, s2]], toolbar_location=None)) # store the original indices of the notes original_boundaries = np.array([original_boundaries[notes[:, 0]], original_boundaries[notes[:, 1]]]).T # compute shifts for every note in every version in the batch (num_shifts) note_shifts = np.random.rand(self.num_shifts, notes.shape[0]) * 2 - 1 # all shift combinations if self.freeze is True: note_shifts[:3, :] = self.frozen_shifts[:3, :note_shifts.shape[1]] # compute the framewise shifts frame_shifts = np.zeros((self.num_shifts, frames)) # this will be truncated later for i in range(self.num_shifts): for j in range(len(notes)): # only shift the non-silent frames between the note onset and note offset frame_shifts[i, notes[j][0]:notes[j][1]] = note_shifts[i][j] # de-tune the pYIN pitch tracks and STFT of vocals shifted_pyin = np.vstack([pyin] * self.num_shifts) * np.power(2, max_semitone * frame_shifts / 12) # de-tune the vocals stft and vocals cqt stacked_cqt_v = np.zeros((frames, self.num_shifts, cqt_params['total_bins'])) for i, note in enumerate(notes): note_stft = np.array(stft_v[note[0]:note[1], :]).T note_rt = librosa.istft(note_stft, hop_length=hopSize, center=False) for j in range(self.num_shifts): shifted_note_rt = librosa.effects.pitch_shift(note_rt, sr=global_fs, n_steps=note_shifts[j, i]) stacked_cqt_v[note[0]:note[1], j, :] = np.abs(librosa.core.cqt( shifted_note_rt, sr=global_fs, hop_length=hopSize, n_bins=cqt_params['total_bins'], bins_per_octave=cqt_params['bins_per_8va'], fmin=cqt_params['fmin']))[:, 4:-4].T # get the data into the proper format and shape for tensors cqt_b_binary = np.copy(cqt_b) # copy single-channel CQT for binarization # need to repeat the backing track for the batch cqt_b = np.stack([cqt_b] * self.num_shifts, axis=1) # third channel stacked_cqt_v_binary = np.copy(stacked_cqt_v) for i in range(self.num_shifts): thresh = threshold_mean(stacked_cqt_v_binary[:, i, :]) stacked_cqt_v_binary[:, i, :] = (stacked_cqt_v_binary[:, i, :] > thresh).astype(np.float) thresh = threshold_mean(cqt_b_binary) cqt_b_binary = (cqt_b_binary > thresh).astype(np.float) stacked_cqt_b_binary = np.stack([cqt_b_binary] * self.num_shifts, axis=1) stacked_cqt_combined = np.abs(stacked_cqt_v_binary - stacked_cqt_b_binary) start_f = 0 end_f = 300 matplotlib.rcParams.update(matplotlib.rcParamsDefault) f, ((ax1, ax2, ax3), (ax4, ax5, ax6)) = plt.subplots(2, 3, sharey=True) ax1.imshow(np.log(cqt_b[start_f:end_f, 0, :].T + 1e-10), aspect='auto', origin='lower') ax1.set_ylabel("CQT bins") ax1.set_title("Backing track CQT") ax1.set_xlabel("frames") ax4.plot(pyin[start_f:end_f] * 500 / np.max(pyin[start_f:end_f])) for _, (beg, end) in enumerate(notes): if beg >= start_f and beg <= end_f: ax4.axvline(x=beg, color="green") if end >= start_f and end <= end_f: ax4.axvline(x=end, ls='dotted', color="red") ax4.set_xlabel("frames") ax4.set_title("Note parse") ax2.imshow(np.log(stacked_cqt_v[start_f:end_f, 0, :].T + 1e-10), aspect='auto', origin='lower') ax2.set_title("Vocals CQT (in tune)") ax2.set_xlabel("frames") ax5.imshow(stacked_cqt_combined[start_f:end_f, 0, :].T, aspect='auto', origin='lower') ax5.set_title("Difference (in tune)") ax5.set_xlabel("frames") ax3.imshow(np.log(stacked_cqt_v[start_f:end_f, 2, :].T + 1e-10), aspect='auto', origin='lower') ax3.set_title("Vocals CQT (de-tuned)") ax3.set_xlabel("frames") ax6.imshow(stacked_cqt_combined[start_f:end_f, 2, :].T, aspect='auto', origin='lower') ax6.set_title("Difference (de-tuned)") ax6.set_xlabel("frames") plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig("/Users/scwager/Documents/autotune_fa18_data/plots/cqt_comparison_3_" + self.performance_list[idx] + ".eps", format="eps") matplotlib.rcParams.update({'font.size': 20}) plt.imshow(np.log(cqt_b[start_f:end_f, 0, :].T + 1e-10), aspect=0.6, origin='lower') plt.ylabel("CQT bins") plt.xlabel("frames") plt.savefig("/Users/scwager/Documents/autotune_fa18_data/plots/cqt_comparison_1.eps", format="eps", bbox_inches='tight') plt.clf() plt.gca() plt.cla() plt.imshow(np.log(stacked_cqt_b_binary[start_f:end_f, 0, :].T + 1e-10), aspect=0.6, origin='lower') plt.xlabel("frames") frame1 = plt.gca() frame1.axes.yaxis.set_ticklabels([]) plt.savefig("/Users/scwager/Documents/autotune_fa18_data/plots/cqt_comparison_2.eps", format="eps", bbox_inches='tight') plt.clf() plt.gca() plt.cla() plt.imshow(np.log(stacked_cqt_v[start_f:end_f, 0, :].T + 1e-10), aspect=0.6, origin='lower') plt.xlabel("frames") frame1 = plt.gca() frame1.axes.yaxis.set_ticklabels([]) plt.savefig("/Users/scwager/Documents/autotune_fa18_data/plots/cqt_comparison_3.eps", format="eps", bbox_inches='tight') plt.clf() plt.gca() plt.cla() plt.imshow(stacked_cqt_combined[start_f:end_f, 0, :].T, aspect=0.6, origin='lower') plt.xlabel("frames") frame1 = plt.gca() frame1.axes.yaxis.set_ticklabels([]) plt.savefig("/Users/scwager/Documents/autotune_fa18_data/plots/cqt_comparison_4.eps", format="eps", bbox_inches='tight') plt.clf() plt.gca() plt.cla() plt.imshow(np.log(stacked_cqt_v[start_f:end_f, 2, :].T + 1e-10), aspect=0.6, origin='lower') plt.xlabel("frames") frame1 = plt.gca() frame1.axes.yaxis.set_ticklabels([]) plt.savefig("/Users/scwager/Documents/autotune_fa18_data/plots/cqt_comparison_5.eps", format="eps", bbox_inches='tight') plt.clf() plt.gca() plt.cla() plt.imshow(stacked_cqt_combined[start_f:end_f, 2, :].T, aspect=0.6, origin='lower') plt.xlabel("frames") frame1 = plt.gca() frame1.axes.yaxis.set_ticklabels([]) plt.savefig("/Users/scwager/Documents/autotune_fa18_data/plots/cqt_comparison_6.eps", format="eps", bbox_inches='tight') plt.clf() plt.gca() plt.cla() # --------------------------------- data_dict = dict() data_dict['notes'] = notes data_dict['spect_v'] = stacked_cqt_v data_dict['spect_b'] = cqt_b data_dict['spect_c'] = stacked_cqt_combined data_dict['shifted_pyin'] = shifted_pyin data_dict['shifts_gt'] = note_shifts data_dict['original_boundaries'] = original_boundaries data_dict['perf_id'] = self.performance_list[idx] with open(fpath, "wb") as f: pickle.dump(data_dict, f) # save for future epochs except Exception as e:"exception in dataset {0} skipping song {1}".format(e, self.performance_list[idx])) return None