def scrap_result_row(self, div): try: div = div.find('div', class_='prodInfo') sub_div = div.find('div', class_='prodName') a = sub_div.find('a') print '[BedBathAndBeyondScraper] :: title: ', a.text.strip() div = div.find('div', class_='prodPrice') sub_div = div.find('div', class_='priceOfProduct') sub = sub_div.find('div', class_='isPrice') print '[BedBathAndBeyondScraper] :: price: ', sub.text.strip() self.mdb.bedbathandbeyond_scraper_data(a.text.strip(), sub.text.strip()) fname = 'data_bed_bath_and_beyond.csv' msg = "%s, %s," % (a.text.strip(), sub.text.strip()) print "[BedBathAndBeyondScraper] :: scrap_result_row() :: " \ "msg:", msg scraper_csv_write(fname, msg) except Exception as exp: print '[BedBathAndBeyondScraper] :: scrap_result_row() :: ' \ 'Got exception : %s' % exp print(traceback.format_exc())
def scrap_result_row(self, div): try: # title title = div.find('span', class_='company').text.strip() print "[IndeedScrapper] :: title: %s" % title # location span = div.find('span', class_='location') location = span.text.strip() print "[IndeedScrapper] :: location: %s" % location # salary sal = '' span = div.find('span', class_='no-wrap') if span: sal = span.text.strip() print "[IndeedScrapper] :: salary: %s" % sal # summary span = div.find('span', class_='summary') summary = span.text.strip() print "[IndeedScrapper] :: summery: %s" % summary self.mdb.indeed_scraper_data(title, location, sal, summary) fname = 'data_indeed.csv' msg = "%s, %s, %s, %s," % (title, location, sal, summary) print "[IndeedScrapper] :: scrap_result_row() :: msg:", msg scraper_csv_write(fname, msg) except Exception as exp: print '[IndeedScrapper] :: scrap_result_row() :: ' \ 'Got exception : %s' % exp
def scrap_result_row(self, div): try: c_wiz = div.find('c-wiz', class_='M1Uqc kWyHVd') headlines = c_wiz.find('a', class_='nuEeue hzdq5d ME7ew')\ .text.strip() print '[GoogleNewsScraper] :: HeadLines: ', headlines div = div.find('div', class_='alVsqf') sub = div.find('div', class_='jJzAOb') c_wiz = sub.find('c-wiz', class_='M1Uqc MLSuAf') a = c_wiz.find('a', class_='nuEeue hzdq5d ME7ew').text.strip() print '[GoogleNewsScraper] :: SubheadLines: ', a # save in data base self.mdb.google_news_data(headlines, a) fname = 'data_google_news.csv' msg = "%s, %s" % (headlines, a) print "[GoogleNewsScraper] :: scrap_result_row() :: msg:", msg scraper_csv_write(fname, msg) except Exception as exp: print '[GoogleNewsScraper] :: scrap_result_row() :: ' \ 'Got exception : %s' % exp print(traceback.format_exc())
def scrap_result_row(self, div): try: # # name # name = div.find('div', class_='pod-plp__description js- # podclick-analytics') # a = name.find('a').strip() # print '[HomeDepotScraper] :: name: ', a # model model = div.find('div', class_='pod-plp__model').text.strip() print '[HomeDepotScraper] :: model: ', model # price price = div.find('div', class_='price').text.strip() print '[HomeDepotScraper] :: price: ', price # stock stock = div.find('div', class_='pod-plp__shipping-message__' 'wrapper-boss-bopis').text.strip() print '[HomeDepotScraper] :: stock: ', stock self.mdb.homedepot_data(model, price, stock) fname = 'data_home_depot.csv' msg = "%s, %s, %s," % (model, price, stock) print "[HomeDepotScraper] :: scrap_result_row() :: msg:", msg scraper_csv_write(fname, msg) except Exception as exp: print '[HomeDepotScraper] :: scrap_result_row() :: ' \ 'Got exception : %s' % exp
def scrap_result_row(self, div): try: h2 = div.find('h2', class_='n') title = div.find('a', class_='business-name').text.strip() print "[YellowPagesScraper] :: title: %s" % title rating_count = 0 span = div.find('span', class_='count') if span: span = span.text.strip() rating_count = span print "[YellowPagesScraper] :: rating_count: %s" % rating_count p = div.find('p', class_='adr') address = p.text print "[YellowPagesScraper] :: address: %s" % address phone = '' li = div.find('li', class_='phone primary') if li: phone = li.text.strip() print "[YellowPagesScraper] :: phone: %s" % phone else: print "[YellowPagesScraper] :: phone: %s" % li categories = '' cat_div = div.find('div', class_='categories') if cat_div: categories = cat_div.text.strip() print "[YellowPagesScraper] :: categories: %s" % categories else: print "[YellowPagesScraper] :: categories: %s" % cat_div self.mdb.yellowpages_scraper_data(title, rating_count, address, phone, categories) fname = 'data_yellow_pages.csv' msg = "%s, %s, %s, %s, %s" % (title, rating_count, address, phone, categories) print "[YellowPagesScraper] :: scrap_result_row() :: msg:", msg scraper_csv_write(fname, msg) except Exception as exp: print '[YellowPagesScraper] :: scrap_result_row() :: ' \ 'Got exception: %s' % exp print(traceback.format_exc())
def scrap_result_row(self, div): try: Product_div = div.find('div', class_='col col-7-12') title = Product_div.find('div', class_='_3wU53n').text.strip() print('[FlipkartScraper] :: title . . . . ..:', title) # title_description = div.find('div', class_='OiPjke').text.strip() # print'[FlipkartScraper] :: title_description: ', title_description rating = div.find('div', class_='niH0FQ') sub_rating = rating.find('span', class_='_38sUEc').text.strip() print('[FlipkartScraper] :: rating . . . . .:', sub_rating) specifications_div = div.find('div', class_='_3ULzGw') specifications = specifications_div.find( 'ul', class_='vFw0gD').text.strip() print('[FlipkartScraper] :: specifications .: ', specifications) product_price = div.find('div', class_='_6BWGkk') div_price = product_price.find('div', class_='_1uv9Cb') price = div_price.find('div', class_='_1vC4OE _2rQ-NK').text.strip() print('[FlipkartScraper] :: price . . . . . :', price.encode("utf-8")) self.mdb.flipkart_scrapper_data(title, sub_rating, specifications, price) fname = 'data_flipkart.csv' msg = "%s, %s, %s, %s," % (title, sub_rating, specifications, price.encode("utf-8")) print("[FlipkartScraper] :: scrap_result_row() :: msg:", msg) scraper_csv_write(fname, msg) except Exception as exp: print ('[FlipkartScraper] :: scrap_result_row() :: ' \ 'Got exception: %s' % exp) print(traceback.format_exc())
def scrap_result_row(self, div): try: div = div.find('div', class_='product-info') sub_div = div.find('div', class_='product-price-wrapper') price = sub_div.find('div', class_='product-price-container')\ .text.strip() print '[OverStockScraper] :: price: ', price title = div.find('div', class_='product-title').text.strip() print '[OverStockScraper] :: title: ', title rating = div.find('div', class_='product-footer') print '[OverStockScraper] :: rating: ', rating self.mdb.overstock_scraper_data(price, title, rating) fname = 'data_over_stock.csv' msg = "%s, %s, %s," % (price, title, rating) print "[OverStockScraper] :: scrap_result_row() :: msg:", msg scraper_csv_write(fname, msg) except Exception as exp: print '[OverStockScraper] :: scrap_result_row() :: ' \ 'Got exception: %s' % exp print(traceback.format_exc())
def scrap_row_yelp(self, li): try: h3 = li.find('h3', class_='search-result-title') # Getting title title = '' spans = h3.find_all('span') i = 0 for span in spans: i += 1 if i == 2: title = span.text.strip() print "[YelpScraper] :: title: %s" % title # Getting reviews count reviews_count = 0 span = li.find('span', class_='review-count rating-qualifier') text = span.text lst = text.split() reviews_count = int(lst[0]) print "[YelpScraper] :: reviews count: %d" % reviews_count # Getting services services = [] span = li.find('span', class_='category-str-list') text = span.text lst = text.split(',') services = [itm.strip() for itm in lst] print "[YelpScraper] :: services: %s" % services # Getting address address = li.find('address').text.strip() print "[YelpScraper] :: address: %s" % address # Getting phone phone = li.find('span', class_='biz-phone').text.strip() print "[YelpScraper] :: phone: %s" % phone # Getting snippet p = li.find('p', class_='snippet').text.strip() lst = p.split('read more') snippet = lst[0].strip() print "[YelpScraper] :: snippet: %s" % snippet self.mdb.yelp_scraper_data(title, reviews_count, services, address, phone, snippet) fname = 'data_yelp.csv' msg = "%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s" % (title, reviews_count, services, address, phone, snippet) print "[IndeedScrapper] :: scrap_result_row() :: CSV file Msg: ", msg scraper_csv_write(fname, msg) except Exception as exp: print '[YelpScraper] :: scrap_row_yelp() :: Got exception: %s' % exp print(traceback.format_exc())
def scrap_result_row(self, div): try: #get title of company h2 = div.find('h2', class_='n') title = h2.find('a', class_='business-name').text.strip() print ("[YellowPagesScraper] :: title: %s" % title) #get rating_count of company rating_count = 0 span = div.find('span', class_='count') if span: span = span.text.strip() rating_count = span print ("[YellowPagesScraper] :: rating_count: %s" % rating_count) #get the address of the company p = div.find('p', class_='adr') street_address = p.find('div',class_='street-address') if street_address: str_adrs = street_address.text.strip() locality = p.find('div',class_='locality').text.strip() address = str_adrs + locality print ("[YellowPagesScraper] :: address: %s" % address) address='' else: #get the contact Number of Company phone = '' li = div.find('div', class_='phones phone primary') if li: phone = li.text.strip() print ("[YellowPagesScraper] :: phone: %s" % phone) else: print ("[YellowPagesScraper] :: phone: %s" % li) #get the categories of company categories = '' cat_div = div.find('div', class_='categories') category = cat_div.find('a') if category: categories = cat_div.text.strip() print ("[YellowPagesScraper] :: categories: %s" % categories) else: print ("[YellowPagesScraper] :: categories: %s" % cat_div) #get the website of the company div22=div.find('div',class_='info-section info-primary') webpage_link = div22.find('a', {'class': 'track-visit-website'}) if webpage_link: website_link = (webpage_link)['href'] print('[YellowPagesScraper] :: webpage_link: %s' % website_link) else: website_link='' self.mdb.yellowpages_scrapper_data(title, rating_count, address, phone, categories,website_link) fname = 'data_yellow_pages.csv' msg = "%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s" % (title, rating_count, address, phone, categories, website_link) #print ("[YellowPagesScraper] :: scrap_result_row() :: msg:", msg) scraper_csv_write(fname, msg) # except: # pass except Exception as exp: print ('[YellowPagesScraper] :: scrap_result_row() :: ' \ 'Got exception: %s' % exp) print(traceback.format_exc())