def getCrowdCount(self, img_path): # Read image files im = loadImage(img_path, color=self.is_colored) if self.resize_im > 0: # Resize image im = utl.resizeMaxSize(im, self.resize_im) s = time.time() # print 'pw:', npred, resImg, realmap = testOnImg(self.CNN, im,, self.mask) return npred, time.time() - s
def main(argv): # Init parameters use_cpu = False gpu_dev = 0 # GAME max level mx_game = 4 # Max game target # Batch size b_size = -1 # CNN vars prototxt_path = 'models/trancos/hydra2/hydra_deploy.prototxt' caffemodel_path = 'models/trancos/hydra2/trancos_hydra2.caffemodel' # Get parameters try: opts, _ = getopt.getopt( argv, "h:", ["prototxt=", "caffemodel=", "cpu_only", "dev=", "cfg="]) except getopt.GetoptError as err: print "Error while parsing parameters: ", err dispHelp(argv[0]) return for opt, arg in opts: if opt == '-h': dispHelp(argv[0]) return elif opt in ("--prototxt"): prototxt_path = arg elif opt in ("--caffemodel"): caffemodel_path = arg elif opt in ("--cpu_only"): use_cpu = True elif opt in ("--dev"): gpu_dev = int(arg) elif opt in ("--cfg"): cfg_file = arg print "Loading configuration file: ", cfg_file (dataset, use_mask, mask_file, test_names_file, im_folder, dot_ending, pw, sigmadots, n_scales, perspective_path, use_perspective, is_colored, results_file, resize_im) = initTestFromCfg(cfg_file) print "Choosen parameters:" print "-------------------" print "Use only CPU: ", use_cpu print "GPU devide: ", gpu_dev print "Dataset: ", dataset print "Results files: ", results_file print "Test data base location: ", im_folder print "Test inmage names: ", test_names_file print "Dot image ending: ", dot_ending print "Use mask: ", use_mask print "Mask pattern: ", mask_file print "Patch width (pw): ", pw print "Sigma for each dot: ", sigmadots print "Number of scales: ", n_scales print "Perspective map: ", perspective_path print "Use perspective:", use_perspective print "Prototxt path: ", prototxt_path print "Caffemodel path: ", caffemodel_path print "Batch size: ", b_size print "Resize images: ", resize_im print "===================" print "----------------------" print "Preparing for Testing" print "======================" # Set GPU CPU setting if use_cpu: caffe.set_mode_cpu() else: # Use GPU caffe.set_device(gpu_dev) caffe.set_mode_gpu() print "Reading perspective file" if use_perspective: pers_file = h5py.File(perspective_path, 'r') pmap = np.array(pers_file['pmap']) pers_file.close() mask = None if dataset == 'UCSD': print "Reading mask" if use_mask: mask_f = h5py.File(mask_file, 'r') mask = np.array(mask_f['mask']) mask_f.close() print "Reading image file names:" im_names = np.loadtxt(test_names_file, dtype='str') # Perform test ntrueall = [] npredall = [] # Init GAME n_im = len(im_names) game_table = np.zeros((n_im, mx_game)) # Init CNN CNN = CaffePredictor(prototxt_path, caffemodel_path, n_scales) print print "Start prediction ..." count = 0 gt_vector = np.zeros((len(im_names))) pred_vector = np.zeros((len(im_names))) for ix, name in enumerate(im_names): # Get image paths im_path = utl.extendName(name, im_folder) dot_im_path = utl.extendName(name, im_folder, use_ending=True, pattern=dot_ending) # Read image files im = loadImage(im_path, color=is_colored) dot_im = loadImage(dot_im_path, color=True) # Generate features if use_perspective: dens_im = genPDensity(dot_im, sigmadots, pmap) else: dens_im = genDensity(dot_im, sigmadots) if resize_im > 0: # Resize image im = utl.resizeMaxSize(im, resize_im) gt_sum = dens_im.sum() dens_im = utl.resizeMaxSize(dens_im, resize_im) dens_im = dens_im * gt_sum / dens_im.sum() # Get mask if needed if dataset != 'UCSD': if use_mask: mask_im_path = utl.extendName(name, im_folder, use_ending=True, pattern=mask_file) mask = sio.loadmat(mask_im_path, chars_as_strings=1, matlab_compatible=1) mask = mask.get('BW') s = time.time() ntrue, npred, resImg, gtdots = testOnImg(CNN, im, dens_im, pw, mask) print "image : %d , ntrue = %.2f ,npred = %.2f , time =%.2f sec" % ( count, ntrue, npred, time.time() - s) # Keep individual predictions gt_vector[ix] = ntrue pred_vector[ix] = npred # Hold predictions and originasl ntrueall.append(ntrue) npredall.append(npred) # Compute game metric for l in range(mx_game): game_table[count, l] = gameMetric(resImg, gtdots, l) count = count + 1 ntrueall = np.asarray(ntrueall) npredall = np.asarray(npredall) print "done ! mean absolute error %.2f" % np.mean( np.abs(ntrueall - npredall)) # Print Game results results = np.zeros(mx_game) for l in range(mx_game): results[l] = np.mean(game_table[:, l]) print "GAME for level %d: %.2f " % (l, np.mean(game_table[:, l])) # Dump results into a txt file np.savetxt(results_file + '_pred.txt', npredall) np.savetxt(results_file + '_gt.txt', ntrueall) return 0
def main(argv): # Init cfg file cfg_file = '' # Get parameters try: opts, _ = getopt.getopt(argv, "h:", ["cfg="]) except getopt.GetoptError: dispHelp() return for opt, arg in opts: if opt == '-h': dispHelp(argv[0]) return elif opt in ("--cfg"): cfg_file = arg print "Loading configuration file: ", cfg_file (dataset, im_folder, im_list_file, output_file, feature_file_path, dot_ending, pw_base, pw_norm, pw_dens, sigmadots, Nr, n_scales, split_size, do_flip, perspective_path, use_perspective, is_colored, resize_im) = initGenFeatFromCfg(cfg_file) print "Choosen parameters:" print "-------------------" print "Dataset: ", dataset print "Data base location: ", im_folder print "Image names file: ", im_list_file print "Output file:", output_file print "Output feature names file:", feature_file_path print "Dot image ending: ", dot_ending print "Patch width (pw_base): ", pw_base print "Patch width (pw_norm): ", pw_norm print "Patch width (pw_dens): ", pw_dens print "Number of patches per image: ", Nr print "Perspective map: ", perspective_path print "Use perspective:", use_perspective print "Sigma for each dot: ", sigmadots print "Number of scales: ", n_scales print "Split size: ", split_size print "Flip images: ", do_flip print "Resize images: ", resize_im print "===================" print "Reading perspective file" if use_perspective: pers_file = h5py.File(perspective_path, 'r') pmap = np.array(pers_file['pmap']) pers_file.close() print "Creating feature names file:" feature_file = open(feature_file_path, 'w') feature_file.close() # Create empty file print "Reading image file names:" im_names = np.loadtxt(im_list_file, dtype='str') ldens = [] lpos = [] lpatches = [] file_count = 0 for ix, name in enumerate(im_names): print "Processing image: ", name # Get image paths im_path = utl.extendName(name, im_folder) dot_im_path = utl.extendName(name, im_folder, use_ending=True, pattern=dot_ending) # Read image files im = loadImage(im_path, color=is_colored) dot_im = loadImage(dot_im_path, color=True) # Do ground truth if use_perspective: dens_im = genPDensity(dot_im, sigmadots, pmap) else: dens_im = genDensity(dot_im, sigmadots) if resize_im > 0: # Resize image im = utl.resizeMaxSize(im, resize_im) gt_sum = dens_im.sum() dens_im = utl.resizeMaxSize(dens_im, resize_im) dens_im = dens_im * gt_sum / dens_im.sum() # Collect features from random locations # height, width, _ = im.shape # pos = get_dense_pos(height, width, pw_base=pw_base, stride = 5 ) pos = utl.genRandomPos(im.shape, pw_base, Nr) # Collect original patches patch = cropAtPos(im, pos, pw_base) # patch = cropPerspective(im, pos, pmap, pw_base) # Collect dens patches dpatch = cropAtPos(dens_im, pos, pw_base) # dpatch = cropPerspective(dens_im, pos, pmap, pw_base) # Resize images patch = utl.resizePatches(patch, (pw_norm, pw_norm)) dpatch = utl.resizeListDens( dpatch, (pw_dens, pw_dens)) # 18 is the output size of the paper # Flip function if do_flip: fpatch = hFlipImages(patch) fdpatch = hFlipImages(dpatch) fscales = extractEscales(fpatch, n_scales) # Add flipped data lpatches.append(fscales) ldens.append(fdpatch) lpos.append(pos) # Store features and densities ldens.append(dpatch) lpos.append(pos) lpatches.append(extractEscales(patch, n_scales)) # Save it into a file if split_size > 0 and (ix + 1) % split_size == 0: # Prepare for saving ldens = np.vstack(ldens) lpos = np.vstack(lpos) patches_list = np.vstack(lpatches[:]) opt_num_name = output_file + str(file_count) + ".h5" print "Saving data file: ", opt_num_name print "Saving {} examples".format(len(ldens)) # Compress data and save feature_file = open(feature_file_path, 'a') comp_kwargs = {'compression': 'gzip', 'compression_opts': 1} with h5py.File(opt_num_name, 'w') as f: f.create_dataset('label', data=ldens, **comp_kwargs) # Save all scales data for s in range(n_scales): dataset_name = 'data_s{}'.format(s) print "Creating dataset: ", dataset_name f.create_dataset(dataset_name, data=trasposeImages(patches_list[:, s, ...]), **comp_kwargs) f.close() feature_file.write(opt_num_name + '\n') feature_file.close() # Increase file counter file_count += 1 # Clean memory ldens = [] lpos = [] lpatches = [] ## Last save if len(lpatches) > 0: # Prepare for saving ldens = np.vstack(ldens) lpos = np.vstack(lpos) patches_list = np.vstack(lpatches[:]) opt_num_name = output_file + ".h5" print "Saving data file: ", opt_num_name print "Saving {} examples".format(len(ldens)) # Compress data and save feature_file = open(feature_file_path, 'a') comp_kwargs = {'compression': 'gzip', 'compression_opts': 1} with h5py.File(opt_num_name, 'w') as f: f.create_dataset('label', data=ldens, **comp_kwargs) # Save all scales data for s in range(n_scales): dataset_name = 'data_s{}'.format(s) print "Creating dataset: ", dataset_name f.create_dataset(dataset_name, data=trasposeImages(patches_list[:, s, ...]), **comp_kwargs) f.close() feature_file.write(opt_num_name + '\n') feature_file.close() print "--------------------" print "Finish!"
def main(argv): # Init cfg file cfg_file = '' # Get parameters try: opts, _ = getopt.getopt(argv, "h:", ["cfg="]) except getopt.GetoptError: dispHelp() return for opt, arg in opts: if opt == '-h': dispHelp(argv[0]) return elif opt in ("--cfg"): cfg_file = arg print "Loading configuration file: ", cfg_file (dataset, im_folder, im_list_file, output_file, feature_file_path, dot_ending, pw_base, pw_norm, pw_dens, sigmadots, Nr, n_scales, split_size, do_flip, perspective_path, use_perspective, is_colored, resize_im) = initGenFeatFromCfg(cfg_file) print "Choosen parameters:" print "-------------------" print "Dataset: ", dataset print "Data base location: ", im_folder print "Image names file: ", im_list_file print "Output file:", output_file print "Output feature names file:", feature_file_path print "Dot image ending: ", dot_ending print "Patch width (pw_base): ", pw_base print "Patch width (pw_norm): ", pw_norm print "Patch width (pw_dens): ", pw_dens print "Number of patches per image: ", Nr print "Perspective map: ", perspective_path print "Use perspective:", use_perspective print "Sigma for each dot: ", sigmadots print "Number of scales: ", n_scales print "Split size: ", split_size print "Flip images: ", do_flip print "Resize images: ", resize_im print "===================" print "Reading perspective file" if use_perspective: pers_file = h5py.File(perspective_path,'r') pmap = np.array( pers_file['pmap'] ) pers_file.close() print "Creating feature names file:" feature_file = open(feature_file_path, 'w') feature_file.close() # Create empty file print "Reading image file names:" im_names = np.loadtxt(im_list_file, dtype='str') ldens = [] lpos = [] lpatches = [] file_count = 0 for ix, name in enumerate(im_names): print "Processing image: ", name # Get image paths im_path = utl.extendName(name, im_folder) dot_im_path = utl.extendName(name, im_folder, use_ending=True, pattern=dot_ending) # Read image files im = loadImage(im_path, color = is_colored) dot_im = loadImage(dot_im_path, color = True) # Do ground truth if use_perspective: dens_im = genPDensity(dot_im, sigmadots, pmap) else: dens_im = genDensity(dot_im, sigmadots) if resize_im > 0: # Resize image im = utl.resizeMaxSize(im, resize_im) gt_sum = dens_im.sum() dens_im = utl.resizeMaxSize(dens_im, resize_im) dens_im = dens_im * gt_sum / dens_im.sum() # Collect features from random locations # height, width, _ = im.shape # pos = get_dense_pos(height, width, pw_base=pw_base, stride = 5 ) pos = utl.genRandomPos(im.shape, pw_base, Nr) # Collect original patches patch = cropAtPos(im, pos, pw_base) # patch = cropPerspective(im, pos, pmap, pw_base) # Collect dens patches dpatch = cropAtPos(dens_im, pos, pw_base) # dpatch = cropPerspective(dens_im, pos, pmap, pw_base) # Resize images patch = utl.resizePatches(patch, (pw_norm,pw_norm)) dpatch = utl.resizeListDens(dpatch, (pw_dens, pw_dens)) # 18 is the output size of the paper # Flip function if do_flip: fpatch = hFlipImages(patch) fdpatch = hFlipImages(dpatch) fscales = extractEscales(fpatch, n_scales) # Add flipped data lpatches.append( fscales ) ldens.append( fdpatch ) lpos.append( pos ) # Store features and densities ldens.append( dpatch ) lpos.append(pos) lpatches.append( extractEscales(patch, n_scales) ) # Save it into a file if split_size > 0 and (ix + 1) % split_size == 0: # Prepare for saving ldens = np.vstack(ldens) lpos = np.vstack(lpos) patches_list = np.vstack(lpatches[:]) opt_num_name = output_file + str(file_count) + ".h5" print "Saving data file: ", opt_num_name print "Saving {} examples".format(len(ldens)) # Compress data and save feature_file = open(feature_file_path, 'a') comp_kwargs = {'compression': 'gzip', 'compression_opts': 1} with h5py.File(opt_num_name, 'w') as f: f.create_dataset('label', data=ldens, **comp_kwargs) # Save all scales data for s in range(n_scales): dataset_name = 'data_s{}'.format(s) print "Creating dataset: ", dataset_name f.create_dataset(dataset_name, data=trasposeImages(patches_list[:,s,...]), **comp_kwargs) f.close() feature_file.write(opt_num_name + '\n') feature_file.close() # Increase file counter file_count += 1 # Clean memory ldens = [] lpos = [] lpatches = [] ## Last save if len(lpatches) >0: # Prepare for saving ldens = np.vstack(ldens) lpos = np.vstack(lpos) patches_list = np.vstack(lpatches[:]) opt_num_name = output_file + ".h5" print "Saving data file: ", opt_num_name print "Saving {} examples".format(len(ldens)) # Compress data and save feature_file = open(feature_file_path, 'a') comp_kwargs = {'compression': 'gzip', 'compression_opts': 1} with h5py.File(opt_num_name, 'w') as f: f.create_dataset('label', data=ldens, **comp_kwargs) # Save all scales data for s in range(n_scales): dataset_name = 'data_s{}'.format(s) print "Creating dataset: ", dataset_name f.create_dataset(dataset_name, data=trasposeImages(patches_list[:,s,...]), **comp_kwargs) f.close() feature_file.write(opt_num_name + '\n') feature_file.close() print "--------------------" print "Finish!"
def main(argv): # Init parameters use_cpu = True gpu_dev = 0 # Batch size b_size = -1 # CNN vars prototxt_path = 'models/ucsd/hydra3/hydra3_deploy.prototxt' caffemodel_path = 'models/ucsd/hydra3/trancos_hydra2.caffemodel' # Get parameters try: opts, _ = getopt.getopt( argv, "h:", ["prototxt=", "caffemodel=", "cpu_only", "dev=", "cfg=", "img="]) except getopt.GetoptError as err: print "Error while parsing parameters: ", err dispHelp(argv[0]) return for opt, arg in opts: if opt == '-h': dispHelp(argv[0]) return elif opt in ("--prototxt"): prototxt_path = arg elif opt in ("--caffemodel"): caffemodel_path = arg elif opt in ("--cpu_only"): use_cpu = True elif opt in ("--dev"): gpu_dev = int(arg) elif opt in ("--cfg"): cfg_file = arg elif opt in ("--img"): image_file = arg print "Loading configuration file: ", cfg_file (dataset, use_mask, mask_file, test_names_file, im_folder, dot_ending, pw, sigmadots, n_scales, perspective_path, use_perspective, is_colored, results_file, resize_im) = initTestFromCfg(cfg_file) print "Choosen parameters:" print "-------------------" print "Use only CPU: ", use_cpu print "GPU devide: ", gpu_dev print "Dataset: ", dataset print "Results files: ", results_file print "Test data base location: ", im_folder print "Test inmage names: ", test_names_file print "Dot image ending: ", dot_ending print "Use mask: ", use_mask print "Mask pattern: ", mask_file print "Patch width (pw): ", pw print "Sigma for each dot: ", sigmadots print "Number of scales: ", n_scales print "Perspective map: ", perspective_path print "Use perspective:", use_perspective print "Prototxt path: ", prototxt_path print "Caffemodel path: ", caffemodel_path print "Batch size: ", b_size print "Resize images: ", resize_im print "===================" print "----------------------" print "Preparing for Testing" print "======================" # Set GPU CPU setting if use_cpu: caffe.set_mode_cpu() else: # Use GPU caffe.set_device(gpu_dev) caffe.set_mode_gpu() print "Reading perspective file" if use_perspective: pers_file = h5py.File(perspective_path, 'r') pers_file.close() mask = None if dataset == 'UCSD': print "Reading mask" if use_mask: mask_f = h5py.File(mask_file, 'r') mask = np.array(mask_f['mask']) mask_f.close() # Init CNN CNN = CaffePredictor(prototxt_path, caffemodel_path, n_scales) # Read image files im = loadImage(image_file, color=is_colored) if resize_im > 0: # Resize image im = utl.resizeMaxSize(im, resize_im) s = time.time() npred, resImg, realImg = testOnImg(CNN, im, pw, mask) print "npred = %.2f , time =%.2f sec" % (npred, time.time() - s) sio.savemat('predictionmap.mat', {'d_map': realImg}) return 0
def main(argv, image_name): use_cpu = False gpu_dev = 0 prototxt_path = 'models/trancos/hydra2/hydra_deploy.prototxt' caffemodel_path = 'models/trancos/hydra2/trancos_hydra2.caffemodel' try: opts, _ = getopt.getopt( argv, "h:", ["prototxt=", "caffemodel=", "cpu_only", "dev=", "cfg="]) except getopt.GetoptError as err: print("Error while parsing parameters: ", err) return for opt, arg in opts: if opt in ("--prototxt"): prototxt_path = arg elif opt in ("--caffemodel"): caffemodel_path = arg elif opt in ("--cpu_only"): use_cpu = True elif opt in ("--dev"): gpu_dev = int(arg) elif opt in ("--cfg"): cfg_file = arg (dataset, use_mask, mask_file, test_names_file, im_folder, dot_ending, pw, sigmadots, n_scales, perspective_path, use_perspective, is_colored, results_file, resize_im) = init_parameters_from_config(cfg_file) if use_cpu: caffe.set_mode_cpu() else: # Use GPU caffe.set_device(gpu_dev) caffe.set_mode_gpu() # Init CNN CNN = CaffePredictor(prototxt_path, caffemodel_path, n_scales) print("\nStart prediction for " + image_name) im_path = utl.extendName(image_name, im_folder) im = load_image(im_path, color=is_colored) if resize_im > 0: im = utl.resizeMaxSize(im, resize_im) mask = None if use_mask: mask_im_path = utl.extendName(image_name, im_folder, use_ending=True, pattern=mask_file) mask = sio.loadmat(mask_im_path, chars_as_strings=1, matlab_compatible=1) mask = mask.get('BW') s = time.time() npred, resImg = count_objects(CNN, im, pw, mask) print("image : %s, npred = %.2f , time =%.2f sec" % (image_name, npred, time.time() - s)) return npred
def main(argv): # Init parameters use_cpu = False gpu_dev = 0 # GAME max level mx_game = 4 # Max game target # Batch size b_size = -1 # CNN vars prototxt_path = 'models/trancos/hydra2/hydra_deploy.prototxt' caffemodel_path = 'models/trancos/hydra2/trancos_hydra2.caffemodel' # Get parameters try: opts, _ = getopt.getopt(argv, "h:", ["prototxt=", "caffemodel=", "cpu_only", "dev=", "cfg="]) except getopt.GetoptError as err: print "Error while parsing parameters: ", err dispHelp(argv[0]) return for opt, arg in opts: if opt == '-h': dispHelp(argv[0]) return elif opt in ("--prototxt"): prototxt_path = arg elif opt in ("--caffemodel"): caffemodel_path = arg elif opt in ("--cpu_only"): use_cpu = True elif opt in ("--dev"): gpu_dev = int(arg) elif opt in ("--cfg"): cfg_file = arg print "Loading configuration file: ", cfg_file (dataset, use_mask, mask_file, test_names_file, im_folder, dot_ending, pw, sigmadots, n_scales, perspective_path, use_perspective, is_colored, results_file, resize_im) = initTestFromCfg(cfg_file) print "Choosen parameters:" print "-------------------" print "Use only CPU: ", use_cpu print "GPU devide: ", gpu_dev print "Dataset: ", dataset print "Results files: ", results_file print "Test data base location: ", im_folder print "Test inmage names: ", test_names_file print "Dot image ending: ", dot_ending print "Use mask: ", use_mask print "Mask pattern: ", mask_file print "Patch width (pw): ", pw print "Sigma for each dot: ", sigmadots print "Number of scales: ", n_scales print "Perspective map: ", perspective_path print "Use perspective:", use_perspective print "Prototxt path: ", prototxt_path print "Caffemodel path: ", caffemodel_path print "Batch size: ", b_size print "Resize images: ", resize_im print "===================" print "----------------------" print "Preparing for Testing" print "======================" # Set GPU CPU setting if use_cpu: caffe.set_mode_cpu() else: # Use GPU caffe.set_device(gpu_dev) caffe.set_mode_gpu() print "Reading perspective file" if use_perspective: pers_file = h5py.File(perspective_path,'r') pmap = np.array( pers_file['pmap'] ) pers_file.close() mask = None if dataset == 'UCSD': print "Reading mask" if use_mask: mask_f = h5py.File(mask_file,'r') mask = np.array(mask_f['mask']) mask_f.close() print "Reading image file names:" im_names = np.loadtxt(test_names_file, dtype='str') # Perform test ntrueall=[] npredall=[] # Init GAME n_im = len( im_names ) game_table = np.zeros( (n_im, mx_game) ) # Init CNN CNN = CaffePredictor(prototxt_path, caffemodel_path, n_scales) print print "Start prediction ..." count = 0 gt_vector = np.zeros((len(im_names))) pred_vector = np.zeros((len(im_names))) for ix, name in enumerate(im_names): # Get image paths im_path = utl.extendName(name, im_folder) dot_im_path = utl.extendName(name, im_folder, use_ending=True, pattern=dot_ending) # Read image files im = loadImage(im_path, color = is_colored) dot_im = loadImage(dot_im_path, color = True) # Generate features if use_perspective: dens_im = genPDensity(dot_im, sigmadots, pmap) else: dens_im = genDensity(dot_im, sigmadots) if resize_im > 0: # Resize image im = utl.resizeMaxSize(im, resize_im) gt_sum = dens_im.sum() dens_im = utl.resizeMaxSize(dens_im, resize_im) dens_im = dens_im * gt_sum / dens_im.sum() # Get mask if needed if dataset != 'UCSD': if use_mask: mask_im_path = utl.extendName(name, im_folder, use_ending=True, pattern=mask_file) mask = sio.loadmat(mask_im_path, chars_as_strings=1, matlab_compatible=1) mask = mask.get('BW') s=time.time() ntrue,npred,resImg,gtdots=testOnImg(CNN, im, dens_im, pw, mask) print "image : %d , ntrue = %.2f ,npred = %.2f , time =%.2f sec"%(count,ntrue,npred,time.time()-s) # Keep individual predictions gt_vector[ix] = ntrue pred_vector[ix] = npred # Hold predictions and originasl ntrueall.append(ntrue) npredall.append(npred) # Compute game metric for l in range(mx_game): game_table[count, l] = gameMetric(resImg, gtdots, l) count = count +1 ntrueall=np.asarray(ntrueall) npredall=np.asarray(npredall) print "done ! mean absolute error %.2f" % np.mean(np.abs(ntrueall-npredall)) # Print Game results results = np.zeros(mx_game) for l in range(mx_game): results[l] = np.mean( game_table[:,l] ) print "GAME for level %d: %.2f " % (l, np.mean( game_table[:,l] )) # Dump results into a txt file np.savetxt(results_file + '_pred.txt', npredall) np.savetxt(results_file + '_gt.txt', ntrueall) return 0